JungleDrums issue 73 September 2009

Page 1



leader of the


selton mello heads the brasilian cinema invasion WIN TICKETS AND DISCOUNTS FOR THE MOVIE MARATHONS



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Stockwell, a play based on the death of Jean Charles de Menezes. Using the official transcripts, the play gives the public the chance to make up their own minds in relation to the tragedy. 4GCF CNN CDQWV KV QP 2CIG




for Mestizo’s feast for the senses. The Mexican restaurant will be hosting its fourth Gastronomic Week till September 13th, featuring cuisines from 10 Mexican regions. /QTG KP QWT ,WPING )WKFG

take on the King of Pop. The Miami-based Brasilian artist, who mounted a 45-foot pyramid in Hyde Park two years ago, is showing a series of works commissioned by Michael Jackson himself as well as some of his new works. (KPF QWV OQTG QP RCIG

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TO WITNESS THE RETURN of Brasilian fashion duo InĂĄcio Ribeiro and Suzanne Clements at London Fashion Week. Four years after their last appearance, InĂĄcio and Suzanne will be part of the British Fashion Council's official 25th anniversary celebrations. 5GG HQT [QWTUGNH QP RCIG

Ydc i b^hh A WHOLE NEW

trend in Brasilian cinema, symbolised by "Apenas o Fim" shot on a shoestring budget but highly praised by critics. Just one of many Brasilian productions being shown in London. 5GG OQTG QP RCIG




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Summer might be gone, but a whole range of Brasilian movies will keep London warm

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DESTINATION Cabaceiras: the mysteries and curiosities of a town known as the “Brasilian Roliúde”




Mario Testino declares his love to Rio in a glossy, sassy (and sandproof) coffee-table book

The projects trying to make the cinema experience less of a luxury item for ordinary Brasilians

16mm: for anyone who fancies a rib-eye steak with chips while watching a movie in Soho





The bible to what’s going on in town

A complete guide for the film festivals

Your rants and raves

In-house conjectures and speculations

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What is the best Brasilian film of all time?

adcYdc l^i] V il^hi Getting invited to be a Media Partner for a London film festival is a great honour. Getting invited to two, is an even greater one. Itโ s proof that the Brasilian film industry is going strong enough to secure two places on the much-coveted cultural calendar of Britainโ s capital. Itโ s also proof that Jungle is reaching the right people and, through a lot of effort, winning a place in the hearts of those who see London differently. A London with a Brasilian twist, as our slogan goes. Itโ s for this audience, which never stops growing, that weโ ve been preparing our film guide, together with the help of the journalist Flรกvia Guerra. Itโ s a guide to this monthโ s unmissable opportunities to see Brasilโ s many different faces, with which we often adorn these pages, on the big screen.

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,WNKCPQ <CRRKC GFKVQT KP EJKGH Ps: Holding true to our promise for an exciting 2009, weโ re proud to be co-producing Brazil Week in Oxford and London, with a concert from Adriana Calcanhotto, and bringing a special surprise for our 7th birthday. Keep an eye out next month!

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Heathrow Underground WHERE CAN I FIND MY JD?

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Central Station shows people a more realistic picture of what Brasil is like for ordinary people, away from the glamour of the beaches of Rio. And also of course it is such a wonderful story! James Moseley, London



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(Roda de Conversa + Três na Grã-Bretanha)


tres featuring


calcanhotto 27 Oct Oxford

28 Oct Oxford





Round table on



29 Oct Oxford

Premiere The premiere of of documentary the documentary

St. Hildaʼs College 01865 270750 www.st-hildas.ox.ac.uk

In Full All

30 Oct London

with dir. Nicole Algranti and biographer Teresa Montero

O2 Academy Islington 020 7288 4400

£12 adv

tickets from www.ticketweb.co.uk Sponsored by

Ethnographic Film Series Q&A with director Nicole Algranti

pictures pictures Isabel Isabel Diegues Diegues

more info at www.jungledrumsonline.com Produced by

YKP CINEMA OF BRASIL BRAZIL -- URBAN URBAN TALES TALES As a media partner, Jungle is offering the exclusive chance to be at the closing gala of the Barbican's Brasilian Film Festival. Enter to win a pair of tickets. tickets

YOUR TICKETS TO RIDE LONDON ON THE CHEAP In this edition, we bring you some more special offers from some of our partners. From discounts at the Barbican's Cinema of Brazil: Urban Tales festival to a handy bill relief at Preto's rodizio. Enjoy!


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©<AA¡ 8;<D Millions of people fall in love with Rio de Janeiro every minute, be it in the flesh or from a distance. But you could probably count the number of people who have immortalised their impressions of this city on the rest of the world, on one hand: One of them is Mario Testino. The sacred photographer, whose lenses have captured a vast array of famous faces from Gisele Bündchen to Lady Di, launches Mario de Janeiro Testino, this month, an impressive coffeetable book with stunning photos from the city. The publication features natural landscapes and the well-toned bodies of beautiful young men and women – including Gisele herself, though she was born far from ‘the marvellous city’, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Sand and sea dominate the 200 pages of the book, which gets a special treatment from Taschen, a publishing house that specialises in visual treats to grab attention, in the form of a special transparent cover to protect it from sand. There are a few, more risqué images, such as a nude shot of Brasilian actress Fernanda Lima, as well as the obligatory snaps of the carioca carnival. Born in Peru to Italian-Irish parents, Testino's love affair with Rio began long before he became one of the world's most famous photographers. "When I was 14, on holiday, and going from my house to the beach and seeing everyone walk everywhere in their tiny bathing suits - the girls and boys were so sexy and carefree and wild I just could not believe it," says Testino, who made many more celebrity friendships on subsequent trips to the city: in fact, the preface to Mario de Janeiro Testino is written by no less than Caetano Veloso. ,&


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XaVhh^X gZk^h^iZY Brasil, 1916: an important encounter between three great composers - two Brasilian, Heitor Villa-Lobos and Ernesto Nazareth and one French, Darius Milhaud – opens up a channel of ideas which is instrumental in the development of Brasilian music. Inspired by the historical meeting, pianist Marcelo Bratke presents the project "Carnival Trilogy" in London, bringing pieces written by said composers to the public, in the form of a musical journey from classical to pop. “They shared a common capacity to understand the world through sounds. I believe I have it too, perhaps because of the problem I’ve had all my life,” says Bratke, who was born with minimal vision and only started seeing at 44. His next project is 'Villa Lobos Worldwide', which aims to strengthen Brasil's cultural heritage. ,& D[ %CTQN /QTCPFKPK

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He fell asleep smoking a fag...



This month, London is privvy to a little bit of what Brasil’s new artists have been creating. As part of the mega London Design Festival, the Brazil Illustrated show at Gallery 32 includes distinctive works from the illustrators Bruno Kurru, Wagner Pinto, and Eduardo Recife. Young Bruno Kurru seeks a response to the environment in which he exhibits, and his work has a strong relationship with sketching and other design languages. A graphic designer by training, Bruno spoke about his expectations for the London festival: “For me, the most important aspect is being able to experience a new sensation in relation to my work, in producing and presenting something for a new audience, in a new place.” In contrast, Wagner Pinto mixes design and painting, using elements from Indigenous and Afro-Brasilian folklore and from nature. “My background is in graphic art and design which I studied in Porto Alegre, and I’ve worked as a designer and art director, as well as in set-design for a while in São Paulo, so it would be impossible not to have absorbed the processes from these different areas, I use them in my work and in my day to day as an artist”, says the illustrator, talking about this opportunity for him to exhibit in a design show. Last but not least is Eduardo Recife from Belo Horizonte, who creates pieces using a combination of textures, patterns as objects, superposed in bright, colourful works. To find out more about the illustrators, see menteprivada.com, for Bruno Kurru; wagnerpinto.com; and eduardorecife.com. ,& D[ )NCWEG .WECU


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BRASILIAN PAINTER ROMERO BRITTO HONOURS MJ IN LONDON EXHIBIT What brings together people as different as Bill Clinton, Michael Jordan, Arnold Schwarzenegger and even the King of Spain? The answer can be found in the coloured brush strokes of the Pernambucan artist Romero Britto, who now resides in Miami and whose unmistakeable style has conquered admirers from all four corners of the globe. One of them is no longer with us, and Britto pays homage to him in his exhibition which will come to London on the 17th. Who is it? No less than the eternal king of pop, Michael Jackson. “I met Michael when he asked me to do the cover art for a CD in aid of the families of the September 11th victims. Then he threw a party for me in Neverland,” Britto recalls. The painter, who has already exhibited his pop art in London before, and even had a 30metre hand-painted high pyramid exhibited in Hyde Park in 2007, will be showing 30 new works, including paintings and sculptures. As well as paying homage to MJ, he will be celebrating “friendship and happiness”. “I make art out of happiness, from love and peace. I don’t want to bring fear and axiety to my painting,” says Britto, who, as well as adorning the walls of the famous and the unknown alike, has also created images for a range of products, such as notebook covers, pop cans, and even customised automobile parts. In response to those who label his work as commercial, the Pernambucan says “I want my images to be part of the day-to-day for lots of people and to participate in their lives. It doesn’t matter if it’s a sculpture or a postcard.” ,& D[ /QTGPC /CFWTGKTC

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AFTER 3 YEARS AWAY FROM THE CATWALK, CATWALK, BRASILIAN BRASILIAN FASHION FASHION DUO DUO RETURN RETURNTO TO UK UK The The fashion fashion industry industryisisanxiously anxiouslyawaiting awaitingthe the return of designer duo Clements Ribeiro at London Fashion Week, on on 24-27th 24-27th September, September, after after aa three-year three-year absence from the catwalks. The niche magazine Dazed and Confused, for example, said it was “holding its breath” in anticipation of the label's new ready-to-wear collection. Inácio Inácio Ribeiro Ribeiro and Suzanne Suzanne Clements Clementshave havebeen beena a couple since they met at Central Saint Martins, and have two children. Revered as much in Brasil as in the UK, they have a discreet, cool and and elegant elegant style style which which is is replicated replicated in in their theirdesigns. designs. Their Theirefforts effortstotodo domore morethan thanjust just reproduce reproducetrends trendsmeans meanstheir theircreations creations are are timeless. timeless. The new The new collection collection was developed was developed using using innovative innovative handwork, involving handwork, graphic involving printing graphic andprinting knitting. and “ We knitting. believe“ there’s We abelieve huge demand there’s afor huge quality, demand hand-made for quality, products hand-made that are, at products the same that time, are,unique,” at the same saystime, Inacio. unique,” says Inácio. In Intheir theirtime timeaway awayfrom fromthe thespotlight spotlight(“we (“wewere werebored bored with the traditional format of the catwalks,” revealed the Brasilian), Clements Ribeiro were working on limited edition collections. Their new collection is hot out of the oven, influenced by the creations in previous years. What about their return to the catwalk? “Our show will be a new space within fashion week. There’ll be smaller rooms to create an intimate atmosphere, the very way we want our collection to be shown,” concludes the designer. ,&

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PLAY REVISITS THE TRAGEDY OF JEAN CHARLES DE MENEZES' DEATH Four years ago, the theatre director Sophie Lifschutz was in Germany, when she heard the news of Jean Charles de Menezes’ death by police officers in London’s Stockwell station. Confused for a terrorism suspect, Menezes was shot seven times in the head, inside a stationary tube carriage. “The general feeling was of shock, as any one of us could have been on the receiving end of those bullets”, recalls Sophie. Even after all this time, the Menezes case is still an open wound in London's side, and memory of the event is kept alive in the play Stockwell, a partnership between director, Sophie, and writer Kieron Barry, now showing at the Tricycle Theathre, in Kilburn. After gaining access to the transcripts from the inquiry into the case, Barry realized the dramatic potential of the testimonies, and invited Sophie, who he’d worked with before, to direct a play about the questioning. On stage, eight actors play thirty characters, reconstructing, through the real-life testimonies, all of the moments which led to one of the most violent mistakes by the London Metropolitan Police. For the set, the director preferred to use only chairs. “The play didn’t need more adding to it; the story telling should be the centre of attention, especially because there is so much involved in this case”, she explains. Stockwell has received good reviews in the British press, which used the opportunity to address the continued perplexity at police violence. “We all need to think about this story. The police, in theory, should protect us. I think that, for all Londoners, this was a terrible event.”, concludes the director. ,& D[ #TVWTQ /GUVCP\C %QUVC

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gddih i]Vi \d oZZe Zeep's new album can be compared to a tree reaching out, taking new influences with every growth. With the roots coming from Brasil and the UK it has sapped up a range of musical styles to produce an album of sublime quality. The notable highlights are Desert, an intense song about an agonising breakup set to the sounds of a galloping horse through an oasis. For creativity, Ghost Town, with its Brasilian adaptation through Portuguese lyrics set to the familiar British Pop and Jamaican reggae original, is an outstanding example of musical innovation. It is a production without categorisation, leaving it beautifully open to a diversity of influences. ‘People and Things’ delves into the human condition with open eyes and sensitivity. It is created with intelligence, sophistication and a deep-rooted awareness. ,&

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brasilian cinema

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cover feature


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“I don’t distinguish between cinema and life itself. And a country’s filmography is a wonderful clue about who we are and what we represent.” Selton Mello might have uttered these words in passing, during his exclusive interview with Jungle but, in fact, they perfectly define Brasilian cinema today. This month, London will be able to enjoy numerous examples from a new wave of Brasilian cinema, which is coming to invade the city’s big screens. In addition to a film premier open to the public, there are two festivals this month, with more than 40 productions on show, from shorts to long features to documentaries. Plus dozens of special guests, debates, seminars and, of course, prizes. From 8th September to 8th October, the Barbican is promoting Cinema of Brazil, which this year focuses on the theme ‘Urban Tales’, bringing 11 features and four documentaries. To complete this decidedly green and yellow month, the I Cine Fest Brasil-London will be taking place from the 17th to 20th September at Riverside Studios, with most of the movies showing for the first time in the UK and, in some cases, Europe. The cultural productions on show at the Barbican and Riverside Studios are, just like the South American giant, varied, multicultural and multicoloured; a most high quality blend. Although he won’t be in London in person to see his theory in action, Selton Mello will attend the events on screen, in two of the festivals’ main attractions. As an actor, he has pride of place at Urban Tales on the 13th in My name ain’t Johnny, and has his directing debut in the UK premiere of Happy Christmas on 1st October, followed

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brasilian cinema by a Q&A with the actress Graziela Moretto. With these two feature-length films alone, Selton proves that he is more than just one of Brasil’s biggest actors. Selton is the face of new, young Brasilian cinema, who has learnt to defy the labels he has been given and created for himself in recent years. Euphemisms aside, it could be said that Brasilian cinema today is on its way to establishing itself in the world of international cinema, not just as a genre or fashion, but as a fertile and sustainable industry, capable of producing more than a hundred films per year, and of filling the rows at two film festivals in one of the world’s cultural capitals. Selton Mello agrees: “The interest in [Brasilian] cinema is huge. I’ve participated


in many festivals all over Europe, and there’s a lot of curiosity as to what we think about film, and about life.” The actor, who can’t come to London because he’s already representing a – much awaited - EnglishBrasilian co-production, Jean Charles, at the Toronto Cinema Film Festival, also reveals: “I’m so proud to know my work as a director will be shown at the Barbican. Directing was a way of expressing myself more freely, putting something from my point of view, ceasing to be a character and showing what’s going on in my heart and mind.” Selton is already having a second shot at directing: “I’m preparing my next feature film, Filme de Estrada (Road Movie). I’m going to have two roles, acting and directing. It’s going to be a lot of work but I know it’s going to be a great experience.” Adriana Rouanet, who has been organising the Barbican festival for the last three years, underlines the importance of new perspectives on Brasil. “It’s about time that we went further, and showed that Brasilian cinema is much more than favelas and violence. Without wanting to deny their existence - it is important and helps us to understand our own society - the new wave of national cinema is proof that Brasil has more than this,” she says. For this reason, Rouanet and the Barbican chose Urban Brasil as the theme for the third edition of the festival, which is already a firm fixture on London’s cultural agenda. But if you thought it would be hard putting a programme together, you’d be wrong. “It

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was hard, it was because we had so many high-quality titles. There’s proof that our culture is transcending the usual stereotypes in the number of productions which talk about [Brasil as] an enormous, metropolitan country, full of issues which permeate the life of anyone who lives in the big cities”, says the organiser. If variety is the order of the day, then the second festival, I Cine Fest BrasilLondon will also contribute to doing away with stereotypes in Brasilian cinema. Already a prestigious event in New York, Miami, Barcelona, Rome, Vancouver and Madrid, the festival is now making its way to London, and bringing with it the latest releases from 2008/2009. “Our intention is always to bring new films with us, most of which are box-office hits in Brasil and which are being shown abroad for the first time. That’s because we want to establish a market for Brasilian films, not just hold a one-off event,” explains Adriana Dutra, one of the founders of the company Inffinito and director of the festival. Keeping up with the demand for new ideas, the Barbican is organising a symposium later this year to discuss the market and partnerships between Brasil and England – which have no official co-production agreements. For example Jean Charles, a film which had the undeniable potential to generate profits on both side of the Atlantic, was made with considerable sacrifice, as director Henrique

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cover feature

Goldman Goldmanputs putsitithimself. himself.“The “Thelack lackofof an anofficial officialaccord accordmade madeaaco-production co-production virtually virtuallyimpossible. impossible.ItItwas wasonly onlywith with enormous enormoushelp helpfrom fromthe theUK UKFilm FilmCouncil Council and andAcine Acinethat thatititwas waspossible possibletotomake makeJean Jean Charles. Charles.I Ihope hopethe thefilm filmcan canbe beaamodel modelfor for future futureagreements agreementsbetween betweenthe thetwo two countries”, countries”,says saysGoldman, Goldman,who whohas hasyet yet to toset setaadate datefor forthe thefilm’s film’sUK UKrelease. release. Whilst Whilstwe’re we’rewaiting waitingfor forJean JeanCharles Charlestotohit hit the theEnglish Englishscreens, screens,cinephiles cinephilesininLondon London can cancatch catchup upwith withanother anothergreat greatexample exampleofof variety varietyand andmulticulturalism multiculturalismfrom fromBrasil. Brasil. Birdwatchers, Birdwatchers,from fromthe theChilean/Italian Chilean/ItalianMarco Marco Bechis, Bechis,isisone oneofofthe thebest bestfilms filmsofofthe thenew new wave. wave.Produced Producedby byGullane GullaneFilmes, Filmes,ititwas was shown shownat atthe theVenice VeniceFilm FilmFestival Festivallast lastyear year and andwas waspraised highly praised by critics. byTo critics. complete To this

complete this cycle of Brasilian films, it’s worth noting that the Brasilian Cinema Programme has just launched “Made in Brazil”, a campaign for international film distribution. “For now we have about 15 thousand dollars, but we want to up the amount and our activities. It’s important that we mark our territory on the world circuit”, explains the programme’s international consultant, Rachel Monteiro. And what’s that got to do with this month’s festivals? Everything. Opening up a space for Brasilian cinematography on international screens also represents an increase in the chances for future co-productions, which also lead to greater opportunities for future international distribution and sales.

Whether practice makes perfect, only time will tell. But it wouldn’t be exaggerating to say that Brasil is taking huge strides forward. “There’s no lack of demand. We produce around 200 films a year. Of those, I could say with certainty that 50 are excellent. What needs to happen is that they have to reach the public. And that’s our mission”, says Adriana Dutra, who is also a director and is bringing her own documentary, Fumando Espero, to London or its UK premiere on the 19th. If London continues to invest in its romance with Brasilian cinema – and if Brasilian film production continues in the rhythm of the last few years – Selton will certainly have no trouble finding screens to show his films in over here. ,&

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brasilian cinema | guide



Feliz Natal

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cover feature



Only When I Dance

The Conception


Favela on Blast

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DE:C>C< <6A6 DE:C>C< <6A6

If Nothing Else Works Out

Se nada mais der certo 9>G 9>G ?DHw :9J6G9D 7:ABDCI: ?DHw :9J6G9D 7:ABDCI: Q&A Q&A with with director director JosĂŠ JosĂŠ Eduardo Eduardo Belmonte Belmonte and and Milhem Milhem Cortaz Cortaz &./%% q HXdde^c\ i]Z 7Zhi ;^ab! 7Zhi &./%% q HXdde^c\ i]Z 7Zhi ;^ab! 7Zhi HXgZZceaVn VcY 7Zhi 6XigZhh eg^oZh Vi HXgZZceaVn VcY 7Zhi 6XigZhh eg^oZh Vi i]Z G^d >ciZgcVi^dcVa ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa! i]^h i]Z G^d >ciZgcVi^dcVa ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa! i]^h ^h V add` Vi V \gdje d[ [g^ZcYh! ^cXajY^c\ ^h V add` Vi V \gdje d[ [g^ZcYh! ^cXajY^c\ V YZWi"g^YYZc _djgcVa^hi VcY ]^h _jc`^Z V YZWi"g^YYZc _djgcVa^hi VcY ]^h _jc`^Z \^ga[g^ZcY! a^k^c\ a^[Z dc i]Z ZY\Z ^c \^ga[g^ZcY! a^k^c\ a^[Z dc i]Z ZY\Z ^c [gZcZi^X H d EVjad# EZiin Xg^bZ [gZcZi^X H d EVjad# EZiin Xg^bZ eVhh^dc '%%-! &'% b^c# eVhh^dc '%%-! &'% b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh

Master Building I]jghYVn q &% HZe i]

J@ EG:B>:G:

The Conception

A concepção 9>G ?DHw :9J6G9D 7:ABDCI: Q&A with director JosĂŠ Eduardo Belmonte &-/&* q I]Z Ă’ab ZmeadgZh i]Z ]ZYdc^hi^X cVijgZ d[ i]Z X]^aYgZc 7gVh^aÉh XVe^iVa ]Vh egdYjXZY " eg^k^aZ\ZY nZi YVc\Zgdjhan ^c lVci d[ ViiZci^dc# '%%*! .+ b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh#

Edificio master 9>G :9J6G9D 8DJI>C=D

&+/%% q 6c ^ci^bViZ YdXjbZciVgn dc i]Z a^kZh d[ i]Z gZh^YZcih d[ V \Vg\VcijVc 8deVXVWVcV VeVgibZci WadX`# '%%'! &&% b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh

I]jghYVn q &,i] HZe

Lower City

Cidade baixa 9>G HwG<>D B68=69D &+/&* q ;jaa d[ kZgkZ! i]^h hZVg^c\ VYY^i^dc id i]Z Ăˆ7gVh^a^Vc cZl lVkZÉ ^h ^bWjZY l^i] i]Z k^WgVci higZZi he^g^i d[ i]Z gZY"a^\]i Y^hig^Xi d[ HVakVYdg! i]Z ĂˆAdlZg 8^inÉ# '%%,! ., b^c

La Terra Degli Uomini Rossi 9>G B6G8D 7:8=>H >c BVid <gdhhd Yd Hja i]Z [Vgb^c\ XaVhhZh aZVY V lZVai]n VcY aZ^hjgZan a^[ZhinaZ# BZVcl]^aZ! i]Z ^cY^\Zcdjh <jVgVc^" @V^dl{ eZdeaZ a^kZ Vc jcZVhn Zm^hiZcXZ dc i]Z [g^c\Zh d[ i]Z [VgbZgh aVcY# DcZ hj^X^YZ WZ\^ch id hi^g je V gZWZaa^dc l^i]^c i]Z adXVa <jVgVc^" @V^dl{ Xdbbjc^in# >iVan 7gVh^a! '%%-! &%- b^c! ^c Edgij\jZhZ VcY <jVgVc^ l^i] :c\a^h] HjWi^iaZh

9DJ7A: 7>AA " J@ EG:B>:G:

Movies I Didn’t Make Os Filmes que não fiz 9>G <>A7:GID H86GE6

HVijgYVn q &'i] HZe


&./%% q 6 XdbZYn VWdji i]Z bV`^c\ d[ V Wjhn Y^gZXidg nZi id egdYjXZ V bdk^Z# '%%-! &+ b^c

If I Were You 2

9DJ7A: 7>AA " J@ EG:B>:G:

You, Me and Him CafĂŠ com leite 9>G 96C>:A G>7:>GD

&-/(% q >c WZilZZc k^YZd\VbZh VcY \aVhhZh d[ b^a`! eV^c VcY Y^hVeed^cibZci 9Vc^ad! AjXVh VcY BVgXdh aZVgc ]dl id a^kZ id\Zi]Zg# '%%,! &- b^c

Se eu fosse vocĂŞ 2 9>G 96C>:A ;>A=D

The Ballroom

Q&A with actress GlĂłria Pires &./&* q 8a{jY^d VcY =ZaZcV YZX^YZ id Y^kdgXZ Vh i]Zn Ă’cY dji i]Vi i]Z^g Z^\]iZZc"nZVg"daY YVj\]iZg ^h VWdji id \Zi bVgg^ZY VcY i]Vi i]Zn l^aa WZ \gVcYeVgZcih# '%%.! &%% b^c

&-/*% q >c Vc daY"i^bZ YVcXZ ]Vaa ^c H d EVjad! dcZ ZkZc^c\ ^h Vaa ^i iV`Zh [dg bZZi Y^[[ZgZci X]VgVXiZgh id bZZi Vh i]Zn iVa`! Ă“^gi VcY! d[ XdjghZ! YVcXZ# '%%-! .' b^c

Chega de Saudade 9>G A6ĂžH 7D96CO@N

H:I:B7GD '%%. ,WPING&TWOU '.

brasilian cinema | guide ... EAT LOADS OF POPCORN AND HAVE A LAUGH


If I Were You 2


Thatโ s It


96C>:A ;>A=D B6I=:JH HDJO6 B6G8D 7:8=>H 6h lZaa Vh V F 6 l^i] VXgigZhh <aย g^V 6lVgYZY 7Zhi ;^ab Wn i]Z ejWa^X Vi G^dร h I]Z >cY^\Zcdjh fjZhi^dc VcY ^hhjZ d[ aVcY E^gZh! >[ > LZgZ Ndj ' ^h V [jc lVn id heZcY '%%- ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa! I]Viร h >i ^h Vc Vbjh^c\ Y^hejiZh ^c XdciZbedgVgn 7gVh^a VgZ YZVai Vc ZkZc^c\# 6cY ^iร h V \gZVi X]VcXZ id hZZ hijYn ^c ร YZh^gZ VcY i]Z [ZVg d[ adh^c\ l^i] hina^h]an VcY Z[[ZXi^kZan ^c i]^h >iVa^Vc" [dg ndjghZa[ l]n i]^h ine^XVaan 7gVh^a^Vc adkZร ! [gdb i]Z eZgheZXi^kZ d[ V \ZcZgVi^dc 7gVh^a^Vc Xd"egdYjXi^dc# 7^gYlViX]Zgh \di V WgVcY d[ XdbZYn [gdb i]Z Yjd <aย g^V l]d ]VkZ \gdlc je ZmX]Vc\^c\ iZmi VcY lVgb gZXZei^dc Vi i]Z '%%- KZc^XZ ;Zhi^kVa! VcY Idcn GVbdh ]Vh WZZc hd hjXZhh[ja BHC bZhhV\Zh! i]gdj\] i]Z hidgn d[ V VcY iZaah i]Z igjZ hidgn d[ i]Z <jVgVc^" ^c Wg^c\^c\ bdgZ i]Vc h^m b^aa^dc eZdeaZ ndjc\ XVg^dXV XdjeaZ wg^`V BVYZg VcY @V^dl{h l]d YVgZY id X]VaaZc\Z i]Z gVcX]" id 7gVh^a^Vc X^cZbVh i]^h nZVg# <gZ\ย g^d 9jk^k^Zg # dlcZgh ^c i]Z Hdji] d[ i]Z Xdjcign#

9DJ7A: 7>AA " J@ EG:B>:G:


Engano 9>G 86K> 7DG<:H '%/)* q DcZ bVc! dcZ ldbVc! dcZ X^in# Ild eaVch d[ hZfjZcXZh# '%%-! && b^c

Favela on Blast

9>G A:6C9GD =7A$L:HA:N E:CIO

'%/** q 9dXjbZciVgn/ 7V^aZ [jc` ^h egdWVWan dcZ d[ i]Z bdhi ^ciZgZhi^c\ bjh^XVa bdkZbZcih ^c i]Z ldgaY! VcY XdbZh [gdb i]Z hajbh d[ G^d YZ ?VcZ^gd [VkZaVh # '%%-! -% b^c

HVijgYVn q &.i] HZe J@ EG:B>:G:

Smoking I Wait Fumando Espero 9>G 69G>6C6 A# 9JIG6

&(/%% q 9dXjbZciVgn/ 6iiZbei^c\ id WZVi ]Zg VYY^Xi^dc! V hbd`Zg YZX^YZh id hijYn i]Z hjW_ZXi VcY egdYjXZh V YdXjbZciVgn l]ZgZ h]Z h]dlh ]Zg ldgg^Zh VcY i]Z Y^[[ZgZci VheZXih d[ l]Vi ^h Xdch^YZgZY i]Z bdhi aZi]Va ^cYjhign d[ i]Z ilZci^Zi] XZcijgn# '%%-! -+ b^c 9DJ7A: 7>AA " J@ EG:B>:G:

Superbarroco 9>G G:C6I6 E>C=:>GD

&)/)* q 6 cZl h]dgi ร ab i]Vi lVh eVgi d[ 8VccZh >ciZgcVi^dcVa ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa '%%. ZmeadgZh XdcXZeijVa deedh^iZh# '%%-! &, b^c

(% ,WPING&TWOU H:EI:B7:G '%%.

Enchanted World Palavra (En) Cantada 9>G =:A:C6 HDA7:G<

&*/%% q I]^h YdXjbZciVgn add`h Vi 7gVh^aร h bjh^X ]^hidgn! VcVanh^c\ i]Z gZaVi^dch]^e WZilZZc edZign VcY bjh^X# '%%-! -+ b^c

J@ EG:B>:G:

9DJ7A: 7>AA " J@ EG:B>:G:

Loki - Arnaldo Baptista


'&/%* q 9dXjbZciVgn/ 7^de^X d[ bjh^X^Vc 6gcVaYd 7Vei^hiV! Zm"bZbWZg d[ i]Z BjiVciZh# '%%-! &'% b^c

9DJ7A: 7>AA " J@ EG:B>:G:

Easter Sunday

HjcYVn q '% HZe

&+/)* q >iร h i]Z c^\]i WZ[dgZ :VhiZg HjcYVn VcY dc 8deVXVWVcV WZVX]! Vcni]^c\ XVc ]VeeZc# '%%-! &* b^c

Thatโ s It

Before the World Ends

&'/(% q 6 \^ga YZX^YZh id aZVkZ ]Zg Wdn[g^ZcY VcY gjc VlVn# I]Zn bZZi dcZ aVhi i^bZ! id add` WVX` dc i]Z^g h]VgZY a^[Z# '%%-! -% b^c

Domingo de Pรกscoa 9>G E:9GD 6BDG>B

Antes que o mundo acabe 9>G 6C6 AJ>O6 6O:K:9D

&,/%% q I]Z hidgn d[ 9Vc^Za! V ร [iZZc"nZVg" daY Wdn ^bbZghZY ^c V ldgaY d[ ]^h dlc ^chdajWaZ egdWaZbh# '%%.! ., b^c 9DJ7A: 7>AA " J@ EG:B>:G:



&./%% q =dgVX^d ^h VeeVaaZY l]Zc BVg^h =ZaZcV i]gdlh ]Zg ]jhWVcY V Wdm d[ K^V\gV# '%%-! &* b^c


J@ EG:B>:G:

Apenas o Fim 9>G B6I=:JH HDJO6

9DJ7A: 7>AA " J@ EG:B>:G:

Lady Custรณdia

Dona Custรณdia 9>G 69G>6C6 9: 6C9G69: &)/&% $ I]^h h]dgi"ร ab cVggViZh i]Z hidgn d[ V adcZan lg^iZg l]dhZ a^[Z ^h Y^hgjeiZY Wn i]Z Vgg^kVa d[ ]djhZ`ZZeZg 9dcV 8jhiย Y^V# '%%,! 9^g# ! &( b^c


The Childrenโ s Orchestra

&./&* q 9^kdgXZY KZgdc^XV ^h V iZVX]Zg \d^c\ i]gdj\] Y^[ร Xjai i^bZh# =Zg a^[Z X]Vc\Zh ^ggZkdXVWan l]Zc dcZ d[ ]Zg hijYZcih ^h aZ[i Vi hX]dda V[iZg hX]dda ]djgh# '%%-! .% b^c

Q&A with the actor Murilo Rosa &)/'* q BdoVgi K^Z^gV XgZViZh V X]^aYgZcร h lddYl^cY dgX]ZhigV ^c i]Z Cdgi] :VhiZgc gZ\^dc d[ 7gVh^a# '%%-! .* b^c

9>G B6JGร 8>D ;6G>6H

Orquestra Dos Meninos 9>G E6JAD I=>6<D


9>G G6;6:A <DB:H

&+/'% q 6c Zbdi^dcVa _djgcZn d[ adkZ VcY adhh# '%%*! &* b^c

In Therapy

Divรฃ 9>G ?DHw 6AK6G:C<6 ?G Q&A with the producer, Iafa Britz &+/(* q L]Zc BZgXZYZh hiVgih hZZ^c\ V i]ZgVe^hi! l]Vi hiVgiZY dji V h^beaZ Xjg^dh^in WZXdbZh V YZkVhiVi^c\ VcY a^[Z"X]Vc\^c\ ZmeZg^ZcXZ# '%%.! .( b^c

Last Stop 174 ร ltima Parada 174 9>G 7GJCD 76G:IID

&./%% q 6[iZg l^icZhh^c\ i]Z bjgYZg d[ ]^h bdi]Zg! HVcYgd ZcYZY je a^k^c\ dc i]Z higZZih# I]Z hidgn Xjab^cViZh ^c i]Z Ze^hdYZ d[ Wjh cd# &,)# '%%-! &&% b^c

HVijgYVn q '+i] HZe

My Name Ainโ t Johnny

Meu nome nรฃo รฉ Johnny 9>G B6JGD A>B6 &+/%% q L^ccZg d[ + DhXVg^id Igde]^Zh Vi i]Z 7gVh^a^Vc CVi^dcVa ;^ab 6lVgYh! i]^h ^h V YgVbVi^hVi^dc d[ i]Z a^[Z d[ i]Z Ygj\"igV[ร X`^c\ `^c\ d[ G^d# '%%-! &') b^c# Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh

cover feature



My MyName NameAin’t Ain’tJohnny Johnny

Not By Chance E=>AA>E: 76G8>CH8@> The Sign of the City 86GADH 6A7:GID G>88:AA> If Nothing Else Works Out ?DHw :9J6G9D 7:ABDCI:

B6JGD A>B6 B6JGD A>B6 6 bVhh^kZ hjXZhh ^c 7gVh^a ^c '%%-! l]^X] 6 bVhh^kZ hjXZhh ^c 7gVh^a ^c '%%-! l]^X] egZb^ZgZY ^c :c\aVcY aVhi nZVg! i]Z dg^\^cVa egZb^ZgZY ^c :c\aVcY aVhi nZVg! i]Z dg^\^cVa edgigV^i d[ V \ZcZgVi^dc ^c G^d i]Vi \gZl je edgigV^i d[ V \ZcZgVi^dc ^c G^d i]Vi \gZl je l^i] XdX^VcZ Vh i]Z \jZhi d[ ]dcdjg Vi i]Z l^i] XdX^VcZ Vh i]Z \jZhi d[ ]dcdjg Vi i]Z eVgi^Zh d[ i]Z X^inÉh WZhi [Vb^a^Zh! \Zih V eVgi^Zh d[ i]Z X^inÉh WZhi [Vb^a^Zh! \Zih V bjX]"YZhZgkZY! adc\Zg h]dl^c\ ^c i]Z J@# bjX]"YZhZgkZY! adc\Zg h]dl^c\ ^c i]Z J@# ?d]ccn ^h i]Z egdd[ i]Vi cdi Vaa Ygj\"ejh]Zgh ?d]ccn ^h i]Z egdd[ i]Vi cdi Vaa Ygj\"ejh]Zgh lZgZ Wdgc ^c i]Z [VkZaV# lZgZ Wdgc ^c i]Z [VkZaV#

hi hi LZYcZhYVn q & LZYcZhYVn q & DXi DXi J@ EG:B>:G: J@ EG:B>:G:

Not NotBy ByChance Chance Não Não por por acaso acaso 9>G9>G E=>AA>E: 76G8>CH@> E=>AA>E: 76G8>CH@>

&-/%% q 6c dYZ id H d EVjad! ^c l]^X] &-/%% q 6c dYZ id H d EVjad! ^c l]^X] [ViZ iV`Zh V ]VcY ^c i]Z a^kZh d[ i]Z X^inÉh [ViZ iV`Zh V ]VcY ^c i]Z a^kZh d[ i]Z X^inÉh ^c]VW^iVcih# '%%,! .% b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ ^c]VW^iVcih# '%%,! .% b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh J@ EG:B>:G: J@ EG:B>:G:

I]Z Y^gZXidgh d[ i]ZhZ i]gZZ! WZVji^[ja Òabh! aZVgci ]dl id adkZ H d EVjad0 i]gdj\] Y^[[ZgZci hidg^Zh! ZVX] d[ i]Zb h]dlh i]Z EVja^hiV XVe^iVa ^c Vc V[[ZXi^dcViZ VcY ^ccdkVi^kZ a^\]i! egdk^c\ i]Vi jgWVc 7gVh^a^Vc X^cZbV ]Vh XZVhZY id WZ V [Vh]^dc! VcY ^cYZZY WZXdbZ V \ZcgZ#

Lower City

Cidade baixa 9>G HwG<>D B68=69D '%/(% q ;jaa d[ kZgkZ! i]^h hZVg^c\ VYY^i^dc id i]Z È7gVh^a^Vc cZl lVkZÉ ^h ^bWjZY l^i] i]Z k^WgVci higZZi he^g^i d[ i]Z gZY"a^\]i Y^hig^Xi d[ HVakVYdg! i]Z ÈAdlZg 8^inÉ# '%%,

HVijgYVn q (gY DXi

December December

Feliz Feliz Natal Natal 9>G9>G H:AIDC B:AAD H:AIDC B:AAD '%/(% q EdejaVg VXidg HZaidc BZaad '%/(% q EdejaVg VXidg HZaidc BZaad bV`Zh Vc VhhjgZY Y^gZXidg^Va YZWji bV`Zh Vc VhhjgZY Y^gZXidg^Va YZWji l^i] i]^h Wg^aa^Vcian XVhi [Vb^an YgVbV# l^i] i]^h Wg^aa^Vcian XVhi [Vb^an YgVbV# '%%-! &%% b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] '%%-! &%% b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh

cYcY ;g^YVn q ' ;g^YVn q ' DXi DXi

If Nothing Else Works Out

Se nada mais der certo 9>G ?DHw :9J6G9D 7:ABDCI: &*/(% q HZZ iZmi dc eV\Z '-

HjcYVn q )i] DXi

BdcYVn q *i] DXi

J@ EG:B>:G:

Jardim Ângela


&-/(% q 6 \gdje d[ adXVa ndjc\hiZgh [gdb H d EVjadÉh igdjWaZY cZ^\]Wdjg]ddY VgZ iVh`ZY l^i] bV`^c\ V Òab VcY edcYZg i]Z Y^aZbbV d[ l]Zi]Zg id edgigVn V cZ\Vi^kZ dg edh^i^kZ ^bV\Z d[ i]Z Xdbbjc^in# '%%-! ,& b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZ

Q&A with director Jorge Furtado &-/&* q BVgXdh EgVYdÉh edlZg[ja! edZi^X VcY VlVgY"l^cc^c\ YdXjbZciVgn :hiVb^gV ^h V edgigV^i d[ :hiVb^gV l]d ]Vh a^kZY VcY ldg`ZY [dg i]Z aVhi ilZcin nZVgh dc ?VgY^b <gVbVX]d! AVi^c 6bZg^XVÉh aVg\Zhi aVcYÒaa h^iZ ^c G^d YZ ?VcZ^gd# '%%)! &&* b^c

9>G :K6A9D BD86GO:A

Last Stop 174 Última Parada 174 9>G 7GJCD 76G:IID

'%/(% q '%%-Éh 7gVh^a^Vc ;dgZ^\c aVc\jV\Z DhXVg Zcign iZaah i]Z hidgn d[ V ]dbZaZhh bVc l]d ]^_VX`ZY V Wjh ^c G^d ^c '%%%# '%%-! &&% b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh

J@ EG:B>:G: J@ EG:B>:G: J@ EG:B>:G:

Still StillOrangutans Orangutans Ainda Ainda orangotangos orangotangos 9>G9>G <JHI6KD HED=>9DGD <JHI6KD HED=>9DGD

&-/(% q H]di ^c dcZ h^c\aZ! adc\ &-/(% q H]di ^c dcZ h^c\aZ! adc\ iV`Z! i]^h iZX]c^XVaan hde]^hi^XViZY iV`Z! i]^h iZX]c^XVaan hde]^hi^XViZY Òab [daadlh i]Z ^c]VW^iVcih d[ Òab [daadlh i]Z ^c]VW^iVcih d[ i]Z hdji]Zgc X^in d[ Edgid 6aZ\gZ! i]Z hdji]Zgc X^in d[ Edgid 6aZ\gZ! dkZg i]Z XdjghZ d[ dcZ ]di dkZg i]Z XdjghZ d[ dcZ ]di hjbbZgÉh YVn! l]Zc hdbZW^oVggZ hjbbZgÉh YVn! l]Zc hdbZW^oVggZ WZ]Vk^djg iV`Z eaVXZ# WZ]Vk^djg iV`Z eaVXZ# '%%,! -& b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ '%%,! -& b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh

The Sign of the City O signo da cidade 9>G 86GADH 6A7:GID G>88:AA>

Q&A with director Carlos Alberto Riccelli and actress Bruna Lombardi &-/%% q EaVnZY dji V\V^chi i]Z kVhi bZigdeda^h d[ H d EVjad! i]^h ^h i]Z Zc\V\^c\ hidgn d[ [djg eZdeaZ Wgdj\]i id\Zi]Zg VXgdhh i]Z X^inÉh V^glVkZh Wn Vc Vhigdad\n gVY^d h]dl# ;ZVijgZh ZiZgcVa IK bjhZ 7gjcV AdbWVgY^ '%%,! .* b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :ca^h] hjWi^iaZh

LZYcZhYVn q ,i] DXi

HjcYVn q +i] DXi J@ EG:B>:G:

Basic Sanitation Saneamento básico 9>G ?DG<: ;JGI69D

Q&A with director Jorge Furtado '%/(% q HjeZgWan VXiZY! i]^h ^h Vc jeWZVi VcY Xdb^X add` Vi hdX^Va VXi^k^hb Wn i]Z XZaZWgViZY 7gVh^a^Vc Y^gZXidg ?dg\Z ;jgiVYd# '%%,! &&' b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh

9>G B6G8DH EG69D

+ Island of Flowers Ilha das flores 9>G ?DG<: ;JG69D

Q&A with director Jorge Furtado Y^gZXidg ?dg\Z ;jgVYdÉh VXXaV^bZY h]dgi0 &.-.!&( b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh

I]jghYVn q -i] DXi

Only When I Dance 9>G 7:69>: ;>CO>

Q&A with director Beadie Finzi &./(% q 6c ^che^g^c\ YdXjbZciVgn [daadl^c\ ild ldg`^c\ XaVhh 7gVh^a^Vc iZZcV\Zgh [gdb i]Z [VkZaVh d[ G^d Vh i]Zn ejghjZ i]Z^g VbW^i^dch id WZ ldgaY XaVhh WVaaZi YVcXZgh 7gVo^a$J@ '%%.!+% b^c# >c Edgij\jZhZ l^i] :c\a^h] hjWi^iaZh

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8th - 13th

16th | wednesday

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9th - 20th

16th - 17th october


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10th sep - 2nd oct

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15th | tuesday =:6I=:G B88A:AA I]Z h^c\Zg [Zaa ^c adkZ l^i] AVi^c bjh^X V[iZg heZcY^c\ ild nZVgh ^c 7gVh^a# 7VX` ^c AdcYdc! =ZVi]Zg Xdci^cjZh ]Zg bjh^XVa VYkZcijgZh l^i] Zc]VcXZY eVhh^dc VcY V ]^ci d[ AVi^c Ă“ Vkdjg#

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21st | monday DEEDGIJC>I>:H >C 7G6O>A HeZX^Va^hih ^c i]Z 7gVh^a^Vc bVg`Zi! l^aa gZkZVa deedgijc^i^Zh [dg Wjh^cZhhZh id XVe^iVa^hZ dc 7gVh^aÉh \gdli]#

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23rd & 30th H6AH6 IGDE>86A AZVgc id hVahV >c i]Z deZc V^g Vi He^iVaร ZaYh BVg`Zi! l^i] V [gZZ hVahV aZhhdc [daadlZY Wn [gZZ"hinaZ YVcX^c\ l^i] HVahV Igde^XVa# +eb ร -eb 7^h]deh HfjVgZ Vi He^iVaร ZaYh BVg`Zi " :& +66


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precious screen


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4 thinking minds

TRAVELLING PROJECTS OPEN THE DOOR TO THE BIG SCREENS FOR UNDERPRIVILEGED BRASILIANS As the universal saying goes, “if Mohammed can’t go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed” – this is the idea behind two projects that have been bringing cinema to people in Brasil who have had little chance to enjoy the audiovisual experience until now: Cinema BR and the Cine Tela Movimento Brasil. Sponsored by Brasilian state oil company, Petrobrás, Cinema BR turns ten this year. Its main objectives are reaching audiences all over the country, with an emphasis on the regions at a biggest disadvantage in terms of cinemas, and economically; as well as promoting Brasilian films, with screenings that normally take place in public places, such as squares, schools and prisons. To help with the organisational aspects, the project relies on the support of agents like Orlando

Alves, who is responsible for screenings in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná,and Brasília. “I visit 42 cities, plus Sao Paulo which is the biggest. The number of people I’ve met who’ve never been to the cinema, even in the richest part of the country – the Southeast – is incredible,” says Orlando. With an average of 200 screenings at each stage of the project, Cinema BR’s priorities are cities close to their sponsors, or near gas and oil production sites. Cine Tela Brasil, created by film professionals Laís Bodanzky and Luiz Bolognesi, is similar, but distinct, and is financed by two big Brasilian companies. “When we began in 1996, Lais and I were making short films. One of the ways we found to promote them was by buying a screen, borrowing a projector and going around São Paulo with a pick-up, showing films made by us and other directors,” recalls Bolognesi. Baptised initially as Cine Mambembe


(mambembe refers to travelling show circus people), the following year the project kept on growing, acquiring a generator, and Laís and Luiz made a 7-month journey through Brasil showing films for free. In 2004, “the pumpkin turned into a carriage”, thanks to a sponsorship deal, and the project changed name and soon came by two portable cinema screens with 255 seats, air conditioning, a 35mm projector and even a red carpet! Each week, the cinemas travel to a different periphery in Rio, São Paulo and Paraná (cities in which their sponsors are active), holding four free screenings a day for three days. In five years the project has brought the sights and sounds of the cinema to 570 thousand people – Brasilian cinema, that is: “We want Brasil to be seen on the screen. People see their own stories and realise that they also deserve to be up there. It has a postive effect on their self-esteem”, concludes Bolognesi. ,&

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THE TALE OF LITTLE CABACEIRAS, A MAJOR DESTINATION FOR MOVIE MAKERS IN BRASIL Ten thousand kilometres from LA, on a hillside in the middle of the inhospitable lands of Cariri, a region in the Brasilian ‘sertão’ (the dry backlands of the northeast) populated by cacti and goats, hangs an enormous sign, 16 feet high by 262 feet wide. The white letters announce your arrival in Brasil’s answer to Hollywood – or rather “Rolíude” (it sounds kind of the same in Brasilian) Nordestina. Inaugurated in May, 2007, the sign is the landmark of Cabaceiras, the city with the lowest annual rainfall in Brasil. Located 194 km from Joao Pessoa, the costal capital of Paraiba, Cacabeiras and its

well-preserved buildings dating from the end of the 19th century have been chosen as the backdrop to a series of Brasilian films. The relationship between this small city (population 4,500) and the world of cinema began back in the 1920’s, when a film crew came to make the documentary The Branding of the Goats, on the practice involving animals that have come to represent the principal economic activity of the area: goat-breeding. Since then, more than 20 Brasilian films have passed through Cabaceiras, including national favourites such as Cinema, Aspirinas

e Urubus, by Marcelo Gomes, O Auto da Compadecida and Lisbela e o Prisioneiro, by Guel Arraes. More recently, Cabaceiras was the backdrop to another film by Arraes, Romance, and a documentary by Ana Bárbara Ramos which takes its title from the city’s name. Along each of its twenty-odd streets, it’s not hard to find local residents who have had their fifteen minutes (or, rather, seconds) of fame. Market-sellers, local officials or businessmen take the day off to play extras in cinema productions, side by side with famous actors. Despite some similarities with the

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American state of California – where the real Hollywood is found – such as the dry, desert-like landscape, the great natural light and the variety of sets, there are directors who are critical of the term “roliúde”, pointing to the inadequacy of the Brasilian site. “Hollywood is not just a set. There are studios and there’s money around. Cabaceiras isn’t the same, it’s a set location,” says Ana Bárbara Ramos. The writer and researcher Wills Leal was the brains behind the “Rolíude Nordestina” project, which aims to develop policies for the preservation, conservation and

study of films made in the city and, at the same time, wants to train technicians and generate employment to support local film production. The writer says that the word "roliúde" is just a marketing ploy: “We’re not copying Hollywood. The project respects the culture of the Northeast and promotes appreciation of the backlands. We want a local cinema industry with regional characteristics,” says the writer. As well as its unusual links with the big screen, Cabaceiras is worth a visit just for the chance to see another of Brasil’s many tiny, hidden beauties. Its backdrops aren’t just set

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up for film shoots: the city has its own, natural magic. And the star of the local attractions is the Lajedo de Pai Matheus (Father Matthews’ Rock), a giant rock formation of cinematic proportions. For some, the formation has mystical significance. Visitors can see for themselves the cave inscriptions carved by Indians who lived in the region more than three thousand years ago. Another reason which draws people here is the story of Father Matthews (Pai Matheus), a hermit who lived under the rocks, and whose probable sleeping place you can see.

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Rivers and lakes snake around the rocks, and one of the highlights of this area is Pedra do Capacete, an ideal spot for hiking and rock climbing. For those who want to spend time close to the rocks, there’s a small hotel, Hotel Pai Matheus, near the entrance to the formation, often frequented by the groups of tourists who visit Cabaceiras each year from Europe. But the Brasilian hZgi d and the state of Paraiba hold many more surprises, and it’s worth taking advantage of a trip to "Roliúde" to explore a little further afield and visit the neighbouring cities. One of them is Ingá, home to one of the most expressive Brasilian archaeological monuments: a block of granite, 23 metres high, with inscriptions carved thousands of years ago. Protected by the Brasilian Heritage Institute IPHAN, the mysterious, geometrical carvings have inspired a huge variety of theories about

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their origins. Another of Ingá’s mysteries is that, despite being located far from the coast in the semi-dessert, marine animal bones have been found in the region - they can be seen in the local museum. Another interesting city in the region is Sousa, which is home to the Valley of the Dinosaurs, one of the most important paleontological sites in the world. With fossils from pre-historic animals dating as far back as 120 million years ago, the area has good tourism infrastructure, and a visitor centre close to the valley facilitates access to, and viewing of, the remains. One of the best reasons for visiting this region of Brasil is that because it’s not on the books of travel agencies, it’s still well preserved. With a rich culture and varied local cuisine, the hZgi d is a good alternative for those who want to escape from the country’s tourism blockbusters. ,&

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jungle guide bars & restaurants


MERCADO The one and only Mexican refuge in Stoke-Newington

A Brasilian oasis amid Soho's madness

suprising in every sense in the heart of soho, 16mm hides brasilian food and films Surrounded by film companies in one of Soho’s fashionable little streets is 16mm, a charming café and restaurant with a special surprise for its customers. Looking around at the tables surrounded by fruit – used in their freshly-squeezed juices– few people realise that the owners are Brasilian. But open up the menu and you will find one of Brasil’s best loved dishes: Chicken stroganoff, served with rice and salad, the house speciality. But 16mm’s biggest surprise is hidden downstairs, in the form of a 16-seater, high-definition cinema. Hired by the hour or by groups of more than 14 on a minimum food and drink spend of £25 per person, the cinema can be enjoyed watching a film from the café’s collection, catching a footy match, or even the oscars with friends. To complete their cultural endeavours, 16mm also supports Brasilian artits, offering a gallery space and film screenings each month, through the project Braziliality. JD by Morena Madureira KEY:




Cercado por produtoras de cinema em uma das ruazinhas bacanas do Soho está o 16mm, um charmoso café e restaurante que reserva surpresas para os clientes. Olhando para as mesas rodeadas por cestas de frutas – utilizadas nos sucos feitos na hora – pouca gente nota que os proprietários são brasileiros. Mas ao abrir o cardápio é possível perceber que o Brasil está ali, ainda que em um único prato: o strogonoff de frango servido com arroz e salada, a especialidade da casa. No entanto, a grande surpresa do 16mm só é revelada aos que descem os degraus para descobrir um cinema privativo com 16 assentos. Alugado por hora ou para grupos com mais de 14 pessoas a um custo mínimo de 25 libras por cabeça em comida e bebida, o cinema pode ser desfrutado com filmes da coleção do café ou ainda para assitir entre amigos a finais de campeonato e até à entrega do Oscar. Para selar seus propósitos culturais, o 16mm também apóia artistas brasileiros ao ceder seu espaço para exposições e exibições de filmes todos os meses através do projeto Braziliality. JD


16mm in Soho has a very friendly atmosphere, great decor and exhibitions of talented Brasilian artists. I love their stroganoff made from mamma's recipe, and the delicious home-made quiches.

16mm cafe 19 D'Arblay Street, Soho 16mm-soho.co.uk/


up to £10* £10 - £20* £20+* *Price based on a meal with drink per person

Jano Moskorz - Singer and actor who played Jean Charles de Menezes on BBC and ITV documentaries

setembro 2009 JungleDrums 47

bars & restaurants

CENTRAL LONDON BENITO’S HAT L Mexican Burritos, tacos, salads, beer and cocktails. Main meal and drink £7.00 56 Goodge Street, W1T 4NB Goodge Street

How about a different kind of dining experience in London? Try horse riding in four and a half acres of green with a view of the Totteridge valley, followed by a delicious meat rodizio, together with friends and family. Located just 13 kilometres from Oxford Street, the London Equestrian Centre has its very own on site 'churrasco' (BBQ) restaurant, El Vaquero, and together they offer the perfect combination of adventure and delicious food within the capital. El Vaquero offers a large variety of meat, with typically Brasilian service, where the waiters are at your table every five minutes, ready to serve you with everything from rump steak to chicken, to sausages, All this plus the all-you-can eat buffet of hot and cold accompaniments will test the limits of the most voracious eaters. There are also special vegetarian and organic menus and a range of salads, uniting the cuisine of the Mediterranean and South America. In terms of horseriding, The London Equestrian Centre offers 1-1 and group lessons for children, adults, beginners and amateurs. Lessons are 30 minutes long, and the school has ponies for younger children from 3 years of age. For dinner at the restaurant El Vaquero you’ll need to book. And if it's a special occasion you're after, they’ll take bookings for private parties for up to 100 people. BBQ Meat 'Rodizio': £19.95


SEE p.51

Rodízio Rico Eat-till-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50 77-78 Upper Street, N1 0NU Angel

BELLO CAFE B Brasilian and Italian specialties.

020 7354 1076 rodiziorico.com

55–57 Charing Cross Road Leicester Square SEE

45 Essex Road, N1 2SF Angel

SEE p.49


Café Rio Feijoada and steaks prepared the Brasilian way. Prato Rio £9.80 6 Grafton Way, W1T 5DS Warren Street

0207 485 4738 BARRIONORTH.COM

020 7226 5551 www.sabor.co.uk

33 Earlham Street, WC2H 9LS Convent Garden 0207 240 6926 CANELACAFE.COM

Comida South American rodízio with music, dancing and late bar. Lunch £16.90 Dinner £19.90 46 South Molton St, W1K 5RX Bond Street 020 7495 1177 comidabar.co.uk

289 Regents Park Rd, N3 3JY Finchley Central SEE


Cuba Libre & Havana Original restaurant with tapas, meals and cocktails. El Plato Cubano £12.95

east LONDON Bankete Brasilian cuisine dishes, picanha and feijoada. Chicken Stroganoff £6.50

72 Upper Street, N1 ONY Angel

3 Bell Lane, E1 Liverpool Street/ Aldgate


020 7247 5479


CARIBBEN SCENE Award winning Caribbean restaurant offering an impressive range of traditional dishes and cocktails. Ackee & Saltfish £14.95

Intertrans Café Brasilian snacks & Money Transfer service.

0208 343 4161 elvaquero.co.uk londonridingschool.com

35 Oxford Street W1D 2DT Tottenham Court Rd

El-Vaquero Argentinean Meats served off the skewer. Meat or fish with salad buffet £19.95 The London Equestrian, N12 7BP Mill Hill East 0208 343 4161 ELVAQUERO .CO.UK

SEE p.4

GARUFA Premium selection of meat and wines carefully sourced from Argentina. Grilled Rib Eye Steak (300gr) with garnish £16.00 104 Highbury Park, N5 2XE Arsenal 020 7226 0070 GARUFA.CO.UK


020 7437 0400

91-93 Great Eastern St, EC2A Old Street Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

Exciting cocktails and a great mix of Mexican home cooking

29 Westferry Circus, E14 8RR

020 7626 5180 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

020 7287 9506 • FREGGO.CO.UK

0207 242 8600 GUANABARA.CO.UK


Favela Chic Seductive Latin flavours with French touches. Hand of God £15

1 Bell Inn Yard, EC3V 0BL

0871 4263493 • buenayre.co.uk

Parker Street, WC2B 5PW Holborn

0207 739 4202

020 7987 9494

127 Upper Street, N1 1QP Angel

Guanabara Food, live music and even dance classes. Fish Moqueca Stew £12.50

350-354 Old St, EC1V 9NQ Old St. SEE

020 7833 3103 • tortilla.co.uk

27-29 Swallow St., W1B 4QR Piccadilly


El Paso Cocktail bar and restaurant serving Mexican, Tex-Mex and vegetarian dishes.

020 7256 6877

Desperados Mexican Mexican food, cocktails and a great atmosphere. Beef Chimichangas £10.95

125 Chancery Lane, WC2A 1PU Chancery Lane

02079234883 • elaguajal.co.uk

13 Islington High St, N1 9LQ Angel

FREGGO L Argentine ice cream bar offering a mouth watering range of flavours like Banana split and Malbec&Berries. Two-flavour cone £3.95

Gaucho Serves steaks, chicken and fish dishes. Argentinean Beef Bbq £20


578, Kingsland Rd,E8 4AH p.51 Hackney

5 Finsbury Avenue, EC2M 2PG

CASA BRASIL TimeOut - recommended. Authentic home-made food. Fish Moqueca £8.90

020 8371 1999

El Aguajal Peruvian Amazonian Specialities. Student Discount £6 Menu Mon-Fri till 3pm

0207 613 5228 • FAVELACHIC.COM

Tortilla Fresh, affordable CalifornianMexican cuisine. Burritos £4.50 - £5.50

0207 485 4738 canecaolondon.com

Canela Brasilian and Portuguese dishes. Feijoada £9.50

SABOR Latin American Food and cocktails with a fusion touch. Brasilian Moqueca £13.50 108 Essex Rd London, N1 8LX Angel

Canecão Pool tables and Brasilian football on TV. Fish Moqueca £7.90 17 York Way, N7 9QG Caledonian Road

0207 387 2285

El Vaquero The London Equestrian Centre - Lullington Garth Woodside Park, N12 7BP Mill Hill East

48 JungleDrums september 2009

36 -38 Dean Street, W1D 4PS Leicester Square 0207 494 4716 • IGUANAS.CO.UK

26 - 30 Stoke Newington Church St, N16 0LU Stoke Newington rail

Farringdon 020 7253 1249

north LONDON


the full gaucho

and traditional favourites. Fish Taco £6.00

Barrio North Latino-style ‘street food’ served, DJs and events. Brasilian Wax Cocktail £6.75

0207 637 3722 BENITOS-HAT.COM

el vaquero

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine. Pescado con Coco £11.50

Buen Ayre SEE Argentinean steak house p.51 Main meal and a drink £20 50 Broadway Market, E8 4QJ Cambridge Heath

17 Western Gateway Royal Victoria Dock, E16 1AQ DLR – Royal Victoria 020 7511 2023

Chilango A burst of Mexican flavour. Chicken Burrito £5.40

Green and Red, Bar and Cantina Authentic Jaliscan food and the biggest selection of tequila in the UK. Late-night DJ bar. 51 Bethnal Green Rd, E1 6LA 020 7749 9670 greenred.co.uk

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine. Old Spitalfields Market - 1 Horner Square, E1 6AA Liverpool Street IGUANAS.CO.UK

Raízes Grilled steaks and torresmo on the menu. Grilled rib £7 460 Hackney Road, E2 9EG Bethnal Green 020 7739 2009

south east LONDON

27 Upper Street, N1 OPN Angel

Braziliana Home-made Brasilian snacks, sandwiches and cakes. Coxinha £1.50 72 Westow Hill, SE19 1SB

020 704 2123

020 8964 3763

142 Fleet Street, EC4A 2BP City Thameslink 020 7353 6761 Chilango.co.uk

Buenos Aires Café Argentinean beef, fresh pasta and Argentinean style pizzas. Grilled Bbq £14.50 – £24

Coffee Café Serves snacks and lunch Feijoada + Guaraná drink £5

17 Royal Parade, SE3 0TL Blackheath

68 Compton Street, EC1V


taste of brasil

Brazilian Café • Restaurant • Takeaway Genuine Home-made Cooking For Lovers Of Real Food Specialities include:

Moqueca de Peixe (Hake), Bacalhau à Brasileira (Baked Cod), Feijoada, Beef, Lamb, Chicken and Vegetarian Dishes


Owner - chef Edir is from Minas. Her traditional savoury pastries and desserts, not surprisingly, are simply out-of-this-world

The small place with the BIG reputation Tues to Thurs 11 to 6.00 pm *Fri and Sat 11 to 9.30 pm *Sunday 11 to 5.00 pm * Reservation advisable

Enquiries for parties and outside catering welcome London

“Offers some of the tastiest, most authentic Brazilian home cooking in town.”


289 Regents Park Road, Finchley, London N3 3JY Tel: 020 8371 1999 Finchley Central (3 mins away)


O P E N E V E R Y D AY 1 1 . 3 0 - 1 0 P M * ( * 1 1 P M O N T H U R , F R I A N D S AT )

5 6 G O O D G E S T, L O N D O N W 1 T 4 N B

020 7637 3732

W W W. B E N I T O S - H AT. C O M T W I T T E R : B E N I T O S C H AT


bars & restaurants CONSTANCIA – ARGENTINE GRILL Argentine Steak House recently inaugurated. Ojo de Bife Argentino (310gr) - 11oz.Prime Argentine Rib-Eye £17.00 52 Tanner Street,SE1 3PH Borough 020 7234 0676 CONSTANCIA.CO.UK

SEE p.49

Cubana Bar & Restaurant Sample delicious tapas and speciality Cuban coffee or classic cocktail. Cantina lunch - 2 courses £6.95 28 Lower Marsh, SE1 7EG Waterloo 020 7928 8778 cubana.co.uk

El Vergel Uniting aromatic and spicy Latin America with delicate Mediterranean flavours. 8 Lant St. SE1 1QR Borough 020 7357 0057 elvergel.co.uk

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20 2 More London Riverside, SE1 Tower Bridge 020 7407 5222 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

La Bodeguita Tapas, fish and home-made Colombian food. £8 - 13 Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre, SE1 6TE Elephant & Castle 0207 701 9166 LABODEGUITA.CO.UK

Latin bands and top DJs. 356 Kings Road, SW3 5ES South Kensington

Royal Festival Hall - SE1 8XX The O2 - SE10 0DS 0207 494 4716 IGUANAS.CO.UK

Rodízio Rico Eat-til-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table. Buffet £22.50, Veg £15.50 The O2, SE10 0AX North Greenwich 0208 858 6333 rodiziorico.com

Tito's Peruvian Seafood, soups and risottos. Ceviche £7.50 4-6 London Bridge St SE1 9SG London Bridge 0207 407 7787 TITOSEATERIES.COM

294 Kingshill Av, UB4 8BX 89 Sloane Avenue, SW3 3DX

0208 841 3488 GO.TO/ESTRELA


020 8948 4030

25 Swallow Street, W1B 4DJ

El Gaucho Grill Steak House £13.90 Chelsea Farmers Market,

Ipanema Café Special daily dishes, feijoada, puddings and cakes. Buffet £1.20/100g

125 Sydney St - SW3 6NR South Kensington

7-9 Queensway, W2 Queensway

0871 3328774 elgaucho.co.uk

020 7792 9050 ipanemacafe.co.uk

Fiesta Havana Cocktail lounge bar with tapas, live music and dance. Chorizio Quesadilla £4.95

Rodízio Rico Eat-till-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50

0207 4851166 guanabanarestaurant.com

Royal Oak - 111 W2, Queensway

159, High St Harlesden, NW10 Willesden Junction SEE

490 Fulham Road SW6 5NH Fulham Broadway 020 7381 5891 Havanafulham.co.uk

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20 Towpath, Richmond TW10 6UJ 020 7584 9901 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

Margarita Loca Latin Music, Mexican food and Cuban cocktails. Fajita King Prawn £11.95 527 Battersea Park Rd, SW11 Clapham Junction Rail 0207 924 2772 margaritaloca.co.uk

Preto Traditional Brasilian “rodízio” With live music on the weekends. Weekday Lunch Buffet £8.95 72 Wilton Road, SW1V 1DE Victoria SEE

020 7233 8668

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

Spicy Francesinha £9.50


Tu Chicas Tasty food and flamboyant cocktails. Mexican dish £20 12 -14 Leopold Rd, SW19 7BD Wimbledon 0208 946 4300 tuchicas.co.uk

Santa Maria del Sur Argentinean grill house with live music on Mondays. Argentinean Steak £12, Vegetarian dishes £8 - £12 129 Queenstown Road, SW8 Battersea 0207 622 2088 SANTAMARIADELSUR.CO.UK

Sushinho Brasilian chic with Japanese efficiency. Sushinho roll £9 312-314 King's Rd, SW3 5UH South Kensington sushinho.com

south west LONDON


Azteca Latin Lounge Mexican cuisine, mouth watering cocktails and beers.

Café Estrela do Norte Portuguese cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere.

50 JungleDrums september 2009

MERCADO bar & cantina

pick and mexican The bright colours and traditional Mexican decorations adorning the walls of Mercado Bar & Cantina will transport you straight into a Latin universe, and that’s the whole idea at Mercado Bar & Cantina, which was established in 2006 – after all, this is a typically Mexican gastronomic experience. Arriba! Plus, this is one of the only Latin options in the Stoke Newington area, which is more famous for Turkish cuisine. Whet your appetite at Mercado with one of their tasty toasties with a choice of chicken, shrimp or vegetable filling. By the way, vegetarians get special attention at Mercado, with plenty of meat-free options on the menu amongst the many mouthwatering varieties of fajitas, burritos, tortillas and enchilladas available. And there's a kids menu, with less daunting portions for the little ones and main courses from £6.50. For fans of fresh, the speciality Mexican sea bass a la Veracruzana is a must, with a tomato, olive and, of course, chilli sauce. The drinks menu is an attraction in itself, worthy of several visits, with Mojitos, Tequilas and Daiquiris, a cocktail made with rum, sugar and your choice of fresh fruit. After dinner, it’s time to enjoy yourself. Every Friday and Saturday, the way is cleared for guests to dance to a variety of Latin sounds. And that’s not all; once a month there’s live music, dance and performance. If you want a dance after a delicious meal in Stokey, now you know where to go! Camarones Guajillo £10.50 Mercado Bar & Cantina 26 Church Street, Stoke Newington N16 0LU 020 7923 0555 mercado-cantina.co.uk

020 7734 4040 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

Guanabana Famous Jerk chicken served with mango+papaya chutney. £7.85 - £12.75. 85 Kentish Town Rd - NW1 Camden Town

020 7792 4035 rodiziorico.com

Gostosa Pizzeria Brasilian style pizzas and burgers.

020 8963 1400


Made in Brasil Classic Brasilian fare, from seafood to meat and feijoada. Picanha Na Chapa £13.50

north west LONDON

12 Inverness Street, NW1 Camden Town 020 7482 0777 made-in-brasil.co.uk

Mango Room Fish, meat and vegetarian food: a taste of the Caribbean. Goat Curry £12 10 - 12 Kentish Town Rd, NW1 Camden Town Amber Grill Rodizio Cuts of meat from skewers. Prime Rodízio £19.50 7, Station Road, NW10 4UP Willesden Junction 020 89631588 ambergrill.co.uk

Barraco The atmosphere of a Brasilian bar with live music Friday to Sunday. Chicken Hearts £6 10 Kingsgate Place, NW6 Kilburn 020 7604 4664 barracocafe.co.uk

SEE p.23

Braseiro Hot “home food” and salad on a self-service buffet. Buffet £7.50 256 High Road, NW10 Willesden Green

020 74825065 mangoroom.co.uk

Mestizo Restaurant-bar offering a fine and authentic Mexican cuisine Enchiladas £12 103 Hampstead Rd, NW1 3EL Warren Street 020 7387 4064 mestizomx.com

SEE p.52

Sabor Brasileiro Brasilian fish and beef, game room, internet, bar/ lounge. Buffet £7.50 10% weekend discount 639 Harrow Road NW10 5NU Kensal Green 02089691149

Sabor Mineiro Typical dishes from Minas Gerais (but no alcoholic drinks). Buffet £6.50

020 8451 8902

Casa da Sogra Menu of Brasilian food and desserts. Main course around £7 4 Ferdinand Street, NW1 Camden Town 020 7284 0050 casadasogra.co.uk

63 Station Road, NW10 4UX Willesden Junction 020 8965 2050

The Cuban Long bar upstairs or dinner in the fiesta Room. Lamb Cubano £10.95 Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd Camden Town

Ferreira Delicatessen Sandwiches, meats, cheeses, wines, frozen + fresh food. Portuguese Nata Tart 70p

Xodó da Leninha Brasilian family run restaurant.

40 Delancey Street, NW1 Camden Town

1024 Harrow Rd, NW10 5NS Kensal Green

020 7485 2351

020 8964 3763

0870 850 8975 thecuban.co.uk


taste of brasil

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jungle guide


KPDQZ + ,WPING WPING Do not hesitate to send us your raves and rants! JungleDrums p.o. box 49713 london wc1x 8ww inbox@jungledrums.org MORE LATINOS Love your magazine it keeps my roots of culture closer to me. I would love to see also more of different events from other Latin countries. Paulo Sergeev, email NEW PAGES ON THE BLOCK Hey there! First of all I want to say that I love your magazine, of course... from the very first issue. I`m an artist, and I’d like you to see my online magazine, which has been really successful. For our second issue, the theme is LIGHT – it's a monthly magazine. Very soon, we'll be going to print and distributing all over London. To see us online, visit http://tinyurl.com/nhhpx9. Mona Moon, email PERDÓN, MESTIZO Dear Jungle, The web address featured in the last issue of the mag was incorrect; it should be mestizomx.com, not mestizomix.com. Thanks! Mestizo team, email Dear friends, Our bad... Especially when we are fans of Mestizo's food, drinks and atmosphere- as a matter of fact, your Mexican gastronomic week features in our Top 5.

WEED CONTROVERSY In the article “Brasil’s got weed”, in the August issue, you published a photo of the mate used by Argentineans and Uruguayans, and not the type of mate typically used in southern Brasil, as stated in the article. There are big differences, and anyone who drinks mate will know them well: the variety, which is more a powder than a leaf; the type of straw; the cup; and the way the mate is made. Furthermore, the Argentinean/ Uruguayan mate that was published [in the photo] has been “washed”, i.e. it’s been drunk several times and has less of the taste and the other qualities mentioned in the article. I suggest a correction about the different types of mate with a picture of the mate from the south of Brasil, and an apology to the Argentineans and Uruguayans for publishing such an ugly photo of mate. If it was a caipirinha, would you publish a photo of a cup of melted ice, slush and lime, that someone had drunk? Certainly not. Cleber, email Dear Cleber, Thanks for your email. We thought your criticisms were constructive, but according to the photographer who took the picture, the mate is Brasilian, and was taken at a gaucho (southern Brasilian) party in London! He says it was indeed almost finished – that’s why the mate looks wetter and perhaps that’s what led to your challenge to the article.

CORRECTION: Contrary to the Seeds of Solace article published in August, Lottie Child is NOT part of the Making Play project. She is running a separate project on the estate, working with older children".

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THE BRITISH-BORN TRAVEL CONSULTANT WHO LIVED IN BRASIL AND NEVER STOPPED LOVING IT! What do you do for a living? I’m a Tour Consultant at Geodyssey, a Latin American Tour Operator in London. We're just launching a new Brasil portfolio which is very exciting - check it out at geodyssey.co.uk Why do you read Jungle? It keeps my finger on the pulse for all things Brasilian in the UK and Brasil itself, helping to 'matar' ['kill'] some of my saudades. What's your favourite section in the magazine? I'd say Destinations for daydream-inspiring travel articles. Do you have a favourite article or feature? The article about Carnival's Unsung Heroes - it was

fascinating to learn about the work behind the scenes. What would you like to see more of in the magazine? More features on the fashion scene in Brasil. What is your favourite place in Brasil? It's a toss up between Praia Lopes Mendes on Ilha Grande, for sheer beach heaven, and Belo Horizonte, for its vibrant city life. When you hear the word 'Brasil', what's the first thing that springs to mind? Music, closely followed by Açai. What's your favourite Brasilian place in London? Barraco in Kilburn for transporting me back to a Brasilian boteco! ,&

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