Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 33 Sept ember 2, 2016
Cal l ing al l PUNK ROCK f ans...
Jul ia is back f rom vacat ion and speaks about t he val ue of f amil y
Check out Jason Setnyk's interview with punk legend - CHIXDIGGIT on p.11
p. 2 Jason's f irst f al l SEEKER SNIPPETS
p. 3
al so SAVETHESEDATES Sep t .2 3 & Oct . 8 as are poweringup to bringyou
wo n 't
wan t
m i ss
See page 9 for full details!
To Bu y or Sell, call Always a Dunne Deal
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
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Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ? The SEEKERcan sometimesbe hard to find and the standstend to be emptyby Sunday.WHY?you ask ...b ecau seo u r "Week l yDo se o f Po si t i veNews"i s a Ho t It em sar o u n dTo wn !!! Ou r r ead er scan 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is emptyand you havemissedyour copy- don't worry- you can still r ead u s o n l i n eat www.t h eseek er .ca - We also havea Ho m e Del i ver yo p t i o nIt 's easy - cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3ex t 5
Ag re e to d isa g re byJuliaLucio
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Case dismissed
It's been a good summer. I've spent the last month spending a lot of time with what truly matters in life: family. I love the fact that I have the flexibility to take off and work from pretty much anywhere, and that I have a good business partner who doesn't mind all my escapades. She holds down the fort while I take my show on the road.
Our family lives far. Grandparents are getting older and are not always able to come up here to visit, so I try to get the family down there, in Texas, as much as I can possibly do it. These wonderful and loving peeps are the only family my kids have ever known and I want them to create lasting bonds that will reach far beyond the point where I will leave this world. They will be there for them when I won't be able to. I've always valued family, but I think I really began to make it more a priority after the paper got sued. Before that point, work was the number one priority. We published a couple of press releases from then-councilor Brock Frost back in 2014. The topic of these releases was a former mayoral candidate. We gave the guy the chance to respond to the allegations in the releases, which he declined to do. Next thing you know, we were sent a cease and desist letter. In January 2015, as we did not take down the articles, we and several other medias, as well as the councilor, were served with papers and the headlines on C F N read ?Cornwall City Councilor Robert Brock Frost & Media Outlets SUED.? When something like this happens to you, it puts things in perspective. It forces you to pause, analyze your life, question your actions and wonder if what you are doing is worth the hassle. Anybody has the right to sue anyone for any reason whatsoever. Just because somebody sues doesn?t mean the case has merit or validity. But nonetheless, the court has the responsibility to listen. Going to court is a stressful process, whether the plaintiff has a case or not. It costs a lot of money to defend yourself. This is probably why many choose to settle out of court, even though they are not necessarily guilty.
t hat Advert ising IN THE SEEKER isNOTanexpense - it 'sanINVESTMENT So what are you wait ingf or? LET'SCHAT! Call Mai-LiisTODAY- 613-935-3763ext 102 Settling doesn?t imply guilt. It?s just easier to make the whole thing disappear than to go through the long process of hell and uncertainty. After almost two years, I?m happy to report that last week, our case was dismissed. The judge deemed that the plaintiff?s action against the media had ?absolutely no chance of success?. I always try to see the good side of things. This whole ordeal showed me who I can count on. It pointed out the people who needed to be weeded out of my life and those whom I needed to invest more time in. People reveal their true selves under pressure. Most of all, it showed me my family is there for me no matter what. It will support me, encourage me, carry me through hardships, lift me up when I'm down. It is the back bone of my being.
Family is not an important thing. It's everything. -Michael J. Fox
To sh in e a posit ive ligh t on ou r com m u n it y; To br in g a posit ive spin on n ew s? To provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote their product or service at affordable rates; To give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; To spread the word about all the great events taking place in Cornwall and Area. The Seeker is the only locally owned and operated newspaper? It is published?
By Local People - For Local People - Abou t Local People - Su ppor t in g Local People We truly aim at being a real community newspaper, an outlet who really cares and nurtures the people it promotes and works with.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity
Ne w s
Present ed by
Jason Set nyk Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca
Communit y Hero Brian Tardif f passes away - It is with deep sadness we report that Cornwall Sports Hall of Fame inductee Brian Tardiff passed away last weekend. Brian Tardiff was a builder for local girls hockey. Brian took his love of both hockey and softball and turned it into a three decade plus career of coaching, mentoring and growing the sports in Cornwall. He is an integral part of the Girls Hockey program having remained on the executive longer than any other member. He also helped grow women's softball by creating a travelling team of local woman players. Brian was one of the organizers for a Cornwall and area women's softball league for a couple of seasons. He was a solid fastball player throughout his career in the Cornwall Commercial Softball League & John Denneny Fastball League. He was won several championships mostly playing 3rd base and batting 2nd in the line up. He had ALS.
Ef f ort t o save River Kings f al l s short ? The LNAH gave Rodney Rivette and his group until Monday August 29th at 4 p.m. to come up with $370,000 to save the Cornwall River Kings. Over $100,000 was raised, however the goal of $370,000 was not reached. The Cornwall River Kings have officially folded. Here is a statement from Rodney Rivette on social media: ?We have not met the requirements needed to save our River Kings. I promise you that it wasn?t for lack of effort. As stated I will return the cheques and money received. We will be calling everyone to arrange pickups. Calls are starring shortly. Before we go I want to thank the fans that did put their money to save the team. I also wish to thanks the volunteers who spent hours trying to save the team. I will have an official thank you post once I have a few hours to decompress. The first thing I want to do is get everyone their cheques and cash back. Please bring your receipts in if you paid by cash. Also a giant thank you for the patience of the LNAH. They allowed us to try and save our team. They have been so helpful in our bid. It?s unfortunate that we did not reach our goals?. Jenna Fl annigan t o compet e in Basebal l Worl ds ? Cornwall?s Jenna Flannigan has been selected as a member of Team Canada for the upcoming Women?s
World Cup of Baseball. The roster was announced by Baseball Canada last night. Jenna Flannigan also represented her country at the 2015 Pan Am Games winning silver. The WBSC Women?s Baseball World Cup 2016 takes place in Gijang (Republic of Korea). It begins on Saturday, September 3rd, 2016. Team Canada is one of twelve nations competing for the title of World Champion in Women?s Baseball. Team Canada, who ranks # 4 will face off against Team Japan who are ranked # 1 and who are four-time defending World Champions. Rest aurant Week Ret urns Oct ober 13t h - Bastion Hospitality, creator of the Seaway Food Festival and Cornwall?s Summer Beer Fest, is excited to announce the return of Restaurant Week. Sebastien Manigat, Director of the Seaway Food Festival, adds: ?With every edition we have seen tremendous growth, not only in the number of diners but also in the genuine enthusiasm from the community. The ?foodies? and restaurateurs have embraced our concept and we are very humbled by the response and support we have seen since the Seaway Food Festival started two years ago.? The full list will not be released until mid-September. Officially Restaurant Week will be held over 8 days from October 13th to October 23rd, giving customers 2 weekends to participate: Thursday October 13th to Saturday October 15th, and Tuesday October 18th to October 22nd. Unit ed Way 2016 Communit y Campaign Kick-of f - The United Way of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry will launch their 2016 Community Campaign on Friday, September 9th, 2016. The United Way will ?Kick-off?its 2016 Community Campaign at the Royal Canadian Legion (415 Second St W, Cornwall) on Friday, September 9th beginning at 7:30am. Breakfast will be provided by Kinsmen Club of Cornwall ? donations will be graciously accepted. ?Campaign Kick-off is always a wonderful event and we are looking forward to welcoming everyone at the Legion to get things started?, said Lori Greer, Executive Director. ?We are thrilled that the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297 and Kinsmen Club of Cornwall are supporting this event for us again this year ? Thank you to our United Way Champions!? To RSVP please call 613-932-2051 or email: inf o@unit edwaysdg.com Boom Breakf ast cel ebrat es t wo years Boom Breakfast, with Dan Allaire and Bill Hallman, on 101.9 Boom FM celebrated two years on
the air today.?Working the morning show on Boom 101.9 FM is the most fun job I could ask for. It gives me so much opportunity to work with the community for many of the great events that happen in and around the city,? said Dan Allaire. They say that time flies when you?re having fun, and the first two years went by very quickly for these two radio jockeys on Boom Breakfast. ?It?s hard to believe that it?s been two years already. It?s seems like yesterday that Dan Allaire and I were paired together to launch the new boom 101.9 morning show that featured the best music of the 70?s, 80?s and 90?s. When we started out as a team two years ago we agreed that all we wanted to do was have a three hour conversation that folks could listen in on and maybe walk away from it every morning with a smile on their face. Hopefully, we?ve succeeded in that. It?s been two fun years and for us the hope is we?re just getting started,? stated Bill Hallman. Sock sal e raises $11,500 - The Fourth Annual Sock Sale in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall & District raised $11,500 last weekend. ?Richelieu Hosiery contacted us several years ago because they had surplus socks to donate. We had the idea of having a sock sale, and it became an annual event?, said Amanda Brisson who is the Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall & District. All proceeds from the sale benefited Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall & District. ?We raised over $10,000 and have sold thousands of socks every year?, Amanda Brisson recounts.The community support for this fundraiser has been amazing. ?We love the community support for this event,? Amanda Brisson concluded. Guardians of t he Gal axy / St ranger Thing Act or coming t o CAPE 2017 ? The Cornwall & Area Pop Event has announced that Guardians of the Galaxy and Stranger Things actor Chris Sullivan will be a guest at CAPE 2017. Chris Sullivan will grace the big screen alongside Peter Quill and his misfit gang of Ravagers as Taserface in Marvel?s much anticipated Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 coming to theaters in May 2017. He also appeared in the smash hit Netflix original series Stranger Things starring Winona Ryder; Sullivan played the character of Benny Hammond in two episodes including the first episode. He also appeared alongside Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter) in the crime drama Imperium. Chris Sullivan will play the character of Toby in the new NBC series premiere of This Is Us set to air September 20th. He will also appear in the Ben Affleck helmed Live by Night in which he plays Brendan Loomis. He?s also appeared on The Americans, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and other television shows and films.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ar ticle and photos by Jason Setnyk Cor nwa ll Onta r io ? Over a thousa nd people enjoyed the fir st ever Cor nwa ll M usic Fest which took pla ce Satur day at the Nav Centr e. This wa s the la r gest outdoor music festiva l Cor nwa ll ha s seen since Lift-off a few yea r s a go. Br ad Rober ts is best know n as the lead singer and guitar ist of the Juno Aw ar d w inning band the Cr ash Test Dum m ies. His bar itone voice is m em or able on such hit songs as ?M m m Mmm Mmm M m m ? and ?Super m an?s Song?. The Cr ash Test Dum m ies fir st debut album , ?The Ghost that Haunt M e? (1991), w ent platinum in Canada and sold over 400,000 copies. Their second album , ?God Shuffled His Feet? (1993) ,w ent platinum in the United States and sold over 5 m illion copies w or ldw ide. They have sold over 10 m illion r ecor ds in gr and total.
though I feel that it is over and w e ar e now getting back to the 80s alr eady. I per sonally felt this br ief com e-back in the for m of r enew ed inter est in the use of ear ly CTDs tr acks. The ear ly 90s w as a r elatively inter esting tim e in m usic: the innovations that w er e m ade cam e on the heels of hair -bands and m etal, w hich I per sonally hated. I loved r ock and r oll m usic, don?t get m e w r ong; but hair -m etal becam e a ver y lim ited genr e ver y quickly?a thin gr uel indeed. After the ear ly 90?s, things w ent dow n hill again, and the sticky, kid-stuff bubblegum genr e, com bined w ith m er ely for m ulaic r ap (as opposed to the r eally good stuff, like Public Enemy), m ade the late 90s a dism al tim e indeed,? Br ad Rober ts r eflected.
Int erview wit hCrash TestDummies f ront man BradRobert s
The Cr ash Test Dum m ies w er e also nom inated for thr ee Gr am my Aw ar ds. For Br ad Rober ts, being nom inated for a Gr am my aw ar d is a m ilestone even if it is based lar gely on r ecor d sales. ?Aw ar ds ar e based on r ecor d sales. W hatever value ther e is in an album it is closely tied to that. If you have a big hit you get an aw ar d w hether it?s fluff or not. It?s a m ilestone in anyone?s car eer to be nom inated for a Gr am my. I?m happy and pr oud of it. That kind of success doesn?t com e often. In my case I don?t w r ite gar bage and they got it r ight w ith us,? said Br ad Rober ts w ith a sm ir k . Br ad Rober ts, w ho gr aduated fr om the Univer sity of W innipeg, w r ites songs that ar e high br ow and he also w r ites songs that ar e low br ow. It has cr eated an inter esting dichotomy betw een deep inter cultur al thought and cr ass hum our thr oughout his car eer. For exam ple one Cr ash Test Dum m ies song m akes allusions to a T.S. Eliot poem , w hile another song?s them e is about self stim ulation. ?Thanks for pointing that out, not ever yone gets that I think . I do m ake a r efer ence to T.S. Eliot in the song ?After noons and Coffeespoons?, m aking r efer ence to ?The Love Song of J Alfr ed Pr ufr ock?. W hen he talks about m easur ing his life in coffeespoons, it evokes an im age of the tr iviality of life. It?s a ver y m elancholy poem . I liked the phr ase, ?I have m easur ed out my life w ith coffee spoons?. That being said, I have no tim e for people w ho ar e m er ely high br ow. I like salt of the ear th people w ho don?t take them selves too ser iously. On the other end of the spectr um ther e ar e songs like Give Your self a Hand?, Br ad Rober ts asser ted. The Cr ash Test Dum m ies fir st hit song cam e out in 1991. ?Super m an?s Song?, about a com ic book char acter co-cr eated by Canadian ar tist Joe Shuster , str uck a chor d w ith m any Canadians. In r ecent year s the popular ity of super her oes has skyr ocketed w ith events like Com ic Con and blockbuster m ovies. The song itself m ight be m or e r elevant today, not because of a pendulum shift in pop cultur e tow ar ds super her oes, but instead because Canadians can still r elate to the sam e faceless dr udger y Clar k Kent endur ed.
Per haps it is that ver y dr udger y of life by consum er s that cor r elates w ith a high dem and for Hollyw ood escapism . ?Super m an?s song seem s to have touched a ner ve w ith Canadians, and I think it has a gr eat deal to do w ith Clar k Kent?s tir elessness in the face of anonym ous dr udger y. Super m an is not r ecom pensed for his actions and he enjoys little per sonal glor y because he m ust keep his identity secr et. Per haps m ost im por tantly, it is w ithin his pow er to be a tyr ant, but he opts not to. M any people have to w or k anonym ous thankless jobs, and m any of them have abusive bosses. In this w ay, per haps Super m an?s Song becom es an oppor tunity for cathar tic healing? For give my Fr eudianism ,? Br ad Rober ts jested. The Cr ash Test Dum m ies biggest inter national hit song w as ?M m m M m m M m m M m m ? off the album ?God Shuffled His Feet?. The song r anked num ber one in Austr alia and Ger m any, and it r anked high on the Billboar d char ts in the United States and in Canada. Kur t Cobain once said he knew Nir vana m ade it big as a band w hen Weir d Al m ade a par ody of one of his songs. Br ad Rober ts had sim ilar sentim ents w hen Weir d Al m ade a par ody of the song ?M m m M m m M m m M m m ? entitled ?Headline New s?. In Br ad Rober ts song each ver se descr ibes the isolation and suffer ing of a child. In Weir d Al?s par ody each ver se descr ibes the absur dity of m ainstr eam new s cover age. ?I felt ver y honor ed that Weir d Al w anted to par ody M m m M m m M m m M m m . In fact, it w as his fir st single and fir st video on that album . He even w or e a Br ad Rober ts w ig! I am r epeatedly sur pr ised to hear people say to m e: ?So I guess you w er e pr etty pissed off w hen Weir d Al did your song? .? Au contr air e! It w as a r eal m ilestone in my car eer. We even per for m ed the song, live at M uch M usic. Gr eat fun it w as!? Br ad Rober ts disclosed. In 1994, the sam e year as Weir d Al?s par ody, the Cr ash Test Dum m ies?song ?The Ballad of Peter Pum pkinhead? appear ed on the ?Dum b and Dum ber ? soundtr ack . The m ovie, star r ing Jim Car r ey and Jeff Daniels, had a r ecent sequel in 2014. 90s cultur e has m ade a r esur gence in r ecent year s, how ever it seem s shor t lived like a flash in the pan. The ear ly 90s w as an inter esting tim e for m usic. Genr es like alter native, gr unge, r ap, and punk all felt innovative, authentic, and fr esh. How ever that w as shor t lived w ith a r eassur ance of banal pop and r ap m usic in the late 1990s dr iven by the m ainstr eam r ecor d labels. ?90?s m usic did indeed m ake a com eback,
Br ad Rober ts w ho w as bor n in Canada, and lives in New Yor k, looked for w ar d to r etur ning hom e and tour ing. ?I love going to Canada and tour ing ther e. It gets kind of obnoxious in the United States after a w hile. I am living in New Yor k w hich I love, but things ar e changing. Rich people ar e buying out New Yor k . Soho is now a tour ist tr ap and it doesn?t feel like a hom e for ar tists anym or e. I?m m aybe getting r eady to m ove back to Canada, for the health car e,? said Br ad Rober ts. Satur day, August 20th, 2016 is a date that w ill live in Canadian m usic infamy. Not because it w as the fir st ever Cor nw all M usic Fest (although that is r eally am azing), but because it w as the final concer t for the Tr agically Hip w ho w ill be ending their far ew ell tour that sam e night in Kingston Ontar io (a concer t that sold out in m inutes). Br ad Rober ts thinks highly of Gor don Dow nie and lam ents the new s of his ter m inal illness. ?I think Gor don Dow nie is a r eally talented m an. He has an aw esom e pr esence as anyone w ho has seen him live can attest to. He is w ell educated and it show s in his lyr ics. It show s an intelligence a lot of w r iter s don?t achieve. It?s ter r ible that he has br ain cancer. He is not the only m usician I know to be diagnosed w ith it. Rob M or sber ger also had it?. Fans at Cor nw all M usic Fest hear d a lot of their favour ite Cr ash Test Dum m ies songs, especially fr om the fir st tw o album s. Dur ing his set Br ad Rober ts also pointed out a r ainbow along the St. Law r ence River that w as visible fr om the Nav Centr e. It had lightly r ained for about a m inute, befor e the w eather clear ed up for the r est of the evening. Playing guitar w ith Br ad Rober ts w as M ur r ay Pulver w ho had tour ed w ith Doc Walker for about 8 year s. The duet finished their set w ith ?Super m an?s Song?, but cam e back for an encor e and played the sm ash hit ?M m m M m m M m m M m m ? m uch to the delight of the audience. Also hea dlining Cor nwa ll M usicfest wa s Sea n M cCa nn of Juno Awa r d winning ba nd Gr eat Big Sea , a nd the awa r d winning blues ba nd the Paul Deslaur ier s Ba nd, a nd other s.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Spect acul ar championship ending t his Sunday at Cornwal l Mot or Speedway! Article by Martin BĂŠlanger It will be an epic night at Cornwall Motor Speedway this coming Sunday as we will crown 10 different track and series champions along with several important races for our local drivers. A very busy evening that will consists of the Bandit Motorsports Canadian Nationals Modified Series in conjunction with the DIRTcar 358-Modified Series, The Race for the Cure Sportsman Series along with the DIRTcar Sportsman Series, Street Stock invitational, Pro-Stock, Novice Sportsman and Mini-Stock. Modified drivers will have a lot on the line for the final event of the season, with the Bandit Motorsports Canadian Nationals, DIRTcar 358-Modified Series and track championship all ending, the pressure will be on for three of our local drivers in Chris Raabe, the new leader after his win during the last event we had, Raabe has a 4-point edge over Carey Terrance and Mario Clair is well positioned being 1 small point behind Terrance. With probably the toughest field of the season on hand for the 125-lap event that will also count for the DIRTcar Series, the trio will need to be strong right off the time trial sessions in order to secure a good qualifying spot. Currently leading both the Canadian Nationals and DIRTcar Series in points, Erick Rudolph will want to continue his great run that could enable him towards championship, the Ramsomville, NY drivers should be accompanied by some of the best talent of the Niagara region that will add to already strong field of invaders coming from Ontario, Quebec and the Northern New-York area. The final round of the first edition of the Race for the Cure Sportsman Series will be run this Sunday with a 50-lap feature event, Shane Pecore currently holds a 15-point margin over Martin Pelletier and 18 points on Tyler Givogue. This series has been really popular so far with 28 drivers still in the hunt for the GM Crate Engine perfect attendance draw sponsored by Seaway GM. An average of 34 cars has attended both events that has seen some of the best talent in the area. This average will certainly go up with the DIRTcar Sportsman Series being run at the same occasion of our local series, current point?s leader, Brad Rouse and American driver Chris Cunningham should make the haul to Cornwall for this event. Nearly 40 cars had already signed up last Sunday when the thunderstorm hit the speedway. The Alexandria Home Hardware Pro-Stock will have 25-lap for the occasion. This division has offered some of the greatest racing of the season at several times. The championship race will be one to watch between Stephane Lebrun and Rock Aubin, following his latest win, Lebrun has taken the lead with a slim 4-point distance over Aubin. Again a lot of interest for the Street Stock Invitational, some of the best competitors from Brockville and the area will make the haul for the 25-lap event paying $300 to win. The Mini-Stock and Novice Sportsman will close out the evening having a regular program. Nearly $20,000 in prizes will be given out throughout the evening for perfect attendees in the regular season, the Canadian Nationals and the Race for the Cure Sportsman. Draws will occur before the pit meeting and also during intermission time. Because of a busy evening the racing will start earlier, hot laps will be on track at 5:15pm, time trials are scheduled for 5:45pm with both Modified and Sportsman having sessions and qualifying will begin at 6pm. General admission will cost 30$ for adults, 15$ for Senior and kids 16 and under, only 2$ with gates opening at 2pm. The pit area will open their doors at noon with admission being priced at 40$. We are expecting to break the 120-car attendance pretty easily for Sunday. For more information please visit the website at www.cornwal l speedway.com you can add us on Facebook at www.f acebook.com/ cornwal l speedway or on twitter at @cornwal speedway plus see centre page 9 for Cornwall Motor Speedway ad
Our f oundat ionalMosaic Unlike the m odel of the "m eltingpot" officially adopted by the United States of Am er ica,Canada w as for m ed as a "m osaic" of diver se cultur es,languages, nationalitiesand r eligions. Per hapssom e of our r eader shave obser ved the r egional differ encesin ancestr al her itageand r eligion in the var iousar eas of SD&G and w onder ed aloud w hy one obser vespeople of Ger m an,Scottish or English descent in cer tain ar eas and likew ise either Rom an Catholics,Luther ans,Calvinistsor Anglicansand their chur chesdom inatingspecific ar eas w ithin the United Counties. The sim ple answ er is that it w as fir st set up that w ay cir ca 1784 w hen som e 80,000 r efugeesbegan m aking their w ay nor th fr om par ts of the United States. Som e of these United Em pir e Loyalistsm igr ated to this ar ea to fir st settle w hat w ould becom e the United Countiesof Stor m ont,Dundasand Glengar r y.By their ow n r equest and due to a desir e of the gover nm ent to m axim izethe successof the new com m unities,the settler sw er e located in ar eas along the St. Law r enceRiver lar gely accor dingto their r eligion and ancestr al nation of or igin. Scottish Catholic Loyalists w er e settled adjacent to Quebec due to their com m on r eligiousbeliefs, then Pr otestant Scots; English and then Luther ans? to m aintain a com m on cultur al thr ead.
The r ationalefor establishingthe settlem entsalong the r iver included pr oxim ity to the U.S. bor der to facilitatedefence against our neighbour to the south. This m ap show s the location of the or iginal Loyalist settlem ents;Lancaster w asn't settled as r eadily as the other tow nshipsdue to the am ount of m ar sh land, w hich w as less attr activeto som e of the settler s. Over tim e the dem ogr aphicsin som e ar eas changed consider ably.For exam ple,in Cor nw all,the influx of Ir ish Catholicsr esulted in the establishm entof St. Colum ban Par ish - the m other chur ch of all Catholic chur chesin Cor nw all. Sim ilar ly Scottish Catholicslater established them selvesnot only in Glengar r y (notably St. Raphaels),but in Stor m ont at St. Andr ew sWest. Later w e saw an influx of people of Fr ench descent seeking jobs in the for m er Cor nw all Tow nship and in Cor nw all itself. Today w e ar e consider ablym or e "cosm opolitan"than ever befor e as w e w elcom epeople fr om diver se par ts of the w or ld.
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or visit ht t p:/ / versacorehost ing.duoservers.com THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Sha ry n
My zucchini are doing very nicely in my vegetable garden. Last week, I made these muffins using grated zucchini. If any of you have some good recipes using zucchini, I would love to have them. You can drop them by my store, Sharyn's Pantry or e-mail them to me at sharynspant ry@gmail .com. Did you know that if you are freezing grated zucchini to use later on in the year, you must grate double the amount of zucchini. Why? Because the zucchini will shrink down after it is frozen and thawed. So if your recipe calls for 2 cups of grated zucchini, you must grate 4 cups. As the zucchini thaws, you must squeeze all of the liquid out before you bake with it. It is a good idea to mark the number of cups of raw grated zucchini in each freezer bag as well as the date. I hope you enjoy these muffins.
EASY ZUCCHINI MUFFINS This recipe will make 19 to 21 muffins. To keep them school safe, don't add any nuts to the batter.
3 eggs (I always use extra large eggs) 1 cup Crisco vegetable oil 2 tsp. pure vanilla 2 cups of white sugar 2 rounded cups of grated zucchini (Note: If your zucchini are small and tender, grate them with the skin left on. If they are older and large, peel and remove the seeds before grating the zucchini.) 3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 1 rounded tsp. baking powder 1 level tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. fine salt 2- 1/ 2 tsp. ground cinnamon
add ins: 1 cup or so (total)of any of these ingredients: raisins, chopped apple, coconut, METHOD: 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10.
-Set your oven to 375 degrees F. Grease or line with paper muffin liners 19 or so muffin cups. I sprayed the complete top of my muffin tins so that the edges of the muffins would not stick on the pan after they rose up over the edge of the paper liners during baking. -Grate and measure the zucchini. My measurements were on the generous side, probably about 2- 1/ 4 cups of grated zucchini, with the skin left on as I grated it. -In a bowl, beat the eggs first, then add in the sugar, oil and vanilla. Add the grated zucchini. (If you are adding grated carrots or chopped apples, add them in now. -In a small bowl, whisk or sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. -Gently stir this into the bowl of wet ingredients. Stir only until the ingredients are just combined. -If you are adding coconut, raisins or nuts, add them in now. Stir only to combine. -Use a scoop for the easiest way to fill your muffin cups full. By using a scoop, the muffins already start out by having the tops rounded up. Perfectly shaped muffins. We sell all sizes of scoops at Sharyn's Pantry for cookies and muffins. SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY -Bake the pans of muffins in your pre-heated oven for 20 minutes or until a cake - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. tester inserted into the centre of a muffin comes out clean. 812 PittSt,Unit6,Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 -Take the muffins out of the oven and place the tins on a cooling rack. Gently, lift OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to5 and tip each muffin on its side in the pans to cool a few minutes. -Serve thes muffins warm, spread with some HONEY BUTTER. To make this delectable spread, just mix equal amounts of softened butter and liquid honey. Of course, use our local unpasteurized honey from Sharyn's Pantry. ENJOY!
SWINGING B?S Square and Round Dance Cl ub Invites you to TWO FREE EVENINGS of Modern Square Dancing Friday Sept ember 9 and 16 ? 8:00 p.m. Knox-St.Paul?s United Church Hall 800 12th St. E., Cornwall, ON Inf o Linda 613 936-2563 or Iris 613 937-3455 Casual attire Bring your part ner or f riends & singl es wel come
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
The Library is now closed Sundays up to and including Sunday, September 4th. The opening hours for the rest of the week remain the same.
45 SecondStreetE.
@ the
MOVIES @ THE LIBRARY MOMS?NIGHT OUT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 @ 2 p.m. Hardworking mom Allyson has a crazy night out with her friends, while their husbands watch their children. Comedy - AUDIENCE: PG
CANADIAN MUSEUM OF NATURE AND AQUATARIUM Two great places to visit in our region with a Cornwall Public Library membership card. Ottawa?s Canadian Museum of Nature and the 1000 Islands Ontario?s Aquatarium located in Brockville.Borrow the passes from the library for up to one week and bring the family! Inquire at the Circulation desk for more information. Some restrictions apply.
www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario
CHILDREN?S FALL PROGRAMMING Registration for children?s fall programs begin on September 6 for most programs. Many new programs are being offered along with the return of children?s favorites. Call the library for more information or visit our website for full details.
CINÉ-CLUB FRANCOPHONE HENRI HENRI Mercredi 7 sept embre @ 18 h 30 et l e samedi 10 sept embre à 14 h Henri Henri, est un orphelin qui a grandi et vit dans un couvent à Montréal. Il trouve sa vie bouleversée lorsque les religieuses vendent le couvent à un promoteur immobilier, forçant Henri à sortir et apprendre à faire son chemin dans le monde extérieur. Drame social présenté à la bibliothèque. AUDITOIRE : G CONCUSSION Thursday, Sept ember 8 @ 2 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. Friday, Sept ember 9 @ 2 p.m. In Pittsburgh, accomplished pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu uncovers the truth about brain damage in football players who suffer repeated concussions in the course of normal play. Biography, Drama, Sport AUDIENCE: G SELF-E Attention all writers. SELF-E is an innovative collaboration between Library Journal and BiblioBoard that enables authors and libraries to work together to expose notable self-published eBooks to eager readers looking to discover something new. Follow the link on our website for more information on how you can publish your work.
CLOSED LABOUR DAY Please note that the Library will be closed on Labour Day, Monday, September 5th.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
t o d o - w h er e
t o go - w h at
t o see in Cor n w all
an d SD& G
Placin g an Ad in t h e Calen dar of Even t s is alw ays f r ee f or a basic list in g an d in cldes t h e n am e an d locat ion of t h e even t , alon g w it h m or e in f or m at ion on ou r w ebsit e. For a com plet e list in g in pr in t , place you r en h an ced even t ad f or on ly $35. Call 613-935-3763 ext . 1
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
TheDIRTcarDoubl eheader 125Lap BanditMot orsportCanadian s Nat ional /sDIRTcar358Series + DIRTcarSport sman Series + A compl et eProgram SPONSORED BY
GENERAL ADMISSION $30 - SENIOR 65yrs + $15 CHILDREN UNDER 16 - $ 2 - PIT $40
Gat es open 2pm
- Racing St art s 6pm
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Your basic word ad in t he CALENDAR OF EVENTS is FREE but you have t o cal l it in ... 613-935-3763 ext 1 ORGO TO www.theseeker.ca and enter your event FOREVENT AD with full details - $35 + hst - CALL TODAY!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Energetically Speaking
W e nd y
to how you are already a natural healer and will teach you ?Radiatory? healing which you?ll get to experience as both a healer and receiver.
Hud so n A Wonderf ul Weekend of Workshops For You By WendyHudson,D.Div.,C.A.E.H.,C.D.W.,C.S.H. This won?t be my usual blog this week, talking about a specific energetic healing topic but instead, I wanted to use this space to let you all know of a few great opportunities available to you all coming up the weekend of September 24-25th. My husband Steve and I have decided to offer two full day workshops here in Cornwall and we are calling it ?A Wonderful Weekend of Workshops.? You are free to attend just one but if you decide to attend both, we will give you a discount on the total cost. There are only 12 seats available each day, and they are already starting to go so if you?d like to attend, please don?t wait.
On Saturday, September 24, we will be offering you ?Heal ing From Wit hin-An Int roduct ion t o Energy Medicine.? As I?ve mentioned in previous articles, we run an energy healing school here in Cornwall and this day will introduce you what it?s all about. During this workshop, you will learn: what energy medicine and true healing really is, basic protection and grounding techniques, an overview of your energetic systems including the aura and chakras, how a blocked energy system can result in disease and illness, how what you believe has a direct effect on the reality you create and how to feel energy and begin to use it as a healing tool. We will also introduce you
M a rie
Then, on Sunday, September 25, we will be offering ?The Universal Laws of At t ract ing Money.? We picked ?money? because everyone always wants more of that, but what you?ll learn on this day applies to absolutely everything that you want to create. We will introduce you to the concepts that money has very little to do with your salary or investments but more to do with your thoughts, feelings and attitudes towards it. There are Universal Laws that govern everything in the cosmos including money and we will break down for you the most important eight of them. This will help you start to work with them so you can tap into your own personal ?Genie? of creation. We will go over what money really is and how to become a vibrational match to it, how your internal attitudes and beliefs may be draining your bank account, how to raise your financial thermostat for greater wealth and how to work with these Universal Laws that govern your money attracting process. Each of these days is fun, informative and interactive. Your ticket price for each of these days includes a take home workbook and AM and PM refreshment breaks. For t icket s and more inf ormat ion on who we are and what we t each, pl ease visit our websit e at www.awakeningangel s.ca and go t o t he Services/ Workshops t ab or send me an email f rom t he ?Cont act Us? but t on We?d l ove t o have you join us f or one or bot h days.
- r ecognizes that people w ith differ ent backgr ounds, skills, attitudes and exper iences br ing fr esh ideas and per ceptions; and - pr om otes encour agem ent of diver sity as benefits to our society and sur r ounding ar eas.
M O RRELL MULTICULTURAL DIVERSITY THE BIGGEST TREASURE IN OUR COMMUNITY, COUNTRY AND OUR WORLD Part 1 of 2 Next year Canadians w ill be celebr ating Canada's 150th Bir thday, it is a gr eat oppor tunity to celebr ate and lear n about our diver sity in festive w ays. As Canada becom es a m or e cultur ally and ethnically diver se nation, our sur r ounding com m unities ar e becom ing m or e diver se also. In a gener al ter m , diver sity can be defined as people com ing together fr om differ ent r aces, nationalities, r eligions and sexes to an or ganization, a com m unity or a countr y. In this par ticular case, let's concentr ate on the m ulticultur al aspect of the definition, in the sense of an equal celebr ation of r acial, r eligious and cultur al backgr ounds and influences that in their unity and coexistence m ake up our Canadian cultur e. Canada has exper ienced differ ent w aves of im m igr ation since the nineteenth centur y, and by the 1980s alm ost 40 per cent of the population w er e of neither Br itish nor Fr ench or igins, the tw o lar gest gr oups, and am ong the oldest. Diver sity is not alw ays just about ancestr al backgr ound but any unique differ ence betw een hum an beings. Diver sity includes physical appear ance, r eligious beliefs, r aces, opinions, thoughts and the im pact these m ake on society ar e also par t of diver sity. A Di ver se Com m u n i t y A diver se com m unity is one that: - values the differ ence in people;
In society today, m ost people view diver sity as a good thing as it gives people the chance to exper ience differ ent things outside of w hat they ar e nor m ally accustom ed to. M ulticultur al diver sity is also a tr icky thing to use and under stand since it has both negative and positive effects on society in ter m s of education, violence and em ploym ent. People have to dig deep to figur e out w hat exactly the effects w ill be in the end. Di ver si t y - A Posi t i ve Th i n g, Not Som et h i n g To Fear Sever al studies over the year s have show n that people w ho look differ ent ar e often tar gets of bullying. Often w hen people lack know ledge of things they ar e not accustom ed to they ar e quick to judge or ster eotype and m ake ignor ant decisions. Teach i n g W h at We Wer e Th ou gh t As Ch i l dr en I s Not Al w ays A Good I dea M ost people get a par t of their education fr om gr ow ing up at hom e using the beliefs of countless pr evious gener ations som etim es r esulting in nar r ow m indness, lack of know ledge, education, or aw ar eness (fear of the unknow n). The w or d descr ibing all theses thing is the w or d 'I gn or an ce'. As a r esult, people often for m negative opinions about people w ho look and behave differ ently fr om them . It also descr ibes individuals w ho deliber ately ignor e or disr egar d im por tant infor m ation or facts. A per son w ho falsely believes he or she is know ledgeable w ill not seek out clar ification of his or her beliefs, but r ather r ely on his or her ignor ant position. He or she m ay also r eject valid but contr ar y infor m ation, neither r ealizing its im por tance nor under standing it. I f you have a ny questions, plea se ca ll ma r ie M or r ell at 613-936-6873 or ema il: office@wor kea sysolutions.com or visit: w w w.wor kea sysolutions.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Article by Jason Setnyk | Submitted Photo Ottawa Ontario ? Canadian pop-punk legends Chixdiggit are celebrating their 25th anniversary with a tour, a new album on Fat Wreck Chords, and a beer named in their honour. The tour kicks off with a concert on September 22nd at House of TARG in Ottawa. The new beer will be available at each of their upcoming Ontario shows.
It?s a song for my best friend that I toured with all these years. It?s also on Fat Wreck Chords which is a good fit. Pretty much all the bands we like are on that label. They have great people who work hard. It feels like it was always meant to be?, said KJ.
Int erview wit h punk l egends
The band features KJ Jansen on vocals and guitar, Mark O?Flaherty on guitar, BJ Downey on bass, and Tyler Pickering on drums. KJ Jansen, who is 44 years old and a father of two, is the longest standing original member of the band. ?I?m the only one who can ever say he has been to every Chixdiggit show,? KJ Jansen chuckled. The name ?Chixdiggit? originated when KJ and his friends started making t-shirts while in high school before they even had a band. What started off as a joke became an entrepreneurial success. ?I don?t know who?s idea the Chixdiggit t-shirts were in high school ? Mike?s, Mark?s or mine. We were all pals in high school getting into shenanigans. One of us made the t-shirts. I drew a logo in math class. Mark?s parents had a MacIntosh computer, not a Mac, a MacIntosh. We traced it and made it look nice. We put the head of Jules Deelder, a Dutch poet and artist on the t-shirts, even though we didn?t really know who he was back then. The rest was history,? KJ reminisced. The money made off the t-shirts afforded the would-be band a drum kit. Chixdiggit were born, and a few years later the Calgary punk band got signed to a legendary record label. Chixdiggit were signed to Sub Pop records, a record label that had also signed Nirvana, Soundgarden, Sonic Youth, Moby, the Smashing Pumpkins and others. Their first full length album, self-titled, was released on Sub Pop. However Sub Pop records wasn?t a good fit for the Canadian pop-punk band. ?It wasn?t a good fit, a bunch of people didn?t want us there. The person who had signed up left soon after. There were bands we really liked on the label like the Supersuckers and the Fastbacks. There were lots of interesting things that happened at Sub Pop when it comes to music history. That being said, I would rather have positive relations with people
The new album will be toasted with a new beer ? a beer that even the chicks will dig (get it). Big Rig Brewery based out of Ottawa manufactured a new beer in honour of the band?s 25th anniversary. people versus selling a lot of records. In hindsight I would have preferred going straight to Fat Wreck Chords?, KJ confessed. The band?s next stop was Honest Don Records, a subsidiary of Fat Wreck Chords. Their next few albums appeared on that label, and their songs also appeared on various compilation CDs. One of their songs appeared on the Fat Wreck Chords compilation ?Shorts Music For Short People? which featured 99 bands including Nofx, Greenday, the Misfits, The Offspring, Bad Religion, Black Flag and many others. Fast forward to 2016, and the band has a new album coming out ent itled ?2012? which will be released in September. The song clocks in at 25 minutes and is longer than the song ?The Decline? by Nofx. According to KJ the album is a tour diary of sorts and a tribute to the band?s original guitarist Mark. The band also thought about the legendary Nofx song when recording the track ?2012?. ?It started off when we were finishing touring in 2012, and the original guitarist Mark thought of leaving the band. We told him to take time off to think about it. During that time I started writing songs, and the first couple were about towns we had played in 2012. I had a feeling Mark was going to leave, and that?s when I came up with the idea of a tour diary. So it all morphed into one song. We wanted to make it one second longer than The Decline by Nofx, maybe making it greater than that song somehow. The Decline was a part of our thinking when making the album. At one point the song was about four times longer than the Decline and we had to really cut it back. We came up with a song that is 25 minutes long,? explained KJ. KJ is very proud of this new song which appears on Fat Wreck Chords. It represents his best work over the course of 25 years, and it is also very personal. ?The latest song is the one I?m most proud of, because it took lots of time and effort.
?The Chixdiggit beer comes from Big Rig Brewery based out of Ottawa. Melanie Kaye, who was also working with them on something, set us up with them. She figured it would be a good fit. It really was. The beer is going to be ready for the upcoming tour and ready for our Ontario dates. I haven?t tried the final brew, but there was research and development done, and by research and development I mean a day of drinking in Toronto. From what I tasted, it?s going to be a really good beer,? said KJ. The band frequently uses humour in it?s lyrics, and KJ finds inspiration for that in day to day experiences. Humour is a part of the band?s philosophy to create fun music and fun shows where everyone feels welcomed. ?Inspiration comes from people that we know or situations that were funny. Bands that I like, people had a good time, it wasn?t a cool club. You didn?t have to belong or look or act a certain way. It?s more about the party,? KJ added. After 25 years, what keeps the band going? The short answer is finding ways to have fun. ?Lots of things helped keep us going. Working with a great people and a great record label. We toured a lot to the year 2000. It had been fun up to that point, but then it became a grind. Whatever we do has to be fun. It?s better to make less money, but have fun, and spend that money on fun things,? KJ reflected. Is punk dead? ?I don?t think punk is something that could ever die,? Chixdiggit frontman KJ concluded. Spectrasonic presents the Chixdiggit 25th Anniversary Tour on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at House of TARG. Doors open at 9pm, and the event is 19+. Tickets are available online or at Vertigo Records in Ottawa for $15. Opening the show for Chixdiggit are the BOIDS, and Pistols At Dawn.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Bu sin e ss wh er e
yo u
B u c k e t ... GET
call 613-935-3763 Ext 1 to place your ad
with Cornwall's
LARGEST PORTABLE LIGHT & LASER SHOW - Disc Jockey - Videography - Invitations and more - VHS to DVD Transfers Cal l : SHELDON & MAI-LIIS 613-932-4812
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Traf f icNot ice? Cl osureof Brookdaland e Secondint ersect ion The City of Cornwall would like to advise residents that Second Street West will be closed at Brookdale Avenue from Tuesday, September 6th to Friday, September 30th for work related to the Brookdale Avenue reconstruction project. During this period, traffic will be detoured via Cumberland Street, Seventh Street and Hoople Avenue. Second Street West and Brookdale Avenue north of Second Street will remain accessible for local traffic only. The reconstruction of Brookdale Avenue from Water Street to Seventh Street is a joint project being led by the Federal Bridge Corporation Ltd. It involves the replacement of underground services and realignment and replacement of the road, curbing and sidewalk. The work is being carried out by Louis W. Bray Construction Ltd. and Brookdale is expected to be completed by mid-December. The work marks the final phase of the multi-year bridge demolition project and it is anticipated that this will be the last time the intersection of Brookdale and Second is closed to the public. The City of Cornwall thanks all motorists and residents for their continued patience and cooperation while this work is carried out.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
BAAAACK!!! Hello there to all of you avid ~Seeker~ Readers...It's been a really fun two weeks off, but I did miss writing my column. Sadly, We have to say "Good bye to August & Hello to September." AUTUMN is in the air, but SUMMER is here for another 3 weeks!!! First Day Of Fall>>> September 21st<<< You must try and get out to enjoy these last few weeks of SUMMER before the cold of Autumn comes in and touches us making our cheeks rosy with the fresh, crisp, cool air. Tip of t he Week: Here are (12) Things to REMEMBER: 1. The PAST cannot be Changed. 2. Opinions don't define your Reality. 3. Everyone's Journey is different. 4. Things always get better with TIME. 5. JUDGEMENTS are a confession of character. 6. OVERTHINKING will lead to SADNESS. 7. HAPPINESS is found Within. 8. Positive thoughts Create Positive things. 9. SMILES are Contagious (3 things I can never remember... Well, Ummm... I can't remember right now...Made You Smile.) 10. KINDNESS is FREE. 11. You only FAIL, if you QUIT!!! 12. What Goes Around, Comes Around. May these twelve things help you have a much happier and more positive kind of life style. Choose POSITIVELY Every Day!!! In the last two weeks, I got to enjoy some more quality time with my family members. I had the pleasure to spend some of the time with my 2nd oldest son, Luke, his wife, Tonya and their two beautiful children, Odin & Ruby in Chesterville. More time was spent with Melinda, her husband Mike and their 4 children, Lincoln, Abigail, Sampson and not so wee William by going to their beach in Alexandria. John and I had the privilege of photographing a wedding for our good friends, Kevin & Natalie at St. Columban's church here in Cornwall. This was my very first time that I had ever been in this beautiful Catholic church. I had walked and driven by it 100's of times over the past 11 years that I have visited and lived in Cornwall. John and I got to enjoy many ~Hot~ and Sun-shiney days of just relaxing and enjoying all of the wonderful sights and sounds of the beach, near Ingleside. We would pick a spot near the point and bring along our picnic lunch, and our cooler to keep our drinks cold for the time we spent
Th u r sdays Fr idays Sat u r days on t h e
there. One day, a nice little doggie even decided to lay at my feet for a short visit. I thought that was really sweet, that I even attract other people's pets. John and I and many others attended the second last ~Tiki Lounge Party~ at Todd & Josee Sauve's place. We all had a really fun time laughing, chatting, dancing, singing, drinking, eating Doritos and playing games together. Thank you once again Todd & Josee for inviting John and I to join in all of this FUN!!! See you guys at the end of the month for the last ~Tiki Lounge Party~ of the year!!! Plus, It's Josee's 51st BIRTHDAY!!! Now what shall I wear to this one??? Decisions, Decisons!!! I really did enjoy our Summer this year. I do hope that you all got to do many fun activities with your families and friends. Like I said before, " There are three weeks left of SUMMER... SO GO AHEAD & ENJOY THESE LAST SUMMER DAYS IN ANY WAY THAT YOUR HEART'S DESIRE!!! Just Sayin'. It em of t he Week: The item I am choosing for this week is a pair of 5-inch red, patent- leather shoes... with quite the different kind of heel-style. Johnny found these beautays for me at ~Value Village~. He knew I would love them. He was RIGHT!!! This lovely pair of red shoes with cute bows were ONLY $14.99!!! They are from the ~WILD DIVA Lounge~ collection. (I really like their choice of name!!! Not that I'm a DIVA or anything. *wink* *wink*) I ended up wearing them to a wedding that John and I were photographing. We were their guests and got to stay for the reception. I was quite comfortable in my New red shoesies that allowed me to dance the night away. Do make sure to check out the many Thrift stores here in Cornwall to see what TREASURES you may find for yourself or for someone you love or like. HAPPY SHOPPING LADIES & GENTS!!! GOOD LUCK to all of the students and teachers who are going back for yet another school year. If you are driving, please be on the lOOk-out for students, and remember the rules regarding school buses and cross-walks. All the very Best for another Successful Year!!! Unt il Next Week: You know LIFE is really, quite SIMPLE. What YOU Give Out, YOU Get Back. Every Thought You Think is Creating Your very Future... So Go Out & Create Beautiful Memories to Remember in Your Golden Age!!! Marl ene Baker of www.f ashionography.ca & www.phot odreams.ca
Mockt ail s is VERY pl eased to have been able to support and help grow Pokémon Go in Cornwall. The friendships and great people associated with Pokémon Go SD&G has made Lamoureux Park a great place to meet up, share and help others enjoy all the benefits of an awesome location to play. We continue to grow our Pokémon Go Crawls every week and look forward to making Lamoureux Park completely WIFI accessible for all to enjoy. Thanks to our collaboration with OntarioEast.net, the City of Cornwall and Mocktails are now able to play using WIFI on a much larger scale. All ages will be able to benefit and take advantage of the WIFI service to check emails, search the net and work/ retire using Lamoureux Park without the need to pay/ use data...
'Pulling together for a stronger community'.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Lind a
G e ise l ? FOCUS ART HELPED SPONSORED ART IN MOTION AT GARLIC FESTIVAL A gr oup of enthusiastic ar tists joined together on Satur day, August 27, to collabor ate on w or ks of ar t at the 2016 Gar lic Festival. Ar t in M otion w as or ganised by Kim ber ly Cam er on and sponsor ed by Focus Ar t and Your Ar ts Council (YAC). The ar tists painted outdoor s in fr ont of the bandshell w ith lively m usic in the backgr ound. This unique event w as inspir ed by an agr icultur al them e using the tw elve differ ent w or ds listed below. 1/ hope2/str ength 3/ soil | ear th4 / planting | sow ing
Warmt h/ sun; Seasons; Pol l inat ors/ pol l inat ion
5/ seed | ger m inate 6/ nour ish 7/ r ain | w ater 8/ w ar m th | sun 9/ w ind 10/ r eaping / har vest 11/ pollinator s | pollination 12/ seasons The collabor ation involved tw elve ar tists painting tw elve canvases accor ding to the tw elve w or ds. Ar tists did not know their w or d until they w er e chosen at r andom befor e the painting began. Easels w er e set up in a cir cle. Each painting w as star ted by one ar tist. At tw elve m inute inter vals the ar tists m oved on in clockw ise dir ection to the next painting.In the end, each unique paintingw as com pleted w ith the contr ibutionof all tw elve ar tists. The par ticipating ar tists included Sandr a Taylor Hedges, Er ynn Blackadder Doher ty, Kr istine Picken, M andy Pr evost, Kim ber ly Cam er on, Tr acy Lynn Davis, Br enda Nor m an, Jade Thom pson, M iSun Kim -Hunter., Laur a Leah Lindem an and Linda Geisel. Ar tist M ar c Car r ier par ticipated by assisting fellow ar tists w ith w ater changes w hen needed. He also took the place of any ar tist w ho needed a shor t br eak dur ing the event. The com pleted collection of paintings is now the pr oper ty of the Kozr oots Com m unity Em pow er m ent Pr ojects. They w ill be placed on display at var ious festivals to r aise aw ar eness of the im por tance of com m unity building. They w ill also be available as m er chandise for pr om otional and fundr aising pur poses. Cur r ently, Kozr oots is w or king on the Gr een Thum bs Pr oject, a pr ogr am design to engage people w ith developm ental disabilities in com m unity gar dening and other agr icultur al pur suits.
St rengt h; Wind; Hope
Reaping/ Harvest ; Rain; Seeds/ germinat e
Submit t ed by Laura Leah Lindeman and Linda Geisel
FOCUS ART f or more inf o about Focus visit www.f ocusart onl ine.org Focus Art - PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016
Reaping/ Harvest ; Rain; Seeds/ germinat e
ATTENTI ON - ATTENTI ON - ATTENTI ON Cor n w al l an d Di st r i ct Labou r Cou n ci l Labou r Day Pi cn i c - M on day, Sept em ber 5t h Lam ou r eu x Par k , Cor n w al l 11 am ? 1:30 pm The Cor nw all and Distr ict Labour Council?s Annual Labour Day Picnic is being held at Lam our eux Par k in Cor nw all on Labour Day, Septem ber 5, fr om 11:00 a.m . to 1:30 p.m . The picnic is open to the w hole com m unity and includes a fr ee hotdog lunch, activities for childr en, m usical enter tainer Tr evor Walsh, and the ever -popular clow n, L?il John. The them e for this year ?s Labour Day is ?We Stand for Fair ness?. Heather M egill. Pr esident of the Cor nw all and Distr ict Labour Council, says that Canadian labour m ovem ent is focusing on: - Im pr oving pensions so that Canadian ar e not living in Pover ty in their r etir em ent. For m any the Canadian Pension Plan and Old Age Secur ity ar e the biggest or per haps the only sour ce of incom e in their r etir em ent. - The shr inking num ber of good jobs in Canada. Gone ar e m any of the decent paying jobs that m any Cor nw all and r egion w or ker s enjoyed over the post Wor ld War 2 er a. The CLC ?$15 and Fair ness? cam paign highlights that an hour ly m inim um w age of $15 per hour w ill help attack som e of the pr oblem s of Canadians facing pr ecar ious w or k conditions. - The lack of access to paid sick leave for m any w or king Canadians. ?No one should need to choose betw een their health and their job,? says Hassan Yussuff, Pr esident of the Canadian Labour Congr ess. Hassan Yussuff ur ges m em ber s of the Canadian Labour Congr ess to celebr ate the gains m ade in the Feder al and Pr ovincial gover nm ents in r ecognizing the need for im pr ovem ents to the Canadian Pension Plan.
?W hile today?s senior s still need help to avoid falling into pover ty, it is young w or ker s w ho w ill benefit m ost fr om this change,? he says. ?Alr eady faced w ith a hostile jobs m ar ket and r ecor d levels of debt, today?s young w or ker s needed a new w ay to save for r etir em ent. After a lifetim e of w or k, no one should have to str uggle just to m ake ends m eet.? Linked to the issue of the im por tance of pensions in the new s of the tentative agr eem ent r eached by Canada Post w ith the unionized w or ker s fr om the Canadian Union of Postal Wor ker s. M aintaining decent pensions for all w or ker s w as a m ajor sticking point in this r ound of bar gaining. Rotating str ikes had been thr eatened, but the ver y m easur ed appr oach of CUPW to w or k and r each a good agr eem ent for all w or ker s has paid off. Canada Post has had r ecor d pr ofit in r ecent year s fr om deliver y of par cels due to the gr ow th in online shopping. The Cor nw all and Distr ict Labour Council encour ages all r esidents of Cor nw all and Stor m ont, Dundas and Glengar r y to celebr ate at the Annual Labour Day picnic in Lam our eux Par k . A fundr aising dr aw w ill be held to suppor t the United Food and Com m er cial Wor ker s Canada (UFCW ) fundr aising effor ts for The Leukem ia and Lym phom a Society of Canada. Since 1985 the UFCW has r aised m or e than $36.4 m illion acr oss Canada, including m or e than $30,000 at local events over the past 9 year s.
LABOUR DAY PI CNI C SCHEDULE: 11:00 a.m . ? Tr evor Walsh Enter tains 11:30 a.m . - 12:30 p.m . ? L?il John the Clow n 12:45 ? Guest Speaker : Susan Hanson, Pr esident CUPE Local 5678 ? Education Suppor t Wor ker s 1:00 p.m . ? Annual Labour M ar ch 1:10 p.m . ? Hula Hoop Contest 1:30 p.m . ? Pr ize Dr aw
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
THE CANADIAN RED CROSS TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM IS SEEKING A VOLUNTEER to assist with administrative work such as data entry, information research, phone calls etc. one or two days a week or as needed. Use of Microsoft applications a definite asset. If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please contact us at 613-932-0231 ext. 2240 or email at cornwalltransport@redcross.ca
FOR SALE: Formal dinning room set, valued at $2300 will sell for $500. Call 613-932-6526 for more information.
MOCCASIN MODEL RR Club meets at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, 1509 - 2nd St. W, Cornwall. on Wednesday Sept 7th at 7:30pm. All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome attend. 613-936-1660 http:/ / www.facebook.com/ groups/ moccasinRRclub/
FORSALE: Leon'scouch only a year old. Paid $1000 open to offers.613-938-1886
VHSto DVDTransfersCall Sheldonfor an appointmentat 613-932-4812
FORSALE: Downsizingcamel colored sofa with both ends reclining and matching chairs. Spotless asking $1000.Solidwood 9 piece dinning room set asking $1200. Beautiful double electric bed perfect condition asking $2500. Other things such as dishes,crystal and china. Call 613-933-6822
FOR SALE: Formal dinning room set, valued at $2300 will sell for $500. Call 613-932-6526 for more information. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement a new event in October to raise money to support research for women?s gynecological cancers. Please contact Lois at 613-32-1283 ext. 3673 It?s going to be a fun one!!
FOR SALE: 2006 Chevy Impala , 40 000miles/ 70 000 kilometers, four new tires, all around clean in and out and in very good shape. Asking $6500. Call 613-932-3707 ext. 331.
FOR SALE: Metal folding table asking $30, Wood table with new brown umbrella and stand asking $45 and two double bed spreads for $5 each. Call 613-936-9399
FOR SALE: Quality fishing rods and oars. 10, 15 and 20 ld anchors and a pair of oars. 6 hp outboard motor with 5 gal gas can. Good prices on nuts, bolts and all kinds of metal cable, ropes, electrical cables for construction and extensions. Call 613-931-2240
URGENT NEED FOR VOLUNTEER DRIVERS to take cancer patients to their appointments. For details visit: www.myccsschedule.ca or call Lois at 613-932-1283 ext 3673. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement our NEON NIGHT childhood cancer fundraiser. Event day volunteers will also be needed Sept. 9th at Holy Trinity School in Cornwall. Please contact Lois 613-932-1283 CORNWALL NEWCOMERS ALUMNAE CHAPTER (CNAC) wishes to extend an invitation to ladies of Cornwall Newcomers Club. If you joined Cornwall Newcomers Club (CNC) in 2012 you are eligible to join the Cornwall Newcomers ALUMNAE Chapter. More info contact Liz at 613-932-8164.
Whenyouworkhard,sodoyourmuscles. For relief of muscular tension and muscle related injuries, massage therapy can help. Located minutes from the hospital.
Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com ( 613) 662-5549 Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 33 - September 2 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca