Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 27 Jul y 8, 2016
Gourmet Pizza? Read Jason Set nyk's int erview wit h Esca Gourmet Pizza co-owner Mike Baird on p.6 Photo by Jason McNamara
Cor n w all Seaw ay Lion s Ribf est Ju ly 21-22-23-24 In beau t if u l Lam ou r eu x Par k Com e f or t h e Fin ger -Lick in g Sau ce-Dr ippin g RIBS, Th e FREE ENTERTAINM ENT an d t h e Bu dw eiser BEER GARDEN Th an k s t o all ou r spon sor s : Jen n i M acDon ald Dom in ion Len din g, Ir w in Su pply, TD ban k , M iller Hu gh es For d an d especially On t ar ioeast .n et
ALSO THIS WEEK Au gu st 20t h
SeconAn d n u al Cor n w all Foodf est p. 12
In t er view w it h Pau l Deslau r ier s
p. 16
To Bu y or Sell, call Always a Dunne Deal
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ? The SEEKER can sometimes be hard to find and the stands tend to be empty by Sunday. WHY? you ask ...b ecau se o u r "Week l y Do se o f Po si t i ve News" i s a Ho t It em s ar o u n d To wn !!! Ou r r ead er s can 't g et en o u g h !
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in t e r v ie w w it h Es c a Go u r m et Piz z a c o -o w n e r M ike B air d o n p .6
Co v e r P h o t o b y Jas o n M c N am ara
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity
Ne w s
Present ed by
Jason Set nyk Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca
Art s & Cul t ure Mel anie Brul ee pl ayed Queens Park on Canada Day Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk Queens Park ? This July 1st was extra special for Cornwall raised musician Melanie Brulee. The former lead singer of The General Electryk has been making a name for herself since moving to Toronto. Just recently she had theopportunity to play the main stage at Queen?s Park in Toronto Ontario on Canada Day. ?It was a great honour to represent Franco-Ontarians during the Canada Day celebration at Queen?s Park. This show continued our fun run of a summer packed with some great festival stages such as the Francofolies in Montreal, Festival Franco-Ontarien in Ottawa, the Montreal Folk Fest on the Canal and the
Sara Lauzon's House of Ref uge Monument Unveil ing Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk
Ingleside Ontario ? On Saturday, July 23rd, 2016, at 10am, Sara Lauzon invites the public to join her at the St. Lawrence Valley Cemetery in Ingleside Ontario, to commemorate the lives of 29 House of Refuge inmates that were originally buried on the House of Refuge property (and relocated to the Ingleside Cemetery with unmarked graves in 1985). The monument will be unveiled to the public, and it will be followed by a small ceremony and a prayer. ?In the early 1900s when these people were
Luminato Festival in Toronto ? and that was just June!? says Melanie Brulee.
Cornwall this coming August too. ?I?m heading out on tour with Anique Granger in July for the Northern Lights Festival BorĂŠal in Sudbury and the Mariposa Folk Fest. We?ll also be playing at Kelsey?s in Cornwall on August 25th,? added Melanie Brulee.
Playing various festivals and playing on Canada Day at Queens Park suits Melanie Brulee just fine. ?I?m quite enjoying having a lot of room onstage ? knowing that my band is really tight helps me let loose too, filling up that space with dancing and connecting with my bandmates and he crowd,? confided Melanie Brulee.
What?s next for Melaine Brulee? The Franco musician will be hitting the studio in the fall. This time she will be strapping on her cowboy boots, adding a twist of country on her next album. ?In the fall I?ll be starting to work on a twangy country album. Tassels and cowboy boots baby, that?s where we?re heading,? confided Melanie Brulee.
This July Melanie Brulee is going on tour with Anique Granger, and she also has a concert scheduled in
The SJSS alumni continues to make great strides in the music profession, touring, recording, and playing noteworthy festivals
originally buried on the House of Refuge property, the only person present at the time of their burial was the person digging the hole. There were no funerals, and there were no loved ones surrounding them as they were laid to rest. On July 23rd, I invite you to change history with me. On July 23rd, they will be remembered and honoured the way they should have been nearly 100 years ago,? Sara Lauzon explained.
ways. I did about 15 historic walks (on Sydney and Pitt Street). I did lectures for groups, and when I was asked if I charged, I said no but did explain that I was fundraising. Every group gave me a donation for my time. I had a yardsale. People dropped off things they weren?t using, and I sold it. People were amazing. It was pouring rain, but groups of people still showed up to donate, or to purchase things. Around Christmas I sold House of Refuge Christmas ornaments for $5 a piece. That generated a lot of donations? Sara Lauzon reflected.
Sara Lauzon spent over a year raising the money to make this monument become a reality.
?Honestly, the most incredible part of this entire journey is the support from my community. I can?t express how grateful I am to everyone for helping me make this goal a reality,? Sara Lauzon concluded.
?This is the most rewarding thing I?ve ever done. I?m so excited for July 23rd! I raised the money in all kinds of
The St. Lawrence Valley Cemetery is located at 15570 County Rd. 2, R.R. # 3, in Ingleside, Ontario. The event is free to attend.
To sh in e a posit ive ligh t on ou r com m u n it y; To br in g a posit ive spin on n ew s? To provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote their product or service at affordable rates; To give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; To spread the word about all the great events taking place in Cornwall and Area. The Seeker is the only locally owned and operated newspaper? It is published?
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Cra ig
THO M PSO N Resil iency Resiliency is one of those words that we often use in society and the human services, but we don?t use it to its full potential and need to break it down a bit more. It is kind of like respect. It seems to me that people always use that term often, but rarely is it ever really defined and discussed. I remember going into a group home a few years ago and there were lists of rules placed throughout the home, mainly saying that respect must be shown to everyone. This did not make sense to me and I am pretty sure that the teens that lived there either ignored or had no clue what it meant either.
Many of today?s children and youth can be whiny and entitled. When they lose time on their Ipad or have a bad day it is like its the end of the world. Parents often feed into that and the end result is not great. We often tell Adam that ?Thompson?s aren?t quitters? and I love when I hear him say it out loud. But we still need to often remind him. Back to resiliency. I have had training on the topic and it was very interesting. Why are some children and adults resilient and why are some not? I recall the numbers that the lady gave that one third of all people need some type of counselling or therapy to help them with trauma or their past. One third go through life doing pretty well. The other third of people that experience hard times go on to do really well and become healthy and successful citizens. I have heard some different theories on why some people are more resilient than others, but it is most likely a combination of nature and nurture. One thing that is never effective is playing the victim. I have observed many examples of children and adults who play this role like an Academy Award Winner. Leo Decaprio and Jennifer Lawrence have got nothing on them. We must introduce resiliency as an option to our children. But first as adults and parents we must ensure that we practice what we preach. We all go through hard times and it is normal and healthy to grieve, vent, and cope in a variety of ways. But there is a statue of limitations on victimization and there is a fine line between healthy venting and chronic complaining. I remember reading Tuesdays With Morrie and learned a valuable lesson from that book. Morrie was diagnosed with ALS and did not have long to live as his body systematically broke down rapidly. But what Morrie did was to allow himself a couple of minutes every day to feel sorry for himself and then he moved on with his day. That is it. He spent the rest of his day talking to loved ones and close friends. He refused to play the victim. If a man is able to do this with such a horrific terminal illness then why can?t the rest of us? I have done many assessments on people of all ages and when I hear and see resiliency demonstrated by them I immediately identify it and let them know. Most have never heard themselves referred to in that manner. Now when they tell their story they no longer look at themselves as a victim and instead show pride in making it through tough times with their head held high. As a Life Coach I can help children, teens, adults, and families begin to introduce resiliency into your lives. It can be incredible when you see someone make that shift and begin to look at themselves from a place of positivity and strength. Please message me with any questions that you would like answered in future columns. craig.t hompy17@gmail .com or call (613) 363-3411. FREE First Phone Call consultation.
INTERVIEWWITHESCAGOURMETPIZZA CO-OWNERMIKEBAIRD Article by Jason Setnyk - Photo Jason McNamara Cor nw allOntar io? A year ago Esca Gour m etPizza + Bar opened its door s. M ike Bair d and his br other -in-lawR.J. Payettehad the for m er LCBObuildingon Pitt Str eet r enovated into a ver y m oder n lookingr estaur antw ith a w elcom ingatm ospher e. ?Our fir st year has been an incr edibleexper ience.The r eaction fr om the com m unityhas been extr em ely positiveand for that w e?r e ver y,ver y gr ateful,?said Esca Gour m etPizza co-ow ner M ike Bair d. The nam e Esca is the Latin w or d for food or a dish pr epar edfor the table. ?After w eeksof tr yingto com e to a consensuson a nam e,my sister Alyssa star tingputtingfood r elated w or dsinto a Latin tr anslator.Esca m eansfood, or a dish pr epar edfor the table,?said M ike Bair d. Esca Gour m etPizza + Bar is a par t of a tr end in r ecent year sof high-endr estaur antsopeningup in Cor nw all. ?That?spr obablythe r esult of a few differ entfactor s,the city?scom m itm entto the r ejuvenationof dow ntow nam ongthem . In our case, w e w anted to open som ethingnice and new ,w ith a m enu that could appeal to a br oad r angeof tastes,?said M ike Bair d. The cr eation of pizza?son the Esca Gour m etPizza m enu com e fr om a com binationof hom e r ecipesand inspir ationsfr om outsideof Cor nw all. ?Our selection of pizzascam e fr om both hom e r ecipesand differ enttypesof pizza w e had enjoyed in r estaur antsoutsideof Cor nw all.Since then w e?veadded a few new pizzasthat our kitchen staff have com e up w ith. That usually entailstaste-testinga few and decidingon the best one. That?sdefinitelyone of the best par tsof this job!?explainedM ike Bair d. The food and dr inksat Esca Gour m etPizza ar e pur chasedlocally.Buyinglocal is healthy for the envir onm ent,but it is also healthy for the local economy. ?Thesedays peoplecar e about just how far their food tr avelsto get to their plate, and w ith good r eason. We alw aysw anted to have a local elem ent to our offer ings,fr om our food to our beer. It pr om otes quality,and contr ibutesto the local economy,?r eplied M ike Bair d. Esca Gour m etPizza,w hich is tur ninga year old , is gettinginvolvedin the local com m unity,this year par ticipatingin both Beer Fest and Food Fest. ?We?vehad the pleasur eof w or kingw ith the Seaw ay Food Festival on a num ber of occasions.W hile discussingthe r ecent La PoutineWeek,w e inquir edw ith M ani about gettinginvolvedw ith Beer Fest. We?r ever y excited to be one of the food vendor sthis year ,?M ike Bair d r ecalled. Ther ear e a var iety of Ontar iocr aft beer son tap at Esca Gour m etPizza,and they m atch nicely w ith the pizzason the m enu. ?W ith r egar d to our taps, our aim is to have var iety,and to offer the Ontar iocr aft beer sthat peoplew ant to dr ink . Given that var iety,each one of our pizzascan be pair ed w ith one of our beer s,?M ike Bair d explained. Beer Fest takesplace July 9th at Nav Canada,w hile Food Fest takesplace August 20th in dow ntow n Cor nw all. ?We ar e also par ticipatingin Food Fest, and w e?r e r eally lookingfor w ar dto it! Its definitelyfor a gr eat cause,and w e?r e anxiousto ser ve up som e good food?,said M ike Bair d. Of cour seEsca Gour m etPizza is m akinga nam e for itself w ith it?s pizza,but ther e is m or e on the m enu. W hat w ould M ike Bair d r ecom m endbesidesthe pizza? ?That?sa tough one, and it?s m akingm e ver y hungr y,but I?ve nar r ow edit dow n to our Esca Bur ger w ith house-cutfr ies or our Sm ashedChicken w ith Gr uyer epotato stack . Thosedishesstill m ake my m outh w ater ,?disclosedM ike Bair d. The successof Esca is in the quality of it?s food, and also the quality of it?s kitchen and w ait staff. ?As far as successesgo, I?d point to the quality of our food and the quality of our custom er ser vice.We have the m ost am azingstaff. We see it ever y day,and w e love hear ingthe sam e r eaction fr om our guests,?M ike Bair d concluded. Esca Gour m etPizza + Bar is located at 317 Pitt Str eet. It can accom m odate104 guest inside,and another 48 on the patio dur ingthe sum m er m onths.For m or e infor m ationvisit w w w.escapi zza.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
@ the
The Li br ar y is now cl osed Sundays up to and incl ud ing Sunday, Sept em op ening hour ber 4 th. The s fo the w eek rem r the rest of ai n the same.
45 SecondStreetE.
www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario CPL?S TD Summer Reading Cl ub is a GO!
Kids, sign up now f or great programs, great reading and a great part y. Pl us ride Cornwal l Transit f or f ree al l summer! - Det ail s at t he l ibrary.
Monday Mat inee Present s: "Norm of t he Nort h" - Chil dren @ 2 p.m. Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg - 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. THE ELITE READERS - L?ÉLITE: Play-based program where children can earn additional tickets for the Summer prizes. Games and fun guaranteed! Ages 6 and up.Monday through Thursday. Un programme où les enfants peuvent obtenir des billets supplémentaires tout en s?amusant - 6 ans et plus. Sur semaine. 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg - 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Cl ub de l ect ure d?ét é - C'est f ou! - Pour les 3 à 5 ans - 14 h 30 à 15 h 15 The Fl ying Needl es - Knitting for fun. - 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Teen Tuesdays - Various Teen Programs - If you are a teen, this is for you. - 7:00 to 8:15
WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 Summer Reading Cl ub Program - Let 's be Reckl ess / Les f ous braques (6 - 13 years old) 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Writ ing Camp wit h Lindsay Bel ow Summer writing practice - 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
THURSDAY, JULY 14 Summer Reading Cl ub Program - A Lit t l e Wil d (3 t o 5 years ol d) 2:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Summer Movie Fest ival - ?The Mart ian? @ 2 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. After a bad storm blows across Mars, astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead and left behind. Now stuck on a hostile planet, he must find a way to signal to Earth and, in the meantime, survive on limited supplies. Science Fiction & Fantasy AUDIENCE: PG - Repeats Friday, Jul y 15 @ 2 p.m.
M em ber s w er e honour ed to have Pier r e Dufour , Com m unity Relations and Pr ogr am Coor dinator at the Cor nw all Public Libr ar y, ?launch? the gam es. An d t h e gr an d w i n n er s w er e: Hi gh est Scor e: Car ol M ur dock 456 pts. Hi gh est Aver age: Dave Dolan 388 pts. Hi gh est Cu m u l at i ve Spr ead: John De Vr ies +100 M ost Gam es: Em ilie Henkelm an, Dave Dolan, Ger da De Vr ies, John De Vr ies.. all ¾ gam es Hi gh est Bi n go: John De Vr ies, (nothing) 102 pts & Car ol M ur dock, (quieten) 102 pts. M ost bi n gos: Dave Dolan, 5 The # 6 challenge to celebr ate six year s of Scr abble play w as w on by Vivianne Panizzon for m aking the w or d sextets? accum ulating 74 pts. This event w as the last Scr abble session of the season. Cor nw all Scr abble w ill pause for the m onth of July and August but official gam es w ill r esum e on Thur sday, Septem ber 8th.
How ever , should anyone fr om the gener al public choose to have pr ivate lessons in or der to lear n the gam e or to im pr ove their skills, these w ould be available dur ing the m onth of August. Com m unicate w ith Scr abble Dir ector , Vivianne Panizzon @ 613 931 1792 v pan i zzon @cogeco.ca ? to set up a convenient tim e/date. Cor nw all Scr abble Club m em ber s acknow ledge the fact that it is a pr ivilege to be ?a pr ogr am ? at the Cor n w al l Pu bl i c Li br ar y. ?Hats off ? to all the staff for the dedicated ser vice and suppor t that is dir ected tow ar ds us. Also, bushels of gr atitude go out to Th e Seek er , and to its staff for publishing the m onthly r esults, Par ticipants, back r ow , fr om left to r ight: Lucille Fay, Ger da De and for pr om oting the Cor nw all Vr ies, John De Vr ies, Em ilie Henkelm an, Nor m a O?Collin, Car ol Scr abble Club as they do for all M ur dock, Bar bar a M enar d, M ar y Geoffr eon & Dave Dolan the ar ts and positive elem ents Fr ont r ow : Vivianne Panizzon (Club Dir ector ), Sylvie Théor et, and activities that m ake up our Nor m a For syth. com m unity. Thank you kindly!
Dungeons and Dragons Designed for teens fun! - 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
CORNWALL NEWS By Cornwall Scrabble Director, Vivianne Panizzon On Thur sday, June 30th 2016, m em ber s of the Cor nw all Scr abble Club played four after noon gam es so as to deter m ine w ho w ould be the gr and w inner s of this year ?s annual June tour nam ent. This w as their w ay of celebr ating the sixth anniver sar y of the Cor nw all Scr abble Club. To their joy, som e m em ber s of the Ottaw a Scr abble Club cam e dow n to celebr ate w ith them : Em ilie Henkelm an, Ger da De Vr ies and John De Vr ies. And to their astonishm ent, m any pr izes had been donated by gener ous businesses and people of the com m unity.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Wi t h t h e... SEEK C ER H IC July
U P?
FRIDAY Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l
(A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org Beyond 21 Moon River Run A 5K or 8K timed run or walk by moonlight along the St Lawrence River on Friday, July 8th. Visit: Beyond21.org for registration information. East ern Ont ario Garl ic Fest ival Launch The Brick, 1525 Pitt St. Showcasing local & drink. Raffle & local food challenge launch Franco-f il m - Project ion pl ein air ciné-parc Le petit Prince vous sera présenté gratuitement vendredi le 8 juillet dès 20h30 à l'école secondaire l'Héritage, 1111 chemin Montréal. Apportez vos chaises.
W H A T 'S
DID YOU KNOW... Your word ad in t he CALENDAR OF EVENTS is FREE but you have t o cal l it in ... 613-935-3763 ext 102 "We can't advert ise it if we don't know about it!"
Happen in Jugly10
10t h Annual Josie's Joy Ride Registration 9am - ride starts 10am. at Lola's Pub - fundraiser to help a local child in need.
Free Gospel Concert In Lost Vil l ages Park at 6:30 pm. Graham & Sherlock Reid. Rain out location: Long Sault Pentecostal Church, 9 Bethune Ave. Bring lawn chair.
CORNWALLMOTORSPEEDWAY- BDO CANADALLP sponsorsthe 75 Lap Racef or t he CureSport smanSeries + 50 Lap DIRTcar RegionalSeriesBonusHight + Complete ProgramAd m i ssi o n $2 : 0 Free Gospel Concert In Lost Vil l ages Park at 6:30 pm. Graham & Sherlock Reid. Rain out location: Long Sault Pentecostal Church, 9 Bethune Ave. Bring lawn chair.
Have questions or want your car seat checked out? Come to the CAR SEAT CLINIC We can help you at THE CAR SEAT CLINIC, - 9:00a - 12:00 pm, at the Care Center! We'll be with SEATS for Kids in the parking lot behind the Parisian Manor!
First Annuak Al ice Ferguson Memorial Gol f Tournament at the Cornwall Golf and Country Club. Registration at noon with a Shotgun Start at 1pm. Tickets $100 include a prime rib supper and all proceeds go to the Trilium Gifts of Life Networks.
MONDAY Your Ad woul d be here, had you cal l ed it in. it'sFREE!call613-935-3763 ext102
Fiddl ehead Soup Begins at 8:30pm at the Cornwall Lions Club Bandshell. Eastern Ontario Folk Trio, playing and singing music across 5 centuries, 3 continents and in 8 different languages (and counting!) Genre: Folk, Chamber Folk, European Folk, Contemporary Folk, World-folky-cool-stuff.
13 WEDNESDAY Bereaved Famil ies Support & Share Night From 7 pm to 9 pm. 216 Montreal Rd. Pam Foster will address anticipatory grief for caregivers of a loved one with a terminal illness. C-Way Sound's 20-20 Want to sing a cappella with a dynamic male chorus? Want to start learning a new song list as our members start to learn it? Want to meet singers, present and past who have been part of this amazing sound? Then join us at the Benson Center in Cornwall, Ontario from 7pm to 10:30pm. Cornwal l Col t s Gol f Fun Day Starting at 11am a golf fun day to raise funds for a scholarship fund for graduating players pursuing post-secondaary education (NCAA players do not qualify) $125/ golfer - includes golf, cart, lunch
14 THURSDAY Grace Wil l ison Starting at 8:30pm at the Cornwall Lions Club Bandshell. Grace is a young female singer songwriter who records and performs original and popular pop, rock and country music. Her influences consist of; Dixie Chicks, Hedley, Marianna's Trench, Green Day, Sheryl Crow, Bryan Adams, Ryan Adams and Coldplay. During performances, Grace teams up with her father to sign original music and popular covers.
Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org BORDERTOWN CATZ Come join us as we perform Live at Chez Liz on Friday July 15/ 2016 from 8:00pm to 11:00pm. Chez Liz - 101 Montreal Road Cornwall, ON MOHAWK INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY - UNIQUE E CIGS presents Compl et e Program for Modified, Sortsman, Novice Sportsman, Mod Lites & Bandits plus Ironman Enduro Qualifier Ad m i ssi o n $1 : 2
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
B a r sB, a n d asn dm o r .e. .
Fr i d ay
Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Sha ry n
I was given t his muf f in recipe back in 2003 f rom Marjory Brunet . If you f ol l owed t he St andard Freehol der back t hen, peopl e woul d submit recipes t o be incl uded as a recipe bookl et in t he newspaper. Marjory's name was usual l y f ound sharing many recipes over t he years. She woul d come by my st ore, Sharyn's Pant ry wit h a bunch of her recipes and of t en a sampl e of her baking. Unf ort unat el y, she passed away a f ew years ago but her passion t o share her recipes wil l l ive on in our kit chens. This muf f in recipe uses f resh sl iced rhubarb and has a nice crumbl e t opping of brown sugar and cinnamon and mel t ed but t er. I know you wil l just l ove t hem.
2- 1/ 2 cups unbleached all purpose flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1/ 2 tsp, fine salt 1- 1/ 4 cups packed light brown sugar 1/ 2 cup Crisco vegetable oil 1 egg 1 cup buttermilk ( I used Sharyn's Pantry buttermilk powder measuring 1/ 4 cup of powder and adding water to the 1 cup level on your liquid measuring cup, Mix well with a small whisk.) 1 tsp. pure vanilla 2 cups of fresh rhubarb, sliced in about 1/ 2 inch pieces
M ETHOD 1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
1/ 2 cup packed light brown sugar 1 tbsp. melted butter 1/ 2 tsp. ground cinnamon
6. 7. 8.
-Set your oven to 350 degree F. Use paper muffin liners to fill about 20 muffin cups. -In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and fine salt. Use a whisk to mix evenly. -In a separate bowl, combine the 1- 1/ 4 cups of brown sugar, the vegetable oil, egg, buttermilk and vanilla. -Stir in the sliced rhubarb. -Add the bowl of wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients. Stir just to combine. -Use a scoop and fill the muffin papers with the batter. -Prepare the topping: -Combine the sugar, cinnamon and melted butter. Use you fingers to crumble about 1 tsp. of this mixture onto the top of each muffin. -Bake the muffins for 20 minutes or until a toothpick when inserted in the centre of the muffin comes out clean. -The recipe will make 19 or 20 muffins. They are very good!
SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812PittSt,Unit6,Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN:Monday toSaturday - 9 to5
The Bank of Mont real (right)
159 Pit t St reet
St . John's Presbyt erian Church - A sketch of the Historic Cornwall Jail and Courthouse dated 1840 also shows the edge of a nearby church on the east side of Pitt Street - St. John's first church, which opened ca. 1831 when Cornwall was still known as New Johnstown. This photo of that early structure is from the Daly Collection. The congregation which would eventually bear this name first came together in 1787 and built their current Second Street East church in 1888/ 89.
Cornwall?s only Beaux Arts structure, the Bank of Montreal built on this location in 1911 and still operates there today with only minor changes to the exterior, primarily along the roof line and entrance. Phot o Credit : SD&G Historical Society
The Rossmore House - The Rossmore was a fine example of the Richardsonian Romanesque architectural style popular in the later part of the 19th century; the current St. John's Church is also of that style. Billed as Eastern Ontario?s leading hotel, the ?fire-proof? 62 room hotel was constructed on this site in 1888. The dining room was lighted with gas and electric chandeliers and could seat 200 people. The hotel was heated by two large boilers; toilets and baths with hot and cold water were available on every floor. Every room had a bell connected to the office, was equipped with hair mattresses and the floors were covered with Crosbey?s Brussels carpet. The hotel soon outgrew its original location, and a 45 by 80 foot annex was added fronting on Second Street East. Sadly the hotel was destroyed by a fire on April 29, 1910, in which 12 people lost their lives.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
BAKER Hi There to everyone reading the most positive paper in town, The Seeker! I hope that you've had a great start to the summer season, especially those of you with kids home from school. Last week I wrote about the importance of getting just the right amount of sun, and not over-doing it. This week, I want to discuss the need to drink plenty of water while out in the sun, or during hot weather.
TIP OF THE WEEK: Hydration!!! On these hot days of summer, one thing we sometimes overlook is making sure we and our families are drinking enough water. We may not feel thirsty, but we are losing moisture through evaporation and can easily become dangerously dehydrated. If we are consuming caffeinated beverages, we are losing more moisture than we are consuming, because caffeine is a diuretic, which means we will expel more liquid than we consume. Water is the best choice, and is especially important for the very young and very old, and of course, if you are very active. Some symptoms of dehydration include feeling weak or dizzy, having a dry mouth, feeling confused, having irregular heartbeats, decreased urine output and having a swollen tongue. Of course, the first sign is increased thirst, but even if you don't feel thirsty, you need to drink lots of water while out in the sun or in hot weather, especially if you are active.
featuring a special hat that is perfect for these hot summer days. It's a straw hat, shaped sort of like a cap, but with a little extra feature. It actually has a solar panel on the top which powers a small electric fan to blow cooling air on the forehead. That's right, an electric hat that can keep me cool! When the sun peeks out from behind a cloud and begins to cook me too much, the fan starts running, and since our foreheads are heat conductors, and help cool us down through perspiring, it's amazing at how much cooler I feel once this fan is running. Only one slight flaw in this invention. Once in awhile, my hair will get drawn into the rapidly spinning propellor. OUCHY WAWAAAA! Ok, it only hurts a little, but it's worth a little pain to enjoy the cooling power of this hat. Oh, you know me, I picked it up at Value Village for next to nothing.
While in Ottawa for the past two weeks, being with my young strong son (photo right) and having to do most everything for him has made me realize the setbacks and frustrations there is for those who are handicapped. He had surgery to his right shoulder, and our shoulders are easily taken for granted. The shoulder is an amazing joint in the body, as it allows us to move our arm into many positions, rotating, swinging, and reaching. When something goes wrong, as in the case of my son's injury, it can be really debilitating not to have the use of it. Simple tasks such as getting dressed, tying a shoe, or opening a fridge, become very complicated, as we have to make do with only the one hand. In Marcus's case, he is right handed, and without his right shoulder, he is using his left hand a lot more than usual. But what about those who have an arm missing, or even both? What about those people confined to a wheelchair, or worse, to a bed? We take our mobility for granted, and perhaps we should consider what it is like for those around us who are not so lucky. Perhaps we might even consider helping someone with a chore or task they would not otherwise be able to have done. I certainly appreciate my own mobility more after helping with my son.
I have been enjoying time spent in Ottawa for the past two weeks, which brings me to my last topic for this week. Cornwall. It's just the right size. It's got waterways, parks, trails, places to kayak, places to cycle, and lots of friendly people. I miss it already, and by the time you are reading this, I will have just arrived home again to Cornwall. Johnny and I love it here, and wouldn't trade living here for any other place, other than perhaps just outside of town, somewhere along the river. But this is now home for both of us, me being from Ottawa and John from Hamilton. We love our town. We also hear a lot of people who say the same thing, though there are always the nay-sayers in any town that love to run it into the ground. Let them say nay if they want to, I know what I like, and Cornwall has just about everything and anything a person could want, from smaller businesses to big-box stores, and everything in between. Best of all, it only takes about ten minutes to get to most places in town. (eleven during rush hour) We're not lost in a sea of pavement and concrete, as many of the larger cities seem to be, because we're on the river and plenty of nature around us, in the form of rivers, creeks, bike paths, parks, farms, trails and much more. To anyone who feels Cornwall is a dead end town with nothing going for it, I ask you to please look a little harder. The very things that make our town wonderful are just around the corner, or under our noses. We only need to slow down and take notice of them.
Note here from Seeker Chick Mai-Liis. I have also found out over the past week how we take everything we do in our daily lives for granted since I broke my left foot and am now manoeuvring around in a cast and on crutches. Simple things like going up and down stairs have to be rethought as well as even working at a computer, trying to get the swelling to go down in the foot. A definite reality check and new appreciation for everything we take for granted in our everyday lives. Hopefully 5 more weeks and I too will be back to full mobility!
UNTIL NEXT WEEK: Consider the kite. He doesn't complain of being tied down. He doesn't mind having to pull against the string. He knows that without having something to hold him down, he wouldn't be able to reach for the skies. It is the same for us. If life were all easy and fun, we'd never have to reach or try. We'd become lazy and unappreciative. Be thankful for whatever may be holding you back. The kite knows that without it, it would fall.
ITEM OF THE WEEK: Well you know me, I love heels and hats. For the item this week, I am
Marl ene Baker of www.f ashionography.ca & www.phot odreams.ca
Did you know The Seeker is seen by thousands of people weekly? Our papers are so hot that you often can't find them past Sunday. Ask to see our demographic reach. You will realise that at the Seeker, we reach your TARGET MARKET! Ask our cl ient s! Call Jul ia at 613-935-3763 ext 101 or Mai-Liis at 613-935-3763 ext 102
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Lind a Laura Leah Lindeman At Art Expression d?Art , Gl en St or Dun Lodge June 16 t o Jul y 15
G e ise l
Laura Leah was born in Alberta and grew up in Avonmore, Ontario. She identifies herself as a First Nations artist and explore artistic expression through the use of acrylics and mixed media. She has been working as an artist for 15 years now and has artwork hanging in the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa. Laura describes her painting style as a mixture of abstract expression and realism. She likes to incorporate her expressive style into traditional sceneries to create original context. Laura Leah is passionate about issues surrounding women, first nations and mental health, and hopes to bring healing through the sharing and teaching of this artistic expression. For more information about her artwork, please visit her website at l aural eaht raverse.com. You can also contact her via email at overeducatedartist@gmail.com. Photo above: Laura Leah with her painting titled Lake Louise Acrylic on canvas (Framed) 43 in x 36 in $900.00 Right : Tulips, 2013 Acrylic on canvas (24 in x 24 in) $400.00
Krist ine Picken wiel ding her Brush at Regional Art Bat t l e in Ot t awa Kristine Picken is the winner at Cornwall's second Art Battle Canada event that took place last November. She competed with some of the best visual artists. She went on to face the challenge in Ottawa at the Regional Finals on June 28, 2016. The competition was fierce as she battled against 12 other artists hailed from Eastern Ontario. Kristine went to work while plugged in to her favourite music and produced this whimsical owl in her allotted time of 20 minutes. While Kristine did not make it to the Nationals, the experience left her glowing with excitement and anticipation of art battles to come. Kristine would not have advanced this far in visual art without talent and support. She loved to draw and paint since she was a little girl and often received artist kits and supplies as gifts for birthdays and Christmases. Her mother Donna and her Aunt Kimberley Cameron have been her inspirations to this day. She went on to study Graphic Design at St. Lawrence College while continuing with her first love. She took a few art classes but mostly taught herself through trial and error. Kristine?s favourite media are acrylic paint mixed with pencil crayon. Her work is detailed and with great depth. She finds inspiration from movies, cartoons, video games, books, music, photographs and other artists? creations. Her favourite subjects are fantasy and fandom. Kristine would paint every day if she could. She paints at least once a week and often puts in large blocks of time in a day. She aims to improve her work, learn new techniques and meet new people. Innately a shy person, Kristine has blossomed through her art and the artist community. It is her dream to work as a professional artist and to create a viable visual art business of her own. The lesson she learned from her art experience has been motivating and affirming. She stated that, ?it is important to never underestimate yourself. There have been countless times where I thought I would not accomplish what I had in mind. I did and even surprised myself at times.? You can see Kristine?s work on her Facebook page: Kikisart (https:/ / www.facebook.com/ Kikisart-339947422880115/ )
Ste p he n
BURKE Ext ended Warrant ies Many of us have encountered this when out shopping for a computer or other electronic device; the sales representative will offer an extended warranty. The question is, is it worth it?
Having worked in electronics sales for several years, I can relate that many of the larger companies actively promote extended warranties. Why? For two reasons. The first would be to increase profits. A $600 laptop probably generates less than $60 profit. If the company can offer a $100 3 year coverage extended warranty, they will increase their profit considerably, most likely doubling it. An extended warranty is like life insurance for your equipment. There are mortality tables for electronics, and a lot of computer & electronics hardware will last at least 3 years. But some won't. The second reason to actively promote extended warranties is to ensure that the client is kept happy. I have personally been the witness to both possible outcomes of keeping a client happy. Years ago, I worked for Adventure Electronics at Cornwall Square. A gentleman had returned a 3 month old Walkman for repair (it had rusted due to condensation) and it was ready for pickup. The client had declined the $29 extended warranty when he purchased the Walkman. Since condensation damage was not covered by the standard warranty, the repair would cost him $80 (on a $100 Walkman). The extended warranty would have provided him with an over-the-counter replacement. He was so infuriated when he picked up the Walkman that he stomped on it and walked out of the store. I have also seen the over-the-counter replacement of equipment covered by an extended warranty. The customer left the store with their NEW item and they were very pleased. Is an extended warranty worth it? I'd say that if the item has moving parts (CD or DVD drive, fans, pumps, etc) or mechanical assemblies that could fail, it would be wise to consider the extended warranty. If the extended warranty has a "no lemon" provision, accident insurance and over-the-counter replacement built into the coverage, it makes the extended warranty even more desirable. If the extended warranty also offers a cleaning service in addition to the warranty coverage, then it becomes extremely attractive. At this point, there are only two other considerations before taking that extended warranty: length of coverage and the cost as a percentage of equipment value. How long do you intend to have the item you would be getting a warranty for? Most computers, tablets, cell phones have an operational life-span of 5 years or less. They may last longer, but they become outdated within that 5 year period. How much is the warranty for the coverage period? Unless it is a small ticket item (under $100) If you have to pay 30% or more of the value of the item you are purchasing for a 3 year warranty, then you may be paying too much. Fully featured 3 year extended warranties for big ticket items start to make sense around the 25% of value point, and at 15% or less, they will likely represent an excellent value. Knowing what I know about extended warranties, I typically purchase them if the item to be covered is worth more than $250, has mechanical or moving parts, coverage is for 3 or more years and the plan costs no more than 20% of the value of the item I am buying. So, when the sales representative suggests you purchase an extended warranty, don't dismiss the suggestion outright. Ask for the plan details and take the time to evaluate the warranty. It may be a good proposition.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Second Annual Cornwal l Food Fest t akes pl ace August 20t h Article by Jason Setnyk Photo courtesy of Choose Cornwall
Cornwall Ontario ? The second annual Cornwall Food Fest takes place on Saturday, August 20th, 2016. Pitt Street will come alive with delicious food, live music, vendor sales, artist demonstrations and much, much more! The event takes place from 10am to 8pm. For only $2.00 a person (children free), event goers can enjoy tasty eats prepared by local restaurants and gourmet food trucks as they shop the downtown, checking out sidewalk sales set up by participating merchants and the outdoor vendors market where local artisans will be selling their handcrafted goods. All proceeds from this event benefit The Hub for Beyond 21 Foundation (Beyond 21).
community and they love helping us as volunteers? Jane McLaren explained.
Beyond 21 operates a support program for adults, 21 years of age and older, who have a developmental disability. They serve the city of Cornwall as well as the counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry and Akwesasne. As a registered charity that does not receive any government funding, they are reliant on grants, donations and fundraisers, such as the Cornwall Food Fest, to sustain and expand their services. ?As a charity we are always looking for new ways to fund-raise. Key to this are opportunities that are unique, add something to our community, and respect the other events and fundraisers that are happening in our community. And key to Beyond 21 is to come up with ideas that truly have community at heart. Coming up with those ideas is quite the challenge,? said Beyond 21 Program Manager Jane McLaren.
Jane McLaren has fond memories of downtown Cornwall, and remembers the downtown as being the heart of the community. Food Fest taps into that nostalgia, and it helps bring a lot of people downtown. ?Having grown up in Cornwall I remember many fun times in the downtown where the streets were filled with people and filled with things to do. Downtown used to be the heart of Cornwall?s community. And though that has changed over the years, to some extent we are starting to see that come back. Anyone who knows our downtown knows that there are many true gems in our downtown stores and restaurants and that local artisans are featured in several of the downtown stores. Bit by bit downtown is starting to become community again. I?d often see Street Festival?s in other communities but not here in Cornwall. So when we were talking about fundraisers and what would be a unique idea, I suggested the idea of a Street Festival,? Jane McLaren added.
The Food Fest generates much needed funds for Beyond 21, but it also creates awareness so the public can learn more about Beyond 21 and what the organization does.
This second annual Food Fest hopes to attract over 10,000 people and raise over $20,000 for Beyond 21.
?The Food Fest is a major event for Beyond 21. It is a key fundraising event for us bringing in much needed funds. And it is a key awareness event. Doing a community wide event helps to reach people and let them know who we are, what we do, and how we are here to help! And that is important to us! It is also a key event where our participants are able to volunteer and fit in just like anyone else. They get to be a part of
?We are expecting over 10,000 people this year and hope to raise well over $20,000. It?s a huge goal and we are working hard to achieve it! The funds raised come from the $2 bracelet fee (required to purchase food from the on street food vendors), sponsorship, registration fees, as well as from donations that are made from our vendors at the end of the day,? Jane McLaren concluded. To read the full article visit:: www/ theseeker.ca
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Tra ce y
VALADE Car Seat Saf et y: Rear-Facing Convert ibl e Seat s Your baby is now getting heavier, you're done with using the rear-facing only seat. Or you've decided to skip the infant only all together. What do you do? Get a rear to forward facing convertible car seat! These seats are designed to rear-face your infant and then once they reach the height or weight max of this position, they can forward face (we recommend no earlier then 2 years). Convertible car seats commonly start as low as 5lbs. That being said it is important to pay attention to two or three other factors. Check the harness slots. Some of them are quite high and would not be accommodating to a newborn. Check how much recline space is required, compared to your vehicle space. Check to see if the seat allows for different options such as recline positions, infant padding, or if the shoulder straps are removable in case you find them too bulky on your newborn. When possible, try the seat out in your vehicle before purchase. If you cannot do this, ask around, especially if you happen to know a car seat tech. They might have some ideas if they've worked with your vehicle.
recline angle. If you're still having trouble, meeting with a technician is a great option. Nothing should be between the baby and the seat or straps. Use of seat covers that interfere with the straps, or go behind your baby, or bulky snow suits are not permitted by the manufacturer and have not been tested with your seat. There are safe options to keep baby warm... fleece suits that fit properly and don't require you to adjust the straps on your child's seat, and use blankets over top of the baby (but of course, don't cover the head). When installing the convertible seat, it's better, and easier for you, to get in between the front and back seat, than using your weight to push it into the back of the car's seat with your knees, as well as down from the sides. Then pull the belt up through the belt path, instead of from the side. This will allow you to get a much tighter installation. Let the seat belt retract all the way back in and lock. Make sure your seat does not move more than one inch at the belt path. It should be less than one inch from side to side. It is ok for the top of the seat to move a little more at the other end, or move up and down. It's going to need to move a little to keep your baby safe in a collision, to cradle them. We have high standard for safety including rear-facing head excursion in Canada, so all seats pass the same testing minimums. Nothing should be used between the child restraint and your vehicle's seat. The only exception to this is when using a pool noodles or a tightly rolled towel, to get the correct level. Sometimes people want to use this specifically in leather seated vehicles. I've seen some very good attempts destroyed by using a blanket or towel or even drawer line under it. These seem like great ways to help with sliding, but in reality it'll cause the seat itself to slide more.
Next, ensure proper use of the seat itself; straps on any rear-facing seat should be below or at the shoulders. It's instinctive for them to want to curl into a ball, or as in toddlers, they might dislike being strapped in, so make sure the bum is back every time they are in the seat. Check your manual to see when you need to move the strap out to the next setting, as some of them require it moved at a specific weight, or at a specific spot when using any included infant adjusting pillows. Make sure the straps are tight enough to securely hold your baby. You should pull the slack out of the straps at the hips, as this tends to be more common in convertible seats then infant only, then tighten them enough so you cannot pinch any slack at the shoulders. Then, make sure the chest clip is on the chest, not on the stomach, underarm level. Many times Have questions or want your car seat checked out? We can help you! Come to our we see use of head adjusters, strap covers, or pillows that did not come with your next clinic, on Sunday the 10th of July, 9:00a - 12:00pmm, at the Care Center! We'll seat. Unless you are given consent from your manufacturer, do not use these with be with SEATS for Kids in the parking lot behind the Parisian Manor! your seat! They could alter how it acts in a collision, and could cause harm to your child. If your seat didn't come with a ?head hugger? and you feel the need for one, call the manufacturer and ask if they have one that can be used, or use rolled tight receiving blankets or burp cloths beside the baby. If you're having issues with baby's head falling forward, make sure the seat is at a proper recline. If you find you're having trouble, check your manual to see if using a rolled towel taped at the ends or a So what are you wait ing f or? Call Mai-Liis TODAY - 613-935-3763 ext 102 pool noodle trimmed to size can help the
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Bl oodsh ot Bi l l r ock ed Cor n w al l on Sat u r day Ni gh t Ar ticle a nd Photos by Ja son Setnyk
Cor nw all Ontar io ? The one-m an r ockabilly band, Bloodshot Bill, r etur ned to Cor nw all for a concer t on July 2nd at Lola?s Pub. This tim e, how ever , he didn?t play solo. He w as joined by the Hick-ups. It w as a full house for the concer t on Satur day night, and som e in the audience w er e dancing along to the tunes. ?It w as a gr eat night! How could I descr ibe it other than to say, absolutely stellar ! Tw o high ener gy sets of Rockabilly m adness and Bill?s one of a kind vocals had the cr ow d dancing all night long,? said pr om oter Robin M cRae. Bloodshot Bill, the M ontr eal m usician, w ith his iconic slicked gr ease hair , has been enter taining audiences since 1998. His r ockabilly im age is distinct, but the m otivation behind his look isn?t fashion or iented, he just w ear s w hat he likes. ?I?m not exactly sur e w hat my im age is, I just do w hat I like,? said Bloodshot Bill. I am sur e that I could put out a disco album and people w ould still call it ?w ild r ockabilly? just because,? obser ved Bloodshot Bill. Over the span of 18 year s Bloodshot Bill has im pr oved as a m usician, but he still stays close to his m usical r oots. ?I think, hope, my playing has im pr oved. I never took pr oper lessons for anything so it took m e a w hile to figur e stuff out and get my ow n thing going. Also, the sound of my r ecor dings has im pr oved a lot, at least to my ear s, over the last 6 year s. I?m still playing and r ecor ding the sam e kinda stuff as w hen I star ted,? Bloodshot Bill r em inisced. Opening the concer t w as Doctor M oM . ?Doctor M oM w as the per fect choice to open the show , w ith a Nir vana influenced gr unge/r ock, foundation shaking 45 m inutes of fur y. Thank you to all w ho cam e out to suppor t the ever gr ow ing m usic scene in tow n. W ho says nothing happens in Cor nw all,? pr om oter Robin M cRae added.
Dragon Boat Races on August 13t h at Wat erf est Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario ? There will be dragon boat races once again in Cornwall as a part of Waterfest. The seventh annual Waterfest takes place Saturday August 13th at Lock 19 of the historical Old Cornwall Canal. It is located near the Soccer Fields just off of Second Street West and Power Dam Drive. The annual event is held each year on the second weekend of August. For those who would like to participate in the Dragon Boat Races there is a registration form online. There is also information on rules, regulations, and equipment. In addition to the boat races, there will also be live musical entertainment and a Waterfest market. Musical entertainment and vendors TBA. This event is free to the public.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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YARD SALE: July 9th from 8am to 2pm at 515 Breyer Place Apartments. Something for everyone. VHSt o DVD Transf ersCal l Shel don f or an appoint ment at 613-932-4812 FORSALE: 2012 Toyota Camry LE, 12500km,one owner, mint condition,electric windowsand seats, GPS, bluetooth,accident free, smoke free, bought as a second vehicle and sold with safety and E-test. Asking $17500 or best offer. Cal l 613-933-5006 FORSALE: Antique dining set, china hutch sideboard,6 chairs and table. Circa 1939. Good condition.Asking $850 - negotiable.Cal l 931-2373 FORSALE: Formal Dining Room set like new. Table, 2 pannels and 6 chairs. $475. Cal l 613-932-6526 FORSALE: 1985 Massey Ferguson 220 farm tractors. Engine horse power 31, PTO horse power 26. 1800 hours good condition.Asking $5000. Cal l 613-347-3091. FORSALE; Many fishing and hunting items. Such as 6 hsp Johnson motor, new fish skinner,oars, anchors,15ft bamboo rods and much much more. Call 613-931-2240. FORSALE: Swimming pool steps, will take best offer. Cal l 613- 933-2042. LOOKING: Car CD changer. Cal l 613-933-6097 YARD SALE: July 15th & 16th at 418 Bellevue Cres. Cornwall.A little something for everyone. FORSALE: One large coffee table with two matching end tables, brand new portable ice fishing shack, One mercury propeller pitch thirteen,two Sherwood speakers.Everythingin beautiful shape. Cal l 613-932-4954 FORSALE: POISEincontinencepads in various sizes and packages.Cal l 613-932-5387
REMEMBER Fo r yo u r "DAILY DOSE" o f "POSITIVE NEWS" g o t o www.theseeker.ca
FORSALE: 9ft Garage door, Automaticopener and two remotes. Piston pump for shallow well. Aluminum ladder 32ft. Cedar chest. Cal l 613-933-4319 FORSALE: Automaticin ground pool cleaner, paid $500 asking $275 or best offer. Ladies leather backpack $20 and a double bed spread paid $129 asking $40. Cal l 613-936-9399 FOR SALE: New window air conditioner, 5000 BTU and never been used. asking $100. Cal l 613-931-2733.
FORSALE: 4 in 1 portable air conditioner only 2 months old. Paid $500 and asking $350 but negotiable.DVD/ Cassette recorder with HDMI asking $75. Cal l 613-936-2899. FORSALE: Utility trailer, 4ft wide by 6ft long with 6" sides. Colour brown. $175 Cal l 613-933-5626.
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Int erview wit h Paul Desl auriers who co-headl ines Cornwal l Musicf est Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk
Eventually I fell in love with the idea of playing slide guitar on an electric twelve-string, there?s just something immense and majestic about that sound and it?s become an integral part of the band?s recordings and live shows. I?ve had the white Gibson EDS-1275 double-neck I use onstage for about 8 years now and it?s certainly one of my favourite instruments, though it?s quite heavy,? explains Paul Deslauriers. There is a full line-up of musical entertainment at Cornwall Musicfest. Other bands playing are the Eagles tribute band One of These Nights, Cardboard Crowns, The Bard of Cornwall Jesse Ferguson, Nick Seguin, Mena Hardy, Bruce Ciccarelli, Tommy Heatley, Ryan & Amanda, and Chris Benton. Organizers Davey Bedard and Jason Mitchell of Limelight Entertainment have partnered up with the Nav Centre and Corus Entertainment to make this event possible.
Cornwall Ontario ? The Paul Deslauriers Band along with Sean McCann of Great Big Sea and Brad Roberts of the Crash Test Dummies will each be co-headlining the first annual Cornwall Musicfest which takes place on Saturday August 20th at the Nav Centre.
There will be three stages for entertainment. Tickets for Cornwall Musicfest are $30 in advance or $40 at the gate the day of the show. The event is licensed and 19+, and alcoholic beverages will be permitted throughout the festival site. To read the entire article visit: http:/ / theseeker.ca/
It?s going to be a busy summer for Paul Deslauriers. In addition to Cornwall Musicfest, The award winning Paul Deslauriers Band will also be playing the Montreal International Jazz Festival, Mont Tremblant Blues Festival, and the Ottawa Bluesfest this summer. However there is something special for Paul Deslauriers in his returning to Cornwall to play a major outdoor music festival since the absence of Lift-Off. ?I?m truly pleased to see the return of an outdoor music festival in Cornwall. We were thrilled to play Lift-Off for the first time two summers ago, not knowing it would be the last edition, so obviously we were sad to see it go. It?s great to see Jason Mitchell and Davey Bedard carry the torch over and create Cornwall MusicFest. I?m quite pleased to be working with these two dynamic entrepreneurs again who have such a passion for music and for the City of Cornwall. Festival concerts are often the highlight of our summer tours not only for the wonderful crowds we get to play to, but also for some of the great artists we get a chance to hear on the same bill. Obviously, I?m proud to be a hometown boy sharing the bill with members of these two legendary Canadian bands,? said Paul Deslauriers. This past June The Paul Deslauriers Band released their new album Relentless and had an album release in Cornwall. The band which features guitarist and vocalist Paul Deslauriers, along with bassist Greg Morency and drummer Sam Harrison, created a hard-driving blues-rock album. The new album, which can be purchased at record shops or on iTunes, will also be available to purchase at Cornwall Musicfest. ?I wanted to do something special for the release of the new album, I thought it fitting to return to Cornwall and play the Relentless album for the very first time to a hometown audience. Cornwall has been very good to us every time we?ve returned, it was sort of my way of showing how special our fans here are to us. The new album follows in the footsteps of the last record, it?s a hard-driving blues-rock album, all original material this time written as a group, myself, our bassist Greg Morency and drummer Sam Harrisson. The album will definitely be available for purchase at Cornwall MusicFest. Folks can also purchase it at record shops, on iTunes or directly from our website,? Paul Deslauriers confirmed. For those who have seen or will see Paul Deslauriers live in concert, he plays some songs on a very special guitar. Paul Deslauriers has played with an iconic white Gibson double-neck guitar for nearly a decade now. It is an instrument he quickly fell in love with, and it is now an integral part of his recordings and live shows. ?I began playing a double-neck guitar live about ten years ago. It has a twelve-string guitar on top and a six-string on the bottom. It?s a great instrument to use when a song requires different tunings, you can switch from one neck to the other at will for what you need to do.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 27 - July 8 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca