JungleDrums Brazil v Scotland Match Guide

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brazil’s kids vs the tartan stars: more than a friendly

check out our city guide to the games in Brazil in 2014


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brasil v ITALIA | JungleDrums 3


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i]Z gZVa YZVa In an interview days before the clash, Mano Menezes, Brazil’s manager since Dunga was sacked last year following the infamous defeat against Holland in South Africa, made it clear: “The most important thing is to win again�. After having lost the recent games against two of Brazil’s biggest nemeses, France and Argentina, Mano’s team have a lot to prove. So as you enter the incredible Emirates Stadium (a Brazilian home in Europe of sorts) you can be sure to witness not just a friendly, but a real game. And if the previous matches between Scotland and Brazil are anything to go by, it promises to be a very exciting Sunday afternoon indeed. And that’s why we’ve prepared this special issue looking back at past games and analysing the teams’ current form. In order to make it happen we summoned Fernando Duarte, Globo’s correspondent in London and an ever constant feature on the infamous Guardian Football Weekly podcast, and look at the Scottish side through the eyes of Andrew Downie, a soldier of the Tartan army living in Brazil. So, we hope you enjoy this special issue, and be sure to take it home with you as we’ve prepared a guide to where all the games for the 2014 World Cup are taking place. We hope to see you again in 3 years, this time round in Brazil!


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past fixtures


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LONDON DUEL MIGHT BREAK AN IMPRESSIVE STATISTICAL DEADLOCK YQTFU D[ (GTPCPFQ &WCTVG Imagine the feeling. You are a nation of limited resources with a past of punching above its weight. Especially in the ever-demanding European qualifiers for the World Cup. And almost every time you make it to the big party you end up drawn in Brazil’s group. That seems to be Scotland’s fate. In eight tournaments, the second most famous Home Nation played the Brazilians four times, never managing to win. No surprise that in 1997, when supporters were still celebrating their qualification to France 98, the then manager Craig Brown was already thinking far ahead: ‘’I was just hoping that we would not draw two complicated teams alongside Brazil. Because, as usual, we were going to have to play them’’. If the match at the Emirates is just a friendly, it nonetheless represents a golden opportunity for the Scots: in nine matches against the Brazilians, there have been seven defeats and two draws. The Scots also conceded 14 goals and scored only three. Twice, however, in a World Cup match. However, Brazil’s statistical dominance is by no means made of steam-rolling performances - just take a look at our World Cup highlights roundup below. ,& + ,WPING&TWOU q HE:8>6A HJEEA:B:CI

past fixtures

“BETTER TO NOT P*** THEM OFF” ;GDB 7G6K: E:G;DGB6C8:H ID 6 O>8D LDC9:G <D6A! =DL 7G6O>A 6C9 H8DIA6C9 ;6G: L=:C I=:N ;68: :68= DI=:G


SPAIN 1982



A brave performance by a Scottish side that had, amongst other famous names, Kenny Daglish and Joe Jordan, and held defending champions Brazil to a 0-0 draw in Frankfurt. Although the Brazilians had a much changed side from the one that astonished the world in Mexico four years before (there was no Pelé, and only Rivelino, Jairzinho and Piazza were still around), the result did not go down well with the country’s supporters and media.

David Narey, a Dundee United defender, did not expect to be greeted with sarcasm by his teammates after scoring a belter of an opener against Brazil in Seville, after 18 minutes. ‘’Now we’ve p****d them off’’, he was told. And it wasn’t an overstatement: with a stunning free-kick from Zico, Brazil levelled in the 33rd and went on a goal rampage to win 4-1, with even the defender Oscar chipping in with a header.

ITALY 1990




Scotland needed a draw to progress to the second round for the first time ever and everything seemed to be going their way against a mediocre Brazilian side in Turin. Eight minutes from time, though, Muller latched onto a lose ball and dashed the Tartan Army’s dreams. Defender Murdoch McLeod, however, probably has no recollection: he was walloped by a Branco free-kick in the first half and suffered a concussion.

After conceding from a set piece in which midfielder Cesar Sampaio (5’9) headed the ball in, Scotland came back with a John Collins penalty. Brazil, again the defending champions, only broke the deadlock thanks to a Tom Boyd own goal in the 74th minute, and right-back Cafu celebrated effusively – there was even a front somersault that led to cases of Brazilian children trying to copy it only to end up in A&E with dislocated shoulders.


