JungleDrums issue 72 August 2009

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\Zi gZVYn FOR A FAMILY AFFAIR, with the Brothers of Brazil who tour London this month with their crazy mix of punk rock and bossa nova. UGG OQTG QP RCIG

eji dc YOUR MOST COMFORTABLE pumps and head down to Notting Hill for the 2009 Carnival. London's most traditional multi-cultural event this year will also feature a special parade by the London School of Samba, in celebration to its silver jubilee Âż PF QWV OQTG QP RCIG

e^X`je A COPY OF THE NOVEL HELIOPOLIS. Set in SĂŁo Paulo, James Scudamore's book has won plaudits in the UK and beaten hundreds of other works to feature in the first list for the prestigious Man Booker Prize. DW[ QP CDGDQQMU EQ WM


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THE GRASS OF DEVIL'S DYKE at Beachdown, the festival with the 100% mud-free guarantee. 2009's line-up includes crafty Liverpudleans The Zutons, Gilles Peterson, Super Furry Animals and Favela Chic. DGCEJFQYPHGUVKXCN EQO

air at the last of Jungle's monthly free nights at Camino on August 30th, this time featuring the feisty sextet Molotov Jukebox and their explosive fusion of genres and beats. UGG RCIG


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Jungle drops in on the ‘memory bowl’ to visit the beginnings of modern Brasilian underground art

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DEEP IN THE JUNGLE Funked up: how Rio’s new legal bureaucracy threatens to silence the world-famous bailes and beats




São Paulo’s young guns form what could be Brasil’s newest and coolest music supergroup

A moving tribute to the victims of the Camberwell fire, which claimed the lives of three Brasilians

Pantanal: the amazing wetlands where human beings are the animals really watched





Your rants and raves

The bible to what’s going on in town

Mate: fancy a bitter healthy cuppa?

In-house conjectures and speculations

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Which Brasilian band or artist would you like to see playing in London?

aVhi b^cjiZ ^hhjZh Debating at 2.30am the repercussions of a Jungle cover in a horizontal, strange format, is merely a part of what happens here in the late hours of closing the edition. Our concern is not just with the editorial content, in which we prioritise interesting subjects, but also with the presentation of the magazine. It's through the cover that most of our new readers enter the world of JungleDrums. It's with the cover that we invade over 250 points in London monthly, in bars and cultural centers, not to mention our displays and distribution at Heathrow, with a total of 20,000 copies reaching 80,000+ readers every month. And if it was already easy to find Jungle in the city (despite it disappearing quickly in most of the points!) now, with our online version of the magazine, anyone with internet access can get it. Last month alone, we gained over 5,000 new readers around the world. But for those who want to feel the special "crazyness" which we underwent in celebration of the art which has come out of skateboard culture in Brasil, transforming the cover into a cool illustration by Alexandre Beraldo, you'll have to get your hands on the printed version. It's well worth it.

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I'd love to see Marisa Monte, she's already played here but I missed it! So volta pra Londres Marisa!! I am English and have just come back from Tangarรก da Serra in MT staying with my mother-in-law for 5 months so I am full of "saudades". Lucia Perkins, London

Heathrow Underground WHERE CAN I FIND MY JD?

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YKP GREEN SUMMERY BLISS AT THE BOUTIQUE FESTINHO Jungle is offering you the fantastic opportunity to win one of two pairs of tickets we've got for this magical little Brasil-infused festival early in September (4-6th)

YOUR TICKETS TO RIDE LONDON ON THE CHEAP This edition marks the return of Jungle's tips and special offers for you to make the most of check out the discounts from some of our partners below and look out for new promotions in forthcoming editions - enjoy!

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©<AA¡ 8;<D In 1969, a group of young, long-haired musicians including Moraes Moreira, Pepeu Gomes, Baby Consuelo and Paulinho Boca de Cantor, recorded their first album together. Having migrated from their native Bahia to Rio, the Novos (New) Baianos lived in a penthouse in Botafogo where they were often visited by João Gilberto. Their next stop was to move to a farm in Jacarepaguá, where they created a commune and launched the album Acabou Chorare – which cemented their place in the history of Brasilian music. Forty years later, São Paulo has seen the emergence of the Novos Paulistas. Consisting of Tié, Tulipa Ruiz, Thiago Pethit, Dudu Tsuda and Tatá Aeroplano, all friends and high-profile musicians from São Paulo, the group came together at the beginning of last month to perform one single show – in São Paulo, of course – which served as a baptism for the new collective. “We’ve been working on these partnerships for a while now. We already had the inspiration, the only thing missing was to get everything and everyone together and give the live show structure,” says Pethit, who has assumed the role of ‘curator’ of the show, together with Ana Garcia from Coquetel Molotov magazine (a music publication in São Paulo). Through the collaborative nature of the project, the Novos Paulistas have created a sound which gives a face to Latin America’s largest city, merging different genres such as folk, tango, jazz, electronica and pop. The future of the musicians – who have planned no other live shows together yet – looks promising. “We haven’t talked about recording together, but it’s something worth thinking about,” says Tatá. To check out "the moment it all began" simply go to tinyurl.com/novosp. ,&


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WdhhV cdkV '#% One day, the musicians Alex Moreira, DJ Marcelinho DaLua and Márcio Menescal, who were working at the recording studios of Bossa Nova legend Roberto Menescal, decided to remix the classic Só Danço Samba by Os Cariocas, as a way of testing some new equipment. They were so pleased with the result that they put together a band Bossacucanova - and created a sound which was an instant hit, and was used in commercials and soundtracks in Brasil and the world over: the winning combination was Bossa Nova with electronic music. As well as the original trio, the Bossacucanova shows bring four more talents to the stage, including singer Cris Delano, and offer re-interpretations of classics from the style born in 1950's Copacabana. ,& D[ /QTGPC /CFWTGKTC

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Wellington, Gilberto, Messiah, Cardosão, Hamilton

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After being introduced to those termites, I just can't eat them anymore!

The sound of Brasilian drums will echo through London's streets this month, and we’re not just talking about Notting Hill. The London School of Samba (LSS) turns 25 this year, and to celebrate, they’re bringing over members of Rio’s Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel to join their ranks. The party invitation to the Brasilian samba school came about thanks to an impassioned LSS director, Lauren Baker. Whilst on holiday in Brasil in 2007, she seized the opportunity to get the two schools – which had lost contact despite having been partners in the past – back together again. Carrying with her a handful of letters as evidence of their old ties, Lauren climbed the favela, handed the documents over to the directors, and invited them to pick up where they had left off. They took her up on the offer, and five Mocidade members are now on their way to London to celebrate, samba-style. “It’s a great honour for me to bring Paulo Vianna, the president of Mocidade, to join our celebrations,” says Lauren enthusiastically. The same plane will also bring the young and talented Bruninho do Repique, William do Tamborim, bandleader Mestre Robson, flag-bearer Cristiane Bernadino Caldas and master of ceremonies, Fabrício Pirez. The five Mocidade players and LSS will hold a series of parties and workshops from 25th August to 13th September. And somewhere in between there will, of course, be a show at the Notting Hill Carnival, which takes place on the 30th and 31st and is a mighty fine opportunity for samba lovers to flirt with other rhythms, such as calypso. So long as you haven’t got a headache or a broken leg, August is the time to let loose. ,& D[ #TVWTQ /GUVCP\C %QUVC


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NEW ROAD MOVIE POTRAYS THE PLIGHT OF THE RAILWAY ILLEGALS Hurtling across the Mexican plains, a train top carries a precious and precarious cargo: the lives of the desperate immigrants heading for the border in an attempt to thwart the authorities and illegally enter the USA. Due to be released in the UK on 14th August, the road movie Sin Nombre (Without a Name), is the story of that very cargo. Casper (Edgar Flores) is a gang member of the notorious Mara Salvatruca. Destroyed by the murder of his love, and disillusioned with what he’s become, Casper deserts the gang and flees. On the run, he meets Sayra (Paula Gaitan), a vulnerable Honduran teen on her way to the US border with her father and uncle. Despite their differences, a tender relationship develops between Sayra and Casper, as together they face the treacherous journey. Pursued by the gangs scattered through the region, and constantly under threat of discovery, Sayra and Casper’s journey is as dangerous and thrilling as the landscape is beautiful. Based on real-life stories - with some 11 million illegal immigrants making the very same journey each year - director Cary Fukunaga spent a year riding the Mexican train-tops as research, getting to know those that undertake the journey in reality. Produced by Motorcycle Diaries actor Gael Garcia Bernal, Sin Nombre received critical acclaim at the Sundance Festival earlier this year. And with an unlikely ending, it promises to be an adrenaline rush from start to finish. ,& D[ -KODGTNGKIJ /WNNGT

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Marcelo Bratke piano solo recital

Special Features include Mocidade’s young drumming prodigy (Bruninho do Repique) and specialised dance workshops with


(Cristiane Bernardino Caldas and Fabrício Pirez)

Carnaval Trilogy










Heitor Villa-Lobos Ernesto Nazareth Darius Milhaud

Monday 14 September 2009 at 7.45 pm Tickets £12.00 Concessions available




LIVE MUSIC: BANDA DA LADEIRA Guests and DJ’s Forró Dance Lessons with Douglas from 7pm

Corbet Place • Old Truman Brewery 15 Hanbury Street, E1 6QR (Ely’s Yard car park) Tube: Liverpool Street /Aldgate East amorimlucas@hotmail.com

”hints of wildness and shining piano colors” The New York Times

“superb limpidity of texture” The Sunday Times





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IT’S ALMOST TWO YEARS SINCE BROTHERS OF BRAZIL CREATED THEIR MIXTURE OF BOSSA nova, samba and punk rock in London, christened by Bernard Rhodes, the former Clash manager. With their first album in hand, Supla and JoĂŁo Suplicy, who also present a TV show in Brasil, are back in town this month for a series of live appearances. Did Brothers come about by accident? JoĂŁo: At the end of 2007, I was promoting my solo album in Europe, and Supla, who was in London, asked me to do a show with him. We pulled something together last minute, and the result was really interesting. I never would have thought it could work, because our styles are so different. How well has the project been received? Supla: Really well! During the shows we converse with our audiences, tell the stories behind the songs and about our travels around the world, to bring people closer to us. It’s almost like the Rat Pack! You started off playing abroad and the name of the band and a lot of the lyrics are in English. Is the band a product made for export? Supla: It’s made for everything – for all over Brasil and abroad, too! So no, not at all! I think that’s a really provincial attitude. I’m a citizen of the world, man. And good music is good music. You’re the sons of famous politicians, Supla has been on a reality show and JoĂŁo is married to a presenter. Do you ever feel you are treated more like celebrities than musicians? Supla: Who gives a fuck? As long as I get space to showcase my music‌ Any musician will realise that “these guys can really playâ€?. I say that because people who I really admire have been to our shows [like Sex Pistols bassist Glen Matlock] and said “that’s fucking realâ€?! ,&

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MOLOTOV JUKEBOX CLOSES JUNGLE'S SUMMER SESSIONS AT CAMINO “I’m Nat and I personally think I’m an otter. And I play the accordion,” – so begins Jungle’s interview with Natalia, lead singer of Molotov Jukebox, a band with a musical style every bit as eclectic as each of its six members, lead by the sassy and hyperactive Nat. Born and raised in Spain, Natalia was then educated in Britain: “I’ve been learning music since I could walk; I started playing piano at 5. Music tends to be central to Latin houses, so I grew up singing with my family.” Chainsmoking as she waits to go into a film casting, Natalia explains: “I’ve always done acting. Music is like a state of being; acting is a way of making a living” From humble beginnings, Molotov Jukebox are growing and growing – and it’s taken them all by surprise. The band was born at Secret Garden Party festival when Sam – Natalia’s partner and band member – came up with the name Molotov Jukebox. Emerging from the festival more than a little worse for wear, they were given two weeks to get ready for a gig – and haven’t looked back since. Asked about the group’s influences and style, Natalia is as confused as the rest of us: “The Spanish influence is just there – I was born with it. So it’s got a bit of a latin feel, with the violin, accordion and trumpet and we’ve got an amazing gypsy guitartist, but actually its quite ska-y and there’s a bit of electroragga, and a few calypso sounds.” Recently introduced to Brasilian music, for Natalia it’s all about the drums: “Anything like samba bands gets me going – its like a compulsion to dance manically – I’d love to have more of that in our gigs...” ,& D[ #PC 0CQOK

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ACTRESS AND WIFE OF SIR BEN KINGSLEY TOURS WITH BSC IN DOUBLE ROLE Daniela Lavender, a Brasilian from Bahia, and wife of oscar-winning actor Sir Ben Kingsley, arrived in London speaking barely a word of English. Today she's fluent, and touring with the British Shakespeare Company in a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, a comedy which, according to the actress, is the most popular of Shakespeare’s plays. On stage, Daniela represents two women whose personalities compliment each other, despite being complete opposites. “Titania is a free woman who rules her own destiny, whilst Hippolyta is a prisoner of her life,” she explains. “Interpreting Shakespeare is totally dependent on understanding the characters, and that’s something you can only do by studying the texts in depth. No one can do Shakespeare unless they give it their best”, she adds. It was at a dinner party with friends in LA, that Daniela met her famous husband. “I often ask him for help, and we talk a lot about work, but the technical support I really get from the theatre company,” she reveals. The couple intend to act side by side this year in a project from SBK Pictures, Kingsley’s production company. They also plan to travel to Brasil – and find time to eat a feijoada made by Daniela’s brother, which she says she misses so much. ,&

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hd [Vg! hd \ddY### Fifteen years is a long time in music. Joe Davis launched Far Out Recordings back in 1994, the year when Wet Wet Wet ruled the airwaves in Britain. A decade and a half later, former band member Marti Pellow is doing West End shows, but Far Out goes from strength to strength. The jazzy Brasilian sound that the label champions has never crossed over into the mainstream, relying instead on the support of a small but loyal following. The most vocal of these fans has always been Radio One DJ Gilles Peterson, and in a sense this compilation is long overdue. It’s well worth the wait, however, as British music’s most famous Brasilophile takes you on a whistle-stop tour through the Far Out back-catalogue. Classic samba and bossa sit alongside 70s psychedelia. It makes for a great celebration of the last 15 years. ,&

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EVERY THURSDAY “The most sophisticated Brazilian Nights” at Ronnie Scott’s Ronnie Scott’s Bar 47, Frith Street Soho-London W1D 4HT Tube:Leicester Square Doors open at 6pm until 3am


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TRADUÇÕES & INTERPRETAÇÕES Nossos tradutores e intérpretes são qualificados e membros do Instituto de Linguistas do Reino Unido


020 7383 3456 129A Whitfield Street, London W1T 5EQ www.ftc-ltd.com/translations - translations@ftc-ltd.com

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skate art

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cover feature



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Each and every country is made up of stories; some are told and retold, others are forgotten and, if no-one cares to find them, disappear with the generations who lived through them. This is almost what happened with the history of Brasilian skate art – and if it wasn’t for the work of one pioneering Brasilian artist, practically no-one would know that in the designs which decorate the underside of skateboards, lies the very root of urban art, which has led Brasil to be represented on the walls of respected galleries all over the world. That pioneering artist is Alexandre “Sesper” Cruz, who now lives in São Paulo. At 35, now gaining recognition world-wide as one of the most important figures in the Brasilian underground art scene – the defining characteristic of his work is collage with acrylic paintwork. Skateboards came into his life at a young age, and never left. Without any formal support or sponsorship, Sesper went in search of the crown jewels of the skate scene – the people who, like him, were passionate about the sport and mourning the loss of an era in which each skateboard was

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an individual piece of art and craft. With a camcorder on his shoulder and a lampshade from home for lighting, Sesper produced the documentary RE:BOARD, launched last month and still on show at the Matilha Cultural gallery in São Paulo, alongside an exhibition of some 200 classic and customised decks and a retrospective of the great board artist mentor, Billy Argel. “It wasn’t a logical piece of research with data. I wanted to get across more the idea of poetry, of how the artists began, and their experiences. That’s the value of the documentary for the people involved in the scene; it’s an incentive for new ideas,” tells Sesper. On film, he shot passionate, and often nostalgic testimonials from artists and skaters who lived through the birth of Brasilian skating. And crucially, the skateboard is where major Brasilian street-artists – such as Speto and Tinho – developed the techniques which eventually led them out into the world. “There was a really big creative energy. Nothing was gonna get in the way of our search for quality, originality”, reflects Speto.

Until the mid-1980s, skaters were hard to come by in Brasil. “There were maybe 10 skaters in the neighbourhood, 15 in another nearby, and a small ramp in the local square,” remembers Sesper. 21 years of military dictatorship had just come to an end, and people still frowned upon the sport. If anyone had said back then, that one day 6% of Brasilian households would have a skater under their roof (more than 3 million people, according to research by Datafolha in 2006), or that the country would be the second biggest centre of skating on the planet, they would have been dismissed as crazy. In those days, the national market revolved around often poor - copies of what was being

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produced in the US. “The main objective of the documentary was to look at the more original brands, and also to show the little-known faces of the artists behind them,” explains Sesper. Each of the personalities in RE:BOARD serves as a reminder of skating’s golden era, generally understood as being between the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s, when young skaters and artists created the foundations of a market that, today, is self-sustaining and, according to them, the only national market not hostage to American products - thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of a few skaters looking for a Brasilian board which would “stand up to the gringos”. This era also provided the test-tubes for the country’s urban art. But coming up with the perfect, durable model did not happen overnight: there were serious obstacles along the way, such as money and the lack of an appropriate Brasilian wood to take the strain of the jumps and moves - and it took a lot of dedication to the cause. After numerous trials with new materials, they arrived at Ivorywood and at the best process for fixing the slats together to make up the skateboard’s shape. As the skaters-turned-entrepreneurs recall in the documentary, these steps turned “the brasilian semi-professional skaters into professionals,” and in addition, the original graphics were created. It is here that Billy Argel, the great skate artist of the 80s, comes into the story.

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PorQue? BillyArgel

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Fabio Shumacker OsGemeos



Street Terrorist BillyArgel

The Killer

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Ricardo Pingüim Morto

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Nilton Neves

Arthur Vicente

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Marcio Conrado

Felipe Motta

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skate art

Adherbal Argel, or Billy, had discovered silk-screen printing some years previously, and constructed his own equipment using organza material, his mother’s nail polish and an embroidery hoop, and used it to print t-shirts for his friends. One day, one of those friends, a skater, asked Billy to make a design in the shape of his skateboard (see the Box for more on the relationship between skaters and their boards). Billy went a step further: he gave up his job as art director of a PR agency and opened Highgraph, a studio specialising in art for skateboards. From here came the models which would become legendary among a generation of skaters and artists.

It was Billy who started the habit of naming the decks he created, like the Street Terrorist and the Killer, still remembered today. “Until then, skating was just child’s play; the people who did it didn’t know anything about it, they thought that roller-skating was like skateboarding. It was the skateboarders who raised the quality of Brasilian skating”, says Argel. What Billy couldn’t have imagined was that as well as becoming the pioneer in Brasil - “there was no competition, nobody knew how to do what I was doing,” he recalls – he also inspired numerous young people to enter the arts. “Aside from the fact that I loved them, Billy’s boards were a wake-up call because they were Brasilian, really well-made and made me think that cool things could

happen here, too” reveals Felipe Motta, or Mottilaa. The carioca designer and artist is also the author of, amongst other things, the animations on the music video for Cotidiano – the classic song from maestro Chico Buarque, interpreted by Seu Jorge, winner of the 2004 MTV VMB prize. “I’m curious to see the reactions to the documentary abroad, because here [in Brasil] we always have to improvise and find a way, and everything is more difficult. If you don’t have a dog, you go hunting with a cat. It gives you the strength to reach a level which if we’d had everything handed to us on a plate, we would not have reached,” says Motta. For Walter Nomura, or Tinho – one of the most revered names in contemporary Brasilian urban art, skateboarding was

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COMING TO A SCREEN NEAR YOU fundamental to the country’s street art scene, because it brought young people to a graffiti scene which, back then, was dominated by accomplished artists. “I was 13 when I started tagging, and 16 or 17 when I started creating skateboard designs. The other people doing the same thing, and there weren’t many at that point, were all of the same generation and between 15 and 20. The decks were our first opportunity to show our work,” Tinho explains. “This group from yesteryear are the same guys making things happen today. Because we’re a lot more mature now, and so is our work,” he adds. However, this story is not all happy memories. The artists and skaters are almost unanimous in complaining about what the skateboard market has become. “Today, lots

of labels produce boards that aren’t high quality enough for the prices charged. They just have the brand logo. In a country where you have to choose between a pair of trainers, going out with your friends, or a deck, you’re always going to buy the cheapest version”, summarises Sesper. But this doesn’t mean, of course, that the skate deck has lost its iconic power. It is still used for diverse ends by many artists, such as Fabio Bitão, a photographer, artist and ex-professional skater who etches onto wooden boards which are worn-out (as if to give back what was taken from nature). Sometimes, the deck ends up on the wall behind a piece of art before having even passed under the feet of a skater. It’s like a canvas. But with a lot of stories to tell. ,&

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police persecution DRACONIAN LEGISLATION IN RIO DE JANEIRO THREATENS TO GAG FUNK CARIOCA FOR GOOD In June 2008, Federal Law 5.265 was introduced in Rio de Janeiro. According to the new law, all rave parties and funk bailes must be announced 30 days in advance at the State Police Headquarters, together with documentation proving sound insulation, a contract with a security company approved by the Federal Police, proof of metal detectors and CCTV, that trained medical help will be on-site, and documents to certify that neither the local police, military police, local fire station or youth protection authorities have any objections to the event. These conditions have hugely inflated the cost of organising a baile, as well as imposing a bureaucracy

which makes it virtually impossible for small producers to do what they do. Cidade de Deus (‘City of God’) favela: Sunday, June 14th. I arrive at GG street, which is actually an empty, unpaved space between five or six buildings. Surrounded by bars and small shops, it’s about the size of an outdoor sports court, perhaps a little larger. It’s three in the afternoon, the sun is shining, and there are children playing. I look back and see a military policeman (PM) approaching. 10 minutes later, a police car appears and, with rifles pointing out of the windows, drives full circle around us, passing close to the children playing here. At the same time, the guys were setting up

the sound-system at the end of the street. It was still daytime when Sergeant Alcântara went up to the DJ and told him “At ten this all has to be over”. Holding a semi-automatic rifle, he was enforcing the law of the local police, as introduced under the authority of the ex-Head of Civil Police and ex-MP Álvaro Lins, who has since been repealed and is now in jail charged with forming a criminal gang, facilitating smuggling, and money laundering. This was the first funk event being held in Cidade de Deus, the birthplace of this Brasilian rhythm, since the police occupation which began in November last year. On this particular Sunday, upon the insistence of the Association of Funk Professionals and



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deep in the jungle

Friends (APAFunk), the Chief of the PM authorised a Funk Roda. Law 5.265 has caused the closure of bailes in at least 60 locations across the state, according to Tojão, an MC who owns the Espião Choque de Monstro sound system. It’s made life difficult for those who earn a living from funk in Rio de Janeiro – some 10 thousand people, according to APA Funk. But it’s not only DJs, MCs, dancers, composers and entrepreneurs who are affected: according to the anthropologist Hermano Vianna in his book The Carioca Funk World, over a million young people (around 20% of the population of Rio) were already frequenting some 700 bailes each

weekend during the 80s. Adriana Facina, from the Department of History at Universidade Federal Fluminense, followed the Carioca funk scene for a year and a half during her post-doctorate research, interviewing more than a hundred people, visiting dozens of favelas and going to bailes all over the city. She came to the conclusion that what exists is a continued persecution of the Afro-Brasilan population. “The people who are prohibiting funk are the descendents of those who, in the past, strived to silence the sound of the drums from the senzalas”. As it happens, the coat of arms of the Military Police in Rio still carries the symbols of coffee and sugar cane, the products which sustained

not only the Brasilian economy, but also the slave trade in the not so distant past. Lieutenant colonel Luigi Gatto, commander of the 18th Batallion of the Military Police, claims: “I don’t know of a funk baile where there isn’t drug trafficking, illegal weapons, child exploitation or criminality”, but he’s no objections so long as the event is organised within Law 5.265. APAFunk has been lobbying the local government for a text which recognises and appreciates the cultural value of funk. “Funk is one of the few forms of entertainment which is affordable, and was created within the favela”, ponders MC Leonardo, APAFunk’s founder. ,&

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10th, 16th & 18th - 23rd

15th & 21st

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12th | wednesday

18th | aug - 15th | sep

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12th | wednesday A6JC8= C><=I/ 6vJ86G 6aiZgZY 7ZVih VcY HV\Vi^WV aVjcX] V lZZ`an 7gVh^a^Vc gZh^YZcXn Vi :bWVhhn 8ajW l^i] V b^m d[ bdYZgc VcY igVY^i^dcVa a^kZ bjh^X! 9?h! [ddY VcY XdX`iV^ah# ,eb Ä (Vb! —&% V[iZg .eb :bWVhhn 8ajW! '. DaY 7jga^c\idc HigZZi Ä L&H (6C :B76HHNADC9DC#8DB ™ %,,-. '%((,&

13th | aug - 2nd | sep 76HJG6 7N <67G>:A ><C68>D <VWg^Za iZaah i]Z hidgn d[ ZkZgnYVn e^ZXZh d[ gjWW^h] i]gdj\] ]^h YgVl^c\h! ^cÓjZcXZY Wn 7gVh^a^Vc \gV[Òi^! VXXdbeVc^ZY Wn V [gZZ hXgZZc^c\ d[ 8dY^\d YZ [V^mV# DeZc YV^an &+bb 8V[‚! &. 9É6gWaVn Hi " L&; -:9 7:=6C8:#C:I$6GI:7>:A ™ %'% ,'-, --.'

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Bdc Ä Hjc! deZc YV^an BVXdcYd! - . =dmidc Hf# Ä C& +CJ B68DC9D#8D#J@ ™ %'% ,,'. &&&.

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18th | aug – 5th | sep 7G6O>AM' 6 YdjWaZ"W^aa XZaZWgVi^c\ i]Z WZhi d[ 7gVh^a^Vc i]ZVigZ/ I]Z 6hhVjai VcY I]Z AVhi 9Vnh d[ <^aYV bV`^c\ je i]Z eV^g d[ eaVnh id WZ eZg[dgbZY# IjZ " HVi ,#(% .#&*eb$ Hjc * +#)*eb! [gdb —, I]Z DaY GZY A^dc! )&- Hi ?d]c Hi " :8&K )C? DA9G:9A>DCI=:6IG:#8D#J@ ™ %'% ,-(, ,-&+

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25th | tuesday

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25th | tuesday

28th | aug & 11th | sep

every tuesday


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26th | wednesday

28th - 31st

every fri/sat/sun

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Camberwell remembers

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4 thinking minds

RESIDENTS OF FIRE-STRICKEN ESTATE IN SOUTH LONDON CREATE MEMORIAL GARDEN FOR VICTIMS Six year-old Brasilian Tais Francisquini always looked forward to the weekends. Saturday was when she played with some 40 other children from the Sceaux Gardens Estate in Camberwell, and when she attended the Saturday Art Club organised by the South London Gallery (SLG), next door. Every Saturday, surrounded by South American, African and English families, Tais played in the gardens, skated, danced and painted. Her mother, Dayana, looked after her younger brother Filipe, 3, whilst their father Rafael worked as a kitchen porter struggling to provide a better life for his family. Residents of a working-class area with high levels of crime, living in an old building of dubious standards of safety, the Francisquinis were planning to return to Brasil next year when, on July 3rd, the tragic fire at Lakanal House claimed six victims, amongst them Tais, Dayanal and Felipe. Since then, the Saturday Art Club has not

been the same: everyone was deeply shocked by the events. As a result of actions by local residents, and with the help of the SLG, a memorial garden is to be created, with cherry trees to represent each of the victims of the fire.

SLG’s Local Projects | For two

capoeira in her work, to encourage young people to explore their local environment, feel safe, and have fun whilst out on the street. Although some of the projects have come to an end, local residents continue to maintain their garden and allotment, with potatoes, lettuce, peas and strawberries (which passing children never fail to pick).

and a half years, the SLG has been working with families living in the Sceaux Gardens Estate, with Big Lottery funding. Known as ‘Making Play’, the project will run for a total of three years, focusing on fostering the relationship between contemporary art and child’s play. To set up a play centre, SLG acquired an old beauty salon opposite Lakanal House. Every six months, a different artist takes over, working together with the local community. The next project will be run by Lottie Child, who has 7 years of experience in street dance. Having just returned from a residency in São Paulo, Lottie will be using

According to Frances Williams, the Head of Education at SLG, the tragedy has at least resulted in closer contact between the gallery, Southwark Council and the local Residents’ Association, as they tried to help Sceaux Gardens residents in the aftermath of the fire. An emergency fund was set up for the families at Lakanal House to provide clothes, food and counselling, and the money left over will go to the Memorial Garden fund. Contributions for the emergency fund can be made at fusearts.org. ,&


Donations |

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IN THE VAST PLAINS OF PANTANAL, WONDEROUS WILDLIFE WATCHES A VISITOR'S EVERY STEP The tarmac turned into a long, snaking, rutted-dirt track as I bounced around in a truck with strangers. We crunched to an abrupt halt to allow a heron to strut past. The stark surroundings kicked in and a restless spirit lingered at midday. Snippets of brown from the murmuring river pierced the thickets. We jumped out to stretch our legs and in our midst an obscure figure overshadowed us. “Are you scared? Are ya?” Paulo, our guide asked. Should I be, if someone holds up a four-foot reptile and cocks its face close to ours as if it were an AK47? After a forced smile I urged Crocodile

Dundee to release his hostage back to where it belonged. This isn’t how I wanted to get up close and personal with the wild. Nor was this just a playground for animals. This is the Pantanal where myriad wildlife loiters over extensive, miry plains in Brasil’s Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul states that reach portions of Bolivia and Paraguay. It’s also the world’s largest freshwater wetland, harbouring abundant fauna and flora, and boasts more wildlife than the Amazon.

Chance meetings |

The road spilled into a river and we waddled into a

motor boat. “Look. There’s a familiar face,” Paulo shouted. Ash-coloured caimans rooted to the banks and gazed at us with the scrutiny of a police force. An incense of fresh mud and fauna masked the engine’s nose-wrinkling fumes. It was June and the chilled weather meant that mosquitoes couldn’t get up to much mischief. The breeze slapped the greenery around and howler monkeys squealed and peered over us through brambles that hovered at skyscraper heights. An otter took us by surprise as he leapt out of the water, twitching his nose and whiskers against

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the ripples from our whizzing boat. “Say hello to your furry friends.” Paulo pointed towards a wisp of shrubs. There in the bareness stood a band of what looked like giant, genetically modified rats without tails. Capivaras, Paulo explained. They held their head up high, glancing at us nonchalantly, but my breath soared as I was hypnotised by their size. “That one there weighs sixty kilos. Hundred dollars a kilo if you want to buy,” Paulo teased. These mighty beasts would definitely stop people in their tracks were they ever to be sighted on the London Underground. Nearby, a school of pink dolphins skimmed

past – yet another breed of species unknown to me. I smirked as the capivaras threw them a jealous glance for stealing the show. As the last flicker of daylight faded, Paulo beckoned us to leave the boat and head for camp. We gathered around a fire with generous helpings of cachaça. The warmth of the alcohol muffled the cold and my romance with the wild began. Above me shooting stars fired away through the Milky Way. After dinner we packed into a van to search for the king of the Pantanal – the jaguar. With torches shining back and forth, there was no sign of him. Paulo warned us,

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“It’s like the lottery.” The petroleum sky drilled with stars consoled me. Mirroring onto the passing waters, they sequenced the darkness with sparkles, bobbing in between the caimans’ red glares. As we returned to sleep in hammocks under thatched roofs, a chorus of cicadas interrupted the calm night. Wild during the day and coy at night the Pantanal shows a schizophrenic personality.

Flying Piranhas |

After a breakfast of “fruits from the forest”, we headed to a woodland, fringed with myrtle. We closed into the depths of silence, but

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Pantanal then a toucan swooped over the brambles into an open sky. We zoomed in to gape at purple clad macaws preening themselves with yellow beaks. The trail led to ring-tailed coatis lounging around the forest canopy, inspiring us to take a nap. But there was more to discover. Hawks, humming birds and the Amazon kingfisher flushed past. By late afternoon a wild-west theme took over. We rippled through marshlands on horseback. “Slow down” Paulo urged us when we raced through palm trees. “They’re here.” “Who?” I asked. Two bushy snouts roved in tandem through the grassroots. “Anteaters”. Our horses cantered parallel to them and on reaching a clearing their elegant, lengthy backs came into full view only to disappear through the dry marshes to snort whatever they could find. A herd of emu bolted through. Minutes later an armadillo scurried into hiding, dragging its cobbled and ribbed

shell along in a remote controlled fashion. Evening came and we mused over the orange gashes in the sky before the sun drowsed off into the swamps. More wilderness awaited us the next day. It didn’t help that I’m a vegetarian, but piranha fishing is something that other travellers wanted to get their teeth into. As I basked in the sun on board, others attached morsels of meat to a hook to serve as bait. After a series of screams and yelps, the piranhas came flying into the boat ready to almost knock me over. It was the first time I’d come across a hand-sized fish with a menacing, serrated jawline. It was obvious what was for dinner, but I much preferred to enjoy a tame night with more cachaça, campfires and star-lit nights before leaving it all behind the following day. ,& 8]ZX` e]did\gVe]Zg K^VccV h edgi[da^d d[ 7gVh^a^Vc l^aYa^[Z Vi ;A>8@G#8DB$?D6DK>6CC6

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Pantanal explorer



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OFF THE BEATEN TRACK TOURS IN THE PANTANAL The Pantanal is a vast area of wetlands larger in total size than the whole of Greece. To treat it as just one destination is a disservice to the diversity and range of this fascinating area made up of rivers, wetlands, savannah and rainforest. Thus, Jacada Travel decided to source and create a more imaginative and thorough way of experiencing this wilderness, using expert guides with the ability to take visitors to the less explored, pristine and abundant areas. Rather than staying in a single lodge, visitors have the opportunity to travel around the region, staying in private farmhouses and exploring all kinds of different habitats, from jaguar tracking and night time safaris to swimming with pink dolphins in the transitional area where the Amazon meets the Pantanal. All the tours are private and tailor-made, with a guide at your disposal so that the order of the day is very much up to them. This way it is possible to accommodate those with a special interest in any particular animal or activity, so if someone wants to see a particular type of macaw or monkey, the guides will have insider knowledge of the best time and place to see them. They are constantly researching, exploring and finding new unspoilt and more abundant places to take the visitors in this vast and beautiful wilderness. Jacada Travel | +44(0)800 756 6294 | www.jacadatravel.com

jungle guide 48

MESTIZO A Mexican feast for the senses in North London

Hit the cup to get a good taste

brasil's got good weed mate, a wholesome and adventurous option for tea drinkers It’s made with hot water and leaves, and can be enjoyed any time of day. So, whilst it’s not the most popular drink in Brasil, there’s every reason for Mate to suit the English taste for tea. Consumed in various concoctions throughout most of South America, Mate (pronounced "Mah-chi") was drunk by the Guarani Indians long before South America was colonised by the New World, and became a regular habit amongst inhabitants of Southern Brasil. If you’re not used to it, the bitterness of Mate - its most distinguishing feature – can be off-putting at first. But drinking Mate is good for your health, thanks to the flavonoids present in the leaves, which combat high cholesterol and can help to prevent cardiac problems and diabetes. But turning out a good Mate isn’t as simple as making a cup of afternoon tea. You’ll need to equip yourself with a gourd (a cup made from calabash, a hard fruit skin) and a bomba (the special metal straw which filters the leaves). Then, sip it with care! JD by Isabel Marchezan KEY:




Ele é feito de água quente e erva, e vai bem a qualquer hora do dia. Por isso, apesar de não ser a bebida mais popular do Brasil, o chimarrão tem tudo para cair no gosto inglês. Bebida consumida, em diferentes versões na América do Sul, o chimarrão já era bebido pelos índios Guaranis antes da colonização do Novo Mundo. Por isso, acabou tornando-se hábito típico dos habitantes do Sul do Brasil. Quem não conhece, estranha imediatamente o amargor da bebida – característica mais marcante e mais apreciada da erva-mate. Mas ela também tem outros atributos: tomar mate faz bem à saúde graças à presença de flavonóides na erva, que baixam o colesterol no organismo e ajudam a prevenir problemas cardíacos e diabetes. Preparar um bom chimarrão, no entanto, é menos simples do que providenciar o chá da tarde. Além da erva, é preciso se equipar com cuia (recipiente feito a partir do porongo, que por sua vez é a casca rígida de um fruto) e bomba (o canudo que filtra a erva). Daí é só tomar, mas com cuidado! JD



bars & restaurants


Favela Chic has the best bean stew in town and Boi Gordo on Mare Street sells chicken hearts!!

to buy spilondon.com


up to £10* £10 - £20* £20+* *Price based on a meal with drink per person

Cibelle, Brasilian singer and East London lover

AGOSTO 2009 JungleDrums 47

bars & restaurants El Paso Cocktail bar and restaurant serving Mexican, Tex-Mex and vegetarian dishes.

and traditional favourites. Fish Taco £6.00


'el' full monty Being greeted by friendly staff, sitting down at the bar and drinking a margarita, is an excellent way to start the evening at a Mexican restaurant. But Mestizo isn’t just looking for inspiration from the other side of the Atlantic. Inaugurated 4 years ago, it’s been a pioneer in bringing high-quality Mexican style to London, moving well away from that same old Tex Mex. As well as the caprice of the kitchen, the restaurant is inviting, cool and modern. The impressive bar, with a selection of 130 brands of tequila, invites you to taste something different. Try the Cazadores: Bianco (light and crisp), Reposado (which spends two months in new barrels) and Añejo (oak-aged for a year). A good place to start the meal is the Mixed Antojitos Platter, a combination of Quesadillas, Jaladas (deliciously spicy!), Tamal and the famous Flautas, crispy-fried rolled tortilla flutes. For a main course, we tackled the house speciality, the Molcajete Mestizo, a traditional stone mortar overflowing with beef, chicken or vegetable with cheese, avocado and chorizo. As well as taking pride in their menu, Mestizo promote events and gastronomy festivals like the one taking place in September, which will take traditional Mexican dishes to 10 different regions – all prepared with care by people who know their national food well, and are proud of what’s in the name of their restaurant: the meeting of Europe with Latin America.

26 - 30 Stoke Newington Church St, N16 0LU Stoke Newington rail


north LONDON

BENITO’S HAT L Mexican Burritos, tacos, salads, beer and cocktails. Main meal and drink - £7.00

Barrio North Latino-style ‘street food’ served, DJs and events. Brasilian Wax Cocktail £6.75

56 Goodge Street, W1T 4NB Goodge Street

45 Essex Road, N1 2SF Angel

0207 637 3722 BENITOS-HAT.COM

0207 485 4738 BARRIONORTH.COM

SEE p.49

Café Rio Feijoada and steaks prepared the Brasilian way. Prato Rio - £9.80

Canecão Pool tables and Brasilian football on TV. Moqueca Fish - £7.90

6 Grafton Way, W1T 5DS Warren Street

17 York Way, N7 9QG Caledonian Road

0207 387 2285

0207 485 4738 canecaolondon.com

0207 240 6926 CAFECANELA.COM

46 South Molton St, W1K 5RX Bond Street

77-78 Upper Street, N1 0NU Angel

91-93 Great Eastern St, EC2A Old Street 0207 613 5228 • FAVELACHIC.COM

020 7987 9494 020 7626 5180 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

Tortilla Fresh, affordable CalifornianMexican cuisine. Burritos £4.50 - £5.50

Green and Red, Bar and Cantina Authentic Jaliscan food and the biggest selection of tequila in the UK. Late-night DJ bar.

CASA BRASIL TimeOut - recommended. Authentic home-made food. Moqueca de Peixe - £8.90 289 Regents Park Rd, N3 3JY Finchley Central SEE


020 7833 3103 • tortilla.co.uk



020 7247 5479

020 7287 9506 • FREGGO.CO.UK

Gaucho Serves steaks; chicken and fish dishes. Argentinean Beef Bbq - £20

Desperados Mexican Mexican food, cocktails and a great atmosphere. Beef Chimichangas - £10.95

125 Chancery Lane, WC2A 1PU Chancery Lane

127 Upper Street, N1 1QP Angel

0871 4263493 • buenayre.co.uk



Chilango A burst of Mexican flavour. Chicken Burrito £5.40

Guanabara Food, live music and even dance classes. Moqueca Fish Stew - £12.50

El-Vaquero Argentinean Meats served off the skewer. Meat or fish with salad buffet - £19.95

Parker Street, WC2B 5PW Holborn

The London Equestrian, N12 7BP Mill Hill East

Intertrans Café Brasilian snacks & Money Transfer service. 35 Oxford Street W1D 2DT Tottenham Court Rd

0208 343 4161 ELVAQUERO .CO.UK

GARUFA Premium selection of meat and wines carefully sourced from Argentina. Grilled Rib Eye Steak (300gr) with garnish £16.00

51 Bethnal Green Rd, E1 6LA Shoreditch

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine.

3 Bell Lane, E1 Liverpool Street/ Aldgate

0207 242 8600 GUANABARA.CO.UK

1 Bell Inn Yard, EC3V 0BL

020 7749 9670 greenred.co.uk

72 Upper Street, N1 ONY Angel

SEE p.04

5 Finsbury Avenue, EC2M 2PG 020 7256 6877

020 7226 5551 www.sabor.co.uk

Bankete Brasilian cuisine dishes, picanha and feijoada. Chicken Strogonoff £6.50

27-29 Swallow St., W1B 4QR Piccadilly

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

108 Essex Rd London, N1 8LX Angel

Cuba Libre & Havana Original restaurant with tapas, meals and cocktails. El Plato Cubano - £12.95


Favela Chic Seductive Latin flavours with French touches. Hand of God - £15

020 7354 1076 rodiziorico.com

13 Islington High St, N1 9LQ Angel

020 8371 1999

FREGGO Argentine ice cream bar offering a mouth watering range of flavours. Twoflavour cone £3.95

Rodízio Rico Eat-till-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50


29 Westferry Circus, E14 8RR

33 Earlham Street, WC2H 9LS Convent Garden

020 7495 1177 comidabar.co.uk

0207 739 4202

SABOR Latin American Food and cocktails with a fusion touch. Brasilian Moqueca £13.50

Canela Brasilian and Portuguese dishes. Feijoada - £5.90

Comida South American rodízio, with music, dancing and late bar. Lunch £16.90 Dinner £19.90

350-354 Old St, EC1V 9NQ Old St. SEE


Buen Ayre Argentinean steak house SEE p.51 Main meal and a drink £20 50 Broadway Market, E8 4QJ Cambridge Heath

Old Spitalfields Market - 1 Horner Square, E1 6AA Liverpool Street IGUANAS.CO.UK

Latin Square Havana Cocktail Bar & Restaurant, live music, cigars and Cuban and Latin American cuisine. 43-45 Farringdon Rd, EC1M Farringdon 020 7242 5080 latinsquare.co.uk

Raízes Grilled steaks and torresmo on the menu. Grilled rib £7 460 Hackney Road, E2 9EG Bethnal Green 020 7739 2009

27 Upper Street, N1 OPN Angel 020 704 2123

142 Fleet Street, EC4A 2BP City Thameslink

south east LONDON

020 7353 6761 Chilango.co.uk

Coffee Café Serves snacks and lunch Feijoada + Guaraná drink £5

Braziliana Home-made Brasilian snacks, sandwiches and cakes. Coxinha £1.50

68 Compton Street, EC1V Farringdon

72 Westow Hill, SE19 1SB

020 7253 1249

020 8964 3763

El Aguajal Peruvian Amazonian Specialities. Student Discount £6 Menu Mon-Fri till 3pm

Buenos Aires Café Argentinean beef, fresh pasta and Argentinean style pizzas. Grilled Bbq - £14.50 – £24

578, Kingsland Rd,E8 4AH Hackney SEE

17 Royal Parade, SE3 0TL Blackheath

020 7437 0400

3 course meal from £17 to £32 per person plus drinks. Bottle of house wine £12.50. Do not miss the Sunday Brunch all you can eat buffet for £19 pp. MESTIZO 103 Hampstead Rd, NW1 3EL Warren Street 020 7387 4064 mestizomix.com

48 JungleDrums AUGUST 2009

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine. Pescado con Coco - £11.50

104 Highbury Park, N5 2XE Arsenal 020 7226 0070 GARUFA.CO.UK

MERCADO BAR & CANTINA36 -38 Dean Street, W1D 4PS Leicester Square 0207 494 4716 • IGUANAS.CO.UK

Exciting cocktails and a great mix of Mexican home cooking

02079234883 elaguajal.co.uk




taste of brasil


O P E N E V E R Y D AY 1 1 . 3 0 - 1 0 P M * ( * 1 1 P M O N T H U R , F R I A N D S AT )

5 6 G O O D G E S T, L O N D O N W 1 T 4 N B

020 7637 3732

W W W. B E N I T O S - H AT. C O M T W I T T E R : B E N I T O S C H AT


bars & restaurants CONSTANCIA – ARGENTINE GRILL Argentine Steak House recently inaugurated. Ojo de Bife Argentino (310gr) - 11oz.Prime Argentine Rib-Eye £17.00 52 Tanner Street,SE1 3PH Borough 020 7234 0676 CONSTANCIA.CO.UK

SEE p.49


Café Estrela do Norte Portuguese cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. Spicy Francesinha £9.50

El Gaucho Grill Steak House £13.90 Chelsea Farmers Market,

294 Kingshill Av, UB4 8BX

South Kensington

28 Lower Marsh, SE1 7EG Waterloo 020 7928 8778 • cubana.co.uk

El Vergel Uniting aromatic and spicy Latin America with delicate Mediterranean flavours. 8 Lant St. SE1 1QR Borough 020 7357 0057 elvergel.co.uk

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20 2 More London Riverside, SE1 Tower Bridge 020 7407 5222 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

Ipanema Café Special daily dishes, feijoada, puddings and cakes. Buffet £1.20/100g

Fiesta Havana Cocktail lounge bar with tapas, live music and dance. Chorizio Quesadilla - £4.95

7-9 Queensway, W2 Queensway

490 Fulham Road SW6 5NH Fulham Broadway 020 7381 5891 Havanafulham.co.uk

SEE p.49

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20 Towpath, Richmond TW10 6UJ 020 7584 9901 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

Margarita Loca Latin Music, Mexican food and Cuban cocktails. Fajita King Prawn - £11.95 527 Battersea Park Rd, SW11 Clapham Junction Rail 0207 924 2772 margaritaloca.co.uk

La Bodeguita Tapas, fish and home-made Colombian food. £8 - 13

Preto Traditional Brasilian “rodízio” Live music on the weekends. Monday Lunch Buffet -£9.95

Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre, SE1 6TE Elephant & Castle

020 7233 8668

0207 701 9166 LABODEGUITA.CO.UK

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine Royal Festival Hall - SE1 8XX The O2 - SE10 0DS

72 Wilton Road, SW1V 1DE Victoria Tu Chicas Tasty food and flamboyant cocktails. Mexican dish £20 12 -14 Leopold Rd, SW19 7BD Wimbledon 0870 075 6933 tuchicas.co.uk

0207 494 4716 • IGUANAS.CO.UK

Rodízio Rico Eat-til-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table. Buffet £22.50, Veg £15.50

Santa Maria del Sur Argentinean grill house with live music on Mondays. Argentinean Steak £12, Vegetarian dishes £8 - £12

The O2, SE10 0AX North Greenwich

129 Queenstown Road, SW8 Battersea

0208 858 6333 rodiziorico.com


Tito's Peruvian Seafood, soups and risottos. Ceviche - £7.50

Sushinho Brasilian chic with Japanese efficiency. Sushinho roll £9

4-6 London Bridge St, SE1 9SG London Bridge

312-314 King's Rd, SW3 5UH South Kensington



south west LONDON Azteca Latin Lounge Mexican cuisine, mouth watering cocktails and beers. Latin bands and top DJs. 356 Kings Road, SW3 5ES

50 JungleDrums AUGUST 2009

0207 4851166

0871 3328774 elgaucho.co.uk

Cubana Bar & Restaurant Sample delicious tapas and speciality Cuban coffee or classic cocktail. Cantina lunch - 2 courses £6.95

85 Kentish Town Rd - NW1 Camden Town

0208 841 3488 GO.TO/ESTRELA

125 Sydney St - SW3 6NR South Kensington

west LONDON Café Bossa Nova Coxinhas and more. Spinach Risotto - £4.50


tailor-made taste Finding fast and delicious Mexican food in central London may seem like mission impossible: but not so for diners at Benito's Hat. Located on Goodge Street, Benito's Hat offers a unique Mexican menu made up from fresh ingredients and special blends of spices. With fast and friendly service, customers can choose the best ingredients for their burritos, tacos, salads and soups from the wide array at the counter. "The secret is the mix of spices and our special ways of cooking, like black beans flavoured with avocado leaves, chicken marinated overnight in chipotle chillies, cumin and cinnamon, and grilled vegetables such as chayote", reveals head chef, Felipe Fuentes Cruz. As for the most popular dishes, burritos lead the way. A burrito consists of a delicious mix of meat or vegetables with beans, rice, lettuce, cheese, sour cream and salsa wrapped together in a 12" flour tortilla. Plans are also afoot to launch a new Sunday menu which should include exciting traditional Mexican specialties such as Pozole - pork with guajilo chile, honey, corn and white hominy - and Tamales, so stay tuned. They also have a growing loyal following for their exciting cocktails such as the watermelon margarita, as well as a range of Mexican beers, freshly squeezed juices and fair-trade coffee. Braised Pork Burrito £5

339 B Portobello Rd, W10 5SA Ladbroke Grove

Benito’s Hat 56 Goodge Street, W1T 4NB Goodge Street Sun - Wed 11.30am - 22pm, Thu - Sat 11.30am - 23pm

0208 968 3050

020 7637 3732

Guanabana Famous Jerk chicken served with mango+papaya chutney. £7.85 - £12.75.


Gostosa Pizzeria Brasilian style pizzas and burgers. Freshly baked pizza buffet for £7.99 every day.

020 7792 9050 ipanemacafe.co.uk

159, High St Harlesden, NW10 Willesden Junction

Rodízio Rico Eat-till-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50

020 8963 1400

Royal Oak - 111 W2, Queensway 020 7792 4035 rodiziorico.com

SEE p.52

Made in Brasil Classic Brasilian fare, from seafood to meat and feijoada. Picanha Na Chapa £13.50 12 Inverness Street, NW1 Camden Town 020 7482 0777 made-in-brasil.co.uk

Mango Room Fish, meat and vegetarian food: a taste of the Caribbean. Goat Curry - £12

north west LONDON Amber Grill Rodizio Cuts of meat from skewers. Prime Rodízio £19.50 7, Station Road, NW10 4UP Willesden Junction 020 89631588 ambergrill.co.uk

Barraco The atmosphere of a Brasilian bar with live music Friday to Sunday. Chicken Hearts £6 10 Kingsgate Place, NW6 Kilburn 020 7604 4664 barracocafe.co.uk

10 - 12 Kentish Town Rd, NW1 Camden Town 020 74825065 mangoroom.co.uk

Mestizo Restaurant-bar offering a fine and authentic Mexican cuisine Enchiladas £12 103 Hampstead Rd, NW1 3EL Warren Street 020 7387 4064 mestizomx.com

SEE p.51

Braseiro Hot “home food” and salad on a self-service buffet. Buffet £7.50 256 High Road, NW10 Willesden Green

Sabor Brasileiro Brasilian fish and beef, game room, internet, bar/ lounge. Buffet £7.50 10% weekend discount 639 Harrow Road NW10 5NU Kensal Green 02089691149

020 8451 8902

Casa da Sogra Menu of Brasilian food and desserts. Main course around £7

Sabor Mineiro Typical dishes from Minas Gerais (but no alcoholic drinks). Buffet £6.50

4 Ferdinand Street, NW1 Camden Town

63 Station Road, NW10 4UX Willesden Junction

020 7284 0050 casadasogra.co.uk

020 8965 2050

Ferreira Delicatessen Sandwiches, meats, cheeses, wines, frozen + fresh food. Portuguese Nata Tart 70p 40 Delancey Street, NW1 Camden Town 020 7485 2351

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20 89 Sloane Avenue, SW3 3DX

The Cuban Long bar upstairs or dinner in the fiesta Room. Lamb Cubano - £10.95 Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd Camden Town 0870 850 8975 thecuban.co.uk

Xodó da Leninha Brasilian family run restaurant.

020 8948 4030

25 Swallow Street, W1B 4DJ 020 7734 4040 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

1024 Harrow Rd, NW10 5NS Kensal Green 020 8964 3763

taste of brasil


taste of brasil

Brazilian Café • Restaurant • Takeaway Genuine Home-made Cooking For Lovers Of Real Food Specialities include:

Moqueca de Peixe (Hake), Bacalhau à Brasileira (Baked Cod), Feijoada, Beef, Lamb, Chicken and Vegetarian Dishes


Owner - chef Edir is from Minas. Her traditional savoury pastries and desserts, not surprisingly, are simply out-of-this-world

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taste of brasil


jungle guide


jungle guide


jungle guide


jungle guide


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jungle guide


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KPDQZ + ,WPING WPING Do not hesitate and send us your raves and rants! JungleDrums p.o. box 49713 london wc1x 8ww inbox@jungledrums.org WE'RE ON THE MOVE Dear Jungle, Naz Vidas is an NGO which is part of the Naz Project London, and has been working with Portuguese-speaking communities in London since 1997 on sexual health issues, guiding people with HIV to free treatment and offering psychoemotional support to sufferers and their families. We would like to inform everyone that, due to expansion of our activities, we will be moving to a larger premises, on 30 Blacks Road, London, W6 9DT. Our telephone number is 020 8834 0232. José Resinente, email SPREADING THE WORD Hi there, I´ve seen your magazine and the Only When I Dance piece of news. I couldn´t go to the screening but my jobmates told me it was such a big success. Thank you because your magazine was a great help. Congratulations for your magazine as well. I have some Brasilian friends, and they told me about it to promote the event. So, I suppose you are quite popular in the Brasilian community. Congratulations! Kind regards, Pedro, email

MIS-TAKEN? I would like to bring to your attention to a couple of errors in last month's edition. On page 22 you have miss spelled Colombia; spelling it Columbia, furthermore on page 29 you have mistakenly put a picture of the Ecuadorian flag next to Colombia. I am a huge fan of the magazine and love it's funky style along with the varied and informative articles, I feel that the likes of Jungle are leading the way in promoting Latin American culture for future generations. I was thinking that in addition to your new restaurant guide you could extend the idea to the travel guide and show some of the exciting locations that Brasil's neighbours have to offer. Carl, email Dear Carl, First of all, thanks for your email. It’s really good to receive feedback from our readers so we know you're paying attention! Firstly, regarding the misspelling – actually this was deliberate: we were referring mainly to Columbus, the navigator, and not the country, hence the wordplay with both names (by the way, the nation is named after him). As for the flag – well, that was half a mistake: the flag we used is neither Ecuador’s nor Colombia’s, but the Colombian Navy flag which used to be the official national one until quite recently. It’s really similar to Ecuador but the coat of arms is definitely different. THE JOURNALIST SAYS: I’d like to congratulate JungleDrums. The articles are always interesting and well written and the design is modern and attractive. And I know what I’m talking about, because I’m a journalist! Marco Sanchotene, email

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What do you do for a living? I'm a gallery assistant and a cinema student. How did you find out about Jungle? Whilst eating "coxinha" at a Brasilian cafe in Central London. Why do you read Jungle? In brings us Brasilian culture and how its reflected in London. What's your favourite section? Travel tips - I like to read and think about Brasil and remember how great it is to travel around the country. But in different editions I found different things interesting, so I guess depends on what's going on! Do you have a favourite article in the magazine?

I really liked the article with City of God's producers telling us about the social projects and many things that resulted from the making of the film. And the piece about graffiti in the Northeast of Brasil. What would you like to see more of in the magazine? Films, and what Jungle is doing, like events and other stuff. What is your favourite place in Brasil? Rio Tavares (Florianópolis), Ilha de Itaparica (Bahia), Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, it's hard to decide... Who is your favourite famous Brasilian? Rodrigo Santoro will be too much of a cliche but well.... he is great and Brasilian. ,&

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Where does the door think it's going? What is the window looking at? Why doesn’t the ceiling fall in? What is the wall waiting for?

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how skate culture rode in on modern brasilian street art




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