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hidbe YOUR FEET DOWN AT THE TROXY on 29th April when Argentinian ska-rock legends Los Fabulosos Cadillacs make their hotlyanticipated UK debut, and you can win tickets on our website! UGG OQTG QP RCIG
Wdl Ydlc TO THE â&#x20AC;&#x153;ENTITIESâ&#x20AC;? OF BRASILIAN ARTIST Bruno 9li (right) at The Rag Factory, gaze at the abstract canvases of Julia Miranda and examine the Amazonian x-rays of Steve Miller. UGG QWT CTV TQWPFWR QP R
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Village Underground on 26th April, with live music and his film IlĂŠ AiyĂŠ (The House of Life), about CandomblĂŠ, the Africaninfluenced Brasilian cult, as part of the East End Film Festival. YKP VKEMGVU CV LWPINGFTWOUQPNKPG EQO
REGENTS PARK AND CATCH THE NEWLY refurbished attraction at the ZSL London Zoo, Rainforest Life, and check out all the sloths, anteaters, monkeys and exotic birds. UGG RCIG HQT OQTG
gdaa je ROLL UP! AS CIRCUSFEST ARRIVES IN TOWN this month, with the Roundhouse Circus Company, Circolombia and Crescer e Viver premiering their vibrant shows and running workshops later on between 6th-9th May. UGG 6JKPMKPI /KPFU QP R
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After the success of her debut in 2008, what does Maria Rita have in store for her return to London?
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Deep in art, tropical undergrowth and sounds this month, we’ve got so close it’s become x-ray and psychodelic
IG6CHA6I>DC 6cV 7gVh^a B^ad HiZZaZ[dm 8DBB:G8>6A I:6B 6a^cZ G^XZ Dg^VcV HVcidh >CI:GC 6cYg YZ Da^kZ^gV 9>HIG>7JI>DC 7G?Zi VcY :bWaZb Y^hig^Wji^dc5_jc\aZYgjbh#dg\ ;DJC9:G <^VccV Idc^ 69K:GI>H>C< ^c[d5_jc\aZYgjbh#dg\ A>HI>C<H V\ZcYV5_jc\aZYgjbh#dg\ HJ7H8G>EI>DCH hjWhXg^WZ5_jc\aZYgjbh#dg\
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DEEP IN THE JUNGLE What do you get if you cross a Cuban lawyer, a Swedish filmmaker and the world’s biggest fruit Co.?
The circus is coming to town all the way from Colombia, with brand new shows and social initiatives
We delve into the 50th anniversary of Brasil’s relocated Federal Capital, and those that made it happen
The bible to what’s going on in town
For your every eating and drinking need
Your rants and raves
A diary full of dates
f$e$Xen */-') bedZed mY'n .mm FK8B?I>;: 8O @KD=B; :HKCI BJ: &(& -(*( +'*& [#cW_b0 _d\e6`kd]b[Zhkci$eh] f$e$ 8en */-')" BedZed" M9'N .MM Cedj^bo fkXb_YWj_ed 9efoh_]^j @kd]b[:hkci BjZ (&'&
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GFKVQTKCN XQZ @ZZc id a^hiZc id ^ih gZVYZgh]^e! ?jc\aZ Vh`ZY ZkZgnWdYn i]Vi idd` eVgi ^c i]Z XdbeZi^i^dch dc djg lZWh^iZ i]Z WZadl fjZhi^dc# HZZ ]dl i]Z kdiZh lZci
bVcn ]Veen gZijgch Repeating a cover is not common at Jungle. Looking at the 78 editions pinned on the office walls, only Seu Jorge has appeared for a second time. Putting Maria Rita back on our very first page isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t solely proof that the singer has truly transformed herself into one of the top names in Brasilian music today, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also a means of crowning her return to London, following the success of her Barbican show in 2008. The return of Maria Rita, who plays the Koko on 18th May, is just the start of a wave of special events that JungleDrums is preparing for 2010, from parties for the World Cup matches, via the Jungle Sessions at Guanabara and our summer Sunday sessions at Camino, to our new night at the Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes (see p.23), one of our favourite spots of the city. To stay in tune with all this and more, get online. Head to a computer right now and type in See? Yep, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the new site of Jungle, much more complete and easy to navigate. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still in the test phase, and in as much, comments and suggestions are more than welcome. After all, you too are part of this adventure.
GZeZi^g XVeV c d Â&#x201A; Va\d Xdbjb cV ?jc\aZ# Da]VcYd Vh ,- ZY^Â Â?Zh eZcYjgVYVh eZaVh eVgZYZh YV gZYVÂ d! hÂ&#x2039; HZj ?dg\Z VeVgZXZ eZaV hZ\jcYV kZo# 8dadXVg BVg^V G^iV YZ kdaiV cV cdhhV e{\^cV ^c^X^Va c d hÂ&#x2039; Â&#x201A; egdkV YZ fjZ V XVcidgV gZVabZciZ hZ igVch[dgbdj Zb jb Ydh eg^cX^eV^h cdbZh YV bÂ?h^XV WgVh^aZ^gV Ydh Â?ai^bdh iZbedh! Xdbd Â&#x201A; iVbWÂ&#x201A;b jbV bVcZ^gV YZ XdgdVg hZj gZidgcd V AdcYgZh! VeÂ&#x2039;h d hjXZhhd Yd h]dl cd 7VgW^XVc Zb '%%-# 6 kdaiV YZ BVg^V G^iV! fjZ idXV Y^V &- YZ bV^d cd @d`d! Â&#x201A; VeZcVh eVgiZ YV aZkV YZ ZkZcidh ZheZX^V^h fjZ V ?jc\aZ9gjbh Zhi{ egZeVgVYd eVgV '%&%! YZ [ZhiVh eVgV dh _d\dh YV 8deV Yd BjcYd! eVhhVcYd eZaVh ?jc\aZ HZhh^dch cd <jVcVWVgV Z cdhhdh Ydb^c\dh YZ kZg d cd 8Vb^cd! ViÂ&#x201A; cdhhV cdkV cd^iZ cd 7addbhWjgn 7dla^c\ kZ_V V e{\^cV '( ! jb YZ cdhhdh XVcidh egZ[Zg^Ydh YV X^YVYZ# EVgV Ă&#x2019; XVg a^\VYd Zb ijYd! V Y^XV Â&#x201A; ZcigVg dca^cZ# K{ eVgV d XdbejiVYdg V\dgV Z Y^\^iZ lll# _jc\aZYgjbhdca^cZ#Xdb# K^j4 H^b! Â&#x201A; d cdkd h^iZ YV ?jc\aZ! bj^id bV^h XdbeaZid Z [{X^a YZ hZ cVkZ\Vg# 6^cYV ZhiVbdh Zb [VhZ YZ iZhiZ! edg ^hhd idYdh dh XdbZci{g^dh Z hj\ZhiÂ?Zh h d bV^h Yd fjZ WZb"k^cYdh# 6Ă&#x2019; cVa! kdXÂ&#x201E; iVbWÂ&#x201A;b [Vo eVgiZ YZhhV VkZcijgV#
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Heathrow Underground WHERE CAN I FIND MY JD?
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Do you think it was right for Paris Hiltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recent Devassa beer advert (which upset feminists and the Brasilian Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bureau) to be taken off air in Brasil?
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I don't know about the feminist opinion, but for me Paris Hilton's a fake simbol... why consume her image and feel bad about yourself? 90% of us will never be rich, so we just need to accept that and be happy. Bruno Silva
I think people that were upset by Paris' video are just jealous they wouldn't get as much attention while playing with a can. Me too! Delphine Pejchert
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YKP YGD MAJOR LAZER @ VILLAGE UNDERGROUND Shaking the dancehall floors all over the place with massive sounds such as 'Pon de Floor', Diplo and Switch do their thing on 26th May. Wanna be there?
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WELCOME TO THE NEW JUNGLEDRUMS LOS FABULOSOS CADILLACS @ TROXY LZĂ&#x2030;kZ \di V eV^g d[ i^X`Zih [dg i]Z bjX] Vci^X^eViZY 6g\Zci^c^Vc h`V"gdX`ZghĂ&#x2030; J@ YZWji dc '.i] 6eg^a#
DRUGSTORE @ ICA I]Z *i] BVn \^\ d[ i]Z WVcY! aZY Wn >hVWZa BdciZ^gd! ^h bdhi a^`Zan hdaY dji! Wji lZĂ&#x2030;kZ V eV^g d[ i^X`Zih id \^kZ VlVn
HjW_ZXi d[ i]^h ZY^i^dcĂ&#x2030;h )I]^c`^c\ B^cYh! ndj XVc l^c i^X`Zih id i]Z^g YZWji d[ JgWVc dc +i] BVn# OUR NEW LOOK ONLINE
LZ kZ WZZc ldg`^c\ ]VgY id Ă&#x2019; cVaan Wg^c\ ndj djg WgVcY cZl lZWh^iZ! l]ZgZ ndj aa Ă&#x2019; cY hij[[ ndj ldc i Ă&#x2019; cY ^c eg^ci! Vh lZaa Vh###
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HOW TO ENTER Id eVgi^X^eViZ ^c Vcn d[ i]Z egdbdi^dch VcY XdbeZiZ [dg i^X`Zih h^bean k^h^i ?jc\aZĂ&#x2030;h lZWh^iZ lll#_jc\aZYgjbhdca^cZ#Xdb \d id i]Z XdbeZi^i^dc hZXi^dc VcY gZ\^hiZg ndjg YZiV^ah# HZZ h^iZ [dg iZgbh VcY XdcY^i^dch d[ Zcign# L^ccZgh l^aa WZ hZaZXiZY Vi gVcYdb# <ddY ajX`
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©<AA¡ 8;<D The world's ended. You’re one of the few that escaped to another galaxy, but couldn’t resist visiting what remains of Earth: a forest on a floating rock, mutant monkeys, acid rain, neon birds, an ocean dripping into the beyond and a band plays the last cabaret, Las Venus Resort Palace Hotel. The old scorched bar's the only entertainment for the survivors, who party like there’s no tomorrow, led by the alluring hostess Sonja Khalecallon and her band, Los Stroboscopius Luminous. “Sonja stays on reception, in the bar, cleans the bathroom, sings, does exotic massage, all at once, thanks to the bi-localisation (bee-loca)”, Cibelle explains. “There are trained monkeys too, because Sonja needs her beauty sleep, but you’re forbidden to feed them”. This is the post-apocalyptic world Cibelle created for her third album, Las Venus Resort Palace Hotel, to be launched in May on Crammed Discs. For the album and London gigs (on 10th April and 20th May), the singer will assume her alter-ego of Sonja Khalecallon, whom she deconstructs like so: “'Sonja' is the guru of [artist] Rick Castro + sponje (my cannibalistic behavior sucking in all things) + Frida Khalo + Sophie Calle + canecalon (‘fake hair’) = Sonja Khalecallon. Produced by Cibelle herself and Björk’s music director, Damian Taylor, the album’s a soundtrack to this post-nuclear cabaret wrapped in electronic neo-tropicalism, with nine original tracks and three covers: 'Mango Tree', by Ursula Andress in the James Bond film Dr. No; music pioneer Raymond Scott’s 'Lightworks', and 'It's Not Easy Being Green', by Kermit the Frog. Aside from Taylor, Brasilians Fernando Catatau and Pupilo are also on the album, recorded in the singer’s cellar in London, São Paulo, Berlin and Vancouver. ,&
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Wgjh]^c\ l^i] WgVh^a It would in no way be easy to identify when it all began, but the fact is that Brasilian art has departed from traditional roots, and established itself firmly in what’s been called World Art. In no way does this mean that features, colours and landscapes of Brasil will cease to serve as inspiration; they still play a pivotal role, as we will see this month in the work of Julia Miranda, Bruno 9li, Talita Hoffmann and even American artist Steve Miller, the works of which hail the meticulous, the urban, and at times scientific study when compared to movements such as 1920s Modernism. Cue new realms, new approaches, and artists crossing their national borders. ,& D[ <CKTC $TKNJCPVG /KNQ 5VGGNGHQZ
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Ever since Ozomatli and Omara Portuondo played the very first edition in 2001, La Lineaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been fanning the flames of Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rather passionate love affair with Latin music, showcasing top acts from CafĂŠ Tacuba, Gotan Project and Ojos de Brujo, to good olâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Seu Jorge. Marking the 10th year of the festival, this one looks no less diverse: take in some VillaLobos with the UKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fine young classical musicians of Machaca, or Salsa Celticaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cuban-Scottish cross pollination, in contrast to the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;americana-cubanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sound of Amparo Sanchez. Tango Siempre will unfurl an intense show armed with Gotan Projectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Victor Villena (left), Argentinian troubadour Kevin Johansen tours a rather quirky live collaboration with cartoonist Liniers (and his overhead projector!), and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the all-female 10-piece Mariachi Femenil Nuevo TecalitlĂĄn outfit, plus by LAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mariachi punks, Mariachi El Bronx. Speaking of the Bronx, and surely the cherry on La Lineaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cake, Kid Creole & The Coconuts will kick off the festival with their Latin-tropical sounds and â&#x20AC;&#x153;multi-cultural, rainbow, mulato, mutant musicâ&#x20AC;?, the career of which blossomed far from their NY origins, embraced by Europe, most fondly so by London. As put by frontman August Darnell, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a â&#x20AC;&#x153;fun band, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s escapism, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entertainment, theatrical, so even if you didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know the music youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d love the showâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re pretty sure feet will be tapping. ,&
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Few acts could claim a pan-Latin American appeal, but maybe one can claim to have ignited the Ska-rock revolution in Argentina and the Latin world. Since their mid-1980s success, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs have inspired countless bands and a musical movement largely unnoticed by the West. Indebted to English Ska bands, bassist Senor Flavio says: “I became a rock musician just because I was a fan of Madness”. Their sound's a 'mestizo' of Latin America styles, and whilst their most recent album El Luz Del Ritmo is no new departure musically, they proudly parade their influences with a rip-roaring take of the Clash’s ‘Should I stay or should I go’, and want to push themselves more creatively, “planning a conceptual album with a ‘Latin American-Pop-NewWave-Mestizo-Hispano-Rocker’ sound!” Amazingly, for a band who claim “London is the sound that shaped us from the start”, the Troxy gig, part of their reunion tour (they split in 2001), will be their first in the UK. Their live shows are frenzied affairs, this one threatens to be no different. ,& D[ %CN ,CFGT
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I burnt my tongue!
Since 2008, economists have been about as popular as shares in Northern Rock. But one prediction continued to look solid during the financial crisis – Brasil, Russia, India and China (the BRIC countries) are the emerging nations to watch. Jim O’Neill, chief economist at Goldman Sachs, coined the term ‘BRIC’, but could scarcely have imagined the art that would emerge from those nations. From the
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cartoon-like to the hyper-real, the political to the personal-fantastical, BRIC artists have rejuvenated lost crafts and reignited galleries around the world. And the Saatchi Gallery caught on fast, last October unveiling The Revolution Continues: New Chinese Art, and from now until 7th May The Empire Strikes Back: Indian Art Today will be on proud display. So the BRIC Auctions on 23rd and 24th April feel like an effortless extension of the gallery’s interests,
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when around 450 contemporary art, photography and design lots will go under the hammer. Gilles Peterson and Nitin Sawhney are sure bets to make the vibe right at the opening night party, and with works by Os Gêmeos, Lygia Clark, Hélio Oiticica and Alexander Rodchenko up for grabs, you’d better get there early. The buying is bound to be feverish. ,& 7G>8 6J8I>DC ;G::! ')i] 6eg^a! HVViX]^ <VaaZgn E=>AA>EH9:EJGN#8DB %'% ,(&- )%&%
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AMAZONIAN ANIMALS GIVEN NEW LEASE OF RAINFOREST LIFE AT LONDON ZOO A Golden-headed Lion Tamarin lands infront of you and looks you in the eyes. Ears pricked, curiosity piqued… ‘what’s he going to do now?’, is the thought passing through both your heads. The answer, you can discover at the relaunched Rainforest Life installation at ZSL London Zoo, simulating the experience of a tropical rainforest. But worry not, the monkeys passing freely between visitors and the 800 species of plants brought in from Costa Rica won’t take any notice if left unprovoked. Other endangered animals such as the sloth and anteater also roam around with birds such as the Grey-winged trumpeter for company. Only these creatures don’t get quite so close, observed by visitors from the upper level of the attraction, which maintains a steady 27 degrees celsius with an irrigation system ensuring the animals feel right at home. Not quite so comfy, Senior Keeper Tony Dobbs, with hair wet with sweat and a rosy face, explains almost without breath that “the species weren’t taken from the forests, but rather brought from zoos from various places in the world”, hastening to add there are no risks to the animals, but that no-one should feed them! “Staff at the zoo will keep a close eye on the behaviour of the animals and the visitors, and besides, they have set eating times and a balanced diet”. The director of the zoo, David Field, hopes that with this contact people will become more conscientious and help to save tropical rainforests: “these forests are live eco-systems, home to millions of species facing extinction, but they’re disappearing rapidly”. According to Greenpeace, since 1997 somewhere in the realm of 13 thousand hectares of forest, the great majority tropical, were destroyed, the equivalent of an area the size of Greece per year. ,& G6>C;DG:HI A>;: 5 OHA ODD Cdl deZc! GZ\Zcih EVg`! &*"&. OHA#DG< %'% ,,'' ((((
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With his new CD, Bandadois, Gilberto Gil touches upon moments in his career with new arrangements. The biggest difference to his other albums, however, is its intimate nature alongside his son, Bem, and the contribution of his youngest, JosĂŠ. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s as if â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Gilbertoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; has opened his doors and shared highlights of his musical work, with the new generation's fresh outlook. On the same CD, Gil achieves simplicity and sophistication, following the acoustic tone of his most recent works. Bandadois lays out interesting moments, as on â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Saudade da Bahiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Lamento sertanejoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, and the beautiful â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Refazendaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Gil also presents lesser-known tracks that bring the repertoir some good weight as in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;La renaissance africaineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Another lovely surprise is the presence of Maria Rita in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Amor atĂŠ o fimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, never before recorded by Gil, but immortalised by the incredible voice of Elis Regina.,&
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B6G>6 G>I6 I6A@H ID ?JC<A: 67DJI I=: =:G: 6C9 CDL D; =:G 86G::G 6C9 =:G G:IJGC ID ADC9DC The show had come to an end, a great success. It was Maria Rita’s first time in London and, still high with adrenalin from the stage and thrilled with the audience’s enthusiasm, everything but sleeping crossed her mind. Mere moments after bidding farewell to the Barbican stage, without losing any time she demanded: “get me a car, and let’s drive around the city!”. With delays to her fight’s arrival the singer had no choice but to go straight from the airport direct to the sound check. Her only spare time would be after the concert, given that early the following morning she would have to return to Heathrow. Joined by some of her crew in the car, she made a quick tour of the city, checking out the main attractions she’d heard so much about. “My brother had teased me for years: ‘How come you don’t know it? You have to go to London”, she’d said to Jungle before her first visit, in July 2008.
Zig-zaging around the city, she had a glimpse of the postcard landmarks such as Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Picadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square. It was enough to fall love. But she wants more, as she made perfectly clear in this exclusive interview.
The return |
Maria Rita returns to the British capital after two years on the road with Samba Meu, a tour which saw her far more confident on the stage, leaving behind any comparisons to her mother, Elis Regina, icon of popular Brasilian music. According to the singer, this change was owed to her tongue in cheek attitude. The timid side of her career was left firmly behind her. In the shows of her last tour, Maria Rita appeared in short dresses, covered in bright sequins and glitter, showing off a curvaceous body – sometimes, a little too much in the opinion of some. Despite reading up on the comments on
the internet about her physical appearance, she assures that she doesn’t worry; the most important thing to her is her voice. “As long as they don’t complain that I’m singing badly, that’s fine” she says. Those that went to the Barbican know that she has an incredible voice, and her show, unforgettable and full of energy. It’s worth looking it up on YouTube (Maria Rita + London), so you can see how quickly she turned the straight atmosphere of the large cultural venue into a party. Be sure to check out our suggestions of links (on p.32). In this much anticipated return, Maria Rita brings to the prestigious stage of the Koko, to the north of the city, a new spectacular with songs from her entire career. Talking to JungleDrums, she also promised surprises and “a really upbeat show”. Produced in partnership between Jungle and the festival Tensamba (read more about them in the box overleaf), the show is part of
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WHO’S THAT GIRL? yet another intense European tour, passing through Portugal and other countries. Once again, her visit will be in the spotlight, but who knows, perhaps this time round she’ll get to know more of the city which received her so well on her first visit. Two years have passed on by since the last time you spoke with Jungle. What have you been up to during this time? What’s changed in your life and career? I think I’ll only be able to answer with any conviction and certainty about how my life has changed over these two years a few years from now. In the cycle of the project Samba Meu there’s no way of stepping back for such analysis. To be honest, I don’t feel much has changed. I’m still prioritising the stage, professionally, and my son, personally. But in terms of more specific changes, I feel the need for a greater distance in order to comment on that. This is your second show in London. What are your expectations? I’ve got butterflies about my return… perhaps more so than for the first time. I try and focus on this, on my feelings, on the show
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maria rita that I’m putting together especially for this return gig. It’s a process which works for me. I believe that focussing on ones expectations can be counter-productive. I like the kind things people say and the smiles on the faces of those who come to see me, those who give their time and money for my singing, for my art which is, after all, my passion. This relation, in itself, is extremely gratifying and it touches me… I’m honoured by the invitation to come back! What did you think of your debut, in a packed-out Barbican show? I was over the moon! It was a tremendously difficult day for the whole team, not just for me, with a tough schedule of travelling and times to soundcheck and perform. But after we’d set ourselves up, once we’d begun the
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performance, we simply bathed our souls in the warmth coming from the audience. I was, as I said, so very happy to see, not just Brasilians in the audience, but also English members of the crowd intrigued by my work. We heard that after the show you took a ride in a car to go and see the city – what was your impression, and what did you see? I loved it! I didn’t sleep at all; I stayed out exploring the city, stopping in a few places… still buzzing from the adrenalin from the stage. It was sensational. And it left me wanting to return as soon as possible which, unfortunately, wasn’t possible due to my schedule of shows with Samba Meu. I’m here hoping I’ll be able to check out a little more. I’ve got a lot of curiosity to get to know London better. Truly a lot… The show in London is a partnership with the Tensamba Festival and also includes shows in Spain. Is this a concern in your career, to conquer an international audience? I don’t know if concern would be the word I would use. Maybe more a serene goal… I’m in no rush, perhaps because I’ve a notion of the fact that to do a tour justice I’d have to spend something like 45-60 days travelling, and this is not actually possible, if you consider I have a son who’s still young. All in all I have the objective, but not the greed. But yes, I make a point of performing outside of Brasil, to give my best to those who are curious to get to know me… I celebrate when an invite comes up! You launched the DVD of Samba Meu in 2008, and the CD Perfil (Greatest Hits) in 2009, and did a few collaborations, but you’ve not released any new material since 2007, right? Why this pause? I don’t have a specific motive. My creative
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maria rita process is very personal, essentially because I’m not a composer, but rather an interpreter. Singing, to me, is one thing; interpreting is another. I didn’t feel the need. There was no time. The Samba Meu tour in Brasil had a success that I wasn’t expecting, which also contributed to a great dedication on the road. But essentially I’ve not yet felt the necessity for a new repertoire, new stories to sing… Are we going to hear a new album soon? Do you already know what it’ll be like? I still don’t know. The fact that I’m not even thinking about a new album for me indicates that I’m not ready for this new step. After all, I haven’t the least idea of what I would like to sing, nor how or in which language, nothing! In our last conversation, we spoke a little about the economic situation in Brasil.
What do you think has changed? How do you see the forthcoming elections? To be perfectly honest with you, I don’t remember what I said at that time… and actually we continue very much caught up in all the scandals and corruption (what’s new, hey?), and in terms of the Pré-Sal [an economic report]… you hear a little about the rise in interest, of a possible rise of inflation this year, but I believe that in this there’s a little speculation, essentially due to our being in a year of a presidential election. I’ve got a feeling that the world economic crisis carried the nation away somewhat, it caused a fright – the crisis turned out pretty calm in Brasil if we compare it with the United States, for example, but I don’t see an economic drama. For now, at least. We’ll see when the campaign period begins… ,&
CONNECT WITH MARIA RITA >c XVhZ ndjÉgZ cdi nZi [Vb^a^Vg l^i] BVg^V G^iVÉh bjh^X! dg ^[ ndjÉgZ V [ZkZg^h] [Vc i]Vi XVccdi lV^i [dg ]Zg XdcXZgi cZmi bdci]! ?jc\aZ egZhZcih ]ZgZ hdbZ hj\\Zhi^dch d[ lZWh^iZh l^i] ^c[dgbVi^dc VcY k^YZdh i]Vi l^aa hVi^h[n Wdi] ndjg Xjg^dh^in VcY Zci]jh^Vhb [dg ]Zg XdcXZgi# 8]ZX` i]Zb dji
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1 april - 30 may st
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8th - 9th april I6C>6 B6G>6 5 GDCC>: H8DIIH <gVbbn"cdb^cViZY IVc^V BVg^V ^h V 7gVh^a^Vc"Wdgc h^c\Zg$e^Vc^hi l]dhZ hXVi ]Vh bVYZ ]Zg [Vbdjh i]Z ldgaY dkZg# 9dcĂ&#x2030;i b^hh i]^h deedgijc^in id XViX] V gVl iVaZci ^c VXi^dc# ,eb! [gdb Â&#x2014;'% Gdcc^Z HXdiiĂ&#x2030;h! ), ;g^i] HigZZi Ă&#x201E; L&9 )=I GDCC>:H8DIIH#8D#J@ Â&#x2122; %'% ,)(. %,),
9th | friday B6GI6 IDE;:GDK6 6 W^\ cVbZ dc i]Z AVi^c hXZcZ Vaa dkZg i]Z ldgaY! 8oZX]"Wdgc BVgiV Ide[ZgdkV! l]d ^h WVhZY ^c CZl Ndg`! Wg^c\h ]Zg ;adg CdXijgcV idjg d[ Hdji] 6bZg^XVc"^che^gZY [da` id i]Z J@# 9ddgh ,eb! Â&#x2014;&' VYk <gZZc CdiZ! &%+ EVg`lVn! 8VbYZc Ă&#x201E; CL& ,6C
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until 24th april 8A6G>HH6 8:HI6G> =Zg Ă&#x2019; ghi hdad AdcYdc h]dl! ^iĂ&#x2030;h Vc ZmegZhh^dc d[ Vgi Vi ^ih bdhi eV^chiV`^c\an ZmVXi! l^i] bdcdX]gdbZ eV^ci^c\h! Y^einX]h! VcY ldg`h dc eVeZg dc h]dl# ;G::! LZY";g^ &%Vb"+eb! HVi &&Vb"*eb :Vhi 8ZcigVa <VaaZgn! '( 7ViZbVcĂ&#x2030;h Gdl Ă&#x201E; :8'6 (== :6HI8:CIG6A<6AA:G>:H#8DB Â&#x2122; %'% ,,(. ++).
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until 9 may
11 | sunday
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until 14 april
13 & 15 april
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;G::! Wdd`^c\ VYk^hVWaZ! kVg^djh i^bZh 8Vgc^kVa K^aaV\Z! IVWZgcVXaZ! Edl^h HfjVgZ Ă&#x201E; L&&
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8th | thursday
16th | friday
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15th april - 8th may =:6AI= D; I=: EA6C:I I]ZhZ ^bV\Zh Wn HiZkZ B^aaZg VgZ eVgi d[ V hZg^Zh Zmeadg^c\ i]Z 6bVodc gV^c[dgZhi Zci^iaZY =ZVai] d[ i]Z EaVcZi# Fj^iZ a^iZgVaan! ]^h egd_ZXi \^kZh 7gVh^a V bZY^XVa X]ZX` je Vh l^i] ]^h m"gVn e]didh d[ i]Z Ă&#x201C; dgV VcY [VjcV d[ i]Z 6bVodc# ;G:: <VaaZgn BVnV! '- 8]Zehidl 8dgcZg Ă&#x201E; L' )M: <6AA:GNB6N6#8D#J@ Â&#x2122; %'% ,''. +',.
22nd - 30th april :6HI :C9 ;>AB ;:HI>K6A '%&% 6b^Y i]^h nZVgĂ&#x2030;h egd\gVbbZ i]ZgZĂ&#x2030;h V 9Vk^Y 7ngcZ C^\]i '+i] XZaZWgVi^c\ ]^h higdc\ 7gVh^a^Vc XdccZXi^dch! l^i] Ă&#x2019; abh IgjZ Hidg^Zh VcY Ă&#x;AÂ&#x201A; 6>NÂ&#x201A; VcY hdbZ a^kZ bjh^X idd Vi K^aaV\Z JcYZg\gdjcY# KVg^djh i^bZh VcY eg^XZh 6aa hdgih d[ kZcjZh VXgdhh :Vhi AdcYdc :6HI:C9;>AB;:HI>K6A#8DB Â&#x2122; %'% ,(+) ,.&,
22nd - 30th april A6 A>C:6 A6I>C BJH>8 ;:HI>K6A I]Z [gZcon d[ AVi^c bjh^X Vgg^kZh ^c i]Z [dgb d[ @^Y 8gZdaZ I]Z 8dXdcjih! HVahV 8Zai^XV! IVc\d H^ZbegZ! 6beVgd HVcX]Zo! K^kV :a BVg^VX]^ VcY @Zk^c ?d]VchZc A^c^Zgh# >cYja\Z ndjghZa[ KVg^djh kZcjZh VcY i^bZh! [gdb Â&#x2014;&' 7VgW^XVc! Hdji]WVc` 8ZcigZ! ?Voo 8V[Z 8DBDCD#8D#J@$A6A>C:6
24th | saturday 7G>8 6J8I>DC 5 H66I8=> <6AA:GN L^i] k^Zl^c\ [gdb 6eg^a &,i] gjcc^c\ je id i]Z VjXi^dc! 7G>8 egZhZcih Vgildg` [gdb 7gVh^a! Gjhh^V! >cY^V VcY 8]^cV! l^i] bVhiZge^ZXZh [gdb Dh <Â&#x201E;bZdh! An\^V 8aVg` VcY =Â&#x201A;a^d D^i^X^XV# ;G::! 7gVh^a hVaZ Vi *eb HVViX]^ <VaaZgn! 9j`Z d[ Ndg` =ZVYfjVgiZgh Ă&#x201E; HL( E=>AA>EH9:EJGN#8DB Â&#x2122; %'% ,(&- )%&%
29th | thurs ADH ;67JADHDH 869>AA68H 5 IGDMN DcZ d[ AVi^c bjh^XĂ&#x2030;h bdhi ^cĂ&#x201C; jZci^Va WVcYh! l^i] i]Z ]^ih Ă&#x2C6;BVa 7^X]dĂ&#x2030; VcY Ă&#x2C6;BViVYdgĂ&#x2030;! <G6BBN"l^cc^c\ gdX` ^Xdch Adh ;VWjadhdh 8VY^aaVXh bV`Z i]Z^g adc\" VlV^iZY J@ YZWji Vi AdcYdcĂ&#x2030;h Igdmn#
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:.F 4 | tuesday
every monday
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;DGGâ 9D 8D8D
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6 - 9 may th
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7th | friday =DHE>I6A>IN 5 B6II:G 7gVh^a^Vc Ygjb c WVhh edlZg]djhZ 9? BVg`n _d^ch 9Vk^Y GdY^\Vc! i]Z =dhe^iVa GZXdgYh gZh^YZcih VcY =^\] 8dcigVhi [dg i]Z BVn ^chiVaabZci d[ =dhe^iVa^in#
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every tuesday ;DGGâ ;6B>AN 8dbZ VcY aZVgc i]^h hZchjVa YVcXZ l]^ahi ]Vk^c\ V adi d[ [jc VcY bZZi^c\ cZl eZdeaZ# 7Z\^ccZgh 8aVhh -eb id .eb Â&#x2014;*$Â&#x2014;( XdcX# ;G:: V[iZg .eb 7Vg (dcZ,! (&, ;^cX]aZn GdVY! =VbehiZVY " CL( (DC:,76G#8DB Â&#x2122; %'% ,,.) +%*-
every tuesday >E6C:B6 H:HH>DCH ;ZVijg^c\ bjh^X [gdb 7gVh^a^Vc ?Voo! BE7! 7dhhV CdkV! X]dgd VcY ZkZc gddihn hVbWV"gdX`# Hde]^hi^XViZY! \ddY fjVa^in bjh^X#
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*eb! ;G:: <jVcVWVgV! EVg`Zg HigZZi " L8'7 *EL
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16th | sunday
every tuesday
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DcZ d[ 6[g^XVĂ&#x2030;h bdhi gZcdlcZY hiVgh! 6c\Za^fjZ gZijgch id i]Z 7VgW^XVc b^m^c\ Yg^k^c\ YVcXZ g]ni]bh! eda^i^XVa ang^Xh VcY edlZg[ja hiV\Z egZhZcXZ#
8]ZX` dji i]Z WZhi VcY bdhi ^ccdkVi^kZ a^kZ VXih [gdb Vaa dkZg i]Z ldgaY# <jZhi 9? <adWVa b^m^c\ jci^a &Vb#
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-eb! ;G:: Bdbd @Zb^V 7Vg! '* =ZYYdc HigZZi " L&
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18th | tuesday
every wednesday
B6G>6 G>I6 5 @D@D
H6B76 8>IN
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26th | wednesday
every thursday
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pesticide turmoil
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SWEDISH DOCUMENTARY REVEALS THE REALITY OF THE LIVES OF BANANA PLANTATION WORKERS Juan José Domínguez was watching television when he saw a report on CNN about the workers of a banana plantation in Latin America trying to sue their employers, Dole Food Company. At the end of the 1970s they had been exposed to the pesticide DBCP after it was banned and even recalled by the company that produced it, Dow Chemicals. The years passed and many of the workers were found to be sterile; cases of cancer were also reported. A lawyer specialised in defending minorities, Juan, a Cuban who left for the
US with his family when he was a child to go and live in Los Angeles, California, took an interest in the case and sought to find out more. Five years later, even with various other American lawyer firms trying to get involved in the case, including Walter Lack, famous for having employed Erin Brockovich, Juan was the only one to manage to take the action further in the American courts. Hearing about the story through a journalist working in Nicaragua, the Swedish documentary filmmaker Fredrik Gertten decided that this would be the perfect theme
for his next film, but not just the trial alone. “The presence of American lawyers in Nicaragua wanting to get the case was the new motive to tell an old story, especially with the presence of Walter Lack, which almost turned the storyinto Hollywood. But after getting to know Juan and research about him, I realised the possibility of telling the story in a different way”, he explains. Gertten said that a lot of the time documentaries are straight to the point, especially when dealing with Latin America, and Juan’s presence offered up the chance to
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deep in the jungle
explore other sides of the story during the realisation of Bananas!*. “He’s a character so full of conflict, inspiring such diverse opinions, that I wanted to show these angles in the film. What drives you? Money? For sure. The chance to be a lawyer respected by the whites? Probably something which drives him too. But it’s important to see that at the same time, he’s doing good things”, comments the director. And it was in accompanying the lawyer between Nicaragua, in interviews with the workers, and Los Angeles, between the
company and the court, that the film developed. To improve the chances of victory, Juan decides to address only the cases of infertility and focuses on the 12 people in the lawsuit against Dole. And he also calls upon Duane Miller, an experienced defence lawyer who was the first to win a case against Dow Chemicals in relation to the same pesticide. Dole, being the biggest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, naturally brought in the best lawyers to defend itself during the case – and they didn’t stop there: even having only seen the trailer for
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Bananas!*, they decided to sue the production of the film, demanding that Gertten would not speak about the subject anymore and that he take the website offline, besides, obviously, not releasing the film. The American giant simply didn’t consider the repercussions its attitude would cause, leading even to a Swedish hamburger chain boycotting its products. Gertten says that he received a lot of support and attention in his country, even being invited to present the film in parliament. Following this, various members of parliament signed a petition for
YdXjbZci{g^d# 6 \^\VciZ VbZg^XVcV h c d ^bV\^cVkV V gZeZgXjhh d fjZ hjV Vi^ijYZ XVjhVg^V! \ZgVcYd Vi Wd^XdiZ V hZjh egdYjidh edg jbV XVYZ^V YZ ]VbW g\jZgZh cV Hj X^V# <ZgiiZc Y^o fjZ gZXZWZj WVhiVciZ Ved^d Z ViZc d Zb hZj eV h! hZcYd Vi Xdck^YVYd V VegZhZciVg d Ò abZ cd eVgaVbZcid# 9Zed^h! k{g^dh eVgaVbZciVgZh Vhh^cVgVb jbV eZi^ d eVgV fjZ V 9daZ ^ciZggdbeZhhZ d egdXZhhd# Æ=djkZ \gVcYZ VYZh d! iVcid YZ eVgi^Ydh YV ZhfjZgYV fjVcid YV Y^gZ^iV# 6e h V h^ijV d Xdb V ]VbWjg\jZg^V! V ]^hi g^V [d^ eVgVg cVh hZ Zh YZ cZ\ X^dh Ydh _dgcV^h# : dh _dgcVa^hiVh XdbZ VgVb V fjZhi^dcVg Vh \gVcYZh XVYZ^Vh YZ gZhiVjgVciZhÇ! ZaZ Y^o# 6 egZhh d edg eVgiZ YVh XVYZ^Vh [d^ iVciV fjZ V a^WZgYVYZ YZ ZmegZhh d hjZXV kZcXZj Z V 9daZ Ò cVabZciZ VWVcYdcdj d egdXZhhd# BZhbd Vhh^b! eVgiZ Yd ZhigV\d _{ ZhiVkV [Z^id/ <ZgiiZc iZkZ fjZ \VhiVg (%% b^a Y aVgZh cd egdXZhhd! d Zfj^kVaZciZ V XZgXV YZ *(. b^a gZV^h# Æ:aZh Xg^VgVb jbV Xdbd d bj^id \gVcYZ! ZhXgZkZcYd XVgiVh eVgV idYdh dh eVigdX^cVYdgZh Yd 67G>A '%&% ,WPING&TWOU (.
pesticide turmoil
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Dole to withdraw the charges. “There was great support, as much from the left as from right-wing parties. After the situation with the hamburger chain, the story reached the business pages of newspapers, and journalists began to question the large restaurant chains” he said. The pressure put upon these chains was so great that Swedish freedom of speech prevailed and Dole finally abandoned the charges. Even so, the damage had already been done: Gertten had to spend $300,000 on the trial, the equivalent of around £199,000. “They caused such a big scene, writing letters to all the sponsors of the film and pressuring for the film to be removed from the LA Film Festival, where we were to premier the film as well as compete. And as the festival
organisers weren’t able to stop us from taking part, they decided to screen the documentary with a warning at the start saying that the exhibited material was not true”, complains Gertten. And the case of the workers v. Dole? “Nothing’s yet resolved”, said the director. Apart from a preliminary trial shown in the film, in which half of the workers come out victorious, Gertten confirms that not one penny has yet been paid to anyone. Dole continues its battle to reverse the verdicts and prevent further victories for workers, and even managed to push aside Juan and Duane’s case, accusing them of fraud. New hearings have been scheduled for May in LA. And in the meantime Dole continues to enjoy its profits of $8bn (roughly £5.3bn) a year. ,&
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circus that acts
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4 thinking minds
COLOMBIAN CIRCUS SCHOOLS SHOWCASE THE TALENT OF THEIR ARTISTS TO THE WORLD Come May, a swathe of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s finest circus acts will have descended upon London for the Roundhouse CircusFest. Circolombia are one such act, with the premier of their latest show, Urban, incorporating breakdance and parkour (free-running) with dramatics, choreography, South American hip-hop and swagger, a spectacular show of athleticism and poise coupled with power and grace. Founded in 2002, Circolombia is from Cali, Colombia, and is the sister company of the school Circo Para Todos (Circus For Everyone), both created by local performer Hector Cobo and British circus artist Felicity Simpson: â&#x20AC;&#x153;we started in 1997 as a scheme to help children from difficult backgrounds make the most of their skills and bring Colombian talent to the world stageâ&#x20AC;?, says Simpson. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s based on excellence and circus skills but also solidarity, co-operation and teamwork, leading to great group acts which you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get in Europe now as people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do more than duo or trio actsâ&#x20AC;?.
Circo Para Todos was inspired by Cobo and Simpsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s being part of the founding of Brasilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s famous IntrĂŠpida Trupe circus in the 80s; from this, a small group of performers began the group work that Circolombia now excels in. Moving to Colombia, Simpson quickly recognised the talent but saw a need for a long-term project rather than the shorter workshops prevalent in South America. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Brasil, some of the short term workshops do more harm than good - they finishes, the circus moves on, but the kids are in the same situation as before with nowhere to go â&#x20AC;&#x201C; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like covering holes with a band aidâ&#x20AC;?. The school has a yearly intake of 25 new students, providing children and youths aged 12-20 with a four year scholarship with a free circus education plus a conventional one, and training to become a trainer. However, after the first group graduated in 2001 Simpson realised former students lacked in business sense: â&#x20AC;&#x153;they werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t able to negotiate their contracts and were receiving
ridiculous offers because employers knew that they came from a social schemeâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We set up a local agency [Circolombia] to stop the exploitation of our artists, like how in some Brasilian football clubs, where after moving to a big club they give back to the smaller club a player came from; we set up a two year programme to monitor their leaving school, verifying work conditions, employers, contracts and better wages. Then, 30% of their salary in the first year and 20% in the second goes back to the schoolâ&#x20AC;?. Circolombia now sets up 83 circus students in jobs in the USA, Europe and on cruise ships, the world over. Another project theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re affiliated with is the Brasilian NGO Crescer e Viver, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll also run workshops in May (see box). Urban, supported by the Roundhouse and performed by 14 graduates, is a new direction for Circolombia as Simpson reveals, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re no strangers to the UK but â&#x20AC;&#x153;itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the first time weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve a show in London we passionately wanted to do; the kids are telling the story they want to tellâ&#x20AC;?. ,&
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ESCOLAS DE CIRCO COLOMBIANAS MOSTRAM O TALENTO DE SEUS ARTISTAS PARA O MUNDO :b bV^d! jbV XdaZ d Ydh bZa]dgZh \gjedh X^gXZchZh X]Z\V V AdcYgZh eVgV eVgi^X^eVg Yd 8^gXjh;Zhi cV GdjcY]djhZ# 8^gXdadbW^V! jb Ydh \gjedh! igVo V ZhigZ^V YZ hZj h]dl JgWVc! fjZ ^cXdgedgV WgZV`YVcXZ Z eVg`djg Xdb ^ciZgegZiV d! YVc V Z XdgZd\gV[^V! VaÂ&#x201A;b YZ ]^e ]de! eVgV VegZhZciVg jb h]dl ^ciZchd fjZ ZhWVc_V Vig^Wjidh ViaÂ&#x201A;i^Xdh! XdbedhijgV Z \gV V# ;jcYVYV Zb '%%'! d 8^gXdadbW^V kZb YZ 8Va^! cV 8daÂ?bW^V! Z [jcX^dcV Xdbd jbV XdbeVc]^V eVgXZ^gV YV ZhXdaV 8^gXd EVgV IdYdh! VbWVh Xg^VYVh eZad XdadbW^Vcd =ZXidg 8dWd Z V Wg^i}c^XV ;Za^X^in H^behdc/ Ă&#x2020;XdbZ Vbdh Zb &.., Xdbd jb ZhfjZbV YZ V_jYV V Xg^Vc Vh Xdb ]^hiÂ&#x2039;g^Xd Y^[Â&#x2020;X^a eVgV fjZ ZaVh ejYZhhZb VegdkZ^iVg Vd b{m^bd hjVh ]VW^a^YVYZh Z bdhigVg d iVaZcid XdadbW^Vcd cdh eVaXdh bjcY^V^hĂ&#x2021;! Zmea^XV H^behdc# Ă&#x2020;w jbV ZhXdaV WVhZVYV Zb ZmXZaÂ&#x201E;cX^V Z ]VW^a^YVYZh X^gXZchZh! bVh iVbWÂ&#x201A;b hda^YVg^ZYVYZ! XddeZgV d Z igVWVa]d Zb Zfj^eZ! \ZgVcYd eZg[dgbVcXZh \gjeV^h ^begZhh^dcVciZh fjZ c d h d k^hiVh cV :jgdeV! _{ fjZ c d ]{ d ]{W^id YZ hZ [VoZg cVYV VaÂ&#x201A;b YZ VegZhZciV Â?Zh Zb YjeaVh dj ig^dhĂ&#x2021;# D 8^gXd EVgV IdYdh kZ^d YV ^che^gV d YZ 8dWd Z H^behdc iZgZb eVgi^X^eVYd YV [jcYV d YV >cigÂ&#x201A;e^YV IgjeZ! V bV^h [VbdhV ZhXdaV YZ X^gXd WgVh^aZ^gV! cdh Vcdh -%# 6 eVgi^g YVÂ&#x2020;! jb eZfjZcd \gjed YZ Vgi^hiVh XdbZ dj d igVWVa]d Zb fjZ ]d_Z Wg^a]V d 8^gXdadbW^V# 6d hZ bjYVg eVgV V 8daÂ?bW^V! H^behdc ^bZY^ViVbZciZ eZgXZWZj iVaZcidh! bVh iVbWÂ&#x201A;b k^j V cZXZhh^YVYZ YZ egd_Zidh YZ adc\d egVod! Y^[ZgZciZh Ydh fjZ XdhijbVb dXdggZg cV 6bÂ&#x201A;g^XV Yd Hja# Ă&#x2020;Cd 7gVh^a! Va\jch Ydh ldg`h]deh Xjgidh [VoZb bV^h bVa Yd fjZ WZb! _{ fjZ
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BRASÍLIA CELEBRATES 50 YEARS OF PRESIDENT KUBITSCHEK'S EXPANSION TO THE MID-WEST In the mid 1950’s, small planes glided above the savannah in the central plateau of Brasil: vast pastures, bare earth roads with difficult access, houses scattered sparsely. On board those small aeroplanes, geographers, architects and government officials mapped out the land that would host the new Brasilian capital. From high above, they picked out the farmhouses and dropped down a note which read: ‘we want to buy your land. This soil will be part of the new federal capital, Brasília.’ The episode is engraved upon
the memory of pioneer Jofre Parada, who was one of those in charge of acquisition of the land that would become the Federal District. In 1956, the president Juscelino Kubitschek pushed forward an old national project: relocating the capital to the central plateau, an idea which emerged more a century earlier, in 1823. Built in under four years, Brasília completes its 50th year on 21st April. Today, large aeroplanes glide across the skyline of a city of nearly 3m inhabitants, where the empty spaces of barren land are
becoming more and more scarce. Since 1960, the city has turned into a giant, still rapidly expanding. The evidence is in the landscape which, when seen from above, reveals the diversity of Brasília and the Federal District. The urban centre of the capital today is a mosaic of cultures from all over Brasil. "It was taken over by those true Brasilians who built the city and stayed there legitimately. In truth, the dream was smaller than the reality. Reality was bigger, more beautiful. I was satisfied and felt proud for having
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contributed’’, said urbanist Lúcio Costa in 1987, the year the capital became one of UNESCO’s World Heritage sites.
The innovative lines of the Pilot Plan | ‘Brasília has been promoted worldwide for over 40 years for the exceptional character of its architecture and urbanism’’, tells historian Jarbas Marques, ex-director of Historical and Artistic Heritage. The merit was not solely the result of the
work of hundreds of pioneers who sweated away to erect those monuments in less than four years, nor of the genius of architect Oscar Niemeyer, creator of the principal buildings and palaces in the new capital. The grandiose project of Brasília came from a small idea which the urbanist Lúcio Costa presented to president Juscelino Kubitschek in 1956. The project report for ‘Plano Piloto’ begins with the request of an apology, for its simplicity. The project which won the competition in 1957 and that gave life to the city was ‘’borne
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of the primary gesture of someone who designates a place or takes charge thereof: two axes crossing at a right angle’’. This is what Lúcio Costa’s report stated, with a letter that presented the urbanist’s idea: the activities divided in sectors, residential blocks, green spaces, and administrative centre.
The modern axes of the capital | For those who live in Brasília, the city is no mystery. Everything has its
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brasília turns 50 precise address: the residential blocks are identified by numbers that follow a logical and Cartesian order. The zero point is the Plano Piloto Bus Station, where the two main axes meet. The extensive Monumental Axis hosts the governing centre of the country: the Ministries Esplanade, the National Congress, the Palácio do Planalto, and Praça dos Três Poderes. Commerce has its own sector, such as hospitals and banks in the north or south. And in the same way, everything has its own space reserved in sectors: clubs, hotels, industries, embassies. In Plano Piloto, the main avenues are parallel and cross the city
in only one direction, being North to South. The wings represent two main axes, that cross the Monumental Axis from East to West. All of the composition of avenues which do not cross, curves and residential blocks is harmoniously complemented by generous green spaces that gave the capital its nickname of ‘Garden City’. Brasília is one of the greenest cities in the country.
Architecture Everywhere | In the gardens of the superblocks and also of the monumental palaces of the capital, another name of modern Brasilian architecture springs forth: Roberto Burle
Marx. Graduating in Arts from the University of Berlin, the landscape architect returned to Brasil in the 30s and started working with tropical plants and the Brasilian flora. A friend of Lúcio Costa, he was invited to take part in the urbanistic project of the new capital, colouring and decorating the Plano Piloto with his works. The presence of Burle Marx can be noted in various famous spots in the capital. In the gardens inside the National Congress and Itamaraty Palace, and on the streets of south block 308. Burle Marx was also responsible for the landscape project of Parque da Cidade, one of the most pleasant places of
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brasĂlia turns 50 Plano Piloto, a meeting point for Brasilienses (locals) and Brasilians living in the capital.
Southern Entertainment Sector | In creating the sector themes for the urban centre, LĂşcio Costa planned one for entertainment: "mixed in equal measures, part Piccadilly Circus, part Times Square and part Champs ElysĂŠesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Next to the crossing of the two main axes, the Entertainment Sector hosts a commercial centre, the National Theatre, the Museu da RepĂşblica, The National Library, and one of the oldest and most eclectic buildings of the city, CONIC. In the heart of the city, CONIC is the synthesis of diversity of Brasiliense culture. The centre comes together in the same space, bars, restaurants, churches, art galleries, sex shops, offices, bookstores, Afro beauty salons, music shops, amid others.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;CONIC inspires culture, be it in the presence of literature, theatre or in musicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, says Ivan, owner of a kiosk for old books for over 28 years in the centre of the building. At night, the place becomes a meeting point for the local youth and avant-garde of the city, who throw parties in underground galleries of the building, whilst at the same time, members of the Universal Church of The Kingdom of God hold a vigil in search of miracles. It all happens amidst the busy street cutting through the centre of the building, which is popular with the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sex workers in search of clients and vice-versa. The capital comes to its 50th anniversary holding true to the principle characteristic it established since its construction: its diversity. By morning, the city is awash with suits and white collars, but at the end of a hard dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work, the most varied types mingle together in chaotic harmony. ,&
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jungle guide picture by THELLIUS ZAMPROGNO
bars & restaurants
BAR PEPITO London welcomes back the Spanish sherries and Camino's little sister bar
red hot chocolate
mama's cooking
macondo no more, the brownies are coming to your door Having a tea party with friends? Fancy sprucing up a work meeting? Check out Mama Brownie and Mama Savoury, two sides of the a ‘phoenix from the flames’ catering business set up by Paula, former chef of the recently closed café Macondo, and chef Montse. Mama Savoury's ideal for those after a full buffet service with savouries, sweets cheesecakes, tortillas, croquettes and tacos. For incurable chocoholics, Mama Brownies is where it’s at: artisan cakes, which aside from traditional flavours with nuts and chocolate, also come with spicier brownies made with chillies. The brownie's known worldwide, and whilst its origin's a bit of a mystery, the story goes that it came about by chance: an American cook forgot the bicarb in a chocolate cake. With no time to make another, he cut the dessert into small squares and served them with the name “Brownies”. The portions vary in price from £1 to £1.70, and they welcome orders in both small and large quantities with a minimum of 20 items, requesting 4 days notice for sizeable orders. JD Mama brownies & mama savoury Paola: 07707 071786 Montse: 07804 594098
Planejando uma pequena festa ou reunião em casa? Uma boa pedida é recorrer aos serviços “Mama-Brownies” e “Mama Savoury", os dois braços da pequena empresa de catering formada por Paola, antiga chef do café londrino Macondo, e pela chef Montse. O “Mama-Savoury” é a melhor opção para quem precisa de um serviço de buffet completo, já que oferece doces e salgados como cheesecakes, tortillas, croquetas e tacos. Para os chocólatras incuráveis que querem apenas se deliciar com os doces das chefs, fica a sugestão do “Mama-Brownies”: bolos feitos a mão, que além dos sabores tradicionais de nozes e chocolate oferece também os mais apimentados brownies com chilli. O brownie é um doce mundialmente conhecido, mas com uma origem desconhecida. No entanto, a história mais famosa conta que ele surgiu por acaso. Um cozinheiro americano teria esquecido de colocar fermento em um bolo de chocolate; como não tinha tempo de preparar outro prato, cortou a sobremesa em quadrados pequenos e os serviu com o nome de “brownies”. As porções oferecidas pelas “mamas” têm preços entre £1 e £1.70. Elas aceitam pedidos com um mínimo de 20 ítens e pedem quatro dias de antecedência para grandes encomendas. JD tube
up to £10* £10 - £20* £20+* *Price based on a meal with drink per person
the perfect COXINHA
Unspoken rules for a good coxinha: a light, dry and crispy doughy outside, a rich and moist chicken filling and that unmistakable seasoning... and Canela knows it well. CANELA CAFE, WC2H 9LS
CREPEs in the market
Nothing beats a luscious chocolate crepe after a little shopping, especially when it’s served on a perfect pancake base. You can easily find this on Brick Lane on a Sunday, when in the midst of paeja stalls, a sweet smell stands right out... CREPE STALL, BRICK LANE
very happy hour
Come Friday, don't you just feel like sipping a cocktail and having a good natter with friends? Hit Camino for Latin music and fresh, original Mojitos that'll take away the stress of the week. CAMINO, W1F 8PS
abril 2010 JungleDrums 51
bars & restaurants
CENTRAL LONDON A LA CRUZ Argentinean steak house serving varied grilled meats. Main meal and a drink - £20 42 Northampton Rd, EC1R 0HU Angel
Gaucho Serves steaks, chicken and fish dishes. Argentinean Beef Bbq £20 125 Chancery Lane, WC2A 1PU Chancery Lane
COCO BAMBOO Recently opened Brasilian SEE p.56 restaurant with a dance floor starting from 10pm. Char-Grilled “Picanha” £8.90 48, Chalk farm Road, NW1 8AJ Camden Town
020 7627 6613
Guanabara Food, live music and even dance classes. Fish Moqueca Stew £12.50
Desperados Mexican Mexican food, cocktails and a great atmosphere. Beef Chimichangas £10.95
Parker Street, WC2B 5PW Holborn
127 Upper Street, N1 1QP Angel
020 7837 1999 • ALACRUZ.COM
BRAZILIAN GOURMET Cafe/Restaurant serving Brasilian and Portuguese specialities. Rump Steak (Picanha no prato) £6.50 Whitfield St 112, W1T 5EE Warren Street
0207 242 8600 GUANABARA.CO.UK
SEE p.4
Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine. Pescado con Coco £11.50
El-Vaquero Argentinean Meats served off the skewer.
07983 633 440
Fogo Vivo
light my fire Inaugurated three months ago in Manor House, the restaurant Fogo Vivo is the result of a Brasilian, Stenio Braguini, meeting an Argentinian, Raul Cazenave, whose paths crossed whilst working in construction, and discovered a point in common: both had experience in the kitchens of their countries. Frequented by Brasilians, naturally, and also other South American nationalities such as Peruvians, Ecuadorians and Colombians, the locale bears a most familiar atmosphere. "Lots of children come here, giving the place a happy feel, which I adore”, explains Raul. The restaurant opens from 11.30am until 9pm, being à la carte from Tuesdays till Thursday, and buffet style from Fridays till Sundays, at £8.90pp, (closed Mondays). The à la carte menu offers dishes such as frango à passarinho (chicken, Buffalo wings style, £12), and finger foods such as pão de queijo (£1.60) and coxinha (£1.60). Chef Stenio recommends the bife à parmegiana (steak with ham, cheese & tomato sauce, £8.80), which he prepares himself. Raul emphasises that all the products come direct from Brasil: "from the salad to the desserts”. Speaking of dessert, one cannot but fall in love with the truffle with strawberry wrapped in a layer of condensed milk and covered in chocolate (£2.50). And with summer approaching, the pair have programmed live music and barbecues out the back of the restaurant. Truly Brasilian indeed…
BENITO’S HAT L Mexican Burritos, tacos, salads, beer and cocktails. Main meal and drink £7.00 56 Goodge Street, W1T 4NB Goodge Street 0207 637 3722 BENITOS-HAT.COM
BELLO CAFE B Brasilian and Italian specialties. 55–57 Charing Cross Road Leicester Square
36 -38 Dean Street, W1D 4PS Leicester Square PINCHITO TAPAS L Vintage Chic restaurant with an authentic and Tapas menu. 11 Bayley Street, WC1B 3HD Goodge Street 0207 6373977 PINCHITO.CO.UK
WAHACA Freshly made, authentic Mexican dishes. Fish a la Veracruzana £9.95 66 Chandos Place, WC2N 4HG Covent Garden 0207 240 1883 • WAHACA.CO.UK
6 Grafton Way, W1T 5DS Warren Street 0207 387 2285
Canela Brasilian and Portuguese dishes. Feijoada £9.50 33 Earlham Street, WC2H 9LS Convent Garden
north LONDON Barrio North Latino-style ‘street food’ served, DJs and events. Brasilian Wax Cocktail £6.75
0208 343 4161 • ELVAQUERO .CO.UK
020 7354 1076 •
SABOR Latin American Food and cocktails with a fusion touch. Brasilian Moqueca £13.50 108 Essex Rd London, N1 8LX Angel 020 7226 5551 •
SPIRITUAL CAIPIRINHA BAR Brasilian cocktail bar serving traditional and fusion dishes. Caipirinha & caipiroska £3 during happy hour 4 Ferdinand St, NW1 8ER Chalk Farm SPIRITUALBAR.CO.UK
FOGO VIVO REST Home-cooked food with family atmosphere Haringey Train Station, Green Lanes N4 1BS Manor House • 07877 074062 GARUFA Premium selection of meat and wines carefully sourced from Argentina. 104 Highbury Park, N5 2XE Arsenal 020 7226 0070 • GARUFA.CO.UK
SEE p.6
77-78 Upper Street, N1 Angel
SEE p.53
Tortilla Fresh, affordable CalifornianMexican cuisine. Burritos £4.50 - £5.50 13 Islington High St, N1 9LQ Angel 020 7833 3103
MERCADO BAR & CANT Exciting cocktails and a great mix of Mexican home cooking and traditional favourites. Fish Taco £6.00
Bankete Brasilian cuisine dishes, picanha and feijoada. Chicken Stroganoff £6.50
26 - 30 Stoke N Church St, N16 Stoke Newington rail
3 Bell Lane, E1 Liverpool Street/ Aldgate
020 7247 5479
Buen Ayre SEE p.57 Argentinean steak house Main meal and a drink £20
0207 240 6926 • CANELACAFE.COM
45 Essex Road, N1 2SF Angel
50 Broadway Market, E8 4QJ Cambridge Heath
Comida South American rodízio with music, dancing and late bar. Lunch £16.90 Dinner £19.90
0207 485 4738 BARRIONORTH.COM
020 7275 9900 •
46 South Molton St, W1K 5RX Bond Street
CARIBBeaN SCENE Award winning Caribbean restaurant offering an impressive range of traditional dishes and cocktails. Ackee & Saltfish £14.95
Canecão Pool tables and Brasilian football on TV. Fish Moqueca £7.90
020 7495 1177 •
DOUBLE SHOT COFFEE Homemade sandwiches and cakes. English cream teas and nata cakes. Excellent coffees and teas. Two-flavour cone £3.95 38 Tavistock Street, WC2E 7PB Covent Garden 020 7240 9742 •
17 York Way, N7 9QG Caledonian Road
17 Western Gateway, E16 1AQ DLR – Royal Victoria
0207 485 4738
020 7511 2023
CAMINO L Effervescent tapas bar in the heart of King’s Cross SEE
3 Varnishers Yard, N1 9DF Kings Cross
PASTEL BRAZIL Typical Brasilian crispy pastry with assorted fillings. The perfect snack 22 Seven Sisters Road, N7 6AG Holloway Road
020 7841 7331 CAMINO.UK.COM
07943 633699
FREGGO L Argentine ice cream bar offering a mouth watering range of flavours. Two-flavour cone £3.95
CASA BRASIL TimeOut - recommended. Authentic home-made food. SEE Fish Moqueca £8.90
Fogo Vivo Haringey Train Station, Green Lanes - N4 1BS Manor House
27-29 Swallow St., W1B 4QR Piccadilly
289 Regents Park Rd, N3 3JY Finchley Central
07877 074062
020 7287 9506 • FREGGO.CO.UK
020 8371 1999
52 JungleDrums APRIL 2010
The London Equestrian, N12 7BP Mill Hill East
0207 494 4716 • IGUANAS.CO.UK
Café Rio Feijoada and steaks prepared the Brasilian way. Prato Rio £9.80
Rodízio Rico Eat-till-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50
Chilango A burst of Mexican flavour. Chicken Burrito £5.40 27 Upper Street, N1 OPN Angel020 704 2123 142 Fleet Street, EC4A 2BP City Thameslink 020 7353 6761 •
bar PEPITO L London’s only Spanish Sherry bar 3 Varnishers Yard, N1 9DF King’s Cross 020 7841 7331 CAMINO.UK.COM/PEPITO
Coffee Café Serves snacks and lunch Feijoada + Guaraná drink £5 68 Compton Street, EC1V Farringdon 020 7253 1249
latin bites
bars & restaurants El Paso Cocktail bar and restaurant serving Mexican, Tex-Mex and vegetarian dishes.
El Gaucho Grill Steak House £13.90 Chelsea Farmers Market,
Latin food prepared from quality ingredients at a reasonable price. Happy Hour Mojitos - 2 for £6.95
350-354 Old St, EC1V 9NQ Old St. SEE
48 Lower Marsh SE1 7RG Waterloo
0207 739 4202
0207 928 8778 • CUBANA.CO.UK
0871 3328774 •
Favela Chic Seductive Latin flavours with French touches. Hand of God £15
El Vergel Uniting aromatic and spicy Latin America with delicate Mediterranean flavours.
91-93 Great Eastern St, EC2A Old Street
8 Lant St. SE1 1QR Borough
0207 613 5228 • FAVELACHIC.COM
020 7357 0057 •
Green and Red, Bar and Cantina Authentic Jaliscan food and the biggest selection of tequila in the UK. Late-night DJ bar.
La Bodeguita Tapas, fish and home-made Colombian food. £8 - 13
51 Bethnal Green Rd, E1 6LA 020 7749 9670
Royal Festival Hall - SE1 8XX The O2 - SE10 0DS 0207 494 4716 • IGUANAS.CO.UK
PINCHITO TAPAS Vintage Chic restaurant with an authentic and Tapas menu.
Rodízio Rico Eat-til-you-drop buffet, grilled meats brought to your table. Buffet £22.50, Veg £15.50
32 Featherstone Street, EC1Y Old Street
The O2, SE10 0AX North Greenwich
0207 4900121 • PINCHITO.CO.UK
0208 858 6333 •
SEE p.6
Tito's Peruvian Seafood, soups and risottos. Ceviche £7.50
south east LONDON
4-6 London Bridge St, SE1 9SG London Bridge
Raízes Grilled steaks and torresmo on the menu. Grilled rib £7 460 Hackney Road, E2 9EG Bethnal Green • 020 7739 2009 Buenos Aires Café Argentinean beef, fresh pasta and Argentinean style pizzas. Grilled Bbq £14.50 – £24 17 Royal Parade, SE3 0TL Blackheath
CASTELO Bar & restaurant with a substantial Brasilian and Italian menu. Live music
SEE p.58
171 Coldharbour Lane, SE5 0207 5019504
CONSTANCIA – ARGENTINE GRILL Argentine Steak House recently inaugurated. Ojo de Bife Argentino (310gr) - 11oz.Prime Argentine Rib-Eye £17.00 52 Tanner Street, SE1 3PH Borough • 020 7234 0676
south west LONDON Azteca Latin Lounge Mexican cuisine, mouth watering cocktails and beers. Latin bands and top DJs. 356 Kings Road, SW3 5ES South Kensington
SEE p.57
CUBANA – BAR & RESTAURANT Home-cooked Cuban and
54 JungleDrums APRIL 2010
BRAZAS Restaurant and delicatessen serving home-made food with Portuguese, Brasilian and English influences. Sticky date pudding £3.45 45 Tulse Hill - SW2 2TJ 020 8678 0697 BRAZASRESTAURANTE.COM
SEE p.56
CRAVO & CANELA A choice of Brasilian cakes and pastries that are to die for! Try also the feijoada
30 Brixton Water Lane, SW2 Brixton CRAVOECANELA.CO.UK
London just got a little treat from Spain, and it’s called sherry. Although wholly familiar here for a long time – it was even popular during the 60s and 70s – the fortified wine has gone a touch forgotten for a while… until now, that is. Pepito, a petite sister bar to Camino in Kings Cross, located just across the courtyard from its big brother, was opened just last month but already it’s making a name for itself as London’s only sherry bar. Cozy, nicely decorated and lit with low lights, it succeeds in making people feel like they’re truly in one of the only three Spanish towns that produce sherry: Jerez de La Frontera, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, and El Puerto de Santa Maria. The staff actually travelled to the origins in order to learn all there was about sherry, and Vini, the waiter, really knows his business. “There are the finos, the amontillados and the olorosos, and all have the perfect dish to highlight their flavours”. Tio Pepe is one of the most famous finos (£3.50 a glass / £12.25 for a 375ml bottle), it’s a great accompaniment to ibéricos (cured pork from western Spain) and pan con tomate de Pepito (Tomato tartar with crispy bread £3.25) which we sampled, and loved! By the way, the tapas there is another house specialty and definitely worth trying… our favourite was the carpaccio de ciervo (£6.25). So whether you want to have a quiet tipple or just warm up before a night of dancing just across the way at Camino, Bar Pepito is a great choice for the evening. BAR PEPITO 3 Varnishers Yard - N1 9DF King’s Cross 020 7841 7331 CAMINO.UK.COM/PEPITO
Amber Grill Rodizio Cuts of meat from skewers. SEE Prime Rodízio £19.50
7, Station Road, NW10 4UP Willesden Junction
490 Fulham Road SW6 5NH Fulham Broadway
020 89631588
020 7381 5891
Barraco The atmosphere of a Brasilian bar with live music Friday to Sunday. Chicken Hearts £6
Margarita Loca Latin Music, Mexican food and Cuban cocktails.
sherry amour
Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine
Old Spitalfields Market - 1 Horner Square, E1 6AA Liverpool Street
Fiesta Havana Cocktail lounge bar with tapas, live music and dance.
Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre, SE1 6TE Elephant & Castle 0207 701 9166 LABODEGUITA.CO.UK
Las Iguanas Fresh, tasty and authentic Latin American cuisine.
north west LONDON
125 Sydney St - SW3 6NR South Kensington
10 Kingsgate Place, NW6 Kilburn
SEE p.55
527 Battersea Park Rd, SW11 Clapham Junction Rail
020 7604 4664
0207 924 2772
Ferreira Delicatessen Sandwiches, meats, cheeses, wines, frozen + fresh food. Portuguese Nata Tart 70p
Preto Traditional Brasilian “rodízio”. Live music on the weekends.
40 Delancey Street, NW1 Camden Town
72 Wilton Road, SW1V 1DE Victoria
020 7485 2351
020 7233 8668
Guanabana Famous Jerk chicken served with mango+papaya chutney. £7.85 - £12.75.
RODIZIO BRAZIL Brasilian style barbeque with unlimited portions of meat. 505 Garratt Lane, SW18 4SW Earlsfield Rail St. 020 8871 3875 RODIZIOBRAZIL.COM
SEE p.56
Santa Maria del Sur Argentinean grill house with live music on Mondays. Argentinean Steak £12 129 Queenstown Road, SW8 Battersea 0207 622 2088 SANTAMARIADELSUR.CO.UK
85 Kentish Town Rd, NW1 Camden Town 0207 4851166
Made in Brasil Classic Brasilian fare, from seafood to meat and feijoada. Picanha Na Chapa £13.50 12 Inverness Street, NW1 Camden Town 020 7482 0777
Sushinho Brasilian chic with Japanese efficiency. Sushinho roll £9
Mestizo Restaurant-bar offering a fine and authentic Mexican cuisine Enchiladas £12
312-314 King's Rd, SW3 5UH South Kensington
103 Hampstead Rd, NW1 3EL Warren Street
020 7387 4064
Sabor Brasileiro Brasilian fish and beef, game room, internet, bar/ lounge. Buffet £7.50 10% weekend discount
west LONDON Café Estrela do Norte Portuguese cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. Spicy Francesinha £9.50 294 Kingshill Av, UB4 8BX 0208 841 3488 • GO.TO/ESTRELA
iberica food & cult. Traditional Spanish restaurant with a innovative twist.
639 Harrow Road NW10 5NU Kensal Green 02089691149
Sabor Mineiro Typical dishes from Minas Gerais (but no alcoholic drinks). Buffet £6.50 63 Station Road, NW10 4UX Willesden Junction
195 Great Portland Street, W1W Great Portland Street
020 8965 2050
020 7636 8650
The Cuban Long bar upstairs or dinner in the fiesta Room. Lamb Cubano £10.95
Rodízio Rico Buffet £22.50, veg £15.50 Royal Oak - 111 W2, Queensway
SEE p.6
020 7792 4035 •
Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd Camden Town 0870 850 8975
latin bites
latin bites
latin bites
Brazilian Café • Restaurant • Takeaway Genuine Home-made Cooking For Lovers Of Real Food Specialities include:
Moqueca de Peixe (Hake), Bacalhau à Brasileira (Baked Cod), Feijoada, Beef, Lamb, Chicken and Vegetarian Dishes
Owner - chef Edir is from Minas. Her traditional savoury pastries and desserts, not surprisingly, are simply out-of-this-world
The small place with the BIG reputation Tues to Thurs 11 to 6.00 pm *Fri and Sat 11 to 9.30 pm *Sunday 11 to 5.00 pm * Reservation advisable
Enquiries for parties and outside catering welcome London
“Offers some of the tastiest, most authentic Brazilian home cooking in town.”
289 Regents Park Road, Finchley, London N3 3JY Tel: 020 8371 1999 Finchley Central (3 mins away)
latin bites
Pub & Restaurant London’s latest spot with traditional Brazilian and Italian food PLASMA TV, DARTS AND POOL AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE FUNCTIONS GREAT SELECTION OF BEERS (SKOL, ITAIPAVA, BRAHMA & EUROPEAN)
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1/4/10 03:35:52
jungle guide
jungle guide
EMBASSY OF BRAZIL 2 International Trade & Commerce Technical Assistants (£2,300 pcm)
Details & requirements: Applications must be submitted in person only, 9.30AM - 12.30PM or 2.30 - 5.30PM, 12th to 26th April. 32 Green Street, London W1K 7AT.
Cidadania Italiana Residência completa e segura ‘Permesso di Soggiorno’ l Acompanhamento do processo do início ao fim até a obtençao do passaporte. l l
00 39 3394097658
Vera Guizzardi
jungle guide
Brazilian Straightening Turn frizzy, dry, curly hair into shiny, smooth and straight hair!
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jungle guide
jungle guide
jungle guide
KPDQZ + ,WPING WPING Don't hesitate to send us your raves and rants! JungleDrums p.o. box 49713 london wc1x 8ww STILL SMILING Hi Jungle, Thank you for the tickets for Racionais MC’s gig - my friend and I had an amazing time! The atmosphere was great, the bands were good and all in all the night was fantastic! Keep up the good job on bringing us great events! I look forward to going to more Brasilian gigs/events! Many thanks again from my friend and I. Kind regards, Denisa, via email Dear JD, Just a quick email to let you know that my sister and I had a great time on Saturday night at the Roundhouse. Los Van Van were brilliant and the atmosphere was electric. Many thanks for a great night out. Kind regards, Charmaine, via email Hello, Denisa and Charmaine, We're really glad you had fun at your gigs, happy to help and we really appreciate your positive feedback! And JD's got lots of other concerts lined up for the coming months, and loads more tickets up for grabs. Check out this month's competitions on page 11, full of gigs! Keep in touch! JD
CARNIVAL CONVERT Hello/Olá, This is Michael "Q" and I was first introduced to JungleDrums when I saw your issue regarding the Brasil carnival, which I thought was totally amazing. After returning from the carnival I have and will continue to get every issue. Thanks for all the information that you provide to English natives who want to learn and find out all about Brasilian life and events. Also could you recommend the best place to learn Brasilian/Portuguese? Lastly, would love to see me in "inbox". Sent from Q's Secret location.
Hey Michael, Great to receive your email, you're precisely the kind of person we like to inspire, and it must look as if we made your email up, it's so well put! As for your enquiry we've a list of places but it would be handy to know where you're based in order to advise you - drop us a line. Best, JD THE DIRECTOR HIMSELF Hey JungleTeam, The magazine looks fantastic! Thank you all for your hard work and for giving the film Sons of Cuba this platform! I hope your readers enjoy it. Keep in touch Andrew Lang It was our pleasure! Good luck, JD MUCH APPRECIATION I received the latest copy of JungleDrums through the post, a very nice surprise. I saw the article on the Naz Project and wanted to say thank you, especially for moving so quickly on this. I also hope that the Olympics engagement work will also be something that JungleDrums can tap into. Regards Ijeoma, via email
B::I I=: G:69:G
A MAN INTO HIS MUSIC WHO LIKES TO KEEP IN TUNE WITH LATIN ANTICS IN LONDON AND NEW SOUNDS FROM BRASIL What do you do for a living? I’m a promoter / singer songwriter. How did you find out about Jungle? Picked up a copy in Made in Brazil/Guanabara and it went from there. What's your favourite part of the magazine and why? I like the Agenda as it keeps me up-to-date on the Latin-Brasilian ongoings taking place in London and more often than not, Jungle are spot on. Plus I like reading up on the cover feature - especially when emerging Brasilian artists are in it. Do you have a connection to Brasil? I practiced capoeira for years so made several
lengthy trips there. What's your favourite Brasilian food/drink/ product? A bit of the obvious really but I'm a big fan of açai with granola and guaraná shakes with cashews. And I love the corner stalls of freshly made chips for R$1 - but I suppose that's hardly Brasilian! What's the best Brasilian place in London? Guanabara is the obvious, but I like to keep it more local - although not an establishment, a friend runs a local weekly forró night in the West Hampstead/Finchley Road area called Forró Family, and that's always good enough for me to get my fix of Brasil! ,&
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