JungleDrums issue 86 - November / December 2010

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Young but standing tall: Jungle catches up with Lino, the face of a new age of Brasil finding its feet and much more in England

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SPICES From a Bossa Nova book to playing piano in a prison, an Afrobeat musical to parties and new music




Jungle speaks to Brasil’s new Ambassador about the country’s economy and UK immigration policy

A hearty month and a half of listings, topped with inspiration for cool tips on how to celebrate NYE

Discovering the capital of curves and colour, taking you on a photographic journey around Rio





Treat your ears to our album of Brasillian music

From scratch: make your own classic dessert

A few of our favourite letters

It could happen to you too

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JungleDreams on... TO CELEBRATE EIGHT YEARS OF JUNGLE AND THE FACT THAT WE WILL STOP PUBLISHING THE MAGAZINE IN ITS CURRENT FORMAT, WE ASKED OUR FRIENDS AND FORMER TEAM MEMBERS TO TAKE A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE WITH US After having spent almost my entire youth in Great Britain, and the better part of this time with Jungle, I can say how important this was for the people we are today. I say ‘we’ for me and for all those we crossed paths with along the way, and there were so many! People of all types, genders and moods, and even dubious characters! So here I am, writing my last piece for our monthly magazine, to try to thank everyone who made possible so many experiences in our lives, turning Jungle not only into a company, but also a family. No one will be forgotten. I believe that what will remain most of all this journey is the example of the strength that exists when an ideal is matched with dedication. The unity of people in pursuit of something positive, can truly move mountains. It´s in this battle – which begins with the individual – that we will change our planet, starting from within, and building to bring more people on board. It’s like an idea that starts catching on in Zone 1, slowly taking hold in Zone 2, then spreads like wildfire out to Zone 6.

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Jungle might not have changed any prejudiced laws of immigration, nor reversed the decision to annihilate people in the Middle East, but it questioned, and created new ways of thinking, it planted seeds that one day might revolutionise our system. It made all of us better, stronger and more conscious people. And that’s the power of the media. A dangerous power. I am ashamed to see so many other medias contributing to ignorance and fear, selling their principles and opinions, contributing to the ills of our society. They forget that they are humans turning against humanity, that one day, their families will reap the fruits of their actions. Jungle has never been like this. We never sold our freedom. This is why we’re not rich! Hehe. I don’t know of any fortune won without exploitation, either by someone or of something. And in this respect, Jungle showed us that two birds in the bush (flying free) are better than one in the hand, that through confidence and equality we were able to create priceless emotions, memories and friends. This is what no one can take from us, this wonderful feeling of having made something incredible, in being someone different, different to those who merely wake, work and sleep like automated machines. All of you, readers, friends, subscribers, collaborators, staff, advertisers, have made history, contributing to a free and independent venture, you’ve invested your time and money in something truly unique, and you will be forever rewarded. And, as such, you’ll still hear a great deal from us. This change is by no means the end. In fact, it is simply a new beginning. ,& D[ )KCPPC 6QPK

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Fela!, the 'hybrid of dance, theatre and music' about the Godfather of Afrobeat, Fela Kuti, has landed at the National Theatre. With a hugely diverse thirty-strong cast, multi award-winning director and choreographer Bill T. Jones, and a twelve-piece band including the legendary Dele Sosimi, this promises to be an unforgettable experience. The constant music that slowly builds with the action to reach a punching brass crescendo continues the form of much of Fela's own, whose dagger-like lyrics only begin to stab once you're completely hooked on the groove, at the mercy of his music and wherever it wants to take you. Fela! will do much the same; overwhelm you with the sight and sound of its superbly choreographed cast and the magnificence of its Afrobeat orchestra. You’d do well to disregard London theatre etiquette and forget your inhibitions - embrace this stage Kalakuta and you’ll be out of your seat in no time! The show’s Paulette Ivory explained “we want you to get involved, to feel like you're there in Lagos... so don't sit in the front if you don't want to get up!” Fela! is a vibrant, living piece; and as said in rehearsals, “This thing is not written down – it has evolved”. It would be hard, nay, impossible to resist taking away the highly charged, infectious energy of a production of this magnitude, which will have your hips shaking and feet tapping long after the performance. And what better to go home to the tune of than the new Femi Kuti album Africa for Africa, who continues to produce the vital, unflinching, exposé of bad government and corruption started by his father, “Make we remember the things Fela taught you!” ,&


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YVcXZ d[ haVkZh `^c\h Created by African slaves in Brasil, capoeira combines the balance and flexibility of acrobatics with the grace and strength of dance, the speed and cunning of fighting and the rhythm of music into a powerful harmony. Now practised the world over, capoeira’s up there with Brasil’s main cultural icons and exports of samba and football. And here we take a look at how capoeira, far from where it was developed, can play an important role in personal development and social change, as well as being great exercise and a lot of fun. ,& D[ ,COGU *WTTGNN

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[gZh] [VXZY Ò ZhiV CELEBRATE WITH US AS JUNGLE TURNS 8 WITH A BOOK CLUB BASH One big anniversary, one Book Club, and we’ll be painting it read. You don’t need no library card, but birthday cards, they’ll be warmly received; there’ll be no late returns, just many happy returns; and there’s no exclusivity to this club of ours – with arms wide open, Jungle simply wants to mark this epic moment with our nearest and dearest all around. We can’t get our heads round it either, but yes it has really been 8 years that we've been printing this here monthly magazine, showcasing all the coolest Brasilian and Latin American culture in the UK, and that calls for a huge send off. But puns aside, we want to see our dear readers, subscribers, collaborators, partners and friends, all in one place, all having fun. Introspective as this time is for Jungle, we’ve been pondering the past, present and future a great deal. And picking out one of our favourite new bars in East London, we’ve summoned our old pal DJ Cliffy to get the party started, who himself has been busy rounding up all the sounds under the sun back in Brasil. And if you didn’t get to see our newfound friends (see box right) opening Adriana Calcanhotto’s gig at the Union Chapel, you can catch the young Fran & Josh laying down some frenetic acoustic flamenco in the basement. And could any JD party truly be complete without the king of mashups, the ever-faithful João Brasil? Nope, in a Brasil nutshell. So the soundtrack’s in place, the guests have all been invited, all that remains is that we do Jungle justice. See you there! ,&

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COVER TO COVER: ICONIC DESIGNS OF BRASIL'S MUSICAL GOLDEN AGE It is a truth universally acknowledged that a band with a great album must be in want of a great album cover. When done well, it becomes almost impossible to imagine Abbey Road, say, without The Fab Four on the pedestrian crossing, or The Velvet Underground without Warhol’s banana. But when done just right, cover art can go beyond individual albums, and come to represent an entire era. Nowhere was this more evident than in Brasil during the late 50s and early 60s, where designs used by labels like Odeon and Elenco stand, alongside the music of João Gilberto and the architecture of Oscar Niemeyer, as iconic symbols of the country’s age of Modernity. A hand-picked selection of these remarkable designs is gathered for the first time in Bossa Nova and the Rise of Brazilian Music in the 1960s, the stunning new LP-sized book from Soul Jazz. Compiled by Stuart Baker and Gilles Peterson, it tells the story of the close relationship between the music, the art and the era and, according to Baker, it wasn’t hard to find the covers. “I’ve been collecting Brasilian music for 15-20 years, as has Gilles. We had all the records between us”. More challenging, however, was exploring the way the music responded to society, how it turned from the groundbreaking Brasilian music of the 1950s into the elevator muzak of the 1970s. “Bossa was a radical modernist movement, completely in sync with the times. But abroad, the world took to it in a different way - seduced by its power to imagine tropical beaches, love and exotica”. But while for some the music has become a byword for bland, the distinctive visual style of Bossa Nova remains as show-stopping as ever. ,& D[ 6QO %TQQMUVQP

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Warmly welcoming in the start of the next decade, Old Street’s coolest Franco-Brasilian bar presents the party Secousse, led by Radioclit, marking the turn of the new year in true style: chão chão chão (“get down”, in other words). The musical duo that make up Radioclit, Etienne Tron and Johan Karlberg, first became known in Brasil due to their collaboration on the Bonde do Rolê album – produced by the omnipresent Diplo, with tracks

like ‘Geremia’ and ‘Divine Gosa’, though they were already causing a stir on the internet with their infectious podcasts. In search of ever more unknown dancefloor sounds, today they’ve nestled comfortably in with bands from Africa. This flirting with the mother continent demonstrated the power of her seduction with the project The Very Best, comprising of a number of collaborations, amongst them being Esau Mwamwaya and the

well-known Marina Gasolina. And it was with this that the duo supported Vampire Weekend on their tour. Secousse, being both the name of the party and also their most recent album (see reviews on p.24), comes from ‘soukous’, which in Congolese means to stir, shake, agitate. So, get yourself ready for an Afro-electronic armageddon of kuduro, kwaito, baile funk, soucousse and hi-life. All this at the fingertips of Radioclit. ,& D[ .sXKC 6JKOQVJGQ

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WITH AN AFRICAN BURST RADIOCLIT BRINGS 2011 TO FAVELA CHIC EVgV d GZkZ^aadc! d ;VkZaV 8]^X igVo V [ZhiV HZXdjhhZ! XdbVcYVYV eZaV GVY^dXa^i! eVgV XZaZWgVg V k^gVYV Yd Vcd cd bZa]dg Zhi^ad YV XVhV/ X] d X] d X] d### 6 YjeaV [dgbVYV edg :i^ZccZ Igdc VcY ?d]Vc @VgaWZg\ Ò Xdj Xdc]ZX^YV cd 7gVh^a YZed^h YV XdaVWdgV d cd Y^hXd Yd 7dcYZ Yd Gda ! iVbW b egdYjo^Yd eZad dc^egZhZciZ 9^ead! Xdb Vh b h^XVh Æ<ZgZb^VÇ Z Æ9^k^cZ <dhVÇ# BVh _{ [Vo^V jb WjgWjg^c]d cV ^ciZgcZi Xdb hZjh edYXVhih WdbWVYdh# CV WjhXV edg hdcdg^YVYZh XVYV kZo bV^h YZhXdc]ZX^YVh YV e^hiV! ]d_Z ZaZh hZ ZbWgZc]Vb V^cYV bV^h eVgV Vh WVcYVh YV Û[g^XV# D Ó ZgiZ Xdb d Xdci^cZciZ b Z bdhigdj hZj edYZg YZ hZYj d Xdb d Y^hXd I]Z KZgn 7Zhi! fjZ XdciV Xdb k{g^Vh

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H::>C< EG>HDCH 9>;;:G:CIAN BRASILIAN PIANIST HELPS CONVICTS AND COMMUNITIES SEE BEAUTY OF CLASSICS In Brasilian prisons there are no life-sentences, and no death penalties; every inmate who is committed will one day return to society. Rehabilitation is therefore a vital but sadly neglected aspect of the penal system, and its very plight caught the attention of the internationally recognised artist Mariannita Luzzati and her husband, Brasilian pianist Marcelo Bratke. Together they devised CinĂŠmusica - Villa-Lobos and Brazil, a series of 110 concerts accompanied by a film of the Brasilian landscape, to be performed in prisons worldwide. The musical programme is dominated by Heitor VillaLobos who, as Marcelo explains, “relates to nature, freedom and the children’s worldâ€?. Much of Villa-Lobos’ work draws upon traditional Brasilian melodies and rhythms, and the first performance in the ButantĂŁ Women’s Prison of SĂŁo Paulo brought both tears and sing-along accompaniments from the audience: a first for this pianist who has graced the world’s most celebrated stages. But Marcelo has another, more personal reason for identifying with this project of visual and musical escapism. Crippled by heavy cataracts since birth, Marcelo was blind for his first 43 years and could see only the haziest of shapes. Hiding his difficulties, his gift for memorising and replicating piano music became his refuge. “Music became my tool of communication with people,â€? he reveals. He was to give over 1,000 live concerts with sheet music in front of him, secretly playing the pieces by heart. Following an operation in 2004, Marcelo recovered a much improved vision, “an explosion of colour and joyâ€? he says. He is also, of course, able to appreciate his wife Mariannita Luzzati’s work and draw upon her images in his performance. For Marcelo, the walls around his world have been torn down. With CinĂŠmusica, he hopes to share this feeling with many more. ,& D[ 1NKXGT 'EENGU '' ,WPING&TWOU CDK:B7:G $ 9:8:B7:G '%&%

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Vc\daVc Vci]Zbh The ninth release on this excellent label was the toughest to put together. It was over two years in the making requiring some difficult negotiations just to get into the country, however it may also be their best album so far. The result is a perfectly formed compilation that flows from one cracking track to another. From the outset the highly addictive groove of Mamukueno sucks you into the 18 tracks from the Golden Era of Angolan music, a period at the end of colonial rule when proud Angolan musicians were forging a new musical identity, adapting instruments to local rhythms. As with all Analog Africa releases, they dig that bit deeper to unearth vinyl gems like the Jovens da Prenda track 'Farra Na Madrugada' which is taken from the first LP ever released in Angola in 1973. The compilation's also available as a double LP for vinyl addicts like myself. ,&

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Lino Facioli

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jungle 8 years




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It only takes five minutes to realise that Lino Facioli isn’t your typical 10 year old. His incredibly detailed knowledge of the original Star Wars trilogy encompasses outer space as well as an enthusiasm for vintage attire. So much so that the lad arrives at the photo session in a Shoreditch studio dressed as if he’s just left a drama set in the Second World War. You don’t normally see 10 year old boys showing promise in the world of cinema either, let alone with a CV already boasting a film alongside British comedian Russell Brand (Get Him to the Greek) and an epic series for American channel HBO (Games of Thrones, still in production). This boy’s case turns out to be somewhat more uncommon since he also symbolises a new dynamic between the Brasilian community and the UK. Although he was born in Riberão Preto, in the interior of São Paulo state, and has lived in Brasil for half his life with his Brasilian parents, Lino’s roots are no longer exclusively fixed on the other side of the Atlantic. His formal education has been British, and the lack of regular contact with his homeland has created the collateral damage of a slight accent when speaking Portuguese and a limited familiarity with Brasilian routine.

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Lino Facioli At the same time, the young man benefits from his diverse upbringing. For a start, he didn’t arrive in London as part of a consignment of economic migrants. His father, Cako Facioli, is just as connected to the arts as his mother, Claudia Schmidek, (he being a visual animator, and she, an architect and jewellery designer), and they came to the United Kingdom in search of opportunities in their respective vocations, without the concern of sending money back to Brasil, for example. And neither of them were afraid to let their boy’s imagination soar. Claudia, for example, considered the glass half full when she was called in by one of Lino’s teachers, who reported the melodramatic behaviour of her son. Rather than being a case for psychologists, she recognised the boy to be simply experimenting with emotions. And

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she wasn’t anxious when Lino assumed the personalities of animals, or conversed with imaginary friends. “Once Lino arrived home explaining that he’d cried at school because his classmates had killed his imaginary dog. I never worried though, I thought it was important for him to let his feelings free.” When their son asked to join a drama school, it came as no surprise. “I knew that Lino was heading that way. He was always creating characters, and talked of getting involved in films. And he also knew what he wanted: he asked us to move him to a drama school because his didn’t have an agent to help him get roles”, she recalls. At All Sorts Drama, a specialised school in south London for young actors, Lino made an immediate impression upon his arrival: in his first audition, one month after starting

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jungle 8 years

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jungle 8 years

classes there, the director of Eloise in Paris, a film starring the Swedish actress Uma Thurman, re-wrote the script, adding in a part especially for Lino, so impressed was he with the boy’s resourceful nature during the auditions. Lino’s now one of the school’s hot properties, especially after having worked alongside Brand, an experience that at first might seem nerve-racking given the outrageous character of the comedian. “I absolutely loved Russell, but because he’s a really simple guy; he doesn’t act like a celebrity. We chatted a bit and he gave me lots of advice”, tells Lino. Ironically, the young man still hasn’t managed to witness the end product of his work, as Get Him… is rated for over 15’s only. Despite missing the relatives and friends that he visits each year in Brasil, the young actor doesn’t feel a desire to return. “I’ve

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already forgotten a lot of things about what it was like to live there and I like my life here. But I also love going on holiday to Brasil”. Claudia and Cako also don’t see reason to plan a return at a time when the world is opening up for Lino. Although they do make a point of monitoring their son’s accent when he speaks Portuguese. “There was a time when he used to mispronounce the word ‘ball’ though”, jokes his mother. Their life in the UK, however, doesn’t depend exclusively on his career as an actor, which Lino doesn’t feel under any obligation to continue in case one day he wakes up dreaming of taking another professional route. “While he’s enjoying it, it’s fine. Our role is to support him, not to put pressure on him. It’s important, too, when he doesn’t get a role in an audition, as it’s part of the learning experience”, Claudia asserts.

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Lino Facioli

The young chap does, however, have to follow some rules, which include the responsible use of his earnings. The family saves more than they spend – Lino’s computer console, for example, is still a Playstation 2. “He doesn’t make a point of wanting the ‘latest’ computer game or TV, unlike most other kids his age. We try to give him an education in which he learns to spend or save money in a sensible way, using common sense, prioritising what’s important”, his mum explains. Lino doesn’t show any signs of wanting to escape the limelight of the camera. Especially since he still dreams of one day appearing in Star Wars. “The original plan was to make nine films, so there’s still a chance”, says the boy, who’s fascination with George Lucas’ films is so great that for Halloween this year he took to the streets disguised as one of the sand monsters off Episode IV (which, with his parents, took three pairs of hands to put together). More immediate objectives include finishing reading Fundação, a classic science fiction novel written by Isaac Asimov, quite an unconventional option for a time in which children’s literature is dominated by witches. But, as has already been mentioned, Lino is not just any ordinary boy. He wouldn’t give up Han Solo for Harry Potter and his aversion to the sorcerer made him vow to never want to work on a film in the series. “Not even if they offered me a million pounds”, he swears, and he also doesn’t like rap or pop; he prefers to forage in the adult music section for songs by the Beatles and Elvis Presley. ,&

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jungle 8 years


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Roberto Jaguaribe



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THE NEW AMBASSADOR TO THE UK FACES INTERESTING CHALLENGES AS BRASIL GAINS MORE IMPORTANCE ON THE GLOBAL SCENE WHILE THE UK PLANS TO TOUGHEN UP ON IMMIGRATION Only three months on the job and Roberto Jaguaribe, the new Brasilian Ambassador in London, is faced with a delicate and important moment. Delicate because he has to resuscitate the morale of the Brasilian Embassy in London, shaken up after his predecessor, Carlos Augusto R. Santos-Neves’ mandate that, according to his critics, ‘didn’t do much to strengthen the relationship with the UK’ and created a lot of tension inside the Embassy. (In his short time posted in London, Santos-Neves had some friction with embassy employees, and ended up being transferred to Porto – a city of very little diplomatic significance). The moment is also important because Jaguaribe is dealing with a UK that is now shutting its doors to immigrants, whilst keeping an eye on ways to explore Brasil’s fast expanding markets. Always keeping an emphatic yet pleasant tone using language taken straight from the diplomat’s manual, Jaguaribe received Jungle at his office in the Embassy, near Hyde Park, to speak to us about this new era and the future relations between Brasil and the UK. Your Excellency arrived here recently, what are your first impressions? My impression after being here is that it seems I’ve been here for one week and that I have much to do and much to learn. The duty of an Ambassador has various different facades. The most important is probably to know who the right people are to gain access to at the right moment. This takes time; it’s a complicated process. The truth is that our connection [with the UK] is deep, it’s historic, it’s important and my post transcends the bilateral relationship, it’s

much more than this. England, and London in particular, continues to be the global centre for a multiplicity of things that are not necessarily connected with the current government in the UK, but with a traditional history of the formation of the country and it’s ascendancy in the global context. You

OUR CONNECTION TO THE UK IS DEEP, IT’S HISTORIC, IT’S IMPORTANT AND MY POST TRANSCENDS THE BILATERAL RELATIOSHIP. IT’S MUCH MORE. have London as the financial centre, which clearly has a connection with the government but is in truth independent of it. London is a business centre, a centre of energy and energy issues, a business centre for commodities, an important cultural centre, you have London as a gigantic and relevant academic centre, as possibly the largest media centre in the world, and as an NGO centre. So actually, there are a variety of functions that are not directly connected with the bilateral relationship between Brasil and the UK. And do you think that enough attention has been dedicated to this on Brasil’s part

in the past ten years? Yes, I think so, I think that all my predecessors have a perfect sense of what all this represents in Brasília. The City [the financial heart of London] for example, and what the City represents in the financial context, especially during the crisis and the important actors that pass through here with who we can or cannot have access to, I think is very clear. London is such an energetic hub that Petrobrás has an important office here. And the UK wants to have a bigger presence in Brasil, principally because of the economic moment in the country. I think this is an intelligent observation on the current government’s part. In fact past governments have invested interest in this, but I cannot deny that this observation is relatively obvious and is in line with a pragmatic understanding of the contemporary world, where one sees a surge in new actors that have been the dynamic poles of international economic growth. These countries, China, India and Brasil together with numerous others in development will actually be the promoters of development in the future. And what happens? First these countries don’t know each other very well, and the central countries [USA, Europe, Japan] possibly haven’t paid them enough attention. England is a country that has always had an imperial tradition or at least for many years it has had this interest and has maintained important networks around the world, and therefore it is not a country that can say it isn’t aware of this reality. But in relation to Latin America, in the end this is the reality. The UK has had a clear

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Roberto Jaguaribe

understanding of India because of the old British relations, a classic and necessary relationship; with China because of it’s inevitability, but not so much with Latin America, it has been less visible. Now it is more so, and within Latin America, undoubtedly Brasil has always been what we call the most relevant element from the financial and commercial point of view for the UK and again now we see this agenda being taken up, which I think is natural and intelligent. But at the same time that the UK is keeping an eye on Brasil’s economic growth, the new coalition government wants to impose tighter restrictions on immigration. What is Brasil’s position on this? Firstly, we must respect the internal sovereign laws of other countries in determining what type of politics they will adopt with immigration. England has generally been an open and liberal country in relation to this. There is an ample tendency across Europe to be much more restrictive. In practically all European countries there is a reaction to immigration which has a strong electoral impact – we see parties gaining political power in Europe whose central mandate is the restriction of immigrants. Normally, they are parties of the extreme right that have )% ,WPING&TWOU CDK:B7:G $ 9:8:B7:G '%&%

other types of agenda built in. Evidently, apart from seeming like politics that much of the time are sorely mistaken, in truth it is the fruit of insufficient information and ignorance, these are

BRASILIAN COMPANIES ARE GAINING ACCESS ALL OVER THE WORLD. IT IS CLEAR THAT LIMITATIONS [IN IMMIGRATION] WILL CAUSE DIFFICULTIES national prerogatives and we must respect the decisions that are made. But in reality, I think that you have a point, there will be a decrease in the ease in access for Brasilians, not only students, but also those with work visas. In this moment, it’s in the UK’s interest to expand relations with Brasil, which has been proclaimed clearly by the government. This indicates more interaction, more influx of people arriving, more contact; above all

considering the initial level isn’t huge. So, naturally, there will be an expansion, including an expansion in business Brasilian companies are gaining access all over the world. It is clear that such limitations will cause difficulties, and will possibly cause the Brasilian businesses to go elsewhere due to the differing start up options, but this has all been communicated with the British authorities and they will make their decisions according to their own politics. We must respect these decisions, as it is the right of every sovereign State to make them. What is fundamental, independent of the quotas or the access, is that Brasilians are treated with dignity at every stage of coming here. In this, I hear that progress has been made. The bigger the restrictions and the more impeachments that are created, the less the UK will benefit from the softpower that having a good relationship with immigrants can create. Therefore I am not convinced, but this is a problem for the English, not for the Brasilians. What was the impact of the Brasilian elections on the authorities in the UK? I think the elections in Brasil are a permanent renewal of internal confidence and international credibility. […] The British do not claim to want to say which side


they’re on with an election of this type, and they might not have a preference. My impression is that they don’t have a preference, what they wanted was that it went the way it did, in it’s natural way. It’s clear that everyone appreciates the relevant development that Brasil has achieved in the last while and everybody recognises the fact that President Lula is a man of extremely elevated stature and that he left Brasil in a very positive position and gave a relevant contribution to this process. But I believe that the British expectation was, independent of the result, to know that they could believe in a trustworthy and stable partnership with the future government of Brasil, and they are certain to have this with the elected President Dilma Rousseff. To round things up, could you please give us an outline of what the next eight years should look like for Brasilian and UK relations? This is a relationship that is much more than 8 years old; it is centuries old and it has changed and adapted gradually. I think the important part of this until now is to not talk strictly about the relations between Brasil and the UK, but more the great changes that have occurred in our international systems today. Of these changes, the most relevant is the fact that we have different and bigger actors; these

countries are in development, they have become relevant actors in the international context without stopping them from being developing countries, which is also different and unheard of. The fact that China is the

THERE IS A UK INTEREST TO CONVERSE WITH BRASIL ON GLOBAL MATTERS, LIKE THE ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE second biggest economy in the world does not make China a developed country, because it isn’t. China faces the challenges of developing countries. Brasil is the eighth biggest economy, and it’s also a developing country; India as well, but all three are important actors. This means relations with the UK have overarching benefits. For a long time, the UK’s had global interests and has looked after a full agenda. The relations between the UK

and Brasil have always been very important for both sides, but had a tendency to be limited in relation to specific bilateral matters. For some time now, it is no longer like this, in other words, there is a UK interest to converse with Brasil on global matters, like the environment, climate change, international security, matters that weren’t part of the agenda because Brasil didn’t have sufficient weight for this to be a matter of interest for a dialogue of this nature. Today Brasil has become a much more relevant actor in not only the regional context but global too, so these matters must be incorporated. Brasil has experienced very significant growth from the economic point of view and therefore the expectations and already a bit of the reality is that the Brasilian economy will surpass the British economy, which is not going to withdraw us fr om the permanent interest in familiarity and relations with England. But due to this it is interesting to see that there is a relative change in this level and the agenda. It is a rich and complex relationship, which happily has many fluid canals for interaction that are independent of the actions of governments. These are now renewed with this new attention UK is giving Brasil and with this elevated level of participation that Brasil has. ,& CDK:B7GD $ 9:O:B7GD '%&% ,WPING&TWOU )&

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27th | saturday 6;GD7:6I K>7G6I>DC 'C9 6CC>K

6 nov - 6 jan th


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18th - 28th . 9A6 ;>AB ;:HI>K6A I=

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19 | friday th

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19th | friday

19 - 21 th


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24th - 25th B6G8DH K6AA: 5 GDCC>:H I]Z GZcV^hhVcXZ bVc d[ 7gVh^a^Vc ede! V h^c\Zg$ hdc\lg^iZg l]d higVYYaZY i]Z XdjcignÉh bjh^X ldgaY [gdb ZVgan WdhhV cdkV lZaa ^cid i]Z [jh^dc"hdV`ZY hdjcY d[ Ăˆ-%h BE7# 9ddgh +eb! —'%"—(,#*% Gdcc^Z HXdiiÉh ?Voo 8ajW! ), ;g^i] Hi " L&9 )=I GDCC>:H8DIIH#8D#J@ ™ %'% ,)(. %,),

25 | thursday th

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28th | sunday ;:B> @JI> I=: EDH>I>K: ;DG8: EVgi d[ XZaZWgVi^dch d[ C^\Zg^VÉh *% nZVgh d[ ^cYZeZcYZcXZ! ;Zb^ @ji^! _d^cZY Wn I]Z Edh^i^kZ ;dgXZ! Vgg^kZh l^i] ]^h edlZg[ja hVmde]dcZ hinaZ# ,#(%eb! —&%"—'* W[ 7VgW^XVc! H^a` HigZZi " :8'N -9H H:G>DJH#DG<#J@ ™ %'% ,+(- --.&

30th | tuesday 6B6ODC 6GI 8DC8:GI Hjeedgi^c\ 7gVh^aÉh 8dbWj :YjXVi^dc 8ZcigZ! 6bVodc 6gi egZhZci eZg[dgbVcXZh aZY Wn 7gVh^a^Vc XZaa^hi 9^Z\d 8VgcZ^gd VcY 8jWVc e^Vc^hi :gVanh ;Zgc{cYZo# ,#(%eb! ;gZZ Hj\\ZhiZY YdcVi^dc —* 7addbhWjgn 8ZcigVa 7Vei^hi 8]jgX]! '(* H]V[iZhWjgn 6k 6B6ODC6GI#>C;D

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26th | friday

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-eb! —*">cY^Vc NB86! )& ;^iogdn HfjVgZ " L&I +6F



19th - 28th

27th | saturday

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,#)*eb! —&' EjgXZaa Gddb! Hdji]WVc` 8ZcigZ " H:& -MM HDJI=76C@8:CIG:#8D#J@ %-)) -,* %%,(

4th | saturday =DJH: E6GIN 7G6O>A I]Z hZXdcY ZY^i^dc d[ i]^h k^WgVci XZaZWgVi^dc d[ 6[gd"7gVh^a^Vc XjaijgZ [gdb 7V]^V! l^i] 9?h [gdb AdcYdc VcY 7gVh^a eajh YVcXZ [gdb :kZgVaYd EZgZ^gV# -eb"'Vb! —- $ bZbWZgh —* 7ViiZghZV EVgin Gbh! ,)",+ 7ViiZghZV 7g^Y\Z GY =DJH:E6GIN7G6O>A#8D#J@

6th | monday HAJBH! 9GJBH 86ED:>G6 6c ZmXajh^kZ hXgZZc^c\ d[ i]Z XVedZ^gV Ă’ ab [dg i]^h [jcYgV^hZg Wn @VWjaV! hjeedgi^c\ hX]dda$Xdbbjc^in ZYjXVi^dcVa egd\gVbbZh ^c 7gVh^a#

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,ebÄ&Vb! ;gZZ YdcVi^dch ZcXdjgV\ZY ;VkZaV 8]^X! .&".( <gZVi :VhiZgc Hi " :8' (=O



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23rd | thursday

31st | friday

every thursday


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31st | friday CN: 5 <J6C676G6 HZZ ^c '%&& l^i] V XZaZWgVi^dc [jaa d[ igjZ 7gVh^a^Vc eVgin he^g^i! hiVgi^c\ i]Z c^\]i l^i] V ("XdjghZ Y^ccZg [daadlZY Wn hijcc^c\ a^kZ eZg[dgbVcXZh VcY 9?h# 8Vaa [dg bdgZ YZiV^ah VcY id bV`Z gZhZgkVi^dch <jVcVWVgV! EVg`Zg HigZZi ร L8'7 *EL

every monday ;DGGรข 9D 8D8D

31 | friday H:8DJHH: CN: E6GIN :meZXi ]di 6c\daVc `jYjgd! Hdji] 6[g^XVc `lV^id! 7gVh^a^Vc WV^aZ [jc`! LZhi 6[g^XVc hdjXdjhhZ VcY ]^"a^[Z [gdb GVY^dXa^i! i]Z 9? \j^hZ d[ VXi I]Z KZgn 7Zhi! eajh HZXdjhhZ 6aa HiVgh a^kZ# -ebร )Vb! ย '%VYk $ ย *% ^cXa Y^ccZg ;VkZaV 8]^X! .&".( <gZVi :VhiZgc Hi " :8' (=O ;6K:A68=>8#8DB ย %'% ,+&( )''-

31st | friday CN: 86GC>K6A '%&% 7VibVXjbWV XdbZh WVX` id A^[Z VcY ^h _d^cZY i]^h nZVg Wn Ig^Wd id egZhZci V WVc\^c\ CN: 8Vgc^kVa XZaZWgVi^dc! l^i] Ig^Wd eaVn^c\ a^kZ Vadc\h^YZ 9? 8a^[[n \jZhih# .eb")Vb! :Vgan W^gY d[[Zg ย &% i^a &'i] 9ZX A^[Z 7Vg! '") DaY HigZZi " :8&K .66 I>8@:IL:7#8D#J@

31st | friday IGDE>86A>HI6 CN: 6 WaVoZ d[ igde^XVa k^WgVi^dch l^i] V \adWVa ร Vkdjg! [i 9?h Gjhh ?dcZh! 8Va ?VYZg! 6g^Vh! 6? =dabZh VcY i]Z =VX`cZn :be^gZ AVi^c 9jW HdjcYhnhiZb a^kZ # -eb")Vb! ย &* VYk $ ย '% dc Yddg G^X] B^m! (*"), 7Zi]cVa <gZZc GdVY ร :& +A6 G>8=B>M#DG<#J@ ย %'% ,+&( ,).-

31st | friday CN: L=>I: <DA9 76AA HVbWVigVa^V G^d 8Vgc^kVa HeZXiVXjaVg egZhZciZY Wn ;VW^d Adj^h! l^i] ?d d 7gVh^a VcY 9#Knodg! 7VijXVYV <gddkZ a^kZ ! 7gVh^a^Vc YVcXZgh VcY eZgXjhh^dc dji ^c i]Z deZc V^g \VgYZc d[ i]Z :\\#

<J6C676G6#8D#J@ ย %'% ,')' -+%%

every friday HE>G>IJ6A ;G>96NH 8VbYZcร h 7gVh^a^Vc ]di hedi ]dhih V c^\]i d[ hdja! [jc`! Wdd\Vadd VcY 7gVh^a^Vc WZVih XdjgiZhn d[ 9? B{gX^d 8jhidY^d#

HiVgi i]Z lZZ` ^c \gZVi hinaZ l^i] [gZZ [dggย aZhhdch id i]Z ijcZh d[ i]^h ine^XVa 7gVh^a^Vc YVcXZ Vadc\ l^i] 9? OZj 6oZkZYd! VcY ย (#*% XV^e^g^c]Vh Vaa c^\]i#

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-eb " 'Vb! ;G:: He^g^ijVa 7Vg! ) ;ZgY^cVcY HigZZi " CL& HE>G>IJ6A76G#8D#J@ ย %'%, )-* +,.&

every saturday 7G6H>A>6C 77F 6C9 96C8: A^kZ hVbWV [gdb ร Hd @Zb :]ร [gdb +eb " b^Yc^\]i! VcY V 7gVh^a^Vc hinaZ 77F [gdb (eb Vi I]Z Cdgi] EdaZ

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every tuesday >E6C:B6 H:HH>DCH ;ZVijg^c\ bjh^X [gdb 7gVh^a^Vc _Voo! BE7! WdhhV cdkV! X]dgd VcY ZkZc gddihn hVbWV"gdX`# Hde]^hi^XViZY! \ddY fjVa^in bjh^X#

(eb " &'Vb I]Z Cdgi] EdaZ! Cdgi] EdaZ GdVY " L&% I=:CDGI="EDA:#8D#J@ ย %'% ,+'- -.,

every sunday H6B76 LDG@H=DE HVbWV eZgXjhh^dc hZhh^dch Vi i]Z G]ni]b 8V[ย aZY Wn eZgXjhh^dc^hi VcY WVcYaZVYZg HVgV 9]^aadc#

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*eb! ;G:: <jVcVWVgV! EVg`Zg HigZZi " L8'7 *EL


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every tuesday A>K: BJH>8 8]ZX` dji i]Z WZhi VcY bdhi ^ccdkVi^kZ a^kZ VXih [gdb Vaa dkZg i]Z ldgaY# <jZhi 9? <adWVa b^m^c\ jci^a &Vb# -eb! ;G:: Bdbd @Zb^V 7Vg! '* =ZYYdc HigZZi " L& BNHE68:#8DB$A>K:6IBDBD

every wednesday H6B76 8>IN 8Ve^iVa Yd HVbWV eaVn^c\ gddihn hVbWV VcY 8]^Xd 8]V\Vh <Vร Z^gV 7gVh^a eaVn^c\ YVcXZ]Vaa hVbWV#

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MILO STEELEFOX ?9 iZVb [gdb ;ZW '%%, id egZhZci! 8dbbZgX^Va iZVb 8jaijgVa :Y^idg

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Rio Maravilha

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Photographer Flávio Veloso is a regular visitor to the natural settings of Rio. Drawn to urban photography from an early age, he was certain it'd be an important part of his life. Beyond a pursuit of technical quality, one of his fascinations lies in differentiating his images with unusual perspectives, given that his primary focus - being Rio and its surroundings - is one of the world's most consecrated and photographed places. Flávio is a member of Fixarts Fineart Photography, which grew out of the coming together of artists with different visions but a shared goal: producing high quality photography for worldwide art and decoration businesses. And here's a small selection of images and captions from Flávio. ,&

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Rio Maravilha

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Rio Maravilha

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AMBER GRILL True Brasilian churrasco flavours up in north west London

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V hlZZi ZcY^c\ JD GETS BACK IN THE KITCHEN TO DISH UP SOME CULINARY TIPS In the final stretch of Jungle as a monthly magazine, we decided to drop back to our origins (well, almost – to edition #47, of July 2007), back to a time when we used to feature every month a recipe by Cuca Brazuca, Jungle’s old friend who publishes all sorts of recipes on his website, where he also talks about Brasilian food in London. And so for our last opening feature of the Guide (for now, at least), we rescued one of our favourites - quindim! The sheer amount of egg yokes points to Portugal as the origin of this recipe, but the inclusion of coconut probably means the recipe has also got African influences. In the Banto language, quindim translates as ‘girly charms’, but desire for this dessert goes far beyond infancy. To enjoy the yellow treat, all you need to do is gather the ingredients and follow the instructions in the box to the right - good luck to you! For more edible delights check Cuca's site below, and watch this space as he launches a book full of recipes in early 2011! ,& KEY:

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9D IGN I=>H 6I =DB:! @>9H Ingredients s 7 egg yokes; s 230g caster sugar; s 100g of fresh grated coconut; s 40ml of milk; s a squeeze of lime juice; s 1 teaspoon of yellow natural food colouring Preparation s Baste the ramekins with butter; s Run the buttered ramekins through sugar so the walls end up covered in a mixture of butter and sugar; s Sieve the egg yokes into a bowl; s Mix in the rest of the ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon or plastic spatula; s Pour hot water onto the tray, taking care that the water level does not go over more than the height of the ramekins; s Bake in a medium heat for 40mins until it’s time to serve them; s Run a knife inside the walls of the ramekin to release the mixture and turnover a plate. Enjoy!

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aVi^cd idjX] What do you get when you put together an American, a French, a Peruvian, a Portuguese and an Italian? Apparently, the outcome is a Burrito Bar – at least that’s how Picante was born. Opened just last month near Victoria Station, Picante is the product of the owner’s passion for Mexican food. Jason, Americanborn and raised in California – where there’s a massive influence of Mexican culture - has been living in the UK since 2003, and really missed the tacos, the different types of chili and all else the colorful Latin culture has to offer. Over the years, he also noted a big amount of Americans in London missing the exact same things due to the lack of really authentic Mexican restaurants in town. Thus, Picante. But as in London everything turns multicultural, as you can see from the intro here, no Mexicans integrate the staff. Not to worry, as Jason’s team have got enough Mexico in them to make great bespoke fajitas, quesadillas and burritos – the house special - prepared right in front of you, with choices of meat and vegetables, Mexican rice, black or pinto beans, cheese, lettuce, jalapeùos, salsa, sour cream and hot sauce. Currently open Mon-Fri from 11:30am-3.30pm, Picante has already become a highly sought after choice for lunch time and a take away might be the best option – it looked even more petite especially with the queue of people carring on out into the street. What’s more, Picante is looking to be open for dinner soon, helping you fix your Mexican craving for a more relaxed part of the day. E>86CI: B:M>86C <G>AA &- <gZZcXdVi Gdl " HL&E &EF Hi#?VbZhÉ EVg` $ K^Xidg^V E>86CI:B:M>86C<G>AA#8D#J@ ™ %'% ,-() %%',

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Ă’ gZ VcY Ă“ Vkdjg The lack of good old Brasilian churrascarias was the reason that made three members of a family open Amber Grill, late 2008. Two years later, the place has got more competition – but also plans to expand. Serving barbecue rodĂ­zio-style (when the waiters bring giant skewers of meat to the tables letting people choose which parts they want, you know the score), the restaurant also has an open buffet with sides such as rice, black beans, farofa (cassava flour) and others. Even today, Elcio, one of the owners, says they have to educate non-Brasilian customers with the system. “Some people have no idea you can serve yourself as many times as you want. They’re still amazed at thatâ€?, he laughs. The name Amber came to Elcio’s wife in a dream. Looking up its meaning they found out it was a shade of yellow, the exact one that’ll describe fire – a big component when cooking barbecue. The colour is also present in the decoration: the lighting and walls are all in fire-y tones; the official reason, however, is that they wanted to explore something other than the all too familiar Brasilian yellow and green. Open from 12pm-11pm, Amber offers lunch specials until 6pm and rodĂ­zio afterwards, but the succulent pieces of rump steak, beef ribs, chicken hearts and other meat delights are available all day on the weekend. Sweet caipirinhas and in-house deserts are also a must-try! Bookings for Xmas holiday parties and New Year’s Eve are now open. Plus, check the website for deals and special vouchers.

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KPDQZ + ,WPING WPING is our city is now so exciting – the Brasilians are a striking part of all this – all success to ‘Jungle Drums’. I enclose £10 for one year of mag and circulars – hope to make the launch party! Good luck mate! Pat Alderman, by letter

Don't hesitate to send us your raves and rants! JungleDrums p.o. box 49713 london wc1x 8ww inbox@jungledrums.org This month we thought we'd celebrate with a few of our favourite letters from Jungle's 8 years... EARLY SUBSCRIPTION 27th Oct 2002 Dear JungleDrums, My son, and I, have been dropping in the Oporto Café in Golborne Road for some years. I often pick up the circulars to read later. I have always loved Brasilians because they are so alive – and I love music. This last Saturday, I after gleaning through the circulars at home I was delighted to find I had picked up ‘Jungle Drums’. I love magazines and I found your little splash of colour delightful. But best of all, in English too! (Clever) I was born in Holland Park 68 years ago. I lived in Golborne Road 1936-39 – I moved to White City in 1939, then East Acton till 1947; finally North Ealing in 1957 where I have been till now. As a Londoner, born and bred, having seen everything, never, till now has London become, for me, the Centre of the Universe – quite unique. Tony Blair’s government publish a list of languages spoken by Londoners today – over 340! This rich melting pot which

ANOTHER SUBSCRIBER! 16th May 2003 Dear Gianna, We are sending a cheque for £10 for a year-long subscription to the magazine. We would like to congratulate you on your most recent issue, that we received for free, and to applaud you for the excellent work you are doing. The magazine’s got a great deal of consistency and a real good taste of Brasil! Thanks again, Tula Teixeira, by letter Oi Pat and Tula! Amazing to look back upon our 8 years of JD and to know that people like you came on board, supporting and following us from the beginning. And what a bargain our subscription was, £10 for a year! Hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as we have and do come to our party on 25th Nov if you can. Best, JD CHASING YOUR DREAMS Hi JD. You got in touch with me in October regarding a competition. I won and quizzed you about some stuff in Brasil. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks, due to the info you sent me I am now moving to Rio to work with Cinema Nosso and I'll be independently running film workshops with young people in both Rio and Salvador. Obrigada! Olivia, via email Hey Olivia, It's magic to know that JungleDrums has helped turn your path to Brasil - do send us news, it would be great to hear how it's going there. Bestest, JD

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What do you do for a living? I'm a BBC Radio Broadcaster, presenting A Touch of Soul and the African Caribbean Experience shows (both available on BBC iplayer); a cultural entrepreneur - I curate a bi-monthly film night called Feel Good Film Club at the Quad arts complex in Derby; and a DJ/ host one off Brasilian party sessions and founder of the blog soul365.com. How did you find out about Jungle? It was whilst I was based in London working at BBC Radio 1. My love of Brasil even led to me making and presenting a doc called Bossa n Beyond on R1 which featured Brasilian music and interviews with the likes of Ed Motta, Joe

Davis and Louie Vega. What's your favourite part of the magazine? The events and listings: it's great to find out when cultural things are on. Do you have a connection to Brasil? Yes - I spent seven weeks there as a Media Cultural Ambassador - staying in Salvador, Rio, Brasilia, Fortaleza, São Paulo and Recife. What is your favourite place in Brasil? Can't split Salvador and Rio so far! Favourite Brasilian food/ drink/product? Capirinha, açaí and Brasilian beef - which I had for breakfast every day for seven weeks and piled on the pounds! ,&

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