Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali
Basic elements of urban planning
RECREATIONAL RIVER PORT Architecture, city and region
Urban Renewal
LOCATION: Barrio El Hoyo, centro de Cali COMUNNE : 3 YEAR: 2012-1 USE: Mixto
LOCATION: Barrio Compartir y Valle grande, oriente de Cali COMUNNE: 21 YEAR: 2012-2 USE: Institucional
LOCATION: Barrio Aguablanca, oriente de Cali COMUNNE: 21 YEAR: 2013-1 USE: Mixto
LOCATION: Barrio La Merced, centro hist贸rico Cali COMUNNE: 3 YEAR: 2013-2 USE: Mixto
LOCATION: Barrio La Merced, centro hist贸rico Cali COMUNNE: 3 YEAR: 2013-2 USE: Mixto
DETAILED URBAN PROJECT 13.000 M2 It being understood that the Cali River is a linear axis that cuts through the city, connects and enhances the historical quarter with public urban facilities, the 13,000 square meter project seeks to generate a qualitative transformation of the physical-environmental structure, improving both life quality and the existing social use and dynamics. The urban intervention expects to reevaluate and reactivate the El Hoyo quarter by integrating the ground to the city`s grid, and resuming its urban nature, starting from understanding key concepts such as accessibility, mobility and sustainability. After taking into consideration that the group as such constitutes a relevant citizen interaction scene, the built space is merged into the empty or public space, thus defining the project for its capacity to host and mix different human dynamics by using multiple programs and activity flexibility, improving the habitability conditions.
RECREATIONAL RIVER PORT 186.000 M2 The project`s objective is the environmental urban recovery and articulation of the Cauca River when it passes through the urban area of the municipality of Santiago de Cali (15km). In order to achieve the aforementioned, the project has been divided into three stages: cross-scale analysis, master plan and architectural development of one of the projects proposed within the plan, in this case, the recreational river port. The master plan includes ten projects at different scales that make it possible to bring together the Cauca River by accrediting it as one of the city`s structuring system and connecting its easterm area with the remaining zone. The recreational river port constitutes one of the ten projects aimed at articulating the finishing areas through rounds and premises, making it possible that the buildings become an integral part of the landscape. this maximizes the contact with the outward facings, opening towards public spaces that offer and project the foreseen uses beyond the constructed volume.
METROPOLITAN SCALE STRATEGY To recognize the Cauca River as a fluvial connector in Valle del Cauca, enhancing and reactivating the region`s trade and tourism. CRITERIA To provide the connection of Cali`s metropolitan area with the sea ports and, consequently, the rest of the country.
URBAN SCALE STRATEGY To acknowledge the importance of the river port, not only as the river`s invigorating element, but also as the city`s articulating space for citizen encounters and socialization. CRITERIA To connect the finishing areas, by articulating them through rounds and premises that provide a natural and spatial relationship and restore the urban frame.
PROJECT AREAS GREEN PASSAGE Developed at the left bank of the Cauca river. This is the essential continuance structure that traverses the entire 15 Km and is the socalled geen lane. URBAN STAPLES Developed on the most important area roads to facilitate access to the project area and connecting the city with the river and all its spatial potential. CULTURAL AND RECREATIONAL SPACES Developed as spaces between premises, creating an interconnection through public space. INSTITUTIONAL AREA Buildings that enable the port`s operation and control. STORAGE AREA AND WORKSHOP A space that controls the entrance and exit of products and at the same time provides services to the pier.
ASSISTANCE CENTER FOR THE DISABLED 2.898 M2 The CAD project is a day-time assistance center for the disabled in a dense and apparently disorganized stretch to provide an integral escorting and care. The project is interpreted as an opportunity to intensify collective relationships, taking into consideration its usage limitations. It transcribes the place`s conditions, where fullness and emptiness are intertwined to generate an urban space. The proposed building continues with the rhythm of full and empty spaces wich are present in the weave. However, the project transforms the emptiness into fullness and the fullness into emptiness, thus creating balance between what already exists and the new proposal. While handling the basic principles of spatial distribution- where these constitute a big entrance that accompanies pedestrians at all times until they are led to a big welcoming square- the external and internal courtyards provide the sector with parklands they lack of and at the same time, these are the starting points of circulations. the ground taken over presents high sun exposure during most part of the year. However, the project deals with said problem through the creation of courtyards, great heights and permeable closures, wich provide continuous air circulation and guarantee comfort inside the building.
CINEMA AND MUSIC This idea springs forth as a scenic axis that derives in a series of settings developed from a specific theme, but always highlighting the street in the leading role. This is a project that has the purpose of reactivating and uplifting the sector`s dynamics, allowing the community in Cali to develop a “social being� through an architecture that harmonically integrates the natural environment and the local urban elements. The Cinema and Music stage reflects the need to have cultural and educational spaces in the city, both for those who share this lifestyle and for those who wish to become part of it. The building is developed with the idea of continuing to shape the area`s urban profile, thereby generating the public space inside the block and defining the emptiness at the center piece.
BAZAR This idea springs forth as a scenic axis that derives in a series of settings developed from a specific theme, but always highlighting the street in the leading role. This is a project that has the purpose of reactivating and uplifting the sector`s dynamics, allowing the community in Cali to develop a “social being� through an architecture that harmonically integrates the natural environment and the local urban elements. The idea of the Bazar stage is to rescue the place`s architectural heritage and to harmonically integrate it at the same time to the new dynamics of the proposed uses. the building is designed to match the existing constructions, observing height, nature and gaining also certain architectural elements that makes it perceive as looking at one sole project. The public space is essential for correlating the various activities and experiences in situ. Therefore, the first floor scene is completely released and, thus, a covered and uncovered lighted and dark space is created by means of utilizing the emptiness as rhythm.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali