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SEEKER This Week in the Seeker Cornwall's Next Top Model Page


Brighter Financial Solutions Inc : Sun Life Offering Cornwallites 100+ years of combined experience

Read all on page 5

Pictured above: Jean Duguay Leo Ouellette Rachel Bough

Social Concert Series a hit! Page


THE SEEKER TEAM YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! for Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, specializing in Custom Wedding Invitations

email: thegraphicdesigner13@gmail.com


Web Design, Photography, Video Recording Services and Light & Laser Music Shows

Petty Criminals

Last Wednesday, the daughter of a friend of mine took her son swimming at our gorgeous aquatic center. Aren't we lucky to have such a great venue to enjoy in Cornwall?

She went in the locker room, got changed, put her all her clothes in a locker and proceeded to spend an hour of fun time with her son, who just happens to love water. When the swim was over, she returned to the locker room, only to find that her locker and that of others, had been broken into. After further investigation, many of the items thought stolen were found spread around, amongst all the other lockers. Clothes were left behind--thank God--but money, car keys and other valuables were missing. The vandal had a plan. Fortunately enough, my friend’s daughter had another set of keys stored at her mother’s house and was able to drive the car back to her home, but what if she hadn’t? Did the thief have the intention of letting the dust settle, then return to the scene to finish the job? They have to have known that the police would be called and would be watching the cars! Why do it then? It seems petty to me to go through so much trouble to steal anything less than a car. Money? Nobody takes a lot of money going swimming! Was it just a prank? What sad excuse of a human being would lurk in the shadows and prey on moms enjoying a swim? It is a shame that a minority of stupid people always try to ruin good things for the rest of us. Only a few things can arise from this incident. 1. My friend’s daughter will stop going to the aquatic center. 2. She won’t stop going, but won’t enjoy it as much and definitely will tell others to be careful. 3. The aquatic centre will have to hike the security at the detriment of taxpayers’ money. Either way, it’s a lose-lose situation. Ahhhh, petty criminal! If I was gonna go to jail, I don't want to go to jail for stealing a bottle of water. I'll steal that $20 million. At least then it was worth it. - Idris Elba Julia Lucio, Editor in chief


From the Desk of the Editor

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The Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 5, Issue 21 May 30, 2014 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. The Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason

Editor in chief: Julia Lucio News Editor: Jason Setnyk Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Photojournalists: Carol Grant and April Lea Chaffee Cartoonist: Michael Roache Contributors: John Lucio and Sheldon Grant

a h eC ornwallll G olf & C ountry C lu b att tth he Cornwa Golf Country Clu ub

Tickets $50 per person available online at ww w.theseeker.ca or at the Seeker Office at 327 2nd Street E, Cornwall proceeds of this event will be donated to: The Centre for the Arts Collective Hurr y! Limited Seating available!


Mark A. MacDonald Jenni MacDonald


The Mortgage Source Lic #10145




OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) Email: info@theseeker.ca


OFFICE: 327 2ND STREET E., CORNWALL, ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm otherwise by appointment only

PICK UP YOUR COPY of THE SEEKER at Value Village - Metro - No Frills, Food Basics (East) - Sharyn’s Pantry - Food Basics (Brookdale) - Health Foods at Independent Grocers - Cornwall Public Library - Giant Tiger Home Hardware - Tim Hortons (Cornwall Square & Eastcourt & all the Breakfast Places plus more... we are also at FARM BOY in the new eating area and at the new NO FRILLS on 2nd Street

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER EKER SNIPP SNIPPETS PETS - You Your ur Loca Local Co Community mmunity N ews SEE News

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LIVE MUSIC Satur day May 31 Mocktails Stage - 7:00pm PATIO LAUNCH PARTY Tracy Ferguson

New ws & Politics Nominations Open for Senior Citizen of the Year - With the plans for Cornwall’s Canada Day festivities well under way, the local Canada Day Committee has opened up nominations for the Annual Senior Citizen of the Year Award. “We’ve made it a tradition to honour a well deserved senior in our community who has dedicated their time and service to make Cornwall a better place,” said Cornwall Canada Day Chair and local Member of Parliament Guy Lauzon. The Canada Day Committee is currently s e e k i n g n o m i n a t i o n s to b e s u b m i t te d i n the form of a brief summar y of the nominee’s accomplishments and reasons for why the nominee should be selected. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and be a resident of Cornwall. Submissions are due Friday, June 13th at 12 noon and can be dropped off at Guy Lauzon’s Constituency Office at 621 Pitt Street or by email at dani@guylauzon.ca.

SDSG All-Candidates Debate June 5th to focus on Pover ty - The Social of Development Council Cornwall and Area’s Pover ty Working Group in cooperation with Linking Hands, a project of the House of Lazarus are excited to announce an all-candidates’ debate on the topic of Pover ty R e d u c t i o n i n O nt a r i o o n t h e evening of June 5, 2014 from 68pm at S outh N at i o n Conser vation Authority at 38 Victoria St. in Finch, Ontario. The debate will focus on the candidate’s points of view about the growing issue of poverty in our province and locally in our area and explore the programs and solutions they intend to implement a n d t h o s e t h e y i n te n d to m a i n t a i n s h o u l d t h e y b e given the oppor tunity. The debate will ask the candidates to answer several questions about the state of poverty in our province and our community and how they intend to improve these situations. All community members are invited and encouraged to attend this event. The Rotary Club want to put fun back in fundraising - The Rotary Club of Cornwall Sunrise w i l l b e i n a u g u rat i n g i t s n e w spr ng fundra ser on Saturday June 7 2014 The ob ect ve of th s fundra ser s to put fun back n to f u n d ra s n g wh e co ect ng funds for Cornwa and area commun ty pro ects Teams of 4 w be requ red to find tems answer tr v a

questions, take team photos, and respond to challenges during a six hour time frame. Each team will need a car, a camera and a can-do attitude. The name of the game is not so much speed but strategy as each task has a diff ffe erent point value allocated to them. Each team has to decide if they want to go for a high volume of tasks or try and go for the higher valued tasks for bigger points. The winner is the team with the most points a t t h e e n d o f t h e d ay ! T h e A m a z i n g R o t a r y Rally will take place on Saturday June 7, 2014 with a start time 9:00 am and an end time of 4:00 pm. Teams are to gather at the Agora Centre (Nativity Hall) 301 McConnell Ave. The entry fee for each team of 4 members who are over the age of 18 is $100 per team ($25 per person). The reward for the winning team of this adventure is the highly sought Bragging Rights Trophy.

Arts & Culture Tracy Lalonde headlines Hometown Series at the Social - The Social on 130 Sydney Street featured the Hometown Series of live music on Friday May 23rd. Tracy Lalonde, S te p h a n i e Coleman, and Keegan Larose hit the stage with acoustic tunes. Local actor Paul Aubin was the MC. There were approximately fifty people in attendance, enjoying the ambiance created with candle light, red wine, and plates of cheese and grapes. It fit nicely with the live music that reverberated throughout the old church. The music was simply fantastic. Read a full review of the concert by Sheila Dennison in this weeks print edition of Th e S eeker newspaper. Congratulations to the Social for hosting a fine event. Colour of my Passion Exhibit by Tracy Lynn Davies - Your Ar ts Council Cornwall & The Counties and Aultsville Theatre presents: Colour of my Passion – a new exhibit by Tracy Lynn Davies. The exhibit is described as “grounded n aesthet cs and emot on and conce ved through mus c and mood ” The open ng recept on s June 2nd rom 5 30pm to 7pm There w be a cash w ne bar The ga er y hours are June 2nd to June 30th Monday to Fr day rom 8 30am to 5pm at Au tsv e Theatre ocated at 2 St Lawrence Dr ve n Cornwa Ontar o

O B O t o fe a t u r e P i e r r e G i ro u x - O B O s t u d i o s will be hosting an exhibition of more than 2 0 l a rg e s c a l e o i l paintings by local artist Pierre Giroux who has been living and working o n h i s o e u v re i n Vancouver for the past 15 years. The exhibit features many of the ar tist ’s signature dramatically lit, timeless interior spaces, most of which have never been displayed to the public. The opening re c e p t i o n w i l l b e h e l d o n T h u r s d a y M a y 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 a t 7 p m , t h e e x h i b i t w i l l co n t i n u e Saturday May 31 and Sunday June 1 from 10am-4pm at OBO studios, 44 Pitt St. Giroux’s paintings have been widely collected by many Cornwall residents and this will be the first o p p o r t u n i t y to v i e w h i s co l l e c t i o n s i n ce h i s return. He is currently represented by West End Gallery in Edmonton and Vancouver and has been exhibited across Canada. SD&G Historical Society giving Jail Tours At its regular meeting yesterday, County Council authorized an agreement with the SD&G Historical Society to provide tours of the Cornwall jail beginning this summer. The historic Cornwall jail wa s b u i l t i n 1 8 3 4 a n d re m a i n e d o p e r a t i o n a l until 2002. The jail walls have been witness to many lost souls during i t s o p e rat i o n ; h o u s i n g criminals guilty of committing misdemeanors to violent crimes. SD&G Historical Society will include the historic Cornwall jail as part of its existing museum tours. In par tnership with the County, the SD&G Historical Society is excited about this new oppor tunity. “ The SD&G Historical Society is proud to be a partner with the United Counties of SDG in the promotion and preser vation of this ver y i m p o r t a n t h i s to r i c b u i l d i n g a n d i t s s to r y ” stated museum curator Ian Bowering.

Sports & Lifestyle Cornwall River Kings in J e o p a rd y R epor ts coming out this week indicate that the Cornwall River Kings are in jeopardy. This season may have been the ast for the very popu ar oved spor ts and we franch se My name s Jason Setnyk and these are the Seeker Sn ppets

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut




Cornwall's Next Top Model: Steff Groulx returns to the modeling world Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk

This picture speaks a thousand words….and is so true…what you eat, where your food comes from …what your food has been fed or sprayed will all go into you eventually as well…….there is no hiding from that… We are often not always told the truth about the food that we consume on a daily basis. The major food companies, have one goal and that is to sell their product. These products have to last forever on shelves and make huge profits in return. They do not change color or flavour, ever think about that? They (food companies) want you to purchase and eat their so called food like products, which bottom line, makes them richer and makes us sicker. Fast food, quick fix prepared meals, frozen dinners are often the main staples in our weekly diet, for its convenience in our fast paced lives. We rarely stop to truly consider if we recognize the ingredients. Sure it can taste good, most probably because there are large amounts of sugar and added man made flavours that entice our taste buds to love it and want more. We have to remember that it is not fat that makes us fat but sugar and that is hidden in many different words in so many products available to us. If this is what we truly consider to be healthy decisions, our future generation is for sure in serious trouble. Our bodies want to help us survive but we have to feed it the right fuel to make it the best that it can be…it is no longer recognizing the fuel that we are feeding it to help us survive…scary stuff!! Here are a few quick and easy recipes that your body and cells will appreciate……enjoy!!

CHOCOLATE CHIA SEED SUPERFOOD PUDDING – (Gluten-free & Vegan) serves 2 1 1/4 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk (rice, coconut, almond) 1/4 cup chia seeds 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder Dash of pink Himalayan sea salt 1 TBSP organic maple syrup or raw honey Dark Chocolate shavings for garnish

Steff Groulx, who was a contestant on Canada's Next Top Model back in 2007, is returning to the modeling industry. The Cornwall born model, who stands at fivefoot-eleven inches tall, has joined Sajency Models & Talent in Ottawa.

A lot has changed for Ms. Groulx since being on national television. She is a waitress, and she is also a post secondary student studying Nursing. She has learned a lot since being in the spotlight.

“I learned I don't like to travel. I do it when I have to. I also learned the modeling industry doesn't care about a whole lot other than what the person you are working for is trying to accomplish. It provides zero sympathy. You have to have a strong sense of who you are and what you want to be. It can be a very judgmental industry”. Steff who is now 26 years old has learned a lot from her experiences. In retrospect Steff would have given herself the following advice when it came to auditioning to CNTM. “There is a huge difference between my 18 year old self and now. I would tell my 18 year old self not to audition to Canada's Next Top Model, to wait till I was a bit older”. Steff began doing runway shows at eight-years-old. She was interested in fashion at a young age, and those childhood experiences taught her all the work that goes into a big production.

“At 8 years old I was into dress up, hair, make up, what eight year old’s get excited about. As a kid it was cool to see the construction of a runway show. 30 minutes of a walk way show was a day of planning, a really big production”. What draws Steff to modeling now are the diverse fashions that can be found on the runway.

“Now, I am a big fan of fashion in general. I am into runway more than photography. I like the diversity of shows, from editorial high-fashion weirder side to the complete opposite like Chanel. From art to day-wear all in the same place, to see all of it, it is very eclectic”. After a five year absence in the modeling world, Steff has metaphorically strapped her stilettos back on, and she has joined Sajency Models & Talent in Ottawa, a small new agency that is just taking off. “I hadn't modeled since I was twenty-one. I was a part of a big agency in Montreal. The main reason I left was that it was so big. They had so many models it felt like I was just another face not an individual. This is a small agency, a new agency. I have the ability to build those relationships, and get back in the game”.

Directions Add all of the ingredients to a large glass jar with a lid, give it a quick stir, then put the lid on. Shake it like crazy to mix it all up. Refrigerate until very thick and pudding-like, at least 4 hours or overnight, shaking or stirring occasionally. Serve the pudding chilled with whatever topping you’d like. Optional add ins/toppings: goji berries, nut butter, coconut, bananas, nuts, fresh berries, whipped coconut cream.

AVOCADO DEVILLED EGGS 1 dozen hard-cooked large eggs, peeled 2 medium avocados, seeded and pulp scooped out ¼ cup organic plain yogurt 4-5 teaspoons lime juice ¼ teaspoon garlic powder ¼ teaspoon ground red cayenne pepper ½ teaspoon salt *cilantro leaves and/or green onions, chopped, for garnish

Steff participated in her first modeling event last Saturday May 24th. It was the official launch party of Sajency Models & Talent. “They had a contest offering fifteen spots in their agency. The 25 finalist walked in a runway show that featured two local designers. There were seven judges, myself included who judged the walkway performance, judged their attitude in closed curtain, and so on”.

The irony of being a judge is not lost on Steff who had once faced the judges at Canada's Next Top Model.

“I was originally going to walk in the contest, I had agreed to open and close the show. Two owners asked if I would judge. Interestingly now I am torn, do I give tough love, or do I become a friend to these girls. Now in the position I can see how hard it is to judge, to be objective, and not to have people hate you if they take the judging personally.” What exactly does it take to be a model? According to Steff it takes a lot to be a model and she lists three of the top things. “First you have to look a specific way. They have to be pretty people regardless of size or weird or odd looking. Tall and skinny.

Directions • Slice eggs in half lengthwise. Scoop out the yolks and place in a medium bowl. (Be careful not to damage the white halves). • Add avocado to bowl, and mash yolks and avocado thoroughly with a fork until fairly smooth. Add yogurt, lime juice, garlic powder, cayenne and salt. Stir well to blend all ingredients. • Place filling in the whites using a small spoon or place in large Ziploc bag, cut small hole at one end and you are good to go. • Garnish as desired. Serve immediately or refrigerate in a tightly covered container.

Second not to care what other people think of you. Follow through on what you think is right. When you are judged for being thin or wearing a provocative outfit, learn not to care. You have to separate who you are from your modeling. Third, have confidence. Being timid or shy will never work in a runway. You need to exude a level of glamour or what ever the designer is looking for, whether it be sex appeal, or weirdness”.

At 26 years old, Steff’s top goal is to be involved in the modeling industry in one way or another.

“Fame and money have never been my primary goal. My top goal was not to win or become famous or to make money when I was participating in Canada's Next Top Model.

Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut) www.thehealthnut.ca thehealthnut@cogeco.ca 613-662-3834

It might not work out, 26 years is considered old in the modeling industry. I still want to try to get into the industry, whether it be scouting, coaching, being an agent. To learn those aspects, to immerse ones self in it, and to get a foot in the door”.

*Shop located at 812 Pitt Street, unit 40. Only open Saturdays, 9am to 4pm …come in early for best selection of homemade goods.

Congratulations Steff Groulx on your return to the modeling world. The Seeker would like to wish you the best of success!





JUNE 21st at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club Reserve your tickets today! Call 613-935-3763 ext 101 or order online www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 4 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


Brighter Financial Solutions Inc : Sun Life Offfffe ering Cornw wa allites 100+ years of combined experience

Several of your local Sun Life Financial advisors are proud to announce the creation of a new Sun Life Financial office as several of them have come together in one place to grow their business here in Cornwall. For several years the Sun Life logo could be seen both on 2nd Street with Duguay, Bryan and Associates and Montreal Road with Hurtubise, Bough and Ouellette, but effective June 1, 2014, the two will merge and come together at 329 Second Street West to operate as Brighter Financial Solutions Inc : Sun Life Financial. This begins an exciting new era here in Cornwall, as over 100 years of combined experience will be available to individuals to help them achieve their goals.

The new office will have 6 fully licensed advisors and 2 licensed admin staff, so no matter what the need, there is somebody available to answer questions and provide guidance. While continuing to serve existing customers, they are also looking to expand their client base. If you feel that you are not getting the advice you want from your current resources, give them a call. Appointments can be booked by contacting the office for a no-obligation meeting with one of their advisors.

You don't have to be wealthy to get good advice about your financial matters, but if you want to have a million dollars, you'll need good advice! In fact, the amount of money you have isn't relevant. An advisor's expertise and knowledge can help you accumulate wealth and protect your family and your investments. The team works in depth to help you clearly establish your financial goals, being specific, and putting them in writing. Once you know what you want, we can help you develop a strategy to begin your journey to your targets. Often your incoming money and outgoing expenses will be organized into a budget. Your assets and liabilities may be included in a net worth analysis. It'll help you see how realistic your expectations or goals are. And it'll guide you as you make crucial decisions about how much life, disability, and health insurance you'll need to safeguard your livelihood and your family's security. All this may take time and effort, but it's worth it to find an advisor you trust and feel comfortable with. The team’s goal is to build relationships, not transactions.

When working with their clients, Brighter Financial Solutions tries to look beyond just the numbers, they also find the heart of your motivations. The team also volunteers working with the public, presenting seminars to help people understand the products available to them, clarify how to get out of debt, how to start savings plans or build realistic retirement income plans. They encourage education and invite anybody to one of Sun Life Financial's corporate websites, www.brighterlife .ca where ideas, videos and articles about money, health and family are shared. There, you will find articles about a variety of topics, including healthy recipes for diabetics, making your kids cell phone savvy, choosing child care and even protecting your privacy on social media.

Brighter Financial Solutions Inc and Sun Life Financial believes in working with their clients on life, not just life insurance.

Gord Br yan

Rachel Bough

Back: Rachel Bough, Andrew Hickman, Jean Duguay Front: Scott Beck, Gord Br yan, Leo Ouellette

Brighter Brighter Financial Financial Solutions Solutions Inc Inc : Sun Sun Life Life 329 Second Street West est 3 29 S econd S treet W Cornwall, ON K6J 1G8 Cornwall, O NK 6J 1 G8 tel: 61 www.brighterlife.ca ww.brighterlife.ca tel: 6 13-937-0489 3-937-0489 - w

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 5 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


by Marlene Baker

Positively Marlene




Hi there to all of you beautiful people of Cornwall reading this week's issue of the ~Seeker~. I hope that you are enjoying the glorious Springtime weather. As each week goes by, the world around us is changing into a beautiful, multi-coloured wonderland. I for one am truly enjoying the multitude of sights and sounds of the many types of birds that have returned for yet another season here in Canada, the Great North. I'm enjoying seeing the tiny budlets opening up on all of the many types of trees and bushes that surround us here in the beautiful city of Cornwall. I'm enjoying the rainbowic colours of the many different flowers that are opening up and showing off their sweet, pretty faces to the sun. I am also enjoying the warmer and sunnier Summer-like weather each and every day that goes by. I love my life and I am loving that I live in this beautiful country of Canada. The exciting Seeker Awards Ceremony will be held at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club on June 21st. The tickets are on sale right now, so get your tickets whilst they are still available. Contact Julia or Mai-Liis at the Seeker office for your tickets today. I certainly will be attending Cornwall's most sought after “Posh Event” of the year because I am one of the top 10 nominees for being a contributor to the Seeker this year.


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Another fun event to check out this upcoming weekend is one of Cornwall's newest bands, Trailer Five. The boys will be playing this Saturday, May 31st at Lola's Pub on Pitt St., along with a few other bands playing that evening for your total music enjoyment. The Price is Right.. FREE!!!

Food for Thought : How You Start Your Day is How You Live Your Day and How You Live Your Day is How YOU Live Your LIFE!!! Louise May Until next week, Keep Paying it Forward in any small way, If only with your SMILE! Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca

There's No Cover Charge to get in. Space is Limited... So please get there early for your spot to listen to some great, original music and to dance the night away to some really cool bands. Check out Trailer Five's music video on Youtube. (type in, trailerfivemorethanlife) I am so proud to tell you that John Lister of Fingerman Studios and I did a fabulous job on shooting and producing this very cool and original music video. (I have a bit part as one of the barmaids at Lola's.) Tip of the Week: You can keep those pesky flies away from your backyard or camping fun area, by using a 2 litre torpedo bottle. Fill it half way with water and then place some pennies into it. The reflection of the pennies in water "Freak Out" the flies by making them think or see that there is a MONSTER FLY in the bottle. (or you can use a sandwich bag filled with water, if you don't happen to have a bottle.) It really does work!!! I kid you not!!! Well, maybe I am... So you will just have to try it out for yourselves. Happy Back-yarding or Camping now. Family News: My second son of three, Luke, will be turning 25 on June 2nd. He had just become a father of a baby boy late last year in which he named him Odin. I love both him and his name so very much. I am very proud of the young man Luke has grown up to become. He has surpassed all of the tests of being a caring and loving father to Odin and a loving husband to his wife, Tonya. I'm certain that he will keep up the fantastic work. I wish him all the very best in his home and work life in the upcoming year.




JUNE 21st at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club Reserve your tickets today! Call 613-935-3763 ext 101 or order online www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


Jesse Winchester featured on the cover of Cornwall Living Magazine Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk

It was a full house at Schnitzels for the release of Cornwall Living Magazine. NHL hockey player Jesse Winchester, who was featured on the front cover of the magazine, was in attendance. Also in attendance was Mayor Bob Kilger, MPP Jim McDonell, City Councillor Glen Grant, several City Council candidates, as well as some photographers including Jason NcNamara, Bruce Davis, and Jason Setnyk who were all published in the magazine.

Kudos to TC Media for publishing a wonderful magazine once again this year.

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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 7 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


by Rose Desnoyers




of our giants of the art world. He will introduce us to the very basics of taking a solid form and liberating a face from it.....You will need a fairly large raw potato, a raw sweet potato and carpet knife (the type used to open boxes-not an exacto. This could be too brittle) Note about our guest’s other sculptures: Alexandria’s Michel Sonnel has a macabre style of earthy, fully articulated hand-crafted pieces....He calls his form of art `recycling` and it has no limits thanks to what he sees in nature’s gifts...Adam Brazeau Aug. 2013

Call to Artists Focus Art will hosting an exhibition at TAG (The Art Gallery) on Pitt Street the three first weeks in July. This will be a great occasion to join forces with local summer festivals. In order to attract tourists to the downtown area, an enthusiastic team led by Linda Geisel and Julia Lucio is planning a series of activities to spice up the three weeks at the gallery and bring in the public. It is the goal of Focus Art to make this short time a glimpse into the many disciplines of the arts celebrating through their talent the joy of the season. Be a part of the action. Let’s hang your painting and photography, show your sculpture, pottery or collage....You have the time to get new work ready for the event. Details will be in the next issue. Musicians, writers, and comedians..English, Français. Whatever talent you feel might add to these three weeks, let us know through info@focusartonline.org

Rose Desnoyers President of Association FOCUS ART Association www.focusartonline.org info@focusartonline.com rosedesn@cogeco.ca

Hometown Concert Series debut a hit! Article by Sheila Dennison. Photos by Jason Setnyk

Cornwall Ontario -- There are great things currently happening for the music scene in Cornwall, Ontario. The Social Conference and Event Centre (a new venue on Sydney Street) featured a variety of live performances on Friday, May 23rd. Tracy Lalonde, Stephanie Coleman and Keegan Larose performed an array of different songs. The organizers are calling it ''The Hometown Series''. These events will feature local singer/songwriters.

The atmosphere was cozy and welcoming. The candle lit tables and the beautiful white pergola that framed the stage were a nice touch. There were about 50 people in attendance, enjoying the selection of beer, wine, cheese and grapes that they were serving. The acoustic tones and the reverb of the old church made for a wonderful, clear sound.

The show began at 8:00pm with Keegan Larose performing some of his originals as well as a few covers. Keegan is a solo musician from Cornwall and has been performing in town for several years. This is his second time playing at The Social and he plans to return in the near future. You can catch him at the Eastern Ontario Festival of Beers which will be held at the NAV Centre in Cornwall on Saturday, May 31.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 will be the last monthly meeting before summer break. Our guest will initiate us to a very old skill that dates back to the early history of humanity: sculpting or otherwise called carving. Michel Sonnel has made his art into a modern original adaptation of a skill shared with some

The next act to hit the stage was Stephanie Coleman. Her songs have a way of capturing the beauty and serenity of everyday life. Stephanie is a singer/songwriter also from Cornwall. She has been playing guitar for over 15 years and has performed many times around town and at local charity events. Stephanie has a self titled acoustic CD and she continues to write new material regularly.

The final performer of the evening was the well-known Lancaster singer/songwriter Tracy Lalonde. Accompanied by an assistant guitarist, she performed songs from her highly-anticipated debut EP 'Little Letters' that has just been released. While watching her perform, you can sense the passion in her voice and you can feel the emotion that was involved in her songwriting process. The sound was simply impeccable. It was easy to see that she has a natural given talent. Each song was delicate and beautifully sung, just like on the EP but even better.

I can't wait to attend the next ''Hometown Series'' event! Thank you Sheila for the concert review! Read the Seeker and check our calendar weekly for all upcoming events and concerts.




JUNE 21st at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club Reserve your tickets today! Call 613-935-3763 ext 101 or order online www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!




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The library is open regular hours Monday through Saturday. Closed on Sundays until September 7.

More program info. www.library.cornwall.on.ca613-932-4796


our weekly pages of events n’ more...

SEEKERS CHOICE AWARDS - June 21, 2014 CORNWALL’S OWN RED CARPET EVENT! Reserve your tickets today! THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 10 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 11 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


by Sharyn Thompson






MAKE YOUR OWN LOW-SODIUM STEAK SPICE AND A TASTY ITALIAN SAUSAGE, PEPPER AND PASTA SUPPER Friends sharing once again. Natalie sent me her recipe to make your own steak spice with far less salt than the regular kind I sell at my store Sharyn's Pantry. you can determine the amount of salt you wish to add or leave the salt out completely. Stephen gave me his recipe for the sausage, pepper and pasta supper back at the end of the summer last year. I just love any recipe using Italian sausage, sweet peppers and pasta. It is an easy meal to prepare and makes great leftovers the next day. Using a good quality Parmesan cheese will put the flavour level over the top! Try our wonderful Parmesan cheese, it is far less salty than the store-bought kind... AND it is always refrigerated!'No stinky socks smell'! See the difference! Thanks Natalie and Stephen for sharing and caring. Enjoy a great week!


INGREDIENTS: Of course, we sell all of the required spices at my store, Sharyn's Pantry. 2 tbsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. (or to taste) paprika (You can use smoked paprika , Hungarian paprika which is sweet, or Spanish paprika, which has a bit of a kick, - I sell all three.) 1 tbsp. Kosher salt (You can decrease this amount or use none at all.) 1 tbsp. dried minced garlic 1 tbsp. dried minced onion 1 tbsp. cayenne pepper 1 tbsp. ground coriander 1 tbsp. coarsely ground coriander seeds 1 tbsp. dill seeds 1 tbsp. fennel seeds a big pinch of dried rosemary leaves and dried rubbed thyme leaves

METHOD: -Use a mortar and pestle or a spice grinder to coarsely smash up the whole spices. Combine all and store this mixture in an mason jar. You can double or triple the recipe so you don't have to make the recipe every week or so. ENJOY!

SHARyN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARyN’S PANTRy OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ontario 613-936-1998



INGREDIENTS: 330 grams (about 3/4 of a lb.) of raw, uncooked linguine pasta 3 Italian sausages (about 340 grams/ or 3/4 of a lb.) cut on the diagonal ito 1/2 " thick slices 3 sweet bell peppers (use red, yellow and orange) which you remove the seeds and coarsely chop 1 tsp. dried rubbed Greek oregano 3 garden fresh tomatoes, remove the core and chop coarsely 1/4 of a cup of good quality Parmesan cheese, divided (try Sharyn's Pantry Parmesan cheese for a real taste treat!)

METHOD: -This recipe will make 6 servings of 1- 1/2 cups each. -Cook the pasta until al dente in boiling water. Don't salt the water. -Meanwhile, slice and cook the Italian sausage and the peppers in a large non-stick skillet over MEDIUM-HIGH heat. (If you wish, use a tbsp. of olive oil to saute the sausage and peppers). This will take 4 to 6 minutes. Cook the sausage until it is evenly browned and the peppers are tender-crisp. Stir this occasionally. -Stir in the chopped tomatoes. Add the dried rubbed Greek oregano leaves. Cover the skillet and allow the mixture to simmer for 5 to 6 minutes over MEDIUM-LOW heat. Cook until the tomatoes are softened and the sausage is thoroughly cooked, stirring occasionally. -Drain the pasta. Add it to the skillet holding the sausage, peppers and tomatoes. Toss everything together adding 2 tbsp. of the Parmesan cheese. Mix lightly. -To serve, sprinkle the remaining Parmesan cheese over top of each serving. ENJOY!



JUNE 21st at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club Reserve your tickets today! Call 613-935-3763 ext 101 or order online www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


The Be Safe Kit Presented ... Shelley Roy, (left) Coordinator with the Canadian Red Cross RespectED: Violence and Abuse Prevention Program presents a Be Safe! kit to Elyse Alguire (right) of KOALA Place. Be Safe! is just one of the RespectED programs available in our community. The Be Safe! kit is part of a personal safety program designed for children ages 5-9 to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to help protect themselves from sexual abuse. The kit includes everything needed to deliver the program in a positive, child-friendly and non-threatening way. “Keeping children safe is the most important thing we do as educators and parents. In order to do this, we must provide our kids with the skills they need to protect themselves from sexual abuse, as well as give them an understanding of their right to protect their own body”, says Shelley Roy. The RespectED program is supported by funding from the United Way of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry.


Road Closure The City of Cornwall would like to advise motorists that the section of Boundary Road between Marleau Avenue and Industrial Park Drive will be closed from Monday, June 2 to Friday, June 6 in order for CN to make repairs to the railway crossing. CN intends to completely rebuild the railway crossing with a new gravel base, ties and rails. The end result will be a crossing that is similar to the one in place on Tollgate Road. During this closure period, through traffic will be detoured via Marleau Avenue, McConnell Avenue and Industrial Park Drive. The City of Cornwall would like to thank all motorists for their patience and cooperation while this work is carried out.



JUNE 21st at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club Reserve your tickets today! Call 613-935-3763 ext 101 or order online www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 13 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca





Article: Martin Bélanger

Photo: www.icelevel.com

The Cornwall Motor Speedway presented a full show for all 5 divisions last Sunday (May 25) as the fans had the chance to meet and greet with their favourite driver at intermission time on Vertical Equipment night. The Jiffy Auto Service Modified feature saw a pair of #66 on the front row as Kyle Dingwall took the early lead over Carey Terrance. Dingwall led the first 11 laps as Terrance was able to pass him using a lap car to his advantage as Brian McDonald was watching in third. The first caution came at halfway point. On the restart Terrance stayed first as Bruno Lepage had issues with his car on the following lap. Terrance jumped to the front when the green lights were back on and build him a sizeable lead. Terrance led the final portion to get his first victory of the season over Dingwall, McDonald, Gage Morin and Stéphane Lafrance completed the top 5. Rosco Garreau was the early leader in the Alexandria Home Hardware ProStock feature. Garreau led the way for the first 3 laps as Roch Aubin was able to pass him as Jocelyn Roy was running hard in third. Roy got to second as Aubin pulled away as they reached the halfway point. Aubin is still the leader over Roy and Dave Bissonnette now in third with 5 laps to go. Aubin won the event of Roy and Bissonnette. Jasmine David and Billy Cook led the field of 22 Sportsmans for the 20-lap Tracy Wheeler Storm Realty feature. Thomas Cook jumped to the lead from his third starting spot as David spun in turn 3 slowing the field down. Cook to the lead as Dillon Sallows is running second with Joey Ladouceur behind him. A great battle for third as Corey Wheeler took that spot on lap

7. Last week`s winner Shane Pecore made his way to the top 5 as the halfway point as Ladouceur battle back to third and quickly passed Sallows for second, Pecore followed Ladouceur`s path in third. Cook had company in front as Ladouceur was on his backbumper as David Andre slowed in the back shoot. Cook was able to resist challenges from Ladouceur to win his first of his career in the Sportsman ranks. Kevin Fetterly Jr, led the entire 15-lap Luminacorr Semi-Pro feature event and captured his first win of 2014 at Cornwall in front of Junior Delormier and Anthony Perron. The 12-lap Mini-Stock Feature saw Francis Desjardins take the lead over Marc Chartrand and Sylvain Frenette. Desjardins led the first half of the feature as he got passed by Francis Blanchette who took the lead on the restart; Blanchette led the remainder of the race to capture his first feature of the year over Desjardins and Jean-Francois Page. Jiffy Auto Services Modified Results (30 laps) Carey Terrance, Kyle Dingwall, Brian McDonald, Gage Morin, Stephane Lafrance, Chris Raabe, Chris Herbison, Laurent Ladouceur, Marc Therrien, Joel Doiron, Dexter Stacey, Gabriel Richer, Tommy Jock, April Wilson, Kayle Robidoux, Travis Stacey, Bruno Lepage, David Papineau Alexandria Home Hardware Pro-Stock Results (20 laps) Rock Aubin, Jocelyn Roy, Dave Bissonnette, George Renaud, Charles-David Beauchamp, Dave Seguin, Rosco Garreau, Marc Lalonde, Stephane Lebrun, Guy Viens, Jocelyn Chicoine, Claude Parisien, Terry Ladouceur, Shawn Johnston, Chris Tremblay, Trevor Gaucher, Eli Gilbert Storm Realty Tracy Wheeler Sportsman Results (20 laps) Thomas Cook, Joey Ladouceur, Corey Wheeler, Shane Pecore, Dillon Sallows, Corey Winters, Mike Maresca, Steve Barber, Justin Lalancette, Robert Delormier, Adam Rozon, Mitch Primeau, Ryan Stabler, Gilles Godard, Billy Cook, Louie Jackson, Mike Stacey, Steve Cote, Jean-Nicholas Gareau, Miguel Peterson, David Andre, Jasmine David Luminacorr Industries Semi-Pro Results (15 laps) Kevin Fetterly, Junior Delormier, Anthony Perron, Derek Cryderman Mini-Stock Results (12 laps) Francis Blanchette, Francis Desjardins, JF Page, Marc Chartrand, Francis Aborameh, Darryl Mitchell, Patrick Paquette, Chris James, Natasha Lebrun, Sylvain Frenette, Steve Morin, Alexandre Frenette, Jonathan Abbott, Elizabeth Gauthier, Justin Desrosiers (DNS), Riley McMonagle (DNS)

DIRTcar Series Doubleheader this Sunday night at Cornwall Motor Speedway!

This Page is Sponsored by a Community Minded Business.

Article: Martin Bélanger

The Sportsman and Pro-Stock divisions will have an important evening this coming Sunday as the DIRTcar Series will kick off at Cornwall Motor Speedway for both divisions. A full program is also on the schedule as Jiffy Auto Services will be the main sponsor.

The Sportsman will have a 50-lap event involving the best drivers from the division hauling to Cornwall for the initial event of the DIRTcar Sportsman Series. Invaders such as defending series champion Brad Rouse, Mathieu Desjardins, Martin Pelletier, Jessica Power and several others will compete again a stout field of local runners such as runner up in the 2013 series Joey Ladouceur, Shane Pecore, Corey Wheeler and many others. A great field of cars is expected. The 2013 DIRTcar Pro-Stock Series champion Dave Bissonnette will try to use his home track to his advantage and get a good start to defend his crown. A 50-lap feature is also on the card as drivers like Rob Yetman, Francois Adam, Alain Brochu, Stephane Lemire will visit the speedway to run against Bissonnette, Roch Aubin, Jocelyn Roy, Stéphane Lebrun and other great local racers.

The very competitive Jiffy Auto Services Modified division will have a 30-lap event as the points race is very tight after 2 races with Stéphane Lafrance and Carey Terrance tied at 90 points in first, Chris Raabe is only 1 point behind the leader as Chris Herbison and Kyle Dingwall are tied at 86 points while Brian McDonald is at 85. The Luminacorr Semi-Pro class will have a 15-lap event as the Mini-Stock will run a 12-lap event.

Come and see some of the best Sportsman and Pro-Stock drivers as it will only costs 15$ in general admission for the evening, children of 16 years and under is still only 2$. Heat races are scheduled to start at 7pm sharp as time trials are scheduled at 6:30pm.

For more information on the upcoming season at Cornwall, please visit the website at www.cornwallspeedway.com you can add us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cornwallspeedway or on twitter at @cornwallspeedway, we will use these two Medias for results and contests over the summer.

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Shop Local & Support Local Business


Carey Terrance wins the Modified feature at Cornwall Motor Speedway!

Find out how you can become an article or page sponsor Call Julia at 613-935-3763 ext. 101 or Mai-Liis at 613-935-3763 ext 102 THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 14 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1



The WITS Program brings together schools, families and communities, to create responsive environments that help children deal with bullying and peer victimization. The WITS Primary Program was created by educators, for educators, with an understanding that effective peer victimization prevention programs should enhance learning environments. WITS stands for: Walk away, Ignore, Talk it out, Seek help. Many schools that have adopted this program have witnessed a noticeable difference in the social make up of the school environment. An extension of the program, called WITS LEADS, has been designed for students in Grades 4 to 6. The LEADS Program teaches five problem-solving strategies to help children deal with conflict and keep safe: Look and listen, Explore points of view, Act, Did it work?, and Seek help.

Hockey Night in Canada-Show Your Patriotism I am a hockey fan. I grew up watching Hockey Night in Canada with my dad. Over the years, I attended a few NHL games in Ottawa. I still look forward to watching hockey, and often DVR other shows to watch later so I can take in every moment. The excitement of the game, the heart stopping moments when the puck enters the net, or the resounding ping when a player hits the goal post and narrowly misses a goal. Hockey is an exciting sport.

Every year, we watch our Canadian teams battle on the ice for a chance at the Stanley Cup, but this year, only one Canadian team made it to the playoffs, and after a brutal 7 games semi-final Eastern Conference, including some overtime decisions; they are still in. The Montreal Canadiens, the Habs, are battlin their next opponent; the New York Rangers.

Three schools from the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario have stepped up to the plate to take on a challenge that was offered through the Rock Solid Foundation. The Foundation challenged Canadian schools to come up with an idea using the WITS methods, centered around the theme “How would you prevent Bullying? St. Andrew’s, St. Finnan’s and St. Jude Catholic Schools each submitted creative and comprehensive ideas to the Foundation in response to the challenge and beat out schools from across Canada to win three prizes of $750 each.

Each of the schools put together their own unique video presentation with student actors, singers, artists, and even a few dancers. St. Andrew’s Catholic School incorporated the theme The Wizard of WITS. St. Jude Catholic School made an exciting video of how students navigate through the school day, led by the adventurous Indiana WITS. St. Finnan’s Catholic School took a novel approach using a few classic literary characters and everyday events that students experience in a typical day. All three schools gave great examples of how students can use their WITS. All three schools also got together to produce their own music video.

“We feel that the DVD will be of great use to other students,” explained Kelsey Guindon, a student from St. Andrew's Catholic School. Each school has plans to send their DVD to as many schools and organizations as possible. Copies of the WITS DVD may be obtained by contacting David Runions at 613-932-3510.









There are those die-hard Leaf and Sens fans that refuse to support the only Canadian team left, but many are showing their patriotism and cheering on the Canadiens. In my opinion, it is not jumping on the bandwagon, it is showing patriotism and support for a team that is clearly in it to win it. They battled hard to be here and deserve the accolades. When Ginette Reno sings our national anthem at the Bell Centre in Montreal, it sends shivers through me. Her passionate delivery, her glittering scarf and Canadiens jersey, represents the pride and joy that all Canadians should feel and when she high-fives the players, she’s doing it for all of us fans and for all of Canada. We want to see them triumph. True, on every team left in the series we have some strong Canadian players, but Montreal, one of the original 6 teams, is providing endless entertainment, a strong team and our hope for the cup and the only games where O Canada, in its bilingual brilliance, is sung.

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at www.kriscrossroads.wordpress.com

Live at the Port Theatre TICKETS: $20.00 Doors open at 7:00 pm ~ Show Starts at 8:00 pm Tickets available at: Melody Music & Cornwall Square Lotte ry Kiosk Port Theatre Box Office (1-4 pm), 132 Montreal Road, 613-93 3-4547 PROUD SPONSORS





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recently attended a work conference, and as the conference came to an end, many like me who traveled to attend were anxious to get home to watch the game 7 –do or die for Montreal and Boston. I was home in time for the puck drop and watched the triumphant 3-1 finish for the Canadiens. The Canadiens advance to the Eastern Conference Final vs the New York Rangers and after a hard fought battle, an injured starting goalie, they are still a contender. Can they force a seventh game? I believe they can. O Canada! We are still in the game.


Students Use Their WITS



JUNE 21st at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club Reserve your tickets today! Call 613-935-3763 ext 101 or order online www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 15 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


The Immaculate Conception School Community sincerely thanks our friends at RBC for submitting a nomination for Immaculate Conception Catholic School to receive a $1000.00 grant to plant shrubs and bushes at the front of the school. The grant was awarded and the fun began!! We thank Ms. Kalil, teacher, for selecting the shrubs, and planning the planting. She also arranged to have soil and fertilizer delivered to the school. We thank St. Matthew’s High School for asking four strong young men to dig 20 holes. Albert Giroux, Chance Lafave, Kordic Rolfe and Nick Mellan gave generously of their time on Friday and certainly helped us prepare for Sunday, May 25.

We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day on Sunday. We thank the following RBC employees: Elizabeth Seguin, who completed the nomination form, Sue Compeau, Sylvie Perreault and Anita Sacchetti. We thank Lance Ferguson, Mike Compeau, Kelly Moore and Len Wilson, all community members who volunteered their time. We thank the teachers; Heather Wilson, Pat McLeod and Melanie-Pier Gagnon-Dupuis who pitched in to help make the event very successful. We thank our students; Emily Douglas, Austin Douglas, Matthew Brisson and Ayson Primeau who provided much needed muscle power. Lastly we’d like to thank our little friends Alexa Dupuis and Landon Ferguson who chipped in to make the planting more fun. Eli, from Milano’s Pizza, generously donated 2 large pizzas and lots of water. After the hard work, this generous donation was truly appreciated. Many thanks to everyone for helping to beautify the front of Immaculate Conception Catholic School.





IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Gardening Beautification

What Can Vacations Teach You about Investing? Summer is on its way — which undoubtedly means vacation season. You may be looking forward to “getting away from it all,” but, as you know, vacations actually require a fair amount of planning. And it might surprise you to learn that some of the efforts required for successful vacations can impart some valuable lessons in other areas of your life — such as investing. Here are some vacation-related moves that you may want to transfer to the investment and financial arenas: Secure your home If you’re going on vacation for a week or so, you may need to take some steps to safeguard your home: stopping your mail and newspaper, putting on a timer to turn on lights, alerting your neighbors that you’ll be out of town, and so on. But while it’s important to secure your home today, you will also want to help ensure it will be there for your family in the future, should anything happen to you. That’s why you’ll want to maintain adequate life and disability insurance. Know your route If you are driving to your vacation destination, you will want to plan your route beforehand, so that you can avoid time-consuming delays and detours. And to reach your financial goals, such as a comfortable retirement, you will also want to chart your course — by creating an investment strategy that is designed to help you work towards those goals based on your specific risk tolerance, investment preferences and time horizon. Keep enough gas in the tank As you set out on a road trip, you need a full tank of gas in your car, and you’ll have to keep refueling along the way. And to “go the distance” in pursuing your financial goals, you will need to have sufficient “fuel” in

the form of investments with reasonable growth potential. Without a reasonable amount of growth-oriented vehicles in your portfolio, you could lose ground to inflation and potentially fall short of your objectives — so, over time, you may need to “refuel” by reviewing your portfolio and rebalancing if necessary. Protect yourself from getting burned If your vacation plans include a stay at the beach, you’ll need to protect yourself and your family from the hot sun — so make sure you’re all using sunscreen. When you invest, you can also get “burned” if you are not careful — especially if you are inclined to chase after “hot” investments. By the time you hear about these so-called sizzlers, they may already be cooling off, and, even more importantly, they just might not be appropriate for your goals and risk tolerance. Instead of becoming a “heat-seeking” investor, focus your efforts on building a diversified array of quality investments appropriate for your needs. If you only own one type of financial asset, and a downturn hits that asset class, your portfolio could take a big hit. But by diversifying your holdings, you can help reduce the effects of volatility. Keep in mind, though, that diversification, by itself, can’t guarantee profits or protect against loss. As we've seen, some of the same principles that apply to creating a vacation may also be applicable to your investing habits. So, put these principles to work to enjoy a pleasant vacation — and a potentially rewarding investment experience. Edward Jones, its employees and Edward Jones advisors do not offer tax or legal advice. Insurance is offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (except in Quebec). In Quebec, insurance is offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (Quebec) Inc. Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

BRIAN SEGUIN, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones (613) 932-6161 89 Tollgate Road West, Unit 2 , Cornwall, ON K6J 5L5 www.edwardjones.com

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 16 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


A crowd of approximately 120 people gathered Thursday night at the Cornwall Civic Complex for the candidates debate organized by the Chamber of Commerce.

Jim McDonell’s opening statement focused on job loss. Shawn McRae talked about his upbringing. John Earle addressed people both in French and English. “I want businesses to grow, students to get good paying jobs… Our premier has a plan for this province and I am happy to be part of that plan.” Elaine MacDonald also addressed the public in both French and English. “Consider our economy. We know it’s stalled” MacDonald said asking people for their votes. “ We know there is work to be done to turn this province around, but we’re committed to do it… We will respect your tax dollars” On the topic of reducing taxes, MacDonald says there will be no reducing of taxes under an NDP Government. “Reducing taxes doesn't work. We will however respect your taxes... Taxes are the price of a civilized society." McDonell disagreed. "We have to bring back government under control." McRae followed, "we will reduce taxes by removing government". The College of trade, poverty, health care, high costs of energy, the creation of a university, the minimum wage were some of the topics on the table. At the time of going to press, there was no clear winner in the debate, although McDonell and MacDonald seemed to stand out. Stay tuned for more updates at theseeker.ca

Attention Cosplayers & Geek Culture Enthusiasts! CoTiCon coming to Cornwall! CoTiCon (Cornwall Tiny Convention) is taking place in 2014! Thanks to the Ontario Summer Company program, Annie DeRochie, a grade 11 Char-Lan student, will be hosting a variety of activities for comic and anime enthusiasts over the summer. It all begins with a costumed bowling match in early June, followed by a teen dance in July, then a picnic in early August and ending with a mini convention on August 30th. “I hope that local cosplayers will participate in these fun events and dress for the Coko, the lovebird and mascot of CoTiCon occasion” says Annie DeRochie. “It will be nice to have something nearby rather then having to go to Montreal or Ottawa.” Annie has partnered with local businesses and looks forward to putting on a convention that will meet the needs of the community. A website has been set up at www.coticoncom with information about each event. Thanks to social media, event information will no doubt spread quickly and with limited space, enthusiasts are encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance.




JUNE 21st at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club Reserve your tickets today! Call 613-935-3763 ext 101 or order online www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 17 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




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Move Paramedic ServicesWe Week is a Seniors

We Move Seniors Paramedic Services Week is a613-932-3168 special time set aside to honour and recognize the Sally Stata or 613-662-4578 Sally 613-932-3168 or 613-662-4578 We Move Seniors special timeStata set aside to honourevery Sally Stata 61 3-932-31 68 61 dedication of Paramedics andor staff in3-662-4578 our community. Paramedics work diligently Stata 613-932-3168 or 613-662-4578 day Sally to save lives, promote recovery and prevent injuries from getting worse in anof and recognize the dedication emergency. This week is recognized nationally and promotes Paramedics and staff with the National theme, “Our Family for Yours.� ForCaring a limited time.Paramedics and staff in our

Getand your PINK lady’s to over 12,000 emergency calls. In 2014, Paramedics in Cornwall SDG responded every dayday to save lives, to Ambulances are constantly moving City and Counties and night shirt!throughout Available the for diligently ensure safe and rapid response to any call for service. Valentine’s Only promote recovery and prevent community. Paramedics work

812day, PittParamedics Street, go to work prepared to meetinjuries “Each the unexpected. They equip both mentally and physically to deal with the challenges they from getting worse in themselves an will face in serving the community and its citizens,� said EMS Chief Myles Cassidy, who has been in the EMS field for 25 years. unit 31, Cornwall

613-933-3703 emergency. This week is recognized nationally and promotes Paramedics and staff with the National

Staff of Cornwall SDG Emergency Medical Services

To ensure quality care, Paramedics engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education throughout the year to acquire and ƚŚĞžĞ͕ ÍžKĆľĆŒ &Ä‚ĹľĹ?ůLJ Ä‚ĆŒĹ?ĹśĹ? ĨŽĆŒ zŽƾĆŒĆ?.Í&#x; enhance their lifesaving skills.

