JungleDrums issue 81 - June 2010

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of the summer, as the Deborah Colker Dance Company brings its UK tour of Cruel to the Barbican as part of the City of London Festival. UGG OQTG HGUVKXKVKGU QP RCIG



sporting event; come along to our Copa Jungle parties to cheer on Brasil, and check out our guide to the best places to watch the World Cup this summer. UGG RCIG HQT OQTG


for the kick off of Brazil! Brazil!, with it's explosion of capoeira, football and acrobatics. And we're giving you the chance to catch the show, meet the cast and learn some moves! À KR VQ RCIG HQT OQTG

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TO THE FEAST IN REGENT'S PARK as the city's largest celebration of food, Taste of London (June 17th-20th), lays out a gastronomic spread worthy of kings. Go and get your 'Crowns'... UGG QWT ,WPING )WKFG QP RCIG



to the 4th edition of the Cinema of Brazil festival at the Barbican, with Music and Rhythm as its theme, featuring the likes of Besouro, Simonal and Out of Tune (below), and be in with a chance of winning a festival pass! TGCF OQTG QP RCIG


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The fan’s dilemma: whom to cheer for when World Cup loyalties are split

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CINEMA SPECIAL We get with the tune of the 4th Cinema of Brazil festival, with its theme of Music & Rhythm




Football, capoeira and festivities, out on the lookout for graffiti elephants, and summer sunday chilling

Charitable kicks: helping to benefit children in African via fundraising with a fun edge

Exploring the stages of fantasy football, the Brasilian stadiums so full of dreams and wonder





The bible to what’s going on in town

For your every eating and drinking need

Your rants and raves

The roof is falling in

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Messi v Ronaldinho; Rooney v Torres. What would your dream World Cup final be in 2010?

\Zii^c\ ^cid i]Z he^g^i It was in the euphoria following Brasil’s last World Cup title, in 2002, that Jungle was born. Four years on, with an established readership and Ronaldinho ranking amid the world's best, hopes for another title were high. Or, at least, as a certain shoe brand reminded us, we'd play a "jogo bonito" (a beautiful game). What we saw was the opposite: never before had Brasil been so charmless on the pitch. To make matters worse in London, just hours after Brasil were eliminated by France, Portugal knocked England out on penalties. Now, as the cup makes its debut in Africa, Brasil and England are filling their fans with hope once more (see our verdict on page 26) and might even meet in the semis. Curious to find out who Brasilian-English couples and, in particular, their offspring will be cheering for, Jungle set off to find out. You can read our quite curious (and sometimes amusing) findings in our special feature. What more, also in there, we made a special guide of the best places to watch the games in London. Me? I'll be at Copa Jungle, eating acarajÊ, listening to great music, in the hope we can charm the world - again.

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Heathrow Underground WHERE CAN I FIND MY JD?

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There's always a certain romance about the idea of the founders of the modern game taking on the greatest practicioners - and as an Anglo-Brasilian household that would be the perfect outcome! However if either of these got through it'd be lovely to see an African team in the final. There's some really strong African sides - although with current rising tensions in South Africa a good World Cup might be a great way to help bring that nation together. Paul Newman



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Cinema of Brazil Music and Rhythm 25 Jun – 3 Jul A festival of award-winning films featuring Brazil’s brightest music icons and diverse styles Special offer Book 3 or more films and get each for £6 Box office 0845 120 7527

The City of London Corporation is the founder and principal funder of the Barbican Centre

Wi trip ton a de Ja Rio see B neiro – a webs rbican ite deta for ils



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BRAZIL! BRAZIL! @ THE UDDERBELLY We're celebrating the vibrant show, a mix of capoeira, football and acrobatics, offering 10 pairs for a meet and greet with the cast, and a chance to learn some tricks afterwards, on June 23rd!





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AXÉ CAPOEIRA UK WORKSHOP I]^h ^h ndjg X]VcXZ id \^kZ hdbZi]^c\ cZl V ign VcY l^c V eaVXZ dc V XVedZ^gV ldg`h]de dc ?jcZ '+i] ',i]#

LA BOMBA PARTY I]Z bVhh^kZ AVi^c eVgin ^h d[[Zg^c\ ild ajX`n l^ccZgh i]Z X]VcXZ id iV`Z V \gdje d[ &% id Vcn d[ i]Z^g ?jan dg 6j\jhi YViZh

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When Brazil! Brazil! arrives ahead of the Southbank Centre’s Festival Brazil, the audience won’t know what’s hit them. Promising a frenzy of music, dance, capoeira and freestyle football, the cast includes top percussionists, acrobats and dancers from Bahia, the homeland of Afro-Brasilian rhythms that are at the root of contemporary Brasilian culture. “It tells the story of Brasil’s ginga – the sway, the way people dodge obstacles on the football pitch, in capoeira, in life”, Toby Gough told JD from rehearsals in Salvador, a place he radiates passion for. “We’re trying to avoid clichés and preconceptions to express Brasil’s true spirit,” he adds. It seems only natural that one of the world’s most exciting musical directors, who’s led shows from Sri Lanka to Cuba, fell head over heels for Brasil. Peruru Maonocouro is a top Bahian percussionist (one of his songs is due to be recorded by Ivete Sangalo, Beyoncé & Ricky Martin), and he just can’t get enough of being part of it: “every day holds a different surprise – this show has so much potential! We have the best percussionists, dancers and capoeiristas from Salvador.” Sat behind Manocouro as proof is professional dancer Ananias who last year performed a crazy 38 somersaults in 30secs on the Brasilian TV show Faustão. Like Manocouro, he can’t wait to show London what they’ve got; “this is a dream for us". Still need convincing? In honour of the World Cup (which the cast are convinced Brasil will win), they’ll showcase football freestyle extraordinaire Arthur ‘Vencedor’ Mansialla and his mind-blowing tricks. Toby has one word of warning though: “it’s in a Bahian’s nature to include everyone, so the show is very interactive. You'd better leave your conservative attitudes at the door!” ,&


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aZi i]Z [Zhi^k^i^Zh WZ\^c June is always a lively month in Brasil, with 'Festa Junina' celebrations all over, and it's no different here in the UK as we take to the streets, parks and countryside in search of fun! And that means music, festivals and free events galore. Watch out for tips in July's Summer edition, but here's the best of the coming weeks for now... ,&

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Cia de Dança Deborah Colker Cruel 29 Jun – 3 Jul Witness love, lust, obsession and rejection with Brazil’s leading contemporary dance company Tickets from ÂŁ10

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The City of London Corporation is the founder and principal funder of the Barbican Centre

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Va [gZhXd _^k^c\ JUNGLE LAUNCHES FOUR MONTHS OF FREE, LIVE, TOTALLY CLASS ACTS Tucked away, deep in the heart of Kings Cross, you’ll find the Latin hub Camino, or at least you should’ve by now. Fiery and far from dormant during the winter months, it’s on long, summer evenings that the Latin spirit overflows into Camino’s secluded brick courtyard, fuelled by fine wines, cold Spanish beers and delicious tapas. It’s no wonder Jungle and Camino were drawn together, and this summer the love affair culminates in a richly diverse series of free monthly Sunday gigs. In June, we host one of Mozambique’s greatest musical talents, the drummer/ vocalist/composer Deodato Siquir (see profile right), fusing jazz with African beats, and accompanied by DJ Chico Urbanus. Then, moving aptly from Portuguese-speaking Africa to African Brasil, we bring you Maracatudo Mafuá. Bursting with colour, the dancers and drummers and their high-energy performance of Afro-Brasilian rhythms will take you on a mesmerising journey to the heart of Pernambuco. Leading us further astray in August, Molotov Jukebox set the pace with their outlandish performances and banging tunes, combining an up-beat reggae sound with gypsy dance and funky lunacy: I challenge any of you not to want to get up and dance! And then it will be time to sing goodbye to summer; Heather McClell will be sharing all that she’s brought back from Brasil, promising to make September’s final performance just as captivating as McCells sultry and sensual voice. But you have to find us in Kings Cross first... ,& D[ 0WTKC 4QDKPUQP

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THE TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS OF AFRICA'S FOOTBALLING YOUTH Born in Ghana, Michael Essien is a star of the Premier League and an idol for kids like Francis Boadi, one of the subjects of Baff Akoto’s prize-winning documentary Football Fables, which hits the British screens this month. Born in London, Baff moved to his motherland, Ghana, as a teenager: it was there he caught the football fever. From dusty to Ghana to the glamorous green fields of Macnhester Utd, the film shows the tough realities of football migration for hundreds of African youngsters who dream of following in Essien’s golden footsteps. Those realities, of course, are far from simple in a world where morally ambiguous middlemen seek profit from the willingness of youngsters and their families to do all that it takes to make it in the world of international soccer. And yet Football Fables is also a story of hope, triumph and talent. “These days almost all Europe’s teams have an African player,� Baff reminds us; as they take to the world stage in South Africa this month, his film serves as an important reminder of just how far they have come. ,&

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To make the journey a little more fun, why don't we put on a film!

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I don't believe it! Look who went and sat in front of us!




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The international tango hit comes to London!

Flamenco sin Fronteras Directed by Jude Kelly

“A showcase of all that thrills and excites about tango� VARIETY

Tue 29 June - Sat 3 July “A concussive orgy of music and dance that threatens to blow the roof off the auditorium� DAILY EXPRESS

Tue 3 Sun 22 August FREE POST-SHOW TANGO CLASSES after every Tue perf! Same day ticket holders only

Q - How to elephants find each other in the dark? A – Delightful! Yes, elephants have been inspiring humans since time immortal - and they're revered as symbols of good luck, wealth, prosperity and fertility in many different cultures all over the world. But now it’s time for us to show them some love and that’s why, this month, London’s nooks and crannies are playing host to over

250 baby Asian elephants. The fiberglass statues are life-sized – but that’s about where reality ends and elephantsy begins (hoho!); each one has been decorated by an international artist or designer, with heavyweight names such as Paul Smith, Lulu Guiness and Diane von Furstenberg all joining in. Milo Tchais is one of several Brasilian artists who’s had the chance to personalise one of the

elephants: "it's about saving the planet, and helping... showing that we're causing a huge impact and we have to do something about it." The statues will be auctioned off at a glitzy, star-studded event at auction house Sotheby’s, where it’s hoped they’ll raise over £1million for the conservation of Asian elephants – these beautiful animals face extinction by 2050 unless drastic action is taken. ,& ;ZgcVcYd ?dg\Z BVg^VcV 7VhhVc^ " 8dXd 7Zg`ZaZn Hf#

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HAVANA CULTURA - THIE 21ST CENTURY ANSWER TO BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB? Imagine heading to Havana for a percussion course, befriending a musician, and going on to lead a worldfamous music project together. Does it not sound like some far-fetched urban myth? Havana Cultura co-producer Vince Vella was doing just that when he first met the acclaimed Cuban pianist, Roberto Fonseca, 6 years ago. Since then they've developed not just a strong friendship, but an inspired musical partnership, too. Without a doubt their most successful feate was gathering an incredible group of musicians and producing a double album. “It was back in February 2009," recalls Vince,“it was a dream to be there with all those great musicians.” At the same time, Gilles Peterson had been involved in a Cuban compilation project with Havana Club rum. The two projects couldn’t help but converge, resulting in a 5-day recording session at the legendary Egrem Studios in Havana, where, Buena Vista Social Club recorded their seminal album with Ry Cooder. The notable difference between the two, though, is how contemporary and fresh Havana Cultura’s music sounds. In Vince's words, “music is like history: you need to create something new, with big respect for the past”. In doing so they fused a range of styles into the album, from Cuban jazz to reggaeton and hip hop. The secret to the mix? “We trusted each other musically”, says Vince. The remarkable album can only be attributed to the virtuous nature of the musicians Roberto Fonseca, Irakere’s Javier Zalba, Mayra Valdés (Chucho Valdés' sister), and their precious newcomer talent Danay. And less than a year after their first album, they already have a new, remixed version, produced and sampled by well known names, such as Louie Vega, 4Hero and MJ Cole. And in July fans in the UK will get the chance to catch the band live at the Barbican, and up north at the festival VAMOS! ,& D[ 'TKMC 6CODMG ') ,WPING&TWOU ?JC: '%&%

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Vintage Colombian grooves fused with deep funk and soul.


BASSEKOU KOUYATE & NGONI BA + BALLAKE SISSOKO & VINCENT SEGAL Mali’s master of the ngoni returns with music from I Speak Fula.



+ CHANO DOMINGUEZ QUARTET Audacious jazz-meets-flamenco double bill.


CÉU/BOMBA ESTÉREO Samba-funk, reggae, bossa, cumbia and dance music from Brazil and Colombia. ‘CéU has put Brazilian music back on the map.’ Sunday Times


WILLIE COLÓN Rare appearance of Salsa legend. SAT 24 JUL

MAYRA ANDRADE / GURRUMUL Morna and Brazilian samba from Cape Verdean diva.


TOTO LA MOMPOSINA / LA MOJARRA ELECTRICA The grande dame of Colombian roots and dance with the young masters of cumbia.



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YQTFU D[ #NGZCPFTG :CXKGT RKEVWTG D[ #NGZCPFTG $GTCNFQ Many players have arrived in Africa complaining about the ball; the Brasilians have called the Jabulani all the names under the sun. But the biggest problem in this tournament, for both Brasil and England, is not the ball; it’s their teams' dependence on one key player that could complicate the journey. In Brasil’s case, that player is Kaká. Journalists following the Brasilian team are unanimous: Kaká is off-form, not a shadow of the player he was during the qualifying stages. Since he started at Real Madrid, he hasn’t come close to the footballing heights he reached in Milan, and he finished the European season on the bench. If Kaká really can’t get on with Jabulani, manager Dunga will have to resort to Plan B, right? Problem is, Plan B makes Brasil a weaker team. Dunga hasn’t called up a single, other midfielder with Kaká’s characteristics. Today’s team is dependant on Real Madrid’s number 8, and this is bad news. Fact: if Kaká doesn’t get into gear, Brasil will fall short. Though their goalkeeper is weak, England’s problem is ahead. Capello’s team has a solid midfield, but is dependant on one forward: Wayne Rooney. Man United’s striker makes the difference. England fans need to pray that Rooney can shake off the injuries that always dog him, otherwise their goal-scoring hopes will fall on the shoulders of Crouch, Heskey and Defoe – simply put, they will be doomed. Rooney, in contrast to Kaká, seems on good form. And England’s fixture list is, in theory, more relaxed than Brasil’s. Without Rooney however, that supposed aura of relaxation could evaporate completely. Brasil, though, could face Arjen Robben and his Holland team in the quarter final: more of a roadblock than a hurdle. The Jabulani could well be a difficult ball to tame, but it would be far more problematic for Brasil and England to overcome the absences of Kaká and Rooney respectively. At least Rooney, unlike Kaká, isn’t having a bad spell: everything indicates that, so long as Jabulani doesn’t play any pranks, England should go further than Brasil. ,& '+ ,WPING&TWOU ?JC: '%&%

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[Vg [gdb >eVcZbV The ‘beco das garrafas’, in Rio de Janeiro, is the legendary alley which witnessed the birth of world-renowned Brasilian bossa nova. It was right here that, in 1964, Wilson das Neves and Neco recorded a epic album called Os Ipanemas. The sound you could hear on all 12 tracks of the LP formed an unusual interpretation of bossa nova standards, with African and Latin rhythms. In 2001, 40 years later, the British label Far Out Recordings reunited the drummer Wilson das Neves and guitarist Neco and released the album The Return of The Ipanemas. Its success was immediate and another four albums have been released since then. The band’s latest recording, Que Beleza, is a tribute to Neco, who passed away last year. The sound is brilliant and, after these 40 years, continues to be innovative. If this album was a team in the World Cup, it’d without a doubt be in the final. ,&

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&$%(&$%/. &* (0!" 0".! 2 0*" ,) Barts Hospital, Great Hall, EC1 - *! *&+* - %"./- +*2 2*". director An ensemble of extraordinary musicians from the Portuguese-speaking world. ÂŁ15 unreserved

Moment & Monument

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taking sides



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The year of the World Cup. On one side of the sofa, the country that invented football. On the other, the five-times world champions. Bringing together these two sets of fans, England and Brasil, under the same roof can be risky, according to Andriele Franco, a model from Minas Gerais. A die-hard patriot, she came to London seven years ago and is now engaged to businessman Dominic List. The typical Englishman, who had his five minutes of fame when he took part in the programme ‘The Secret Millionaires’ last year, is fanatical about football. This will be the first World Cup they’ll watch together. “And it’s not going to be easy”, warns Dominic, “I’m extremely passionate about being English”. Andriele laughs: “but obviously I’m going to convince him otherwise. I believe that Brasilian

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taking sides passion takes... I know that we’re in his country and we need to show a little love for England too but, when it comes to football, it’s a big fight, because Brasil has to win. There’s no other way!” According to List’s predictions, this year England will face Brasil in the semi-finals. “It will be a really interesting day. We’ll have to get two television sets for when our friends come round, one for our Brasilian friends and another for our English friends, in separate rooms. I don’t want to be there when Brasil lose and you start to cry, my dear”, he jokes. But Andriele doesn’t take the hook – in her opinion, England fans don’t even come close to Brasilians in terms of

supporting their team. “I watched the last World Cup here and I didn’t feel what I feel when I’m in Brasil. I didn’t feel their strength. I saw an England match and a Brasil one on the same day, in the same pub. The English fans didn’t make a racket like us, they didn’t scream and shout!” Dominic sighs: “I’m going to take you to a real English pub for you to hear some shouting then”. But not all Englishmen are as passionate as Dominic. Alex Pittas, married to Brasilian Anna Moreno for 19 years, supported Brasil even before he met his wife. Born and raised in London and magician by profession, Alex grew up knowing that Brasilian football had that special something. His father used to

watch Brasil games and he ended up supporting the team from an early age. “Even though it’s my country, England just doesn’t play interesting football and, as a team, doesn’t stand a chance of winning the World Cup. They just don’t have what it takes”. Anna adds, laughing, “they don’t have the Brasilian charm”. Max, their 12 year old son who has lived in London since he was 3 followed in his father’s footsteps. “I always support Brasil because they’re the best team. It’s more fun to watch them play than any other team” he says, to his mother’s pride. The controversy in the house is caused by the family’s youngest, Olivia Katherina, 10, who in the


AN ENGLISHMAN EXPERIENCES WORLD CUP MADNESS - À LA BRASIL > lZci id 7gVh^a Vi i]Z ZcY d[ È.* VcY lViX]ZY i]Z È.- LdgaY 8je i]ZgZ# > lVh ldg`^c\ [dg V cZlh V\ZcXn Vi i]Z i^bZ# >i lVh Vc 6bZg^XVc XdbeVcn! Wji ZkZc hd i]Zn `cZl i]Vi l]ZcZkZg i]Z LdgaY 8je ldjaY hiVgi i]ZnÉY hide# > adkZ i]Z lVn i]Vi i]Z l]daZ Xdjcign WVh^XVaan hideh [dg i]^h ZkZci# >i Vabdhi hZZbZY lg^iiZc ^c i]Z Xdchi^iji^dc Ä ndj XVcÉi Yd Wjh^cZhh l]Zc i]ZgZ ^h V bViX] ^c eaVn# DcZ \VbZ lVh \d^c\ id WZ Vi &eb hd! Vi b^YYVn! ZkZgndcZ ldjaY hide ldg`! lZ Vaa aZ[i i]Z d[Ò XZ! VcY ZkZgndcZ hXgVbWaZY ^cid iVm^h VcY WjhZh ign^c\ id \Zi VXgdhh idlc# 6cY ndjÉY WZ h^ii^c\ ^c i]Z XVg VcY Vaa i]Z di]Zg eZdeaZ dc i]Z higZZih lZgZ h]dji^c\! ]dc`^c\! ]Vc\^c\ nZaadl VcY \gZZc hXVgkZh dji d[ i]Z l^cYdlh# I]Z l]daZ X^in lVh ZaZXig^Ò ZY Wn i]Z ^YZV d[ i]Z LdgaY 8je# :kZgndcZ lVh YZheZgViZ id \Zi ^c [gdci d[ i]Z iZaan# 6cY dcXZ i]Z bViX] hiVgiZY! i]Z X^in WZXVbZ XdbeaZiZan YZhZgiZY! ndj XdjaY a^Z Ydlc ^c i]Z b^YYaZ d[ i]Z higZZi/ cd dcZ lVh i]ZgZ! ZkZgn h^c\aZ eZghdc lVh lViX]^c\ i]Z \VbZ! ^i lVh VbVo^c\# LZ lZci id V eaVXZ l]ZgZ i]Zn lZgZ Yd^c\ V heZX^Va YZVa dc [Z^_dVYV WZ[dgZ i]Z bViX]# 7n i]Z ZcY d[ ^i lZ Vaa ]VY djg Vgbh VgdjcY ZkZgndcZ ZahZ Ä Vaa i]Z 7gVh^a^Vch! eZdeaZ lZ Y^YcÉi `cdl! ^i lVh egZiin bjX] V XdbbjcVa ZmeZg^ZcXZ# 6cY l]Zc 7gVh^a hXdgZY ndj XdjaY ]ZVg i]Z l]daZ X^in \d^c\ bZciVa# =ZgZ P^c :c\aVcYR eZdeaZ lViX] i]Z \VbZ! Wji ^i YdZhcÉi \g^e i]Z Xdjcign a^`Z ^i YdZh ^c 7gVh^a# 6cY l]Zc 7gVh^a l^c! Vi aZVhi ^c H d EVjad! ZkZgndcZ \dZh dji id EVja^hiV 6kZcjZ VcY i]ZgZÉh V bVhh^kZ eVgin# > lZci id dcZ d[ i]ZhZ eVgi^Zh VcY ^i lVh fj^iZ hXVgn VXijVaan! ZkZgndcZ lVh _jbe^c\ je VcY Ydlc dc ide d[ i]Z XVgh! Ò gZldg`h \d^c\ d[[ ZkZgnl]ZgZ! eZdeaZ `^hh^c\ ZVX] di]Zg ^c i]Z higZZih# >c :c\aVcY! D@! lZ \d id IgV[Va\Vg HfjVgZ! Wji ^iÉh cdi]^c\ a^`Z i]^h# :kZgndcZ `cdlh i]Vi 7gVh^a^Vch VgZ XgVon VWdji [ddiWVaa! hd l]Zc ndj \d i]ZgZ ndj i]^c` ndj `cdl l]Vi id ZmeZXi! Wji ndj VgZ cZkZg fj^iZ gZVYn [dg i]Z aZkZa d[ bVYcZhh i]Vi ^i ^h Ä ^iÉh ^cXgZY^WaZ#

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cover feature

middle of the interview reveals that she intends to support England because all of her friends are English. Anna, distressed, asks: “My child, aren’t you going to support Brasil?”. These moments of surprise are common in families of mixed nationalities. English people that identify more with Brasil, or Brasilians who prefer to support England, like Olivia, who’s lived in London since she was 1, are the odd ones out at home. Florist Michael Silliton, who has been married to Márcia, from São Paulo, for 20 years, is not convinced by Brasilian fanaticism. Even with his patriotic wife and their British-born daughters, Natasha, 14 and Luana, 17 supporting Brasil, Michael always supports England and, when things get tense, he finds the best thing is to distance himself


in order to cool off: “When we watched Brasil against England in the 2002 World Cup and England was losing, I simply left the house”. Their youngest, Joseph, 10, laughs at his father, but when he realises he’ll have to pick one of the two teams to support this year, he says desperately: “but Mum, it’s too hard! Brasil are the best, but Dad’s all alone! Can I think about it for a moment?” Michael realises, however, that he’s the only England fan in his house: “I’m so disappointed at my family, what’s wrong with you? To be honest, if we were watching the final and England were playing against Brasil, I don’t know what [the kids] would do. I don’t believe that they would genuinely support Brasil; I’d need to see it to believe it. They were born here, they are completely English – how can

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THE PEACE AND PROUD OF CHEERING IN ENGLAND > Vgg^kZY ^c AdcYdc ^c '%%+! i]Z nZVg d[ i]Z LdgaY 8je# > jhZY id a^kZ ^c V ]djhZ [jaa d[ 7gVh^a^Vch VcY lZÉY iV`Z i]Z iZaZk^h^dc dji ^cid i]Z \VgYZc! hZi je V a^iiaZ WVg! Wg^c\ V ÈeVcYZ^gdÉ iVbWdjg^cZ VcY \j^iVg VcY i]gdl V eVgin ^c igjZ 7gVh^a^Vc hinaZ id lViX] i]Z \VbZh# 7ji dcZ YVn > XVj\]i V bViX] ^c V ejW VcY adkZY ^i I]Z XddaZhi i]^c\ lVh i]Vi i]Z 7g^ih i]ZgZ lZgZ hjeedgi^c\ 7gVh^a idd# 6cY ^i lVh ]ZgZ i]Vi > Y^hXdkZgZY i]Vi i]ZgZÉh V XZgiV^c bV\^X VWdji 7gVh^a^Vc [ddiWVaa! hdbZi]^c\ > YdcÉi `cdl ZmVXian ]dl id ZmeaV^c! Wji 7gVh^a ^h ValVnh ZkZgndcZÉh hZXdcY iZVb# > i]^c` ^i bV`Zh ndj ZkZc bdgZ egdjY id WZ 7gVh^a^Vc l]Zc ndj lViX] i]Z \VbZh ]ZgZ# Ndj `cdl! ^c HVakVYdg > ldjaY ValVnh \d id WVgh l^i] adVYh d[ [g^ZcYh! ^i lVh ValVnh V gZVhdc id ]VkZ V eVgin# 7ji idYVn! ^[ > XdjaY X]ddhZ! >ÉY VXijVaan egZ[Zg id lViX] ^i ]ZgZ# >c AdcYdc ndj Ò cY eZdeaZ [gdb ZkZgnl]ZgZ XdgcZg d[ i]Z ldgaY! eZdeaZ iZcY id WZ bjX] XVabZg! ZheZX^Vaan ^[ XdbeVgZY id 7gVh^a# 7ji i]^h XVabcZhh ^h \ddY# > i]^c` 7gVh^a^Vch \Zi idd higZhhZY dji l^i] i]Z LdgaY 8je! eZdeaZ i]ZgZ iV`Z ^i idd hZg^djhan# 6aa i]^h ZmeZXiVi^dc bV`Zh i]Z Vibdhe]ZgZ Vaa V W^i idd bjX]! ndj `cdl4 7gVh^a h^bean ]Vh id l^c# > ldjaY hVn i]Vi ]ZgZ i]Z Vibdhe]ZgZ ^h bjX] a^\]iZg! i]ZgZÉh cdi hd bjX] egZhhjgZ# 9Zhe^iZ Vaa i]Z Zje]dg^V d[ 7gVh^a > i]^c` i]Vi ^c i]Z ZcY i]Z bddY ]ZgZ ^h bdgZ _dn[ja# I]Z VYb^gVi^dc i]Vi i]Z 7g^i^h] eZdeaZ ]VkZ [dg 7gVh^a ^h gZVaan WZVji^[ja id hZZ! VcY ^iÉh dcan ]ZgZ ^c :c\aVcY i]Vi ndj XVc igjan l^icZhh ^i#

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taking sides they not support their own country?”. At this moment, little Joseph chimes in: “I’m going to support both teams! Can I?” There are also those who, above all, find these disparities amusing. Tiffany is Irish, |but lives in London. She supports Ireland, England and, if needs be, Brasil. Leo is Brasilian and there’s no other team for him, but he’s easy going about it. They’ve been together for a year and they like this melting-pot of support. “Some months back we were watching Brasil play Ireland at the Emirates stadium, Tiffany was wrapped up in the Brasilian flag and I was wearing an Ireland cap, but of course, I was actually supporting Brasil “, says Leo. Tiffany confesses that she supports her boyfriend’s country a little bit: “that way I’m never sad”, she jokes. “Honestly, there isn’t

BRASIL V PORTUGAL that much rivalry between us and we take it all in good spirit. If Brasil win, great, but if they loose to her team, she’d be happy, so there’s no problem”, Leo reflects. Well, if Ireland’s footballing history is anything to go by, they’re destined to live happily ever after. Quarrels and jokes aside, London has plenty of places to suit every type of fan. In a city which is home to so many different nationalities, it’s not uncommon for people to meet up with their fellow country-men and women to watch matches and to try and reproduce a little bit of the atmosphere from back home. So, whether you’re English, Brasilian, Portuguese, something else, or a little bit of everything, Jungle has picked out the best places for you to cheer as you please - just check out the dedicated guide we’ve put together, over the next few pages. ,&

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Spiritual Bar Caipirinha

World Cup Carnival

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On Anon (World Cup Fiesta)

The Crab Tree

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Doesn’t matter what you’re after; tasty snacks or cold beers; cosy insides or wide outdoors,we’ve hunted it down to bring you the definitive guide to where you can cheer on your team in the 2010 World Cup





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7 - 25 june th


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9th june - 18th july &.++/ I=: <ADGN 96NH EgdjY 8VbYZc VcY B^ggdge^m egZhZci i]Z Òghi YZÒc^i^kZ e]did\gVe]^X edgigV^i d[ :c\aVcYÉh \gZViZhi [ddiWVaa^c\ ig^jbe]h! [ZVijg^c\ Vc VggVn d[ ^Xdc^X ^bV\Zh hjX] Vh EZa‚ hZZ ^bV\Z WZadl g^\]i # &&Vb"*#'%eb Bdc"Hjc! ;G:: EgdjY 8VbYZc! HiVWaZh BVg`Zi " CL& -6= EGDJ9#8D#J@ ™ %'% ,)-' (-+,

10 thursday th

13th | sunday

21st june – 4th july

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15th | tuesday

25th | friday

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19th june – 5th sept

25th june – 3rd july

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20th | sunday ?9ÉH HJBB:G HJC96N H:HH>DCH I]Z Òghi d[ [djg bdci]an ?9 bjh^X ZkZcih ^c 8Vb^cdÉh XdjginVgY! `^X`^c\ d[[ l^i] i]Z _Voon 6[gd WZVi WaZcYh d[ BdoVbW^XVc 9ZdYVid H^fj^g VcY 9? 8]^Xd JgWVcjh HiZgch GZXdgYh # ,/(%eb! ;G:: 8Vb^cd! I]Z GZ\ZciZ FjVgiZg Ä C& .6; 86B>CD#J@#8DB ™ %'% ,-)& ,((&

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20th | sunday

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11th june – 18th july

21st june – 9th july

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25th june – 11th august A;6 '%&%/ HL6GB>C< ;JIJG:H EVgi d[ i]Z AdcYdc ;Zhi^kVa d[ 6gX]^iZXijgZ! h]dl^c\ 7gVh^aÉh Xjii^c\"ZY\Z XdciZbedgVgn VgX]^iZXijgZ! VcY '%&) LdgaY 8je VcY '%&+ Danbe^X <VbZh egd_ZXih# ;G:: <VaaZgn ('! (' <gZZc HigZZi Ä L&@ ,6I <6AA:GN"('#7AD<HEDI#8DB ™ %'% ,(.. .''-

29th june – 3rd july 9:7DG6= 8DA@:G 96C8: 8DBE6CN ;ZVijgZY ^c ?9 -%! 9ZWdgV] 8da`ZgÉh J@ idjg d[ 8gjZa Vgg^kZh! Zmeadg^c\ i]Z YVg`Zg YZei]h d[ gZaVi^dch]^eh VcY [Vb^an! VcY i]ZbZh d[ adkZ! ajhi VcY gZ_ZXi^dc# ,#)*eb! —&%"—'+ 7VgW^XVc 8ZcigZ! H^a` HigZZi " :8'N -9H 76G7>86C#DG<#J@ ™ %'% ,+(- --.&



29th june - 3rd july E68D E:x6/ ;A6B:C8D H>C ;GDCI:G6H >che^gZY Wn i]Z Y^kZghZ hdjcYh VcY XjaijgZh d[ AVi^c 6bZg^XV! aZ\ZcYVgn Ó VbZcXd \j^iVg^hi gZijgch l^i] Vgi^hih [gdb ]^h XdbeVcn VcY \jZhih [gdb KZcZojZaV# ,#(%eb! —&%"—(HVYaZgÉh LZaah! GdhZWjgn 6kZcjZ " :8&G )IC H69A:GHL:AAH#8DB ™ %-)) )&' )(%%

30th | june – 11th | july LDGA9 8>IN BJH>8 K>AA6<: I]^h! i]Z ')i] Bjh^X K^aaV\Z h^cXZ &.-(! ZbWdY^Zh 8jaijgVa 8d"deZgVi^dcÉh LdgaY 8^in egd_ZXi! egdbdi^c\ Xgdhh"XjaijgVa Y^Vad\jZ VcY jcYZghiVcY^c\# KVg^djh YViZh VcY i^bZh! ;G:: CjbZgdjh kZcjZh VcY adXVaZh VXgdhh AdcYdc

D2289F every monday ;DGGâ 9D 8D8D HiVgi i]Z lZZ` ^c \gZVi hinaZ VcY YVcX^c\ id i]Z ijcZh d[ i]^h ine^XVa 7gVh^a^Vc YVcXZ# 7ZZgh VgZ —&#*% VcY 8V^e^g^c]Vh VgZ —( Vaa c^\]i# +eb! ;G:: 8dXd 7VbWdd! )- 8]Va` ;Vgb GdVY " CL& -6? 8D8D76B7DD#8D#J@ ™ %'% ,'+, ++&(

every 1st tuesday H6B76 9: <6;>:>G6 96C8: 8A6HH Dc i]Z Ă’ ghi IjZhYVn d[ ZkZgn bdci] XdbZ Ydlc VcY X]ZX` dji i]Z a^kZ WViZg^V VcY _d^c ^c l^i] i]Z HVbWV YZ GdYV XaVhhZh#


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cinema of brazil



BRASILIAN CINEMA FESTIVAL CELEBRATES THE COLOURFUL LIVES OF COUNTRY'S MUSICAL LEGENDS At the turn of the 20th century, watching a film in Brasil meant mute projections with a live orchestra accompaniment. Popular musicians used to voice over their own parts, singing from behind the screens. It was only in 1929 that Brasilians were able to watch the first film edited with sound. Today, however, audio comes in digital high definition, but something remains quite undisputed: the high standard of Brasilian music in film. Acknowledging the international interest in this side of Brasilian culture, and seeking to promote Brasilian cinema in England, film researcher Adriana Rouanet and the

Embassy of Brasil decided upon the theme of Music and Rhythm for the 4th annual Cinema of Brazil festival, from 25th June – 3rd July at the Barbican. And this year promises a fine selection of ten award-winning contemporary films, peppered with Q&As, UK premieres, directors and actors. Curator of the festival, Adriana has been researching Brasilian cinema for 15 years. Talking about this year’s event, she explains: “we’ve tried to escape the topics of city and violence or poverty in paradise, to provide a better knowledge of our culture with fewer stereotypes”. As it happened, it was Adriana's father who created the Rouanet

Law (under which private organisations are encouraged to pay taxes through investing in cultural projects). According to filmmaker Miguel Faria Jr, American domination of the industry means that Brasilian cinema still struggles to get seen. His latest work, Vinícius, a biography of the great bohemian Brasilian poet-composer Vinícius de Moraes, is one of the pearls of the festival. “I met him in around 1958, at the very beginning of bossa nova, which he was one of the creators of. He also was responsible for my decision to become a filmmaker”, reveals Miguel, whose career started in the 1970s.

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Cinema of Brazil features the life and work of the great musical icons Simonal and Arnaldo Baptista. And also introduces the young director Fernando Andrade, in his debut Wandering Heart. The film follows the world tour of the first all-English album by Caetano Veloso, inspired through the insight into the musician’s off-stage composure – Andrade recalls: “I was there just to film the gigs‌ but his sensitivity and honesty touched me so that I thought this should be made into a documentaryâ€?. The festival is set to take some fascinating twists and turns, no more so than with the infectious rhythms of capoeira in the film

Besouro, set in Bahia. The much celebrated Two Sons of Francisco portrays an adventure through the country sound of sertanejo music with the brothers and singers ZezĂŠ de Camargo and Luciano, whilst road trip musical The Escape of the Female Gorilla traverses the state of Rio in a camper van. And the traditional dancefloor setting of The Ballroom makes for an interesting contrast to the story of friendship and dreams of a band of female rap singers, in AntĂ´nia. The rhythm and tempo of Cinema of Brazil will be upbeat and varied, running just over a week, and you can keep in tune with our highlights in the box to the right. ,&

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jumble for goalposts


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4 thinking minds

JD MEETS THE CHARITY WITH A THRIFTY TWIST PUTTING THE SPRING INTO SPORT FOR AFRICA The team at Bounce practically take the ‘d’ out of fundraising. Founded by school friends Ali Little and Mark Shield in January 2008, who realised young people too often turned off by the prospect of giving to charity, they sought a fresh solution. “We wanted people to do fun and rewarding things in which, almost as a by-product, they ended up giving money to charity. So the ethos behind Bounce is to have fun whilst you give. We call it The Bounce Effect”, explains Little. Jumblist Massive, Bounce’s flagship event, takes the traditional jumble sale and puts it to the latest tunes. People don’t have to pay to get in and get a choice of clothes, accessories and shoes to the latest tunes. “We operate a Radiohead-style pricing policy where you pay what you think the item is worth; people come along and get really good value for tons of wicked gear – old stock from the likes of Urban Outfitters”, explains Little. “We raise a

fair amount of money in the process; our only cost is website maintenance, so all the money goes to a good cause”. Would You Get Off With Me If It Was For Charity? A touch forward you might think, but this is another event devised by Bounce in which participants pay for an evening of speed dating and cool music. Little revealed: “I didn’t think it’d work, but we‘ve had a tremendous response and are almost booked up for the next event”. Subsequently Bounce, along with Promoting Equality in African Schools (PEAS), provided schools in Uganda with sports facilities including grass, hard courts and all-weather football pitches. “Secondary schools in Uganda aren’t free so PEAS built free ones in rural areas and funded facilities where people can’t afford to send their children to school”, says Little. “£6-8,000 can buy an all-weather pitch, a grass pitch and changing rooms; a small amount can make a lot of difference”. This embodies the fundraising remit of


Bounce, blending fun, play and charity, and providing sport infrastructure to help improve physical and mental wellbeing for those in extreme hardship. Bounce has also benefitted the Western Sahara region, providing sports equipment to refugee schools. The latest project, coinciding with the World Cup, is providing football camps for 300 children in various township in South Africa. “Working with the Charity Umzingisi we’re helping kids who are orphaned or involved in street crime, with a football camp, but also seeking to educate them about sexual health and AIDS awareness,” says Little. Physical Education isn’t offered at Township schools, which can leave kids physically and emotionally deprived of fun, team activites. Little sums it up: “Football can provide a platform for education, break down boundaries and strengthen communities”, and the football camps will give the children things they lack at school and help them to experience the World Cup. ,&

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football stadiums THE MAGICAL SETTINGS THAT MAKE BRASIL'S STADIUMS A MUST-SEE FOR EACH AND EVERY TOURIST “One thing is for sure,” says Oncal Vural, from Turkey. “My trip to Rio de Janeiro wouldn’t have been complete If I hadn’t gone to see Maracanã.” It was at the end of 2007 and Onal had been following the steps of many tourists before him: he went the beach, we took his photo in front of the Christ statue and he got the cable car up to Sugar Loaf mountain. But it was his love of football that led him to the famous stadium, even if, on that occasion, it was completely empty of players and fans. “Unfortunately I didn’t have

a chance to catch a game, but I just had to see the pitch: it’s Maracanã we’re talking about! I’d already seen the stadium in photos and on the TV – but I wanted to see the real deal.” Just like Onal, more and more footballfanatic tourists enchanted with the mythology surrounding the world's great stadiums are making them compulsory stops on their trips abroad. For them, setting foot in these spaces is just as, if not more important than visiting a museum. It's more like a pilgrimage. It’s in light of this growing trend

that many stadiums now offer guided visits on days when there are no games, and some have dedicated exhibition spaces (see box), where they retell the history of the teams who have played there on the walls, the seats, and in the atmosphere itself. “The guided visit takes you all the way down onto the pitch, and through the Football Museum and the Hall of Fame. It’s unmissable!”, raves Onal. One of reasons Maracanã is so impressive is the sheer enormity of the place – not just in terms of the stadium seating, but the


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whole complex it occupies. The stadium was once the largest in the world (legend has it that at the 1950 World Cup final, when Brasil played - and lost to - Uruguay, it held 200,000 fans) and today it is still the biggest in Brasil, with capacity for 82,000 spectators. A stage for some of the greatest footballing moments in world history, from Pelé’s thousandth goal in 1969, to his last game, to unforgettable concerts from the likes of Paul McCartney and Queen, Maracanã is also set to be the main stadium for the 2014 World Cup, and

may even get to host the final.

Beer and Popcorn | Tom Crookston, on the other hand, has been to both Maracanã and Mineirão, in Belo Horizonte, the capital city of Minas Gerais. “I’m a huge football fan, so watching a game at Maracanã is a dream I’ve had since I was a kid,” says the Englishman. When he lived in Brasil in 2003, Tom and a mate headed over to Mineirão to see a match. “Everyone we knew at the time supported either Atlético

Mineiro or Cruzeiro, so we decided to pick one team each; because of my friends, I decided on ‘Galo’ [the nickname for Atlético Mineiro]. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see Atlético play, but we were in Belo Horizonte during the state league championship, and we went to watch Cruzeiro. Because it was only a low-key game, the stadium wasn’t very full but it’s really stunning and we had a great time,” says Tom, who returned to Brasil this year and finally got to visit Maracanã, where he watched Flamengo play Botafogo.

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football stadiums “There was more excitement at Maracanã which made sense because it was a final. But it was still good to see both sides.” Another Englishman who was determined to tick Maracanã off his list of things to see in Rio was Olly Hunter – but when the rivalry between the Carioca teams ended up coming between him and his dream stadium, he got to see Engenhão instead. “My Brasilian girlfriend, Zaira, and her mother are both Botafogo fans and the game at Maracanã that week was Flamengo V Fluminese,” explains Olly, who was excited about seeing a classic derby. “It would have been great for me – they’re both teams I know, but it didn’t matter how much I begged; Zaira and her

mum both said there was no way they were taking me to see their rival teams.” So, out of love, Olly decided not to displease his mother-in-law and instead agreed to visit Botafogo’s home stadium, Engenhão, where they were playing Goiás – and he has no regrets. Constructed for the 2007 Pan American games and currently the most modern stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Engenhão gets its name from the area in which it’s located - Engenho de Dentro. “The stadium in incredible! It’s really modern and spacious. The atmosphere is great, really animated, and the fans were singing the whole time,” recalls Olly, who ended up falling for his girlfriend’s team and leaving the stadium

with one of their shirts. “I’m proud to say that ‘Fogo’ is my second favourite team after Queens Park Rangers,” confirms Olly, who noticed some key differences between the stadiums in England and Brasil: “We sat on the terraces with popcorn and beer, two things you never see at an English game.” Whilst living in Santa Maria, a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, in 2005, another Englishman, Charlie Hathaway had a huge stroke of luck. As well as getting to see a game at Beira-Rio, the famous stadium which hosts the most important southern Brasilian games, he witnessed the Brasilian national team playing Paraguay – and Ronaldinho playing at his first home. “The

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football stadiums city’s fans chartered a bus to go and see the game in Porto Alegre and it was a party the whole way: drumming and singing for hours on end. Beira Rio is a beautiful stadium; there were loads of flares and flags and, of course, a lot of excitement especially, of course, when Brasil came on to play,” he says. The journey home was much more relaxed – mostly because, according to Charlie “everyone was really happy, but totally and utterly exhausted.”

Girls allowed |

São Paulo is another home to huge stadiums and team rivalries. Palmeirenses and Corinthians are notorious rivals, but it's nothing compared to their hatred for São Paulo.

The São Paulo team, who have already won six national titles, own Morumbi stadium and are seen as elitist by their rivals, but the Swedish Carolina Corsello swears it was on the terraces of that famous stadium itself that she really fell in love with football, and ended up adopting São Paulo as her team. “I already liked football before, but the games in Brasil are really moving. The stadiums in Sweden don’t get that full and the fans don’t really sing the anthems .” When she started going to watch the games, her boyfriend was a saopaulino (a São Paulo fan), but eventually she would go to games without him. The love affair ended, but her passion for the team didn’t. “I’ve been back to Brasil several times, and I

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football stadiums always have to go to Morumbi; I have a flag and a whole São Paulo kit – these days I follow the team closer than my Swedish team, DIF,” she confesses. In relation to the constant association between violence and football fans, might it be disconcerting for her, being a woman and going to the stadium alone? Caroline says not: “I’ve never been in any danger. I’ve seen fights before, but nothing has ever happened to me. I’ve watched a few games in the VIP area, but it’s not the same thing. On the terraces you feel the excitement of the fans: the energy is incredible, everyone singing together, the huge flags swaying… Even if they’re not big games, you’re in Morumbi, which is a beautiful, big stadium. In the VIP area you don’t get to feel that emotion.”

The excitement even won over Charlotte Grace who, despite not being a huge football fan, insisted on watching a game whilst she was traveling in Brasil earlier this year. “I found the atmosphere and the sense of unity enchanting – and seeing a Brasilian game was high on my list of things to do. Despite the fact that England is the true home of football, Brasil adopted it and transformed it into something completely different from what we see back here. It’s more stylish. They play beautifully.” Charlotte chose to catch a game at Palestra Italia, the home of Palmeiras, and her most vivid memory was when the fans were jumping constantly, spinning t-shirts above their heads. “It's a display of colour, an exciting performance which makes you feel alive. It’s impossible not to get excited.” ,&

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jungle guide bars & restaurants


CRAVO & CANELA Brigadeiro, beijinho & cajuzinho: never heard of these sweets? It's time to try it!

Change some 'Crowns' for this and other treats

banquet in the park


making the headlines

London’s leading gastronomy festival, back for its 7th year The summer is well and truly arriving, and with it are coming along reams of London festivals. Every week there’s a different event, spanning the most diverse themes. Gastronomy is one of them, and for four days, Regent’s Park will be the stage for the festival Taste of London, the biggest of its kind in the city. This being its seventh year, the event will bring together Chefs from forty of the most famous restaurants of London, like the already traditional regulars of the festival: Le Gavrouche, Rhodes Twenty Four, Tom’s Kitchen and Bentley’s. At Taste of London, you purchase your ticket for admission and then you need to get yourself some ‘Crowns’, the official currency used at the festival, to eat in the restaurants. £1 gives you two Crowns, and the average price for the dishes is 9 crowns (i.e. £4.50). For those intrigued by Latin-American cuisine, keep an eye on Gaucho, the famous Argentinean chain. And don’t miss out on the Brasilian cocktails in one of the opening events, organised by Steamond Travel and the Brazilian Tourist Board Embratur. JD

O verão está chegando e com ele os inúmeros festivais londrinos. Toda semana é um evento diferente, envolvendo os mais variados assuntos. A gastronomia é um deles e, durante quatro dias, o Regent’s Park será palco do “Taste of London”, o maior festival do gênero da cidade. Chegando a sua sétima edição o evento contará com a participação de Chefs dos 40 restaurantes mais famosos da cidade, como os já tradicionais participantes do festival Le Gavroche, Rhodes Twenty Four, Tom’s Kitchen e Bentley’s. No “Taste of London” você compra um ingresso para entrar no espaço e tem que adquirir “coroas”, o dinheiro usado no festival, para comer nos restaurantes. £1 são duas coroas e a média do preço dos pratos são 9 coroas. Para os interessados pela culinária latinoamericana a dica é ficar de olho no Gaucho, um dos restaurantes argentinos mais famosos da cidade. E não deixe de experimentar os coquetéis brasileiros em um evento de abertura do festival, organizado pela Embratur. JD

Taste of London 17th-20th, £12-£80 tastefestivals.com/london • 0871 230 7132

AUNTY B and HER bean fritters

When Tia Biza started serving up Acarajé - a traditional Bahian snack - at Barraco, London's most authentic Brasilian joint, no one imagined the success she would have. After attracting punters from as far afield as Brighton with her delicious renditions of the Afro-Brasilian bean sponges, deep-fried in palm oil and topped with salsa and dried prawns, she headed south to Brixton, where her customers literally filled the streets, attracting huge media attention. Now she's joining our Copa Jungle World Cup celebrations, where she'll be serving the masses she's got our mouths watering already! COPA JUNGLE @ DINGWALLS




pictures by ana brasil // Thiana Biondo



up to £10* £10 - £20* £20+* *Price based on a meal with drink per person

20th June,7.30pm / 25th June, 3.30pm, FREE jungledrumsonline.com

JUNHO 2010 JungleDrums 59

bars & restaurants CAMINO L Effervescent tapas bar in the heart of King’s Cross

Covent Garden 020 7240 9742 doubleshotcoffee.co.uk

CENTRAL LONDON A LA CRUZ Argentinean steak house serving varied grilled meats. Main meal and a drink - £20 42 Northampton Rd, EC1R 0HU Angel 020 7837 1999 ALACRUZ.COM

Barrio Central A cocktail lounge and basement club with Latin flavour. 6 Poland Street, W1F 8PS Oxford Circus barriocentral.com


cinnamon bom! Having delivered the most delicious cakes and Brasilian sweets to private parties and events since 2008, Cravo & Canela now offer the chance for customers to taste all of their treats in a cosy little café in Brixton – no pre-ordering necessary. Luiz, one of the owners, tells us that he and chef Orlando began slowly, just baking cakes for small parties. But as their reputation grew, eventually they found themselves with about nine or so cakes around the house and no space for anything else. And that was before they started providing savoury snacks as well: “that’s how the idea for the café emerged. We needed more space and we also felt it was the right time to get the word out about us”. And it did the trick. Sampling their tasty coxinha (£1.60) and the ultra-scrumptious mixed berry white Belgian chocolate cake (£2.50 a slice) will make you want to come back for more – or take it all home, which you most certainly can! Cakes come in four sizes, catering for 10 to 50 people (£27-£65) and Luiz says they also bake cakes for weddings. Traditional Brasilian party sweets such as brigadeiro, beijinho, cajuzinho and chocolate truffles are on the menu, as well as minisavouries like pão de queijo, empadinhas, coxinhas and risoles – also available in frozen packs (£6 for 20). And on the weekends, specialities like feijoada make an appearance to give you the full experience of Brasilian cuisine. The whole package indeed.

BRAZILIAN GOURMET Cafe/Restaurant serving Brasilian and Portuguese specialities. Rump Steak (Picanha no prato) £6.50 Whitfield St 112, W1T 5EE Warren Street 07983 633 440

BENITO’S HAT Mexican Burritos, tacos, salads, beer and cocktails. Main meal and drink £7.00 L

020 7287 9506 FREGGO.CO.Uk

Gaucho Serves steaks, chicken and fish dishes. Argentinean Beef Bbq £20 125 Chancery Lane, WC2A 1PU Chancery Lane 0207 242 7727 GAUCHORESTAURANTS.CO.UK

Guanabara Food, live music and even dance classes. Fish Moqueca Stew £12.50

0207 242 8600 GUANABARA.CO.UK

SEE p.04

BEM BRASIL Typical food in buffet style, pay by weight. Snacks and frozen açaí. Open everyday. Buffet £1,20/100gr 35 Oxford Street, W1D2DT Oxford Circus 020 7437 0400

0207 637 3722 BENITOS-HAT.COM

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine. Pescado con Coco £11.50

BELLO CAFE B Brasilian and Italian specialties. 55–57 Charing Cross Road Leicester Square

36 -38 Dean Street, W1D 4PS Leicester Square 0207 494 4716 IGUANAS.CO.UK


Café Rio Feijoada and steaks prepared the Brasilian way. Prato Rio £9.80 6 Grafton Way, W1T 5DS Warren Street 0207 387 2285

WAHACA Freshly made, authentic Mexican dishes. Fish a la Veracruzana £9.95 66 Chandos Place, WC2N 4HG Covent Garden 0207 240 1883 WAHACA.CO.UK

Canela Brasilian and Portuguese dishes. Feijoada £9.50 33 Earlham Street, WC2H 9LS Convent Garden 0207 240 6926 CANELACAFE.COM

Comida South American rodízio with music, dancing and late bar. Lunch £16.90 Dinner £19.90 46 South Molton St, W1K 5RX Bond Street 020 7495 1177 comidabar.co.uk

Cravo & Canela 30 Brixton Water Lane Brixton 020 7733 3008 cravoecanela.co.uk

38 Tavistock Street, WC2E 7PB

3 Varnishers Yard, N1 9DF Kings Cross 020 7841 7331 CAMINO.UK.COM

22 Seven Sisters Road, N7 6AG Holloway Road SEE p.25

289 Regents Park Rd, N3 3JY Finchley Central 020 8371 1999

COCO BAMBOO Recently opened Brasilian restaurant with a dance floor starting from 10pm. Char-Grilled “Picanha” £8.90 48 Chalk farm Road, NW1 8AJ Camden Town

SEE p.63

Barrio North Latino-style ‘street food’ served, DJs and events. Brasilian Wax Cocktail £6.75 45 Essex Road, N1 2SF Angel 0207 485 4738 BARRIONORTH.COM

Canecão Pool tables and Brasilian football on TV. Fish Moqueca £7.90

bar PEPITO L London’s only Spanish Sherry bar.

CUBA LIBRE & HAVANA Original restaurant with tapas, meals and cocktails. El Plato Cubano £12.95

3 Varnishers Yard, N1 9DF King’s Cross

72 Upper St, N1 ONY Angel 020 7354 9998 CUBALIBRELONDON.CO.UK

Rodízio Rico Eat-till-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50

Desperados Mexican Mexican food, cocktails and a great atmosphere. Beef Chimichangas £10.95

020 7354 1076 rodiziorico.com

127 Upper Street, N1 1QP Angel 0207 226 3222 DESPERADOS-ISLINGTON.CO.UK

El-Vaquero Argentinean Meats served off the skewer. The London Equestrian, N12 7BP Mill Hill East 0208 343 4161 ELVAQUERO .CO.UK

GARUFA Premium selection of meat and wines carefully sourced from Argentina.

020 7841 7331 CAMINO.UK.COM/PEPITO

77-78 Upper Street, N1 Angel SEE p.27

SABOR Latin American Food and cocktails with a fusion touch. Brasilian Moqueca £13.50 108 Essex Rd London, N1 8LX Angel 020 7226 5551 sabor.co.uk

SPIRITUAL CAIPIRINHA BAR Brasilian cocktail bar serving traditional and fusion dishes. Caipirinha & caipiroska £3 during happy hour 4 Ferdinand St, NW1 8ER Chalk Farm SPIRITUALBAR.CO.UK

SEE p.61

020 7226 0070 GARUFA.CO.UK

Tortilla Fresh, affordable CalifornianMexican cuisine. Burritos £4.50 - £5.50

Latin Corner Fantastic authentic Colombian and Brasilian food, served in a friendly atmosphere.

020 7833 3103 tortilla.co.uk

104 Highbury Park, N5 2XE Arsenal

north LONDON

07943 633699

CASA BRASIL TimeOut - recommended. Authentic home-made food. Fish Moqueca £8.90

020 7627 6613

Parker Street, WC2B 5PW Holborn

56 Goodge Street, W1T 4NB Goodge Street

DOUBLE SHOT COFFEE Homemade sandwiches and cakes. English cream teas and nata cakes. Excellent coffees and teas. Two-flavour cone £3.95

60 JungleDrums JUNE 2010

FREGGO L Argentine ice cream bar offering a mouth watering range of flavours. Two-flavour cone £3.95 27-29 Swallow St., W1B 4QR Piccadilly

PASTEL BRAZIL Typical Brasilian crispy pastry with assorted fillings. The SEE perfect snack p.65

13 Islington High St, N1 9LQ Angel

283 Camden Road, N7 0JN Caledonian Road Station 020 7682 3867

MERCADO BAR & CANT Exciting cocktails and a great mix of Mexican home cooking and traditional favourites. Fish Taco £6.00

17 York Way, N7 9QG Caledonian Road

26 - 30 Stoke N Church St, N16 Stoke Newington rail

0207 485 4738 canecaolondon.com


east LONDON Bankete Brasilian cuisine dishes, picanha and feijoada. Chicken Stroganoff £6.50 3 Bell Lane, E1 Liverpool Street/ Aldgate 020 7247 5479

picture by ana brasil

latin bites


bars & restaurants Buen Ayre Argentinean steak house Main meal and a drink £20 50 Broadway Market, E8 4QJ Cambridge Heath 020 7275 9900 buenayre.co.uk

SEE p.25

Horner Square, E1 6AA Liverpool Street PINCHITO TAPAS L Vintage Chic restaurant with an authentic and Tapas menu.

CARIBBeaN SCENE Award winning Caribbean restaurant offering an impressive range of traditional dishes and cocktails. Ackee & Saltfish £14.95

Raízes Grilled steaks and torresmo on the menu. Grilled rib £7

17 Western Gateway, E16 1AQ DLR – Royal Victoria

460 Hackney Road, E2 9EG Bethnal Green

020 7511 2023

020 7739 2009

south east LONDON

020 704 2123

Bandidos Mexican cuisine at affordable prices.

142 Fleet Street, EC4A 2BP City Thameslink 020 7353 6761

21-23 Norwood Road, SE24 9AA Herne Hill


Coffee Café Serves snacks and lunch Feijoada + Guaraná drink £5 68 Compton Street, EC1V Farringdon

020 8671 3772

Buenos Aires Café Argentinean beef, fresh pasta and Argentinean style pizzas. Grilled Bbq £14.50 – £24

020 7253 1249

17 Royal Parade, SE3 0TL Blackheath

El Paso Cocktail bar and restaurant serving Mexican, Tex-Mex and vegetarian dishes.


350-354 Old St, EC1V 9NQ Old St. SEE 0207 739 4202


Favela Chic Seductive Latin flavours with French touches. Hand of God £15 91-93 Great Eastern St, EC2A Old Street 0207 613 5228 FAVELACHIC.COM

GAUCHO Argentinean Beef Bbq £20 5 Finsbury Avenue, EC2M 2PG 020 7256 6877

29 Westferry Circus, E14 8RR

CASTELO Bar & restaurant with a substantial Brasilian and Italian menu. Live music 171 Coldharbour Lane, SE5 0207 5019504

CONSTANCIA – ARGENTINE GRILL Argentine Steak House recently inaugurated. Ojo de Bife Argentino (310gr) 11oz.Prime Argentine Rib-Eye £17.00 52 Tanner Street, SE1 3PH Borough 020 7234 0676 CONSTANCIA.CO.UK

020 7987 9494

1 Bell Inn Yard, EC3V 0BL 020 7626 5180 GUACHORESTAURANTS.CO.UK

Green and Red, Bar and Cantina Authentic Jaliscan food and the biggest selection of tequila in the UK. Late-night DJ bar. 51 Bethnal Green Rd, E1 6LA 020 7749 9670 greenred.co.uk

CUBANA – BAR & RESTAURANT Home-cooked Cuban and Latin food prepared from quality ingredients at a reasonable price. Happy Hour Mojitos - 2 for £6.95 48 Lower Marsh SE1 7RG Waterloo

Chelsea Farmers Market, 125 Sydney Street SW3 6NR South Kensington

La Bodeguita Tapas, fish and home-made Colombian food. £8 - 13 Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre, SE1 6TE Elephant & Castle 0207 701 9166 LABODEGUITA.CO.UK


colombeans! Nestled away in North London, between Camden Town and Finsbury Park, Latin Corner is a little piece of Latin America in the colourful residential area of Holloway. Somewhere comfortably between pub and a restaurant, Latin Corner is reminiscent of a tradition English watering hole; but there’s no mistaking the origins of the staff, the food or the events on offer, making this a great place to get a hearty dose of Latin spice or cure those homesick blues. Founded in 2008, the restaurant’s selling point is the typical, Colombian food, devised and served up with the customers – Colombians and Brits alike – in mind. The most popular dish is their “Bandeja Paisa” which isn’t a million miles away from the Brasilian “prato feito” or ‘full plate’ staple: rice, beans, pork, sausage, egg, plantain and salad. A ‘bandeja’ costs £11 and is more than enough for two hungry mouths. On weekends, they serve up “Sancocho de Galinha", a chicken broth which is another Colombian tradition. As well as food, Latin Corner offers a cultural programme that includes Salsa Thursdays, and DJs on Saturday nights. But even if all you’re after is a nice place to enjoy good, old-fashioned point, Latin Corner is still right up your street.

Royal Festival Hall - SE1 8XX The O2 - SE10 0DS

020 8948 4030

020 7357 0057 elvergel.co.uk

89 Sloane Avenue, SW3 3DX

0207 494 4716 I GUANAS.CO.UK

Towpath, Richmond TW10 6UJ

LITTLE BRAZIL Bossa with a hint of jazz. Home made meals.


020 7584 9901

Goya Authentic Spanish tapas and friendly staff make a visit to this hidden gem in Pimlico a must.

30-A Catford Hill, SE6 4PX Catford Rail Station 0208 690 2770

Rodízio Rico Eat-til-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table. Buffet £22.50, Veg £15.50 Tito's Peruvian Seafood, soups and risottos. Ceviche £7.50 4-6 London Bridge St, SE1 9SG London Bridge

34 Lupus Street, SW1V 3EB Pimlico 020 7976 5309 goyarestaurant.co.uk

Loco Mexicano Huge portions at decent prices. With a variety of cocktails on offer and sombreros to make the experience more authentic. 65 Wilton Road, SW1V 1 Victoria


020 7931 7325

Margarita Loca Latin Music, Mexican food and Cuban cocktails.

south west LONDON Azteca Latin Lounge Mexican cuisine, mouth watering cocktails and beers. Latin bands and top DJs.

527 Battersea Park Rd, SW11 Clapham Junction Rail 0207 924 2772 margaritaloca.co.uk

Preto Traditional Brasilian “rodízio”. Live music on the weekends.

356 Kings Road, SW3 5ES South Kensington

72 Wilton Road, SW1V 1DE Victoria


020 7233 8668

BRAZAS Restaurant and delicatessen serving home-made food with Portuguese, Brasilian and English influences. Sticky date pudding £3.45 45 Tulse Hill SW2 2TJ

Latin Corner 283 Camden Road – N7 0JN Caledonian Road

30 Brixton Water Lane, SW2 Brixton

020 7682 3867


Tacuba Cocktail bar and Mexican street food. 10 Bedford Hill SW12 9RG Balham 0208 6735394 Tacubabar.com

CRAVO & CANELA A choice of Brasilian cakes and pastries that are to die for! Try also the feijoada

Old Spitalfields Market - 1

490 Fulham Road SW6 5NH Fulham Broadway

GAUCHO Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

El Vergel Uniting aromatic and spicy Latin America with delicate Mediterranean flavours.

Bandeja Paisa – £11

Fiesta Havana Cocktail lounge bar with tapas, live music and dance.

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine


8 Lant St. SE1 1QR Borough

0871 3328774 elgaucho.co.uk

020 7381 5891 Havanafulham.co.uk

0207 928 8778 CUBANA.CO.UK

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine.

62 JungleDrums JUNE 2010

2 More London Riverside, SE1 Tower Bridge 020 7407 5222 GAUCHORESTAURANTS.CO.UK

0207 4900121 PINCHITO.CO.UK

27 Upper Street, N1 OPN Angel

El Gaucho Grill Steak House £13.90


32 Featherstone Street, EC1Y Old Street

Chilango A burst of Mexican flavour. Chicken Burrito £5.40

GAUCHO Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

SEE p.65

TU CHICAS Tasty food and flamboyant cocktails. Mexican dish £20 12 –14 Leopold Road, Wimbledon, SW19 7BD Wimbledon 0208 946 4300 TUCHICAS.CO.UK


latin bites


bars & restaurants RODIZIO BRAZIL Brasilian style barbeque with unlimited portions of meat. 505 Garratt Lane, SW18 4SW Earlsfield Rail St.


195 Great Portland Street, W1W Great Portland Street

wines, frozen + fresh food. Portuguese Nata Tart 70p 40 Delancey Street, NW1 Camden Town

020 7636 8650 ibericalondon.com

and products in-store. Coxinha £1.50 773 Harrow Road, NW10 5PA Kensal Green

020 7485 2351



Santa Maria del Sur Argentinean grill house with live music on Mondays. Argentinean Steak £12 129 Queenstown Road, SW8 Battersea 0207 622 2088 SANTAMARIADELSUR.CO.UK

Sushinho Brasilian chic with Japanese efficiency. Sushinho roll £9 312-314 King's Rd, SW3 5UH South Kensington sushinho.com

Café Estrela do Norte Portuguese cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. Spicy Francesinha £9.50 294 Kingshill Av, UB4 8BX 0208 841 3488 GO.TO/ESTRELA

Floridita Restaurant Cosmopolitan Cuban and Latin American cuisine and authentic Daiquiris. Expect swanky decor and a vibrant atmosphere

GAUCHO Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

IPANEMA CAFÉ Special dishes everyday, feijoada, puddings and cakes. Buffet £1.20/100g

64, Heath Street, NW3 1DN

020 7792 9050 IPANEMACAFE.CO.UK

RODÍZIO RICO Eat-til-you-drop buffet, grilled Meats brought to your table. Buffet £22.50, veg $15.50 Royal Oak - 111 Westbourne Grove, W2

Amber Grill Rodizio Cuts of meat from skewers. Prime Rodízio £19.50

Guanabana Famous Jerk chicken served with mango+papaya chutney. £7.85 - £12.75.

7, Station Road, NW10 4UP Willesden Junction

85 Kentish Town Rd, NW1 Camden Town

020 89631588 ambergrill.co.uk

0207 4851166 guanabanarestaurant.com

020 7792 4035 RODIZIORICO.COM

Barraco The atmosphere of a Brasilian bar with live music Friday to Sunday. Chicken Hearts £6

Made in Brasil Classic Brasilian fare, from seafood to meat and feijoada. Picanha Na Chapa £13.50

020 7314 4000 floridita.co.uk

TAQUERIA Mexican cafe serving a great variety of Tacos, Mexican dishes and cocktails.

10 Kingsgate Place, NW6 Kilburn

12 Inverness Street, NW1 Camden Town

SEE p.63

FOGO Exciting new churrasco in London.

0203 195 3777 fogo.uk.com

202 High Street Harlesden, NW 10 4SY Wilesden Juction

10 - 12 Kentish Town Rd, NW1 Camden Town

9a, Victoria House South Lambeth Road, SW8 1QT Vauixhall

iberica food & cult. Traditional Spanish restaurant with a innovative twist.

0208 965 4723 corcovadobar.com

020 74825065 MANGOROOM.CO.UK

Ferreira Delicatessen Sandwiches, meats, cheeses,

MERCEARIA BRASIL Brasilian traditional snacks

020 7793 9700

139-143 Westbourne Grove, W11 2RS Notting Hill 0207 229 4734 TAQUERIA.CO.UK

North west LONDON

Corcovado Typical Brasilian food with live music at weekends.



SABOR BRASILEIRO Brasilian fish and beef, game room, internet, bar/lounge. Buffet £7.50 10% weekend discount 639 Harrow Road, NW10 5NU Kensal Green 02089691149

020 7482 0777 made-in-brasil.co.uk

63 Station Road, NW10 4UX Willesden Junction

MANGO ROOM Fish, Meat and vegetarian Food: a taste of the Caribbean. Goat Curry £12

020 8965 2050

THE CUBAN L Long bar upstairs or dinner in the fiesta Room. Lamb Cubano £10.95 Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd Camden Town


020 7387 4064 mestizomx.com

SABOR MINEIRO Typical dishes from Minas Gerais (but no alcoholic drinks). Buffet £6.50

Tia Maria Restaurant & Tapioca House Tia Maria offers delicious tapioca stuffed chicken drumsticks w / catupiry, in addition to traditional dishes of Brasilian cuisine and feijoada on Saturdays and Sundays.

020 7604 4664 barracocafe.co.uk

103 Hampstead Rd, NW1 3EL Warren Street

SEE p.64

100 Wardour Street, W1F 0TN Tottenham Court Road

45 The Mall, W5 3TJ Ealing Broadway

Mestizo Restaurant-bar offering a fine and authentic Mexican cuisine Enchiladas £12


7-9 Queensway, W2 Queensway

0870 850 8975 THECUBAN.CO.UK























0207 485 1166 / 2008

latin bites

The Nags Head Market Unit 29 22 Seven Sisters Road London N7 6AG

BAR El Paso has an extensive range of beers from all over the world, and boasts one of the largest cocktail and shooter lists in Hoxton.

FIFA WORLD CUP 2010 Come and enjoy the FIFA World Cup 2010. This year sees the tournament being held in South Africa, with all the usual teams such as Brazil, Germany, England and some who are playing for the first time. With 2 large screens, food all day and some great beers from around the globe you can be sure to have a good time. The first game is South Africa Vs Mexico at 3pm on 11th June 2010 and the finial is Sunday 11th July 2010. For more information and bookings go to our web site 350-354 OLD STREET LONDON EC1V 9NQ 020 7739 4202 info@elpasohoxton.com www.elpasohoxton.com


jungle guide


jungle guide




7PM - ADVANCED DJEMBE with Souleymane Compo (£10)

TUESDAYS 6:30PM - BEGINNERS DJEMBE with Somesh De Swardt (£10) 8PM - INTERMEDIATE DJEMBE with Paolo Forcelati (included)

WEDNESDAYS 7PM – BRAZILIAN DANCE by GANDAIA ARTS (£10) On Wednesdays from June 16th!!!

FRIDAYS 7PM – PERCUSSION ALL LEVELS with Somesh (£10) 8:30PM – JAMM TIME! (£5 or included in workshop)

SATURDAYS 1:30PM – BEGINNERS DJEMBE with Oury Diallo (£10) 4PM – INTERMEDIATE DJEMBE with Souleymane Compo (£10)

SUNDAYS Unit 65, Stables Market – Camden, NW1 8AH Nearest Tube: CHALK FARM Somesh: 07739 847 690

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jungle guide




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KPDQZ + ,WPING WPING All the best, Kleber Saude Brazilian Social Dance

Thanks, Kleber! We had more than 16,000 people reading the online version of Jungle last month I am sure some of them were your friends! JD

Don't hesitate to send us your raves and rants! JungleDrums p.o. box 49713 london wc1x 8ww inbox@jungledrums.org FULL OF CHARACTERS Hey guys, I had the pleasure of visiting the place where Jungle is produced, and getting to know all the process. It made me like it even more. The JD office is in Holborn in an old Art Deco building... full of character -and stairs! The office itself is full of back issues high up on the wall in a casual way. The best word to describe it... cool! Really cool! The young creatives were all absorbed in their computers working on the next issue, but with enough humour and flexibility to make me feel welcome and special. You leave with the impression it's a place where you work hard but you play just as much, and for this I must congratulate you JD! Thiago Soares, via email Thiago was the guest editor on our May edition - Thiago, it was a real honour having you help us to bring out our special Dance edition. Drop back whenever you're nearby! JD LIFE BEYOND PRINT Dear Jungle, I loved reading your special dance issue (May 2010), amazing! I have even forwarded the online version to all my friends - and they loved it!

LATINAMERICANISATION Dear JD, I’m writing an article for The Indepedent, and JungleDrums is totally central to the thesis which is broadly the Latinamericanisation of the UK. A generation ago South America was not much on the radar. Now, we have sizeable Latin American communities living in the UK, lots of London children growing up alongside those cultures, and at the same time we have many British people who have had the opportunity to travel there who are spreading the culture across the land through samba bands, salsa and capoeira classes. Any contacts you think would help in my writing this would be most appreciated. Ian Burrell, via email Thanks for including JD in your article Ian. We are glad to be of help and to be part of this incredible multicultural city that is London. JD CONNECTION MADE! Caroline Motson was the lucky winner of our special Portuguese Connection promotion (www. portugueseconnection.co.uk) and has just returned from Brasil. She sent this lovely postcard: "We had the best time we have ever had away. We now have the bug to see everything Brasil has to offer!", says Caroline. Well, we are more than happy to be spreading the Brasil bug around! JD

B::I I=: G:69:G

C>8DA6 :AE=>CHIDC: THE ENGLISH ART CONNOISSEUR WITH ITCHY FEET, AND A PASSION FOR AFRICA, BRASIL AND AÇAÍ What do you do for a living? I’m an art dealer representing artists from Kenya, Zimbabwe and Brasil. How did you find out about Jungle? It was my homework. Before I moved to live in Brasil two years ago my Portuguese teacher handed me a copy for practice. I’ve been reading it ever since. What's your favourite part of the magazine and why? ‘Destination’, because I love to read and learn about places in Brasil. Do you have a Brasilian connection? Yes, my daughter was born there and I feel privileged that she grew up surrounded by the beautiful mata

atlântica. What is your favourite place in Brasil? ‘Inhotim’ - a contemporary art space in the rainforest near Belo Horizonte where art and architecture harmonise with nature. In my opinion the best art museum experience in the world. What’s your favourite Brasilian food/drink/ product? I will be in trouble for not mentioning a churrasco but for me it has to be the very tasty north eastern dish of moqueca, washed down by a thirst quenching ice-cold açaí juice. What’s the best Brasilian place in London? I love the Barraco Café for a warming Feijoada and a chopp. ,&

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