JungleDrums issue 74 October 2009

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cĂŠu sings on




and kicks off a whole series of special jungle celebrations VINCENT CASSEL’S FRENCH KISS ON A BRASILIAN BEACH!



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TO SEE ONE OF THE EXHIBITIONS THIS MONTH featuring some mighty Brasilian talent - including upoming artist Sara Ramo, and graffiti devotee ZezĂŁo. EJGEM QWV QWT VKRU QP RCIG

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\Zi hedd`n FOR HALLOWEEN - Mexican Style! Head to the Day of the Dead party with costumes & free shots - it's got to be more fun than bobbing apples in your garden! EJGEM QWV VJG CIGPFC

WITH PORTUGAL from the middle of the month, with Portuguese Connections -Jungle's very own travel guide to Portugal - plus, you'll be able to enter our competition to win flights to Brasil. RQTVWIWGUGEQPPGEVKQP EQ WM


AND GET IN THE MOOD for Adriana Calcanhotto's live London debut. Adriana is one of the country's most talented female voices, and has made her fascinating reinventions of old songs, her trademark. UGG OQTG QP RCIG

WZa^ZkZ ^i - IT'S VINCENT CASSEL speaking fluent Portuguese in the film Adrift, one of the Brasilian highlights at the BFI London Film Festival. TGCF CNN CDQWV KV QP 2CIG


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Look who’s singing us Happy Birthday this month - as we turn 7, we’re the lucky hosts of the heavenly CÊu

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DESTINATION MaracaĂ­pe: an enchanting aquatic garden of eden in northeastern Brasil has something for everyone




Another Brasilian Diva graces London & Oxford with her presence; don’t miss Adriana Calcanhotto

The project bringing the global to the village with computers for everyone in Latin America

Comfort food for winter, from tasty Argentinian ice-creams, to cheap and plentiful Brasilian feijoada





Your chance to snag 700 cds!!

The bible to what’s going on in town

Your rants and raves

In-house conjectures and speculations

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What's your favourite JD cover of all time? *% " DXidWZg %,


[ZZah a^`Z ]ZVkZc Take a deep breath and blink twice. Keeping up with what Jungle has in store from now until the end of the year isn’t a task for the faint-hearted. Shows with Adriana Calcanhotto in Oxford and London; the launch of Jungle Trips 2009, our travel magazine focused on Brasil, with an awesome sambarock show by Mårcio Local. And CÊu who brings her songs to London for the first time. And there’s more. We’ll be supporting LIFEM, London’s Exploratory Music festival; Colombiage, which celebrates one of Brasil's most culturally active neighbours, and Fora das Correntes, a play which retells the history of capoeira in a vibrant production. All of this defines our DNA perfectly: as well as a magazine, JungleDrums is a group of people who love what they do, who are passionate about staging events and provoking interaction between Brits and Brasilians. And it’s what we intend to keep doing – for a long while yet. Blowing out the candles with the amazing CÊu is part of our dream come true. And it’d be great to share some of that with you, our readers, who’ve supported us every step of the way. Take a deep breath, and come closer.

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I loved the one with Douglas Silva. The article was great and having met him at your screening of City of Men I found him to be the same exuberant, jokey, fun loving character that you describe! Jonathan B. Strong, London



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Heathrow Underground WHERE CAN I FIND MY JD?

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Márcio Local 11 nov 09

“Marcio Local, swaggers on stage. Crowds will sway and booties will shake to his soulful croon and samba tempos” NEW YORKER

“The charismatic Mr. Local is poised to become a leading voice in Brazilian music” WALL STREET JOURNAL

Album out now on Luaka Bop Recommended

Adventure in Samba Soul Live Parker St - WC2B 5PW 020 7242 8600 guanabara.co.uk

doors 7pm - show 10pm £7 adv - wegottickets.com

ad_marcio.indd 1

1/10/09 22:12:12

(Roda de Conversa

+ Três na Grã-Bretanha)


tres featuring


calcanhotto 28 Oct


Round table on 27 Oct


Ethnographic Film Series Q&A with director Nicole Algranti







29 Oct Oxford St Hildaʼs College 01865 270750

Premiere of documentary

In Full All Brazil Week

General Enquiries

01865 270750


with dir. Nicole Algranti and biographer Teresa Montero

Sponsored by

pictures Isabel Diegues

Tickets Beaumont Street Oxford OX1 2LW 01865 305305 www.oxfordplayhouse.com

30 Oct London

O2 Academy Islington 020 7288 4400 £12 adv

Produced by

pictures Isabel Diegues

YKP MĂ RCIO LOCAL FROM LEBLON TO LONDON L^c i^X`Zih id hZZ i]^h nZVg h VchlZg id HZj ?dg\Z Vi djg ?jc\aZ Ig^eh '%%. aVjcX] eVgin dc &&i] CdkZbWZg

YOUR TICKETS TO LONDON ON THE CHEAP In this edition, we bring you another selection of special offers from some of our partners. From free drinks to cheap food, and our piece de la resistance - 700 free CDs to give away!

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It might seem strange to a Brasilian, but Adriana Calcanhotto has never played in London before. If you’re English and you don’t get what all the fuss is about, it's simple: with an almost 20-year career, the singer is one of the most respected voices in Brasilian music today. And her trademark is the reinvention of old songs. With her sweet, soothing voice, Adriana has given new life to pop songs by Madonna and to the romantic funk of Brasilian duo Claudinho & Buchecha. She also created Adriana Partimpim, her alter-ego, under which she composed a children's CD which made plenty of adults want to return to their own infancies. Her latest surprise was a venture into the world of literature, responding to a psychotic episode caused by a cocktail of medication while on tour in Portugal. What could've been a tragedy, Adriana made her inspiration: Saga Lusa was launched in 2008. This month, the London public will finally get to see Adriana’s many different guises. As you might expect, her show, which is part of Brazil Week, doesn’t follow a standard formula. Entitled TrĂŞs (Three), the singer will be joined by Moreno Veloso, son of Caetano Veloso, and Domenico Lancellotti. The show looks set to include a bit of everything, from Brasilian MPB to songs in Spanish and even one in 12th century Provençal. Hold up, Provençal? “Yes, it’s a beautiful song by the troubadour Arnaut Daniel. Most of his poems only exist as fragments, but this one is a finished work, with a melody and lyrics. It’s a long piece so I don’t normally sing it all, but I really like itâ€?, explains the singer. Brazil Week will take place in London and Oxford. As well as live music, the event includes a series of film screenings and the documentary In Full All, about the writer Clarice Lispector. ,&


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WgVh^a [gVbZY After Brasilian cinema seized London last month by way of two big festivals and dozens of new films, in October it’s time for visual arts to take the lead – yes, it’s another Brasilian invasion. Because of the numerous Brasilian art exhibitions taking place this month, Jungle have prepared this special guide on what to see and where, from the sacred Photographers' Gallery to new alternative spaces like Pure Evil. And if you think the galleries themselves are eclectic, the artists behind them are even more so. This is a great chance for Londoners to check out a sample of the huge range of art being produced in Brasil today, from graffiti to sculpture, photography to painting. ,& D[ /QTGPC /CFWTGKTC

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LIFEM BRINGS A BIT OF ATTITUDE TO LONDON'S BUSY MUSICAL SCENE Inspired by the European discoveries of the 15th and 16th centuries, the Portuguese producer Miguel dos Santos has created a spanking new festival which will be launched at the beginning of next month. We’re talking about LIFEM – the London International Festival of Exploratory Music. But what, I hear you cry, is exploratory music?! According to Miguel, it’s not a musical genre, but an attitude: “The discoverers set out across the Atlantic to reveal the world beyond it, and then brought back their treasures with them. That’s what I wanted to do; get out of Europe to discover what’s interesting out there, and then bring it back and spread the word about it”, he recalls. In this, the first edition of the festival, the programme brings musicians from countries as diverse as Brasil and Japan, as well as some of his ‘home silver’. The artists chosen from Brasil symbolise the diversity of the country: Madame Mim (latin electro and pop), who was born in Argentina but raised in Brasil; Da Cruz, who mixes everything – samba, indie-rock, bossa, jazz, etc; and Coletivo Rádio Cipó from Belém, presenting ElectroFunkDub – Brasilian rhythms fused with world music. For the musicians, the festival is a great opportunity to attract new audiences not yet familiar with their sounds. “I’ve already played in Europe twice, and it’s always been really cool, the audiences are really receptive and curious,” says Madame Mim. As well as the 16 artists spread over four days of shows, the festival will have a free audiovisual programme showing experimental works. ,&

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Sara Ramo: Movable Planes 16 October 09 – 17 January 10 Invasion of everything that was restrained, 2005. Courtesy Galeria Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo © Sara Ramo.

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FRI 13 – SUN 22 NOV 2009 Sat 14


Thu 19

GILBERTO GIL Southbank Centre

Booking Southbank Centre

0871 663 2500 southbankcentre.co.uk

For the full programme visit londonjazzfestival.org.uk Follow us on twitter.com/londonjazzfest



Also Showing Jim Goldberg: Open See Admission Free Open Tues – Sun 16 –18 Ramillies St. London W1F 7LW Oxford Circus www.photonet.org.uk



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GILLES PETERSON PUTS THE CHERRY ON GUANABARA'S CAKE It’s not just our birthday this month – Guanabara is turning 5 in October, and they’ve got Gilles Peterson along to lead the celebrations. It’s going to be a massive party and there’s no better man to lead the night than the world music maestro himself. Expect to hear a ‘classic mix for a party’, including Gilles’ latest project with Far Out (review on page 22). According to the DJ, London is finally catching up with Paris as a stage for world music, in which - no-one would deny - Peterson has been instrumental. Determined to expose British audiences to his passion for Brasilian music, first inspiring him over 25 years ago, Gilles has gained widespread acclaim for numerous projects across the globe. Through his Worldwide Festival, his influence continues to grow and rumours suggest SĂŁo Paulo may be next on his route (...see full interview on our website). When we asked for his hot tips of the moment, he hinted at DJ Nuts, a mixer/ scratcher from SĂŁo Paulo, and Jam da Silva. Join him with DJ LimĂŁo and other special guests at Guanabara. ,& D[ $GP 2 ,QPGU

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FRIDA KAHLO VIVA LA VIDA! BACK IN LONDON FOR MORE STANDING OVATIONS After winning two prizes in the UK, Frida Kahlo Viva la Vida! takes to the stage of the Oval House Theatre, in London, from 20th October. Written by Humberto Robles, the play recalls the extraordinary life of the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, her complicated relationship with fellow painter and partner, Diego Rivera, and her passion for art. Before reaching the British capital, the play was shown at the International Edinburgh Festival last year, and came away with a trophy: Gaël le Cornec, the Brasilian actor who plays Frida, was awarded with a Universal Arts prize. Earlier this year, the play was also awarded the Argus Angel trophy for Artistic Excellency at the Brighton Fesival. “We’re really happy with the reception we’ve had from the public and the critics,” says Gael, “we didn’t expect it at all.” Having sold out at the Box Office in all of the places it’s been shown so far, the Oval House is expected to be no different. “You never know how the public will react when a new season starts, but that’s part of the excitement of the theatre – only knowing whether it’s going to be alright or not when you’re out there on stage” explains the actress. The story of the Mexican artist doesn’t stop here: the play has been booked for at least two more festivals in the Czech Republic and Albania. ,&

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BFI FESTIVAL BRINGS FAMILY STRIFE, LOVE AND BETRAYAL IN BRASIL TO LONDON It might not have been part of the Brasilian cinema festivals which took place in September, but it is one of the main attractions at the BFI London Film Festival, which takes place from the 14th of this month. Directed by Heitor Dahlia, the brilliant Brasilian whose highlyacclaimed works include O Cheiro do Ralo (Drained), the film Adrift brings two heavyweight international actors to the UK screens: Camilla Belle, a young Brasilian/American actress, who stars in her mother land - and tongue - for the first time; and Vincent Cassel, one of the most talented and successful French actors of today. The film is set in Buzios, the beautiful Rio beach another French actor, Brigitte Bardot, fell in love with in the 60's. It was after discovering a hidden talent of Cassel’s – that he speaks Portuguese, having picked it up through years of holidays to Brasil – that Heitor Dhalia, decided he would be perfect for the part of Matthias, a French writer settled in Brasil. “I admire a lot of younger actors, like Selton Mello and Wagner Moura, but‌I couldn’t think of a Brasilian actor of his age for the role, with his charm,â€? recalls Dhalia. “Cassel has always played dark, sordid, violent characters – In Irreversible or La Haine, for example. In Adrift, he was able to play a father of three, and reveal a different, caring side, which never gets shown in the US or in France.â€? Cassel agrees. “It’s interesting, but I’m sure I’d have turned down a film like Adrift in France. In Brasil, I let my guard down and accepted the invitation. I think French cinema is still suffering from a ‘post-nouvelle vague’ syndrome‌ I love working in France but acting abroad is a gift, for any actor.â€? And it looks like this isn’t the last we’ll see of Cassel on the Brasilian screen; next up, he is set to appear with Mickey Rourke and Cidade Baixa/City of God star Alice Braga in an adaptation of Paulo Coelho’s novel Eleven Minutes. ,& '% ,WPING&TWOU D8ID7:G '%%.

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l]ZgZ XjWV h Vi 50 years after its revolution, Cuba’s had a fair bit of press in 2009. Sure, compilation CDs have spilled out, but few could rival the passion and calibre of this here project - a year in the making plus an intense week recording at Havana’s notorious Egrem Studios, with the cream of Cuba. Gilles Peterson at the helm, with DJ-producer Vince Vella and pianist Roberto Fonseca, this mix navigates tenderly re-recorded Cuban classics such as Chekere Son, through jazz and rumba, reggaeton, soul and a dash of Fela Kuti for the Afro-Cuban fusion, to contemporary, with hip hop, R&B and a hint of Snow’s Informer! For Vella, it was young Danay’s effortless ability that blew him away, and regardless of the age of the 20+ musicians involved, their innate talent and ingrained dedication resounds: “they love playing; they just don’t watch the clockâ€?, he reflected. Great stuff, remix album due early 2010‌ ,&

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cover feature




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It’s almost five years since Céu first appeared on the Brasilian music scene. At the time, it was like a shock to the system: there was nothing like her light compositions and climaxes, her whispered notes, and that jazzy voice, all coming from a young woman, just 25 years old. From nowhere, as fluidly as her very songs, Céu’s fame spread. Another fan here, another show there, a record deal in the US, launches in Europe and that was it: now she’s on her second album. The daughter of a musician, Céu (which means ‘sky’ and ‘heaven’) grew up listening to African, Brasilian and Jamaican rhythms. Cosmopolitan, like all good paulistas, Céu uses her music to create a sound which is unmistakably Brasilian, but equally universal. So, it’s easy to understand how she’s been such a success, both live and commercially. When she fell pregnant, she continued to perform – but upon the birth of her daughter, Rosa Morena, Céu took a break, and it was the best thing she could’ve done; when she returned, she did so full of new ideas and inspiration, giving rise to the album Vagarosa. At the beginning of November, Jungle presents Céu in London – this time in person – for our big 7th anniversary celebrations. And to cement the beginning of a firm friendship, we headed off to Brasil to have a chat with the singer.

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Céu You’ve played a lot in the US and Europe, and now you’re going to be singing in London for the first time. How have you found it, playing to such different audiences? European audiences are very observant, and more intellectual. After the shows they always comment about the arrangements, the songs and their interpretations. The Americans have a more curious relationship, they look at us with an air of exoticism. They identify my sound as being Brasilian, but it’s not that stereotypical Brasilian music. It’s interesting: my albums have been released on different labels, and each one classifies me as something different. In France, it’s ‘jazz’, and in other parts of the globe it’s ‘world music’. Your album sold really well in Brasil, but even better abroad. Did you have a crisis of identity, because of being branded an international – rather than a national - singer? I don’t know – I don’t consider myself more one than the other. Not because I don’t want to be, but because I think both are equal. I’ve toured in remote places within Brasil - João Pessoa, Fortaleza – and I found myself an audience I’d never expected to have. I might have more fans in Brasil, but the fans abroad have more impact: when you play abroad, that has massive repercussions in Brasil. Did your creative process change a lot after your first album? I grew up a bit, you know? When I made the first album, everything was really new. I didn’t have the faintest clue if it was going to work out, if I was going to last, if I could make a living from music. I was also more naive about the route I was taking. It was

an intensive learning curve. I also learnt a bit about record labels and editing – I’m independent and involved in the recording process. In that sense, I think what’s made the biggest difference are experience -and maturity. Having a child was a big thing. But what I address in my music, what’s important to me, and my relationship with music, are still similar. When you recorded your new album did you have a musical destination in mind? I already had a sound in my head, something coming from more organic noise, but played with a certain kind of psychedelic element. I wanted to include that. And the rest came as I went along: I started

And what have you been listening to? Lots of Ethiopian jazz, which I discovered on tour. Mulatu Astatke, etc. Also stuff from Jamaica, loads of Studio One. And I was listening to Caetano (Veloso)’s Transa and Tom Jobim’s Urubu. They’re different but at the same time, to me, not that different, it’s weird. There’s a kind of unity between them.


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developing the compositions, or fragments of compositions, in the studio or at home. I also took into account new references, loads of the things I was listening to at the time. There are lots of different influences, but I always try to maintain some kind of unity, and there’s an element that I always like to have: black music, like Afro-samba or Jamaican rhythms.

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cover feature

Despite being full of all of those references, doesn’t the CD have an air of “less is more”? That was what I most wanted. It’s a lot to do with my philosophy on life at the moment, looking at everything, at your life, the city and the planet, to see what’s going on around you – it’s a kind of quest. And I think that idea of less is more is really healthy, you know? I’ve tried to absorb that quite a lot.

How far back did you have an album ready, with all the songs? I didn’t have anything to start with – it was quite a different project from the beginning. There was a practical aspect to it, and it had to happen. That put pressure on me, but in a good way. I started composing at the end of my pregnancy, and then I stopped. I stopped completely, I was totally taken over by Rosa and I didn’t even think


And what about your preference for the ‘B-side’, or the undiscovered out there? Did that influence the album? It’s true, I like to look in places where other people aren’t looking. Perhaps it makes it harder to explain the path I’ve taken, but


that’s inevitable. And it works for me, it enriches my work. You go along without following formulas, but people like to see that – that risks have been taken, instead of following the same old patterns. That’s also part of why they take notice.



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Céu about composing or anything else. Then I went back to it in the fourth month after giving birth. That’s when I did it all, invited people to participate, went into the studio and got all the old materials together from home. In all your songs you appear as the backing vocal; in Bubuia, it’s Negresko Sis (which are you, Thalma de Freitas and Anelis Assumpção). Is that related to what Rita Lee used to sing, “I just want to be part of the backing vocals”? Totally. Thalma, Anelis and I all think that way. It’s like performing a duty for the song. The whole business of being at the front and

singing to everyone is great and everything, but there comes a time when you just want to make a noise. Music for the sake of music. When you’re a singer, you learn thousands of things on stage – how to act, how to hold an audience. Doing backing vocals is cool because it’s all about the music. In your live shows you tend to comment on the rhythms of the compositions and their influences. Why is that? It’s because it’s always surprising. When you think you know it all, music comes along and sweeps you off your feet and you discover something amazing. It’s for the buzz, and for the love of it. ,&

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13th | tuesday

17th | Oct - 15th | Nov



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16 oct - 17 jan 2010 th


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9th | friday

20th | Oct - 7th | Nov

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26th - 30th

6th | friday

every wednesday

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30th | friday


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global village



THE BRASILIAN DIGITAL INCLUSION PROJECT RAISING FUNDS IN THE UK FOR LATIN AMERICA Have you ever imagined Guarani Indians in Rio de Janeiro communicating on video between different villages, via YouTube? Well, prepare yourself: it’s more than just a futuristic vision – this is becoming a reality for some indigenous communities in Brasil, who have discovered video as one of the most effective ways of promoting their culture to younger generations – particularly as they have no written language, making oral communication their only means. The progress is the result of a 14-year digital inclusion project by the CDI (The IT Democratisation Committee), which has already reached over 1.25 million people in Latin America, the US and Europe, including children, high-risk adolescents, adults and the elderly – and they are soon to start work in the Middle East. “The CDI came out of a dream I had in which I saw young people and children using

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computers, learning about technology and having a positive impact within their communities,” recalls the CDI project founder and current CEO, Rodrigo Baggio, who, having gained wide experience in multinational companies such as Accenture and IBM, decided to follow his dream and launch the “Computers For Everyone” campaign. It kick-started the digital inclusion movement in Latin America, with the first CDI community being installed in the Morro Dona Marta favela, in Rio. Currently, the project has a network of 753 CDI communities, with 33 regional and international offices. “Our biggest challenge is maintaining the sustainability of the whole organisation. Some of the schools have come up with really creative solutions, and today they offer services to their communities outside of lesson hours, like CD burning, and some even become internet cafés in the evening,” says

Mauricio Davila, Global director of Institutional and International Development at CDI. To celebrate 200 years of Latin American independence, the CDI will be promoting an event in London on 2nd October, which will bring together people involved in Latin America and the third sector (notfor-profit and NGO’s), with the aim of raising funds for projects in Latin America - where some 271 million people live below the poverty line. The campaign will be organised together with GlobalGiving UK, using a virtual platform through which people interested in contributing can make donations to any of the project branches in the world. For more information, and to contribute, see globalgiving.co.uk/cdi. As well as helping the CDI to connect more people to the world wide web, donors will be in with a chance to win a flight to any destination in Brasil with TAP, a partner of the campaign. ,&

4 thinking minds

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WELCOME TO MARACAÍPE: A BEACH PARADISE WHERE SURFERS, FAMILIES AND SEA-HORSES MEET Sun, sea, sand, palm trees, beautiful people and a landscape that couldn’t be further removed from Brighton or Cornwall. All these elements make up Maracaípe, on the southern coast of Pernambuco, one of the best places to visit for anyone fleeing the Northern Hemisphere in search of a tropical summer. Situated 65km from the capital, Recife, Maracaípe is already on the tourist map, thanks to its neighbour, Porto de Galinhas, some 2km away. The sheer natural beauty of Maracaípe's coral reefs, tropical forestry, estuaries and vibrant mangroves attracts visitors from all over. The beach itself is known for its conservation, and as a surfers paradise. The history of this coastal region in Brasil’s northeast has been marred by the trafficking of slaves: it was here that African captives

were off-loaded and forced into manual labour. Porto de Galinhas, for example, got its name – meaning Port of Chickens – because the slaves were hidden in crates marked “Angolan Chickens”. The arrival of the “goods” was announced by the code “There are new chickens in the port!”. The name Maracaípe, of Tupi origin, means “the river that sings”, owing to the sound the water makes against the roots of the mangroves. The huge palm trees, white sands, and clear blue waters of the beach town are enchanting. But Maracaípe (or 'Maraca' to those in the know), is as a good a destination for those looking for fun as it is for those who just want to unwind; you'll find completely deserted areas and others where each square metre of sand is hotly coveted, plus loads of bars, restaurants and hotels.

Some people say Maracaípe reminds them of Pacific islands like Tahiti, or even surfing havens such as Hawaii. With its strong waves, which can reach over two metres, this Pernambucan paradise is also part of the national and international surfing calender and hosts the Super Surf and Hang Loose Pro Contest events each year. The wave conditions also make it good for another sport practiced by tourists and enthusiasts: kite surfing. But, for the same reasons, bathers should take care when having a dip. The most frequented part of Maracaípe is Pontal, where you can witness the meeting of the River Maracaípe with the Atlantic Ocean, and where natural swimming pools of warm water form. A good place to take the kids, Pontal has calm waters which are perfect for swimming, kayaking, boating. Around the



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Maracaípe same area there are also walking paths and snack bars. From the mangroves you can walk to Oiteiro, where you'll find the Nossa Senhora do Oiteiro church, from where you can enjoy fantastic views and unforgettable sunsets and moonrises. The preserved mangroves are a regional treasure and there is even a Save Maracaípe campaign to protect them, led by locals, surfers, and other lovers of the beach town, who want to stop the rampant urbanisation and the construction of resorts, which destroy its natural beauty. There are also two conservation projects, TAMAR and Hippocampus, which protect turtles and sea horses, respectively. A good day-trip tip is to hire a ‘jangada’ raft, and

boat around the area where the river meets the sea, taking in the mangroves and seeing the sea horses which rafters often catch in clear glass bottles to release back into the sea. Their colours blend into the water depending on their environment, a natural defense mechanism against predators. You can get to Maracaípe by car along the road which follows the coast all the way down to Vila de Todos os Santos, where the bars and restaurants are almost in the sea. If you’re going there to surf, there are numerous shacks set up on the sand, ready to serve your every need for a day on the beach, from generous portions of açaí sorbet to fresh seafood. What’s more, this is where the young and beautiful come to hook up

and watch live shows on the beach at night. In the summer you’ll find really good, often famous musicians playing here. The nightlife in Maracaípe is great, especially for lovers of reggae and Pernambucan forró. Because of its proximity to Porto de Galinhas, visitors can also enjoy great nights out dancing in the nearby town, from electronica to funk in the clubs, to acoustic, live music in smaller bars. Almost everyone falls in love with this little piece of paradise, whether owing to its natural beauty, the kindness of the locals, the delicious local cuisine, the surf, or the nightlife. ,& 8]ZX` dji DbVg ?jc^dg! heZX^Va^hi ^c aVcYhXVeZ VcY =9G e]did\gVe]n! dc/ DB6G?JC>DG#8DB

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MaracaĂ­pe explorer



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bars & restaurants


FREGGO At long last, a deliciously decent icecream bar in London town. I scream...!

They sure will keep Jungle's party going

molotov cocktail party live music and latino tongue-teasers at the JD after-party Got any plans for November 6th? Yes of course, you’re going to Jungle’s 7th anniversary celebrations. How about afterwards? Well, after enjoying Céu, Zeep and DJ Limão at ULU (University of London Union), keep on celebrating with us at the after-party we’re hosting at El Paso. The Latino restaurant located in Shoreditch will open their doors to the downstairs club for us at 11pm. They do fajitas, enchiladas and nachos, which are a much better after-party snack than a kebab. And don’t forget the delicious margaritas - just one of a large variety of cocktails served at the bar. Of course, parties are all about dancing, and we’ve got Molotov Jukebox to liven-up ours with those ska-electroragga-Spanish sounds they do so well, plus DJ Limão will be there to keep it going from behind the decks (no, the man never rests!). Tickets for the after-party cost £5, so be a party popper, not a party pooper - it’s gonna be a mammoth night of fun in the jungle! JD by Ana Brasil KEY:




Já tem planos para o dia 6 de novembro? Sim, é claro que você vai à festa de sétimo aniversário da Jungle. Mas e depois disso? Bem, após curtir Céu, Zeep e DJ Limão na ULU (University of London Union), continue comemorando conosco na after-party que vamos oferecer no El Paso. O restaurante Tex-Mex localizado em Shoreditch abre as portas do club, que fica no andar de baixo, para a Jungle às 11pm. Para quem aprecia fajitas, enchiladas, nachos e afins, El Paso é o lugar certo. E não esqueça das deliciosas margaritas (apenas um de uma enorme variedade de coquetéis servidos) para dançar a noite toda. Falando em dançar, a banda Molotov Jukebox vai estar lá com todos os seus instrumentos para animar a festa, tocando o som ska-electroragga espanhol que eles fazem tão bem. E DJ Limão continua com a gente para manter a festa acesa das pick-ups (ele não descansa nunca!). Os ingressos para a after-party custam £5, então, não perca. A festa vai durar a noite inteira! JD


When I walk into La Bodeguita I feel like I'm back in South America. It has great décor and music and the Colombian food is delicious, especially the cassava. Plus you can practice your Spanish with the staff.

EL PASO 350 Old Street, EC1V 020 7739 4202 • elpasohoxton.com


up to £10* £10 - £20* £20+* *Price based on a meal with drink per person

Gaël le Cornec, the Brasilian actress playing Mexican painter Frida Kahlo this month at Oval House

OUTUBRO 2009 JungleDrums 47

bars & restaurants


A proper little treat, Barraco is North London’s answer to the boteco, an informal kind of bar that also serves food, and can be found on almost every street corner in Rio de Janeiro. Tucked away down a side street in Kilburn, it has a loyal clientele – including our lovely selves! At Barraco you can find classic Brasilian food including mixed grills and five different types of moqueca fish stew, plus fresh juices and açaí (as a juice or in a bowl) to energise and cleanse the palate. The real treat, though, is the £7 black bean feijoada - served in the traditional way, with white rice and farofa. In fact, the whole menu at Barraco is totally bargainous, with starters like kibe and fried mandioc from £4 and deserts such as brigadeiro, a chocolate sweet, for £1. To get in the true spirit of boteco, we suggest small eats like torresmo (pork scratchings) and calabresa acebolada (grilled Brasilian sausages with onions) accompanied by a cold beer; Barraco serves the great Brasilian brands Skol and Brahma, ice-cold. Barraco is authentic, chilled-out and cosy. There's also live music every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, mostly forró, MPB and bossa nova. When the weather is nice you can sit outside on the picnic benches, which is even better because the road isn’t used much by cars. But sitting inside is just as great for grabbing a bit of Brasilian warmth.

Feijoada £7.00 barraco 10 Kingsgate Place, NW6 Kiburn 020 7604 4664 barracocafe.co.uk

48 JungleDrums OCTOBER 2009

Coffee Café Serves snacks and lunch Feijoada + Guaraná drink £5

35 Oxford Street W1D 2DT Tottenham Court Rd


68 Compton Street, EC1V Farringdon

020 7437 0400

Exciting cocktails and a great mix of Mexican home cooking and traditional favourites. Fish Taco £6.00

020 7253 1249

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine. Pescado con Coco £11.50

Whitfield St 112, W1T 5EE Warren Street

36 -38 Dean Street, W1D 4PS Leicester Square

07983 633 440

0207 494 4716 • IGUANAS.CO.UK

56 Goodge Street, W1T 4NB Goodge Street

bite-sized treats

104 Highbury Park, N5 2XE Arsenal 020 7226 0070 • GARUFA.CO.UK

BRAZILIAN GOURMET Cafe/Restaurant serving Brasilian and Portuguese specialities. Rump Steak (Picanha no prato) £6.50

BENITO’S HAT L Mexican Burritos, tacos, salads, beer and cocktails. Main meal and drink £7.00


Intertrans Café Brasilian snacks & Money Transfer service.

0207 637 3722 BENITOS-HAT.COM

BELLO CAFE B Brasilian and Italian specialties.

SEE p.49

SEE p.51

55–57 Charing Cross Road Leicester Square

north LONDON Barrio North Latino-style ‘street food’ served, DJs and events. Brasilian Wax Cocktail £6.75 45 Essex Road, N1 2SF Angel

578, Kingsland Rd,E8 4AH p.52 Hackney 02079234883 • elaguajal.co.uk

020 7354 1076 rodiziorico.com

SABOR Latin American Food and cocktails with a fusion touch. Brasilian Moqueca £13.50 108 Essex Rd London, N1 8LX Angel

Canecão Pool tables and Brasilian football on TV. Fish Moqueca £7.90

El Paso Cocktail bar and restaurant serving Mexican, Tex-Mex and vegetarian dishes. 350-354 Old St, EC1V 9NQ Old St. SEE 0207 739 4202


020 7226 5551 • sabor.co.uk

Tortilla Fresh, affordable CalifornianMexican cuisine. Burritos £4.50 - £5.50

17 York Way, N7 9QG Caledonian Road

13 Islington High St, N1 9LQ Angel

0207 485 4738 canecaolondon.com

0207 387 2285


SEE p.52

77-78 Upper Street, N1 0NU Angel

0207 485 4738 BARRIONORTH.COM

6 Grafton Way, W1T 5DS Warren Street


Rodízio Rico Eat-till-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50


Café Rio Feijoada and steaks prepared the Brasilian way. Prato Rio £9.80

26 - 30 Stoke Newington Church St, N16 0LU Stoke Newington rail

El Aguajal Peruvian Amazonian Specialities. Student Discount £6 Menu Mon-Fri till 3pm

Favela Chic Seductive Latin flavours with French touches. Hand of God £15 91-93 Great Eastern St, EC2A Old Street 0207 613 5228 • FAVELACHIC.COM

020 7833 3103 • tortilla.co.uk

CASA BRASIL TimeOut - recommended. Authentic home-made food. Fish Moqueca £8.90

Canela Brasilian and Portuguese dishes. Feijoada £9.50 33 Earlham Street, WC2H 9LS Convent Garden 0207 240 6926 • CANELACAFE.COM

46 South Molton St, W1K 5RX Bond Street 020 7495 1177 comidabar.co.uk

289 Regents Park Rd, N3 3JY Finchley Central SEE

27-29 Swallow St., W1B 4QR Piccadilly 020 7287 9506 • FREGGO.CO.UK

Gaucho Serves steaks, chicken and fish dishes. Argentinean Beef Bbq £20 125 Chancery Lane, WC2A 1PU Chancery Lane 0207 242 7727 GAUCHORESTAURANTS.CO.UK

Guanabara Food, live music and even dance classes. Fish Moqueca Stew £12.50 Parker Street, WC2B 5PW Holborn SEE 0207 242 8600 GUANABARA.CO.UK


Cuba Libre & Havana Original restaurant with tapas, meals and cocktails. El Plato Cubano £12.95 72 Upper Street, N1 ONY Angel 0207 354 9998 CUBALIBRELONDON.CO.UK

FREGGO L Argentine ice cream bar offering a mouth watering range of flavours like Banana split and Malbec&Berries. Two-flavour cone £3.95


5 Finsbury Avenue, EC2M 2PG 020 7256 6877

020 8371 1999

Comida South American rodízio with music, dancing and late bar. Lunch £16.90 Dinner £19.90

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

Desperados Mexican Mexican food, cocktails and a great atmosphere. Beef Chimichangas £10.95

east LONDON Bankete Brasilian cuisine dishes, picanha and feijoada. Chicken Stroganoff £6.50 3 Bell Lane, E1 Liverpool Street/ Aldgate 020 7247 5479

Buen Ayre Argentinean steak house SEE Main meal and a drink p.49 £20 50 Broadway Market, E8 4QJ Cambridge Heath

29 Westferry Circus, E14 8RR 020 7987 9494

1 Bell Inn Yard, EC3V 0BL 020 7626 5180 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

Green and Red, Bar and Cantina Authentic Jaliscan food and the biggest selection of tequila in the UK. Late-night DJ bar. 51 Bethnal Green Rd, E1 6LA 020 7749 9670 • greenred.co.uk

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine.

0871 4263493 • buenayre.co.uk

127 Upper Street, N1 1QP Angel 0207 226 3222 DESPERADOS-ISLINGTON.CO.UK

El-Vaquero Argentinean Meats served off the skewer. Meat or fish with salad buffet £19.95 The London Equestrian, N12 7BP Mill Hill East 0208 343 4161 ELVAQUERO .CO.UK

GARUFA Premium selection of meat and wines carefully sourced from Argentina. Grilled Rib Eye Steak (300gr) with garnish £16.00

CARIBBEN SCENE Award winning Caribbean restaurant offering an impressive range of traditional dishes and cocktails. Ackee & Saltfish £14.95 17 Western Gateway Royal Victoria Dock, E16 1AQ DLR – Royal Victoria

Old Spitalfields Market - 1 Horner Square, E1 6AA Liverpool Street IGUANAS.CO.UK

Raízes Grilled steaks and torresmo on the menu. Grilled rib £7 460 Hackney Road, E2 9EG Bethnal Green 020 7739 2009

020 7511 2023

Chilango A burst of Mexican flavour. Chicken Burrito £5.40 27 Upper Street, N1 OPN Angel 020 704 2123

142 Fleet Street, EC4A 2BP City Thameslink 020 7353 6761• Chilango.co.uk

south east LONDON Buenos Aires Café Argentinean beef, fresh pasta and Argentinean style pizzas. Grilled Bbq £14.50 – £24

taste of brasil


O P E N E V E R Y D AY 1 1 . 3 0 - 1 0 P M * ( * 1 1 P M O N T H U R , F R I A N D S AT )

5 6 G O O D G E S T, L O N D O N W 1 T 4 N B

020 7637 3732

W W W. B E N I T O S - H AT. C O M T W I T T E R : B E N I T O S C H AT


bars & restaurants 17 Royal Parade, SE3 0TL Blackheath

356 Kings Road, SW3 5ES South Kensington



CONSTANCIA – ARGENTINE GRILL Argentine Steak House recently inaugurated. Ojo de Bife Argentino (310gr) - 11oz.Prime Argentine Rib-Eye £17.00 52 Tanner Street,SE1 3PH Borough 020 7234 0676 CONSTANCIA.CO.UK

SEE p.51

CUBANA – BAR & RESTAURANT Home-cooked Cuban and Latin food prepared from quality ingredients at a reasonable price. Happy Hour Mojitos - 2 for £6.95 48 Lower Marsh SE1 7RG Waterloo 0207 928 8778 CUBANA.CO.UK

El Vergel Uniting aromatic and spicy Latin America with delicate Mediterranean flavours. 8 Lant St. SE1 1QR Borough

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

La Bodeguita Tapas, fish and home-made Colombian food. £8 - 13

020 7584 9901 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

0207 701 9166 LABODEGUITA.CO.UK

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine Royal Festival Hall - SE1 8XX The O2 - SE10 0DS 0207 494 4716 IGUANAS.CO.UK

Rodízio Rico Eat-til-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table. Buffet £22.50, Veg £15.50 The O2, SE10 0AX North Greenwich 0208 858 6333 rodiziorico.com

Tito's Peruvian Seafood, soups and risottos. Ceviche £7.50 4-6 London Bridge St, SE1 9SG London Bridge 0207 407 7787 TITOSEATERIES.COM

Towpath, Richmond TW10 6UJ

Margarita Loca Latin Music, Mexican food and Cuban cocktails. Fajita King Prawn £11.95 527 Battersea Park Rd, SW11 Clapham Junction Rail 0207 924 2772 margaritaloca.co.uk

Preto Traditional Brasilian “rodízio” With live music on the weekends. Weekday Lunch Buffet £8.95 72 Wilton Road, SW1V 1DE Victoria 020 7233 8668

Tu Chicas Tasty food and flamboyant cocktails. Mexican dish £20 12 -14 Leopold Rd, SW19 7BD Wimbledon 0208 946 4300 tuchicas.co.uk

Santa Maria del Sur Argentinean grill house with live music on Mondays. Argentinean Steak £12, Vegetarian dishes £8 - £12 129 Queenstown Road, SW8 Battersea

south west LONDON Azteca Latin Lounge Mexican cuisine, mouth watering cocktails and beers. Latin bands and top DJs.

50 JungleDrums OCTOBER 2009

312-314 King's Rd, SW3 5UH South Kensington sushinho.com

85 Kentish Town Rd - NW1 Camden Town

7-9 Queensway, W2 Queensway 020 7792 9050 ipanemacafe.co.uk


ice, ice baby Before the cold winter comes, enjoy the last bit of sun and warmth with an authentic Argentine ice cream. Recently opened, Freggo was brought to London by Gaucho, the flagship Argentine restaurant. Calling themselves a bar rather than a parlour, Freggo offers customers unique combinations of flavours, such as Malbec & Berries, and Dulce de Leche (caramelised milk) with Chocolate Chips. And if you'd feel guilty after just one scoop, don't fret - just choose from their low fat versions. The beautifully decorated bar, which looks much like a retro club, also serves other Argentinian treats, like empanadas, medialunas (savoury croissants), alfajores (sugar-coated biscuits filled with jam or dulche de leche) and toasted sandwiches made daily in the new Gaucho bakery, located next door. Drinks include a variety of smoothies, frappés, coffees and original Argentine Mate Tea (a bitter yet healthy blend of leaves). You can have your ice and eat it, from a cup or cone. If you need to say sorry to a girlfriend, you could get a cute gift-wrapped box with 6 flavours, or if it's comfort food you're after, why not go for a tub of up to 1kg of ice-cream - go on, we dare you! Located in central London, Freggo is open late almost every day, making it a great choice for an after-party treat or when you have those huge ice cream cravings you just can’t explain.


Sushinho Brasilian chic with Japanese efficiency. Sushinho roll £9

Guanabana Famous Jerk chicken served with mango+papaya chutney. £7.85 - £12.75.

Ipanema Café Special daily dishes, feijoada, puddings and cakes. Buffet £1.20/100g

125 Sydney St - SW3 6NR South Kensington

020 7381 5891 Havanafulham.co.uk

020 7734 4040 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

294 Kingshill Av, UB4 8BX

El Gaucho Grill Steak House £13.90 Chelsea Farmers Market,

490 Fulham Road SW6 5NH Fulham Broadway

25 Swallow Street, W1B 4DJ

0208 841 3488 GO.TO/ESTRELA


Fiesta Havana Cocktail lounge bar with tapas, live music and dance. Chorizio Quesadilla £4.95

020 8948 4030

Café Estrela do Norte Portuguese cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. Spicy Francesinha £9.50

45 Tulse Hill - SW2 2TJ

0871 3328774 elgaucho.co.uk

89 Sloane Avenue, SW3 3DX


BRAZAS Restaurant and delicatessen serving home-made food with Portuguese, Brasilian and English influences. Sticky date pudding (with caramel sauce & vanilla ice cream) £3.45

020 7357 0057 elvergel.co.uk

Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre, SE1 6TE Elephant & Castle

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

Two scoops in a cup/cone £3.95 freggo ice-cream bar 27-29 Swallow St., W1B Picadilly Circus 020 7287 9506 freggo.co.uk

Rodízio Rico Eat-till-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50 Royal Oak - 111 W2, Queensway

0207 4851166 guanabanarestaurant.com

Gostosa Pizzeria Brasilian style pizzas and burgers as well as authentic Brasilian dishes such as feijoada. 159, High St Harlesden, NW10 Willesden Junction SEE 020 8963 1400


Made in Brasil Classic Brasilian fare, from seafood to meat and feijoada. Picanha Na Chapa £13.50 12 Inverness Street, NW1 Camden Town

020 7792 4035 rodiziorico.com

020 7482 0777 made-in-brasil.co.uk

Mango Room Fish, meat and vegetarian food: a taste of the Caribbean. Goat Curry £12

north west LONDON Amber Grill Rodizio Cuts of meat from skewers. Prime Rodízio £19.50

10 - 12 Kentish Town Rd, NW1 Camden Town 020 74825065 mangoroom.co.uk

7, Station Road, NW10 4UP Willesden Junction

Mestizo Restaurant-bar offering a fine and authentic Mexican cuisine Enchiladas £12

020 89631588 ambergrill.co.uk

Barraco The atmosphere of a Brasilian bar with live music Friday to Sunday. Chicken Hearts £6 10 Kingsgate Place, NW6 Kilburn 020 7604 4664 barracocafe.co.uk

SEE p.49

Braseiro Hot “home food” and salad on a self-service buffet. Buffet £7.50 256 High Road, NW10 Willesden Green 020 8451 8902

Casa da Sogra Menu of Brasilian food and desserts. Main course around £7 4 Ferdinand Street, NW1 Camden Town 020 7284 0050 casadasogra.co.uk

Ferreira Delicatessen Sandwiches, meats, cheeses, wines, frozen + fresh food. Portuguese Nata Tart 70p

103 Hampstead Rd, NW1 3EL Warren Street 020 7387 4064 • mestizomx.com

Sabor Brasileiro Brasilian fish and beef, game room, internet, bar/ lounge. Buffet £7.50 10% weekend discount 639 Harrow Road NW10 5NU Kensal Green 02089691149

Sabor Mineiro Typical dishes from Minas Gerais (but no alcoholic drinks). Buffet £6.50 63 Station Road, NW10 4UX Willesden Junction 020 8965 2050

The Cuban Long bar upstairs or dinner in the fiesta Room. Lamb Cubano £10.95 Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd Camden Town 0870 850 8975 •thecuban.co.uk

Xodó da Leninha Brasilian family run restaurant.

40 Delancey Street, NW1 Camden Town

1024 Harrow Rd, NW10 5NS Kensal Green

020 7485 2351

020 8964 3763

taste of brasil

Brazilian Café • Restaurant • Takeaway Genuine Home-made Cooking For Lovers Of Real Food Specialities include:

Moqueca de Peixe (Hake), Bacalhau à Brasileira (Baked Cod), Feijoada, Beef, Lamb, Chicken and Vegetarian Dishes


Owner - chef Edir is from Minas. Her traditional savoury pastries and desserts, not surprisingly, are simply out-of-this-world

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MBBS (London), MRCP, MRCPsych Lecture: Doctor and Patient Explore the Spirit Realm


Lecture: Spiritual experiences and the Mind-Body Relationship


MBBS* Lecture: Contributions of the Medical-Spiritist Paradigm


MD Lecture: Comfort for the Dying


MBBS*, MSc* in Neuroscience Lectures: 1) Ectoplasm and Mitochondria: a Hypothesis

on the Molecular Functions of the divided Electron 2) RenĂŠ Descartes and the Pineal Gland - Science and Myth


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KPDQZ + ,WPING WPING THE JUNGLE ADDICT Dear JungleDrums, I really like the magazine. I’ve lived in London from 2002 and since I first saw it I have never missed a single issue! Thank you. Marcos Olegario, email

Do not hesitate to send us your raves and rants! JungleDrums p.o. box 49713 london wc1x 8ww inbox@jungledrums.org A JUNGLER AND PROUD I love reading the magazine and I’m really proud when showing it to my non-Brasilian friends, beacuse you show the good things we have in our country. Adriano Santos, email MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE I love JungleDrums! The best Brasilian magazine around!!! Thanks for gracing our shores with it ; )))))) Samantha DC, email A PROPER SHOW-OFF! I really like the JungleDrums magazine, especially because I can show it to everyone at work, as it’s all translated in English... Rosicleide Andreza, email IT'S OUR PARTY... Happy Birthday...any many more to come! Pansela Turcea, email Thanks! Come and join us at our 7th party at ULU, we’re going to celebrate in style – see page 24. GET YOURSELF CONNECTED This magazine only gets better!! ... I just saw that you have an online version... that's great because I don't always get access to the printed version. Gilda Pereira, email

Hey Marcos, you know what, you're precisely the kind of reader we're honoured to have following us all the way - keep up! THE TOURISTOLOGIST Congratulations! Everyone who contributes to the JungleDrums magazine should be congratulated. I have a Master’s in Tourism and Hospitality, and my main interest is in the impact of the media on tourist destinations. I’m telling you that so you understand how much I’ve enjoyed reading your magazine. A magazine which shows Brasil in its true light and without resorting to clichés – as you yourselves have said in your editorial statements – and its something you do really well!! You won me over once and for all as a loyal reader with your feature on Cabaceiras, the northeastern Hollywood. And as if that wasn’t enough, it turns out you also have Jungle Trips [the Jungle travel magazine]. Unfortunately, I didn’t a get a copy last time, so if there’s an online copy I’d really like to know the address. Felipe Borborema Cunha Lima, email Thanks Felipe - it’s good to know which buttons we’re pushing! As for Jungle Trips, we’ll be launching a new issue in November. Why not join us for the launch party on November 11th at Guanabara? You can get your next copy there! Otherwise, check back on our site and we’ll have it up there for you to browse at your leisure.

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THE BIKINI DESIGNER WHO CAME TO LONDON FOLLOWING THE BRIGHT LIGHTS OF FASHION AND THE WET WEATHER... What do you do for a living? I'm a fashion designer at a sportswear brand. Why did you come to London? I came to London because it’s one of the biggest fashion capitals. Working here keeps me more connected to the global market - and because I love the weather! [yes, she really did just say that] How did you find out about Jungle? I was introduced to Jungle through friends and I've been reading it ever since then. Why do you read Jungle? Jungle has interesting articles and keeps me updated with the "Brasilian" cultural agenda.

Do you have a favourite article or feature? I really liked that article about Chico Mendes’s daughter. What would you like to see more of in the magazine? Maybe a fashion editorial or a beauty section would be nice. What is your favourite place in Brasil? My hometown São Paulo. It's dirty and noisy but you can find the best people, the best places to eat ever and there's always something interesting to do - even on a Monday night. When you hear the word 'Brasil', what's the first thing that springs to mind? Heat, beer and barcecue! ,&

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