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Distributors: Eddie Desormeau Peter Rene
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The not-so-funniest April Fools joke happened to me ten years ago. April 1st, 2013, was the day my doctor called to confirm my blood work from the week before: you’re positive! As devastating as it was to hear as a young twenty-something, I was lucky enough to have a GBFF to share the experience with. In fact, he’s the one who got me to get tested in the first place. We’ll just call him Robby. Robby and I met when we were in college. The first time we met, Robby was supposed to give me some head and go; typical Grindr date. Turns out, the kid couldn’t give a bj to save his life, and I felt compelled to tell him. Long story short, we laughed it off and became best friends. And we were slutty little gaybies, if I may say so. We often had contests to see who could bone someone first.
Anyways, that’s a story for another issue. Point is, Robby had just started getting serious with a new guy, whose name is also Robby. He wanted to get tested so that they could start raw
dogging. I remember it being a weeknight when Robby called me in hysterics. I couldn’t quite tell what he was saying. But I heard. I heard clearly: he was positive. My best friend was positive. My heart sank and I couldn’t talk. I comforted him as best I could, but I had a pit in my stomach. I knew that if he had it, then I had it. We shared randos back and forth practically all summer that year.
After a few days of building up the courage, I finally made an appointment to get tested at my doctor’s office. I likely wouldn’t have gone for the test had it not been for Robby’s shocking revelation. But in the end, as messed up as this might sound, it was having a best friend going through the same trauma as me that helped get through the initial shock of it all. We were able to comfort each other and get each other through a rough period. It was early in our diagnosis that we decided to start referring to the virus as our House In Virginia. It allowed us to continue to talk openly about our situation without always having to say those three dreaded letters.
Rejection, persecution, and violence against someone is traumatizing (even the threat of can be enough), and not just for that person. Parents, siblings, friends, and children who witness abuse or other inflicted trauma are negatively affected by it. This is known in trauma work as secondary or vicarious trauma, and it is very real. It can be triggered by simply seeing something that recalls the trauma, such as a movie, hearing about abuse, reading about it on the internet or newspaper, and so on. It can be debilitating for an individual, but it also can negatively affect everyone else around them.
This is often seen when dealing with families where abuse is occurring to one or more family members. Those who are not being abused experience anxiety, depression, feelings of helplessness, hopeless, and extreme guilt. This is vicarious trauma.
Most often, it produces a “victim” mindset, which in turn causes the person to withdraw from friends and/or family, or internally carry an unsettling sensitivity to triggering events. We humans are wired to be affected by and learn from the experiences of others around us. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to realize that vicarious trauma spreads virally. The whole of our society is affected by it, even if we aren’t fully aware of it.
Sadly, untreated and unexamined, leaves the person going through the world feeling unsafe, and believing that the world is dangerous, they are bad and unworthy, and no one would love them if they really knew them.
Remember your own resilience, I tell my clients. As LGBTQ children you had a lot on your plate. You were living with a secret and suppressing a large part of yourself. You were most likely taught that you didn’t even have God on your side and to talk to because you were taught that God thought you were an abomination. And you made it! You made it through some of the hardest parts.
• Join an organization and volunteer to help in ways that you can
• Write letters to your congressperson
• Use social media to start accounts reporting the discrimination and inviting people to help
• Make videos that talk about the issues and personalize it to you, so people see a human face being affected by all this.
• Get supportive friends that understand and love you
• Remove people who are not supportive or validating what is going on in the world as it negatively affects LGBTQ
• Invite dialogue with people who don’t understand and agree. The more you talk about it the stronger you will become
And so, I am appealing to LGBTQ people to begin to remember the value and healing power of community, and actively work toward breaking down the silos and tribalism that keep us apart. Protect your mental health. Don’t make your identity around victimhood.
This March, Gigi’s celebrated its Golden Anniversary with a star studded bash for the ages! Founded in 1973 with Tony Garneau as original owner, Gigis’s has been a safe space for the community now for 50 years on Warren Avenue on the city’s west side. Current owners Luis and Josh Mandujano put on quite a show for the bar’s big day.
What makes Gigi’s so special that has kept it running strong for half a century? “We are special because we foster homegrown local talent and we give them an opportunity to refine talents in a number of our contests in a number categories and we call them family for life.” Said Mandujano. “We support local talent with a venue for them to reach for the stars and become what they dream of. No talent is too small or too big to walk our stages to perform.”
Gigi’s has two levels of fun and entertainment. The lower level is home to some of the oldest and longest running contests and pageants in the Midwest, including the world famous annual Miss Gigi’s pageant.
Congratulations Gigi’s on your 50 years! We can’t wait to see what the next 50 will bring!
Are you finding yourself scrolling for hours on Grindr, not having any luck because no one can ever host?! I have the solution for you, let me assist you in buying your own home so you can Grindr and chill through the night! Imagine, getting your fill whenever you want with no limitations due to roommates or …for many… due to parents (all tea no shade). Getting my first home honestly changed my “social” life allowing me to explore my wildest dreams at all hours of the day, if you know what I mean. If you are not ready to buy a home today that’s okay, I am more than happy to help you get started on the path to home ownership taking you one step closer to your wildest hosting dreams! Reach out to me today to see how close you really are to hosting in your own home. Also, if you are a first-time home buyer, always remember, homeownership can be the first step to financial freedom and is more accessible than you think. I am more than happy to help get you started on buying your first home! Check out my TikTok for more Real Estate tips, @realtorkory or contact me today for all your real estate needs!
Email, DM, Text, or Call because I do it all!
Drag artists are known for a multitude of things; great looks, sickening performances, reading everyone in the building, and much more. They love giving back to the community and as an added bonus get to do so while showing off their art. Self-expression is the base of what makes all of us our authentic selves and shows children that there are ways to stand up for yourself and your community.
On Saturday, March 11, Sidetrack Bookshop in Royal Oak decided to host a Drag Queen story time for local children. This event gained the attention of various right wing conservative groups that do not support the LGBTQ+ community and protest our events. Within hours of posts being shared and TikTok’s announcing these protest plans, multiple counter protests were
planned gaining the attention of thousands. I arrived about an hour before the event was set to begin and crowds were already gathering at the Washington & Fourth street intersection of Downtown Royal Oak. Within an hour you could barely see the front of businesses due to the size of the crowds supporting this event. The goals of counter protesters were the same; make sure the queens and children attending the event were safe, and show protesters that hate won’t win. When there was no longer any room inside of Sidetrack Bookshop, drag performers who were there to support their friends and fellow artists began reading to those children that weren’t able to make it inside for the event. Neighboring businesses offered coffee and other refreshments to those attending and opened their doors to act as warming stations and allow supporters to use their restrooms. People were not only supporting Sidetrack Bookshop, but were supporting one another and showing the children in attendance how love and support can be turned into action.
While other states are restricting and banning drag performances, supporters rallied around this quaint little bookshop, drag queens, and one another to show that hate in fact won’t win and on this day it didn’t.
You are formally invited to the Affirmations
Date: Saturday, April 1
Time: 7pm -10pm
At: Affirmations, 290 W. 9 Mile Rd, Ferndale
Celebrate the progress made by our community and the Hate Won't Win Coalition. We are honoring the historic number of LGBTQ+ representatives in the Michigan House, many of whom will be in attendance.
Entry fee is a two bottle donation of your choice of wine or sparkling juice.
For more info visit our website www.goaffirmations.org
You ever look back on your youth and think to yourself, “Wow! What was I thinking?” Well here is a little story for you that’s almost cringe worthy!!
Back when I lived at home in my little small hometown with my family, to say I was rebellious would be an understatement.
I was freshly out of the closet and wanted to live my life my way despite what my parents thought.
One weekend they went out of town. I went up to the big city looking for a little trouble. I found a handsome gentleman. One thing led to another and I brought
him back home... to my parents house, mind you!!!
Needless to say, things got hot and heavy. Meanwhile I had NO IDEA my parents had come home early.
So, with my bedroom door open and all the lights on the house, my stepdad walks down the hallway and catches me in a not-so-flattering position. Ankles to my ears, if you will. Long story short, I never saw the handsome gentleman again and almost DIED of embarrassment!!! Let’s just say it was never discussed again
How long have you been with Affirmations? Almost 8 months
What is Affirmations to you? Affirmations is a gathering space for support, celebration, and progress. What makes this space truly special is that the people volunteering and working here take the mission of creating a safe space very seriously. Our focus on learning and listening to our community is what allows us to evolve and meet changing needs.
When you’re not working, what do you do for fun? Stereotypical queer gal activities- staring at my cat, painting/ crafting, rock climbing, yoga, reading sapphic literature, dancing to ABBA with my 1 year old nephew.
Who are your top 3 choices for celebrity dinner party guests? Padma Lakshmi, Tessa Thompson, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
Marisol Dorantes-Silva, Marketing and Communications ManagerWhat’s something you're proud of at Affirmations? There have been a lot of changes in the past few years at the organization. I am proud to see that many of those shifts are a result of candid conversations about how we could be doing better.
Aries: That old guy that’s sitting at the bar, he might be that sugar daddy to make all your dreams cum true. You finding new booty calls in the strangest places. Just try to fuck unfamiliar faces. It is going to be in full rage like Whoopi vs Roseanne except the View is extremely entertaining when it gets heated up.
Taurus: What that Netflix and Chill ghosted you? Pay no attention to that if you’re wanting to explore water sports try at least in the shower first. This way you’re in the shower and less complaints. Better to had been pist on then pist off.
Gemini: This month use the power of beauty for your ultimate desires. You could be doing more if you planned a head cuz it’s always fun if it is deepthroated, or a 69. Either way try to be milked. Real moans are more erotic than emotions.
Cancer: You’re getting it from all angles & every potential hole can be filled. Do the Snap back to obtain opportunities that lie within your limits. If you can create new boundaries than your ahead of the game.
Leo: Watch all Sexting to a DUFF, DILF or even family or it
can cum fart back on you in a bad way. It’s just watch all your texts! You don’t want to send dick pix to grandma again. Besides she knows about your Only Fans. You don’t want to be the butt of the joke on April Fool’s Day.
Virgo: The full moon will be seducing hairy men like wolves! Find where you feel complete and hit the streets then the sheets. You’re going to find hook ups outside in nature now, try to be in your birthday suit more to find that DILF.. Maybe a bathhouse? Maybe Growlr?
Libra: Do not settle for anything basic, look for girth, stamina, eye color, if he has tats to look at while your fucking him, it’s a plus... I met a guy once that had the Ouija board tatted on his back, nuffin’ like summoning spirits while doing the dirty deed. Multitask some things around. It gives you more playtime with the regulars.
Scorpio: Wow! Everyone queen must have sand in their mangina. Nobody wants to hear your advice, but it could get out of hand if you don’t show respect of other opinions around you. They must have got Butt hurt by something. Lucky! I mean don’t
threaten me with a good time.
Sagittarius: If you’re into the Easter Season and you’re looking for a basket, maybe a couple eggs? They will turn up if you’re paying attention to things around you. You could miss out on some serious dick and then you be the dick. Maybe it’s time to be more versatile then a bottom.
Capricorn: No frivolous financial fuck ups! I bet you thought the 3 F’s were find him, fuck him and forget him, but your swag will have him cumming back to you if you’re playing your cards right. Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one.
Aquarius: You got anything better to do in 20 mins and Grindr is one click away. If you go premium, it’s only a few bucks. It will better your chances with some hot guys! The same in life. You got to sometimes pay the little extras to get those perks & friends with benefits.
Pisces: You need to give yourself a peptalk about how helpful, how hung, dependable, you are at work this month. This will be better than Skin-a-max, Pay per view or even Twitter! Good deeds turn into the dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
April 8th
April 15th
April 22nd
April 29th