2014, Cornwall and SDG responded to overmotor 12,000 emergency calls.and Ambulances are “The highly trained Paramedics who serve CornwallInand SDGParamedics respond toindisaster scenes, medical emergencies, vehicle accidents other emergencies, providing everyone with access to quality emergency care,� said Chief Cassidy. “Appropriate medical care in an out-of-hospital setting constantly moving throughout the City and Counties day and night to ensure safe and rapid response to dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury.� www.seniorhometransition.ca any call for service. To meet the growing demands for emergency medical services, much has changed in the past 10 years. The Public Access Defibrillator program has delivered CPR and Automated External Defibrillator training to thousands of citizens in life saving interventions. To date, 197 defibrillators have been ͞Each day, Paramedics go to work prepared to meet the unexpected. They equip themselves both installed in public places throughout Cornwall and SDG for use by the public in a medical emergency.

In celebration of Paramedic Services Week, members of Cornwall SDG Emergency Medical Services will be at the Cornwall Square on Tuesday, May 27th citizens,Í&#x; said EMSdemonstrations Chief Myles Cassidy, who has been in theDefibrillator EMS field for(AED) 25 years. displaying equipment and supplies used by Paramedics and offering of an Automated External used in public buildings. Residents are encouraged to stop by and say hello.

mentally and physically to deal with the challenges they will face in serving the community and its

We Move Seniors

To ensure quality care, Paramedics engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing Sally Stata 613-932-3168 or 613-662-4578 SEEKERS CHOICE education AWARDS CHOICE • SEEKERS throughout the year to acquire and enhance their lifesaving skills. AWARDS CORNWALL’S OWN RED CARPET EVENT! - NOT TO BE MISSED ÍždŚĞ ĹšĹ?Ĺ?ŚůLJ ĆšĆŒÄ‚Ĺ?ŜĞĚ WÄ‚ĆŒÄ‚ĹľÄžÄšĹ?Ä?Ć? Ç ĹšĹ˝ Ć?ÄžĆŒÇ€Äž Ĺ˝ĆŒĹśÇ Ä‚ĹŻĹŻ ĂŜĚ SDG respond to disaster scenes, medical JUNE 21st at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club emergencies, motor vehicle accidents and providing everyone with access to quality Reserve your tickets today! Call 613-935-3763 ext 1 01other or emergencies, order online www.theseeker.ca City of Release 1 THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30Cornwall - pg. 18MediaCLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



FRAMED CLASSIFIED: Up to 25 words and a picture - $9.99 plus hst

To place your classified call 613-935-3763 ext. 2 Deadlines noon on Tuesdays FOR RENT: 1 bedroom upstairs apartment, fridge, stove, heat, lights, cable included. also central air, no parking, no pets. $550. Call 613-938-3278 FOR SALE: Like new sofa, purchased from Chenier Bouvier for $995. Asking $150. Call 613-932-0386 FOR SALE: Whirlpool self cleaning stove - coil elements - used for only 6 months. Excellent condition. $400. Call 613-362-5700.

FOR SALE: "LECTRONIC" battery powered golf cart incl. extra wheel, tote basket, battery & charger. Used one season. Excellent condition. Asking less than 1/2 price $300.00. Pls call 613-933-3122 if interested.

FOR SALE: Large 27ft above ground pool and all accessories and solar blankets. Good working condition, asking $700. Call 613-932-3954.

FOR SALE: Colonial framed mirror, good quality. 26 1/2” x 33 1/2”. $15. 613-938-6149.

FOR SALE: Art work - Yachts of the America's cup by Tim Thompson, special FOR SALE: Exercise bicycle, 1988 Oldsmobile and an Univox Electric base in a case. edition, framed $75.00 each, 31`` X 25``. (The J class, The Schooner, The Big Also LOOKING FOR: an upright freezer or small chest freezer. Call Bert at 612-932-7045. Racing Cutters) 613-936-6873. FOR SALE: Office organizer with drawers and shelves. $50. Call 613-933-9473. FOR SALE: Upright piano, good condition, $500. 613-938-2751.

FOR SALE: Vertical blinds, approx 78” wide - dusty pink in excellent condition, hardware included - $50. Call 613-362-5700.

FOR SALE: Oil furnace with oil tank - new fan motor installed. Asking $500 switching to natural gas. Call 613-874-2888 FOR SALE: Heat your garage or cottage with an oil - kerosene space heater. Never used, $125. Call 613-703-3272 (local call). FOR SALE: Gravity fed oil stove, asking $350. Call 613-874-2888

FOR SALE: Steel 4 drawer filing cabinet with locks, $40. Call 613-933-9473 FOR SALE: 1996 Rockwood tent trailer. Sleeps 6 with fridge, stove in fair condition. Asking $1,500. Call 613-937-3659

I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

WEEKLY GARAGE SALE Every Saturday - 8am to 3 pm weather permitting - 234 yates

and I’m Julia the Web Designer

and together we are

take 4th W. from Cumberland

Something for Everyone! MOVING SALE Saturday, May 31- 137 Markell Crescent - 8am STREET YARD SALE -Saturday, May 31, 8am to 3pm - Gail Elizabeth Court. MOVING SALE: May 31st, June 1st, at 1012 Grand Ave., 8 am to 3 pm Furniture, Tools, Household articles, Hardware, PC Parts, Books, & much more! MOVING SALE: Saturday, May 31st, June 1st, at 1012 Grand Ave., 8 am to 3 pm - Furniture, Tools, Household articles, Hardware, PC Parts, Books, & much more! YARD SALE: Sat. May 31 8am to 2pm - Fundraiser in support of Carilyne Hebert’s Municipal Election Campaign. Corner of Vincent Massey Dr. and Power Dam Dr.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this issue of The Seeker

We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome.

STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm

Mrs. B's Gifts & Home Decor, 609 Pitt St, Cornwall is having a HUGE SIDEWALK SALE!!! THIS FRIDAy AND SATURDAy!!! (May 30th and 31st)

closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...

Barb went crazy again with big markdowns!!! No Layaways At These Prices! Hope to see you there!!!

613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis

YARD SALE: Saturday, May 31st from 9:00 am till 2:00 pm 138 Fourth Street East, facing C.C. High school football field. Lamps, prints, kitchenware, and much more... YARD SALE: Saturday, May 31st, at 400 St. Felix at the back - 8am to 1pm - Rain or Shine YARD SALE: Friday, May 30 at 8:00am - Saturday, May 31 at 2:00pm at 406 Tollgate Road East

PARADE OF NATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENTALLY CHALLENGED is looking for items to hold a garage sale sometime at the beginning of June. People donating items totalling an amount over $10.00, once sold, will be eligible to receive an income tax receipt. For inquiries and donations call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or drop items at 1621 Joyce Street Cornwall.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 19

email: info@theseeker.ca read online www.theseeker.ca DEADLINES FOR ALL ISSUES Tuesdays at 5pm See you next FRIDAY, JUNE 6TH, 2014

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca


JUNE JU UNE 21 21 1st st at at tth h he eC Cornwa ornwallll G Golf olf & CCountry ountry CClu luub b

Tickets $50 per person available online at ww w.theseeker.ca or at the Seeker Office at 327 2nd Street E, Cornwall proceeds of this event will be donated to: The Centre for the Arts Collective Hurr y! Limited Seating available!


Mark A. MacDonald Jenni MacDonald


The Mortgage Source Lic #10145




THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 21 - May 30 - pg. 20 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


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