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TRIBALISM SPACE & ENERGY Those of us who study the living sciences are tired of sickness and wrongful prosecution, and most all killing of our mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. As we meditate, we love to wonder and feel as we journey through our minds. We may start to feel like the space between things may not be empty. You know, we only experience a very small part of what’s going on in the space. There’s all kinds of electromagnetic fields, along with an assortment of many other things happening in what is perceived as a empty space that we don’t experience directly. We may begin to think that maybe the space between things are not empty; but it’s full and it connects all things. When I studied the living sciences I came to understand some of the basis of quantum field theory. I realized that we had actually found that the space is not empty at all, but full of energy. These things are now proven. When we questioned ourselves and challenge our critical thinking then we expand our minds to reach a new level of understanding. Is that the point when we have intentions of the action we start to expand? When the particles of the mind start to align with the informational protons that has been laid out since existence began then a system is created that is linked together and places us in a state of constant learning.

All things are fractal of one another, all information of one is in the other. Every particle within the universe, every atom in the universe seems to be a present holographic within each other, which connects them all through this wormhole network in the structure of the space information highway. This brings us to zero point energy. Zero point energy is the science of consciousness. In short, all energy is connected, a wave pattern of energy that connects through time and space. Understanding how this energy affects the insufferable pain many people experience can be a result of Toxic Tribalism. Tribalism is what you commonly know as family or close relations. Toxic Tribalism can be defined as your perception of others and believing you in some way superior. This narrow view or inflated sense of self is toxic and causes Toxic Tribalism. Many of us have at some point experience being in a state of Toxic Tribalism. This type of thought process is causing major distress in many areas of our lives. This is continue because of the vacuum system being held by not linking into the protonic informational Highway of energy field of which we were created. This Toxic Tribalism is caused by beta blockers created by human conditions to block the vectors to disconnect your mind from emotional connection to the body and astral body. This action allows the internal connection to our electromagnetic pathway to travel the eternal energy field back and forth from the omega to the alpha. It is important that we are a part of the circle of life and not apart of a circle of survival. Believing in a higher power perhaps helps us understand the negative results of Toxic Tribalism. Lastly, stop waiting to be saved by others when the power of everything and all things created are within our own atomic field. Learning to tap into your internal electromagnetic energy takes training(meaning education), practice (meaning understanding) and action( meaning wisdom). So I will leave you with this quote: “Remember who you are” Lion King written by: Dr Paul W Dyer Grandmaster of Martial Science BE SURE TO TUNE INTO BRIDGES THURS. 7PM CENTRAL 8PM EASTERN


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