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Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r

Vol ume 7 Issue 20 May 20, 2016

Wh at ar e t h ese k i d s wai t i n g fo r ?

Th e o p en i n g o f St eel wat er Po o l s & Sp as o f co u r se! Read more on page 4 Photo by MAI-LIIS RENAUD

50% of f Pool Opening kit s. Reg. Price $49.99 NOW $25.00. Offer Valid from May21 - June 15, 2016. Limited Quantities Only.

items in kit may differ from image

The Spring Market is now in f ul l swing. Cal l me t o t ake advant age of it !

Always a Dunne Deal



Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ? The SEEKER can sometimes be hard to find and the stands tend to be empty by Sunday. WHY? you ask ...b ecau se o u r "Week l y Do se o f Po si t i ve News" i s a Ho t It em s ar o u n d To wn !!! Ou r r ead er s can 't g et en o u g h !


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inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch

Since there is plenty of controversial topics going around this week, from Jim McDonnell claiming the liberals will do away with Natural Gas, to Justin Trudeau's Manhandling of the Opposition Leader, to the vote on assisted suicide, I decided to sit this one out. Here is, instead, a letter to the editor. To die or not to die? There has

been much discussion regarding this question since the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously declared the criminal prohibition against physician-assisted dying unconstitutional, on February 6, 2015. The decision was suspended by the Court to give Parliament and the provincial legislatures time to enact legislation, and medical regulatory authorities (Colleges) and medical associations time to develop policies and guidelines. On January 15, 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada gave the federal government additional time, until June 6, 2016, to further consider the necessary amendments to the law. During this time, or until new legislation is passed, those who wish to seek physician-assisted dying may apply to the court in their jurisdiction for an exemption from the current law prohibiting physician-assisted dying. Without such an exemption, it remains illegal for anyone, including physicians, to counsel, aid, or abet a person to commit suicide. In my opinion, killing is not health care. Neither is it an acceptable solution to human suffering. I recently had the pleasure of taking part, in organizing a conference called ?Life Matters?. This was a full day conference that was held at the Agora Center on April 23rd with presentations on physician assisted suicide, euthanasia and abortion. 75 people attended and it turned out to be an amazing day, filled with informative talks shared by dynamic speakers. Faye Sonier, ED of Canadian Physicians for Life, spoke on physician?s conscience rights followed by her husband Albertos Polizogopoulos, who is a constitutional law and civil litigation lawyer in Ottawa. His presentation focused on the present laws in Canada on these issues. Dr MJ Randlett who is a palliative care physician in Cornwall, spoke about hospice palliative care and the importance of Canada wide access to palliative care resources. Alex

Ag re e to d isa g re e


by Julia Lucio

If the rack is empty and you have missed your copy - don't worry - you can still r ead u s o n l i n e at www.t h eseek er .ca - We also have a Ho m e Del i ver y o p t i o n It 's easy - cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ex t 5

Schadenberg, ED for Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, revealed how he feels assisted suicide will create new paths of abuse for elders, people with disabilities and other socially devalued people. He believes the safeguards within Bill C-14 are an illusion. Finally, Angelina Steenstra who is the National Coordinator for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and myself, the Regional Coordinator of Ontario for the same campaign; spoke about the devastation abortion brings to women, men and families. We also shared the personal testimonies of our abortions. All of the talks are on YouTube and can be viewed by searching, life matters conference followed by the name of the person whose talk you want to view. To find out what you can do to show your opposition to physician assisted suicide, go to www.4mycanada.ca Life matters from conception to natural death. Sincerely, Dale Barr


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Did you know ... t hat Advert ising IN THE SEEKER is NOTan expense- it 'san INVESTMENT? So what are you wait ing f or? Call Mai-Liis TODAY - 613-935-3763 ext 102 - LET'S CHAT!

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity

Ne w s


SVTC?s t ent h anniversary season cont inues wit h ?Bl it he Spirit ? Following the success of their production of ?Into the Woods? in February, the Seaway Valley Theatre Company continue their tenth anniversary season with their staging of Sir Noël Coward?s classic comedy, ?Blithe Spirit? . Charles Condamine (Terry Mazerolle) is a successful novelist who lives happily with his second wife, Ruth (Chantal Desnoyers), on their country estate. As research for a new book he?s writing, he and Ruth invite Madame Arcati (Christiane Taylor), an eccentric clairvoyant of questionable repute, to their home for a séance. They also invite their friends, George and Violet Bradman (Andy Davidson and Marion Barnes), to round out the evening. Charles?s ulterior motive to expose his bizarre guest as a fraud goes wildly askew when she accidentally conjures up the spirit of his ?rst wife, Elvira (Lacie Petrynka), who died seven years prior. Visible only to Charles and lonely for him on the ?other side?, upper crust hilarity ensues as Elvira repeatedly tries to disrupt his

Cit y of Cornwal l set t l es l egal act ion wit h Seaway Media Inc.

The City of Cornwall, through its legal counsel and insurance provider, has settled a Small Claims Court legal action initiated by Seaway Media Inc. (Cornwall Free News) regarding the removal of Mr. Jamie Gilcig from a City Council meeting in February 2013. The plaintiff originally sought claims in the amount of $40,000. The City settled the matter without proceeding to trial when Seaway Media accepted a $3,000 settlement. In the interest of transparency and accountability, there is no confidentiality clause placed on the settlement. ?This three-year-old event has been an unfortunate distraction,? said Chief Administrative Officer Maureen Adams. ?We are happy to put this matter behind us and move forward with the constructive and important business of the City.?

current marriage to Ruth so she can have him to herself again. Unwittingly holding the key to solving the ghostly predicament is Edith (Anna Villeneuve), the Condomines??ighty though well meaning maid. ?Blithe Spirit? is produced by Lise Richer and directed by Michael DeWolfe. The play will be staged at Dream Builder Studios, 2107 Second Street West, on May 27, 28, June 3, 4, 10 and 11. Curtain time is 7:30 pm. A matinée will also be performed on Sunday, June 5 at 1:30 pm. Tickets are $20.00 and are available in advance online at ; in person at the Cornwall and Counties www.svtc.theticketwicket.ca Tourism O ce, 691 Brookdale Avenue, Unit E; or by phone at 613-938-4748 or 1-800-937-4748. They will also be available at the door for thirty minutes before each performance. All seats are general admission and the theatre is wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit . Be sure www.svtc.ca to follow the hashtag # SVTCBlitheSpirit on social media, too

