JungleDrums issue 78 - March 2010

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this month as we bring you the best of Latin happenings around town, with the arrival of Sons of Cuba and a burst of Cuban music and dance. UGG RCIG HQT OQTG

gVXZndj TO THE SOFA TO CATCH THE FORMULA 1 ON TV as the new season begins later this month, with Schumacher, RäikkÜnen and of course Massa back on the grid, on BBC 1. ¿ PF OQTG JQV VKRU KP QWT CIGPFC R


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AT LEAST NOT THIS MONTH, FOR YOU'LL most definitely want to be able to enjoy some of the delicious treats presented in the new cookbook from Brasilian Leticia Schwarz - like chocolate brigadeiros, the perfect Easter treat! UGG OQTG QP RCIG

\aVbje AND GET YOUR GLAD RAGS ON for Caligula... the night voted best party in London by those in the know. You're in for a night of expectationdefying frolicking, flamboyance and frivolity. EJGEM QWV RCIG

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...Jungle subscribers now get a copy of Josh Rouse's new CD (see p.38 for interview), plus the DVD Only When I Dance, and of course a lovely new edition of the magazine every month right to their door! UGG RCIG


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This month we’ve gone all Cuba crazy, and the film Sons Of Cuba is the reason why...

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INTERVIEW American singer Josh Rouse speaks to Jungle about his love for Brasilian music and how it all began




The lowdown on the best party in London; contemporary Brasilian art on show; and yet more Cuba fever!

We visit the project offering sexual health advice and treatment to ethnic minorities in the capital

We’ve discovered the best way to combine relaxation and getting into shape, surrounded by nature





The bible to what’s going on in town

For your every eating and drinking need

Your rants and raves

Gloves fit for rainfall

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Who, in your eyes, is the most famous black musician/artist/ actor/celebrity etc from Brasil?

hZVaZY l^i] V hb^aZ Cast your eyes to the page opposite. Have you seen it? Isn’t it incredible?! In eight years of JungleDrums we’ve never had such great treats for our new subscribers. That’s right – anyone subscribing to Jungle this month will get an Only When I Dance DVD - a documentary about two underprivileged teenagers from Rio and their dreams to become ballet dancers – and the new CD from Josh Rouse (March's interviewee), whose music is swimming in Brasilian influences. As well as these unmissable freebies, you’ll get the best Latin and Brasilian events calender in London delivered right to your door each month, and you’ll be the first to know about events like the festival coming to the Southbank Centre this summer. True to our promise to bring more and more events to this corner of the world, we’re proud to announce our first shows for 2010: the return of Maria Rita (18th May) and the first visit by Casuarina (26th May). As if that weren’t enough, each and every subscriber will be entered into all our competitions, with goodies like the above shows up for grabs. What are you waiting for?

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Heathrow Underground WHERE CAN I FIND MY JD?

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Seu Jorge is a singer/songwriter of great ability. I find his lyrics very inspirational, as a matter of fact they are a depiction of the Brasilian way of life, especially life in the slums. Ana Gondos

Ronaldo Nazario, the footballer, is a world famous celebrity, and is one of the main people that spring to mind when I think of Brasilian celebrities. Meera Goria



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YKP LA LINEA FESTIVAL 2010 We've got a pair of tickets for both Los Van Van on March 20th and Kid Creole & The Coconuts (pictured) on April 22nd as part of this year's La Linea festival.

BALLET NACIONAL DE CUBA L^c V eV^g d[ i^X`Zih id i]Z YVcXZ heZXiVXaZ BV\^V YZ aV 9VcoV Vi i]Z AdcYdc 8da^hZjb! dc 6eg^a .i]#

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LUCIA ON DVD I]gZZ hidg^Zh d[ i]gZZ eZg^dYh d[ 8jWVc ]^hidgn! l^i] i]gZZ Y^[[ZgZci ldbZc! ZVX] XVaaZY AjX^V#

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Š<AAÂĄ 8;<D As the clock strikes 12 every Friday night, a Victorian bathhouse in Shoreditch dating back to 1895 begins to swim with a crowd of freakishly fashionable and boldly beautiful revellers, young and old, haling as much from the East End as from the far out worlds of fashion and fetish. Beneath gleaming skyscrapers, DJs, MCs and Special Guests writhe inside giant birdcages, the dance floor heaves, and behind red velvet curtains, fringes, tattoos and champagne compete for space in private booths. “When you least expect it, you might find an opera singer performing in the toilets,â€? announces Leo Belicha, a true fashionista and the man behind the magnificent plan that is the Caligula party, “there’s always that element of surprise.â€? The same goes for the crowd – and what they’re wearing, from gravity-defying headwear to shoes so high it hurts just to look at them. There’s no dress code, and pretty much everything goes. Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Leo has been involved in fashion and parties for as long as he can remember. A stylist by day, it’s his nighttime pursuits that have made him a name in the fashion industry, having organised bashes for the likes of Naomi Campbell, Roisin Murphy and Basso & Brooke. The Caligula night takes its name from the infamous film of the 1970’s - a veritable fest of Roman hardcore sex and violence - and is hosted by irreverent New York socialite, Andre J. Just 9 months old, Caligula already has the royal stamp of approval from Brasilian Vogue, MTV and TimeOut as London’s best party; asked what it is that makes the perfect party, Leo doesn’t hesitate; “The secret is not to take yourself too seriously. We just want people to have fun – and be surprised.â€? ,&


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XjWV a^WgZ Even if you didn’t flick straight to our cover story – the lovely Sons of Cuba documentary – you’ve probably noticed we’ve come over all Cuba-feverish this month. It’s been a year since the country celebrated 50 years of the Socialist Revolution, but Cuba50 - the festival launched in January of last year which has already entertained more than 40,000 punters - has just kept going full steam ahead, in true Cuban style. This month, Cuba50 brings some of the world’s most talented and exciting dancers to the UK stages with contemporary, ballet and traditional Cuban performances which will leave you running for the nearest dance academy or perhaps even a travel agent. We’ve checked the schedule and lovingly present to you here our picks of the weeks ahead. ,&

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THREE THOUSANDS KILOS OF COILED CLAY AND A LITTLE LADY If you struggle to imagine how three thousand kilos of wet clay can fit into a gallery space, you might want to head along to Anna Maria Maiolino’s exhibition. One of Brasil’s most important contemporary artists, this is Maiolino’s first UK solo show, though her work has previously featured at London's Whitechapel Gallery, and adorns New York's MOMA museum among other prestigious spaces. In addition to a series of videos made by the artist over the decades, the main attraction is the clay installation Maiolino will create on-site, which will then dry and crumble over the course of the exhibition – all part of The Continuum, Terra Modelada, a series of installations which she began in 1994. Rolling and shaping the clay by hand, the forms that Maiolino creates make reference to daily life, the relationships between individuals and societies, and the role of language - they also allude to the cycles of life and creation. “I believe contemporary Brasilian art has inherited the inquiring and free spirit proposed by the "Declaração dos Principios Básicos da Vanguarda in 1968”, explains Maiolino (see the box opposite). It was in that very era that Anna Maria Maiolino's career was launched, during what was as turbulent a time for art as it was for politics, and the advances made at the time continue to cast their influence today - something which is very much evident in Maiolino's work. ,& D[ %CTQN /QTCPFKPK

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Yes, the illustrious Paris Hilton has managed, yet again, to grab the attention of the entire international media whilst visiting Brasil last month. And she’s also got feminists and the Brasilian Women’s Bureau all in a fluster. The socialite’s latest antics began at a party thrown by the Devassa brewery when she ended up on all fours acting out a bizarre dance full of shimmys and acrobatics. But it was her next move – as opposed to her drunken performances – that caused the furore. The 29-year old heiress is the new face (and body, read on) of the Devassa ad campaign. In a video now widely available online, Paris and a can of Devassa get intimate at her window, as the whole of Rio gets a good look (she’s not exactly naked – in her little dress, she even looks more modest than usual). Critics claim the advert is disrespectful to women and it’s been pulled from Brasilian TV - much to the surprise of viewers who are used to seeing much more raunchy than a fully-clothed Paris and her bevvy. ,& D[ #PFTo FG 1NKXGKTC

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You're way too old to be a model


I just can't seem to hide how old I am!

do something different Tue 25 May 7.30pm

Vinicius Cantuaria and Rodrigo Leão & Cinema Ensemble

Vinicius Cantuaria’s music is Brazilian jazz at its most adventurous. With a band described as ‘post-electronica acoustic’, his music places him in a lineage including the great Tom Jobim and Caetano Veloso. Rodrigo Leão’s lush orchestrations sit effortlessly with songs of subtle fragility, making for hugely evocative music, cinematic in scope.

‘The epitome of post-modern Brazilian cool.’ The Independent on Vinicius Cantuaria ‘As understated as a Latin lover…irresistible.’ Songlines on Rodrigo Leão


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When you think about it, Brasil has every reason to be churning out world-class photographers; a huge country heaving with rich and diverse nature, full of nooks and crannies, vastly different cultures, languages and ethnicities and still in a phase of development which allows you to find the practices of the past alongside the vision of tomorrow. This year, one of the most prolific international photography competitions, the Sony World

Photography Awards, has recognised the talent of not one but three Brasilian photographers, who have been shortlisted for prizes to be announced in April at a prestigious ceremony in Cannes. 1 | Duda Carvalho is a well-known photographer in the fashion industry in Brasil, but it was his atmospheric image of an empty restaurant that got him a Sony nomination in the Architecture category. 2 | Leonardo Giannetti is in the

amateur category, but from the looks of his portfolio he could give some pro’s a run for their money - no pun intended; he’s up for the prize in the Sports category which could win him $5,000 and a Sony camera. 3| Calil Elias Neto has been a professional photographer since 1982 and is shortlisted for two images in the Arts and Entertainment section. His pictures depict the heavily symbolic, Afro-Brasilian religious ceremonies of the Northeast. ,&

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A fashion designer who doesn’t read fashion magazines, and a Brasilian who doesn’t “do” beaches – it doesn’t take much to realise that there’s a lot that’s different about Lena Santana. And we mean that in a good way. Born in Salvador, educated in London, and wisened-up in Rio and São Paulo (where she went from dancer to actress to artist), Lena launched the book One Piece of Fabric in the UK last month, and it’s selling like hotcakes. And it's no wonder; with 15 simple but pretty patterns to make your own clothes and accessories, this is a bible for recession- and eco-friendly chic, and for anyone who, like me, thought sewing classes at school were a waste of time and has regretted it ever after. “I do fashion: I don’t do beaches,” she explains, laughing. “In most of Brasil, life revolves around the beach and all of the clothes are tight and skimpy. Those aren’t the sort of things I make. I make elegant, well-made clothes; clothes for women.” Hence the book’s loose-fitting skirts, camisoles and culottes with delicate floral print suggestions that are more Provence than Praia. But Lena’s project is about more than just promoting a different style of clothing; it’s about resurrecting a dying craft. “No-one in Brasil learns to sew anymore. To be a designer in Brasil you don’t have to know how to sew,” she laments. “But how are you meant to explain to a seamstress what you want them to do, if you don’t know how it’s done? I think that’s the problem with Brasil. That’s why there are all these clothes that are ugly, strange and tacky.” Lena’s book is well-timed; it’s a wellacknowledged fact that craft sales actually benefit from recessions, and the UK’s “cottage industry” has gone from strength to strength over the last year or so. “Because of the financial crisis, people are going back to making their own things at home,” Lena points out. “When I was growing up in Salvador, my family had no money – we were really poor,” she recalls. “My mother would buy material and then use our old clothes as the patterns to make new ones. And I used the leftover scraps to make clothes for my dolls.” Even today, Lena reckons her interest in reusable and do-ityourself fashion is rooted in her childhood. “All of this ‘disposable’ fashion doesn’t interest me in the slightest. I’d rather be small scale and not make a lot of money. ” As for inspiration, Lena is a self-confessed material addict: “Wherever I travel, the first thing I look for is a material shop. You can leave me there all day – that’s where I’ll find myself!” ,& D[ #PC 0CQOK

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hdjcYh d[ V a^[Zi^bZ Leo Gandelman’s Garrincha soundtrack to the film of the same name (based on Ruy Castro’s excellent biography), conveys the twofold story of the crooked-legged ‘Joy of the People’ footballer Garrincha – his professional triumph and personal hardship. The first half contains uplifting tracks like the energetic batucada Escola, and Futebol na Areia, with its enchanting accordion-led melody. Abertura is also full of the polished jazz-samba sound often found in Far Out releases. The second half has a much darker, more atmospheric and often experimental feel to it: from the eerie Decadente Psicodélico to the cello’s lament of Hospital. This quirky score is a collection of charming and original sounds, but with numerous tracks cut short and a certain absence of linkage from one track to the next, it can make for a frustrating listen. ,&

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;>AB H=DLH I=: ADC<! =6G9 GD69 ID ID <ADGN ;DG 8J76ÉH NDJC< 7DM:GH Cuba, 1959. A group of revolutionaries lead by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara have managed to wrestle power from the dictatorship of Fulgêncio Batista, establishing in its place a socialist government in a move which leads to the USA imposing a trade embargo – a blockade which has lasted until this very day. Over the years, despite the difficulties experienced since the collapse of the USSR and with it the alliance of socialist countries which supported Cuba after the US blockade, Fidel Castro’s government has established world-class heath and education systems accessible to the entire Cuban population; it also has some of the best competitive sportsmen and women in the world.

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sons of cuba Nonetheless, and despite a socialist system of which equality is one of the trump cards, international sport offers opportunities to athletes that would be unthinkable for many ordinary Cubans, as well as turning them into national heroes, they receive special benefits from the government. Cuba, 2006. Throughout the year, groups of children of around nine years old from all over the country are selected to join Cuba’s regional training academies. It was the Havana Boxing Academy, where until recently, boys under 12 prepared for the Cuban National Boxing Championships, that British director Andrew Lang chose as the focus of his documentary Sons of Cuba, which will be released in London mid this month – see the box at the end of the article for more info on when it’s showing. Andrew lays claim to a long-standing interest in Cuban culture and confesses he was just looking for an excuse to make a film there, “until one day I read an article in The Times about boxing in Cuba and an interview with the two-time Olympic champion Mario Kindelán. At one point, the journalist asked him, ‘Why does Cuba have such good boxing?’ – and he said ‘Cuba is a small country, but we live to fight. We fight through every walk of life.’ Finally, Andrew recalls, he had stumbled upon the story he was looking for. “I started to think about it and I decided to put the struggle for survival as the film’s theme.” He had heard about the difficulties faced by people in Cuba, and realised the daily fight for survival seen through the prism of boxing in the rings could result in an interesting piece of work. But when Andrew was in Cuba researching the film, he came across the Havana Boxing Academy and its young pupils; a group of

WHY DOES CUBA HAVE SUCH GOOD BOXING? CUBA IS A SMALL COUNTRY, BUT WE LIVE TO FIGHT. WE FIGHT THROUGH EVERY WALK OF LIFE. children training daily in the hope of one day making it as professionals. What started off as a short showing a 17-year old boy preparing to join the national boxing squad turned into a feature-length documentary following the daily routine of a youth training academy, and the young boys who lived there. The young stars of the documentary go by the names of Cristian, Santos and Junior. Cristian ‘the old boy’ dreams of being an even better boxer than his father, the world and Olympic champion Luis Felipe Martinez. Despite being the same age as the other kids, he earned his name for his maturity and confidence, and is thought of as one of the most promising kids in the academy. Santos ‘the singer’ is a skinny little boy who seems

to like sweets and treats more than the ring, and whose worst nightmare are the daily weighings-in. Junior is known as ‘the Dalmatian’ because of the white marks on his head; he hung up his ballet shoes when a boxing trainer saw him dancing and recognised his potential for a much less dainty sport. That said, in the film Junior is seen struggling to toughen up and be less of a ‘softy’ with his adversaries. The leader of this pack is Yosvani, a man who once trained to be a boxer just like the boys in his academy, until health problems took him out of the ring, at 17. “If I couldn’t be a boxer anymore, I decided I would become the best coach I could be”, he recalls. He ended up working with children because “they’re like sponges: they absorb everything that you teach them so easily”. Some 17 years since he left the ring himself, he is considered one of the top under-12 trainers in Cuba, having coached the team which won the national championships six years in a row. Talking to Jungle on the phone from Cuba, Yosvani said he didn’t have the words to describe how it felt to have his story told for the first time. “I’m overwhelmed with pride. The film makers really showed all of the sacrifices the athletes make in order to become champions”. The film accompanies the Havana Boxing Academy for a period of eight months between 2006 and 2007, coinciding with the most significant period of political transition in Cuba in the last 50 years. In July, 2006, Fidel Castro became unwell and handed over administration of the country to his brother Raul, as an intermittent measure. The Commandante, as Castro is known, who governed the Caribbean island from 1959, made the devolution official in 2008.

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sons of cuba One of the big issues in Sons of Cuba are the pressures that the children face on a daily basis. Whether it’s weight ‘problems’ – of course, none of the children in the group could be called fat, but their nutrition is closely controlled and they are weighed three times a day in the academy – or waking up at 4am to train, it’s easy to see that, in one way, they are being deprived of their childhoods. From the outset of the film, they are shown training, chanting mantras such as ‘Victory is our duty’ and ‘There is no excuse for failure’ as they dedicate themselves to fighting like professionals, and fear not being good enough to make the pre-championship selections.

And it’s difficult to ignore the brutality of the sport, although gratuitous violence is in no way encouraged in the academy. Of course, all children involved in sporting competitions are restricted in one way or another, wherever in the world that might be, let alone the pressures they face from parents and trainers. But in Cuba those pressure are multiplied. When Santos thinks about quitting boxing, it’s difficult to imagine the effect the words of his father must have on him, when he tells his son: “You have to carry on, and make yourself do it, you have to find a way to help your family in the future. You are my only son, if you don’t help me I’ll be lost...”

At the same time, when the children finally go home and we get to see the lives they would lead 24 hours a day if it wasn’t for the academy, it doesn’t seem so black and white. According to Andrew, “for really poor families, having a kid in the academy means that he is being fed during the week, but if he’s at home his parents will have to pay for his food. So that has an influence on their decisions as well.” It’s a dilemma that didn’t escape Andrew or his team. “You’re not sure if the audience is going to be impressed or horrified with what the kids are going through. And there were aspects of the whole system that were impressive: these kids were quite disciplined,

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sons of cuba there had a great sense of community, they really helped each other out, all of which is very positive, but then there’s elements that were hard to swallow, these kids training so hard with so little food, punching each other in the face, it’s really hard, so we really had mixed feelings when filming it� One of the documentary’s strongest points, in fact, is that Andrew gained the confidence of his subjects, giving rise, at times, to some confessional declarations – like when Cristian’s mother admits her family have been through such difficult times that she has had to send her children to bed hungry. The Havana Boxing Academy closed its doors around two years ago, but others have sprung up in its place. Yosvani has been


FIGHT FOR PEACE: BUILDING A BETTER FUTURE THROUGH BOXING >iÉh cdi dcan 8jWV i]Vi jhZh Wdm^c\ Vh V lVn d[ ZcXdjgV\^c\ V WZiiZg [jijgZ [dg X]^aYgZc VcY iZZch# I]Z ;^\]i [dg EZVXZ Egd_ZXi! ^c G^d YZ ?VcZ^gd! V^bh id Wj^aY V ]ZVai]^Zg VcY hV[Zg hedgih XjaijgZ Vbdc\hi ndjc\hiZgh [gdb [VkZaVh hjX] Vh 8dbeaZmd YV BVg‚! l]ZgZ `^Yh d[iZc \Zi ^ckdakZY l^i] Ygj\ igV[Ò X`^c\ VcY di]Zg ^aa^X^i VXi^k^i^Zh# ;djcYZY Wn [dgbZg :c\a^h] VbViZjg WdmZg Aj`Z 9dlYcZn ^c '%%%! i]Z egd_ZXi i]Vi hiVgiZY l^i] '* eZdeaZ lVh eVgi d[ K^kV G^d! Vcdi]Zg C<D ^c i]Z X^in# Æ> ]VY i]Z ^YZV l]Zc > lVh ^c GZX^[Z ldg`^c\ l^i] hdbZ higZZi `^Yh! l]^ahi > lVh Yd^c\ bn BVhiZgh# >iÉh kZgn Xdbbdc [dg i]Zb id hc^[[ \ajZ VcY lZÉY WZZc ign^c\ ZkZgni]^c\ id bV`Z i]Zb fj^i! l^i] cd hjXXZhh# I]Zc dcZ YVn! i]Zn [djcY dji >ÉY WZZc V WdmZg VcY i]Vi lVh ^i/ i]Zn lZgZ ^chiVcian ejii^c\ i]Z \ajZ Ydlc VcY Vh`^c\ bZ id iZVX] i]Zb hdbZ bdkZhÇ! ]Z hVnh# HdbZ nZVgh aViZg! l]Zc ]Z lVh ^c G^d ldg`^c\ l^i] K^kV G^d! i]Z egd_ZXi Ò cVaan XVbZ id a^[Z VcY i]Z gZhi ^h ]^hidgn# >c '%%*! Aj`ZÉh egd_ZXi lVh VagZVYn hZgk^c\ dkZg *%% eZdeaZ l^i] i]Z deZc^c\ d[ i]Z ;^\]i [dg EZVXZ Hedgih VcY :YjXVi^dc 8ZcigZ# Ild nZVgh aViZg! i]Z egd_ZXi XVbZ id AdcYdc! V^b^c\ id gZVX] eZdeaZ WZilZZc i]Z V\Zh d[ && VcY '& [gdb i]Z Wdgdj\] d[ CZl]Vb# IdYVn! ^iÉh ZhiVWa^h]ZY Vh Vc ^cYZeZcYZci cdi"[dg"egdÒ i dg\Vc^hVi^dc ^c 7gVh^a VcY V X]Vg^in l^i]^c i]Z J@# Aj`Z hVnh i]Vi bVcn hedgih VXVYZb^Zh YZkZade V hdX^Va Vc\aZ Vadc\ i]Z lVn! Wji ]Z lVciZY ]^h egd_ZXi id WZ [jcYVbZciVaan hdX^Va# =Z WVhZY ;^\]i [dg EZVXZ dc Ò kZ e^aaVgh ^c dgYZg id egZkZci X]^aYgZc [gdb Y^hVYkVciV\ZY Xdbbjc^i^Zh [gdb \Zii^c\ ^ckdakZY ^c Xg^bZ# I]Z ndjc\ eZdeaZ YZkZade i]Z^g h`^aah ^c hedgih! ZYjXVi^dc VcY kdXVi^dcVa igV^c^c\# ;dg bdgZ ^c[dgbVi^dc dc i]Z^g egd_ZXih! k^h^i Ò \]i[dgeZVXZ#cZi

teaching at the High Achievement Centre for three months, but he still keeps in touch with his ex-pupils. “I miss them as if they were my own children. I still meet Cristian, and we talk a lot. He still fights and shows a lot of promise. Even though they were still kids when they started training, I think of them as my companions, too. And as the years pass, our friendship develops too – when they have problems they know they can talk to me,� he shares, with an air of contentment. Andrew is unequivocal: “I wouldn’t want my child in a system like theirs, but if my son had a coach or a teacher like Yosvani it would be a good thing, because he was amazing. Yosvani had a real way with children. He was a real father figure.� ,&

kV^ Va‚b# FjVcYd HVcidh eZchV Zb YZh^hi^g Yd WdmZ! hZj eV^ a]Z [VaV Xdb idYVh Vh aZigVh! ĂˆkdX„ egZX^hV Xdci^cjVg! hZ Zh[dg Vg! iZb fjZ ZcXdcigVg jbV [dgbV YZ V_jYVg hjV [Vb†a^V cd [jijgd# KdX„ ‚ bZj Â?c^Xd [^a]d! hZ c d bZ V_jYVg Zhidj eZgY^Yd###É# HZb YÂ?k^YV! ‚ jbV XZcV ^beVXiVciZ# 6d bZhbd iZbed! fjVcYd Vh Xg^Vc Vh [^cVabZciZ k d eVgV XVhV Z d ZheZXiVYdg iZb VXZhhd Vd Zhi^ad YZ k^YV fjZ ZaZh aZkVg^Vb ') ]dgVh edg Y^V hZ c d Zhi^kZhhZb cV VXVYZb^V! V ZhXda]V YZ aVYdh hZ idgcV ZmigZbVbZciZ XdbeaZmV Z Xdc[a^ijdhV0 c d ‚ ZmViVbZciZ [{X^a hZ edh^X^dcVg# ÆFjVcYd jbV [Vb†a^V ‚ i d edWgZ Vhh^b! iZg jb [^a]d cV VXVYZb^V h^\c^[^XV fjZ ZaZ ‚ Va^bZciVYd YjgVciZ V hZbVcV! Zci d ^hhd ^c[ajZcX^V Vh YZX^hÂ?ZhÇ! V[^gbV 6cYgZl! fjZ Y^hhZ iVbW‚b iZg [^XVYd Y^k^Y^Yd hdWgZ d fjZ eZchVg Yd fjZ ZhiVkV hZcYd bdhigVYd# ÆC d i^c]V XZgiZoV hZ Vh eZhhdVh [^XVg^Vb ^begZhh^dcVYVh dj ]dggdg^oVYVh Xdb d fjZ Vh Xg^Vc Vh ZhiVkVb k^kZcX^VcYd# : ]Vk^V VheZXidh YV gdi^cV YZaZh fjZ ^begZhh^dcVkVb/ ZaZh ZgVb bj^id Y^hX^ea^cVYdh! i^c]Vb jbV cd d ZcdgbZ YZ Xdbjc^YVYZ Z gZVabZciZ hZ V_jYVkVb! d fjZ ‚ bj^id edh^i^kd# BVh iVbW‚b ]Vk^V dh ZaZbZcidh Y^[†XZ^h YZ Y^\Zg^g! Xdbd d igZ^cVbZcid i d ^ciZchd Xdb i d edjXV Xdb^YV! hdXVcYd dh djigdh cd gdhid d iZbed idYd# ;^XVbdh Xdc[jhdh iVbW‚bÇ! ZaZ VYb^iZ# JbV YVh k^gijYZh Yd YdXjbZci{g^d ‚ _jhiVbZciZ d [Vid YZ 6cYgZl iZg Xdcfj^hiVYd V Xdc[^Vc V YVh eZhhdVh V edcid YZ dWiZg YZXaVgV Â?Zh fjVhZ Xdc[Zhh^dcV^h! Xdbd cd bdbZcid Zb fjZ V b Z YZ 8g^hi^Vc VYb^iZ _{ iZg eVhhVYd edg Y^[^XjaYVYZh [^cVcXZ^gVh i d \gVcYZh fjZ c d iZkZ d fjZ d[ZgZXZg Vdh [^a]dh cd _VciVg# Ăˆ?{ [dbdh Ydgb^g Xdb [dbZ bj^iVh kZoZhÉ! ZaV Y^o# 8db d gZ\^bZ eda†i^Xd [ZX]VYd Xdbd ‚ Zb 8jWV Z Xdb idYVh Vh gZhig^ Â?Zh eZaVh fjV^h V edejaV d eVhhV! XZgiVbZciZ c d YZkZ iZg h^Yd [{X^a XdchZ\j^g ZhiZ i^ed YZ YZed^bZcid# Edcid eVgV ZaZ fjZ XdchZ\jZ ^g Va‚b Ydh hdgg^hdh YZ [VX]VYV Xdbjch Zb eV†hZh fjZ hd[gZb Xdb Y^iVYjgVh# 6 =VkVcV 7dm^c\ 6XVYZbn [ZX]dj ]{ XZgXV YZ Yd^h Vcdh! bVh djigVh idbVgVb d hZj aj\Vg cV XVe^iVa# NdhkVc^ Y^o fjZ ]{ ig„h bZhZh Zhi{ Zch^cVcYd cd 8Zcigd YZ 6aid GZcY^bZcid! bVh fjZ c d eZgYZ d XdciVid Xdb dh Zm"Vajcdh# ÆH^cid [VaiV YZaZh Xdbd hZ [dhhZb bZjh eg‹eg^dh [^a]dh# HZbegZ bZ ZcXdcigd Xdb 8g^hi^Vc! edg ZmZbead! Z XdckZghVbdh WVhiVciZ# :aZ Xdci^cjV ajiVcYd Z egdbZiZ cd ZhedgiZ# 6eZhVg YZ XdbZ VgZb d igZ^cVbZcid V^cYV Xg^Vc Vh! h^cid"dh Xdbd bZjh XdbeVc]Z^gdh iVbW‚b# 6a‚b Y^hhd! Xdb d eVhhVg Ydh Vcdh! cdhhV gZaV d hZ Vegd[jcYV Z fjVcYd ZaZh i„b egdWaZbVh! hVWZb fjZ edYZb XdckZghVg Xdb^\dÇ! ZaZ Y^o! hVi^h[Z^id# ,& HDCH D; 8J76 >86 Ă„ DE:C>C< C><=I DC &- B6G8= L>I= F 6 GJCC>C< ĂˆI>AA - 6EG>A 7;> ADC9DC " C;I ( " && 6EG>A! (#*%EB ;DAADL:9 7N F 6 G>K:GH>9: HIJ9>DH " &( 6EG>A! .EB HDCHD;8J76#8DB









:.?05 until 20th A6G6 K>6C6 I]Z 7gVh^a^Vc eV^ciZgÉh ldg` ]Vh WZZc YZhXg^WZY Vh ĂˆYZaZXiVWaZ nZi Y^hfj^Zi^c\ hijY^Zh [dg V bZciVa e^Xc^XÉ0 i]^h ^h ]Zg Ă’ ghi hdad Zm]^W^i^dc $e^Xc^X # I]jg Ă„ HVi! &'eb"+eb 9dbd 7VVa! ( ?d]c HigZZi Ă„ L8&C ':H 9DBD766A#8DB ™ %'% ,')' .+%)

9th | tuesday DANBE>8 :I=C>8 B>CDG>IN 86G::GH 96N I]Z Danbe^X EVgVanbe^X <VbZh lVci id Wg^c\ bdgZ 7aVX`! 6h^Vc VcY B^cdg^in :i]c^X hiV[[ id ldg` ^c i]Z dg\Vc^hVi^dc Ă„ Ă’ cY dji ]dl Vi i]^h YVn ZkZci# &%Vb"(eb IdlZg =VbaZih K6A:G>:#=J9HDC5ADC9DC'%&'#8DB

10 | wednesday th

>CH>9: I=: L>G: 6c jcegZXZYZciZY! WZ]^cY"i]Z"hXZcZh add` Vi i]Z cdidg^djh <jVciVcVbd 7Vn eg^hdc l^i] Vc ZmXZaaZci eVcZa d[ \Zcj^cZan ^ciZgZhi^c\ ZmeZgih [dg F 6 +#(%eb! —+ 8Vcc^c\ =djhZ! ' 7Za\gVkZ HfjVgZ Ä HL&M -E? 86CC>C<=DJH:#DG< ™ %'% ,'(* '(%(

11 -13 th


ADC9DC A6I>CD ;>AB ;:HI>K6A I]Z Ă’ ghi AdcYdc AVi^cd ;^ab ;Zhi^kVa ^cXajYZh hbVh]^c\ Ă“ ^X`h [gdb KZcZojZaV! 6g\Zci^cV! 8jWV VcY 8]^aZ ^cXajY^c\ h]dgih! YdXjbZciVg^Zh VcY [ZVijgZh# KVg^djh i^bZh eg^XZh 7da^kVg =Vaa! <gV[idc LVn " L&I *9A

12th | friday

19th - 20th

E6H>âC 9: 7J:C6 K>HI6

96CO6 8DCI:BEDGÙC:6 9: 8J76

I]Z ]di! eVhh^dcViZ! Vji]Zci^X VcY ZcZg\Zi^X cZl h]dl l^i] YVcXZ VcY ^cXgZY^WaZ g]ni]bh Xdci^cjZh ^ih J@ idjg! Ygdee^c\ ^c id 8gdnYdc dc BVgX] &'i]#

LdgaY [Vbdjh! Wji gVgZan hZZc djih^YZ d[ 8jWV! i]Z XdbeVcn Wg^c\h V [VciVhi^X b^m d[ XdciZbedgVgn YVcXZ [jhZY l^i] 6[gd"8Vg^WWZVc VcY HeVc^h] hinaZh#

-eb! —'(#*% Ä —'*#*% ;V^gÒ ZaY =Vaah 8gdnYdc

,#(%eb! —&% " —'* HVYaZgÉh LZaah I]ZVigZ! GdhZWZgn 6kZcjZ Ä :8&G

E6H>DC"9:"7J:C6"K>HI6#8DB ™ %'% -+-- .'.&

H69A:GHL:AAH#8DB ™ %-)) )&' )(%%

13th march - 24th april

19th march - 14th april

8A6G>HH6 8:HI6G>

96C>:A H:C>H:

I]^h WZ^c\ ]Zg Ò ghi hdad h]dl ^c AdcYdc! ^iÉh Vc ZmegZhh^dc d[ Vgi Vi ^ih bdhi eV^chiV`^c\an ZmVXi! l^i] bdcdX]gdbZ eV^ci^c\h! Y^einX]h! VcY ldg`h dc eVeZg#

I]Z :bWVhhn d[ 7gVh^a egdjYan egZhZcih V hdad Zm]^W^i^dc Wn 9Vc^Za HZc^hZ! dcZ d[ i]Z ZmedcZcih d[ i]Z d[ i]Z Ăˆ<ZgV d -%É d[ 7gVh^a^Vc eV^ci^c\#

;G::! LZY";g^ &%Vb"+eb! HVi &&Vb"*eb :Vhi 8ZcigVa <VaaZgn! '( 7ViZbVcÉh Gdl Ä :8'6 (==

;G::! IjZ";g^ &&Vb"+eb! HVi &&Vb"*eb <VaaZgn ('! (' <gZZc HigZZi Ă„ L&@ ,6I

:6HI8:CIG6A<6AA:G>:H#8DB ™ %'% ,,(. ++).

<6AA:GN('#DG<#J@ ™ %'% ,(.. .''-

18th | thursday

20th | saturday



I]^h 8dadbW^Vc hZkZc"e^ZXZ XdbZ ]^\]an gZXdbbZcYZY [gdb djg [g^ZcYh Vi 8dadbW^V\Z! [dg i]Z^g [VciVhi^X heZXiVXaZ d[ _dgded bjh^X VcY YVcXZ# 8ViX] i]Zb l]^ahi ndj XVc dc i]Z^g J@ idjg#

8jWVc Vaa"hiVg YVcXZ WVcY Adh KVc KVc VgZ WVX` ^c AdcYdc VcY ^iÉh WdjcY id WZ V hZaa"dji h]dl! l^i] i]Z^g [ZVghdbZ bjh^X^Vch VcY hidbe^c\ g]ni]bh#

-eb! —&* Jc^dc 8]VeZa! >ha^c\idc Ä C& 'M9 8DBDCD#8D#J@ ™ %-))) ,, &%%%

19 | friday th

HJE:G ;G>96NH Igdi Ydlc id i]^h ]^YYZc \Zb ^c @^c\Éh 8gdhh VcY XViX] ndjghZa[ V eVgin ]ZVk^c\ l^i] AVi^c hdjcYh VcY WV^aZ [jc` XdjgihZn d[ 9?Éh 7ZlVgZ! Da^ 967 VcY GdW^c#

HDJI= ADC9DC <6AA:GN <6A6 ;jhZ 6gih egZhZcih ild ZkZc^c\h d[ cZlan Xdbb^hh^dcZY XdciZbedgVgn XaVhh^XVa bjh^X XdcXZgih Wn VXXaV^bZY XdbedhZgh VcY bjh^X^Vch#

86B>CD#J@#8DB ™ %'% ,-)& ,((&


30TH march - 11TH april 76AA:I C68>DC6A 9: 8J76 6gg^k^c\ [dg i]Z^g adc\"VlV^iZY AdcYdc YZWji! h]dlXVh^c\ HlVc AV`Z VcY BV\^V YZ aV 9VcoV l^i] jceVgVaaZaZY iZX]c^fjZ! Ă“ V^g VcY k^k^Y 8jWVc eVhh^dc#

K:C:OJ:A6 HE:8>6A 6[iZg i]Z hjXXZhh d[ i]Z EZgjk^Vc heZX^Va aVhi bdci]! Bdk^b^Zcidh Wg^c\h jh V hZXdcY ^chiVaabZci! i]^h i^bZ l^i] KZcZojZaVc [ddY! Ă’ abh VcY a^kZ! 6[gd" KZcZojZaVc g]ni]bh [dg dcZ c^\]i dcan

KVg^djh i^bZ! [gdb —&* AdcYdc 8da^hZjb! Hi BVgi^cÉh AVcZ Ä L8'C ):H H69A:GHL:AAH#8DB ™ %-)) )&' )(&%

,eb! —* G^X] B^m! (*"), 7Zi]cVa <gZZc GdVY Ä :& +A6 G>8=B>M#DG<#J@ ™ %'% ,+&( ,).-

8gZViZY Wn bZbWZgh d[ i]Z edejaVg 7gVh^a^Vc [jc` WVcY HVgVkV] Hdja! HjgjgÂ? VgZ a^kZ Vi <jVcVWVgV l^i] Vc ^ggZh^hiVWaZ WaZcY d[ 7gVh^a^Vc g]ni]bh

23rd & 25th

,eb! [gdb —&' Hdji] AdcYdc <VaaZgn! +* EZX`]Vb GdVY Ä H:*

11th thursday



-eb Ă„ &Vb! ;G:: 8Vb^cd! I]Z GZ\Zci FjVgiZg! @^c\h 8gdhh Ă„ C& .9;


11th thursday

-#(%eb! —'* GdjcY]djhZ! 8]Va` ;Vgb gY! 8VbYZc

19th | friday H6B76 HE:8>6A <jVcVWVgV \Zi V heZX^Va k^h^i [gdb HeVc^h] eZgXjhh^dc \gdje 7adXd YV 7Va^oV l]d _d^c i]Z AdcYdc HX]dda d[ HVbWV [dg YdjWaZ i]Z [jc# I]Zc i]ZgZÉh 9?Éh I VcY =Vgk WViia^c\ ^i dji l^i] i]Z^g 7gVh^a^Vc ]djhZ Zi Va#

until 9th may E6JA6 G:<D 5 I=: ;DJC9A>C< I]Z ;djcYa^c\ Wg^c\h Vgi^hih! IgVXZn :b^c BVi 8daa^h]Vl id\Zi]Zg l^i] Edgij\jZhZ EVjaV GZ\d! l]d ZmeadgZh i]Z eV^c VcY Vc\j^h] VhhdX^ViZY l^i] VheZXih d[ X]^aY]ddY! bdi]Zg]ddY! VWdgi^dc VcY adhh#

—* V[iZg .eb <jVcVWVgV! EVg`Zg HigZZi Ä L8'7 *EL

—* V[iZg .eb! <jVcVWVgV! EVg`Zg HigZZi Ä L8'7 *EL

!IjZh " HVi &%Vb"*eb! Hjc &&Vb"*eb! —,#*%$—* I]Z ;djcYa^c\! )% 7gjchl^X` HfjVgZ Ä L8&C &6O

<J6C676G6#8D#J@ ™ %'% ,')' -+%%

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.=?69 1st april - 30th may

every monday

6CC6 B6G>6 B6>DA>CD


L^i] Wdi] ร ab VcY hXjaeijgZ! BV^da^cdร h ^chiVaaVi^dc l^aa jhZ hZkZgVa ]jcYgZY `^ad\gVbh d[ XaVn! Zmeadg^c\ ZkZgnYVn iVh`h! hdX^Zin VcY aVc\jV\Z#

HiVgi i]Z lZZ` ^c \gZVi Xdjcign hinaZ l^i] he^cc^c\ XaVhh^X ijcZh! [gZZ A^cZ 9VcXZ XaVhhZh VcY V a^kZ eZg[dgbVcXZ Wn Eย cV :higVYV WVcY#

;G::! IjZh ร Hjc &%Vb"+eb! LZYh &%Vb".eb 8VbYZc 6gih 8ZcigZ! 6g`lg^\]i GdVY ร CL( +9<

,eb! ย * <jVcVWVgV! EVg`Zg Hi " L8'7 *EL

86B9:C6GIH8:CIG:#DG< ย %'% ,),' **%%

<J6C676G6#8D#J@ ย %'% ,')' -+%%

1st | thursday

HiVgi i]Z bdci] Vh ndj bZVc id \d dc l^i] <jVcVWVgVร h 8]dX H]di ร V YZa^X^djh X]dXdaViZ WdiiaZ ร aaZY l^i] XVX]Vย V! Vh 9?ร h =Vgk I \d ]ZVY id ]ZVY dc i]Z YZX`h VcY B^c^WadXd ]^i i]Z hiV\Z# ย * V[iZg .eb! <jVcVWVgV! EVg`Zg HigZZi ร L8'7 *EL <J6C676G6#8D#J@ ย %'% ,')' -+%%

8th | thursday H@6 8J76CD I]Z [jc`n! 8jWV"adXd \gdje hZi je Wn Vc :c\a^h] WVc`Zg ร cY i^bZ ^c i]Z^g \adWZ"igdii^c\ hX]ZYjaZ [dg V e^i"hide ^c i]Z^g ร ]dbZร idlc Vi ?Voo 8V[ย # ,eb! ย &+#*% ?Voo 8V[ย ! EVg`lVn! 8VbYZc ?6OO86;:A>K:#8DB

8th & 9th I6C>6 B6G>6 <gVbbn"cdb^cViZY IVc^V BVg^V ^h V 7gVh^a^Vc"Wdgc h^c\Zg$e^Vc^hi l]dhZ hXVi ]Vh bVYZ ]Zg [Vbdjh i]Z ldgaY dkZg# 9dcร i b^hh i]^h deedgijc^in id XViX] V gVl iVaZci ^c VXi^dc# ,eb! [gdb ย '% Gdcc^Z HXdiiร h! ), ;g^i] HigZZi ร L&9 )=I GDCC>:H8DIIH#8D#J@ ย %'% ,)(. %,),

9th friday B6GI6 IDE;:GDK6 6 W^\ cVbZ dc i]Z AVi^c hXZcZ Vaa dkZg i]Z ldgaY! 8oZX]"Wdgc BVgiV Ide[ZgdkV! l]d ^h WVhZY ^c CZl Ndg`! Wg^c\h ]Zg ร ;adg CdXijgcVร idjg d[ Hdji] 9ddgh ,eb! ย &' VYk <gZZc cdiZ! &%+ EVg`lVn! 8VbYZc ร CL& ,6C <G::CCDI:#8D#J@ ย %'% ,)-* .-..

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Josh Rouse

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JD GLIMPSES THE BRASIL-TINTED WORLD OF BOSSA-INSPIRED JOSH ROUSE, THE NEBRASKAN MUSICIAN WHO’S MORE AT HOME IN SPAIN, AND FINDS OUT WHAT FLOATS HIS MUSICAL BOAT “That’s a difficult question,” says Josh Rouse, when asked to name his perfect line up for an imaginary Brasilian music festival. “João [Gilberto] is my favourite, but I hear that he’s kind of weird...” It might be owing to the soft style of singing and Josh’s delicate voice, that the father of Bossa Nova is his idol, but the American’s relationship with Brasilian music goes far deeper. His passion is evident throughout his new album El Turista(see the review on p.40), which has just been launched at the start of March. From Valencia, Spain, where Josh now lives with his wife, Josh had a chat with Jungle before jumping on a plane for a European tour, which will bring him to the HMV Forum in London on the 24th of March. During our interview, he told us about the time the pouring rain led him to spend the whole night in a hotel lobby, jamming with Seu Jorge - and he promises to be singing in Portuguese before too long: “I’m trying! My next language to learn is Portuguese.” El Turista is getting rave reviews and being sold as your most Brasilian album, it sounds really good, very lush, full of orchestrations... Yeah, thanks. The record turned out really nice, it’s elegant and classy but, at the same time, there’s a little bit of a party element on it, with songs like ‘Valencia’ and ‘Las Voces’. And then there’s a kind of Bahian groove on some other tunes.

How has your appreciation of Brasilian music come about? Were your parents fans of Bossa Nova? No, I discovered it - it came from me. But a lot of my friends listen to older, Brasilian music. And you know, it’s just the best music in the world - I think that a lot of musicians

BRASILIANS ARE KIND OF SUPERIOR TO THE REST OF THE WORLD; AS MUSICIANS WE ALWAYS LOOK TO THEM, AND LISTEN TO THEM. see it that way. Because the Brasilians are kind of superior to the rest of the world, we, as musicians always look to them, we listen to them a lot, especially (Tom) Jobim, he was such a genius composer. And, you know, we like string arrangements and things like that. And because I’m a songwriter who just likes working in a lot of different styles of music, I decided for this record to mix some of that with what I’m doing. How will it work live? Are you planning

on bringing strings with you on tour? No strings, but there’s a piano player and a drummer who plays percussion too. Then there’s a bass player, and a guy playing charango, which is an Argentinean instrument, and I’ll play acoustic guitar. It’s looking really good, it’s a good concert, I think. Apart from the drummer, the band is formed by people that I met here in Spain over the past few years. You’ve been in Spain for quite a long time. Do you, as the title of your album suggests, still feel like a tourist? I’ve been here for five years, and I feel at home in Spain. But you know, the title El Turista comes from the fact that I feel at home here, but I’m not from here - like a lot of people in major cities. They always come from somewhere else. Even when you have your home and your family in a different place, as an immigrant, you’re always kind of like a foreigner. There’s something that you will miss in the culture sometimes – you have the culture from your own place, but culturally you are kind of like a tourist – you’re trying to pick up on what people are doing, and enjoy it and learn from it. And that was kinda the purpose of the title. The album’s artwork shows a passport with loads of visas. Is it really yours? And why no stamp for Brasil?! Yeah, that’s actually my old passport that expired. The Brasil one is not there because the visa is in my new passport. That was a

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Josh Rouse be honest I wasn’t expecting much, because they told me I only had one record out there and it was from a long time ago [his second album being the highly recommended Home]. When I arrived there, the first concert was almost sold out, and everyone knew the words to all the songs. It was great. I think we all felt really good about it, so I thought “I need to come here more often”. You mention that you got in touch with Brasilian music through some friends. How did it happen? I think it was in 2003. I mean, I’ve always kinda known some of the classic stuff from Brasil, because everyone does. But I got a

little more deeper into it when Brad Jones, the guy who produced 1972, Nashville and the new record, started making me compilations of all these different people. But just in the last few years I’ve started to discover so many things, and I’ve became a big fan of Jorge Ben, Vinícius de Moraes and Caetano Veloso. And I think Caetano’s still doing great records, his last one [Zii e Zie], is really cool. I love how it sounds like he just has one idea but he’ll do this for ten minutes, and he’ll make something really, really cool out of it. And I’d really like to work with Arto Lindsay. Did you have time to go around Brasil?


hard one to get. I think that Brasil has a weird [diplomatic] relation with America at the moment. But I’m really glad that I got to go, [Josh played São Paulo and Natal in 2008], and I really want to go again. How did it go? Were you surprised when you got to Brasil and found you had quite a few fans of your work? Yeah! It was crazy! I think a promoter from São Paulo had been in contact with my manager for a couple of years. And we kept saying “Yeah, we’ll try”. I’m a big fan of Brasilian music, so I’d always wanted to go, but it was a question of timing and when I could go, and it never really happened. To



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No, just Natal and São Paulo. I’ve only been there for a few days, but it was great. I got to meet Seu Jorge and his band and we played some songs with them after the concert. Do you like his music? Yeah, I do. I really like the David Bowie covers that he did. I actually prefer him just on an acoustic guitar, I kind of like that sound. His band is great, but sometimes, maybe it’s a little too produced and too smooth – I kind of like the sound of his voice and just the guitar. Did you play together in Brasil? Yeah, we played at a festival. We were the only group that wasn’t from Brasil. It was

great, all the bands, including Seu Jorge, got together in the hotel lobby and everyone played Beatles and Jorge Ben songs until six in the morning. There were like ten guitars and a piano, and everyone was singing. It was amazing for the band and I - it couldn’t have been any better. Were you impressed by any bands that you saw there? Yeah, there was a lot of real modern stuff. Besides Seu Jorge, there were a lot of bands trying to do new things. It was great because a lot of Brasilian music I know is just the classics. But this was pretty progressive... a bit more rocky than I’m used to.

First time I saw you play the UK it was just you and a guitar, but you’re back at ever bigger venues - what’s going on? I kind of became popular in London, which is nice, so I can afford to bring a band now! Do you enjoy London as a city? I do and I’m there a lot – I like it. It’s quite expensive, I don’t know if I’d live there, I just think that it’s too expensive for the climate! You’re in search of good food and sun? Yeah sure – who isn’t?! ,& ?DH= GDJH: 5 =BK ;DGJB LZY! BVgX] ')i] " 9ddgh ,eb! &=BK ;dgjb! ."&, =^\]\ViZ GdVY " CL* &?N K:CJ:H#B:6C;>99A:G#8DB %'% ,)'- )%-%

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sexual health


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4 thinking minds

PROJECT OFFERS SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION AND TREATMENT FOR ETHNIC MINORITIES Anyone living outside of their home country faces a series of challenges they must overcome - this being even more so the case for immigrants of ethnic and social minorities. It was for this specific target audience that the Naz Project London was set up – the longest running institution offering free sexual health and HIV/AIDS advice and support for Black and Minority Ethic (BME) Communities in the UK. The Naz Project was created in 1991 and is divided into several projects according to the ethnic origin of its clients – as Naz refers to the people who benefit from its services. There is a dedicated service for Muslims; another for Asian men; one for people of African origin; Naz Latin, for Spanish speakers and, finally, Naz Vidas, a service for Portuguese-speakers, including the ‘Portu-Gays’ support group for homosexuals. José Resinente, the client support manager at Naz Vidas, says that dividing the services along ethnic and cultural lines is a way of


facilitating communication and adapting sexual health education to different cultures. “We don’t look at people as Latinos, blacks, Asians, HIV-positive or negative, homosexual or straight, legal or illegal immigrants, but as human beings who need support and information and medical care,” he explains. One of the things Naz Project/Naz Vidas do is to offer support to people with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including medical advice and treatment in conjunction with psychologists and hospitals, and, if necessary, with the assistance of interpreters. They’re also active in raising awareness of STD prevention through campaigns, talks, community outreach and local training programmes, and handing out information leaflets and free condoms. Around 150 Portuguese-speaking people benefit from the services offered by Naz Vidas, the majority of whom are Brasilian. They meet monthly for group psychotherapy sessions, as well as having individual

sessions available to them. The ‘Portu-Gays’ group has more than 60 participants, who meet regularly to discuss all kinds of things including STDs and discrimination, amid other issues. Naz offers free HIV testing with the results produced in 30 minutes. In the last three months, NAZ has tested 50 people, 30 of which were Brasilians. According to the NHS (Britain’s National Health Service), some 30% of people in the UK living with HIV don’t yet even know they have the virus. José points out that the sooner a person knows their HIV status, the better their chances of improving their quality of life and life expectancy; “10 years ago, a person with HIV had a life expectancy of just 10 years. But today, the life expectancy for someone who is HIV positive is the same as for a person who is negative”, José explains. “That’s because medical science has developed treatments which now allow people to lead a totally normal life.” ,&

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yoga retreats

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REFUGE, 9:IDM 6C9 9:"HIG:HH/ :K:C 6 H=DGI 7G:6@ >C 6 ND<6 G:IG:6I HJGGDJC9:9 7N C6IJG: L>AA =:AE NDJ :H86E: ;GDB 8=6DI>8 8>IN A>;:! 86I8= 6 7G:6I= D; ;G:H= 6>G 6C9 ;>C9 HDB: >CC:G E:68: With the demanding routines and daily stresses of modern day living, not to mention the temptations to indulge, it's become more and more difficult to stick to New Year’s resolutions like healthy eating and regular exercise. For those who want to break the cycle, a trip away from the dreary winter weather to Brasil’s warm tropical climate could be just the antidote. But rather than just spending the time lying on a beach or catching up on your binge drinking, why not use the time away trying to keep those promises you made to yourself? Yoga retreats are the perfect answer, allowing you to combine nutrition, exercise and

meditation in as little as a week. From the North to the South, Brasil offers different Yoga retreat options for all tastes, ranging from inquisitive beginners right through to professionals in the field. Situated in tropical, isolated locations, surrounded by nature, the retreats offer organic food - often vegetarian - as well as walks along glorious beaches and various types of yoga practices. Yoga Retreat Brazil is a small chain found throughout Brasil in the states of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina, offering a diverse array of services. According to owner Donna-Tienne Sternfeld, the aim is to help guests to disconnect from their daily routine


and to reconnect to their inner selves. Yoga Retreat Brazil offer guests organic, vegetarian meals and holistic treatments. The Bahia retreat is situated inside an ecological reserve within the Monte Pascoal National Park, with the main town located at the mouth of the River Caraíva, far away from the distractions of the big city, and with the sea, river and park as its boundaries. Energy used within the resort is solar- or generator-driven and the only means of transport are via the river or sea. Caraíva, originally inhabited by the Pataxó indigenous tribe, has no electricity supply or road access, which has helped to preserve its natural



G:;æ<>D! 9:H>CIDM>86vÀD : G:A6M6B:CID/ HE6H 9: ND<6 8:G869DH 9: C6IJG:O6 6?J96B 6 ;J<>G 96 GDI>C6 86âI>86 96H <G6C9:H 8>969:H E6G6 G:CDK6G D ;ãA:<D : ;>86G O:C Com a rotina e o estresse comuns à vida moderna, é cada vez mais difícil se ater às famosas “promessas de Ano Novo”, tais como aderir a uma dieta mais saudável e praticar atividades físicas regularmente. Para quem deseja quebrar este ciclo, uma boa ideia é um break fugindo do frio, cansaço e poluição do Reino Unido, rumo aos trópicos, mais especificamente ao Brasil. Uma semana já é tempo suficiente para conseguir se desligar das pressões do trabalho, relaxar e voltar com uma injeção de ânimo. E para tornar a experiência completa, que tal aliar alimentação, exercícios e meditação? De norte a sul, o país oferece opções de yoga spas para todos os gostos: dos curiosos e iniciantes até os profissionais da área. Em locais quentes e ensolarados, e cercados pela natureza, os spas oferecem alimentação orgânica, muitas vezes vegetariana, e caminhadas em praias paradisiacas, além de, obviamente, várias modalidades da prática da yoga.

O Yoga Retreat Brazil dispõe de diversas opções de localização, serviços e aulas nos estados da Bahia, Rio de Janeiro e Santa Catarina. Segundo a proprietária Donna-Tienne Sternfeld, o objetivo é ajudar o hóspede a se desconectar da rotina diária, reconectando-se consigo mesmo. Os spas oferecem refeições orgânicas vegetarianas e tratamentos holísticos. Na Bahia, situa-se dentro de uma reserva ecológica no Parque Nacional Monte Pascoal, em Caraíva. A vila fica na foz do rio Caraíva, distante das grandes cidades, tendo como limites o mar, o rio e o parque. A energia é solar ou de gerador, e os únicos meios de transporte são o maritimo e o fluvial; em Caraíva ainda não há rede elétrica ou automóveis, no entanto, a dificuldade de acesso à vila de Caraíva, antiga aldeia de índios Pataxó, é o que mantém preservada sua paisagem natural e a torna ainda mais encantadora. No Rio de Janeiro, há unidades do Yoga Retreat Brazil em Búzios, B6GvD '%&% ,WPING&TWOU )*

yoga retreats beauty and make it even more alluring. Within the state of Rio de Janeiro alone, the Yoga Retreat Brazil has locations in Búzios, Visconde de Mauá and Ilha Grande. In Santa Catarina it's situated on Praia Mole beach, Florianópolis, and as the beach is famous for its surf, the resort offers a special programme based around both activities. The retreats in Santa Catarina and Bahia are both open to professionals who want to come along with their own groups. The most basic accommodation is offered at the Santa Catarina resort, with prices starting at £723 a week, and includes Hatha, Ashtanga and Integrative yoga therapies as well as Ayurvedic treatments. For those not in the yoga know, Hatha is a less vigorous style of yoga; 'ha' means sun, and 'tha' means moon, representing the union of opposites. The intention of Hatha

yoga is to harmonise the body, soul and spirit, with stamina. Ashtanga, on the other hand, is more dynamic and physically demanding. All Ayurvedic treatments are non-invasive, using plants and herbs to prevent and cure ailments entirely via natural resources. Femke De Groot, from Amsterdam, is full of praise for the Yoga Retreat Brazil. “When we think about Brasil we think Amazon and Carnival, but I never imagined it would be so fantastic! Yoga Retreat Brazil is idyllic for any yoga fans who love diversity and nature. It’s a great cultural mix of pleasure, beach life, health and relaxation.” Santa Catarina does seem to be the perfect location to practise yoga - many other companies have yoga retreats located within the state. The Montanha Encantada Yoga Centre is located within a reserve in

Garopaba, surrounded by Atlantic Rainforest. The city is made up of beautiful beaches, tranquil bays, sand dunes and rugged coastal dirt tracks. Another unique reason to visit is the presence of Right Whales in Garopaba, every year from June to November, which come to this region in search of warmer waters to reproduce and feed their young. Montanha Encantada is situated in an area of abundant natural splendour, offering ecological paths with views overlooking the beaches and mountains, as well as natural pools, a private fountain and earthy suites created out of wood. The centre offers three vegetarian meals a day made from organic produce and prepared on site at the resort. In addition, the Dhanvantari Therapy Centre offers Chakra-balancing massages which stimulate the energy points in the body, and Thai Yoga massages, which

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Visconde de Mauá e Ilha Grande. Em Santa Catarina, o spa está localizado na Praia Mole, em Florianopolis; como a praia é famosa pelo surf, há um programa especial integrando as duas atividades. Os retiros em Santa Catarina e Bahia também estão disponíveis para profissionais que queiram hospedar seu próprio grupo. As acomodações mais simples estão localizadas em Santa Catarina, com preços a partir de R$ 2019, incluindo as yogas Hatha e Ashtanga, entre outras, e tratamentos ayurvédicos. Para quem não sabe, Hatha é um estilo mais suave; 'ha' significa sol e 'tha', lua, representando a união dos opostos. A intenção, em uma aula de Hatha é harmonizar corpo, alma e espírito, através da força e da resistência. Já a Ashtanga é mais dinâmica e vigorosa, exigindo mais esforço físico. E qualquer tratamento ayuvédico, é não-invasivo, trabalhando com plantas, hervas, sempre com os objetivos de prevenir e curar se utilizando de recursos naturais. A cliente Femke De Groot, de Amsterdã, Holanda, é só elogios ao Yoga Retreat. “Desde o primeiro contato com a empresa fui tão bem atendida pelo pessoal de vendas online que me senti confortável na )+ ,WPING&TWOU B6G8= '%&%

escolha do melhor programa para mim. Quando ouvimos falar de Brasil, pensamos logo em Floresta Amazônica e Carnaval, mas nunca imaginei que seria tão fantástico! O Yoga Retreat Brazil é idílico para qualquer interessado em yoga que ama diversidade e natureza. É uma grande mistura de prazeres, vida praiana, muita saúde e relaxamento”, diz. Santa Catarina parece ser um local especial para yoga, já que outros retiros também escolheram o estado para montar sedes. O Centro de Yoga Montanha Encantada está localizado em uma área com mais de 50 hectares de Mata Atlântica, dentro de uma Área de Proteção Ambiental permanente em Garopaba. A cidade é formada por lindas praias, baías de águas tranqüilas, dunas e trilhas ao longo de costões de pedra. Outra peculiaridade de Garopaba é a presença, todos os anos, de junho a novembro, das baleias Franca, que procuram esta região em busca de águas mais quentes para procriar e amamentar os seus filhotes. O local onde está situada a Montanha Encantada possui trilhas ecológicas com vista para praias e montanhas, além de piscinas de

combine applied pressure and relaxation techniques with gentle stretching and yoga. Solange Barden, Ayurvedic Massage Therapist at the Montanha Encantada, explains that the programmes are created to bring physical and mental well-being to participants. “Clients who undertake the courses or treatments on offer leave feeling rejuvenated and revitalised both in body and spirit, and ready to face the world once again.” A one week package costs £357 per person. “We offer a wide variety of courses for all levels of yoga students. We receive all types of people on a daily basis – beginners right through to professionals in the area”, explains Felipe Buzzi, Marketing Manager at Montanha Encantada. The Pousada do Ceo is also located in the

region of Santa Catarina, which combines native architecture with traditional, handmade decorations, with views overlooking the Praia do Rosa valley, the Lagoa de Ibiraquera lake and the Siriú sand dunes. It offers personalised suites, a pool with a waterfall and a viewing deck with panoramic views surrounded by exuberant natural landscapes. Some of the other amenities they offer include afternoon tea and wireless internet connection. According to general manager Natalie Nardi, rates throughout July, September and November are as follows: 7 days, including breakfast, dinner, yoga and dance classes as well as a guided tour of the region and other activities is around £980 per person.


yoga retreats


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água natural, fonte própria e amplas suítes de madeira. Quanto à alimentação, o centro oferece três refeições lacto-vegetarianas diárias com alimentos orgânicos, preparados de forma caseira. Além disso, dispõe do Centro de Terapias Dhanvantari, com Massagens dos Chakras, que estimula os pontos de concentração de energia no corpo, e Thay Yoga Massagem, que aplica pressão e técnicas de relaxamento combinados a alongamento suave e yoga. Solange Barden, a massoterapeuta Ayurvédica da Montanha Encantada, diz que os programas trazem bem-estar físico e mental para os participantes. “As pessoas fazem o curso ou SPA, e ao saírem sentem-se rejuvenecidas e revitalizadas no corpo e no espírito, prontas para enfrentarem o dia-a-dia novamente”, afirma. O pacote para uma semana custa cerca de mil reais. “Oferecemos grande variedade de cursos voltados para todos os níveis de praticantes e estudiosos da yoga: recebemos diariamente de curiosos a profissionais da área”, diz Felipe Buzzi, gerente de marketing da Montanha Encantada. Ainda em Santa Catarina, há a Pousada do Ceo, que une a )- ,WPING&TWOU B6G8= '%&%

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arquitetura nativa catarinense e a decoração artesanal mineira com vista para o vale da Praia do Rosa, Lagoa de Ibiraquera e dunas do Siriú. Dispõe de suítes personalizadas, piscina com cascata e deck com vista panorâmica, envoltos por uma natureza exuberante. O local oferece ainda café da tarde mineiro e conexão wireless. Segundo Natalie Nardi, a gerente da pousada, os próximos retiros estão agendados para julho, setembro e novembro. Para uma estada de sete dias, o valor está em torno de R$ 2.730, incluindo café-damanha e jantar, aulas de yoga e dança, um tour na região e outros atrativos. Lisa Durant, a editora de beleza da revista Instyle UK, é praticante de yoga e diz que já esteve em retiros na Europa, mas que não podem ser comparados a sua estada na Pousada do Ceo. “O lugar é extraodinário, a vista é incrível. Não sabia que comida saudável poderia ser tão saborosa! Fiz aulas de capoeira, e adoraria tentar o surf na próxima vez. As pessoas, a comida, a hospitalidade, e a Praia do Rosa definitivamente fizeram deste retiro algo para ser lembrado”, diz a hóspede.

yoga retreats Lisa Durant, Beauty Editor of InStyle magazine, is an avid yoga devout and has been to various yoga retreats across Europe, but none of them compare to her stay at the Pousada do Ceo. “The place is extraordinary and the views are incredible. I didn’t know healthy food could taste so good! I took Capoeira classes and would love to try surfing next time around. The people, food, hospitality and Praia do Rosa beach all made my stay unforgettable”. The Island Experience in Ilha Grande is located 100 miles south of Rio de Janeiro in an area famous for its 106 beaches and 55 waterfalls, caves and rivers, and protected Atlantic Rainforest reserve. The retreat offers a 7-day detox programme for body and mind, which consists of walks, yoga classes,

meditation and kayaking, topped by healthy menus developed by a nutritionist. There are also dance, capoeira and painting classes. Recently, the island received an A-list celebrity in the shape of American actor Chris Noth, who undertook a gruelling nine-day programme to help prepare him for his role in the upcoming movie Sex and the City II, in which he plays “Mr Big”, Carrie’s (Sarah Jessica Parker) love interest. A 7-day programme with a sea-view room, full board, two daily yoga classes and tours around the island and Rio starts from £785 per person - and they only take a maximum of 12 people per week, so as to give each guest the attention they deserve. With so many options, there's never been more reason to de-stress! ,&

Localizada a duas horas de carro e 40 minutos de barco, mais precisamente a 100 milhas ao sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, The Island Experience em Ilha Grande, oferece um programa de sete dias para desintoxicação do corpo e da mente, que consiste na união de atividades como caminhadas, aulas de yoga, meditação e caiaque, com uma dieta natural, desenvolvida por um nutricionista. Além disso, dispõe de aulas de dança, capoeira, música ao vivo e pintura. Recentemente, a ilha recebeu a visita do ator americano Chris Noth, que adotou o programa de nove dias para entrar em forma e voltar a interpretar o papel de “Mr. Big”, o eterno namorado de Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) em Sex in the City II. A Ilha Grande é famosa por suas 106 praias e 56 cachoeiras, cavernas e rios. A área consiste em uma reserva de Mata Atlantica, protegida pelo governo brasileiro. Para o pacote de sete dias, de domingo a sábado, o programa oferece quarto com vista para o mar, todas as refeições inclusas, duas aulas diárias de yoga, e turismo na ilha e no Rio de Janeiro. O preço para uma pessoa é de R$ 2188, e para o casal R$3465. Os grupos são formados por no máximo 12 pessoas por semana, para que todos possam receber uma atenção especial. Com tantas opções, não há razão para alimentar o estresse! ,&


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jungle guide picture by ben fink

bars & restaurants


CUBANA A warm, welcoming and bustling Cuban bar where there's plenty to look at

healthy it ain't but my, it tastes good

eggsellent easter ideas



forget egg hunts, we want ours handed to us on a steak! It’s almost Easter, and to children in England, that means just one thing: chocolate eggs. Lots of them. The little runts at Jungle are no different, but this month we’re watering at the mouth for a different kind of eggy treat, and this one goes by the name of Bife à Cavalo. 1 | Season 4, 225g rib-eye steaks with salt and pepper 2 | Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into a large pan and sauté the meat for about 3 minutes on each side, until crispy. 3 | Rest steaks on a plate 4 | Melt 55g butter in a frying pan over medium heat, and fry two eggs with salt and pepper. Top steaks with eggs. 5 | In the leftover butter, sauté one finely-chopped shallot. Drizzle on top of steaks. Garnish with parsley and parmesan shavings. Recipe by Leiticia Moreinos Schwarz. JD cook brazilian 100 Classic and Creative Recipes, by Leitica Moreinos Schwarz Kyle Cathie, £19.99





Então, é quase Páscoa, e para a maioria das crianças na Inglaterra isto significa apenas uma coisa: ovos de chocolate. E muitos deles. Os baixinhos aqui na Jungle não são diferentes, mas este mês nós estamos com água na boca por um tipo diferente de deleite de ovo, e este é conhecido como Bife à Cavalo. Não dá para prometer que é menos calórico que um ovo de chocolate, mas isto não é razão para não prová-lo! 1 | Tempere 4 bifes de 225g cada de contrafilé com sal e pimenta; 2 | Coloque 2 colheres de sopa de óleo em uma panela grande e frite a carne por aproximadamente 3 minutos em cada lado, até ficar crocante; 3 | Reserve os bifes em um prato; 4 | Derreta 55g de manteiga em uma frigideira em fogo médio, e frite dois ovos com sal e pimenta por 2-3 minutos. Coloque os ovos sobre os bifes; 5 | Na manteiga restante, refogue uma chalota finamente cortada. Jogue-a sobre os bifes. Decore com salsinha e lascas de queijo parmesão. Receita por Leiticia Moreina Schwarz. JD


up to £10* £10 - £20* £20+* *Price based on a meal with drink per person

home cookin'...

We love the black bean feijoada at the friendly little Casa Brasil restaurant in North London, especially in summer when we can eat it outside. CASA BRASIL, N3 3JY 020 8371 1999


The caipirinhas at Spiritual Bar are all made with fresh fruit instead of pulp. We recommend the traditional one with lime or the passion fruit version. Delicious! SPIRITUAL BAR, NW1 8ER spiritualbar.co.uk

centre of attention...

If you’re a fan of Barrio North, in Angel, watch out for its sister bar opening in Soho, Barrio Central. The new version promises more to nibble on… BARRIO CENTRAL, W1F 8PS barriocentral.com

março 2010 JungleDrums 51

bars & restaurants

CENTRAL LONDON SEE A LA CRUZ p.55 Argentinean steak house serving varied grilled meats. Main meal and a drink - £20

42 Northampton Rd, EC1R 0HU Angel

Gaucho Serves steaks, chicken and fish dishes. Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

Cuba Libre & Havana Original restaurant with tapas, meals and cocktails. El Plato Cubano £12.95

125 Chancery Lane, WC2A 1PU Chancery Lane

72 Upper Street, N1 ONY Angel



Bankete Brasilian cuisine dishes, picanha and feijoada. Chicken Stroganoff £6.50

Guanabara Food, live music and even dance classes. Fish Moqueca Stew £12.50

Desperados Mexican Mexican food, cocktails and a great atmosphere. Beef Chimichangas £10.95

3 Bell Lane, E1 Liverpool Street/ Aldgate


020 7247 5479

020 7837 1999 • ALACRUZ.COM

BRAZILIAN GOURMET Cafe/Restaurant serving Brasilian and Portuguese specialities. Rump Steak (Picanha no prato) £6.50 Whitfield St 112, W1T 5EE Warren Street Iberica food & culture

iberian nights If you’re knowledge of Spanish cuisine stops at Paella, a trip to Iberica to discover some new Spanish flavours is just the thing you need. Opened a year and half ago, and situated just five minutes away from Regent’s Park, Iberica sits on a pleasant corner of Great Portland Street, enjoying a privileged postcode. The varied menu offers diverse dishes from all of Spain, with an added, personal touch from the in-house chefs Santiago Guerrero and Nacho Manzano. In the ground-floor restaurant you’ll find a relaxed atmosphere in which you can try one of the main courses or just nibble on some of the different types of cheese and ham available, whilst sampling a good Spanish wine - Iberica has an impressive and varied wine list with some tip top varieties you won't easily find anywhere else. The suggestions of chef Guerrero are the ham croquettes, the black rice with prawns, or the octupus. For dessert he recommends the caramelised rice pudding, which is reminiscent of traditional British puddings. In contrast, the mezzanine restaurant is a more formal space, which is only open Tuesday to Saturday. Here you can peruse are more refined and inventive menu created by Chef Manzano. Highly recommended are the morcillas (sausages made from pigs blood) as an entrée, followed by grilled steak and mashed potatoes for the the main course. But if you’re still left wanting your Paella, you can come down on a Saturday when it’s served up, Spanish-style.

Parker Street, WC2B 5PW Holborn

127 Upper Street, N1 1QP Angel

0207 242 8600 GUANABARA.CO.UK

SEE p.04

Intertrans Café Brasilian snacks & Money Transfer service.


El-Vaquero Argentinean Meats served off the skewer. Meat or fish with salad buffet £19.95

07983 633 440

35 Oxford Street W1D 2DT Tottenham Court Rd

BENITO’S HAT L Mexican Burritos, tacos, salads, beer and cocktails. Main meal and drink £7.00

020 7437 0400

The London Equestrian, N12 7BP Mill Hill East

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine. Pescado con Coco £11.50

0208 343 4161 • ELVAQUERO .CO.UK

56 Goodge Street, W1T 4NB Goodge Street 0207 637 3722 BENITOS-HAT.COM

36 -38 Dean Street, W1D 4PS Leicester Square 0207 494 4716 • IGUANAS.CO.UK

BELLO CAFE B Brasilian and Italian specialties. 55–57 Charing Cross Road Leicester Square

WAHACA Freshly made, authentic Mexican dishes. Fish a la Veracruzana £9.95


66 Chandos Place, WC2N 4HG Covent Garden

Café Rio Feijoada and steaks prepared the Brasilian way. Prato Rio £9.80

0207 240 1883 • WAHACA.CO.UK

6 Grafton Way, W1T 5DS Warren Street 0207 387 2285

Canela Brasilian and Portuguese dishes. Feijoada £9.50 33 Earlham Street, WC2H 9LS Convent Garden 0207 240 6926 • CANELACAFE.COM

Comida South American rodízio with music, dancing and late bar. Lunch £16.90 Dinner £19.90 46 South Molton St, W1K 5RX Bond Street

GARUFA Premium selection of meat and wines carefully sourced from Argentina. Grilled Rib Eye Steak (300gr) with garnish £16.00 104 Highbury Park, N5 2XE Arsenal 020 7226 0070 • GARUFA.CO.UK

MERCADO BAR & CANT Exciting cocktails and a great mix of Mexican home cooking and traditional favourites. Fish Taco £6.00 26 - 30 Stoke Newington Church St, N16 0LU Stoke Newington rail

Buen Ayre SEE p.57 Argentinean steak house Main meal and a drink £20 50 Broadway Market, E8 4QJ Cambridge Heath 020 7275 9900 • buenayre.co.uk

CARIBBeaN SCENE Award winning Caribbean restaurant offering an impressive range of traditional dishes and cocktails. Ackee & Saltfish £14.95 17 Western Gateway Royal Victoria Dock, E16 1AQ DLR – Royal Victoria 020 7511 2023

Chilango A burst of Mexican flavour. Chicken Burrito £5.40 27 Upper Street, N1 OPN Angel020 704 2123 142 Fleet Street, EC4A 2BP City Thameslink 020 7353 6761 • Chilango.co.uk

Coffee Café Serves snacks and lunch Feijoada + Guaraná drink £5 68 Compton Street, EC1V Farringdon

north LONDON


020 7253 1249

Barrio North Latino-style ‘street food’ served, DJs and events. Brasilian Wax Cocktail £6.75

Rodízio Rico Eat-till-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50

El Paso Cocktail bar and restaurant serving Mexican, Tex-Mex and vegetarian dishes.

45 Essex Road, N1 2SF Angel 0207 485 4738 BARRIONORTH.COM

SEE p.20

Canecão Pool tables and Brasilian football on TV. Fish Moqueca £7.90

77-78 Upper Street, N1 0NU Angel

350-354 Old St, EC1V 9NQ Old St.

020 7354 1076 • rodiziorico.com

0207 739 4202

SABOR Latin American Food and cocktails with a fusion touch. Brasilian Moqueca £13.50

Favela Chic Seductive Latin flavours with French touches. Hand of God £15

108 Essex Rd London, N1 8LX Angel

91-93 Great Eastern St, EC2A Old Street

020 7226 5551 • sabor.co.uk

0207 613 5228 • FAVELACHIC.COM

SPIRITUAL CAIPIRINHA BAR Brasilian cocktail bar serving traditional and fusion dishes. Caipirinha & caipiroska £3 during happy hour

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

CASA BRASIL TimeOut - recommended. Authentic home-made food. Fish Moqueca £8.90

020 7240 9742 • doubleshotcoffee.co.uk

289 Regents Park Rd, N3 3JY Finchley Central

4 Ferdinand St, NW1 8ER Chalk Farm

020 8371 1999


FREGGO L Argentine ice cream bar offering a mouth watering range of flavours. Two-flavour cone £3.95

COCO BAMBOO Recently opened Brasilian SEE p.55 restaurant with a dance floor starting from 10pm. Char-Grilled “Picanha” £8.90

Tortilla Fresh, affordable CalifornianMexican cuisine. Burritos £4.50 - £5.50

iberica food & culture 195 Great Portland Street, W1W 5PS Great Portland Street

27-29 Swallow St., W1B 4QR Piccadilly

48, Chalk farm Road, NW1 8AJ Camden Town

020 7636 8650 • ibericalondon.com

020 7287 9506 • FREGGO.CO.UK

020 7627 6613

52 JungleDrums march 2010

020 7495 1177 • comidabar.co.uk

DOUBLE SHOT COFFEE Homemade sandwiches and cakes. English cream teas and nata cakes. Excellent coffees and teas. Two-flavour cone £3.95 38 Tavistock Street, WC2E 7PB Covent Garden

17 York Way, N7 9QG Caledonian Road 0207 485 4738 canecaolondon.com

5 Finsbury Avenue, EC2M 2PG 020 7256 6877

29 Westferry Circus, E14 8RR 020 7987 9494

1 Bell Inn Yard, EC3V 0BL 020 7626 5180 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

Green and Red, Bar and Cantina Authentic Jaliscan food and the biggest selection of tequila in the UK. Late-night DJ bar.

13 Islington High St, N1 9LQ Angel

51 Bethnal Green Rd, E1 6LA

020 7833 3103 tortilla.co.uk

020 7749 9670 greenred.co.uk

latin bites


bars & restaurants Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine.

Tito's Peruvian Seafood, soups and risottos. Ceviche £7.50

Old Spitalfields Market - 1 Horner Square, E1 6AA Liverpool Street

4-6 London Bridge St, SE1 9SG London Bridge 0207 407 7787 TITOSEATERIES.COM


Raízes Grilled steaks and torresmo on the menu. Grilled rib £7 460 Hackney Road, E2 9EG Bethnal Green • 020 7739 2009

south west LONDON

17 Royal Parade, SE3 0TL Blackheath 0208 318 5333 BUENOSAIRESLTD.COM

CONSTANCIA – ARGENTINE GRILL Argentine Steak House recently inaugurated. Ojo de Bife Argentino (310gr) - 11oz.Prime Argentine Rib-Eye £17.00 52 Tanner Street, SE1 3PH Borough • 020 7234 0676 SEE


48 Lower Marsh SE1 7RG Waterloo


8 Lant St. SE1 1QR Borough 020 7357 0057 • elvergel.co.uk

La Bodeguita Tapas, fish and home-made Colombian food. £8 - 13

BRAZAS Restaurant and delicatessen serving home-made food with Portuguese, Brasilian and English influences. Sticky date pudding £3.45 45 Tulse Hill - SW2 2TJ 020 8678 0697 BRAZASRESTAURANTE.COM

El Gaucho Grill Steak House £13.90 Chelsea Farmers Market, 125 Sydney St - SW3 6NR South Kensington Fiesta Havana Cocktail lounge bar with tapas, live music and dance. Chorizio Quesadilla £4.95 490 Fulham Road SW6 5NH Fulham Broadway 020 7381 5891 Havanafulham.co.uk

Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20 Towpath, Richmond TW10 6UJ 020 7584 9901 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

Margarita Loca Latin Music, Mexican food and Cuban cocktails. Fajita King Prawn £11.95 527 Battersea Park Rd, SW11 Clapham Junction Rail

Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre, SE1 6TE Elephant & Castle

0207 924 2772 margaritaloca.co.uk

0207 701 9166 LABODEGUITA.CO.UK

Preto Traditional Brasilian “rodízio”. Live music on the weekends. Weekday Lunch Buffet £8.95

Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine Royal Festival Hall - SE1 8XX The O2 - SE10 0DS

72 Wilton Road, SW1V 1DE Victoria 020 7233 8668

0207 494 4716 • IGUANAS.CO.UK

Rodízio Rico Eat-til-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table. Buffet £22.50, Veg £15.50 The O2, SE10 0AX North Greenwich 0208 858 6333 • rodiziorico.com

54 JungleDrums march 2010

RODIZIO BRAZIL Brazilian style barbeque with unlimited portions of meat. 505 Garratt Lane, SW18 4SW

west LONDON cubana - bar & restaurant

a little havana With ten years of experience serving up the Cuban experience, Cubana, in South West London, is an informal and charming bar and restaurant that serves traditional cooking and drinking based on fresh, healthy ingredients and cooking methods. Once you’ve been in, you’ll understand that the name of the establishment is instrinsically linked with the atmosphere of the place – and the décor, which is full of props, flags and pictures hailing from the island of Cuba, which give it a fun feel. To get the full Cubana experience, try a mojito (£4.95), made with fresh mint and freshly-squeezed lime juice mixed with organic raw cane sugar. If you get there for Happy hour (Mon – Sat, 5pm-6:30pm), you can get two for one on cocktails or sangria. As a starter, croquetas de boniato y chorizo con salsa are pretty damn tasty and, as we were delighted to discover, they aren’t really fatty: organic chorizo and sweet potato croquettes with fresh, home-made tomato salsa. Cubana also has a range of vegetarian food, like vegetarian tapas (£7.95 to share). You won’t be dissapointed by Pollo Criolo, a Cubana favourite, free-range chicken, casseroled in fresh orange, sherry, onions and garlic, served with fried plantain and black bean rice, for only £9.95. If you want it all to yourself, Cubana is up for hire with a a private mojito bar and live music. Check the website for music schedules and menus and more.

89 Sloane Avenue, SW3 3DX

Putney High Street, SW15 1SL Putney Bridge

SEE p.57

25 Swallow Street, W1B 4DJ 020 7734 4040 gauchorestaurants.co.uk

85 Kentish Town Rd, NW1 Camden Town

Café Estrela do Norte Portuguese cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. Spicy Francesinha £9.50

0207 4851166 guanabanarestaurant.com

294 Kingshill Av, UB4 8BX 0208 841 3488 • GO.TO/ESTRELA

Gostosa Pizzeria Brasilian style pizzas and burgers as well as authentic Brasilian dishes such as feijoada.

iberica food & cult. Traditional Spanish restaurant with a innovative twist.

159, High St Harlesden, NW10 Willesden Junction

195 Great Portland Street, W1W Great Portland Street

Made in Brasil Classic Brasilian fare, from seafood to meat and feijoada. Picanha Na Chapa £13.50

020 7636 8650 ibericalondon.com

Ipanema Café Special daily dishes, feijoada, puddings and cakes. Buffet £1.20/100g

020 8963 1400

12 Inverness Street, NW1 Camden Town 020 7482 0777 made-in-brasil.co.uk

Mestizo Restaurant-bar offering a fine and authentic Mexican cuisine Enchiladas £12

7-9 Queensway, W2 Queensway 020 7792 9050 ipanemacafe.co.uk

Rodízio Rico Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50 Royal Oak - 111 W2,

103 Hampstead Rd, NW1 3EL Warren Street 020 7387 4064 mestizomx.com

Queensway 020 7792 4035 • rodiziorico.com

north west LONDON

Sabor Brasileiro Brasilian fish and beef, game room, internet, bar/ lounge. Buffet £7.50 10% weekend discount 639 Harrow Road NW10 5NU Kensal Green 02089691149

Amber Grill Rodizio Cuts of meat from skewers. SEE Prime Rodízio £19.50


7, Station Road, NW10 4UP Willesden Junction

Sabor Mineiro Typical dishes from Minas Gerais (but no alcoholic drinks). Buffet £6.50

020 89631588 ambergrill.co.uk

63 Station Road, NW10 4UX Willesden Junction

Barraco The atmosphere of a Brasilian bar with live music Friday to Sunday. Chicken Hearts £6

020 8965 2050

SEE 10 Kingsgate Place, NW6 p.56 Kilburn

The Cuban Long bar upstairs or dinner in the fiesta Room. Lamb Cubano £10.95

020 7604 4664 barracocafe.co.uk

Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd Camden Town

Braseiro Hot “home food” and salad on a self-service buffet. Buffet £7.50

0870 850 8975 •thecuban.co.uk

cubana - bar & restaurant 48 Lower Marsh SE1 7RG Waterloo

256 High Road, NW10 Willesden Green

1024 Harrow Rd, NW10 5NS Kensal Green

0207 928 8778 • CUBANA.CO.UK

020 8451 8902

020 8964 3763

Happy Hour Mojitos - 2 for £6.95

020 8871 3875


Gaucho Argentinean Beef Bbq £20

Guanabana Famous Jerk chicken served with mango+papaya chutney. £7.85 - £12.75.


0207 928 8778 • CUBANA.CO.UK

El Vergel Uniting aromatic and spicy Latin America with delicate Mediterranean flavours.

40 Delancey Street, NW1 Camden Town 020 7485 2351

312-314 King's Rd, SW3 5UH South Kensington

0871 3328774 • elgaucho.co.uk

CUBANA – BAR & RESTAURANT Home-cooked Cuban and Latin food prepared from quality ingredients at a reasonable price. Happy Hour Mojitos - 2 for £6.95

129 Queenstown Road, SW8 Battersea

020 8948 4030

356 Kings Road, SW3 5ES South Kensington

Buenos Aires Café Argentinean beef, fresh pasta and Argentinean style pizzas. Grilled Bbq £14.50 – £24

Ferreira Delicatessen Sandwiches, meats, cheeses, wines, frozen + fresh food. Portuguese Nata Tart 70p


Sushinho Brasilian chic with Japanese efficiency. Sushinho roll £9

Azteca Latin Lounge Mexican cuisine, mouth watering cocktails and beers. Latin bands and top DJs.

south east LONDON


Santa Maria del Sur Argentinean grill house with live music on Mondays. Argentinean Steak £12

Xodó da Leninha Brasilian family run restaurant.

latin bites


For the first time in the UK, an authentic Argentine asador has opened its doors in Central London A LA CRUZ RESTAURANT 42 NORTHAMPTON ROAD CLERKENWELL LONDON EC1R 0HU

020 7837 1999 http://www.alacruz.com 55

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latin bites



Brazilian Café • Restaurant • Takeaway Genuine Home-made Cooking For Lovers Of Real Food Specialities include:

Moqueca de Peixe (Hake), Bacalhau à Brasileira (Baked Cod), Feijoada, Beef, Lamb, Chicken and Vegetarian Dishes


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*, *,

jungle guide


jungle guide


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jungle guide

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jungle guide


jungle guide


jungle guide


KPDQZ + ,WPING WPING Hey Ericka, super to hear from the likes of yourself. We are always glad to have people interested in getting involved, whether you're in search of work experience, collaborating or a placement etc. Of course, we do get a lot of such requests/enquiries and can't take everyone on board, but it's always worth asking! CV's and examples of your work are most welcome at editor@jungledrums.org. JD

Don't hesitate to send us your raves and rants! JungleDrums p.o. box 49713 london wc1x 8ww inbox@jungledrums.org 2010 SORTED Hey Jungle! This is Márcia, I’m with TV Globo International. How’s it going? I wanted to congratulate you for the last issue with the events calendar for 2010! It was a very rich issue, to be saved until the end of the year. Well done, you’re doing better each month! Márcia Pacheco, via email Hi Márcia, good to hear from you and thanks for your compliments - it was a fun roundup to create and it's all credit to the abundance of Brasilian and Latin things happening in London and those that are working hard to make this happen. Keep the edition handy for ideas, and watch out for JD's own events this year too such as Maria Rita @ Koko on May 18th and Casuarina @ Guanabara on May 26th! Best, JD. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Hello! I’m a Brasilian journalist, I just got to London and I’m looking for a job. I discovered the work of JungleDrums through the website and I thought it fantastic. I'd like to know if you've got any vacancies at the moment - sending my CV attached. Many thanks! Ericka de Sá Galindo, via email

TWEET TWEET Thanks to the editor of JungleDrums magazine I have today discovered the lovely Brasilian MySpace sensation Mallu Magalhães Vicky Baker, via twitter She's fun hey!? Glad to hear we could point you in the right direction, and of course raising the profile and spreading the word about Brasilian & Latin talent, especially of young and emerging talent, is at the heart of what Jungle's all about! Vicky, you would no doubt enjoy signing up to our newsletter to keep up to speed, and yes a JD subscription can even reach you in Buenos Aires! And of course for all you social communicators out there, like Vicky, you can keep up with JD on Twitter @jungledrumsmag. WEBSITE QUERY Hi JD. I live in Holland so I can only access JungleDrums online, but I noticed recently that the website has changed - what is happening? Yours, Hanover Fet, via email Dear Hanover, aside from recommending you subscribe to Jungle to experience the magazine 'in the flesh', I'd also like to reassure you that we are very soon to be launching a lovely brand new website, with new content and features! Hold tight just a little longer and we can guarantee that when it goes live you're going to love our new look for 2010! JD

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THE GREEN BUSINESS STUDENT WHO LIKES TO KEEP UP WITH LONDON'S LATIN EVENTS AND LONGS TO REVISIT FLORIANÓPOLIS What do you do for a living? I’m an environmentalist/ business student and I have been working on some independent projects. How did you find out about Jungle? I first came across Jungle through friends and now I can’t stop reading it! Why do you read Jungle? Mainly because of the true connections to Brasil, and the culturally relevant content. What's your favourite section in the magazine? The Agenda, where I can keep up to date with what’s going on in London, in terms of Latin events. Do you have a favourite article or feature? Destination. It has

introduced me to quite a few different places in Brasil that I’m hoping to visit soon. What is your favourite place in Brasil? I have to say Florianópolis. The mixture of the landscape and the people is just fascinating. Who is your favourite famous Brasilian? Gilberto Gil. He's a fantastic singer and a man of ideas. When you hear the word 'Brasil', what's the first thing that springs to mind? Natural beauty and people. What's your favourite Brasilian place in London? Canela Café in Covent Garden, whenever I’m in the area I pop in for a quick snack. ,&

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