the showdown

NO ROBINHO FOR YOU! BUT SOME OLDIES ARE BACK The honeymoon period might not be over, but Brazilian coach Mano Menezes knows that a bad result against Scotland – and that includes a hard earned victory – could really start to test a bit more the patience of the media and the fans. After the defeats against Argentina and France, Menezes concluded that the young squad he’s preparing for the London Olympics and the 2014 World Cup needs a bit of the veteran touch for this year’s main competition – The Copa America, in July, in Argentina. Thus, back are old guns like Lucio, Maicon and Elano, who had been regularly featured under Menezes’ predecessor, Dunga. Goalkeeper Julio Cesar






had already returned for the France friendly. Now, the number of remaining players from the 2010 World Cup has increased to nine. There was a noted absence, however: Robinho. Officially, Menezes decided to give the AC Milan striker, one of the country’s most capped players in the last few years, a break. But fans of tricks will have a chance to check out Neymar, the Santos striker who Chelsea tried so hard to sign earlier this season, and who featured as Brazil’s main weapon in the recent U-20 South American Championships. Premiership clubs will be represented by defender David Luiz, recently signed by Chelsea, as well as midfielders Sandro (Tottenham) and Lucas (Liverpool). ,&

the showdown

NOW IS THE TIME FOR CRAIG LEVEIN TO STRIKE In search of their first major tournament participation since France 98, Scotland are now trying to gain momentum. After failing to qualify for last year’s World Cup and a very bad start in the Euro 2012 qualifiers (four points in the first four games in a group with Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Czech Republic and Spain), Craig Levein’s side are in desperate need of some confidence. On the other hand, there couldn’t be a better time and place to face Brazil. Apart from the fact they’re mid-rebuilding the team, the game in London will feel like a home fixture for the Tartan Army, as big as the Brazilian community in the capital may be. There will be some encouragement





from the fact that the Scots made Spain sweat last October: the World Champions scrapped a 3-2 win in Hampden Park after a Pique own-goal cancelled a 2-0 advantage built by the visitors in the first half. Levein will quite likely have that display in mind – the manager sparked fury from fans and the media by fielding a striker-less team against the Czechs in the last match. Unless the injuries pile up, Scotland will probably resort to 4-2-3-1, with Rangers’ goalman Kenny Miller upfront. The Glasgow side, as a matter of fact, has been lending the biggest contribution in terms of players to the national side (totalling five). But most of the current group is based in English clubs, with the most well known name being Man United’s Darren Fletcher. ,& 7G6O>A k H8DIA6C9 q ,WPING&TWOU .

line up

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A SOLDIER OF THE TARTAN ARMY IN BRAZIL SPEAKS UP The best way to understand how Scottish fans think is to compare us with the English. We follow football more in hope than expectation, while the English expect to win, without the common sense that they aren’t good enough. We Scots know we are rubbish and accept it. We just want to have fun. Since the 1970s, our supporters, nicknamed the Tartan Army, travel the world much more as ambassador for Scotland than anything else. I, for example, joined them for the 1998 World Cup and we played Brazil in the opening game. There must have been 40,000 Scots in Paris on that day and that was one of the best days of my life, even though we lost 2-1. Losing to Brazil wasn’t at all disgraceful. Scotland aren’t successful as a national team but it has a history of great players, &' ,WPING&TWOU q HE:8>6A HJEEA:B:CI

with a lot successful English sides featuring Scots – Liverpool with Dalglish and Souness, for example. There were also great managers – I’m sure a lot of Brazilians know who Alex Ferguson is.

WE CAN PULL AMAZING RESULTS LIKE BEATING FRANCE TWICE AND THEM LOSE TO GEORGIA But in the last few years we have been paying the price for how badly organised the game is in our country. Also, there are many less pitches for kids to play and Scotland has certainly become a less healthy place. The major factor, however, is that the English game opened up so

much for foreign players, which made things more difficult for Scots. I don’t think we can beat Brazil at the Emirates, but every time one of my Brazilian friends calls me “coitado” I ask him why Brazil usually struggles to beat us. Apart from the 1982 World Cup game things have always been tight, and in 1998 they only beat us with an own goal. Scotland have been trying for years to qualify for big events and I would love to see us playing the next World Cup in Brazil. But it’s much harder now. Europe is full of small nations who didn’t exist 20 years ago but now can play well, and beat Scotland. We can pull amazing results out like beating France twice, and then go and lose to Georgia, for example. Maybe it’s just a Scottish thing to enjoy being the underdog, to rattle the big guys. ,& D[ #PFTGY &QYPKG

gordo no more

6 G: I>G:9 E=:CDB:CDC RONALDO DECIDES TO CALL IT A DAY The last match of Ronaldo’s professional career took place in a small stadium in Colombia. It was one of his worst performances, the final result breaking the hearts of millions and millions of Corinthians fans, and led him to bid farewell sooner than he had planned. Deportes Tolima, a rather modest Colombian team, vanquished 2-0 and killed off the biggest dream of the “Corintianos” - to see their football club winning the South American Champion’s League for the very first time. Ronaldo was their greatest hope to achieve that goal, but all the hope went down the drain due to all the extra weight, the injuries, the hyperthyroidism, and the 34 years of age crushing his agility. And for the first time since he came back to Brazil, the fans blamed it on him. Ronaldo wasn’t able to fight back. He couldn’t go any further. “I think, but my body &) ,WPING&TWOU q HE:8>6A HJEEA:B:CI

does not respond to it as it used to”, he said in his farewell press conference. And with that, Ronaldo left the stage. One of the greatest footballers of our time, the number one striker of all World Cups, Ronaldo realised on February 14th, after having been beaten by Deportes Tolima, that his beautiful story in football had come to an end. However, this last game was so awful that the public called for a more dignified farewell. So, as a final bow, the Brazilian Football Confederation scheduled an “official farewell match” for Ronaldo, and this comes in the form of an international friendly against Romania on June 7th in São Paulo, fittingly at his favourite stadium, Pacaembú. And a treat for London: he’s also a guest of honour for Brazil in today’s game against Scotland, so keep your eyes peeled - if you spot something a little rounded, it could be him! ,& D[ #NGZCPFTG :CXKGT

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secao secao kids london


16 supplement &+ JungleDrums ,WPING&TWOU |q special HE:8>6A HJEEA:B:CI


london secao kids ronaldo

NEYMAR LEADS BRAZIL’S UNDER 20 STARS AND PROMISES TO DELIVER THE MAGIC AND FIGHT FOR OLYMPIC GLORY IN LONDON No one really pays attention to those “under somethings� championships promoted by FIFA, do they? Who’d wanna watch young guys pretending to be the next Cristiano Ronaldo when we can see the real stuff... But in Peru last month, something happened. Here in Brazil, the major TV channels were competing against each other to show live football matches of the under 20s at midnight on a weekday. I realised all this one Tuesday when I heard people shouting “GOOOAL!!� through their windows late at night. I turned the TV on

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and suddenly found myself glued to the Brazil v Argentina match. Brazil’s new generation bears our best crop in decades. Neymar, Lucas, Giuliano, Oscar and their teammates play the best football you could learn on the country’s streets and dusty pitches. Classy, fast, elegant, stunning, mouthwatering football. That’s what they do. With a 5-1 here, a 6-0 there (though losing to Argentina), these kids wearing the Brazilian yellow shirt won the South American U-20 trophy this year.



But more than simply raising a trophy, these kids offered hope and confidence for a footballing nation that was knocked out of the last two World Cups with an ageing squad and ugly performances. The icon of this new generation is Neymar. You’ll hear about him soon. He sports weird hair cuts, likes girls, fast cars and dives in the box to win penalty kicks. Neymar’s a little rascal, but he’s a genius on the pitch, and Chelsea know what I’m talking about. The blues almost signed him but Santos raised the price and managed to keep a hold of the young player. He won’t

last much longer in Brazil, though. European clubs are hungry for him. That amazing Brazilian U-20 team will be in London in 2012 for the Olympics. Crystal Palace training ground will host them, and as that facility is not part of the Olympic village, the Brazilian Football Confederation can send out all their staff to prepare the youths for battle. The gold medal is the only title Brazilian football has not yet conquered, and this generation is destined to make history. ,& brasil v ITALIA | ,WPING&TWOU JungleDrums &, 17 7G6O>A k H8DIA6C9 q 7G6H>A k >I6A>6 q

irn-bru vs guaraná



This local delicacy splits opinion along pretty rigid lines: most famously, the lines which divide Scotland from the rest of the world. In Scotland it’s simply “The ‘Bru”, a national treasure. Elsewhere, its appeal is a mystery. For the uninitiated, the first Irn-Bru experience is unsettling. The first thing you notice is the colour: neon orange. Nothing natural is that colour. The smell hits you next, and it certainly doesn’t smell like oranges. In fact, it doesn’t smell like anything you’ve ever smelled before. Boy is it fizzy, though. You can’t argue with that. Taste-wise, it’s has what wine-lovers call a ‘robust’ flavour. Which is why attempts to market the stuff as a cocktail mixer have failed so far: whatever you mix it with; it always ends up tasting like Irn-Bru. Talking to Scots about their beloved ‘Bru, though, it’s clear that the real reason they love


it so much has nothing to do with the taste at all. Quite simply: Irn-Bru is the best hangover cure in the world. The verdict: Strange-looking, unloved in England, but devastatingly effective anywhere north of Hadrian’s wall? If Irn-Bru was a footballer, it would be: Kenny Miller. The verdict: Strange-looking, unloved in England, but devastatingly effective anywhere north of Hadrian’s wall? If Irn-Bru was a footballer, it would be: Kenny Miller.

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irn-bru vs guaraná

I=: I6HI: I:HI First sold commercially in 1921, the Guaraná fruit has been prepared as a drink by native Amazonian tribes since time immemorial. The bright green cans are an inescapable sight all over Brazil, and like Irn-Bru, the drink is a source of national pride. In 2006, one brand caused controversy with an ad campaign that showed Diego Maradona lining up alongside Ronaldo and Kaká for the seleção after one too many Guaranás the night before.



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Unlike ‘Bru, the drink itself isn’t quite as lurid as the can it comes in. A rich golden colour, its smell and taste are completely unique but instantly recognisable, a tangy apple-ish flavour. Despite its champagne claims, Guaraná is less bubbly than most soft drinks. But what it lacks in fizz it makes up for in bang, with twice as much caffeine as an actual coffee. This means it’s loved by students, clubbers and anybody else in need of a quick energy fix, but makes mixing it with booze a bit of a gamble to say the least. The verdict: A fixture in Brazilian life since the dawn of time, famed for its limitless energy? If Guaraná was a footballer, it would be: Cafu.

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getting there

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12 cities



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getting there

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