JungleDrums issue 83 - August 2010

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of the final weeks of Festival Brazil, grab a cucumber caipirinha and acts like Saravah Soul (on 13th August, 5.30pm) as part of the Free on Friday gigs, programmed in association with JungleDrums. HGUVKXCNDTC\KN UQWVJDCPMEGPVTG EQ WM


of South American film this month, taking over August at the BFI (with the likes of The Headless Woman below), a Brasilian film festival and more cinema and DVD releases – check out our double page special. UGG OQTG QPG RCIG

of west London as they’re shaken into party mode by the likes of the London School of Samba – check out our Agenda for the Brasilian highlights of this year’s Notting Hill Carnival, 29th–30th August. UGG RCIG

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as JungleDrums teams up with Mr Bongo Films to launch the DVD of Sons of Cuba at the Rich Mix, on Friday 10th September. And to get a copy of the film on DVD all you need to do is subscribe to JD! jungledrumsonline.com UGG RCIG


amid the programme of films, documentaries and talks at the Frontline Club, just one of the reams of tips and hidden treasures inside our special cover feature, ‘Secret London’. EJGEM KV CNN QWV QP RCIG

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Missing links and other surprises in this issue’s guide to a very secretive London’s and its hidden gems

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SPICES Taschen’s blueprint for green design; a tribute to Charlie Gillet; South American film in London




Airto Moreira and Flora Purim share the spotlight with our picks from the Notting Hill Carnival

Wicked amateur phone apps hailing from a pioneering initiative by CDI, the digital inclusion Brasilian NGO

The Top 10 ranking of Brasilian pousadas that cater for a whole range of travellers’ desires

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A book combo to spruce up the shelves

El Parador and the tapas gospel

Your rants and raves

Water to a camel

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What is your best kep t London secret?

i]Z hZXgZi eVgicZgh]^e Every Wednesday, in the middle of the night, an email lands in millions of inboxes with a selection of intriguing tips, perfect for those that like to make the most of multicultural London to the max. Fired out by the team at Le Cool, the newsletter filters like no other the almost infinite torrents of happenings around London and, every here and there, flags up the Latin edges of the city. And it was like so, when we thought up this edition, the partnership made sense. In this special, captained by AngÊlica Mari, a London-based journalist from São Paulo and collaborator of both publications, Le Cool reveal here 20 of their secrets. And as it couldn’t be any other way, Jungle shares some too, with our own special flavour. It’s an edition to savour until you’ve discovered them all, including that on the cover. The setting, used for the location by photographer Marco Estrella, doesn’t appear in the list. So the first five to send us an email with the name of the place win a JD subscription, plus a printed guide with hundreds of London tips. Cool?

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If you had to choose one term that's on everyone's lips in the design world today, it would be ‘sustainability’. It has struck a chord in the market of product design and these designers were some of the few who knew how to capitalise on the benefits of working with such a fascinating concept, full of possibilities. In order to show avid consumers the sheer range of products in the market, whilst serving primarily as inspiration for other professionals, Taschen has launched the book Product Design In the Sustainable Era, authored by Dalcacio Reis and edited by Julius Wiedemann, both Brasilians, graduated in design. Spread across over 400 pages it features 180 projects from 20 countries, exploring products like

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a chair made of old skateboards (left) and a bicycle that collects and filters water when pedaled. "It’s important to highlight that what is sustainable today could be outstripped tomorrow, after all it's a process that's in constant evolution", affirms Wiedemann. "It’s still difficult for people to understand the complexities involved in the creation and the development of a sustainable product; it's necessary to have an educational process". The editor's favourite item is the Bware Water Meter from the Israeli studio A2: a simple device that is applied to taps and showers which informs the user how much water is being used. Simple and intelligent, and definitely sustainable. ,&

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Few people in the world are as knowledgeable on as many musical styles as Charlie Gillett was. The British journalist, who died in March aged just 68, gained huge recognition when his book, The Sound of the City, was published in 1970; it was one of the first books to chronicle the history of rock & roll. Throughout his career, he was responsible for bringing some of the biggest names in music to the world's attention, such as American band Dire Straits, whose record, Sultans of Swing, was played by Gillett on his radio show, Honky Tonk in 1976. His radio career, however, was most notable for an eclectic show that included in its playlist independent artists of all nationalities and musical styles. A mark of his passion for world music, he began presenting ‘A Foreign Affair’, for Capital Radio in 1983. "Gillett's death is a huge loss for music, only someone with his kind of recognition had the freedom to play completely unknown artists, like he did", says Robert Urbanus, one of Gillett's close friends. Over the past ten years, the journalist released annual compilation albums created from the playlists of his BBC show. The last of these, profiled on the right, was completed just a few days before his death, and features tracks by artists from around the world to be discovered and rediscovered. ,& D[ #PFTo FG 1NKXGKTC

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Ana Moura The new voice of Fado Thursday 4 November Union Chapel

Doors 7pm Compton Terrace N1 2UN 08444 771 000 www.comono.co.uk


6/7/10 10:25:24


#jonasbrothers #calabocagalvão #valdivia


#larissariquelme #edsoncelulari

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THE BRASILIAN INVASION OF THE WEB CONTINUES TO GAIN NOTORIETY ‘What does #calabocagalvao mean?’, the world of Twitter asked itself a month ago, perplexed. Some said it’s the latest single by Lady Gaga, others said it’s a campaign to save a rare species of bird. The proposals were mistaken, but people of all nationalities began to tweet the phrase which became one of the trendiest and most used phrases on the web. (If you still don’t know, the phrase just means ‘Shut up Galvão’, referring to the famous Brasilian Sports Commentator that annoys a lot of TV viewers). The strong presence of the Brasilian users was first identified on the web when it became apparent that Orkut, a Google social network, was being invaded by a multitude of profiles donning green and yellow. And that was just a mere warning of what the world had better get used to, since, as ‘#calabocagalvao’ had demonstrated, the invasion wouldn’t end there. On top of that, Twitter has been embraced by Brasilians since 2008, when a group of fans of the boy band the Jonas Brothers started a movement that became a Twitter trend, with the aim of enticing the band to tour the country. However it was after #calabocagalvao that people started to notice that Twitter has been populated daily by Brasilian topics between 6-11pm (UK time), which, keeping in mind the 4 hour time difference, coincides with Brasil’s work hours and when teens are back home from school. One of the latest trends in Twitter subject matter for example was “#calabocastalone”, which referred to the nonsense that the North American actor said about Brasil at a recent conference during Comi-Con 2010 in San Diego. Those who haven’t been warned, watch out – if not you’ll still believe that Lady Gaga’s new single is a homage to Sylvester Stallone. ,&

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Adriana Calcanhotto Trobar Nova Monday 25 October Union Chapel

Doors 7pm Compton Terrace N1 2UN 08444 771 000 www.comono.co.uk www.wegottickets.com


Funky Afro-Brazilian beats, energetic drumming and old-school ska and bossa nova in Camino’s yard. 7pm ‘til late ¡ALWAYS FREE ENTRY! Amstel jugs £5.50 for Sunday Live Sessions only 3 Varnishers Yard, Regents Quarter, King’s Cross WWW.CAMINO.UK.COM


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7>< ;DG7>99:C 96C8: A RIO STYLE PARTY FOR A GLOBAL CROWD IN OLD STREET Rio Funk didn’t just descend the hills to conquer the night in it's home town, as it would appear it has also crossed the ocean and found a good home in London. One of those responsible behind the popularisation of the style over here, DJ João Brasil, says he is still not satisfied: ‘funk gained a lot of ground with the alternative crowd, but I still think it can grow much bigger’. And to give the invasion some continuity, João promises to execute his famous mashups that often mix funk with other styles, melding in technobrega and electronic forró. At Club Popozuda, he'll be joined at Favela Chic by DJ The Bumps (also a funk producer) and Marsali. And that’s not all. Defined as ‘a unique experience for London’s global party crowd, playing an eclectic blend of bootyshaking music from around the world’, the event includes Angolan kuduro, Jamaican dancehall and South African kwaito. ,& 8AJ7 EDEDOJ96 5 ;6K:A6 8=>8 &.i] 6j\jhi! -ebÄ&Vb! * ( 7) .eb ;68:7DD@#8DB$8AJ7EDEDOJ96

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I bet Cruella finds us and turns us all into a coat!

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You're such a pessimist!

As we enter into August we arrive at one of my favourite times of year – Festinho – favourite too of the Guardian it seems, voting it Top it Top Ten Ten best best small small festival. festival. Albeit Albeit small, it's perfectly formed, and spanning the bank holiday weekend it captures everything I love about festivals – inspiring music and a healthy dose dose of of magic magic and andbarminess barminess – all with a Brasilian twist. To top it all off it raises money for the ABC Trust, helping street kids in Brasil.

I performed there and loved it last year, so I can't wait to return, and the line up features wonderful acts like Hexstatic, Belleruche, Eliza Carthy, Alexander Wolfe, Natema, and Jon Kennedy. Music aside there are so many quirky details that make the the festival festivalspecial; special;I Ihave havefond fond memories of memories of watching watchingcircus circusacts acts at midnight at midnight in the in the beautifully beautifully decorated woods, and doing a few numbers few numbers in the in KaraUke the KaraUke tent tent accompanied by by 88 ukulele ukulele (karaoke accompanied

players - genius). There’s something very unique about Festinho, as though the charitable undertone charitable undertoneof ofthe thefestival festival creates a real openness amongst people, making for a gorgeous atmosphere. I don't want to wish away sacred summer days, but these ones can’t these ones can’t comecome soon soon enough. enough. ,& D[ *GCVJGT /E%NGNN ;:HI>C=D '%&%! 7:9;DG9H=>G: ',i]"'.i] 6j\jhi! ,% ;:HI>C=D#8DB

bV\^X VcY WVgb^cZhh CHARITABLE BOUTIQUE FESTIVAL WINDS UP THE GREAT BRITISH SUMMER Ad\d fjZ ZcigVbdh cd b h YZ V\dhid! ZbWVgXVbdh Zb jb Ydh bZjh bZa]dgZh bdbZcidh Yd Vcd " ;Zhi^c]d " Z jb Ydh bZjh bZa]dgZh bdbZcidh Yd Vcd " ;Zhi^c]d " eVgZXZ fjZ iVbW b Vhh^b eVgV d <jVgY^Vc fjZ d XdadXV Z eVgZXZ fjZ iVbW b Vhh^b eVgV d <jVgY^Vc fjZ d XdadXV Xdbd Ide IZc YZ eZfjZcdh [Zhi^kV^h# :bWdgV eZfjZcd! XdbeaZid Z ZhiZcYZ"hZ eZad Ò cVa YZ hZbVcV XVeijgVcYd ijYd fjZ Zj Vbd Zb [Zhi^kV^h Ä b h^XV ^che^gVciZ Z jbV YdhZ hVjY{kZa Z b{\^XV YZ adjXjgV Ä ijYd Xdb jb idfjZ WgVh^aZ^gd# hVjY{kZa Z b{\^XV YZ adjXjgV Ä ijYd Xdb jb idfjZ WgVh^aZ^gd# 6a b Y^hhd! d [Zhi^kVa VggZXVYV [jcYdh eVgV V 678 Igjhi! V_jYVcYd Xg^Vc Vh YZ gjV cd 7gVh^a# :j bZ VegZhZciZ^ a{ cd Vcd eVhhVYd Z VYdgZ^! Zci d c d kZ_d V ]dgV YZ kdaiVg# : dh Vgi^hiVh h d ^cXg kZ^h Xdbd =ZmhiVi^X!

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aVi^c \jhid X^cZbV h]dlXVhZ It’s pretty well known that the Academy Awards and other prestigious ceremonies don’t always reflect the best we have in world cinema, thought of course appearing in the Oscars means good business. Since Central Station, the Brasilian drama directed by Walter Salles was nominated for Best Foreign Film in 1998, South America’s film industry has experienced such a crescendo around the globe. The film has been treated as the vanguard for an age of renaissance of filmmaking across Latin America. And as the eyes of the world are drawn to the continent, so too this month are those of London; to get in tune with this entire scene all you need do is rise from your chair and explore the city, and here’s what we recommend‌ ,&

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LuĂ­sa Maita is part of the new and inspiring crop of female composers comprising TiĂŞ, Tulipa Ruiz and Juliana Kehl. Even prior to her first album, Lero-Lero, her music had been recorded by the likes of VirgĂ­nia Rosa and Mariana Aydar. Maita is an observer of the daily lives of characters of a big city like SĂŁo Paulo and this album brings together the memories from this vigilant character who has been musically influenced by samba and bossa nova ever since childhood. In ‘Lero Lero’ (roughly translating as an informal, aimless chat) samba is the predominant genre, whereas in ‘Alento’, Luisa shows the city through the eyes of a courier with a capoeira rhythm known as maculelĂŞ. In ‘Fulaninha’, she mixes baiĂŁo, a style from the northeast of Brasil, with Jamaican dancehall. Like a playful child, Maita takes us through every alley and corner of the city in the sway of her lero-lero. ,&

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Waxy royals and shopping sacntuaries are all well and good but, let’s be honest, whether you’re new to London or still getting to know it (who isn’t?), the last thing you really need is to be sent to Madame Tussaud’s or to Harrods. The truth, as you’ve probably always suspected, is that London’s full of hidden treasures and secret nooks and crannies, but they’re the sort of places you’d only ever find if you took a wrong turn, or a tip from a local. So that’s where we come in, and why we’ve teamed up with the undisputed connoisseurs of city secrets – Le Cool – to help you (re-/) discover this very marvellous city. So how to discover your very own secret London? How to find that special late-night music venue, that perfect café, that secret hideaway? Simply read on. And to add some Latin spice to LeCool’s unrivalled knowledge, Jungle have put our heads together and come up with our own unmissable guide to some of the best and most unexpected treats London has to offer, of course, with a Brasilian and Latin twist. Dig in, enjoy, go play.

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secret london

NEASDEN TEMPLE &%*"&&. 7gZci[^ZaY GY! CL&% -A9






The world’s second largest Hindu temple – first largest outside of India - really shouldn’t be in Neasden. Tucked away behind the North Circular, it’s not even anywhere near a tube stop; its three giant peaks slowly emerge from behind the warehouses and factories of North-West London as you make the walk there. The closer you get, the more the ultra-ornate carvings – set against their ordinary industrial neighbours – make it seem like some miraculous mirage. But it is real and, better still, you’re actually allowed to reverently roam around its even more intricate interior. Craig Clark


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This converted cop shop near Goldsmiths is home to a gallery, 30 artists’ studios, plus a cellblock used for parties and exhibitions. A highly creative yet low-key spot, there is something else at work at the Old Deptford Police Station. The people of Deptford and New Cross are loyal folk, and this space (also home to a radio station supporting local bands), has become a spot to record narratives as told by locals about the maritime history of SE8/SE14. The café has tasty and cheap homemade specialties served by the mother of the owner of the Deptford Project Cafe. Jessica Ainlay '- ,WPING&TWOU 6J<JHI '%&%

While in most other countries, World War II is no cause for a celebration, the British tradition of a stiff-upper lip, nostalgia and the love for some good old fancy dress have produced the 1940s-themed Blitz parties. Despite being set in the days of aerial bombardment and constant bombardment, the party celebrates the softer side of the war - men in uniform, women in stockings, hearty ales and big-band swing. The venue is lit like a glamorous underground bunker, and everyone’s in their dress uniform and Sunday best for the occasion. So polish up the brass buttons, and mend those tights, but do keep it a secret loose lips sink ships, don’t you know? Justin Toh

SECRET KITCHENS idcn]dgcZX`Zg#ldgYegZhh#Xdb




It’s no secret that the most exciting way to eat out in London is by visiting its secret kitchens. These days everyone’s a chef, and lots of those chefs are inviting perfect strangers round to their flat/house/ studio for supper. There are lots of them out there, and due to the illicit (ok, ok, illegal) nature of their existence, you generally won’t find out their addresses until you’ve been granted a place at the table (usually via email). What I can tell you is that three of the best – if you can find them - are Tony Hornecker’s Pale Blue Door, The Secret Ingredient and The Underground Restaurant. Craig Clark

cover feature

PORCHESTER SPA FjZZchlVn! L' %'% ,,.' (.-%



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Life in the Smoke can be so hectic that most of us probably wished we could just hit ctrl+alt+delete to reset our bodies and minds at some point. If that’s you, a trip to the Porchester Baths will do the trick. Here you get to spend three hours at a 1920s English heritage spa, complete with Russian stream rooms, Turkish hot rooms, a Finnish sauna cabin, plunge pool and for a few quid extra, therapists are available for a totally out-ofthis-world body scrub or massage. Comfy loungers with books, chess boards and light snacks are all there to help you chill and forget all about the world out there. Angelica Mari

Standing outside a drab block of flats, on an equally everyday council estate, you’ll hesitate and wonder if someone’s pulling your leg. Then the reassuring face of Simon Tyszko will appear on the balcony and wave you up with a smile. Open the door and there it is: a forty foot Dakota airplane wing, cut through the walls of a fifth-floor Fulham flat. And, being a comment on ‘living with your art’, visitors are actively encouraged. Jaws will drop, but outside the window London carries on completely unawares - and no-one will believe you at work in the morning… Craig Clark



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Stoke Newington International Airport is not the budget airline industry’s latest incursion into London airspace, but rather a collaboration between five artists, who curate and maintain a space for performance, events and happenings in a semi-industrial estate. STK (as it bills itself, in mock-airport code) has hosted a number of innovative and interesting festivals, including Distance, and the London Word Festival and Live Art Speed Dating. For more information, see the website. Flights depart from N16. Justin Toh


The London crafting movement got a whole lot cooler when The Make Lounge opened its doors back in 2007. Make do and mend was suddenly the style du jour. Londoners everywhere were coming out of the woodwork admitting they actually enjoyed knitting that scarf they were wearing, and yes they did just admire that crochet table cloth and wonder how to make it. Three years on, tucked away on an unassuming Islington side street, The Make Lounge is still going strong. A must for any would-be crafter; forget stitch one pearl one, and think knockout knickers, handmade nipple tassels and designer cupcakes. Rebecca Shay 6<DHID '%&% ,WPING&TWOU '.

cover feature

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This is not the type of place you’re likely to stumble across – I mean let’s face it, who can afford a night out in Chelsea? And even if you could, this sly little club is hard to find even for those who know where it is. The entrance is typically understated and you often have to ring a doorbell to enter – adding to the clandestine feeling you get as you descend the stairs to enter this wonderful old-school venue. The food is good (not great) and the wine list is extensive but it’s the music people come here for, that and the atmosphere. If you don’t like sitting quietly supping sumptuous wine and listening to an impromptu jazz jam then this is not for you, but for the rest of us it’s heaven! Sally Coffey





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Forget Brick Lane, if you want an unbeatable choice of authentic curry houses head south of the river, to Tooting to be precise. Between Tooting Bec and Tooting Broadway stations you’ll find a wide selection of reasonablypriced eateries serving up curries with a distinct Sri Lankan/South Indian flavour. If money is tight head to Lahore at the bottom of Upper Tooting Road – it’s bring your own alcohol and the canteen-style restaurant serves up tasty dishes at unfathomably low prices. Vegetarians should head to Kastoori on the opposite side of the road and those with a bit more of an elasticized purse should head to Vijaya Krishna. Sally Coffey


Shuffling in and out of the Underground and squeezing into overcrowded buses, London’s popularity can make the city frustrating to navigate. The urban kayaking experience with Thames River Adventures is perfect for reminding us why we love the Big Smoke (though not a very direct form of transport). Set off in a kayak at sunrise, lunchtime or sunset on Regent’s Canal, Hampton Court or on the river Thames, three of London’s most beautiful (if jam-packed) setting. Observing the energy and hustle-bustle from the spacious and serene safety of the water plus the adventure of the kayak sheds new light on the city we call home. Jessica Ainlay



For an enlightening tour of East London - you can’t really beat a long bikeride down the Greenway. This pathway heads out from Viccy Park to Newham atop the Northern Outfall Sewer, yes that’s right, you’ll be riding over a giant Victorian sh!tpipe. There is a diversion through the Olympics site, providing a glance into the massive development we hear so much about in the news. But the best part of it has got to be watching the varying urban landscape - from the enticing Abbey Mills (an antique pumping station), past all manner of housing estates, a stretch of public allotments, the creepy modernism of ExCeL Centre to the wicked sunsets to be seen over Canary Wharf from London City Airport. Have fun. Chloe McCloskey

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cover feature



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What’s not to love about a man in uniform yelling ‘Get down and give me ten?’. Welcome to British Military Fitness training possibly the most unique way to exercise in the capital. Classes are held in London’s most iconic parks and are led by members of the armed forces who welcome all levels and what’s more; the first class is completely free! Leave your name at the door and be prepared to answer to rank and number though, and don’t daydream about adverse weather conditions in the hope they’ll call off the class ....trust me, the show must go on and head torches have been known to make an appearance if necessary. Rebecca Shay




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Thankfully this EC1 haven for electricians with a discerning taste in exquisite olive oil also welcomes those of us who, while sharing the penchant for fine Mediterranean delicacies, struggle changing a light bulb unassisted. Don’t judge books by covers, or shops by exteriors: what deceivingly appears to be your everyday, backstreet tradesmen’s outlet has a fair portion of the premises dedicated to punting out owner Mehmet Murat’s selection of goods grown on family groves in the sunny climes of Cyprus and Turkey. Unconvinced? Then drop in for a friendly, welcoming tasting session and you soon will be. Eamon Downes

Hugo Mendez, the brains behind Sofrito, the tropical warehouse parties that are currently shaking the capital every few months, spent years collecting obscure old folk music from dusty shacks around Latin America and the Caribbean. Nobody could have guessed they’d be so danceable, but they are now, along with one-off dubplates and re-edits, the linchpin of the parties, held on the down-low in dramatically ramshackle venues across the trendier parts of east London. A friendly, mixed and multicultural crowd flock to sip rum punch and watch live Afro-Latin bands, and then dance the night away in very un-London style. Max Leonard




Gentlemen keeping abreast of popular culture will be dismayed to note the rise of the ‘chav’ in British society. The Chap Olympiad is an effort to counter-act this perfidious trend, being a ‘celebration of athletic ineptitude and immaculate trouser creases’ and Britain’s most eccentric sporting event. Taking place on the 17th of July in Bedford Square, events include the MartiniKnockout Relay and Umbrella Jousting, with both chaps and ladies welcome to compete. Dress will be period (any vintage era), tickets are £15 in advance, and honour will be upheld at any cost. Pip pip! Justin Toh

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Denis Sever’s House is like nothing else you’ve ever seen. A museum piece in a sense but also an art exhibit, a life’s work and a spooky experience that is incomparable, especially on the silent, candlelit night tours. Each room in the house is composed to set a scene, loosely based around a family of Hugenot Silk Weavers but intended to transport the visitor into a different world. The mantra is “You either see it or you don’t” with each room expanding out from a portrait and leaving you feeling like the family is just around the corner. Ian Marshall

It is easy for a restaurant to label itself as award-winning, so I was a sceptical when told about the ‘best chippie in London’. I made my way to the unchartered hills of N10 to see what that was all about and left as a devotee of the fish and chips church: almighty was the plaice, almost larger than the plate itself and enveloped in a crunchy batter. Omnipotent were the chips, so tasty that I had to exercise my right to a free refill. Great veg pasties and fried camembert also on offer. This sounds like a ‘how to get a heart attack’ manual but hey, you only live once! Angelica Mari



THE FRONTLINE CLUB &( Cdg[da` EaVXZ L' &F? %'% ,),. -.*% [gdcia^cZXajW#Xdb

London’s best-undressed party sees an astonishing number of ladies in corsets, ruffles and invited into the recreation of a Parisian absinthe salon. Aerialists swing from the rafters, while can-can girls high kick across the floor. Even more surprising is that this intimate space happens in Shoreditch, where just around the corner, hipsters in venetian blind sunglasses dance ironically to German krautrock. Back in the Belle Epoque, cocktails are de rigeur, and absinthe is the spirit of choice. The only anachronistic touch is the music - as the night progresses, out comes the and, and then the DJ, playing a selection of very danceable tunes. I swear I heard some 80s pop in there - or was it just a dream inspired by the green fairy? Justin Toh () ,WPING&TWOU 6J<JHI '%&%



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If you are into journalism/photography/ media, or just want to mingle with interesting folk who do that stuff for a living, The Frontline Club is for you. The place has lots of memorabilia from reporting daredevils who worked in conflict zones and if you are willing to start the conversation, you may even get to hear a story or two. Best way to get in there – it is a members-only club – is to keep an eye out for their film screenings and open events around themes ranging from war crime to current media issues. Or have some grub at their top restaurant downstairs; with a bit of luck you may meet a member who’ll invite you in. Angelica Mari




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20 | friday


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16th | monday

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18 - 21 th

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13 | friday

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8th | sunday

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14th | saturday

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27th - 29th


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19th | thursday

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every monday

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7th - 19th

+eb! ;G:: 8dXd 7VbWdd! )- 8]Va` ;Vgb GdVY " CL& -6? 8D8D76B7DD#8D#J@ ™ %'% ,'+, ++&(

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every 1st tuesday

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10th | friday

every tuesday

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Bg 7dc\d ?jc\aZ9gjbh aVjcX] i]Z 9K9 d[ Hdch d[ 8jWV! l^i] Ă’ab! F 6! a^kZ bjh^X [gdb IjbWVd I^kda^! 8jWV! l^i] Ă’ ab! F 6! a^kZ bjh^X [gdb IjbWVd I^kda^! VcY 9?h ?d]c 6gbhigdc\ VcY Bg 7dc\d HdjcYhnhiZb#

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10th - 12th 76IJ@: 96C8: ;:HI>K6A @^odbWV J@ egZhZcih i]Z J@Éh &hi ^ciZgcVi^dcVa 6[gd" AVi^c bjh^X YVcXZ [Zhi^kVa! l^i] @^odbWV! HZbWV! Odj` VcY BV`jZaV! eajh XaVhhZh! bjh^X VcY eVgi^Zh# —..! kVg^djh i^bZh JgYVc\ 6XVYZbn! GdhZWZgn 6k " :8&G )GE @>ODB76J@#8DB

10 - 25 th


ADC9DC 6;G>86C BJH>8 ;:HI>K6A Cdl ^c ^ih - ZY^i^dc! XZaZWgVi^c\ i]Z WZhi bjh^X [gdb 6[g^XV! [gdb i]Z BVhiZg 9gjbbZgh d[ 6[g^XV id i]Z bZY^iVi^kZ hdc\h d[ WZ\VccV bVhiZg 6aZbj 6\V# i]

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17 | friday th

*eb! ;G:: <jVcVWVgV! EVg`Zg HigZZi " L8'7 *EL <J6C676G6#8D#J@ ™ %'% ,')' -+%%

every tuesday A>K: BJH>8 8]ZX` dji i]Z WZhi VcY bdhi ^ccdkVi^kZ a^kZ VXih [gdb Vaa dkZg i]Z ldgaY# <jZhi 9? <adWVa b^m^c\ jci^a &Vb# -eb! ;G:: Bdbd @Zb^V 7Vg! '* =ZYYdc HigZZi " L& BNHE68:#8DB$A>K:6IBDBD


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29th | sunday B6G686IJ :HIG:A6 9D CDGI: H^cXZ '%%' BVgVXVij ]Vh WZZc eaVn^c\ bjh^X [gdb 7gVh^aÉh cdgi]ZVhiZgc gZ\^dc d[ EZgcVbWjXd! [ZVijg^c\ ^c cjbZgdjh [Zhi^kVah! XVgc^kVah VcY h]dlh dkZg i]Z eVhi [Zl nZVgh# B6G686IJ#8D#J@

30th | monday ADC9DC H8=DDA D; H6B76 Cd higVc\Zgh id i]Z Ide IZc \gdjeh d[ i]Z Cdii^c\ =^aa 8Vgc^kVa! AdcYdcÉh [^ghi hVbWV hX]dda WZadl l^aa WZ Yd^c\ V [jaa eVgVYZ dc i]Z BdcYVn l^i] i]Z i]ZbZ d[ Ăˆ:cgZYd/ <dYh! Bni]h BdchiZghÉ! l^i] OZjh! 6giZb^h VcY HeVgiVc lVgg^dgh \VadgZ# ADC9DCH8=DDAD;H6B76#8D#J@

30th | monday E6G6ĂžHD H8=DDA D; H6B76 6agZVYn kZgn lZaa"`cdlc YjZ id Vaa i]Z^g egZk^djh eVgi^X^eVi^dc Vi Cdii^c\ =^aa 8Vgc^kVa! i]^h nZVg i]Z i]ZbZ d[ i]Z^g eVgVYZ ^h i]Z '%&% XZaZWgVi^dch d[ ^cYZeZcYZcXZ d[ Hdji] 6bZg^XVc Xdjcig^Zh# E6G6>HDH6B76#8D#J@

every wednesday H6B76 8>IN 8Ve^iVa Yd HVbWV eaVn^c\ gddihn hVbWV VcY 8]^Xd 8]V\Vh <VÒ Z^gV 7gVh^a eaVn^c\ YVcXZ]Vaa hVbWV# —* V[iZg .eb <jVcVWVgV! EVg`Zg HigZZi Ä L8'7 *EL <J6C676G6#8D#J@ ™ %'% ,')' -+%%

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every thursday

7VX` id i]Z Wdla^c\ VaaZn [dg i]Z 'cY ZY^i^dc 7VX` id i]Z Wdla^c\ VaaZn [dg i]Z 'cY ZY^i^dc d[ i]Z ?jc\aZ9gjbh eVgin! _d^c jh [dg Vc VbVo^c\ c^\]i l^i] i]Z k^WgVci WVcY CViZbV Vadc\h^YZ c^\]i l^i] i]Z k^WgVci WVcY CViZbV Vadc\h^YZ ?d d 7gVh^a VcY 9? <a^iiV] dc YZX`h#

>chigjbZciVa^hi VcY XdbedhZg @Vl GZ\^h aZVYh ]^h ig^d eaVn^c\ i]Z WZhi d[ BE7 7gVh^a^Vc ede Vi AdcYdcÉh egZb^Zg _Voo kZcjZ#


-eb"(Vb! —*VYk 7addbhWjgn 7dla^c\ AVcZh! IVk^hidX` =diZa " L8&=

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information democracy

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4 thinking minds

BRASILIAN DIGITAL INCLUSION PROJECT LEADS UP TO NEW AND UNCANNY SMART PHONE APPS In 1996, the Committee for Democracy in Information (CDI), a leading NGO working towards digital inclusion in Brasil, opened a new computer school in the Rio favela Morro dos Macacos (“Monkey Hill�). The NGO, which at that time had only been operating for a year, could never have imagined just how successful it would be and how it would transform the life of one of its new pupils, Alexandre Carlos, aka Leco. Today, more than a decade later, CDI has become an international institution active in thirteen countries across three different continents. Leco, overcoming all the odds of growing up in a favela is now the coordinator of all of Rio’s educational centres. Last June, he attended the graduation ceremony of a new phase in the NGO’s story: London. “In mid-2007, we opened a CDI office in London, with the sole aim of raising funds and awareness of our work in Europe,

however, over time, we realised that we could contribute socially to the city�, says Luisa Gockel, CDI Europe’s Director of Institutional Development. However, the first challenge was to understand what digital inclusion meant for Europe. “Access to technology is not a problem here, the issue was how to turn it into something socially useful�, explains Luisa. With this in mind, the NGO created Apps for Good, an eight-week course during which nine young people, divided into three different groups and with no previous experience, created three applications for smart phones running on the Android platform, the operating system used by some mobile devices. “The idea of programming and actually producing an application for a mobile phone seems like an impossible task. At first, everything is rather vague, but we succeeded and now I feel I am capable of making an app by myself�, says Satwant Kent. His group created the app “Stop and Search�, a program


that tells you what your rights are and what a police officer can do if you are stopped in the street. “Whether working in Brasil or Europe, CDI has always cared about social awareness and not just about digital inclusion. At the start of the course, we asked them to think of apps that would be relevant to the reality of the world they live in�, explains Luisa. Since they all come from the area of Brixton, one of the most violent parts of London, in which stop and search is common, it isn’t that strange that this idea came up. The other two applications deal with the process of choosing a university and finding a good music studio. Leco and Luisa both believe that these nine young people, the first Apps for Good class, are starting a project that, a few years from now, could be done in Brasil too. The idea, according to Luisa, is to increasingly integrate the different countries in which CDI operates, as well as to expand its projects in Europe. ,&

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top 10 pousadas of Brasil


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pousadas of



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There is an undeniable buzz in the air in Brasil at the moment. Whilst other countries languish in the aftermath of the subprime crisis, Brasil’s economy is booming, employment is rising and house prices rocketing. At the same time the country is basking in a new-found confi confidence dence from winning the right to host not only the 2014 World Cup but also the 2016 Olympics. I fi first rst travelled to Brasil from England in 1979 and a great deal has changed since then, not least in the options of where to stay. Back then, hotels were really all there was on offer. These days, in addition, there is an ever increasing number of amazingly beautiful B&Bs, guesthouses, eco-lodges and boutique hotels, known in the country as "pousadas". Only the best of these make it onto the website I run, specialised in these amazing little hotels, called www.hiddenpousadasbrazil.com and over the next few pages I have prepared a list with the ones that are my absolute favourites in 10 very special categories. ,&

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top 10 pousadas of Brasil

Best Breakfast

Best Views



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Breakfasts at Brasilian pousadas are generally good; in many places they are excellent and in some they are quite frankly off the scale. I nearly missed the highlight of Alcino’s Estalagem the first time I went as I had been up most of the previous evening drinking local cachaça with Alcino himself, and had not realised how long this particular event takes. From early morning you will find the table is already set with fruit and jams and cold cuts, but the moment you sit down Dona Flor’s specialities start to arrive - with quiches and yoghurts and different pastries and cakes appearing (along with a clean plate) every time you pause to talk to a fellow guest. After that first day I knew the routine. Arrive at 7.30am and spend the next hour savouring the best breakfast in the world before working it off on a stiff hike round the wonderful Chapada Diamantina. Best to avoid if on a diet! 6A8>CD:HI6A6<:B#8DB

There was a lot of competition for the pousada with the best views and certainly Ilha de Toque Toque near São Sebastião, Pousada Morro do Forte in Paraty and several others deserve runner up prizes- but Hotel Spa Casinha Branca just took my breath away when I first saw the view over Paraty and Ilha Grande. This is a newly refurbished pousada which manages to combine comfort with informality and difficult access with a 4X4 transfer service which will allow you to spend an evening in Paraty whenever you feel the need to and without worrying about getting back. I didn’t need to! All I wanted to do was to sit at the long communal table, eating and drinking with fellow guests, listening to wonderful Brasilian music and appreciating the ocean beyond. 86H>C=6"7G6C86#8DB


Best Service

People often complain about how difficult it is to get good staff these days but there are some pousadas which certainly manage it. The best and probably the most unfair test is to arrive, as I did, at 5am in the morning straight off an overnight bus. Obviously there was no room ready, but I was given a place to change, soaps and shampoo to take a shower and a prime place to wait or snooze by the pool until it was time for breakfast and check-in. My luggage miraculously found its way alone to my room (which incidentally had a bed big enough for 6 and super smooth high thread Egyptian cotton sheets) but better still when I checked the bill later they hadn’t charged me for any of it. Top marks! 86H69D6B6G:A>C9D#8DB

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top 10 pousadas of Brasil

Best Ecofriendly

Best Beach Locale



Eco-friendly pousadas are rapidly becoming the norm in Brasil, and Lagoa do Cassange faced some tough competition. But someone has to win, and Lagoa do Cassange has been working on eco-principles, supporting the local community for longer than anyone. It’s a beautiful place, where individual bungalows blend into the scenery, preference is given to bio-degradable products, organic waste utilised in the gardens and energy, naturally, is solar-powered. Excursions visit nearby communities where guests can buy local handicrafts and eat in typical restaurants, and the pousada supports both an NGO and staff training in tourism (with locals working there). I certainly wanted to stay a lot longer.

I first visited this pousada around this time last year and loved the French/Brasilian design of the place, and owner Christian’s gentle hospitality, but wasn’t able to stay. This year I rectified that and went one better by choosing the night of the March full-moon. This small 5 suite pousada is simply the most beautiful place, located on one of Brasil’s best deserted beaches - in a location that few Brasilians have heard of, let alone foreigners. If, like me, you are a workaholic always on the move, I recommend you just sit for a while in Patacho’s gorgeous deck chairs with a caipirinha or two and only the never-ending sea for company. Somehow the whole world suddenly seems a much nicer and more peaceful place.



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Best River Beach

Best Rural Retreat



After 30 years of travelling I know quite a lot about Brasil - but I still get the odd surprise - and one of those was finding sandy beaches along the tributaries of the river Amazon. One of the most beautiful of these is in Alter do Chão, just southwest of Santarém on the river Tapajós. Beach bars serving fabulous grilled fish appear as the waters recede and once again local character John Lennon is back in business with his small boat (curiously also called the “John Lennon”!).Get him to pick you up on the nearby beach of the very comfortable Hotel BeloAlter and take you off for an afternoon to see the flora and fauna, wildlife and river dolphins. It was certainly the highlight of all the tours I took in the Amazon region.

Rural tourism is still in its infancy in Brasil but there is nowhere better to find beautiful 'fazendas' (country estates) than the state of Minas Gerais. Pousada Mirante do Café is located close to the historic town of Ouro Preto and is still a working farm that makes a surprisingly good cachaça. This is a place to discover on horseback or on foot - a place to use as a base for visiting Ouro Preto or just for chilling out by the pool, sampling the home grown food. As the name “mirante” suggests the views are fabulous, with rolling green hills stretching out as far as the eye can see. And if you are lucky as I was you’ll see the owl perched on the rooftop of your wonderful chalet just quietly keeping watch over you.



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top 10 pousadas of Brasil Best Gourmet Food


I have always liked Brasilian food but the last 30 years have seen a massive increase in quality and variety, and choosing the pousada with the best gourmet food for this article was extremely difficult. For starters (do excuse the pun), there was tough competition from pousadas along the coast of Alagoas, most of which include half board in the price; also from the Pousada Lagoa das Cores in the valley of the Capão in Chapada Diamantina, which has an amazing restaurant in the middle of nowhere. The Pousada do Capão wins this time as much as anything because of chef/owner Peter, an American who grows many of the vegetables and herbs himself and has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the food of Brasil and its former colonies. This is a paradise for foodies, but even better for those who like to savour their food whilst sharing travellers’ tales. EDJH69686E6D#8DB

Best Overall

POUSADA SANTA CLARA >A=6 9: 7D>E:76! 76=>6

Best for Tarzan & Jane


I am not sure quite how I discovered ArtJungle the first time, but I am absolutely sure no-one mentioned the amazing tree-house accommodation they have here amongst the six stilt houses and spa-suite which curiously seems to be missing one wall! This is quite simply an extraordinary pousada, located on a small hill a few kilometres outside of Itacare, and set in a private park filled with amazing sculptures. The two tree houses themselves are fabulous with en-suite bathrooms, intricately carved washbasins and beds, and flowers everywhere. This is not luxury in the more accepted use of the term. There are no electric plugs and no air conditioning, fans, beauty products or room fridges. But it is definitely paradise. And I, for one, will be back. 6GI?JC<A:#DG<

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No article on the best pousadas in Brasil could possibly be complete without mentioning the place where the whole Hidden Pousadas Brasil project started- the wonderful Pousada Santa Clara on the island of Boipeba in Bahia. Run by two American brothers, Charles and Mark, the Santa Clara manages to combine comfort with informality, and value for money with Mark’s gourmet food in the pousada’s restaurant. Boipeba in turn is a traffic-free island paradise where miles of deserted beaches still exist but where there are also laid back beach bars for freshly cooked lobster and a caipirinha at sunset. I return every year, sincerely hoping it will never change. H6CI68A6G67D>E:76#8DB

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jungle guide 54

maracujá brazilian fruit The travelling food stall with the best of Brasilian sweets is spreading its wings

Just the picture is really worthy a bite...

the holy book of tapas

picture by Natália Pires souto

picture by Gus Filgate

bars & restaurants

tips, sips & nibbles the taste of brazil top 3

The Spanish restaurant that turned into a book The latest edition of Tapas: Simple Combinations, Striking Flavours may have a new cover, but the thinking behind it (albeit subconsciously) began about 20 years ago. That’s because its authors, Carlos Horrillo and Patrick Morcas, are the owners of El Parador (elparadorlondon.com), a Camdnen restaurant specialised in the famous small servings. Since opening its doors in 1988, the restaurant has worked to reintroduce and reinvent the traditional dishes of Spanish cuisine, and the resulting recipes in this book are a greatest hits selection. The authors moto have always been ''simplify tapas'', which proved extremely useful for the book. Nothing is very difficult to make, apart from one or two dishes that need a little more effort. In truth, the real challenge lies in finding good quality produce on the market, like exotic seafood. The authors make it easy to prepare the dishes, but if you prefer the actual eating to the cooking, then you can simply go and enjoy some of the recipes at El Parador! JD KEY:




O livro “Tapas: Simple Combinations, Striking Flavours”, reeditado esse ano com um novo formato de capa, começou a ser pensando, mesmo que inconscientemente, 20 anos antes. Isso porque seus autores, Carlos Horrillo e Patrick Morcas, são donos do restaurante “El Parador” (elparadorlondon.com), especializado em tapas (small servings – pequenas porções). Inaugurado em 1988, o restaurante tem feito um trabalho de resgate e reinvenção de pratos tradicionais da culinária espanhola e as receitas do livro são uma seleção do que foi servido ao longo de todos esse anos. Simplificar as tapas sempre foi o modo como os autores trabalharam, o que acabou sendo extremamente útil para o livro. Nada é muito difícil de preparar, talvez um prato ou outro exijam um pouco mais de esforço. O único desafio real é, na verdade, procurar boa qualidade e oferta de produtos exóticos, como frutos de mar. Os autores garantem a facilidade no preparo dos pratos, mas se você gosta mais de comer do que cozinhar, ainda pode experimentar algumas das receitas no restaurante. JD tapas RRP £14.99 kylecathie.co.uk


up to £10* £10 - £20* £20+* *Price based on a meal with drink per person

Jungle picked out three dishes with a hint of English flavours to give you a taste of the delicacies within Tapas:

Setas a la Plancha

With a great meaty flavour this tapas is made with grilled oyster mushrooms drizzled with olive oil, garlic, rosemary, lemon and sesame seeds.

Pollo a la Plancha

This incredible dish made with grilled chicken thigh marinated with harissa, garlic and lemon can also be prepared with thigh or breast meat.

Papas Esrelladas com Romero

Great as an accompaniment to any meat or fish this dish is made with crushed new potatoes with rosemary, garlic and chilli oil And just for our readers, you can check out the full recipes of this three dishes on our website: jungledrumsonline.com

AGOSTO 2010 JungleDrums 51

bars & restaurants

CENTRAL LONDON A LA CRUZ Argentinean steak house serving varied grilled meats. Main meal and a drink - £20 42 Northampton Rd, EC1R 0HU Angel

Buen Ayre Argentinean steak house Main meal and a drink £20

BEM BRASIL Typical food in buffet style, pay by weight. Snacks and frozen açaí. Open everyday. Buffet £1,20/100gr

The London Equestrian, N12 7BP Mill Hill East

35 Oxford Street, W1D2DT Oxford Circus

Latin Corner Fantastic authentic Colombian and Brasilian food, served in a friendly atmosphere.

020 7437 0400

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine. Pescado con Coco £11.50

0208 343 4161 ELVAQUERO .CO.UK

50 Broadway Market, E8 4QJ Cambridge Heath

283 Camden Road, N7 0JN Caledonian Road Station 020 7682 3867

020 7837 1999 • ALACRUZ.COM

36 -38 Dean Street, W1D 4PS Leicester Square

Barrio Central A cocktail lounge and basement club with Latin flavour.

0207 494 4716 IGUANAS.CO.UK

6 Poland Street, W1F 8PS Oxford Circus

WAHACA Freshly made, authentic Mexican dishes. Fish a la Veracruzana £9.95


tia maria

a good starch In the heart of the Portuguese community in Vauxhall lies a Brasilian gem: opened a mere seven months ago, Tia Maria is worth a visit even if you don’t live south of the river. Tiny, but very cozy, the restaurant specialises in tapioca. Never heard of it? Well, that’s because there aren’t many places around serving it – or rather none that we’ve heard of, until now. Tapioca is basically made of a starch extracted from cassava root, which is then spread and fried, and shaped rather like a pancake. They can be sweet or savoury according to the fillings, so we tried two (£2.30 - £3.95 each): dried salted meat and cheese as a starter, and milk caramel with coconut for desert – both heavenly! Eduardo, the owner, says he got the idea to cook tapioca as it’s really popular in Paraíba, the northeastern state he comes from. However it was only in London that he learned how to make them, and the technique used was rather uncommon: “I used tutorials on the internet. I tested recipes until I found the right one”, he says. And we can assure you he did a great job, as they taste just perfect. But Tia Maria is more than just tapiocas. Traditional barbecue meat such as chicken hearts (£2 a skewer) and Brasilian rump steak are also a succulent part of the menu. And better still, there’s live music in the evenings from Wed-Sun, with a different style each night from forró to MPB and samba, and till late on Fridays and Saturdays to dance the calories away. tia maria 9a Victoria House, South Lamberth Road – SW8 1QT Vauxhall 0207 7939 700

52 JungleDrums AUGUST 2010

BRAZILIAN GOURMET Cafe/Restaurant serving Brasilian and Portuguese specialities. Rump Steak (Picanha no prato) £6.50

66 Chandos Place, WC2N 4HG Covent Garden 0207 240 1883 WAHACA.CO.UK

Whitfield St 112, W1T 5EE Warren Street 07983 633 440

north LONDON

BELLO CAFE B Brasilian and Italian specialties.

Canecão Pool tables and Brasilian football on TV. Fish Moqueca £7.90

55–57 Charing Cross Road Leicester Square Café Rio Feijoada and steaks prepared the Brasilian way. Prato Rio £9.80 6 Grafton Way, W1T 5DS Warren Street

CAMINO L Effervescent tapas bar in the heart of King’s Cross

SEE p.53

CARIBBeaN SCENE Award winning Caribbean restaurant offering an impressive range of traditional dishes and cocktails. Ackee & Saltfish £14.95 17 Western Gateway, E16 1AQ DLR – Royal Victoria 020 7511 2023

Chilango A burst of Mexican flavour. Chicken Burrito £5.40 27 Upper Street, N1 OPN Angel

bar PEPITO L London’s only Spanish Sherry bar.

020 704 2123

3 Varnishers Yard, N1 9DF King’s Cross

020 7353 6761

020 7841 7331 CAMINO.UK.COM/PEPITO


142 Fleet Street, EC4A 2BP City Thameslink

Rodízio Rico Eat-till-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50

Coffee Café Serves snacks and lunch Feijoada + Guaraná drink £5 68 Compton Street, EC1V Farringdon 020 7253 1249

SEE p.49

SABOR Latin American Food and cocktails with a fusion touch. Brasilian Moqueca £13.50

El Paso Cocktail bar and restaurant serving Mexican, Tex-Mex and vegetarian dishes. 350-354 Old St, EC1V 9NQ Old St. 0207 739 4202

Canela Brasilian and Portuguese dishes. Feijoada £9.50

SEE p.17

108 Essex Rd London, N1 8LX Angel 020 7226 5551 • sabor.co.uk

020 7841 7331 • CAMINO.UK.COM

33 Earlham Street, WC2H 9LS Convent Garden 0207 240 6926 • CANELACAFE.COM

DOUBLE SHOT COFFEE Homemade sandwiches and cakes. English cream teas and nata cakes. Excellent coffees and teas. Two-flavour cone £3.95 38 Tavistock Street, WC2E 7PB Covent Garden 020 7240 9742 doubleshotcoffee.co.uk

FREGGO L Argentine ice cream bar offering a mouth watering range of flavours. Two-flavour cone £3.95 27-29 Swallow St., W1B 4QR Piccadilly 020 7287 9506 • FREGGO.CO.Uk

Guanabara Food, live music and even dance classes. Fish Moqueca Stew £12.50

0207 242 8600 GUANABARA.CO.UK


020 7354 1076 rodiziorico.com

0207 485 4738 canecaolondon.com

3 Varnishers Yard, N1 9DF Kings Cross

0207 387 2285

Parker Street, WC2B 5PW Holborn

26 - 30 Stoke N Church St, N16 Stoke Newington rail

77-78 Upper Street, N1 Angel

17 York Way, N7 9QG Caledonian Road


MERCADO BAR & CANT Exciting cocktails and a great mix of Mexican home cooking and traditional favourites. Fish Taco £6.00

020 7275 9900 buenayre.co.uk

SEE p.06

COCO BAMBOO Recently opened Brasilian restaurant with a dance floor starting from 10pm. Char-Grilled “Picanha” £8.90

SPIRITUAL CAIPIRINHA BAR Brasilian cocktail bar serving traditional and fusion dishes. Caipirinha & caipiroska £3 during happy hour

48 Chalk farm Road, NW1 8AJ Camden Town


4 Ferdinand St, NW1 8ER Chalk Farm

020 7627 6613

CUBA LIBRE & HAVANA Original restaurant with tapas, meals and cocktails. El Plato Cubano £12.95 72 Upper St, N1 ONY Angel 020 7354 9998 CUBALIBRELONDON.CO.UK

Desperados Mexican Mexican food, cocktails and a great atmosphere. Beef Chimichangas £10.95 127 Upper Street, N1 1QP Angel 0207 226 3222 DESPERADOS-ISLINGTON.CO.UK

El-Vaquero Argentinean Meats served off the skewer.

Tortilla Fresh, affordable CalifornianMexican cuisine. Burritos £4.50 - £5.50 13 Islington High St, N1 9LQ Angel 020 7833 3103 tortilla.co.uk

east LONDON Bankete Brasilian cuisine dishes, picanha and feijoada. Chicken Stroganoff £6.50 3 Bell Lane, E1 Liverpool Street/ Aldgate 020 7247 5479

Favela Chic Seductive Latin flavours with French touches. Hand of God £15 91-93 Great Eastern St, EC2A Old Street 0207 613 5228 FAVELACHIC.COM

Green and Red, Bar and Cantina Authentic Jaliscan food and the biggest selection of tequila in the UK. Late-night DJ bar. 51 Bethnal Green Rd, E1 6LA 020 7749 9670 greenred.co.uk

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine. Old Spitalfields Market - 1 Horner Square, E1 6AA Liverpool Street IGUANAS.CO.UK

PINCHITO TAPAS L Vintage Chic restaurant with an authentic and Tapas menu. 32 Featherstone Street, EC1Y Old Street 0207 4900121 PINCHITO.CO.UK

picture by ANA BRASIL

latin bites


























0207 485 1166 / 2008 53

bars & restaurants 129 Queenstown Road, SW8 Battersea 0207 622 2088 SANTAMARIADELSUR.CO.UK

south east LONDON

south west LONDON

Buenos Aires Café Argentinean beef, fresh pasta and Argentinean style pizzas. Grilled Bbq £14.50 – £24

Azteca Latin Lounge Mexican cuisine, mouth watering cocktails and beers. Latin bands and top DJs. 356 Kings Road, SW3 5ES South Kensington

17 Royal Parade, SE3 0TL Blackheath 0208 318 5333 BUENOSAIRESLTD.COM

CONSTANCIA – ARGENTINE GRILL Argentine Steak House recently inaugurated. Ojo de Bife Argentino (310gr) 11oz.Prime Argentine Rib-Eye £17.00


45 Tulse Hill, SW2 2TJ

020 7234 0676 CONSTANCIA.CO.UK

CRAVO & CANELA A choice of Brasilian cakes and pastries that are to die for! Try also the feijoada

0207 928 8778 CUBANA.CO.UK

El Vergel Uniting aromatic and spicy Latin America with delicate Mediterranean flavours. 8 Lant St. SE1 1QR Borough 020 7357 0057 elvergel.co.uk

La Bodeguita Tapas, fish and home-made Colombian food. £8 - 13 Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre, SE1 6TE Elephant & Castle 0207 701 9166 LABODEGUITA.CO.UK

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine Royal Festival Hall, SE1 8XX The O2 - SE10 0DS 0207 494 4716 IGUANAS.CO.UK

LITTLE BRAZIL Bossa with a hint of jazz. Home made meals. 30-A Catford Hill, SE6 4PX Catford Rail Station 0208 690 2770

Rodízio Rico Eat-til-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table. Buffet £22.50, Veg £15.50

54 JungleDrums AUGUST 2010

30 Brixton Water Lane, SW2 Brixton SEE CRAVOECANELA.CO.UK

020 7793 9700


El Gaucho Grill Steak House £13.90 Chelsea Farmers Market, 125 Sydney Street SW3 6NR South Kensington 0871 3328774 elgaucho.co.uk

Fiesta Havana Cocktail lounge bar with tapas, live music and dance. 490 Fulham Road SW6 5NH Fulham Broadway 020 7381 5891 Havanafulham.co.uk

Tacuba Cocktail bar and Mexican street food. 10 Bedford Hill SW12 9RG Balham 0208 6735394 Tacubabar.com

TU CHICAS Tasty food and flamboyant cocktails. Mexican dish £20 12 –14 Leopold Road, Wimbledon, SW19 7BD Wimbledon 0208 946 4300 TUCHICAS.CO.UK

RODIZIO BRAZIL Brasilian style barbeque with unlimited portions of meat. 505 Garratt Lane, SW18 4SW Earlsfield Rail St. 020 8871 3875 RODIZIOBRAZIL.COM

Santa Maria del Sur Argentinean grill house with live music on Mondays. Argentinean Steak £12

Amber Grill Rodizio Cuts of meat from skewers. Prime Rodízio £19.50 7, Station Road, NW10 4UP Willesden Junction 020 89631588 ambergrill.co.uk

Barraco The atmosphere of a Brasilian bar with live music Friday to Sunday. Chicken Hearts £6 10 Kingsgate Place, NW6 Kilburn

Maracujá BraSilian Food


48 Lower Marsh SE1 7RG Waterloo

9a, Victoria House South Lambeth Road, SW8 1QT Vauixhall

BRAZAS Restaurant and delicatessen serving home-made food with Portuguese, Brasilian and English influences. Sticky date pudding £3.45

52 Tanner Street, SE1 3PH Borough

CUBANA – BAR & RESTAURANT Home-cooked Cuban and Latin food prepared from quality ingredients at a reasonable price. Happy Hour Mojitos - 2 for £6.95

Tia Maria Restaurant & Tapioca House Tia Maria offers delicious tapioca stuffed chicken drumsticks w / catupiry, in addition to traditional dishes of Brasilian cuisine and feijoada on Saturdays and Sundays.


passion food If a little comfort food is all you’re craving in a grey weekend in London, the Maracujá stalls are a safe bet. Francisco and Bruno started the family business in Brick Lane in 2007, selling typical Brasilian food, and now they’ve expanded their trade to the King’s Road Market and Elephant & Castle, spreading their tasty bites and nice atmosphere. Whilst the men attend the customers, the women of the family cook the lot - from the great dishes to the to die for deserts, all with that warm homemade feeling. You’ll find a mix of coxinhas, rissoles and empanadas (£2 each), with good portions. Or a bunch of pães de queijo (cheese rolls, 3 for £2) is ideal for those who just want a quick bite, plus the classic cans of Guaraná Antarctica (£1.20). But there’s also a whole meal if you wish - the feijoada and the picanha sandwich prove to be the best-selling option. For sweet teeth, the passion fruit mousse and the caramel flan (£2 each) are options, although the brigadeiro (chocolate fudge, 6 for £3) will surely lure the chocoholics. If keeping tabs on your sugar consumption is more your cup of tea, the new addition to their menu is açaí, a sorbet made with the fruit from the Amazon, full of antioxidants that provide a variety of health benefits (£4.50-£5.50). And for those who can’t wait until the weekend, or want to bring some Brasilian taste to their events, Maracujá also accepts orders! Maracujá Brazilian Food Saturdays 10am – 4pm Kings Road – SW3 4LY Sloane Square Sundays 10am – 6pm 91 Brick Lane – E1 6QL Liverpool Street 020 8648 4543

west LONDON Café Estrela do Norte Portuguese cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. Spicy Francesinha £9.50 294 Kingshill Av, UB4 8BX 0208 841 3488 GO.TO/ESTRELA

iberica food & cult. Traditional Spanish restaurant with a innovative twist. 195 Great Portland Street, W1W Great Portland Street 020 7636 8650 ibericalondon.com

IPANEMA CAFÉ Special dishes everyday, feijoada, puddings and cakes. Buffet £1.20/100g 7-9 Queensway, W2 Queensway

SEE p.55

020 7604 4664 barracocafe.co.uk

Guanabana Famous Jerk chicken served with mango+papaya chutney. £7.85 - £12.75. 85 Kentish Town Rd, NW1 SEE Camden Town


0207 4851166 guanabanarestaurant.com

Made in Brasil Classic Brasilian fare, from seafood to meat and feijoada. Picanha Na Chapa £13.50 12 Inverness Street, NW1 Camden Town 020 7482 0777 made-in-brasil.co.uk

MERCEARIA BRASIL Brasilian traditional snacks and products in-store. Coxinha £1.50 773 Harrow Road, NW10 5PA Kensal Green 02089620252

020 7792 9050 IPANEMACAFE.CO.UK

Mestizo Restaurant-bar offering a fine and authentic Mexican cuisine Enchiladas £12

Loco Mexicano Mexican & Cuban cantina cocktail bar and cubana salsa club.

103 Hampstead Rd, NW1 3EL Warren Street

107 Westborne Grove, W2 4UW Queensway and Bayswater Stations 020 7243 1499 locomexicano.co.uk

RODÍZIO RICO Eat-til-you-drop buffet, grilled Meats brought to your table. Buffet £22.50, veg $15.50 Royal Oak - 111 Westbourne Grove, W2 020 7792 4035 RODIZIORICO.COM

TAQUERIA Mexican cafe serving a great variety of Tacos, Mexican dishes and cocktails. 139-143 Westbourne Grove, W11 2RS Notting Hill 0207 229 4734 TAQUERIA.CO.UK

020 7387 4064 • mestizomx.com

SABOR BRASILEIRO Brasilian fish and beef, game room, internet, bar/lounge. Buffet £7.50 10% weekend discount 639 Harrow Road, NW10 5NU Kensal Green 02089691149

SABOR MINEIRO Typical dishes from Minas Gerais (but no alcoholic drinks). Buffet £6.50 63 Station Road, NW10 4UX Willesden Junction 020 8965 2050

THE CUBAN L Long bar upstairs or dinner in the fiesta Room. Lamb Cubano £10.95 Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd Camden Town 0870 850 8975 • THECUBAN.CO.UK

picture by natália pires souto

latin bites


latin bites


latin bites


jungle guide

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KPDQZ + ,WPING WPING Don't hesitate to send us your raves and rants! JungleDrums p.o. box 49713 london wc1x 8ww inbox@jungledrums.org EIGHT YEARS ON Jungle, Thanks for all the great work. I know it is not very original, but it’s what I feel. Thanks from the bottom of my hearth for the great magazine, the competitions and all the rest. I have been in London for almost 8 years now and I have had the pleasure to read your magazine almost from the beginning of this challenging adventure. Thank you! Keep going like this : ) Roberta Marin, via email Dear Roberta, Two things stand out: ‘8 years’, and ‘challenging adventure’. Jungle will turn 8 in November and it really has been an adventure, and what makes it a worthwhile challenge is having loyal readers like yourself – you’re the main reason JD exists. We hope you can join us to celebrate in a few months, and that you keep on enjoying this project and city as much as we do! Best, Jungle INTREPID SABBATICAL Hello there, I am joining Ed Stafford, a British explorer who has been walking the length of the Amazon for two years, on the final leg of his journey on Friday

16th July. I am walking with him for 3 weeks and writing an article about it for Metro newspaper who I currently work for. After this, I'm taking a sabbatical and travelling around, writing and volunteering. I've always enjoyed reading JungleDrums and getting involved with the culture (learning samba, capoeira and drumming!), and I was wondering if you'll need any articles or help with writing whilst I'm out there. Please get in touch if so - or if you know of any volunteer projects/organisations over there that need help and could do with some press, I could pitch the idea to newspaper here! Kristina Georgiou, via email A MIX FOR THE READERS Jungle, We put together a music compilation for the international market which will be available for free for one month on 7digital and Emusic. If you like, please promote it on your website or magazine as I believe it’s of interest to your readers (links: http://lc4.in/pcbN and http://lc4.in/Va53). It’s a fantastic compilation, with music from Ana Paula Lopes, Karina Buhr, Aline & Hermeto, Delicatessen, Ligiana, Stela Campos, etc. Mauricio Bussab – Tratore, via email WHERE WAS ARNALDO? Hi Jungle, Your special issue on Festival Brazil was a good guide to many of the events and happenings around (although I have to say that the Cucumber Caipirinha is a bit strange!), but I was left disappointed by the last minute cancellation of the Arnaldo Antunes gig. Having read your profile (and being a fan of his work in Jungle) I had high expectations. On the good side, I loved the Os Mutantes gig. What amazing sounds - and costumes! Bring them back every year! Best wishes, Anna Cooper, via email

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:A>H6K:I E6A6>DAD<DJ THE PORTUGUESE-SPEAKING GREEK ARCHITECT WHO LIKES TO KEEP IN TUNE WITH WHAT'S ON IN TOWN AND ENTER OUR COMPETITIONS What do you do? I am a Greek architect living in London for the last couple of years. How did you find JD? I first came across the magazine in a Brasilian bar and straight away it got my attention. Now I am also a fan of the website! What's your favourite part of the magazine? I really enjoy the monthly cover articles as they convey an up to date and real image of Brasil avoiding stereotypes. I also like the Agenda as it includes a wider range of Brasilian and Latin events, quite a few of which I end up going. Do you have a connection to Brasil? I have very good friends who are Brasilian and my

boyfriend is Brasilian which explains why now I speak a bit of Portuguese. What is your favourite place in Brasil? I have only travelled to Brasil once, the places I really liked were Salvador and Olinda. People’s open heartedness in the Northeast strangely enough reminds me of Greeks. Favourite Brasilian food/ drink/product? Caipirinha has to be the obvious answer, even better if strawberries are involved. What’s the best Brasilian place in London? I recently discovered Tia Maria in Vauxhall, which is a tapioca restaurant, small but cosy and quiet often with live Brasilian music; the place is full of positive vibes. ,&

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