End of Rivet t e?s Road at Fais Moi Ta Toune CORNWALL, ON May 17 , 2016 Franco Ontarien and Cornwallite Kevin Rivette , who was one of the last twelve finalists the semi ?final round in the 7 to 77 category of the Québec popular Talent Search ?, unfortunately met again the end of his vocal journey. Rivette?s journey has been one of many , always searching to get ahead in his musical aspirations as a vocalist over the past 10 years in various talent searches from Canada?s Got Talent, Canadian Idol, and 4 time auditions with The Voice ? La Voix in Quebec? with no luck. However, Rivette did make his mark in a quarter final win with Propluse Ta Voix in 2015 and a win in the Category of Male Vocalist Champion in the competition of Trois Pistoles en Chanson. Rivette, who auditioned in Pincourt Quebec in 2015 , continued his musical talents with back to back wins in the elimination and quarter final rounds , however, the Semi ?Finals would find him eliminated after his incredible performance of Stevie Wonder?s ?Superstition?. Ironically after his performance, host and popular artist and prodigy of Eric Lapointe Mr. Rick Hughes asked Rivette if at this stage of the competition if he was superstitious himself s where her replied:? Yes but in certain things, but not in everything!? In his opening comments during the live web stream performance over the weekend, Rivette acknowledged everyone in the competition who truly made a difference as well as the province of Quebec who welcomed Rivette on stage and on their computers and in their homes with open arms or ears yet again. ?I wish to personally thank each and every one of you who have come here, to each of the performances and encouraged all of us up here on stage and while on this journey. It?s because of you and all of the sponsors of this event that this is possible. I am proud to represent my Franco Ontarian friends and I thank you for allowing me to come here, no matter the outcome this evening, I thank all of you for your support and the love you have shown me on and off this stage!?The Final Round of this competition in the category of 7-77 will take place on May 28, 2016 in the Salle Jeffery of Auberge Albatros in Asbestos Quebec. Tickets for the show can be purchased by calling 1-819-560-1070 or directly at the door the evening of the event. . The live stream link again will be posted on https:/ / www.facebook.com/ concoursfaismoitatoune 15 minutes before the show starts at 7:30 PM. Rivette strongly encourages you to watch the final show and share an evening of incredible talent. Photo Credit: FerlandPhoto.com Official Photographer of Fais Moi Ta Toune

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


St eel wat er Pool s & Spas brings it s ref reshing new swimming pool ret ail concept t o t he corner of Fourt h St West and Cumberl and St reet st art ing May 20, 2016. Steelwater Pools & Spas honours old school values and concepts while using its expert sales consultants to help swimming pool owners?spend more time with family and less money on their pool! Home of t he $99 Pool Opening & Cl osing Having a Pool should be fun and not expensive! We offer the lowest prices in Cornwall and Area for Pool Openings, Closings and Repairs. We currently serve over 100 clients in the S.D. & G. Area and continue to grow. Why? It?s simple? ..our prices are the lowest for services and products and we?re fast, friendly and easy to do business with at all times! Expert Pool Buil ders 100 percent locally owned and operated service. No out of town contractors and no excuses! Our short wait times and clear expectations set us apart from our competitors. Our 15 plus years of experience ensures you get the best quality service for the best possible price. GUARANTEED. Wat er t est ing made easy and simpl e Our Water Testing services ensures your family?s investment is protected and that your water is safe and worry free! Detailed and simple to follow instructions are available for everything from Opening & Closing your Pool to maintaining beautiful sparkling pool water! Above Ground Pool s & Al l Types of Liners We love pools! We believe everyone should enjoy a pool and nothing is more affordable than a quality above ground pool installed by industry professionals who love what they do and do it efficiently. We offer installations of new and used pools while offering parts for most makes and models. Our liner offerings are numerous and from the largest manufacturer in the industry and our price for installs for above ground liners is just $500! We also GUARANTEE the lowest prices on all In Ground Pool Liner Installations! Steelwater Pools is located at 425-B Fourth St West, Cornwall Ontario

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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




CENTRE Op en Vic t o r iaDay Mo nday8-5 - mo st Var iet ies - Mo st Quant it ies - Best Pr ic ing

Kryst al and her Team ...

NEXT WEEKEND - Saturday, May 28, 11-2

We are here t o hel p you ... and show you our NEW LOOK!

201 Nint h St reet East , Cornwal l - 613-933-0592 Hours: Mon t o Fri. 8am-9pm, Sat : 8am-6pm, Sun: 8am-5pm NEXT W EEKEND - Sat u r day, M ay 28 gr ab your gar den gloves and head over to the Cor nw all Justice Building Plaza (on Pitt Str eet near City Hall) for the 4th annual Tr ansition Cor nw all + Food Action Gr oup "Incr edible Edible Plant Festival". This year ?s festival w ill r un fr om 11am -2pm , and w ill featur e our fam ous vegetable plant give-aw ay and a huge bouquet of fr ee, fam ily-center ed activities hosted by m em ber s of the All Things Food SDG Com m unity Food Netw or k . We have a huge selection of cher r y tom atoes, gr een beans, spinach, lettuce and sw eet pepper plants, gener ously donated by TC+ Food Action Gr oup and M ar lin Or char ds & Gar den Centr e, just w aiting to go hom e w ith you! Not a str ong gar dener ? Don't w or r y! We w ill have exper ienced gar dener s at infor m ation tables, r eady and eager to help you pick the r ight plant for your patio, step, or balcony. Young and budding gar dener s w ill be invited to help Gr ow ing Up Or ganic, one of our event par tner s, plant the Fir e Station and Justice Building com m unity vegetable gar dens. These gar dens w ill pr ovide fr ee food for the sur r ounding neighbour hood thr oughout the sum m er. The fun does not stop ther e! We have a ser ies of fr ee gar dening activities, cooking w or kshops, and live m usic being offer ed by our par tner s Kozr oots Com m unity Em pow er m ent Pr ojects, Ontar io Ear ly Year s Centr e of SD&G, the Seaw ay Valley Com m unity Health Centr e, and sever al local m usical ar tists. On-going activities include sunflow er planting, gar den cr afts, sensor y gam es, table top toys, and face painting, so you w ill w ant to br ing a picnic and stay for the w hole day. SAVE THIS DATE!

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Sha ry n

Tw o Si mpl e Di sh es

THO M PSO N Am I t he onl y one who f inds a f orgot t en package of grape t omat oes in t heir veget abl e crisper?That happened t o me just af t er New Years. I had purchased t oo many veggies and I f ound my t omat oes just get t ing a f ew wrinkl es. I sal vaged t hem by cooking t hem wit h our l ovel y virgin Sicil ian ol ive oil and garl ic, onions and herbs and t opped a pizza I was making f rom scrat ch. Del icious! These t omat oes woul d go perf ect l y al ongside gril l ed f ish or chicken.


My second dish was using several sol e f il l et s. I made a bechamel sauce t o snuggl e t he f ish in and t opped t his wit h some grat ed Gruyere cheese. Easy and del icious. Bot h dishes are wort h making.


Enjoy a great l ong weekend. I hope t he weat her warms up. On Monday, I saw our wee hummingbird sipping his syrup wit h snowf l akes gent l y f al l ing around him. Where is our 'gl obal warming'? Have a great week!


METHOD: 1. Make the bechamel sauce: -Melt the butter in a saute pan. Add the diced onion and cook this for a couple of minutes. 2. Stir in the flour and cook, stirring with a whisk for a couple of minutes. Add the warm milk and cook, stirring until thickened. Stir in the Kosher salt, pepper, cayenne and nutmeg.


2 packages of grape tomatoes, sliced in 1/ 2 or 1/ 3 depending on their size 4 tbsp. of Sharyn's Pantry virgin Sicilian olive oil 1 large onion, diced 1 whole garlic bulb, separated, peeled and sliced thinly 2 tbsp. rubbed basil 2 tbsp. granulated garlic powder 2 tsp. smoked paprika 4 tbsp. turbinado sugar (or use brown sugar) 1 tsp. Kosher salt 1/ 2 tsp. ground black pepper

METHOD: 1. 2.

Heat the olive oil in a saute pan. Add the sliced grape tomatoes and the diced onion and sliced garlic. Cook this for a few minutes. Add in all of the seasonings and continue to cook until the tomatoes thicken a bit. I cooked mine for about 15 minutes. I tasted as I went along. But try not to eat it all as it cooks. This is delicious! ENJOY!

SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt St, Unit 6, Cornwall,Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Mondayto Saturday- 9 to 5



Sha nno n

FERG USO N Sel f ish and Singl e: Why Sharing Wit h Yoursel f is Al l You Need Growing up as an only child, I spent the bulk of my life proving to people how good I was at sharing. I became a master of compromise and, hating confrontation, flourished at making sure everyone always ended up in a win-win situation. I hated the stigmas associated with not having siblings: spoiled, not good at sharing, selfish. Those words still make me cringe but being single has shown me that sometimes it?s okay to be selfish, and sometimes not sharing is the only way to become independent. I spent most of my 20s in serious relationships and I shared a lot. I shared my time, I shared holidays, I shared movie choices, and I shared my love. I shared openly and freely, without hesitation and with complete sincerity. Looking back, maybe I compromised too easily, maybe I shared too much, and maybe I was na誰ve enough to think being benevolent would help love stay. It didn?t.

3 sole fillets 4 tbsp. butter 1 spanish onion (or 2 regular onions, diced) 4 tbsp. flour 2 to 2- 1/ 2 cups milk (I use 1/ 2 cup skim milk powder and add warm water to get 2 cups or 2- 1/ 2 cups milk) 1/ 2 tsp. Kosher salt and 1/ 4 tsp. ground white pepper a pinch of ground nutmeg and a pinch of cayenne pepper grated Gruyere cheese (1/ 2 cup to 1 cup)

NOTE: You want the sauce to have the thickness of a thick cream soup, not too thin and not too thick. If necessary, add more milk to achieve the proper consistency. -Cook for about 3 minutes longer. Stir constantly. -Place the fish fillets in a greased shallow baking dish. Pour the bechamel sauce over top of them. -Grate the Gruyere cheese and sprinkle it over top of the sauce. Place the dish in a 350 degree F. oven and bake for about 25 minutes, until the fish is cooked and the cheese turns golden. -I served this with steamed broccoli, cauliflower and a baked potato. It would be awesome with the sauteed grape tomatoes. ENJOY!

world beyond my front door or choose to stay in bed and watch Netflix (which by the way, gives me much more accurate suggestions now that I?m not sharing. How did they KNOW I would love The Mindy Project?) I can go to the gym or order a pizza. I can go out of town at the last second. I can live my life on my own terms and not worry about sharing my time with another person and trying to plan my life around their schedule. Not gonna lie, sometimes I do get those conflicted pangs of wanting to share my life again. Thinking it would be nice to have someone around, someone who made me not want to be selfish anymore. Someone who wanted to share adventures, no matter how big or small (and not just at the beginning of the relationship when everyone?s on their best behavior). Someone who made sharing easy and who made me want to revert back to my old pre-broken self, full of guileless hope and butterflies and love. Someone who didn?t take advantage of my sharing but saw it?s benefits as much as I do. I?m not there yet though. I still need time to heal, to mend my heart and my soul. I need time to be selfish and do my own thing. I have already found so much independence and I?m not ready to give it up yet. I am happy being single and making my way in this world without sharing my compass or believing that another person?s wants and desires are more important than my own. I often times need to remind the hopeless romantic part of my brain that I?m not losing out on flowers and kisses but instead gaining a whole side of my bed that once seemed obsolete. It?s gonna take someone special to make me want to share that again, but for now I?ll continue living life selfishly and sharing myself with the people who will never break my heart and who always share back just as much.

So, now that I?m single I?m beginning to enjoy not having to share my life with a significant other. I have enough friends and family to disperse my time with that the thought of throwing another person into the mix makes me want to gag. I don?t want to share my bed or my pizza. I don?t want to share time between families at Christmas and Thanksgiving. I don?t want to share the cable bill or my Netflix. I don?t want to share my hopes and dreams. Most of all, I don?t want to share moments and make memories with someone who will just hurt me in the end.

Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk

It goes further than having my guard up. To the extent that I actually enjoy doing my own thing and not having to run things by anyone. I am thoroughly loving my independence and taking this small blip in time to be selfish. I can explore the

and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at www.dunet.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l




@ the


The Li br ar y is now cl osed Sundays up to and incl ud ing Sunday, Sept em op ening hour ber 4 th. The s fo the w eek rem r the rest of ai n the same.

45 SecondStreetE. 613-932-4796 www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario SATURDAY, MAY 21 Yoga Yout h - (Ages 6 to 16 years old) 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Drop in Famil y St oryt ime / Heure du cont e f amil ial e port e ouvert e 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Paws 'n Books Read t o our f l uf f y canine f riends Chil dren program - 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. MAGIC: The Gat hering - 12 noon to 5:00 p.m.

MONDAY, MAY 23 - CLOSED - VICTORIA DAY TUESDAY, MAY 24 Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg - 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Fl ying Needl es Knitting for fun -1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Knif e Sharpening Demonst rat ion - 7:00 p.m. Some hands on exercises. Everyone welcome. - Not for young children. Teen Tuesdays Game Night - 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 Bambins à l a bibl io. (0 à 2 ans) - 10 h à 10 h 30 Apprendre en jouant (0 à 5 ans) - 10 h 30 à 12 h Heure du cont e -Earl y Years Cent re 10 h à 12 h


THURSDAY, MAY 26 St oryt ime (f or 3 t o 5 year ol ds) - 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Baby Tal es - 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Cornwal l Scrabbl e Are you up to the challenge? - 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m.


About Time Drama, Science Fict ion, Comedy - Audience: 14A Show times: 2 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. & Friday, May 27 @ 2 p.m.

List en at dunet .ca THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wi t h t h e... SEEK C ER H IC MAY

U P?



Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org Karaoke wit h Mike Rivet t e - Everyone Welcome-Navy Vets 30 Sixth St. E. MOHAWK INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY CEDARVIEW GOLF COURSE present s Complete show for Modif ied, Sport sman, Novice Sport sman, Mod Lit es & Bandit s and Ironman Enduro Qual if ier AUTOGRAPH NIGHT Ad m i ssi o n $1 : 2 Music Wit h Anne Marie and Count ry Duos From 7 pm to 11 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Fish and chips served for supper.




Canada's f avourit e Johnny Cash Tribut e is coming back to Cornwall at The Port Theatre. The Ring Of Fire: A Johnny Cash Experience In appreciation, to the people of Cornwall, The first 200 tickets sold are $10 each. Tickets will be available at Melody Music, Lotto Kiosk At The Cornwall Square, St Lawrence Appilance Service, The Port Theatre During Movie Hours..




W H A T 'S

CORNWALL MOTOR SPEEDWAY - MIKE SAUVE CONSTRUCTION sponsor of the 125 lap 1st round of Bandit Motosports Canadian Nationals Series $5000 to win + Complete Program Ad m i ssi o n $3 : 0 Cornwal l Out door Cl ub Cycl ing Ride Ride the bike paths from Ottawa to Aylmer return. For more details visit: CornwallOutdoorClub.ca






7 week Cl erical Training Course The free program begins May 24th with a focus on office procedures in preparation for entry-level positions. Please contact Tri-County Literacy Council:613.932.7161.






Cornwal l & Dist rict Navy Vet s Pub & Grub Karoake Thursday, May 19th: Nat & Perry, Thursday, May 26th: Straight Country from 5 pm to 9 pm. 30 6th St. E. Women Ent repreneurs Dinner Meet ing Thursday, May 26th from 6 pm to 9 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Guest speaker: Christina Flavell, branding strategy. Members:22$, non-members:25$. WeCornwallArea.ca



Cornwal l & Dist rict Navy Vet s Music & Dance Richard Fillion. From 3 pm to 7 pm. 30 6th St. E.


Généal ogie et archives St -Laurent General Assembl y At 6:30 pm. Cornwall Public Library, 45 2nd St. E. Guest speaker in attendance. For info call Nichole:613.363.2523.


Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org

Karaoke wit h Mike Rivet t e - Everyone Welcome-Navy Vets 30 Sixth St. E.


York Cent er Juke Box Mania Music Trivia Night From 6 pm to 11 pm. Agora Canter, 301 McConnell Ave. Tickets: 45$ includes dinner, entertainment, silent auction & prizes. Deadline May 16th. Call: 613.932.4610 ext 12


28 SATURDAY Incredibl e Edibl e Pl ant Fest ival 2016 11am to 2pm in front of the Justice Building - 340 Pitt Street. SEE PAGE 5 of this weeks Seeker FOR FULL INFO. ALKALINE ENTERTAINMENT AND THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION present - A TRIBUTE TO ELVIS wit h Syl vain Leduc "t he best of t he70s" at the Royal Canadian Legion, 415 Second St. W. Doors open at 6:30pm Tixkets $25 adv $30 at the door. Available at Melody Music, Lotto Kiosk in Cornwall Square or at the Legion or call 613-933-5882 or see page 15 of this weeks Seeker for your chance to win a pair of tickets! GOOD LUCK ... Garage Sal e From 8 am to 12 noon. St. John's Presbyterian Church, 28 2nd St. E. Coffee & muffins from 8 am Cornwal l & Dist rict Navy Vet s Music & Dance A.J. Villeneuve from 3 pm to 7 pm. 30 6th St. E. Vol unt eers Yard & Bake Sal e From 8 am to 12 noon. Chartwell Chateau Gardens, 105 Military Rd., Lancaster

Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880

Fort McMurray Fire Fundraiser At 2 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. There will be a variety of music. Hymn Sing At 6:30 p.m. Long Sault Pentecostal Church, 9 Bethune Ave. Light refreshments served following the singing.



MONDAY Have yoursel ves a Wonderf ul VICTORIA DAY MONDAY!

During t he week of May 23 Roy and Cher's Animal Rescue will be trapping feral and stray cats in Lancaster. These cats will be spayed/ neutered, examined, vaccinated and released back to their colonies. If you are caring for feral or stray cats in Lancaster, please contact Angie at 613-662-7162 or RoyandCher@gmail.com as soon as possible. Roy and Cher's Animal Rescue would like to help out the cats and their caretakers.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


B a r sB, a n d asn dm o r .e. .


Your word ad in t he CALENDAR OF EVENTS is FREE but you have t o cal l it in ... 613-935-3763 ext 102

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Ka thle e n



For relief of muscular tension and muscle related injuries, massage therapy can help. Located minutes from the hospital.

Massage f or new moms. My last article discussed Massage Therapy for the expecting mom. What I would like to focus on in this article is massage for new moms. Once fingers and toes have been counted and mom and baby make their way back home, exhaustion takes over. It?s no secret that having a new baby in the house presents many challenges, mainly the lack of sleep that plagues us. But as mom adjusts to life with her new little one, she also has changes going on in her own body that are happening quickly and she may not know what to do about them. Regular Massage Therapy can help mom adjust, and her RMT can provide exercises and stretches to help mom stay pain free while baby grows.

It?s said so often- sleep when the baby sleeps. But not all moms can. Some have other small children at home to take care of or have a difficult time sleeping during the day, and some are raising their new bundle on their own. While massage can?t change the amount of sleep a person gets, it can help a new mom to relax and potentially increase the restfulness of the sleep she does get. Just one hour of relaxing during the day can feel like getting a few hours of sleep. And who knows, she just may fall asleep for that hour! While mom is pregnant, her body releases a hormone into her body called relaxin. This hormone causes a loosening in the ligaments that support the pelvic bones to make passage through the birth canal easier. As mom?s



Co unte ss

Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com ( 613) 662-5549 bones and ligaments shift back into place and start to firm up again, she may feel some discomfort in her hips and low back. For women who are breastfeeding, the changes in the body may seem obvious. Breast size often increases, adding extra weight that your body now has to compensate for. I have seen so many women wearing bras that are too loose and improper support will cause more back strain and discomfort. As mom?s breastfeed (or bottle feed), they are looking at their baby. This is a wonderful way to create a bond with the newest love of your life. This is also hard on the neck and shoulders. Don?t stop looking at your baby; just remember to book your regular massages! Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On K6H 4J6 Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com (613) 662-5549

CHANGE IS THE ESSENCE OF HEALING ... This observation originally made by several wise women and wise men indicates that they understood The Law of the Universe. Right in front of us, daily, we witness how this Divine Law can effectively work. When Nurse Rene Caisse discovered that cancer could be healed as a result of a successful blend of herbs as was prepared by an Objibwa Medicine Man, and she began to help cancer victims, successes followed and her herbal treatments gave healthy life to so many. But then, many of the educated mass struggling in man-made laboratories with synthetic ingredients were experiencing failures. Due in part to this jealousy, Marie Caisse was taken on in a vote at Parliament Hill - in Ottawa - and because of a few votes not in her favor, she was warned not to continue her successful healings.

TRO TTIER-TRO TZIER CHANGE IS THE ESSENCE OF HEALING Here in Canada we can witness yearly the power of change as it brings forth the processes of healing the Earth for the next harvest. With autumn, the harvest is taken in, while the winds and the snows begin to cover the land. Then, with May comes the re-birthing of natural life. Why is this process so perfect? Because, if the winter didn't give Earth a period of time to unwind, to relax, to sleep, then our soils would be so barren and so would our precious fruit and nut trees, including those that provide shelter and seeds for the millions of wildlife creatures living here in Canada. The Law of the Universe indicates very clearly that change is essential for a healthy, vibrant environment.

For us Humans, we can learn from the great world of nature. Our head mind, our gut brain and our body are like the soil of Earth. Wellness and fertility exist when they are in balance and well-taken care off. But the instant barely tested tactics are introduced into the human beings severe disruptions very often occur. To be able to duplicate the healthy Law of the Universe takes more than a university degree! and man-made laboratories where too many trials are conducted but slanted towards the finanicial beneficiaries. The man-made procedures in our present day high-tech happenings, indicate that many men and women have to admit "failure" and begin to analyze where they are wrong and what they must begin to do to finally end these decadent decades of increasing cancer, heart attacks, alzheimers, drug addictions, violence caused by overloads of synthetic chemicals, autism, meningitis and the list goes on and on. Disease/ illness/ sickness has reached such a point that medical doctors are at a lost as to what to do to heal people. A good example of this relates to "cancer". Why is it on the increase? Why is it that after stretches of years they can't find "a cure"? Would it make a difference if they concentrated on finding the CAUSES OF CANCER and THE CAUSES FOR ALL OTHER DISEASES/ ILLNESS/ SICKNESS? This question allows for a resounding, "YES!"

What did Nurse Rene Caisse do? She loved humans so much, that she continued her healing without ever accepting to be paid, and formulated what is known as the ESSIAC Formula. This change allowed her to continue doing her helpful and spiritual work of administering knowledge gained for the wellness of people of all ages. Because of t he l ack of compl et e successes in t he area of heal ing peopl e is on t he rise every year, it is import ant f or each Individual t o begin t o ALSO seek t heir own answers f or t heir wel l ness. By seeking, they can find successful cases and begin to implement the changes that these people practised to heal themselves and others. WE THE ECO-CONSCIOUS PEOPLE OWN OUR MIND AND BODY, AND WE HAVE TO ENSURE THAT ONLY THE BEST IS PROVIDED TO THEM. THIS IS WHERE A MAJOR CHANGE IS HAPPENING ... THE CHANGE INVOLVES GETTING OFF JUNK FOODS, ARTIFICIALLY PREPARED PRODUCTS, VIOLENT MEDIA PROGRAMMING AND MANY OTHER FORMS OF STRESSFUL AND TOXIC POLLUTION. THE ESSENCE OF OUR HEALING OURSELVES AND OUR EARTH BEGINS THE MOMENT WE TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR DIVINE SELF! BY OBSERVING THE INFINITELY WISE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE SUCCESSES CAN FOLLOW. p.s. A message to the Adults: Accept to change your programmings of the left brain, and begin to LOVE YOUR SELF AND NEIGHBOURS BY LEARNING ALL YOU CAN ABOUT HEALING ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF THE DIVINE UNIVERSE. THE RESULT: YOU AND THE YOUNGER GENERATIONS WILL ENJOY HAPPINESS INSTEAD OF PAIN AND SHOTS OF HEROIN ... AS IS HAPPENING IN NORTH AMERICA WITH THE YOUNG PEOPLE'S DANGEROUS HEROINE EPIDEMIC! Pl ease visit : www.essiacinf o.org Google: Canada young adults and heroin addiction The opinions and statements in this column are those of Countess Trottier and not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ keep, donate or sell t o get t he cash in your pocket .

M a rie

M O RRELL PARTING WITH / SELLING YOUR COLLECTIBLES Part 1 of 2 I received an email from a friend two weeks ago asking me to approach this subject. It comes to a point in everyone's life when you have to accept to make the difficult decision to part with some of our collectibles, or may be you just want to use the money doing something you will truly enjoy. No matter the reason, the most important thing is to be aware of predators just waiting to take advantage of you hoping you do not have a clue about the real value of an item. I could tell you, until tomorrow, horrors stories about people who got taken advantage of. When it comes to collectibles, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, it is worth your time and money to investigate if your items really have a monetary value. When making the decision about what is more important for you at a point in your life, meaning enjoying something special versus accumulating things, you need to get your stuff out of the self-storage unit to sell or donate the things no longer important to you, and finally properly display those items bringing back the best memories. Do its once, do it right! When purging, you want to ensure you make smart choices. Sort through your belongings one item at a time to determine what you want to

Determining What To Keep

Sometimes while looking through items in your storage area, you are unsure if they are worth something or not. This is specially the case with items purchased in yard sales. If there?s any chance it might have some value, set it aside. If you are positive which items do not have much monetary value and have a lot of sentimental value, evaluate your reasons for keeping them as part of your current collection. Chose and keep those items in the collection that mean the most to you. Then, part with/ sell the rest. As a result, you are not weighed down by the clutter that often comes with an entire collection comprising items you really do not care much about. The quality of a collection is far more important than the quantity. When you have chosen the items you want to keep, find a cabinet or a shelf where you can display them. I recommend placing the same type of collectibles near each other. Things display more beautifully as a collection, as opposed to all spread out, throughout your home creating a more organized space. Often a professional organizer, with an eye for decor, can help you make a huge difference in the look and amount of items you can display. First thing to do, once you have decided what you want to sell, inquire about the value by talking to someone (a professional in the business) you can trust. Ask f or ref erences. Taking t he t ime t o have everything evaluated in one shot will save you money on the long run. Next week: Thing to observe while t aking your items to a dealer and the various options for selling collectibles. If you have any questions, please call marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com

A Do wn To wn Ab b eySp r i n g Sp eci al

f eat ur M ing ayFl owerand s NaughtGyoings On... by Mai-Liis Renaud

a nd what a gr eat pr oduction it wa s ... Over 120

people attended the per for m ance last Satur day night w hich included a w onder ful 3 cour se m eal and gr eat enter tainm ent fr om "I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts" to "Knees Up M other Br ow n"! and all the gossip fr om Dow n Tow n Abbey. If you've been follow ing the stor y for the last few w eeks in the Seeker you'll know exactly about the "Naughty Goings On" that I'm talking about and if not you'll w ant to pick up the past issues to see w hat you've m issed... Then on Sunday after noon at the NAV Centr e - High Tea took place w ith a bit m or e Naughty Goings on fr om the Dow n Tow n Abbey. Finger sandw iches and desser ts w er e ser ved w ith a "Spot of Tea"! A w onder ful tim e w as enjoyed by all at both events and now the Par ticipation M usic Hall Theatr e Pr oduction is gear ing up for their next show. Rober t Har dy (above) is sm iling as he is looking for w ar d to per for m ing again soon. For details visit: w w w.par t i ci pat i on t h em u si c.com

Is your websit e ef f ect ive on every pl at f orm? If not , we can help! Cal l 613-935-8101 f or your f ree eval uat ion THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

M a rle ne


TIP OF THE WEEK: BE THANKFUL that you don?t already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to??? Be THANKFUL when you don?t know something for it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be THANKFUL for the difficult times because during those times you grow. Be THANKFUL for your limitations because they give you opportunities for improvement. Be THANKFUL for New Challenges because it will build your strength and character. Be THANKFUL for your mistakes for they will teach you valuable lessons. Be THANKFUL when you are tired and weary because it means you have made a difference. It is much easier to be THANKFUL for the good things. A Life of Rich Fulfillment Comes To Those Who Are Also Thankful For The Setbacks!!! I had a wonderful time in Ottawa, spent with my eldest daughter, Melinda and her youngest son, William last Friday. We have been going in on Fridays for 9 o'clock (for the past month) to a ~Weight Management Programme~ held at the ~Ottawa Civic Hospital~ campus. I have to watch and spend time with William whilst Melinda is at her class for 3 hours. William and I walk around the hospital to check out the lovely gift shops before we stop in at ~Tim Horton~'s to buy some breakfast. We then find a "nice spot" to sit down to eat and to watch all of the different kinds of people passing by that work at the hospital. Melinda has been involved with this programme for the past year now. She had wanted to have medical help in losing weight in a safe and healthy way. She has just started on an all liquid diet that will last for 3 months. Whilst Melinda is losing weight she is being monitored by a medical team of weight loss experts to make sure she is being kept safe from any medical complications or any other problems that may arise. There are two groups of 25 people that meet up each and every Friday for about 3 hours. They help support each other and are able to ask questions to one another or to the medical staff on hand. Melinda had noticed that other causes had ribbons to help recognize their organizations ... So she took it upon herself to make up ribbons for her classes' cause ... A ribbon that resembles a piece of bacon. She refers to it as ~Friday's Fat Fighters~ or ~Friday's Food Fighters~ (if the person wearing it, didn't like using the "F" word.) Not only did the class love her idea, so did many of the medical staff. What a way to show support for her fellow classmates!!! Way To Go Melinda!!! Her and I, and the rest of the class wear our "ribbons of bacon" most Proudly!!! On Saturday, we had the opportunity to do a Glamour Photo Shoot with my good friend Annie Bouchard, who was visiting from Montreal. I assisted with her hair and makeup, loaned her some fancy clothes and accessories, and before long, she was transformed into the woman she wanted captured by the camera for her loving man. Cornwall certainly has its share of beautiful women, and we of ~Fashionography~ have decided to set up our very own studio in partnership with another business here in town. More will be announced soon, but if you've even thought of having Glamour Photography done, we will soon be able to offer it at a great downtown location. TIME TO GET YOUR GLAM ON LADIES!!! *click* *click*

UNTIL NEXT WEEK: LIFE is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, LOVE the people who treat you right and FORGET about the one's who don't. BELIEVE that everything happens for a reason. If You Get the Chance..Take It!!! If It Changes Your Life...Let It!!! Nobody said that LIFE Would Be Easy... They just promised it would be WORTH IT!!!

Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca


The Seeker is seen by thousands of people weekly? Our papers are so hot that you often can't find them past Sunday. Ask to see our demographic reach. You will realise that at the Seeker, we reach your TARGET MARKET! Ask our cl ient s! Call Jul ia at 613-935-3763 ext 101 or Mai-Liis at 613-935-3763 ext 102


M ACDO NALD Woul dn?t It Be Great To Pay Of f Your Mort gage Fast er? Part 1 Do you remember the day your parents burned their mortgage documents because it was paid in full and discharged? It was a celebration that few of us expect to experience in our own lives. For many, this isn?t even a realistic goal anymore? But can it be? Here are some tips that may help you get close to being mortgage free! 1. Make lump sum payments. Most mortgages come with a ?Pre-payment privilege? of 15% - 20% of the original principal. That means that over the course of a year, you can directly pay off some of the principal that you owe on your mortgage without penalty!! Check the details of your mortgage to see if you can make several payments or one a year. It will save you thousands of dollars in interest and knock years off your mortgage.

2. Increase your monthly payment amount. Again, most mortgages have a pre-payment privilege to increase your payments up to 20% once a year? maybe if you get a raise, increase your mortgage payment by that amount so you don?t miss it but your mortgage gets paid years faster!

ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I have choosen a pair of leopard-print pumps to share with you. I have always loved animal prints and this pair ROARed out to me at ~Value Village~. I ONLY PAID $7.99 for this pair of leopard lovelies. They sure will be a sweet addition to my animal print wardrobe!!! Now, Where is my leopard print purse at ???


Did you know


Hi there to everyone reading ~The Seeker~ this week. It is after all Cornwall and the S.D. & G. area's most POSITIVE, "REAL PAPER" to read. Well, we still are putting up with the weather shenanigans from Mother Nature. She still hasn't made up her mind of what kind of weather she wants for us this Spring. Albeit that there have been some nice, sunny days in between the not so nice, rainy and cold days. Of that I am very thankful. But come on Ma Nature... We want the beautiful, Spring weather that makes and keeps us happy. We have been patient enough... Here comes the ~SUN~ for the next few days. Do Check Out ~Johnny Radar~'s 5-day Weather Forecast each and every week right here in ~The Seeker~!!! Where are my sunglasses and sandals at ???




3. Increase your payment frequency? A little word of caution on this option. You must ask for an accelerated bi-weekly payment not just a bi-weekly payment. It?s a little complicated with the mathematics but, basically, an accelerated bi-weekly will give you 2 extra payments a year that go directly to the principal you owe and will help you pay your mortgage off about 3 years earlier. If you match these payments to your pay schedule, you may not even notice you are paying a little more than you were on a monthly schedule. Next week, in part 2, I'll give you four more tips that can help towards becoming mortgage free. Jenni MacDonald (www.jmacdonald.ca) is a Mortgage Broker with Dominion Lending Centres The Mortgage Source (Lic.# 10145). She has over 5 years of experience in the Mortgage Industry and works with at least 40 lenders including banks, credit unions, and private lenders to find the best mortgage for each client. You can contact her by phone or text at 613-551-0639 or via email at jmacdonald@dominionlending.ca

If you are a not f or prof it corporat ion, you coul d qual if y t o advert ise at a 50% discount on our regul ar rat es... Cal l Jul ia f or more inf o at 613-935-3763 ext . 101

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Tra ce y

VALADE Car Seat Saf et y: Inf ant Onl y Rear-Facing Seat s When you bring your newborn baby home, you want to make sure they are safe at all times, including of course, in the vehicle they ride home in. Whatever vehicle that is, an infant seat is always required. Though it is not law to use them in public transportation, making a taxi exempt, it is still always a better choice to use them. But how do you know it's installed and being used correctly? Here's a few helpful tips!

Known more commonly as ?bucket? seats, infant only rear-facing car seats are the most common, and in some cases the only option for newborns and infants under one year of age. They start at 4 or 5 pounds and can hold infants up to 22 to 35 pounds, depending on the make and model of the specific seat. They can be used with or without the infant seat base, that usually stays in the vehicle. The first thing you need to ensure is proper use of the seat itself; making sure the straps of the infant only seat are being properly used. The straps on any rear-facing seat should be below or at the shoulders. If you put your baby in the seat and the lowest setting is above the shoulder, you cannot use this seat, so if you know you are expecting a small baby, get something that starts at a low harness setting. Push your baby's bottom all the way back. It's instinctive for them to want to curl into a ball, so make sure the bum is back every time they are in the seat. Check your manual to see when you need to move the strap out to the next setting, as some of them require it moved at a specific weight, or at a specific spot when using any included infant adjusting pillows. You want to next make sure the straps are tight enough to securely hold your baby. You should pull the slack out of the straps at the hips, then tighten them enough so you cannot pinch any slack at the shoulders. There is sometimes a gap at the stomach if the child is small, and this is ok, so long as there is no slack in the hips or shoulders. Then, make sure the chest clip is on the chest, not on the stomach, at about underarm level. Many times we see use of head adjusters, strap covers, or pillows that did not come with your seat. Unless you are given consent from your manufacturer, do not use these with your seat! They could alter how it acts in a collision, and could cause harm to your child. They might be tested by the company you bought the item from, but if it's not tested with your specific seat, we don't know what's going to happen in a collision. If your seat didn't come with a ?head hugger? and you feel the need for one, call the manufacturer and ask if they have one that can be used, or use rolled tight receiving blankets or burp cloths beside the baby's head or body. Nothing should be between the baby and the seat or straps. Use of seat covers that interfere with the straps, or go behind your baby, or bulky snow suits are not permitted by the manufacturer and have not been tested with your seat. There are safe options to keep baby warm. Use the ?shower cap? style covers (that can be removed to view baby in the car), fleece suits that fit properly and don't require you to adjust the straps on your child's seat, and use blankets over top of the baby (but of course, don't cover the head).

Ene rg e tica llySp e a king

When installing the base, it's better, and easier for you, to get in behind the base, between the front and back seat, than using your weight on top of it; it is not designed to bear the weight of a full grown adult. Pull the seat belt, if you're using one, all the way out. Use your knees to push the base into the back of the car's seat, and hands on the sides of the base to push it down into the seat. Then pull the belt up through the belt path, instead of from the side. This will allow you to get a much tighter installation, without breaking a sweat! Let the seat belt retract all the way back in and lock. Make sure your infant only seat does not move more than one inch at the belt path. If using a base, test it at the belt path of the base, not at the back, for side to side movement. It should be less than one inch from side to side. It is ok

W e nd y

HUDSO N D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H. JN Finding ?Me? Time In A Busy Lif e

Have you ever had one of those days where you were simply so exhausted that you couldn?t function or even think straight? I?m not talking about a ?goof off? day where you just don?t feel like working or doing chores but a day where you know that you need a real break from life? This happened to me last week as I sat down to work only to find that my brain had suddenly deserted me. There were no thoughts coming, no inspiration but instead just an overwhelming feeling of how tired I was. Parents, caregivers, professional people and those who are constantly on the go will understand what I?m talking about. Sometimes though, this weariness can sneak up on you and suddenly you will find that nothing is flowing or getting accomplished; you feel burnt out and just need a break from your life. In our healing school, we refer to this as having a ?Down for Maintenance? day. As a society, we have been taught that hard work is good. Accomplishments are good, leaving your mark on the world is good, giving to others is good? .and yes, there is nothing wrong with these things; however, most of this conditioning and the expectations that follow are that we should always give to others first and give to ourselves last- otherwise, we?re being selfish, right? What happens though when you?ve given everything you have away and there?s nothing left for you? We cannot give from an empty vessel. We must find a way to juggle our

for the base to move a little more at the other end, or move up and down. It's going to need to move a little to keep your baby safe in a collision, to cradle them. Nothing should be used between the base and your vehicle's seat. The only exception to this is when using a pool noodles or a tightly rolled towel, taped at the ends (as allowed by the seat manufacturer), to get the correct level. There are a few companies that allow specific seat protectors, but in my experience many times a much safer installation can be done without use of them. When installing without a base, the same principles apply. Less then one inch of movement at the belt path, and getting in behind the seat works much better then pushing down on it. Have questions or want your infant only seat, or any other car seat, checked out? We can help you at Cornwall Car Seats! We're on Facebook, message us and we can set up a date to meet! Don't have facebook? Give us a call at 343-275-1113.

Or come to our next clinic, May 29th at 9:00am, at the Care Centre! responsibilities and expectations with the proper self-care that we all need. If we don?t do this consciously, then at some point, our body will do it for us and we?ll end up sick, tired and unable to continue. So, how can you, even if you lead a super busy life, find time for yourself? By scheduling yourself into your busy life. We make appointments for meetings, doctors, our cars, our kids sporting events, etc. and would never think of missing any of those. When we schedule in time for just us, we need to make sure we don?t miss that appointment either. During your ?me? time, do something that you like to do: meditate, do yoga, paint, have a hot bath, go for a walk, take a nap, etc. Make sure that you give yourself at least an hour each day. If you don?t have that kind of time, try to schedule yourself into your life at least a few times per week. Learning how to love yourself and fulfill your own needs first before giving it all away to others can be a difficult thing depending on how you were raised and your beliefs. Next time, I will be writing about what belief systems are and how they sculpt our lives for us. Until then, remember, you count; you?re important and giving to yourself first will ensure that you have something to give to others. If you?re a source of uplifting, positive energy because of how you?ve nourished yourself, then that?s what others will receive back from you. To find out more about what we do, who we are, what we teach and any upcoming workshops and classes, please visit our website at www.awakeningangels.ca. To read this blog in its entirety, visit https:/ / awakeningangels.wordpress.com/

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Lind a


ROSE DESNOYERS HAS STEPPED DOWN AS THE COLUMN?S SCRIBE (Jul ia, pl ease add Rose?s phot o) Rose Desnoyers has stepped down from her role as the writer of the FOCUS ART column in the Seeker. She has been our weekly columnist for the past two years and publishing more than 200 articles.

Rose?s passion for the FOCUS ART and the visual arts has been the driving force behind her tireless efforts to maintain a regular column. It is not an easy task. She has managed to keep it informative, interesting and more importantly, on time for publishing. We are grateful for her dedication to this valuable volunteer service. FOCUS ART will continue to build a relationship with the Seeker?s regular readers through the weekly column. Linda Geisel, the current President, will step in to carry the torch for the next year. INTRODUCING THE FOCUS ART 2016-2017 BOARD OF DIRECTORS A new Board of Directors for FOCUS ART was elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting held in May, 2016. It gives me great pleasure to introduce the 2016-2017 board members: Linda Geisel, President -

JANE MACMILLAN?S SHEEP-ISH? EXHIBITION Have you been to Jane?s art exhibition currently held at the Aultsville Theatre Foyer Gallery? If not, I strongly recommend you to pay a visit to her flock. There is nothing sheepish about her work. She uses mostly watercolour with pen and ink to depict the uniqueness of each sheep with a touch of eccentricity. Jane?s subject goes beyond these woolly mammals. There are country scenes, octopus and more. Her show ends on May 30. There is no admission fee to this event. Jane also straddles over the performance art. She is the Director of the Cornwall School of Dance. They will be having their annual dance recital at the Aultsville Theatre, Cornwall on Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 2 p.m.Tickets are available at the theater on the day, or in advance from Jane Macmillan at 613-938-3875 or by email at jbmacmil@primus.ca You can visit her website: http:/ / janemacmillan.com to see her collection of art work and products and information about her dance recital.

Bet t y Ann Greenhal gh-Bard, Secret ary Cl audet t e Pil on, Treasurer Jul ia Lucio Barbara Darl ing Adel e Const ant ineau Mary Ducross Marl eene McWil l iam Laura Leah Traverse-Lindeman Jennif er Shearer

The new Board of Directors consists of a well balanced mix of former and new Directors. They aim to continue to build on the work of the past ten years and will strive to uphold and expand the vision of FOCUS ART. They will be holding their annual planning on June 14. Please see future issues for update. FOCUS ART MEMBERS SHINE AT MESSNA SHOW Five members of Focus Art had their art accepted in the Massena 2016 Art Exhibition at the Warren Memorial Library. Barbara Darling won Second Place in Oils for her painting "Winter Wonderland". Beatrice Dumbreck took Third Place in the category of Pastel and Colored Pencil with her art work" Tree at the Beach"

Baa Baa Bl ack Ram ? wat ercol our wit h pen and ink

In t he pict ure (l -r) Bet t y-Ann Greenhal gh-Bard, Adèl e Const ant ineau,Beat rice Dumbreck, Barbara Darl ing and Rose Desnoyers. The exhibit ion is on unt il June 3rd.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




$1 0


VHSt o DVD Transf ers

o t sk

FORSALE: Antique dining set, china hutch sideboard,6 chairs and table. Circa 1939. Good condition.Asking $850 - negotiable. Cal l 931-2373

Al l contracts f or service

m ed



FORSALE: Lazy Boy chair, 2 bicycles,a printer,Acer computer with speakers.Cal l 613-330=1962

n a e Professional's Cl

Va er M cu f o D o p um r K u st p i i n it i ng g, h ch ng , ro e , n

FORSALE: Off-white hand crocheted bedspread 84" x 90", asking $100. Cal l 613-938-5094or 613-930-7467room 203


B a W t in

g! in


w be o r A k l Sq se b o er l c n P u ur d s w r o ea i ed f e k y t y f il l yo ss C b o r ur io l y 10 n a ea t h l' n cl s e

at 613-870-2788


FORSALE: 2 fiberglass boats, 16 feet, power bayler, 2 removable chairs, steering column and one with a 65hp motor. Cal l 613-932-6369 or 613-931-2389

Pl ease Contact Jul ie


DOWNSIZINGSALE: Coffee table and 2 matching end tables, portable fishing shack (Brand New), outboard motor propellor, 2 Sherwood speakers. push lawnmower - works perfect. Cal l 613-932-4954

Next Weekend - UPCOMINGGARAGESALEowners downsizing- going to a residence Sat urday, May 28 - 2 violins, Gardening items, toys, tools, household items etc. 1220 Dover Rd. Riverdal e - 8am t o 5pm

ec ei v

DOWNSIZINGSALE: 7 piece sofa set $100, 1 double sized bed including headboard $40, 1 loungechair with pads $40, 6hp lawnmower $80, Electric grass trimmer $25, Cordless grass trimmer with 2 batteries $50, 1 large steel desk $25, 4 large speakers $25, 1 round lawn table with 4 chairs and an umbrella. Cal l 613-932-2557



YARD SALE, Sat urday, May 21, 9am t o 1pm. 800 Briar Hil l - of f Brookdal e.

TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive

Cal l Shel don at 613-932-4812

A M ESSAGE FROM THE PARADE OF NATIONS ... The Par ade of nations and M ulticultur al Festival, scheduled for July 31st, is unfor tunately cancelled. On M ay 6th, 2016, Par ade of nations r eceived a letter fr om the Budget and Cash Coor dinator , Financial Ser vices, of the City of Cor nw all infor m ing, ''the ser vices-in-kind r equest does not include police pr esence for the pr oposed par ade, as police pr esence w ill be accom m odate thr ough the Police Ser vices com m unity policing activity.'' The or ganization being the last kid of the block can r ar ely obtain cash donation sponsor s to hold its events. W hat br ings the people in to help pay for the activities of people w ith special needs, ar tistically inclined, ar e the people w alking, dr iving in the par ade and those w atching it. As a r esult, Par ade of nations w ill find other venues to ser ve its clients. ''W her e ther e is a w ill ther e is a w ay.'' The good new s, Par ade of nations w as gr anted by the City Council the use of the salons at the Cor nw all Civic Com plex for its Hobby, Ar ts, Cr afts and Collector s Show on Septem ber 17. A fundr aising event, w hich also helps local ar tists, ar tisans, w r iter s,

Just ...

Checkout our f acebook pageweekl yand commentt o

singer s and m usicians to sell their pr oducts and pr om otes hobbies and the passion for collecting. Cash donations accepted; above $10.00 eligible for an incom e tax r eceipt. Cheques can be m ade to Par ade of nations and sent to 1621 Joyce Str eet Cor nw all, Ontar io. K6J 1Y 8. Love you all. Tha nks a million a nd have a gr eet week. M ar ie M or r ell Founder and volunteer Executive Dir ector Par ade of Nations for the Developm entally Challenged

Th i s week we h ave ...

LETUSKNOWWHYYOU SHOULDWIN. Tweett o us @SeekerNewspaper t o t el l us you want t o win. Email us at : inf o@t heseeker.ca Lookhereon t he backpageeachweek t of indoutwhatyoucoul dwin! New co n t est sever y week ! Show t icket-srest aurant meal -svarious it ems al lupf orgrabs!

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For For

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Samedi 28 mai: 18h-22h: Gala d?ouverture - Vins & Fromage (billets: 25$) 18h45: Les Frères Brisson 20h: Le Père Garneau et Les Rats d?Swampe Dimanche 29 mai: 9h30-13h: Déjeuner crêpes & sirop d?érable (billets: 5$ 12h: Estelle Farfadelle : Mission Pyramide 13h30: André Thériault Lundi 30 mai: 13h30-17h: Jeux de société divers Mardi 31 mai: 16h?19h: Vernissage Corrid?Art (510 rue Second est) Mercredi 1 juin: 16h30?21h: Repas et chef d?oeuvre (Rest. King George) Billets 25$ Jeudi 2 juin: 16h?19h: Venez rencontrer les groupes pour les jeunes (Scouts, Cadets, etc)Musique par la Garde de la Nativité Vendredi 3 juin: Vive Cornwall 10h-18h: Jeux Gonflables, Petite Ferme, Coin des petits 10h30: Bill Bestiole 13h-13h50: Natation gratuite au Centre aquatique 20h: Raton Lover Samedi 4 juin: Vive Cornwall 9h-12h: Foire des petits Francos (École Marie Tanguay) 10h?18h: Jeux Gonflables, Petite Ferme, Coin des petits 13h-13h50 & 17h-17h50:Natation gratuite Centre aquatique 13 & 15h: Samajam 20h: Shauit

Legend: Red - Cent re Cul t urel , 501 Second St reet East Légende: Rouge - Cent re Cul t urel , 501 rue Second est

Bl ue - Lamoureux Park Bl eu - Parc Lamoureux

Orange - Ot her Orange - Aut re

Saturday May 28th: 6pm-10pm: Opening Gala - Wine & Cheese(tickets: $25) 6:45pm: Brisson Brothers 8pm: Père Garneau et les Rats d?Swampe Sunday May 29th: 9:30am?1pm: Pancake & Maple Syrup Breakfast (tickets: 5$) 12pm: Estelle Farfadelle : Mission Impossible 1:30pm: André Thériault Monday May 30th: 1:30pm-5pm: Board & Card Games Tuesday May 31st: 4pm?7pm: Opening reception for Exposition (510 Second Street East) Wednesday June 1st: 4:30pm?9pm: A meal and a masterpiece (King George Restaurant) Tickets 25$ Thursday June 2nd: 4pm ? 7pm: Come meet the following groups:(Boy Scouts, Cadets, etc.) Music by: Garde de la Nativité Friday June 3rd: Vive Cornwall 10am-6pm: Inflatables, Little Farm, Children?s Corner 10:30am: Bill Bestiole 1pm-1:50pm: Free swim at the Aquatic Centre 8pm: Raton Lover Saturday June 4th: Vive Cornwall 9am-12pm: Foire des petits Francos (École Marie Tanguay) 10am-6pm: Inflatables, Little Farm, Children?s Corner 1pm-1:50pm: Free swim at the Aquatic Centre 1 & 3pm: Samajam 8pm: Shauit

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 20 - May 20 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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