Vol. 4 Issue 6 February 15, 2013
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Your weekly dose of positive news...
The Local Seeker with a NEW LOOK!
t he
... and who was YOUR Secret Valentine ?
Cover photo by Jason Setnyk Photography
Liberal Leadership Candidate and Quebec MP Justin Trudeau was in Cornwall Ontario on Tuesday afternoon making a campaign pit stop. Jason Setnyk, (in the photo to the left) reporting for the Seeker, asked Justin Trudeau, “Without a portfolio like Financial Critic on your resume how effective of a leader will you be debating the economy with the Prime Minister?”. Trudeau responded that he was up to the challenge. Read his full answer and more inside on page 3 ....
Check out the SEEKERS KEEPERS CENTRE SECTION for all next weeks community events and happenings - plan ahead and don’t miss anything!
"# ' FOR SALE:.%0" 245 records - country and western - in A1 condition. In the "+,"-"). '' ((2 Call 613-931-3190. sleeves. 111 *,)1 '' -$*+,"# '
n us o and e k Li ok n ebo Fac w us o o Foll ter t Twi sit i v l or loca om e th c . ker see
FOR SALE: Mixed dry wood. $60 a cord. 849 Alexander Avenue,
accessories and much more) from an estate. Hundreds items to choose from. Call 613-360-0504. FOR SALE: Swimming pool
in a positive environment. meetings are 1st.&3rd Wednesday of each month @St. Lawrence Secondary School(library), 1450 2nd St. East. FOR SALE: Oriental 4 Panel esome! w A y t t e r 6:45room to 8:45pm. Contacts: or Claudette P Screen or divider with Bob LeBrun(613)932-4792 beautifullyPilon(613)938-2394! coloured figures. Each
ha d y
equipment,SMART 2 ladders, diving board, CLUB - offers you the opportunity to learn CITY TOASTERS motor pump, filter, summer cover communication skills and gives you the practical leadership experience and more 613-937-4242
%- *+") * #, /+
our da coffee to
LOST: Oak Captain Chair around Telephone 613-938-6152. 6:45 PM Thursday May 17, on Cornwall FOR Centre Road SALE: ToyBetween trains "O" gauge all kinds (engines, freight cars, Power Damn and Highway 138
y ve Ha
The Seeker
panel measures 18” x 69”. Excellent FOR SALE: Table and 4 chairs, hutch and buffet in pine. All original, condition $400, Call 613-528-4533
nice appearance. $595. Call 613-933-1083.
CALL IN YOUR YARD SALES SMART CITY FOR SALE: Remington Express 410 guage action shot gun, 25” bypump Tues day of TOASTMASTERS CLUB barrel, full choke, brand new $500 - call 613-347-3091. ev er y w eek invites you to overcome your fears of FOR public speaking and snow blower,61 3-93 5-good 3763 SALE: Large Airens 9hp, very condition.
encourage learn Asking you $500 to OBO. Call 613-577-0329. speaking skills in a positive environment. Having fun is SALE:are Amana years - like new, EAused DLIonly NE2 to included!FOR Meeting on Dryer 1st &- 4 years oldDbut buy $200 Call 613-36-7041 3rd Wednesdays of each month your tickets for at St. Lawrence Secondary the SEEKERS FOR SALE: Large School @ 1450 2nd St. filing East,cabinet, asking $40. call 613-936-9399. CH OICE AWARDS from 6:45pm to 8:45pm. FOR SALE: Slow cooker - $6. La at Roufe Astronomique cook book $4 0, June 1st. Everyone welcome bring a (English) $5, Encyclopedia of Canadian cuisine by Madame Benoit $5, friend! For Info: Brad LeClair Price go es up to Portugese tourine $15, punch bowl and cups $10. 613-931-1725. (613-330-1488 or soup 613-543-3831)
FOR SALE: Electric wok, like new $20. Double bed spread $25. Call FOR SALE: Canvases and frames 613-936-9399.
$45 thereafter.
at bargain price. 613-346-5583
FOR SALE: 2 cases of Ensure. Expiry date June 2013. 1 Vanilla and 1
FOR SALE: High Chair, needsCall to613-931-3190. Strawberry, $15 a case. be cleaned but in great shape. Used 1 year. $30 613-360-3442 FOR SALE: Liquor cabinet from the 40s and 4 pine chairs. Telephone
laggee illa Vil Va aluee V Vlu (Eaasst)t) aassic icss (E FoFo a oodd B okkdd oo )) lele s ((Brro a ic s a d o s o F ood Basic o F Metr No Frills oy MetrFoarm rarrayry ccLLibib li b u P ll li a b w u P rn o ll C a w Corn igerre Tig ianntt T GGia rere aa rdww Haard mee H oom HH ch alle)w&s) rt’ M k ic (p stcoun a all (E M t s r w u e o h tc C s k ‘n aic EP sptlup mcoeres... s la kefa ac rPela s b e th t ll s a nd ath e Breakfa
Call in your FREE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY - 613-935-3763 ext. 2
FOR SALE: Brown sectional couch, good shape, No rips, no tears, asking $200. 613-360-1607
Free Estimates • Reasonable prices! Call Andrew at 613-933-5965
TO GIVE:BabyOUR Crib, no mattress, WEEKLY to give away. Please call CARTOON FEATURE 613-935-8101 FOR SALE: 2 Ford Edzel hub caps, Titled 1 electric base, 1 Techno box guitar, 2 exercise bikes. Call 613-932-7045
Sympathy Cramps by Frank Burelle FOR SALE: Boat 1988 with 115HP Johnson motor, needs Partnew 5 - transom. Enjoy! 2400$ 613-360-1607
Check out
- our Montreal paper -
Check out - our Montreal paper The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 3, Issue 20, May 25, 2012 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Theby Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Cornwall, Ontario Published Local Seeker Media Group,
Volume 4, Issue 6, February 15, 2013
The Local Seeker does notFounded accept responsibility errors, misprints or2010 inaccuracies by Julia Luciofor and Mai-Liis Renaud published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 BUSINESSINFORMATION: ADS: OUR CONTACT 613-935-3763 (Julia) / 613-932-1875 (Mai-Liis) FREEEmail: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) 613-935-3763 Office: 327/2nd StreetExt. E. 102 (Mai-Liis) The Local The Seeker is Proudly a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason Seeker does notprinted accept on responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies Email: published within. The opinions statements of our columnists not to Reporters be Editor: Julia Lucio Co-Editor: Carolynand Hersey Creative Design: Mai-Liisare Renaud & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Sara Murphy & Julia Lucio Office: 327 2nd Street E. presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 25 - pg. 2)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
Editor: Julia Lucio Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud Digital Media: Grant Reso
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 2) BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1
...continued from cover
MP Justin Trudeau vying for Liberal Leadership Son of former Prime Minister speaks to exuberant Cornwall audience (Article by Jason Setnyk and Photos by Jason Setnyk and Franca Raco ) Cornwall Ontario -- Liberal Leadership Candidate and Quebec MP Justin Trudeau was in Cornwall Ontario on Tuesday afternoon making a campaign pit stop. The charismatic son of former Prime Minister Pierre Eliot Trudeau spoke to local residents for about half an hour on February 12th. He proceeded to answer a few questions in an abbreviated media scrum, and then he shook hands and took pictures with many of the over one hundred people in attendance (including the Seeker Chicks!). Jason Setnyk, reporting for the Seeker, asked Justin Trudeau, “Without a portfolio like Financial Critic on your resume how effective of a leader will you be debating the economy with the Prime Minister?”. Trudeau responded that he was up to the challenge. He said, “That's actually an excellent question, and I asked Mr. Flaherty (Finance Minister) two questions on the economy today, and he was able to answer neither one of them to satisfaction demonstrating a complete disconnect from real concerns and issues of Canadians, so I look forward to talking about what matters to Canadian families and to a struggling middle class in the coming months and years”. During his speech Trudeau touched upon the economy. “Over the past thirty years, although the Canadian economy has grown by more than a hundred percent and it has more than doubled in size, median family income, average middle class income has only increased by 13 per cent in real terms. While incomes are stagnating, cost are rising, therefore personal and household debts have exploded to the level we all feel today. We are now unsure if the next generation is actually going to have greater opportunities than what was given to us by the previous generation. That is a break down in the very premise, the very promise at the heart of this country”. Trudeau said something is "broken down" if more and more middle class Canadians are slipping in to the class of the working poor, and more and more people need to rely on food banks. However Trudeau did not identify any specific solutions to address these economic problems.
In the Globe and Mail, former astronaut and Liberal Leadership contender Marc Garneau blasted Justin Trudeau for his lack of a 'coherent vision' in the Liberal leadership race. According to Garneau, Trudeau has been saying “nothing” substantial during this race. Trudeau did not discuss specific platform points during his speech, instead he focused on his 'vision' of Canada and the future direction of the Liberal Party to better represent Canadians. To emphasis that point, he reminded the audience that almost anyone can vote for the next Liberal leader. Anyone who is a permanent resident of Canada, over the age of 14, and not currently a member of another Federal Party can sign-up before the cut-off date of March 3rd to vote for the next Federal Liberal Party leader.
If you would like to see footage taken from this event, watch a video by Local Seeker field reporter Grant Reso on The Seeker website!
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 3) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2
Become Familiar with Wealth Transfer Strategies To retire comfortably, you need to save and invest regularly using an effective savings and investment strategy. Maximizing RRSPs or other retirement accounts will likely be essential to realizing your retirement goals. Once you retire, you’ll need to “switch gears” somewhat and begin considering wealth transfer strategies. An effective wealth transfer strategy can help you accomplish a variety of goals, such as distributing your assets the way you choose, avoiding probate fees and reducing estate taxes. You can explore a variety of wealth transfer tools, including the following: Gifting — Gifting your assets to your adult children can help minimize the size of your estate, reducing the tax burden at death. This could also potentially lower probate, executor and legal fees. Be careful when gifting property (including cash and securities) to a spouse or minor child, as income attribution rules may apply, causing income earned on the gifted property to be taxed in your hands. If you donate securities with a capital gain to a registered Canadian charity then there is no tax payable on the capital gain, and you get full credit for the donation, up to the standard charitable deduction limit. Will — A will is simply a plan for distributing your assets to family members and other beneficiaries. If you were to die intestate (without a will), provincial laws would determine how your assets should be distributed — and there’s no guarantee that the end result would be what you would have chosen.
Beneficiary designations — Many of your financial assets — including life insurance policies, RRSPs and TFSAs — allow you to name a beneficiary. Upon your death, your beneficiary will automatically receive these assets, avoiding the sometimes time-consuming, expensive (and public) process of probate. It is essential that you periodically review these designations to make sure they reflect your current wishes and that they do not conflict with the terms of your will. Trusts — Different trusts can help you accomplish a variety of wealth transfer and estate planning goals. For example, an inter vivos trust can help you leave assets to your heirs without going through probate. You can also structure the trust to stagger payments over a number of years, rather than all at once, or include other restrictions or incentives. A testamentary trust, created in your will, can allow your heirs to effectively income split with the trust, potentially decreasing overall taxation. As you can see, trusts are versatile instruments — but they are also complex. Consequently, you’ll need to consult with your tax and legal advisors regarding your particular situation.
SEEKER FOCUS GROUP We've gone through many wonderful changes lately and we want your opinion! Are we on the right track? Do you like our new look? Would you like to see more news? This is YOUR chance to tell us what YOU want to see in YOUR TRUE COMMUNITY PAPER! When: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Time: 6:00pm until 8:00pm Where: Cornwall Public Library, Cornwall, Ontario
Permanent Life Insurance —When building an estate for your heirs, you have typically considered both registered and unregistered investment accounts as your principal sources of accumulating wealth. Permanent life insurance can be used to effectively accumulate wealth and pass it along to children or grandchildren, typically in a very taxefficient manner. All the wealth transfer techniques we’ve looked at will require some careful thought and preparation on your part — so don’t wait too long before getting started. Time has a way of sneaking up on all of us — but it’s especially sneaky when we’re unprepared. Edward Jones, Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Local Edward Jones advisor, BRIAN SEGUIN (613) 932-6161 89 Tollgate Road West, Unit 2 Cornwall, ON K6J 5L5
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 4)
Post an Event!
Join an Event!
Make It Part
Of Your Day!
People who use this site are looking for things to do and a group to do it with. Go ahead, post your idea. Use the select button and you can select who may open your event!
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Check your “My City” page to see what other people have posted for events. Click on the microphone and respond “yes” to the event of your choice! Now go have fun!
SEEKERS SNIPPETS - SEEKERS SNIPPETS Cornwall’s newest furniture shop, Neo Vintage Furniture,
Students at Immaculate Conception celebrated National Flag Day by dressing
had its grand-opening Monday, February 11 and the Seeker Chicks were in attendance with many others who enjoyed the unique furniture and decorations this store has to offer as well as the great atmosphere that greets you as you step in the doors. We wish Guy and Charlie all the best in their new venture.
in red and white. At the rousing spirit assembly, the classes that had the greatest percentage of student participation were cheered on by their peers!
The store is located at 5-17305 Cornwall Center Rd. Open Tuesday and Wednesday from 10-6, Thursday and Friday from 10-8, Saturday from 9-5. Also available on Sunday and Monday by appointment or by chance. Phone: 613-935-5558 or 1-800-935-0687 or visit the website at
Cornwall Transit providing free bus shuttle for Winterfest Cornwall Transit will be providing a free bus shuttle on Sunday, February 17th and Monday, February 18th as part of the Storm Realty Cornwall Winterfest Carnaval 2013.
Do you want your opinions published in the Seeker and/or on our website? Now here
The free shuttle will run on a 40-minute schedule and it will stop at 11 different locations in the City. The bus will stop to pick up passengers at any of the regular Cornwall Transit stops along the shuttle route.
is your chance, we want your Letters to the Editor!
On Sunday, February 17th, the final bus will depart from the Cornwall Civic Complex following the evening fireworks display. The shuttle will head east then west, dropping off passengers at the nearest bus stop. "We're pleased to partner with Winterfest and offer this free service," said Transit Division Manager Len Tapp. "Cornwall Transit wants to make it easier for families to enjoy this great community event." The full shuttle route and schedule is available on the City website. "This shuttle will make it easier for residents to attend the festival and take advantage of the many free activities that we are offering," said Winterfest Chair Jason Mitchell. The regular bus service will be available on February 14th, 15th and 16th for those looking to attend Winterfest (regular fares apply on those days).
Cornwall's Princess Project is here to give local girls the night they've always dreamed of -- at no cost! Whether it's for graduation, prom, semi-formal, or a special occasion, we aim to provide girls with the dress, shoes, jewelry, hair, make-up, and most importantly the confidence to help them feel magical on their special night!
Letters should state an argument or opinion that offers praise or criticism. If it offers criticism, please suggest a possible remedy. Also letters should be about news such as politics and/or current events and issues. Please include your full name and a phone number we can reach you at. Your phone number will never be published. Letters should be less than 400 words. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject any contribution.
Emailing a letter/opinion piece is giving us consent to publication. Email your letters here: Thank you -The Seeker Staff
up at no cost. Why do we do this? Because we believe every girl deserves to feel like a princess! We value the experience of becoming a princess as well. We'll have fun and listen to music while we help you get ready for your big night out. We are always looking for dresses and welcome all styles and sizes, as well as shoes and accessories! Please feel free to add a note or letter of encouragement along with your dress. Did this dress make you feel amazing? Do you have some inspiring advice? Tell us about it!
Simply contact us by Facebook or email at to set up an appointment. You will be able to try on gowns and accessories, all generously donated by other princesses, to hopefully find exactly what you're looking for.
We need volunteers to fix and alter dresses. Donate your time by offering to help do our girls' hair or make-up. We are also looking for and accepting gift certificates for local dry-cleaning. Our donated dresses are beautiful, but require a good cleaning before they can be princess approved. We currently do not accept cash donations.
If you already have your dress, but may not be able to afford the finishing touches such as hair or make-up, please feel free to contact us as well. We have a group of volunteers ready to do your hair and make-
Please come out to Schnitzels Saturday, February 23rd from 2pm-5pm to our first Dress Drive in the Banquet Room. Refreshments will be served!
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 5)
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
I always had a fear of expressing what I really want for fear of disappointment. It's true, it seems that as soon as I start to realize it, plans fall apart, someone interferes, or the fates are against me; so privately I hope, put on the happy face and move forward. Truth is, my fear of loss probably held me back. If I would be able to time-travel and meet a teenage me and give a sneak peak at how life turned out, I wouldn't have believed it. So it is human nature to wonder "what if", to think about the other outcome, opportunities lost, a life that was not realized, the unfulfilled destiny. What if these paths and turns and crossroad decisions are necessary to realize potential. Did things turn out the way they were meant to be? Jury is still out on that one.
After a few months of living in a new city, I can really reflect on what I miss the most, and who misses me. I wanted a change and I went for it so now what? Why does fear still hold me back? So after bottling up things that bothered me or I worried about or I really want to reveal, I put pen to paper, not the electronic way, the tactile feeling of writing it out and examining my ever-decreasing handwriting abilities aside, helped me get it all into perspective. I woke up this morning, had my ritual morning reflective coffee as I gazed out of my patio window and watched the slow morning traffic as the sun peered in. I decided that I held back long enough. It is my time. My list consisted of what I like, what I miss, what are my time thieves, what are my goals and I even gave consideration for my 5 year plan. For me, I took the first few steps, I moved away, I accepted a new position, I changed career paths and stepped away from the business world, I sold my house, I reduced my debt load, I am meeting new people, exploring new opportunities and even thinking about travelling. I am staying connected with the people that mean the most to me. When you move far away, it makes it crystal clear who they are. So starting today, I am working towards new goals, planning where I want to be and taking steps to make it happen. You are never too old to experience a new beginning and stretch yourself. Every day, learn something new and soak in knowledge. So after reading this, have you thought about what you really want? Yes, some things repeat, and loop back, but maybe it is what is meant to be. So eighteenyear old me, it is not what you thought or expected, but the strength, knowledge courage, faith and friends met along the way were better than expected.
Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at:
NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut
by Kris Ward
What Do You Really Want?
Enjoyed an amazing time in the Nation’s Capital last week-end, this is truly Canada’s winter Wonderland, the Rideau Canal. What a beautiful family outing, the day was gorgeous and the people always so friendly and happy. It would be amazing to open our canal again one day…it would be a great asset to our city. Have you noticed lately how the days are getting longer? It was actually light outside until 5:30pm this week. I love when I feel that beautiful warm sun up against my face, yet still have that cool breeze. I have been trying really hard to get out walking for at least 1 hour a day, getting my dose of natural vitamin D. Nothing like coming indoors after and enjoying a great vegetarian chili or other favorite comfort food. I am already thinking about my organic garden, I have a few new ideas for this year. A good friend of mine really impressed me a few years ago with her herb garden, it was designed as a checker board pattern. This allowed her to pick her herbs without disturbing the earth around it. It is very appealing to the eye and smelled amazing, can’t wait to try it!
I will be holding a healthy eating cooking seminar on Saturday, February 23rd, 1 to 4 pm. If you are interested in learning how to prepare great tasting, quick and easy healthy recipes this is your chance. You will receive healthy tips and tricks, see recipe demos and taste test these and more. After the seminar you will receive all the info and recipes via e-mail. For more information please e-mail me and I will be happy to answer all your questions. WORKPLACE MINI HEALTH SEMINARS (1 HOUR) There is so much pressure these days to perform under very high stress levels at work. When we are eating well, feeling good, sleeping well it makes a world of difference in our performance. When we take good care of ourselves, we will be happier and give our 150% to our employer. This seminar is intended to give you the chance to see recipe demos, taste test and learn about healthy eating. After the seminar you will receive all info and recipes via e-mail. SHOPPING WITH THE HEALTH NUT This is a quick and easy way to establish a great menu plan and amazing recipes for the month. I will help you create your menu, grocery list and meet you for grocery shopping once a week. It is really having someone there to guide you and answer your questions. Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to organic sections of stores? This will put you at ease and you will see how easy it truly is to make the best decisions for you and your family. DINNER PARTY WORKSHOP This is great for a special occasion (special birthday, retirement, girls’ night out). Basically it is all done in the comfort of your home. You decide the option that you would like. I help you establish your theme, menu and grocery list. You invite your guests and let the cooking begin. Don’t be shy, e-mail me or call for more information…..In health, Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut) (email address) (official website) 613-931-3119
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 6) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
C HANG E R - do you know these businesses?
613-662-7456 or 613-935-7671 w w w. m o b i l e g a m e r z . c a Birthday Parties, School Events, Festivals, Fundraisers, Plus much much more!
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THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 7)
We Move Seniors Sally Stata 613-932-3168 or 613-662-4578
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FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 8)
BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!
our weekly pages of events n’ more...
45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796
We're open FAMILY DAY Monday, February 18 - 9:30 am to 5:00 pm SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16 DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME / HEURE DU CONTE FAMILIALE PORTE-OUVERTE 10:00 am to 11:00 am YOGA FOR KIDS - 10:00 am to 11:00 am CHECK MATES - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Celebrate with us! FREE FAMILY MOVIES ALL DAY 10:00 - Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas 12 NOON - Snow Buddies: Fun in the slush & snow with five adorable pooches. 2:00 PM - Pour toujours les Canadiens TIME FOR TWOS - 10:00 am to 10:30 am Stories, songs, rhymes and crafts
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 THE PACK - A group created by teens for tweens Drop-in - 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm LIFE & CONSCIOUSNESS Philosophy course - 6:15 pm to 8:15 pm STAMP CLUB MEETING - 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 THE FORUM- DISCUSSION GROUP FOR ADULTS Topic: Biocenterism - 9:30 am to 11:30 am
www.c leanwa
O 16 yever Businars in ess!
BABY TALES (Ages 0 to 2) - 10:00 to 10:45 am THE BUSINESS OF BLOGGING How blogging can help your small business 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm - Free registration ADULT FRIENDLY BRIDGE CLUB - 6:15 pm ADULT TRI-COUNTY CHESS CLUB - 6:15 pm
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THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 9) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
CareFor Walk-In Nursing Clinc from 11 am to 3 pm, 205 Amelia St. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure checks, diabetes & cholestoral checks etc. Cornwall Budget Steering Committee Broadcasting live from City Hall, TVCOGECO presents coverage of the Cornwall City Council budget steering committee proceedings as they hear submissions from City departments and review the recommendations. Next broadcast: Friday, Dinner Out at RCAFA Wing 424 4:30 pm. Music after 5 pm. 240 Water St. W. Serving seafood chowder, fish & chips. Special: meatloaf with seasoned potato wedges & fresh vegetables.
SATURDAY FEB 16 Dream Board Workshop! from 10:30am to 12:30pm at Studio Sheconnex 410 Cumberland Street, see for details. Elvis Love Me Tender St. Valentine's Dance 8 pm. Navy Club, 30 6th St. E. DJ Georgie with TJ Jackson & Elvis memories. Hot & cold meal & special prize draws Sweetheart Spaghetti Dinner & Dance 4 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Admission: 10$ Local Liberals hosting a Pints and Politics Rally at the Knights of Columbus Hall 205 Amelia St. in Cornwall on Saturday February 16 from 1-3 p.m FIREHOUSE - Come to the Cornall Pentecostal church and see!
Crystal Singing Bowls Workshop With Jody Marsolais and Jay Schwed learn a brief history, therapeutic applications, and techniques to incorporate singing crystal bowls. Please RSVP to guarantee your space, (limited to 15 people) $65 . Send class fee to Jay at his PayPal account; Hospice Cornwalll Fund Raiser from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Royal Canadian Legio, 415 2nd St. W. Admission: 10$ includes salad, dessert & entertainment by Roxanne
IT’S still WINTERFEST! see schedule for details
OPEN MIC MONDAYS @ THE GLEN Glengarrian Pub & Restaurant The in Cornwall Cornwall Quilters Guild Monthly Meeting 7 pm. St. Matthews Lutheran Church Hall, 1509 2nd St. W. Guest: The Fabric Box.
Please be advised that Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall and District will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. at St. Lawrence College in the River Room Boardroom on the third floor. Turkey and Ham Supper from 4 pm to 7 pm. Army Navy Club 14 Marlborough Admission: 12$. Proceeds to Hospice Cornwall in honor of Mr. Paul Primeau Women's Peer Cancer Support Group Meeting from 7 pm to 9 pm. Carefor, 205 Amelia St. Call 613.932.3451, ext 225 for more information.
RCAFA Wing 424 / 240 Water St. West Wednesday Wings & Things & Georgie's Karaoke Tel. # 932-5334 to call for menu info. Ladies Auxiliary Euchre Party at 1:30 pm. Blessed Sacrament Church Hall, 321 Tollgate Rd. E. Prizes & lunch served. Connect, Share & Learn At Breakfast Connections 7:30 am to 9 am. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Topic: volunteer relationship building. Call: 613.930.2787 x. 2276 to register
THURSDAY FEB 21 Pinterest Party! from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Studio Sheconnex 888-244-1932. Visist for details.
Royal Canadian Legion Seniors Euchre at 1:30 pm. 415 2nd St. W. Light lunch served. 1er Jeudi et 3e jeudis du mois Reunions des amis des anciens combattans, friends of vets a lieu le 1er jeudi et 3e jeudi de chaque mois, au 780 Sydney. Stationnements sur le cote. Acces a l'edifice par la rampe.
Casino du Lac Leamy Bus Trip departing at 4:30 pm. For info or reserve call 613.932.6534. Proceeds to the Auxiliary to St. Joseph's Continuing Care Center Agape Center Spaghetti Dinner & Country Music Dance Dinner: 4:30 pm to 8 pm, Dance: 8 pm. Army Navy Club, 14 Marlborough St. N. Music by Switchgear. Admission: 10$ Manage Knee or Hip Osteoarthritis Pain Attend a free workshop, Friday, February 22nd from 1 pm to 4 pm. Seaway Valley Community Health Center, 353 Pitt St. Call Chanelle: 613.930.4892 x 102 to register.
(February 15 - pg. 10) BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
Losing Jovie Artist: Renée Lalande February 6, to March 15th, 2013 Opening reception: Wednesday February 6th at 6 pm!
Trade sho w Fe
bruary 27 th
Ramada I
8 a.m. - 11 a.nn m . Please Contact:
john@joh nlister.c 613-935-9 a 719
Open to Public . www.corn Facebook wallbusin page at: essnetw www.face /ccornwal lb
Navy League of Canada, Cornwall Branch and Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps “STORMONT”
Spaghetti Dinner and BINGO Night February 17th, 2013 Location: Cornwall Armories 505 4th St East
Spaghetti Dinner Time: 4:00pm-6:30pm Dinner Price: $8.00 per person BINGO Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm BINGO: $1.00 per card (prizes 50/50 to a Max), Kid activities: For all youths under 19 tickets in advance please call: Kathleen Dixon: 613-662-3183
Next Show at The Art Gallery (TAG) Cornwall - 168 Pitt Street, Cornwall 613-938-7387 for more events in the area
If it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening!
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23RD in Cornwall. THE NORMANS @ The Glengarrian Pub SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23RD Cornwall. BOOZEHOUND @ La Maison Tavern in
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
AB>@4 A ;>20;;G @08A43 ;40= 6@>C=3 346@44 >D4= >>: B74 "8=4 0 2>>:84 A744B E8B7 ?0@27<4=B BA? 58=4 A0;B 1445 5>@ 0 @40; B0AB4 38554@4=24 20AA4@>;4 C=B8; B74 2011064 0=3 ?0?4@ BA? 6@>C=3 =CB<46 (74@@G &;CA G>C :=>E E74@4 B74 1445 8A B74 @824 0@4 B4=34@ $ %. *A8=6 0= 4;42B@82 <8F4@ 140B B74 0;E0GA 1CGA >C@ 10:8=6 ?>E34@ 0=3 2><8=6 5@>< 0=3 G>C 0@4 466 E78B4A E8B7 B74 2@40< >5 B0@B0@ 6@>C=3 =CB<46 5>@ B74 D4@G 14AB AC??>@B8=6 0 ;>20; 50@<4@ C=B8; B74G 5>@< AB855 ?40:A (4B B78A @4AC;BA 0A834 5>@ =>E #8Fin E4;; E8B7I joined 0 E>>34= A?>>= Way back the 1980's, a bookclub selling, what = 0 ;0@64 1>E; AB8@ B>64B74@ B74else? )74 Cookbooks, course! recipe written by Marcella 3>C67ofE8;; 14This AB82:G 10 % in her cookbook, 'Marcella's Italian Kitchen' is just 2>=34=A43 <8;: D0=8;;0 0=3Hazan, >D4@ B74 1>E; >5 3>C67 E8B7 0 B40 delicious. I wrote "excellent" beside the recipe. It makes 2>2>=CB 0=3 ?;024 youB>E4; think you might have B74 just a1>E; wee bit>5of3>C67 Italian heritage. OFF We truly enjoyed the wonderful flavours. I hope you will 4=B;G 5>;3 8= B74 AB855;G 140B4= 466 8= B74 5@8364 5>@ >=4 7>C@ B> 2>>; 812 Pitt 6 613-936-1998 812 Pitt St. Street, Unit 6Unit - 613-936-1998 give it a try. FOR E78B4A A;867B;G FEATURED ITEMS THIS %$". WEEK *A4 0 AB08=;4AA AB44; A2>>?INGREDIENTS: '>;; B74 3>C67 >CB B782: >= 0 SENIORS %$+ ') & ' % " ' " THE BECHAMEL: FOR THE >@ CA4 A?>>=A B> MEATBALLS: 3@>? B74 ;867B;G 5;>C@43FOR 1>0@3 CB 8=B> 3 cups milk 1/4 cup milk "% GOOD "". 'STORMONT ( " LEAN $ GROUND '%*$ BEEF ONLY %$".$4.99/ POUND " LOCAL <020@>>= 10BB4@1>=B> ?0@27<4=B EVERY 3>=CBA ,4 A4;;6 3>=CB 2CBB4@A tbsp. butter slice ofB74 good white bread, trimmed of the crust $ " " ! % %$*) %$". " 1/2 tbsp. flour 41 lb. of ground pork RUBBED GREEK OREGANO ONLY $1.43/ 100 GRAMS ;8=43 2>>:84 A744B (?024 B74< 01>CB #4;B 01>CB B7@44 ?>C=3A >5 a pinch of salt 1 tsp. chopped garlic ) % + '. #%$ . - "* ( '% * )( MONDAY 0?0@B B> 0;;>E2 tbsp. 5>@ chopped 0=G A?@4038=6 )4=34@5;0:4 ;0@31/88=tspG>C@ 344? 5@G4@ ( $ %'( ground nutmeg parsley PURE GROUND BLACK PEPPER ONLY $0 .99/ 100'.GRAMS FOR THE PASTA: cup freshly 3C@8=6 10:8=6 1/3 5 G>C E8A7 grated G>C Parmesan 20= cheese
by Sharyn Thompson
1 egg salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 cup flour, spread on a plate vegetable oil for frying
1 lb. of rigatoni pasta (uncooked) 1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 2 tbsp. butter 1/4 cup milk
-Begin with the meatballs: -Warm the milk in a small saucepan without letting it simmer. Turn off the heat and add the slice of white bread. Let it soak for a little while, then pick up the bread with your hand and squeeze it gently to force off the excess milk. Put the bread into a mixing bowl. -Add the ground pork, garlic, parsley, grated Parmesan cheese, egg, salt and a few grindings of black pepper. Combine all ingredients with a fork until they are evenly combined. -Pinch off 2 small lumps of meat, each about the size of a raspberry. Place them about 2 inches apart on the palm of one hand. Bring the other palm over them and, keeping both palms flat, roll the lumps into little balls, using a circular movement while applying slight but steady pressure. If you are good with your hands, try making 3 balls at a time, so the process will go much faster. These are really tiny meatballs. -When all the meatballs have been shaped, roll them in the flour on the plate, 15 to 20 at a time. Place the floured meatballs in a strainer and shake it smartly to dispose of the excess flour. -Put enough vegetable oil in a skillet to rise 1/4 " up the sides of the pan and turn the heat to medium-high. When the oil is hot, put as many meatballs in the skillet that will fit without overcrowding. Brown them until they form a nice crust all around. When one batch is done, transfer it with a slotted spoon to a platter covered with paper towels to drain and continue to cook the next batch until all are done. -Prepare the bechamel sauce: -Heat the milk in a saucepan over low heat until it forms a ring of pearly bubbles, but do not let it break a boil. While the milk is being heated, melt the butter in a separate pan over low heat. When the butter melts, add the flour, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. When the flour has been competely dissolved, but before it becomes coloured, remove the pan from the heat. Add 2 tbsp. of milk at a time to the flour and butter mixture, stirring steadily and thoroughly. Add 2 more tbsp. of milk when the first 2 have been incorporated smoothly and evenly into the butter and flour. Stir and repeat the operation until you have put in 8 tbsp. of the milk. At this point, you can add the milk 1/2 cup at a time now, always stirring steadily until completely smooth. When all of the milk has been added, place the pan over low heat, add a pinch of salt and stir constantly until the bechamel is as dense as a thick cream. Add the ground nutmeg. Stir to combine. Set aside for a few minutes. -Boil the rigatoni in a large pot of boiling, salted water. Drain when just barely done but still quite firm. Combine immediately in a bowl with 2/3's of the bechamel sauce, half of the grated cheese and all of the meatballs. -Turn the oven to 400 ºF. -Thickly smear the bottom and sides of a 12" springform pan with the butter. Put in the rigatoni, leveling it off with a spatula. Pour the milk over it, spread the rest of the bechamel on top, and sprinkle You are cordialy invited to with the remaining Parmesan The Grand FinaleOf the Eagle’s Nest cheese. -Place the pan in the FOR: Business Plan Competition uppermost level of the prears semin Join panelists Julia Lucio, Brock Frost and -healthy cooking heated oven. Bake for 15 to Franco is Desormaux as they evaluate and crown nges 20 minutes until a golden -juicing challe the winner of the competition brown crust forms on top. -dinner party workshops Run a knife along the inside on February 27th at 7pm -workplace mini cooking seminars of the pan's ring to loosen the LIVE at the Cornwall Civic Complex -``Grocery shopping`` rigatoni. Remove the ring. Place the pasta, without with The Health Nut removing it from the bottom of the springform pan, on a CONTACT: large round platter. Allow it to settle for about 15 Sylvie Thibert, minutes, then bring it to the Nut The Health table and serve. If you can’t make it, watch on TV COGECO! -The recipe will serve 8. ENJOY! We loved it!
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 12)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
SEEKING THE ARTS . SEEKING THE ARTS The Creative Power of Grief and Tragedy
than the work that has only seen the light of day briefly was that I was able to heal the pain of this experience which had taken me to the edge of my sanity. About a year ago I had a young woman wander into my studio looking for a creative coach. She was working on a series of panels that were helping her deal with the death of her baby daughter. Although my daughter survived we still had many emotional experiences to share and understand, perhaps more so than well-meaning friends and family that encourage you to move on with your life. While painting together we cried and celebrated her daughter’s brief life and she created a body of work that is moving and beautiful even though tragedy was the catalyst for its production.
Most of us have heard the term “Suffering for their Art” this refers to the belief that Artists must suffer emotionally in order to discover their true creative potential. Although I don’t believe that it is the only way to reach your potential, I do believe that when tragedy and grief happens in our lives we are better able to deal with this emotional pain by channeling our pain into our creative expression. As I have mentioned before one of the ways the creative soul keeps itself centered and happy or sane for that matter is by making our art. When we are creating what it is we do best we are able to cope with the day to day stress that everyday living brings. When the world we live in takes a sharp left and downhill we need to embrace our creative expression and use it to make our world right again. Creative people by our very nature feel and experience emotion more intensely than our left brain peers. Our nervous systems are easily disrupted by negative experiences and overwhelmed by the positive ones; add to that a tragic experience like sickness or death and we are spinning downward toward darkness. The light at the end of our tunnel is our art. Our art is our touchstone to sanity.
If you haven’t already guessed who I am speaking of please take time to visit the TAG Gallery (formerly Cornwall Regional Art Gallery) on Pitt Street and see the works of Reneé Lalande on display until the 15th of March, 2013. Reneé’s work lets you see her and her husband’s journey through grief and finding the strength to continue through the pain of loss. To the left is one of her pieces.
Like it or not some of our best work will be born to the pain and grief we experience even if it is not palatable by the public in general or even disturbing for some to see or hear. The beauty is that, if allowed to express itself, it will give you the ability to create without the concern for sales or satisfying your customers wants and desires. The payoff is you will be able to cope with the turmoil that your life has become. When my daughter was born she was very ill and spent the first 10 months of her life fighting to stay alive. There were days when I thought that she would never be home with me and others when I was angry at the world for my situation. After my daughter came home and was on her way to health I produced some intense art that expressed my anger and isolation from friends and family that dropped away as the weeks became months and months dragged on. More important
My painting (left) is called "The Waiting Room" this portrays my isolation I felt while sitting alone waiting for my daughter's heart surgery when she was 3 months old.
These works are a testament to the power of the Creative Soul to take tragedy and make it Art.
Sandra Taylor Hedges, Fine Artist, Art Instructor, Lecturer, Writer and Creative Coach Cat Scratches - Studio Blog
Spa Manager, Linda Arsenault Graham cordially invites Registered Massage Therapists, Estheticians and Hair Stylists (including new graduates) to NAV Spa’s first ever Career Open House.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage in Morrisburg Set to Launch a Winter Spring Lineup of Shows and Workshops! The St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage launches the Winter/Spring portion of this year’s lineup on Saturday February 16th with a show and two weekend workshops, one of which will be held in Cornwall. Natalia Zukerman will be performing at the Stage at 7 pm on the 16th with Awna Teixeira opening for her. Natalia is the daughter of NAC Orchestra conductor Pinchas Zukerman. She’s a virtuoso slide and blues guitarist as well as a visual artist and Awna Teixeira is a roots and folk performer who previously graced the Stage three years ago when she was touring with the band Po’Girl.
The show is going to be absolutely terrific and on top of this, folks at the Stage also work to make the touring musicians they bring in available to local musicians and artists and they are offering two workshops with Natalia Zukerman. The first will be Saturday February 16th before her show at the Stage. This will be a slide guitar workshop from 2-4 pm at the OETIO/Morrisburg Meeting Centre. In this workshop Natalia will get students to try out different slide guitar techniques and alternate tunings and she’ll get students using various materials such as glass, metal and lap style. Students should have some familiarity with the guitar for this workshop, but do not need any prior experience playing slide guitar.
Then the next day, on Sunday February 17th from 2-4 pm, they are holding a second workshop in partnership with The Art Gallery Cornwall called “Songwriting with a Painter’s Eye” to be held at the Gallery at 168 Pitt Street. This workshop is for both visual artists and musicians (or anyone who is just interested, no prior visual or musical arts background required). In this workshop Natalia is going to work with students on creating image-based songs and song-based images, she has delivered this type of workshop all over North America and it’s a great way to get inspired, no matter your art form or your level of experience! Another workshop this year will be held later in the season on Saturday April 27th with fingerstyle guitarist Laurence Juber, he’s a two-time Grammy winner and former lead guitarist for Paul McCartney!
All of the St. Lawrence Stage workshops are $25 each, people can contact them to sign up at or can pick up tickets at Strung Out Guitars, at the Art Gallery in Cornwall for the February 17th workshop, or online via their ‘News’ page, where there’s also pdf documents linked from that page with fuller descriptions on the workshops.
Seaway Valley Theatre Company presents week two of Chicago! Photo by Jason Setnyk
Last week Chicago filled Aultsville Theatre again and again and again! This weekend is your last chance to see a terrific show. Tickets for SVTCs Musical Production “Chicago” are still on sale. You can purchase tickets at: Cornwall Square Administration Office (1 Water Street East Cornwall, Ontario). Phone: 613-938-2118. Cash or cheque only. Tickets: $20 – Adults, $18 – Student/Senior 60+, and $16 – Children 12 and under Remaining show dates: February 15th & 16th, 2013 at 7:30 pm Location: Aultsville Theatre (2 St. Lawrence Drive in Cornwall Ontario). Read a full article by Bob Sloan in next weeks Seeker!
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And that’s just the workshops! The Stage has another incredible lineup this Winter and Spring: in addition to Natalia Zukerman and Awna Teixeira on February 16th, they have Juno award winner Amelia Curran with Jill Zmud opening on March 2nd, the phenomenal New Country Rehab on April 6th, Laurence Juber on April 27th and a lineup of emerging artists on May 25th. Their Winter/Spring Pass is still on sale for $65 for all five shows and individual show info is available here:
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 14)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
PULLING STRINGS by Chuck Leclair
SEEKING THE ARTS . SEEKING THE ARTS The Birth of Two-Coined Sound Hey Cornwall Folk,
From the moment we are in our mother’s womb, we as animals are susceptible to sound. Like a baby kangaroo tucked in her mother’s pouch, over nurtured time these sounds become a “pitter-pattern” to our lives…..and we may not even know it! Inevitably, we are born as a cute baby and the sounds become ever acuter. If you listen hard enough, Mother Nature is our best musician and conductor. As the wind blows; she hums a melody, as precipitation falls; she sings a song and as the thunder roars; she is crashing cymbals. Sound is everywhere…..both in our daily lives and in the subconscious.
"Weather" you are in your car, on a lunch break, doing groceries or even doing housework on a Sunday afternoon, both sound and music infiltrate us. In our society, music can be accessed in various manners; from turning on the radio, flipping over vinyl and video cassette sides, popping in a cd or merely stealing content over the internet, we as humans crave our music. As the act of listening to music is vital, that same act is only one side of the coin. Through my musical travels over the last few years I have yet to meet anybody who doesn’t enjoy listening to music or who can’t recite their favorite song. On the other hand, what I do encounter in these travels are people who say they love listening to music but couldn’t keep a beat if their life depended on it. Speaking on behalf of Mother Nature, I would argue that everybody has a musical bone somewhere in their body, the coin’s second side. Personally, I think there are too many broken veins to music and not one main unified umbilical chord. In my opinion, the mechanism to maximize music’s true power is to not only encourage the act of listening, but to also encourage and provide opportunities for people to observe, experiment, play and perform. “Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us” —Oliver Wendell Holmes “Alone, math is merely numbers; alone, language is just words; but together births music” -Chuck Leclair Chuck Leclair is a local musician, songwriter, music promoter/activist and small business owner. He also musically donates his time to the CMHA and the Agape Center and is a Board of Director/Treasurer for our beloved Cornwall & the Counties Arts and Culture Council. E-mail comments and musical quotes to or add him to Facebook to follow his events and shows dates.
Going Vertical: A New Approach To Fitness Article and photos by Grant Reso
With its origins in adult entertainment venues and exotic dance clubs, there's no short list of misconceptions on the subject of pole dancing, pole dancers and their classes. However this isn’t pole dancing—it’s pole fitness— and this isn’t 1998.
Over three hundred women (ages 20-45) filled the sizeable studio at Shannon Champagne’s “A Lil Pole Fitness” open house. The studio corralled with several poles, hardwood floor and a modern welcoming décor, was swarmed with excited women curious about the concept of pole fitness.
“We’re teaching pole fitness. We’re taking that dance aspect as well as putting in that fitness aspect, so we’re strengthening the upper body and core”.
Demonstrating various techniques of this vertical workout, women looked on with smiles and already feeling great about themselves—something Shannon believes is what attracts women to pole fitness.
The backstory: How did Shannon Champagne (Then Fourney), get involved in pole fitness? “I actually got involved six years ago. I was always interested [in pole fitness]. I would see it on YouTube or TV and I wanted to try it”.
Shannon began travelling to Ottawa weekly to take classes paying over three hundred dollars once a month. After gaining enough experience in pole fitness, and a background in teaching Zumba, Shannon decided it was time to bring this new form of workout to Cornwall.
What about the negativity and stigma that surrounds pole dancing? Correction. It’s pole fitness!
“We’re definitely trying to strip away from that negativity—that stigma. We’re putting a new spin on it by basically making it sexy and not dirty. We’re not teaching erotic dancing. We’re teaching fitness but in a comfortable and clothed environment. You’re having fun with a bunch of ladies and it’s all laughs—it’s that breakaway from the everyday”. Oh yes, it definitely is a breakaway from something different. It’s a place where women can group together in a closed environment and feel sexy about themselves. So men and women living in 1920, this isn’t women dressed in underwear thinner than dental floss or wearing school girl outfits. This is about fitness. A typical class involves warm-ups, stretching, strength techniques, and of course learning the choreography and pole techniques—not learning how to accept a five-dollar bill.
For Shannon, opening up a pole fitness studio was bringing something different and new to the city. “I just wanted to bring something new and exciting to Cornwall. There’s tons of different classes, but Cornwall never had pole fitness”.
Shannon is quite passionate about pole fitness and breaking away from that negativity that surrounds the subject of the brass pole. For those interested in learning more about this non-exotic, yet sexy and appealing fitness program, you can contact Shannon by calling 613-577-1900 or visit the Facebook Page at A Lil’ Pole Fitness.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 15) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
With Valentine’s Day approaching and all the hoopla that goes along with it, I decided to create a Top Ten List. Being in a relationship definitely has its perks, but there are downsides too. So, while I am still single and feeling good about ithere is my bah hum bug to dear old St. Valentine’s Day (in no particular order): 1. I get a queen size bed all to myself. Well, some nights. Many nights I end up sharing it with a shorthaired tabby, a 40-lb. Springer-Beagle mix and a very “limby” seven year-old, but the bed does belong to me and only me. Yeah, right. 2. I don’t have to share my bathroom. Well, I guess what that means is that I get 5 minutes to shower before the cat, the dog and the seven yearold decide that they can no longer stand to be in another room without me and pack into our 4x6 bathroom to wrestle around my ankles while I attempt to get ready for work.
3. I don’t have to argue with a boyfriend where to eat out. I get to decide. Yes, I get to decide that it is easier to eat at East Side Mario’s for the onegazillionth time than to argue and attempt to convince a second grader that she would really love Thai food. 4. Fleece pyjamas. I never have to dress to impress. Head to toe fleece. Some days until noon. 5. No bad manners. Living in an all-girl household means the toilet seat is ALWAYS down, we don’t discuss bodily functions on end and there is this lovely absence of belching, loudly breaking wind and other “guy” habits. 6. No critics. Being a single parent makes you an easy target for criticism, so the absence of a boyfriend means that I don’t need to hear from a childless bachelor who babysat once in 8th grade and has a niece he sees twice a month on how to discipline my child. Enough said. 7. No curfews. I can go out. I can come in. I can leave and be gone for hours. No one knows (maybe the cat). No one cares. Yeeehhhhaaawwww! 8. Single friends. I love my older married and divorced girlfriends, but boy, are we full of reality. Life has left no room for us to fantasize about “what might be.” Being single gives me a chance to mingle with younger, not-yet-married people and I tend to enjoy their innocent, looking-forward-to-life spirit. It is uplifting and reminds me of why we push on. 9. Guiltless living. I can devour pizza at 11pm, down an entire chocolate bar or indulge in a second cup of coffee and the only one giving me a guilt complex is me. One of us is plenty. 10. That very special “mommy time.” No being pulled in multiple directions. No guilt. Just her and I. Plus the cat. And the dog. For now. Sara Murphy is a freelance journalist, musician, cancer survivor, community cheerleader and mom. To reach Sara for questions or comments, email You can also visit her websites at or
HEADING FOR HAPPY with Sara Murphy
Sara’s Top Ten List of Reasons It’s Great to Be Single
Hello! I’m back. I’d like to tell you about my recent outing to the Summerstown Trails for an afternoon of cross country skiing. I was excited to include my binoculars in the small backpack I took. It was a clear cold day with a recent snow fall. The forest was silent. There was not a breath of wind. The deciduous trees were of course bare and black looking and I noticed lots of animal tracks criss-crossing the ski trail at numerous locations. In a swampy area, there were the remnants of last year’s bull rushes, fallen logs, and the tops of a variety of aquatic plants to give the area a look of nature being a terrible housekeeper. Then I spotted a very large nest in a spruce tree, like a platform about 20 feet up. I got out the binoculars to see it in more detail. There was no sign of life, up there, but it got me wondering what sort of bird built it. I’ve seen Great Blue Heron nests, but this one seemed smaller than those, and too close to the ground. I’ll come back in the spring to check it out again. I continued on. And found something else. This time it was a pine tree with the entire side of the trunk a different colour. Coming closer, I could see that the bark had been chipped off, perhaps by a bird or maybe a climbing animal .The under surface was covered with tiny holes, hundreds of them, all the same diameter. I know that Chickadees depend on worms living under bark as a food source, and that these larvae, containing lots of fat, can sustain them for a couple of days. Some things I’ve seen are really thrilling, such as the sight of a mother fox with three cubs following her in single file across a road, and caught in the headlights of my car. Today’s observations, although not of this caliber, still remind me that as we go about our lives, working, eating, and sleeping, that there is another world going on all around us as well. A very interesting one!
Looking to get away from the cold with some warmth?
Are you looking to have a good time with friends? The Cornwall Youth Advisory Committee (CYAC) is hosting a Free Teen Swim this Saturday (February 16) from 8:30-10:00 p.m. at the Cornwall Aquatic Centre. Invite your friends!
All teens are welcome! Hope to see you there!
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 16) BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
EYE ON SPORTS by David Murphy
The Games People Play Politics of sports can sometimes make you shake your head. While we try to keep politics at a minimum level with minor sports, the young boys and girls playing the game are not the only ones who watch and learn from the professionals. The Cornwall River Kings are a very good news story for the community and I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking there would be growing pains in their inaugural season. Growing pains or changes and tweaks are to be expected as a new franchise finds “its way”. On the ice, the team has built a strong nucleus of players that bodes well, not only heading into this spring’s playoffs but beyond as well. Off the ice, there’s a solid fan base that’ll only grow in seasons to come. But after covering hockey for almost 20 years at various levels, this year has seen a couple of firsts that nobody could’ve predicted. Case one is Wayne Veary stepping down from the GM post rather abruptly a few weeks ago. To his credit, he stuck around until the trade deadline despite news of his departure coming out before that. Veary was one of the key figures at the announcement of the franchise coming to Cornwall in the VIP room at the Civic Complex last summer.
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Case two involves one of the other players who was vital to the franchise coming to Cornwall and becoming the River Kings. I’m talking about Mitch Gagne. He and the franchise have parted company. He started the season has Director of Hockey Operations and worked alongside Al Wagar in the front office.
Two of the four main players (Wagar and team owner Bernie Villeneuve are the others) in the four man photo as this team was launched are no longer with the River Kings. As I mentioned earlier, in almost 20 seasons of hockey coverage, that’s a first. Hopefully the door will stop revolving and the game of musical chairs in the front office won’t affect the on ice product. So far, it hasn’t. Wagar and Mike Ruest have been around long enough to ensure the players are focused on the game that’ll be played on the ice and not in the boardroom. Good luck to Veary and Gagne. And good luck to the River Kings as they look to go deep into the LNAH playoffs.
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THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 17)
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
KNOW YOUR PLACE by Alyssa Blais
I love that the month of February is almost over and March is just around the corner? Ahh March with its melting snow, longer days and … International Women’s Day!
International Women’s Day is held annually on March 8 to celebrate women’s achievements throughout history and across nations. It is also known as the United Nations (UN) Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights" Gloria Steinem. We have much to celebrate. Just take a look at Canadian premiers these days! Women are leading six of 13 provinces and territories. It is a great time in our history to shine in Canadian politics. Here is something to ponder from a time not too long ago. Widows and unmarried women were granted the right to vote in municipal elections only in 1884 in Ontario. At the beginning of 1919, the right to vote was extended to all women except Quebec, which did not do so until 1940. Wow. To celebrate International Women’s Day, the Canadian Federation of University Women of Cornwall in partnership with the Cornwall Public Library, is showing the documentary Miss Representation by Jennifer Siebel Newsom. The film explores how the media’s misrepresentations of women have led to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence. It uncovers a glaring reality we live with every day but fail to see and challenges the media’s limited and often disparaging portrayals of women and girls. Media is the most persuasive force that is shaping our cultural norms. The average child consumes over 7 hours of media a day and teenagers over 10 hours a day. This documentary is a must see for everyone over the age of 10 years old. Some content may not be suitable for younger viewers.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 18)
DATE: Sunday, March 10th, 2013 TIME: 1:00 pm LOCATION: Cornwall Public Library, 45 Second E, Cornwall PRICE OF ADMISSION: We are asking people to bring a jar of peanut butter to support the Agape Centre. Also, during the month of March, Politigal will be starting a new series! Our first series celebrated its conclusion with a dinner party at Schnitzels. Over a dozen like-minded women attended. During the pilot Politigal series, we learned so much from our very own city councillors: Councillor MacDonald and Councillor Clément. We also had the opportunity to connect with other city councillors from Ottawa and Kingston. These women shared with us a tremendous amount of insights and are driven to govern their communities with integrity. Politigal is an opportunity, a way for women to become engaged and inspired in their community. We urgently need more female leaders to showcase their talents. Check us out and register for our next session:
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
What’s going on Filmophiles? YIPPEE KI YAY MOTHER RUSSIA!!! Did everyone go and see DIE HARD yesterday? Woohoo! That’s the next review for sure! This week we’re taking a look at a few amazing movies that pull your heart strings and make you go pitter patter. So to all the guys out there, these are the movies you should have watched with your sweethearts yesterday, or this weekend. Crank2: High Voltage (2009) Yes, if Crank wasn’t enough of an adrenalin rush for you, we have Crank 2. Chelios is back! Yes, because when you’re Chev Chelios (Jason Statham), falling out of an airplane to your death doesn’t kill you! (see Crank for details) This time a Chinese mobster has stolen Chelios’ heart and he has to keep zapping himself with electricity in order to stay alive and keep his electric heart alive. It has a bad battery. I don’t write the movie scripts, just the reviews! Definitely 96 minutes of sheer heart-pounding energy for you and your loved one on Valentine’s Day. “Honey, you stole my heart like Chinese mobster!”
Indianna Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) OK, so it’s a classic from the 80’s but when Short Round tells Indianna “No time for love Dr. Jones” I get goose bumps. The action packed follow-up to Raider’s takes us to India and an ancient village that is ruined by the loss of a magical stone and all their children. Dr. Jones, Willie, and Short Round find themselves guests of the young Maharaja, in his temple…yes of doom. Please try and keep up. There won’t be a summary at the end as I only have limited space. The film takes you into the pit where Mola Ram reaches into the chest of his prisoner and pulls out his still beating heart. Kalima! Of course it has a happy ending, and Indy gets the girl. “Honey you took hold of my heart just like Mola Ram!” I hope you’re writing these down. These are pure gold! Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest (2006) and At World’s End (2007). Come on! What woman wouldn’t want to sit down for 5 hours and watch Orlando Bloom running around with his shirt off, and then on but open, and then soaking wet…that’s true love men. In the first part Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) must try and recover the broken compass, that will lead Lord Cutler Beckett (Tom Hollander) to the still beating heart of Davy Jones (Bill Nighy), so he can control the sea. We also learn of a love story between Davy Jones and Calipso, goddess of the sea. Then their Elizabeth Swan’s (Keira Knightley) love for Will, and Cpt. Jack Sparrow’s (Johnny Depp) love for…well for rum! Savvy? By the end of the second movie you learn how much Will really loves Elizabeth. And keep watching to the end of the credits, cause there’s a surprise at the end! “Honey I would cut my one heart out for you, I love you so much”
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3 pc, ivory colour, 100% Cotton , Queen FashioND GRA n Show provid PRIZ Fashio En ed by provid Show ed by Quilt set, along with a beautiful bedroom supplied by Furn BRIDAiture L'S DREAM Villa BRIDAge L'S DREAM rustic 26"x38" print" Valued at $400.00
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So there you have it! This Valentine’s Day Weekend (or next year) put on one of these movies, pop a big bowl of popcorn and you’re sure to be in her good books. Or just buy some flowers!
“ Hold and Secure” Yesterday at East Front Public School
East Front Public School was placed in a “Hold and Secure” status this morning in response to a police incident in the community. The incident was resolved with an arrest and did not involve the school. All staff and students remained safe. There were no injuries.
Principal Joe Harty gave the order at the request of Cornwall Police about 8:30 a.m. During the incident all parents who were driving their children to school, and three school buses, were directed to wait safely parked on Easton Avenue, as police had established a perimeter at the intersection of Easton Avenue and Dunbar Street.
At approximately 9:40 am, the school was contacted by Cornwall Police informing them that the incident in the community had been resolved and that it was safe to lift the “Hold and Secure” order.
Classes later resumed as scheduled.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 19) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Upcoming E-Biz Seminars
I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer
and I’m Julia the Web Designer
February 19th, 2013 - 7:30 to 9:30 am “Buying & Selling On-Line” McIntosh Country Inn, Morrisburg March 8th, 2013 - 8:30 to 11:30 am “Using Google Analytics” Cornwall Civic Complex
and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS
March 12th, 2013 - 8:30 to 11:30 am “Web Accessibility” South Glengarry Municipal Office, Lancaster
We hope that you have enjoyed reading
this issue of The Seeker
March 21st, 2013 - 8:30 to 11:30 am “Blogging” Cornwall Civic Complex
We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome.
To Register - Call 613-930-2787 ext 2276 Registration Fee - $15 per person Refreshments provided
STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm
- Cornwall & Area
closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...
We can help the healing begin
216 Montreal Road, Cornwall, ON K6H 1B4 613-936-1455
Fax: 613-936-1682
BFO Adult Afternoon Support Group is open to all bereaved adults struggling with the loss of a loved one.
613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis email:
WHEN: February 26th
See you next week
TIME: 1:00 – 3:00p.m. WHERE: 216 Montreal Road
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND, 2013 or read the paper online
Together we can help the healing begin
“One of a kind ... with you in mind!” 613-932-1875 - Evening & Weekend appointments available ... THE LOCAL SEEKER (February 15 - pg. 20)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Evening & Weekend appointments also!