Avanti 22-23

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FALL 2022


Across his many years with the Christian Brothers, JustinSiena President Matt Powell has proudly adopted a practice modeled for him when he was welcomed as a student at La Salle High School (Milwaukie, OR) by Brother James Ellis. On most days, he is seen offering a warm morning greeting to our students as they arrive on campus. This gesture of welcome reminds him of the importance of feeling valued and seen in the Justin-Siena community.

“Example makes a much greater impression on the mind and heart than words.”
-St. John Baptist de La Salle
AVANTI • FALL 2022 FORWARD MOMENTUM 1 TAKING LEADERSHIP SERIOUSLY 3 TEACHING SERIOUS LEADERSHIP 5 COMMUNITY GENEROSITY 8 WE CARE WE WORK 9 DISP SCHOLARS 13 FORWARD THINKING 17 CARRYING FORWARD 19 FORWARD LEARNING 21 PAYING IT FORWARD 23 MAKE SOME NOISE ...................................... 25 CLASS OF 2022 ................................................ 31 VAP ARTS ............................................................ 35 EVER PRESENT ................................................ 41 STRATEGIC PLAN ADVANCEMENT 43 MAKING A DIFFERENCE 45 BRAVES BROADCAST 49 HONOR ROLL of INVESTORS 52 IN MEMORY 65


Richard Pio Roda ’94 - Chair Mike Soldati - Vice Chair

Erica Alfaro-Lopez ’06

Sr. Susan Allbritton, OP Diego Garcia ’94

Patrick Gleeson ’85

Dianne Harris, M.D.

Elaine John Lawrence Puck

Br. Robert Wickman, FSC


Matthew D. Powell President Robert Bailey


of Success

In true Sempre Avanti spirit, Justin-Siena continues to reach never-before-seen heights. Perhaps none higher than our boys basketball team capturing the school’s first ever Northern California Championship.

John Van Hofwegen Vice President for Finance


Contributors: Kathy Kellebrew, Hunter Bledsoe ’23, Shelby Padgett ’24, Justin-Siena Yearbook Marsha Sanchez, Graphic Design

AVANTI is a Justin-Siena magazine for alumni, families, and friends. Comments and/or editorial contributions can be sent to Jeremy Tayson at jtayson@justin-siena.org. The school reserves the right to publish and/or edit material to reflect the values of our mission.

Justin-Siena is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition called to provide educational excellence in a loving, Christ-centered community that prepares students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world.

Vice President for Student Affairs Andrea Flores Vice President for Advancement Robyn Harrison Vice President for Academic Affairs Alicia Valdivia Vice President for Enrollment Management
Justin-Siena Communications Team Michele Farver, Beth Fenton, Diano Pachote ’14, and Jeremy Tayson
Completed The swift completion of phase one of our perimeter project is just the start FORWARD Newly Crowned The Braves are playing at a championship caliber level “Nouvelle Foi” Nothing can stop their spirit Newly Opened The Colin Chadwick ’08 Team Center brings equity and excitement to all our students
Renewed Commitment Jennifer Rasler ’86 is building stong relationships within our
community 1 FALL 2022
Matt Powell hits the ground running as President of Justin-Siena


2021-22 marked year four of a five-year strategic plan that resulted in needed campus upgrades, deeper community engagement, outstanding academic achievements, and reaching key philanthropic goals. As we focus forward on our goals, we also remember to remain present to relish the now, and celebrate achievements as we meet them.

Justin-Siena expanded our ALL HEART identity in ways like never before. We saw the completion of the Colin Chadwick ’08 Team Center, as well as launched a campaign to strengthen and better secure our campus. We continue to consider future opportunities to enhance our campus to be the best version of an educational destination. On the horizon are exciting notable upgrades to our science department and innovative professional growth opportunities.

With pride, we promote the Lasallian core principles beyond our campus. Students and staff are deepening our community ties by participating in acts of service with our valley neighbors. Whether student-led or staff-supported, Justin-Siena serves where needs are greatest. Our school invokes change, and this year our school community truly led with service. We are bridging the generation gap by connecting with our neighbors at The Watermark senior living community, organizing drives in support of deserving families, and more.

We thank those who with their generous donorship, ensure the execution of our shared mission and vision. Your generosity ensures that Signature Events and fundraising campaigns are able to celebrate outstanding results, even breaking records in some cases. Through endowed gifts and partnerships, the LEAP and DISP programs grew exponentially. Senator Bill Dodd ’74 selected Justin-Siena to be the beneficiary of his annual holiday fundraiser, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for perimeter security and for our tuition assistance program. For all of this, we say thank you.

New Applause Performers in the Arts steal the show Renewed Traditions The “Just-in Service Day” is back delivering on our promise to serve and lead
Staying Present
3 FALL 2022

Leadership Seriously

Hunter Bledsoe ’23

Freshman year I did not see myself becoming involved in any type of leadership role. It was Mrs. Dominici ’92 and the Student Ambassador program that helped me become the leader that I am. Through their encouragement I realized I wanted to volunteer more. Performing acts of service and actively doing things around the school taught me you don’t have to be a vocal leader.

Camille Thomason ’23

Going into freshman year, I was really shy and it was a goal of mine to change that. After the second quarter, Mrs. Dominici ’92 and Ms. Alexander-Short ’07 asked us what our goals were and I said, “I want to do better, because I’m not quite at my best yet.” From there, they always pushed me to leave my comfort zone and step into a leadership role. The teachers and faculty here truly have your back and help you succeed. Being in SSL (Senior Servant Leadership) this year taught me how Jesus led by doing, and now I’m more of an “action’’ person.

Emery Messenger ’23

I always knew I wanted to be a part of leadership at Justin-Siena. As a freshman, since there weren’t many formal opportunities for student leadership, I found little things around campus in which to get involved. Those activities included Homecoming and helping out during prayer services. When Covid hit, I was asked to do a seminar for the faculty to offer feedback on what was working well on ZOOM, and what wasn’t. I was really flattered to be asked to have that conversation with the faculty and have them take me, a student, seriously.

“You can lead by example and that’s what I try to do.”
“My hope as a leader now, is for Justin-Siena to be a place that gives all students a respected voice.”
Who are the Student Body Co-Presidents?
Why did they choose to serve? We asked a “serious” question:
“Can the three of you talk about what your leadership experience has been and what drew you to running for the student presidency?”
“I do my best to model what leadership is–not just give a speech.”


5 FALL 2022

Serious Leadership

Who is Matt Powell and why does he lead?





asked what brought him to Justin-Siena

CT: How has the experience as President been for you up to this point?

MP: It’s been great! It’s been wonderful meeting all the teachers and getting to know as many students as possible. I love the culture here. I think everybody is open and warm and I like that so many students participate in activities. I’ve enjoyed going to volleyball and football games, as well as water polo matches, not to mention, Let Us Dismember

The community is really strong and Lasallian. The students get our Five Core Principles. That was on full display at the Kairos retreat I participated in.

HB: How does the Lasallian mission guide your leadership?

MP: It’s why I do what I do. You’ve probably heard me say that I was introduced to the Lasallian mission when I was 14-years-old. During my four years of high school, I was the class president. Service was always important to me. The Christian Brothers’ spirituality, hospitality, and welcoming nature are what guide me. I went back to teach when I was twenty-three because I wanted to be like my teachers. When I left teaching years later, I served on the Board of LaSalle High School in Milwaukie, OR. Soon after, I was called to start what is known as a Cristo Rey School in Portland. Not tuition driven, these schools serve only low income families. The core principles of service, concern for the poor, and the spirituality of God being present in all that we do, have always been strong beliefs of mine.

EM: Out of the Five Core Principles, which one is reflected the most on our campus?

MP: That’s a great question. I’m influenced by what I see and hear on our Brave for a Day. The Student Ambassadors consistently refer to our school’s inclusive community. They talk about why they come here and why they stay, and the emphasis on inclusivity is very evident. I love hearing stories from students who decided to come here alone - not knowing anyone - and integrated quickly into the community.

HB: You often ask students why they chose Justin-Siena. So why did you?

MP: I stayed for 14 years at my school in Portland. I was proud to be part of that founding group, but when I was asked to go to the Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation in Napa, my wife, Jamie, and I decided to relocate. I worked at Mont La Salle from 2014 until last June.

While I was with the Foundation, I ended up taking on the role of interim president at three Lasallian schools within our District. In doing so, I was reminded how much I loved being around students, teachers, and being part of how a school operates. I just felt so energized and fulfilled.

The work I did at the Foundation was important–we raised money for low income children to attend our 22 schools in the west, but again, working directly with students is what I enjoy. So when there was an opening here at JustinSiena for a permanent presidential position, I felt I needed to apply. Hunter actually showed me around and the rest is history. Hunter was my tour guide; he talked about the size of the chocolate chip cookies.


HB: Speaking of chocolate chip cookies, what’s your favorite thing from the Bassett’s in the Dining Hall?

MP: The chicken wrap.

CT: We look up to you and so do a lot of other students. I was wondering what kind of leader do you hope to be for the students here?

MP: That’s another great question. In contemporary leadership there’s a buzz term–being a “servant leader.” I don’t believe in being a hierarchical leader. I would never ask a teacher or a student to do something that I wouldn’t do. I think being a leader means making tough decisions in the best interest of the school; sometimes as a teacher you’re balancing the individual versus the institution. Often tough choices force you one way or another.

A top priority for me is to make this school accessible to lots of different people. I believe in raising funds that will allow access to students regardless of their socio-economic capabilities. This is incredibly important to me.

HB: We just had our Just-in Service Day. All the different sports and co-curricular clubs did a day of service in Napa. As students we are told on the first day of freshman year, “We enter to learn and we leave to serve.” In your experience, how does leadership inform service and vice versa?

MP: That’s great. That phrase is used throughout the world and it was first discovered when the Brothers made an international video. They were filming at a school in India and at the door’s entrance it read, “Enter to Learn,” and at the exit, “Leave to Serve.” That appeared on the video; it became our tagline and now it’s used all over the world.

When we started the school in Portland, we intentionally designed the entrance so that when you went in the door you saw “Enter to Learn’’ and when you left you saw “Leave to Serve.” It’s why we have schools like ours. You can be college prep, you can engage in academic excellence, but to me, how we are framing folks to leave here and enter the world is of the utmost importance. The mission statement at Justin-Siena is really interesting to me. It talks about how we are a Lasallian Catholic school and we are preparing students to serve in an everchanging world. I hope that’s what we’re doing in and out of the classroom. As faculty, we started the school year with our annual beginning of the year retreat and we went out into the Napa community and did service. It’s another example of modeling leadership–not just talking about it.

7 FALL 2022
Leadership continued
The Christian Brothers’ spirituality, hospitality, and welcoming spirit are what guide me.


The Justin-Siena family rises to the occasion at our signature events: TASTE of Justin-Siena, the Annual CRAB FEST, the Justin-Siena Classic, and our ACCESS 707 Wine Auctions and Flash Sales.



Our 37th Annual CRAB FEST in February, 2022, was one of our most successful ever. Check out these amazing numbers!

• Event sold out by midDecember!

• $137,000 raised for co-curriculars

• Over $70,000 raised for campuswide AV upgrades, including new sound systems in Dodd Stadium and Siena Hall



Our first two TASTE events occurred in 2022 (May and September).

• Over 350 total guests

• 54 total food and beverage vendors

• Over 150 volunteer


After a nine-year hiatus Justin-Siena Classic golf tournament is back and better than ever! Formerly known as the Winetaster’s Cup, the successful event was held in June at Silverado Resort & Spa.

Thanks to all of those who donate to and support these important fundraising events.

7 0 7
Matt Buoncristiani ’90


Why we SERVE

“Serving others is incredibly important because it brings together people of all backgrounds and perspectives to build a community of respect and fairness. In my experience with founding my charity knitting club, “One Stitch at a Time: Knitters for a Cause,” I have been able to connect with the Five Lasallian Core Principles, giving back to those in need by making hats and selling them to raise funds for nonprofits. I believe that Justin-Siena is deeply committed to fostering inclusivity through service.”- Gabrielle George ’23

9 FALL 2022

What we CAN do

Our students readily moved to action for the return of the “Just-in Service Day.” Their day included teaching pickleball at The Watermark Senior Living community; repainting food bank bins for the Salvation Army and CAN-V; sorting and organizing donations at Abode Services; and clearing trails for Napa Parks and Recreation, and Napa County Regional Parks and Open Space District.



A clear path of SERVICE

“It was amazing having our students show up at Justin-Siena on their day off to serve. They were all eager to help! I love how service so easily brings people together. We are most impacted by the service that we do as there is truly nothing more powerful than coming together through service to others.”

Megan Dominici ’92, Director of Outreach for Justin-Siena

11 FALL 2022

“I am humbly proud to host service projects for Justin-Siena because as an alumnus, I fondly remember the impact that each of my student volunteer days had on me. Those experiences, at the very places I currently work, were seminal to my pursuit of a career in parks. Now that I am once again involved with my alma mater, I am eager to showcase the mutual satisfaction that comes from community volunteerism and hopefully inspire them to continue to help others and have fun in the process.”

Rick Fessenden ’94, (Pictured left)



The Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Program financially supports and mentors students from traditionally underrepresented communities. The program’s mission is to provide these young scholars with access to a Lasallian education and to build the social and human capital within each student to succeed and give back to the community at large. Now in its second year, there are 11 DISP scholars from various ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds - four freshmen, five sophomores, and two seniors.

Gage Garon ’25

Gage Garon ’25 joined DISP after the start of the school year last year. As a freshman, Gage arrived on campus with friends and classmates from St. Basil’s in Vallejo, feeling blessed beyond belief to come to Justin-Siena. His mother, Debra, told him about the school after visiting the campus and meeting the Admissions and Outreach staff and the Student Ambassadors; it felt like a great fit! After comparing financial aid packages with other schools, his parents committed to making JustinSiena work for their only child.

Life for their family took a tragic turn in October, when Gage’s mother died unexpectedly. The loss of his mother had a profound impact on Gage and his father, and they doubted that attending Justin-Siena would continue to be financially possible. The creation of the Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Program was their miracle. As Gage’s personal and academic profiles aligned perfectly with DISP’s mission and purpose, the school was able to increase Gage’s financial aid award.

Now a sophomore, Gage enjoys being a member of the Asian American/Pacific Islander Club and Latinos Unidos, two new affinity groups on campus. Gage expresses credit to his father Steve, extended family, his St. Basil’s crew, and especially the Eric and Amparo Gonzales and DISP for keeping him in the school that he loves. “I am so thankful for everything you have done to make this program happen. Meeting the Gonzales family was an important moment. It shifted the next three years of my life and probably even longer. This program is helping so many students.”

13 FALL 2022
Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Program
“I am so thankful for everything you have done to make this program happen. It shifted the next three years of my life and probably even longer.”

Skylar Williams ’25

When Skylar Williams ’25 arrived on campus, it just felt like home. Skylar remembers being on campus watching her older sister Symone Williams ’15 cheer. Skylar recalls, “I decided to come to Justin-Siena because my older sister was an alum and I became familiar with the community. I watched her develop into this academically strong person with her own thoughts about the world. It amazed me to see how Justin-Siena supported her and provided her with so many opportunities.”

One of Skylar’s takeaways from being in the program is her realization that “DISP affirmed this sense in me that I have a responsibility to be a Justin-Siena Brave, to be a leader, not a bystander, on campus.” At the first DISP meeting last year when the scholars were introduced to founding sponsors the Gonzales family, Skylar recounts that “Mr. Gonzales asked us to shoot for the moon. I told him that I might want to audition for ComedySportz and run for Student Council. During our end-of-year meeting at his offices at Merrill Lynch, I was proud to share that I had done everything I had said I wanted to try. I felt like I had delivered on my promise to myself and to Mr. Gonzales.” Skylar continues to lead by example in LSL, Student Council, Student Ambassadors, ComedySportz, Cheer, and Track & Field.

“DISP affirmed this sense in me that I have a responsibility to be a Justin-Siena Brave, to be a leader, not a bystander, on campus.”

Ma’El Blunt ’23

For transfer student Ma’El Blunt ’23, DISP meetings were one of the first places where he felt a sense of belonging last year. One of only a few African American students at his elementary school, he had experienced racism and exclusion. Though he felt he could outplay any kid on the court, he was always the last one picked for playground basketball games. Ma’El moved on to attend high school in Oakley; he loved his new school. Diverse and welcoming, it was also very big (nearly 2,500 students). When Covid hit in March 2020, the school shut down, the joy disappeared, leaving Ma’El to find another high school.

At the same time, Ma’El’s brother Dallas Logwood ’25, then an eighth grader, was in the process of finding his high school. As a family, they decided to tour Justin-Siena. Ma’El recalls, “after visiting all the private schools in the area, it was our visit to Justin-Siena that stood out for us, especially the time we spent with Coach Tayson and Coach Granucci (former outreach associate and basketball coach). I knew immediately that I wanted to be here. Smaller and maybe a little less diverse than my previous high school, the community was still diverse enough for us to feel a sense of belonging.”

In his time here, Ma’El has come to epitomize what it means to be a Justin-Siena Diversity & Inclusion scholar and a Brave. Along with being a Student Ambassador, he belongs to the Black Student Union, plays basketball, runs track, and participates in the promotion of inclusion and belonging. The appreciation Ma’El has for this school, the faculty and staff, and his classmates is palpable. And this community loves him right back; he was selected to join the Homecoming Court this year.

15 FALL 2022
“Smaller and maybe a little less diverse than my previous high school, the community was still diverse enough for us to feel a sense of belonging.”

How DISP Matters

Our Lasallian mission calls each school or ministry to provide a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor, and to embody our Lasallian core values of faith in the presence of God; quality education; respect for all persons; inclusive community; and concern for the poor and social justice. For the last year and a half, Justin-Siena’s Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Program (DISP) has embodied these values in progressive ways.

To say that Justin-Siena is in the midst of a renaissance may sound dramatic, but in many ways, Justin-Siena is experiencing a rebirth and recommitment to its Lasallian Catholic heritage. From an envious tuition assistance program benefiting working and middle class families, to the commitment we are making in diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts across campus, Justin-Siena recognizes that to remain accessible and inclusive in an ever-evolving region of the Bay Area, we must be on the leading edge of progress.

In October 2022, Vice President for Advancement Andrea Flores invited Teah Celestin ’16 to speak to the DISP scholars about her personal journey at Justin-Siena; the ways in which she felt supported; and the ways in which she feels her own identity as a Jamaican-Caribbean woman may have felt unseen. Those experiences compelled her to become one of our most committed members on our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Advisory Council since its inception in late Spring 2020. Teah is the first of many alumni to be invited to speak to DISP scholars to share their academic and professional experiences with the students.

To be a loving, Christ-centered community in service to our students and families compels us to meet the needs of a diverse and dynamic campus. Investing in and empowering our students is just one of many paths that Justin-Siena prioritizes. Initiatives such as DISP expand our students’ consciousness of what is possible, while encouraging them to contribute to a more just and peace-filled world.

The Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Program’s lead sponsors are the Gonzales Family and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management whose four-year sponsorship follows students throughout their high school experience, supporting student growth and education via mentorship and job shadow opportunities. If you or your business are interested in learning more about how to become a DISP sponsor, contact Andrea Flores, Vice President for Advancement at aflores@justin-siena.org .

Justin-Siena recognizes that to remain accessible and inclusive in an everevolving region of the Bay Area, we must be on the leading edge of progress.


17 FALL 2022


To be in a class taught by Miss Georgine Clarke or Madame Annick Bouldt is to be in the presence of an angel. Through song, prayer, and playful praise, they most certainly have touched the hearts of countless students entrusted to their care. While both came to their interviews at Justin-Siena via nervous car rides, it was Annick who recalls pondering, “I wonder how many times I will be driving here?” Some 25+ years beyond, Georgine and Annick are lights that will not be dimmed as they remain ever voracious in their vocations. We recently engaged with these two venerable educators to reflect on careers that have spanned family generations, technology advances, and even real schoolwide debates on if there were value to assigning students homework.

19 FALL 2022

Where do you find your fulfillment as an educator at this juncture in your career?

AB (An avid early morning walker and bicyclist): Walking and biking you do a lot of reminiscing about the classroom, and I LOVE THESE KIDS. I have wonderful students (as always) in French I…and I’m reeling in French II. They’re wonderful…just a good rapport …I like my students. And I think they like me, too. You can feel it. In French class, we start every day by singing together. There’s a nice balance of routine and fun. I am not a hard-nosed teacher by any means; it is not a stressful situation. To hear “Bonjour Madame Bouldt,” in the hall from people who aren’t even my students. That warms my heart.

GC My answer is very similar. I simply love my students. I have been looking forward to having these seniors; I had them as freshmen. We went through COVID together, and now we are really enjoying this time together. It is wonderful to have kids several years in a row and to build that care, and experience the camaraderie going on. I think this is just great for our health in general. There is still a teenager in me!

AB Yes. I need that (camaraderie). That I need. Take that away and there would be a huge void. It is my raison d’être (reason to be). I arrive in the morning, turn the key, and there they are! The day goes into full motion! It is not necessarily French or Religion, though that’s part of it; it is about the interactions.

What really counts in education?

GC Relationships are a really important part. I think that 25 years ago, I would not have answered this way - but being able to be a witness to sharing a faith with my students. It is being that witness, not necessarily through words, but in how we do everything in class. And because we have that relationship, they are able to take experiencing faith much more seriously.

Because they know me. This is something I hope they walk away with, having had the example of someone who lives out their faith, and their life will then be better because of it.

How have you seen your students grow?

GC I see it when they talk or write about God. They are much more free with their beliefs than they would have been as freshmen. Having had a teacher who has adopted a life of faith, especially those who have heard my Kairos talk, they become more comfortable in taking a risk to explore and believe.

What’s your secret to success?

AB I think to be myself and genuine. I am not a different person in the classroom. There are not a lot of rules. I am just Madame Bouldt, the same person I am with everyone. I am not uptight; I am relaxed; I am me. Easy going.

GC When you are being yourself with your students, it gives them confidence to be themselves.

AB I tell my students I feel as responsible to you for what you learn, as you are responsible to me for what you learn. We have to get along!

GC I do like new things. I do like change. I am open to change. I have never taught the course the exact same way, or said the same things in the same ways…because the kids sitting in front of me are different. Their lives and questions are different.

What are you most proud of?

GC (Laughing) That I have lasted this long!

AB Yes, that, and that I love it more now than when I first started. I do.

GC That’s very true.

“Young people need good teachers, like visible angels.”


21 FALL 2022
“In the light of faith you see things quite differently.”
St. John Baptist de La Salle


by example, and

For nearly 50 years Coach Edd has been behind the scenes of Justin-Siena athletics. His example starts with perhaps the most coveted ability…availability. Not only is Coach Edd always there…he is present to his athletes. Preaching a life of discipline built around “attitude and effort,” he readily and capably draws upon any number of tricks of the trade that all great teachers have. Athletes of any generation will (fondly?) recall performing push-ups to the unpredictable cadence of his whistle, a playful forgetting of the amount of time to hold their planks, and an uncanny ability to demonstrate complex lifts on his own - all of which are embedded over a soundtrack marked by a calm presence, an unexpected joke, and Creedence Clearwater Revival.

What follows is a conversation between Coach Edd and Diano Pachote ’15. It was indeed the example set by Edd that led Diano to have a decorated career as a two sport-star for a pair of NCS championships, and now, to be a colleague, friend, and a shining example of brotherhood embodied.

Coach Edd Ghiringhelli

How did you start at Justin-Siena?

Brother Bertram asked me to look after the football team on the sidelines as a Physical Therapist. That was in 1976, when Scott Heun was a senior. From there I got involved with weight lifting, and when Rich Cotruvo took over, I became the full-time strength coach for the football program.

What keeps you coming back to Justin-Siena?

I enjoy working with the kids here, being a positive mentor, and making an impact on their lives.

23 FALL 2022
practice before the eyes of the young what you wish them to accept.” -St. John Baptist de La Salle

What are your favorite memories?

The first section championship with Dave Shipp in 1983. We didn’t get back to the title game until the year 2000, and that year we made an unexpected run. We had a great group of seniors with the right chemistry and attitude. We snuck into the playoffs at 5-5 and ended up making a real run for a championship!

Who is your favorite team?

In 2002, we were 1-4 at the bye! We had to win out to make the playoffs and we did! We fought all the way to the championship and even then, we were 28-0 at the half and made it 28-25 before running out of time. Three more minutes and we take it.

What is your biggest thrill as a coach?

Just to see the progression of players from freshman to senior. Seeing the work pay off. Guys like Naufahu Anitoni, Matt Meyer, Steve Shafer come to mind.

What excites you about the future of Justin-Siena?

Working with other teams now. Seeing such emphasis on health and strength and conditioning in all of our sports.

Working with diverse teams and athletes. Power is power, no matter the sport or gender.

Fall 2021 VVAL Champions: Volleyball, Girls Golf, Girls Tennis, Girls Water Polo WINTER 2021-22 NorCal Champions: Boys Basketball Wrestling Medalists: Cooper Cohee ’22 (VVAL, NCS) Brandon Guiducci ’22 (VVAL, NCS) Sophia Conley ’24 (VVAL) Brynna Cohee ’25 (VVAL) Ashlyn Parlett ’22 (VVAL) 27 FALL 2022
29 FALL 2022 CHAMPIONS SPRING 2022 VVAL CHAMPIONS: Baseball Boys Lacrosse Girls Lacrosse Girls Track & Field
Lila Heffernan ’24
Sydney Thweatt ’22 Track Travis Hightower ’23 Track Lili Hobaugh ’23 Track VVAL Track Medalists
Isabella Balmaceda ’23 1 Hunter Bledsoe ’23 1 Ma’El Blunt ’23 1 Jack Carey ’23 1 Samantha Carey ’25 1 Cole Chatagnier ’22 2 Asher Cleary ’23 2 Gabbie Davis ’23 1 Hana Duhig ’22 1 Jack Foust ’22 1 Stephanie Magallanes Gonzales ’25 1 Audrey Halloran ’22 2 Katie Heffernan ’22 1 Grace Hill ’23 1 Lili Hobaugh ’23 4 Travis Hightower ’23 1 Xavier Madallone ’22 1 Miles Martin ’22 2 Orlando Martinez ’23 2 Emery Messenger ’23 1 Tatum Newell ’24 1 Caden Parlett ’22 2 Haley Pham ’25 1 Hailey Schuemann ’25 1 Sydney Thweatt ’22 1 Blake Wilsey ’25 2
31 FALL 2022 CLASS OF 2022 Commencement - June 2, 2022 • 137 graduates • 99% attending college/university • 180 colleges issued acceptances • 26 first generation to college students • 13 LEAP Scholars
33 FALL 2022 IN THE HOLE! Monday • June 5, 2023 Shotgun Start-12:30pm Auction & Dinner All proceeds benefit Justin-Siena Athletics Sponsorship and ticket sales for this year’s JS Classic Golf Tournament begin in January! Silverado Resort and Spa North Course



The Gonzales Group/ Merrill Lynch

Sangiacomo Family Wines


Fontanella Family Winery

Keller Family Real EstateColdwell Banker Malloy, Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services

3 Badge Bev Corp and Don and Sons Inc.


Jenny Gass - Coldwell Banker

Shanahan Orthodontics

Union Square Advisors

2022-2023 co-curricular program sponsors!

Manfred & Hunt, LLP Quinlan’s Tires

Robert Pursell - Compass Real Estate

The Legacy Group - Scott Whitlock and Thomas Coakley


Abbey Carpets

Valley of the Moon Flooring Vincent Arroyo Winery


Classic Car Wash

Erica Conway, DDS CTS Fitness & Performance Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty Law

Sonoma Harvest Olive Oil and Winery


Black Stallion Estate Winery

Amine Khoury, DDS BottleRock Napa Valley DA Due Compliance and Logistics Olives Unlimited Quintessential Wines Highway 12 Winery Mary’s Pizza Shack NapaSport SteakHouse

Roy’s Landscaping Inc.

Sally Vaziri Real Estate Savage & Cooke The Donum Estate

Edge PT - Eric Ewig

Hello Ortho Le Reve Designs Modus Operandi Napa Electric 707 Premier Sports Ranch Market

Sasha Craig Photography

you to our
State Farm - Mark Coleman Silva Plumbing VinoEZ Nov.


ComedySportz, Something Rotten!, and an immersive Who Dunnit!

Critical acclaim continues for our robust Visual and Performing Arts Department. No matter the medium, our students leave quite the impression.

35 FALL 2022
AVANTI MAGAZINE 36 THE ULTIMATE BATTLE OF BRAVERY Now in it’s 11th Season in Napa, ComedySportz High School League is proud to present THE GLOVES COME OFF FOR COMPETITIVE IMPROV COMEDY DOORS @ 7:30 PM & 1 PM for SUN MATINÉE TICKETS $12/$20 AT THE DOOR OR ONLINE SIENA HALL 4026 MAHER ST. NAPA, CA 94558 4 MATCHES ONLY! FEB. 10-13 2022 www.justin-siena.org/tickets IMPROV COMEDY ON THE SIENA HALL STAGE 4 MATCHES ONLY MAYHEM ON MAHER ST. TEAM RED TEAM BLUE VS Dismember... r 1972 CLASS OF Let Us Who Dunnit? Take an educated guess... An immersive murder mystery for Halloween! Discover the real reason Justin and Siena High Schools merged 50 years ago, this very fall... Tickets: Justin-Siena.org/Tickets October 27 - 30, 2022 March 25, 26 – 7:30 pm • March 27 – 2:00 pm April 1, 2 – 7:30 pm • April 3 – 2:00 pm Siena Hall on the Justin-Siena Campus 4026 Maher Street | Napa CA | 94558 Tickets: Justin-Siena.org/tickets ———————— PRESENTS ———————— Two brothers set out to write the world’s first musical in this hilarious mash-up of sixteenth-century Shakespeare and twenty-first-century Broadway! Book by Karey Kirkpatrick and John O’Farrell Music and Lyrics by Wayne Kirkpatrick and Karey Kirkpatrick SOMETHING ROTTEN! is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. www.mtishows.com Conceived by Karey Kirkpatrick and Wayne Kirkpatrick
37 FALL 2022
1/29 Siena
High School League Team improvisation 3/9 - 3/12 Siena Hall 24-Hour Plays Seven plays
in just 24 hours 4/1 Siena Hall Vis ual Art Show Opens 4/23 Gasser Center Dance Event 4/ 28 - 4/30 Sien a Hall Spring Music Concert 5/6 Siena Hall
Instrumental Music Concert 12/3 Siena Hall Winter Choral Concert
Mont La Salle Oklahoma! Spring musical
80th anniversary of
American classic
- 1/22,
Hall ComedySportz
Let Us Dismember... Something Rotten!


Students in the Arts have been learning about the traditional and vibrant folk art of Mexico with an emphasis on the iconic image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Traditionally this image is hammered into tins known as Mexican milagros charms. Milagro literally means “miracle” in Spanish. The Sacred Heart is one of the most common motifs in religious folk art. Viewed as a symbol of God’s boundless and passionate love for all mankind, it serves as a beautiful reminder in our own lives. For their artworks, students recreated the Sacred Heart using both traditional and non-traditional symbolism, providing deeper meaning through personal contemplation.

There are three parts to the Sacred Heart, which we can use in our daily lives to examine our own hearts:

A Heart set on fire: Where has my heart been set on fire with love, peace, or joy today?

A Heart crowned with thorns: What have I sacrificed today? Is there something I have resisted sacrificing?

A Heart that is exposed and vulnerable outside of the body: How open am I with my own heart?

39 FALL 2022
Clockwise, top right: Peter Eierman ’25 Danny McGee ’26, Michaela Pucci ’25 Noah Starks ’26, Sloan Zaninovich ’26 Annette Glynn ’26, Savannah Preciado ’25


Clockwise, top left: Nicholas Perata ’26, Collin Moye ’26, Haley Pham ’25, Tosca Pott ’25, Kathryn Spiegel ’25



“ We think that saints are people who do extraordinary things….we make sainthood unattainable! The thing is…saints are not perfect people. Saints are like you and me…choosing to live their very ordinary lives in what we call an ALL HEART way! Saints, before entering the gates of heaven, live normal lives with joys and griefs, struggles and hopes. They run the exact same race that we are running! It is not about the amazing things that they do. It is about how they do them. Mother Theresa said it best when she said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

41 FALL 2022

Let us set aside what holds us back and focus on the race before us! Let us set aside our faults and our failures and focus on what we can do now to do God’s will.

Let us allow today to be a reminder that we, too, hope to someday be part of the communion of saints in heaven, to walk hand in hand with Jesus himself, surrounded by those who have gone before us and who are cheering us through the gates!”

-excerpted from Megan Dominici ’92 Opening Prayer at the All Saints Day Mass



A place of learning is a sacred space. Achieved potential is an ever-present goal, but it can only be realized in a place of sanctuary and safety. The Lasallian mission champions a quality, safe education, prompting Justin-Siena this year to re-evaluate its established campus access control and security protocol, and prioritize building a campus security system that would enhance student and faculty safety, as well as manage campus traffic.

The multi-tiered, multi-step initiative includes tightening entrance and exit protocols as well as developing multiple monitoring points to ensure an efficient and controlled flow. By restructuring the entry points, Justin-Siena would closely monitor individuals coming on campus–both during school day as well as after hours. The school hosts frequent co-curricular and community partnership events and knowing when and how people are accessing campus is paramount.

It is important to build, not only a physical structure, but the trust of the Justin-Siena community and its neighbors as well. It was essential to our administration that nearby families be included in the conversation as time to break ground neared. The local community considers Justin-Siena grounds

43 FALL 2022

Phase One Milestones

vast, lush, and lovely so the plan will satisfy the park-like visual aesthetic associated with our campus; an evergreen landscape will camouflage the perimeter fencing.

Prior to this initiative, Justin-Siena operated as a virtually “open” campus so implementing new exit and arrival plans for faculty, parents, and students presented unprecedented challenges to the school day. The well-orchestrated rollout minimized confusion, allowing a seamless transition to the new process. Vehicle gates close promptly at 9:00 am, and arrivals check in at the front of the school in the Christian Brothers Center (CBC), then move to the Brother Bede Center (BBC) to begin their day.

Justin-Siena has a fine tradition of opening our campus to the community. Our school takes pride in inviting families, friends, and partnering businesses to our campus so it was important that welcoming spirit continue after the completion of the perimeter project. With this state-of-the-art installation, Justin-Siena has been able to create a space that provides the assurance of security, as well as a welcoming place to visit. A change of this caliber to the school’s flow and structure might have been a daunting undertaking, but thanks to purposeful, organized, and thoughtful planning, it was smoothly executed.

The safety and security of students, faculty, and friends are the hallmark of a school that is productive, structured, and flourishing. What began as a principle item in the strategic plan has become a crucial and efficient system that will stand the test of time.
2022 Sept 2022 Phase One starts w/ electrical and low voltage work. Hire Campus Access Coordinator. November 2022 Phase One fencing and gate work complete and operational. December 2022 Landscaping
Phase One complete.
By enclosing the lawn area between Maher Ave and the 100/400 wings, we reclaim more than an acre of
use for
school programs

Former Constituent Services Representative

After completing college, I used my community oriented background while working with Congressman Mike Thompson back home in Napa. It was an incredible honor and challenge to serve constituents in my community and the greater 5th district; it also provided a unique window into the problems we face and the people who work tirelessly to solve them. My colleagues, the countless servants at government agencies, and my boss all inspired me with their work. True public service is not glamorous; it can be extremely challenging, yet ultimately truly rewarding.

In my limited experience modeling leadership, I have tried to emulate how it was best shown to me while ensuring everyone is empowered to be themselves; helping each person use their talents for the greater goal; and fostering an environment in which each person feels invested in one another and the outcome of their work. This perspective has been demonstrated to me by countless teachers and mentors, and in my professional career by Congressman Thompson and my colleagues.

Catherine Flaherty ’18

Elected Official - Isla Vista Community Services District

What drew you to a life of public service and what value do you place on serving your community?

I was drawn to public service positions because they provided me with opportunities to make tangible changes in the lives of those around me. I have been a part of this process first-hand and have found it to be incredibly meaningful, impactful, and rewarding work. It is important to leave your community better than you found it.

How do you think you model leadership? How was it modeled for you?

I love the quote by Simon Sinek, “leaders eat last.” I hope to model leadership through selflessness, compassion, and awareness. I find it important to lead by example. My style of leadership was first and foremost modeled by my parents, and was also greatly influenced by my leadership teachers while I was a student at Justin-Siena. Learning the value of servant leadership has stuck with me ever since, and I have carried my genuine interest and those skills into college and beyond.


45 FALL 2022

Police Sergeant with Napa Police Department Assistant baseball coach

In your opinion, what does service look like in your community? Service in Napa equals treating people how you want to be treated; having pride in your actions at all times; and using your unique personal traits to make a positive impact no matter how small or large that impact may be, every day. People do not need a title or position in order to be leaders; just do what is right.

Choosing to live a life of service is a calling. How were you called to this life path? What drew you to this line of work?

I have always loved challenging environments and tasks, including competitive sports teams. Using these passions while having the opportunity to keep my community safe, drew me to a career as a police officer. I started my career in Northern California, and when the opportunity came along to work and live in Napa, I jumped right on it. Living and working here keeps me connected with our community and its inherent service needs.

How do you think you model leadership? How was it modeled for you? I try to have a positive attitude every day. Positivity is a simple way to inspire and motivate. I was lucky to have many impactful leaders in my life, including my parents and several great coaches here at Justin-Siena and in college.

What is it like to be back in the Justin-Siena community? Coming back to JSHS to coach has been such a breath of fresh air. The athletic programs, along with the entire student body, seem to be headed in a great direction. I treat the baseball diamond like a classroom; it teaches kids countless great lessons about life. I am just proud and happy to be part of it.

Juan Carlos Mora ’19

What drew you to a life of public service and what value do you place on serving your community?

My call to public service came in the wake of the Parkland shooting in February 2018. I was a junior at the time, and the proximity of violence to people I loved compelled me to demand change. My urgency was re-emphasized by the tragic shooting that occurred at the Yountville Lincoln Theater in March 2018, since it was then Justin-Siena students who were imperiled by the gun violence epidemic. I joined with student leaders from other local high schools to organize a protest that received coverage by the Napa Valley Register. I gave a speech on gun violence, and our team hosted a town hall with Congressman Mike Thompson, Napa Police Chief Steve Potter, and NVUSD Superintendent Patrick Sweeney. All roads in my career can be traced back to this protest. It was here that I discovered the needs of my community aligned with my passion, and thus I found my vocation. How do you think you model leadership? How was it modeled for you?

Perhaps one of the most memorable and impactful lessons I learned at Justin-Siena was servant leadership. Guided by my mentors in the Lasallian Student Life Office, Mr. (Bob) Bailey, Mr. Cordero, Mrs. Neidhoefer, and Ms. Alexander-Short ’07 each demonstrated that servant leadership is about centering the community which you intend to serve. This is a virtue I think is often lost on the way


AVANTI MAGAZINE 46 Continued on page 47

to Washington, DC. Non-negotiable in my work is demonstrating to my colleagues that servant leadership is an attainable ideal. It can be as simple as including more voices in decision-making, or as complex as requiring social impact reports for technocratic policies. As I have summarized it to my colleagues: it’s about remembering where you come from, and always envisioning at the front of your mind the most vulnerable people impacted by your decision. If the worst off cannot be left better off by your work, then your work needs recalibration.

What’s next for you?

I am currently in my fourth year at The George Washington University in Washington, DC, pursuing a 5-year BA/MA program. On track to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Spring 2023, and masters in Spring 2024, my next step will be to pursue a Juris Doctorate, joining the Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Program, and ultimately commissioning as an officer in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, the legal arm of the United States Air Force.

Morgan Malloy ’15 Operations Technician at MIV Insurance Services, LLC Current JV Boys Basketball Coach

In your opinion, what does service look like in your community? While there are many ways to serve in one’s community, for me, serving means coaching. In coaching younger generations, I am able to connect and teach them what it means to respect and welcome all people, while challenging them as athletes to push themselves through difficult situations.

How do you think you model leadership? How was it modeled for you?

As an athlete, my coaches were some of the most impactful leaders in my life. They taught me what it means to work hard, stay humble, and pick others up when they are down. It wasn’t just about the individual, but the collective experience. My coaches pushed me to be a leader on and off the court, while reminding me that serving and leading cannot be done without the respect and support of the whole community.

Choosing to live a life of service is a calling. How were you called to this life path? What drew you to this line of work?

My personal journey with athletics is what drew me into coaching. I hoped to have an opportunity to serve the community in the same way my coaches led me while I was a young athlete. There were many and varied lessons learned along the way as I was pushed through hardships and conflict. My leaders had a way of challenging me to be a better athlete, as well as a better person - all while maintaining mutual respect in a coach-to-player relationship. This perspective influenced my decision to step into the role of coaching.

What is it like to be back in the Justin-Siena community?

Being a part of the Braves community again has been a special opportunity. Giving back to JustinSiena, a place that supported me for so many years, by influencing the future generations of students, is a cycle I hope to continue as we move forward. By exemplifying the Justin-Siena mission, we, as leaders, encourage our Braves to grow into respectable young adults who will learn to serve in the Lasallian tradition.

47 FALL 2022
“Serving and leading cannot be done without the respect and support of the whole community. ”

Brother Phillip (Jeffrey) Gerlomes ’10

Choosing to live a life of service is a calling. How were you called to this life path?

Sometimes we overthink what it means for God to “call” people to one way of life or another. You don’t have to wait to hear a voice before you make a decision! As I became more intentional in knowledge and practice of our Catholic faith, I was drawn toward the life of religious vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to seek holiness “full-time” as a witness to the Church and to the whole world. More specifically I found that the Dominican traditions of prayer, study, community, and preaching offered the best use of my strengths and the best support for my many weaknesses.

After graduating from Justin-Siena and the University of Notre Dame, and completing my master’s degree at the London School of Economics, I entered formation. That started with the Western Dominican Province in 2018, where I spent a year as a novice at St. Dominic’s Priory in San Francisco. Our novice master calls it a year of “trying on” the Order, which is fitting because it’s a year that begins with getting clothed in our habit.

Now back in Oakland for two more years of theology studies, I’m helping train the Diocese of Oakland’s next wave of catechists. In 2024, I will be eligible to make solemn vows, that is, vows until death. Most Dominican friars also get ordained as priests, which I anticipate, God willing, in the summer of 2026. Please stop by and pray with us in Oakland, San Francisco, St. Dominic’s Church in Benicia, or St. Raymond’s Church in Menlo Park!

James Sasser ’93 Broadway and Screen Actor

How did Justin-Siena prepare you to lead in your life?

Justin-Siena was really the first community that was about a bigger life picture for me; it was a home for me scholastically, artistically, spiritually, and socially. The Theatre Arts performances, our Eco Club recycling on campus, Just-in-Service Day singing at senior homes, and more, instilled an incredible sense of service in me. I have carried this spirit of community with me through my career in the arts and not-for-profit education and fundraising. Justin-Siena shaped the kind of person and artist I strove to be.

How do you serve the community through the arts? Service and education are at the heart of what I do. Professionally, I have had one foot in the for-profit arts world and the other in the not-for-profit arts and education community throughout my career. The best outreach programs are ones that aim for this experience — bringing professionals into communities as ambassadors or educators to give access to underserved communities. The volunteer work I’ve done over the years has had education as its focus, in city schools in Brooklyn and Queens, or Artists Striving to End Poverty (now “Arts Ignite”) where I traveled to rural India to create new musicals with students from the Dalit community near Bangalore. When I am performing around the country, I also teach master classes for local young actor programs. These are my favorite groups of students to work with! Classes range from Shakespeare, to Audition Technique, to Musical Theater Vocal Literature, to Writing for New Musical Theater.




Allyn Gilbert ’75 retired from American Airlines and NetJets. He flew the Boeing 727, MD80, and the Cessna Citation during his career as a pilot. Allyn and Elaine Cogan Gilbert ’76 will celebrate their 43rd wedding anniversary this year at their home in Sisters, Oregon.

Steve Simich ’76 is celebrating the 76th anniversary of the family business, Napa Marble & Granite Works. Steve and his wife Margaret have been married for 34 years, and have 2 adult children, Nick and Audrey.


Sandra Cassayre ’82 is teaching art classes at St. John’s Lutheran while concurrently working on a Masters in Painting from School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Scheduled to graduate in 2023, Sandra continues to sell and curate her work locally. Among her recent showings were “My American Experience,” “Artists Vision 2021,” “Pattern and Symmetry,” San Francisco Women Artists Gallery (Juror’s Choice Award), and “De Young Open,” a juried exhibition at the De Young Museum. Sandra also co-created the popular Napa Valley Puzzle. Her art can be seen at http://www.sandracassayre. com as well as @sandracassayre.art on Instagram.

Tony Morales ’89 and his wife Julie Morales started Team Morales Events, a non-profit business in Napa that brings non-profits together with local events to help give back to the community.


Elissa Peddy Davis ’91 graduated from Berkeley with a literature degree and is now living in Austin TX, studying for her doctorate in Theology.

Chad Peddy ’94 is a safety and environmental inspector for Coca-Cola and the proud father of two daughters. He graduated from CA State University, Monterey Bay with a Bachelor’s Degree in Science and Math.

Rick Fessenden ’94 continues his great work for the Napa County Open Space District where he helps oversee the Community Relations and Outreach Department. As a part of his work, he has recently helped Justin-Siena faculty, staff, and students make a difference through our staff retreats and “Just-in Service Day.”

Matthew Farver ’94 has assumed the position of General Manager of Oregon Winery Operations and Marketing for

Jackson Family Wines in the Willamette Valley. Having joined JFW in 2016, Matthew oversees activities at the McMinnville, WillaKenzie Estate, PennerAsh, and Gran Moraine.

Kristy Cates ’95 is currently the Chair of the Musical Theatre Department at the New York Film Academy and lives in NYC with her 8 year old daughter, Gracie, a wonderful violinist! Having had lead roles in Broadway productions including Wicked, Finding Neverland, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Kristy credits Justin-Siena for teaching her leadership skills and commitment to one’s passion during her years in the illustrious theatre department.

Matthew Teague Miller ’95 is the Associate Chair of the Department of Music and Theatre at Cal State Chico. He was recently honored with the 2022 “Conversations on Diversity and Inclusion award.” Matthew has been serving as the President of the Musical Theatre Educators’ Alliance, the international organization connecting MT professors around the world. He has given numerous international presentations on various musical theatre topics, and is the cohost of the Musical Theatre Educators’ podcast “Carefully Taught.” He and his wife, Jami, have two children, Mattingly (4) and Eddie James (2).

Bronwyn Carlson ’98 moved from Southern California to Reno, where she is now a Pediatric Hospitalist at at Renowned Regional Medical Center.

Josh DeBonis ’98 and his wife Liz welcomed their third child, Giorgio, in July.


Taylor Bartolucci ’00 continues to thrive with Lucky Penny Productions, the theatre company she co-founded in 2009. Often appearing in the fully staged, professional quality productions, Taylor most recently starred in “Sweeney Todd.”

Sean O’Neill ’00 is currently part of a new startup launched in November, leading the partnerships division of Kresus. He considers himself lucky to have been blessed with dyslexia, and credits his experience at Justin-Siena for changing the way he thought about himself and his future, and for inspiring him to lean into his gifts. Sean lives in Napa with his wife, Katie, and children, Ava and Harrison.

Brett Brockmeyer ’02 was recently hired to be the head winemaker at Isenhower Cellars in Walla Walla, WA. Brett oversees production of handcrafted wines including Roussanne,

Pinot Noir, Syrah, and Cabernet Sauvignon, as well as other varietals from Walla Walla and surrounding areas. You may have enjoyed some of his wines at our events as a part of ACCESS 707 and TASTE of Justin-Siena.

Olivia Dodd ’04 was recently announced as the interim CEO of Molly’s Angels, a local agency that has been serving senior citizens since 1999. Prior to accepting her position there, Olivia spent seven years as the CEO of Arts Council Napa Valley.

Sgt. Margot C. Gebers ’04 was honored with an Angels of the Battlefield Award, which honors military medical personnel and first responders for their life-saving medical treatment and trauma care of service members, partner forces, and civilians at home and abroad.

Andy Tolbert ’05 (A) and his wife, Sarahi, welcomed their newborn son Noah before moving to Iowa where he holds an administrative position at ViziPay. And, they recently welcomed another visitor, Charlie Tolbert ’70!

Curtis Sawyer ’09 and his wife Kendall welcomed their newborn daughter, Kayden, in November 2021. Curtis graduated from Sonoma State University in 2013, with a degree in Environmental Studies with an emphasis in Planning. Curtis is currently working as a planner for Napa County.

Paul Dugoni ’09 (B) after completing a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from St. Mary’s, Paul accepted a position at the Napa Division for Silicon Valley Bank in March 2022. He and his wife Sarah gave birth to their second child in November.


Eric Jameson ’10 earned his Doctorate in Philosophy with a major in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in May. Eric is working as a senior scientist at the Department of Energy.

Mary (Gerlomes) ’11 and Tom Keown ’10 welcomed a daughter on May 13, 2022. Mary, Tom, and baby Miriam returned to California in July, where Tom is a physician in the ER for Kaiser Vacaville.

Eric Dugoni ’12 (C) is employed as an account executive at Verkada in San Mateo. After getting engaged in the summer of 2022, Eric will marry Katherine Hudson in July!

Rick Ley ’13 has answered the call to serve and has joined the seminary after a successful career at Microsoft. As he awaits his next steps to join St. John’s Seminary he is currently on a pilgrimage in the Holy Land.

49 FALL 2022

Garrett Adair ’14 has launched his career as a solo recording artist. He recently released several singles including, “Same Conversation,” “Old Fashioned,” and “See the World.”

Erin Kinda ’14 is currently a Feature Department Manager at Pixar Animation Studios. She has worked on noteworthy movies, shorts, and tv shows, including “Lightyear,” “Incredibles 2,” “Luca,” and the upcoming Disney+ series, “Cars on the Road.”

Calvin Sanders ’14 earned an MBA from The George Washington University. This summer he escaped from Alcatraz, twice, completing the harrowing open water swim back to San Francisco where he lives with his roommate Cole Harper ’14.

Brandon Hernandez ’15 has begun his first season as the head soccer coach for your Braves! Coming off of backto-back playoff appearances, Brandon looks to build on the program’s recent success.

Tanya Jeramaz ’15 the talented songstress has released a trio of singles including, “Here We Go Again” and

“Boy Tears.” All of her videos and songs are available on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple.

Emma Duge ’16 will be attending the University of California, Santa Barbara, this fall to obtain a PhD in Molecular, Cellular, and Development Biology. Her research will focus on the prevention of mosquito-borne infectious diseases.

Tyler Bertani ’17 continues to grow as a singer/songwriter in the greater Bay Area. Aside from being a professional voice coach and creative consultant, Tyler’s music video, “Second Hand Smoke,” is online now!

Mathieu Sanders ’17 graduated top of class from West Point Military Academy and is presently a Second Lieutenant at Fort Stewart in Savannah, Georgia. He is in the Engineering Branch leading a platoon of soldiers responsible for building temporary bridges during wartime.

Aidan Willard ’17 posted a 69.4% completion percentage in his second season as a quarterback for a Black Hills State University Yellow Jacket team that had a 7-3 record at press time.

Michael Rupprecht ’18 and Gino Bartalotti ’19 continue their work with the local nonprofit “Hero Foundation,” a team comprised of young adults from Napa County who agree that the world needs heroes, now more than ever. They recently opened the Hero Cafe in downtown Napa, which serves top quality coffee and genuine human connection - all in the name of a good cause.

Hannah Chau ’18(D) enters her final collegiate season at UC Irvine ranked in the top three in the Big West Conference in both the steeplechase and the 10,000M. As a junior on the women’s spring track and field team she earned All-Big West Honors in two events while also earning a place on the conference’s All-Academic Team.

Cole Cummings ’18 the 6’8’ center enters his senior year as a Business Administration Major for the Sonoma State Seawolves basketball team.

John Nessman ’18 (E) graduated from Cal in the spring and is currently at University College of Dublin in Ireland working on his Masters Degree in Archaeology where he has had the


fortunate experience to work at the Drombeg Stone Circle.

Shannon Walsh ’18, a nursing BSN major, was named to the University of Utah’s Fall 2021 Dean’s List.

Mary Cate Hyde ’19 is a junior at Princeton University studying Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. In March, she gave a presentation that she coauthored about orangutan conservation research at the American Association of Biological Anthropology Conference in Denver. Mary Cate continues to do independent thesis research studying effects of wildfire on large mammals in Southern California. She also sings in the university chapel choir and plays violin in the orchestra.

Benjamin Levy ’19 (F) had a special guest in Theatre Director James Thomas Bailey after his performance as Torvald in A Doll’s House, Part 2, on September 16, at Concordia University in Irvine.

Julia Sangiacomo ’19 wrapped up an impressive four year career for the Santa Clara University Broncos by earning another spot on the West Coast Conference First Team. Additionally, she was invited to be a part of the Women’s National Team Open Program (WNTOP), formerly known as the Open Tryout, which is a part of the selection process for the U.S Women’s National Team.

Conrad Say ’19 continues his track and field career as a biology major at Johns Hopkins University where he has shined as a student-athlete having earned two Centennial Conference Gold Medals and a spot on the conference’s Academic Honor Roll.


Blake Hoban ’20 posted 20 receptions and a pair of touchdowns for Diablo Valley College as a receiver. Additionally, he threw for a 31 yard score against City College.

Ila Sharp ’20 is attending Boise State University focusing on a psychology degree and looking to become a therapist or school counselor.

Miles Williams ’20 After transferring from Marshall University, the freshman receiver found the end zone twice for the Sac City Panthers while picking up 173 yards in total.

Hudson Beers ’21 has had a strong season as the quarterback for Yuba College. At the end regular season play, Hudson ranked second in completions and third in passing yards.

Casey Potrebic ’21 (G) competed in the decathlon at Carnegie Mellon, and had continued single event success in the pole vault.

Renée Sanders ’21 a Rollin’ Tide sophomore on an academic scholarship at the University of Alabama, lives in the beautiful Kappa Delta Sorority house with 400 fellow sisters.

Noah Young ’21 is readying for his freshman season for the Cal State East Bay Pioneers baseball team after redshirting in 2022.

Cooper Cohee ’22 is currently wrestling for Chadron State College in Nebraska. An education major, Cooper was highly decorated in his time as a Brave!

Tessa Salvestrin ’22 started in 14 of 18 games for the St. Mary’s Gaels. She finished the season with 12 points for a Gael team that went 5-6-7 overall.

Gretchen Wahle ’22 represented the United States in the 10th Annual World Down Syndrome Swimming and Artistic Championships. Competing in Portugal, Gretchen “PR-ed” in all four of her events to help lead the US to a strong 5th place finish.

51 FALL 2022 F G Jim Day ’72 Harry Giusti ’75 Caroline Bettencourt ’79 Jennifer Rasler ’86 Tim Malloy ’87 Megan (Savage) Dominici ’92 Brian Cassayre ’98 Jill Sinclair ’99 Matthew Schmitz ’01 Andrew Bettencourt ’02 Chris Fidler ’02 Garrett Smith ’03 Graham Terry ’03 Tyler Streblow ’04 Megan Alexander-Short ’07 Luisa (Jojola) Vazquez ’10 Spencer Joske ’10 Brandon Hernandez ’15 Diano Pachote ’14 Alonso Alvarado Basulto ’15 Morgan Malloy ’15 Mikayla Balmaceda ’16 Jonathan Frias-Gonzalez ’16 Khiely Jackson ’16 Paul Morlet ’17 Alejandra Alvarado-Basulto ’18 Tyler Brazil ’18 Bryce Mayo ’20 Almost like they never left... Alumni serving as faculty, staff, and coaches.


We are grateful for the following parents, alumni, alumni parents and grandparents, faculty, staff, friends, and businesses who donated to Justin-Siena. What you see, know, and love about our school can’t happen without your support. Your gifts make a significant difference in the lives of our students as you help us move forward. We celebrate you!


$100,000 +

Justin-Siena High School Foundation

The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation

The Tatjana Grgich Family Foundation


$25,000 - $99,999

Karen and Raymond Chadwick

Napa Valley 1839 FC

Napa Valley Community Foundation

Catherine and Richard Osgood Whitney and Michael Sangiacomo ’87


$10,000 - $24,999

Anonymous eSponsor Now, Inc.

Jon and Joya Favreau, MD ’88

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Amparo and Eric Gonzales

Kimberly and David Phinney Jan and Donald Preston

Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name


$5,000 - $9,999


Martha and Roger Carlson, MD

Chappellet Vineyard and Winery De La Salle Institute

A. Charles Dell’Ario

Mary Euser ’77 and Andrew Euser ’78

Fairway Mortgage - The Coakley Whitlock Group

Jennifer Gass ’93

Patrick Gaul

Gorin Tennis Academy, Inc.

Maché and Christopher Indelicato

Meredith and William Keller ’91

Amanda and Dennis Kreps

Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation

Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services, LLC

Henry McNeely, MD ’72

Michael Murray ’78

Napa Grocery Outlet

Sangiacomo Family Vineyards

Kate and Edward Smith

Sportfive Golf, LLC


$1,996 - $4,999

Lizbeth and Daniel Alarcon Han-Fen and Edward Allen Gwen Truesdell and Steve Antenen

William Ashbey

Agnes and Robert Bailey Lori and Chris Baskerville

Benevity Community Impact Fund Tanya and Samir Berbawy

Jeanne Beutecale

Jeffrey and Elizabeth Bishop ’80 Lora Blanusa, MD and Robert Blanusa Lori Hunt and Dean Bledsoe Buoncristiani Family Winery Kristi and Thomas Carey ’86 Janice and Jon Clifton

Kelli Humfeld and Walter Cranford Angelica de Vere and Paul Mabray Ashley and John Derr Kim and William Dougherty Harvest and John Duhig Lea and Thomas Durante ’93

Kathleen Ervin

Andrea and Ramiro Flores Karen and Jeff Fontanella Gianna Furina and Mark Herold Lisa and Patrick Galetto Georgann and Joe Geist Cara and Robert Gerard Debbie and Paul Giusto, Jr. Fausta Franco-Guerrero and Rogelio Guerrero

Colleen and James Harder Kimberly and Clinton Jones Shana and Mark Lenz

Martha McClellan and Robert Levy Bonnie and Rob Lloyd

Christine and Timothy Malloy ’87

Lorene and Peter McCaffrey Kristen and George Minardos Jessie Ho and Richard Pio Roda, Esq. ’94 Claire and Aaron Pott Sarah and Robert Pursell Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc. Joe and Gina Rasler ’89 Nagarathna Manjappa and Lingamurthy Ravi Robert Romero, Esq. ’81

Susie and Chuck Samson Susan and Ariyeh Schmeder ’92 Schwab Charitable Fund

Ken Shanahan

Sally and Brian Sheekey

Claire and Arthur Spencer

The Blackbaud Giving Fund

The Woods Charitable Foundation

Acacia and Daniel Tinsley

Tonya and Don Weaver Robin and Todd Wenzel


$1,000 - $1,965

Kathleen and AJ Acker

Julie and Brian Alger

Caroline and Anthony Baldini, Jr. ’84

Bank Of America Employee GIving Campaign

Ann and Tom Bassett

Susan and Daniel Boeschen

Julie and Charles Boles

Lissa Gibbs and Peter Borck

Maureen and Alok Bose, MD

Un Yung Song and Anthony Brough

Jeri and Edmond Brovelli, Jr.

Lisa and Richard Brown

Trinh Tran and Aurelio Campos Fabiola Carvajal Nunez and Darren Cormack

Kathryn Holder, MD and David Danzeisen, MD

Claire and Kevin Daw ’75

Nicole and Robert Della Santina Christina and Scott DeMartini

Dawn and Matthew Denkin ’92

Kristen and Matthew Duncan Elizabeth Durkin, MD

Greg Evans

Christien and Dave Ficeli

Barbara and James Forbes, Esq. Janet and Kent Fortner

Annie and Joseph Franzia Alma and Raul Gallegos

Krista and Michael Galyen

Janice and Truman Gates

Ine and Michael George

Jeffrey and Caroline Gerlomes ’79

Elaine Gilbert ’76 and Allyn Gilbert ’75

Lesley and Michael Giovannelli

Amy Goleno ’96 and Kyle Goleno ’95

Rohn Grazer

Peter and Katie Green ’93

Molly Gyetvan Sonia Ha

Belinda and Grant Halloran


Stepping Up to the Plate

Ruben Perez ’70 and Lynn Perez ’72 Parents of Christina ’00 and Joseph ’04

As a member of the very first graduating class of Justin High School, Ruben Perez ’70 has been a lifelong Justin-Siena donor and supporter. Whether through corporate giving via Napa Electric or gifts to capital campaigns and the Justin-Siena Fund, Ruben takes the motto “Enter to learn; Leave to serve” to heart. In fact, so strong is the connection between the Perez family and Justin-Siena that Ruben’s wife Lynn ’72 and their children Christina ’00 and Joseph ’04 are all alumni. Ruben shared, “I am very proud to be a Justin graduate. I developed many lifelong friendships from my time there. I appreciate the education my family received and understand the continued efforts of the Justin-Siena administration to provide an exemplary education to all students.” Ruben acknowledges that he attended JustinSiena thanks to financial aid saying, “I am humbled to have been supported by the generous donations of others. It is my honor to pay it forward.”

Corporate giving and in-kind professional services have offered a meaningful way for Ruben to give back to Justin-Siena. In fact, Ruben and Napa Electric stepped up in a big way this summer by getting us to the finish line for the new Justin-Siena baseball scoreboard. “Napa Electric is very proud to support our community, especially when our customers and employees are involved. It is fitting for us to give back to the people who keep Napa Electric the premier electrical contractor in our community.”

53 FALL 2022

Dianne Harris, MD and Edward Cain, MD

Hello Ortho

Melissa and Micah Hinkle

Andria Hobaugh

Gary Hobaugh

Michele Wilson and Sean Hummer

Ginny and Steve Humphrey

Emily and Seth Ingram

Jeffrey Jackson

Lilia Hernandez Jackson and Raymond Jackson

Daria Janese and Teresa Johnson

Katherine and Ben Jewell, MD

Thalia Jimenez

Elaine and Donald John Suzanne Groth Jones and Kimball Jones

Cristy and Sean Kaer

Tamara and Edward Kawashiri

Kerry and William Kelleher

Lindsay Keller ’95 and James Keller ’94

Suzanne and Amine Khoury

Cara and Michael Kopecky

Estelle and Sebastian Lane

Robert Long Mary and Lars Lund

Julia and Mark Magel

Mary’s Pizza Shack

Ingrid and Frederick McNicoll

Liz and Steve Mercer

Dianna and Scott Messenger

Kristin and Britt Miller

David Miner

Elizabeth and Michael Minigan Wendy Ko and Shane Modrall

Manbin and George Monteverdi, Ph.D. ’86

Amanda and Christopher Myers

Marietta and James Natuzzi

Juliette and Christopher Neeb

Marissa Nokes and Paul Villegas

Antoinette von dem Hagen and Sheb Powell

Suzanne and Aron Quinlan ’93

Carol and Robert Reber

Cynthia and Simon Rebullida

Lachlan Reed

Erin and Reed Renaudin

Sonia Ryan

Shannon and Richard Salvestrin ’82

Savage and Cooke

Diana and Benjamin Schafer

Christina and John Sciocchetti

Colette Slate

Brother Kevin Slate, FSC

Elizabeth Robertis Smith and Charles Smith

Amy Jullien and Michael Spiegel

Mary Alice Spinelli

Kristilee and Steven Todd, Jr.

Linda and Josh Trainor

Union Square Advisors

Wilma Uribe

Valley of the Moon Flooring

Ventura Foods

Katarzyna Krawczyk and Nader Wassef Mary and Aaron Webb

Western Drive Wines LLC

Susanne and John Wilkinson Aidana Yermekova

Bianca and John Zimmermann, MD


$500 - $999

Frank Addiego ’94

Amazon Foundation Bank of America Foundation

Julie and Hector Barba Diane and Richard Barbosa

Jeffrey Beaulac

Millie and Kurt Binz Deborah and Doug Boeschen Annick Bouldt

Brothers of the Christian Schools FSC


Flordeliz and Michael Buhat Katherine and David Capponi Clifton Cartwright

Veronica Cervantes-Prado and Rupert Cervantes Heather and Michael Chatagnier

Georgine Clarke

Dan Cocilova

Mark Coleman

Erica Conway, DDS John Cortese

Starla and James Cowan Sasha and Heath Craig Tracy and Thomas Cushing, OD Nancy and Stephen Denkin Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty Sara and Joseph DiGiacomo

Felice and James Dugger Edge PT Lori and Chris Edwards Megan and Colby Eierman

Angelina Caballero and Brandon Emana Adona Nacapuy-Esperanza and Ronnie Esperanza

Michele and Ed Farver Karen and Joseph Fischer

Jennifer Fletcher

Tonya Fuller

Elaine and Douglas Gomez David Granucci

Aileen Heidkamp Jenny and Matthew Heil Erica and Steven Heun ’83 Casey and Mark Hiddleson Susan and Mark-Erad Incleto Jaja Jackson

Laura Kelley-Weakley and Charles Weakley

Kerry Morgan and Paul Kelly, III Miriam Keown ’82 and Timothy Keown ’82

Bridget King Williams Kelly Lann ’84

Colleen Townsend and Charles Love Susanne Madigan

Dan Maher

Denly and Ronaldo Malinis Marie McIntyre

Adan Mendoza

Charlotte and Stephen Meyer Suzanne Foss and Kurt Meyers

Eileen Mize

Jacob Moffat

Napa Electric

Napa Valley Joe DiMaggio

Youth Baseball

Marchus Nelson

Nancy and George Nessman

Karen Hauser and Christopher Padowan Jennifer and Jason Palter

Jeanine and Ryan Parlett

Anna and Jaret Paulson ’92

Tu and My Pham ’92

Platinum Cargo Logistics

Jamie and Matt Powell

Ritsa and Ryan Preston Belia-Eugenia Ramos

Diana Reilley

Reynolds Family Winery Isabel Guzman and Victor Rojas

Nancy Granados and Jordan Ruiz

Hillary Ryan ’94 and Andrew Ryan ’84

Erika Sablan

Josephine and Ricardo Sales, Jr.

Lisa and David Schuemann

Gia Scinto and Jeffrey Lloyd

Duncan and Lisa Sennott ’90

Puneet and Sukhdeep Sidhu

Joelle and Timothy Smith, MD

Blanca Rodriguez and Herb Starks

Steve Silva Plumbing, Inc.

Wei Tang and Yu Qiu

The Dental Office of John W. Daw, DDS

The Doctors Company

Gary Van Dam

Isela and Ruben Velazquez

Darla Viau

Jennifer and Albert Washington Douglas and Karyn Williams ’85 Susan and Clint Wilsey Shawn Zizzo

Ursula Zopp Amy and David Zurowski


$1 - $499

Jean Adamo

Maria Adams

Charlotte Addington

Megan Alexander-Short ’07

Dian Allen

Lucy Allen ’72 and Tom Sillen

Ruba and Mounzer Alsamman

Haitelenisia and Vaea Anitoni

Jennifer Appell

Archielah and Felton Arcia

Mike and Patricia Ashauer ’79

Fleurdeliz and Michael Balmaceda Marisa and Chris Bartalotti

Richard and Katherine Batt ’78

Mary and David Bauer

Glenda and Bradley Bautista

Norma Beltrami

Brian Bennett

Rosie and Mike Berger

Clare and Christopher Berghout Maryanne Berry

Maci and Andrew Bettencourt ’02 Stacy and Michael Bezmarevich


Alison Bihn ’98

Mary and Wayne Blakley

Theresa and Daniel Blankenship

Joe Bosetti ’16

Donald and Janet Botill ’72

Tabitha diMonda and Kirk Bovitz

Peter Bowman

Claire and William Boyd, Sr.

Natalie Brady ’92

Thi and Patrick Bui Scott Butler

Brett Carey ’19

Benjamin and Katherine Caron ’77 Marcus Carr

Sarah and Michael Carson Scott Carter

Brittany and Brian Cassayre ’98

Carolyn and James Cassayre

Veronica Robledo and Juan Cervantes Martinez

Christina Chadsey

Hilarie Chamberland, PharmD and Scott Chamberland, MD

Deborah and Alex Chavarria

Michael and Francine Chouinard ’75

Christian Brothers Charitable Trust

Barbara Church

Emily and David Ciabattari

Karol and Douglas Clark

Ameris and Brian Cleary

Rita Hart and Roy Conley

Tina and Michael Cox ’86

Franccesca Farfan and Luigi Dagnino

Tiffany and John Davis

Denise and Matt De Fina

Sherri De Fina

Brenda and George Del Castillo

Veronica Favela-Diaz and Edgar Diaz

David and Erika Dickey ’88

Olivia Dodd ’04 and Brian Dodd ’02

Mary and William Dodd, Jr. ’74

Michele and Paul Dold

Jason and Megan Dominici ’92

Michael Douglass

Alison and Justin Dragoo

Jody and Dennis Drummond

Marie Eberwein

Eden and Faustino Edora, Jr.

Dawnelle and David Ellis

Kathleen and David Evans

Jan Lee and Dennis Fechter

Clarissa and Harry Fegan

Lisa Feudner

Stephanie Fidler ’97 and Christopher Fidler ’02

Jana and Mark Fiorito

Catherine Flaherty ’18

Kristen and Thomas Flaherty

Stanley Fong

Nancy Foss

Karen and William Foster

Ellen Frediani ’75

Debra and Tim Garcia

Steve Garon

Berenice Garvan

Susan Gavinski

Amy Geiger

Barbara Geiger

Jeanette and Greg Gerlomes

James and Laura Gholson ’77

Sarah Gianelli

Christopher Giangregorio Jennifer and Ted Giaquinto Carolina and Yannick Girardo

Lois Glazier

Pamela and Patrick Gleeson ’85

Sophia and Francisco Gomez Cindy and Ronnie Gray Laura and Stephen Greco Nancy and Lawrence Green, Jr. Gilgua Guadamuz-Griffin and Scott Griffin

Nikole and Christian Grimshaw ’89 Siena Guerrazzi ’14

Mary Jane and Russell Hagan

Eleanor and John Harrington Heidi Harrison and Philip Slater

Robyn Harrison

Lila and Justin Hayes

Lila Heffernan ’24

Theresa and James Heim Donna and Michael Hein

Elizabeth and Grant Hermann

Lauren and Alexander Hesser

Michelle and Matthew Hileman Heather and Andrew Hodges, EdD Hayden Hodges ’24

Barbara and Danny Hoffert Tina and Peter Hoffmann

Danielle and David Holquin Raymond and Caitlin Honeywell ’01 Anna Hopkins and Lyndsey Vogel

Jacqueline and Kevin Houston Marlene and Darrel Howatt

Mary Hyde ’19

Julia and John Im Catalina and Roberto Irucuta Leanne and Stephen Iund Khiely Jackson ’16

Monica and Mark Jacobson Dyan and Dylan James

Deborah Janeck

Jennifer and Ivo Jeramaz Nancy and Samuel Kaplan Bonnie Karrigan

Holly Kelly, MD and Andrew Kelly, MD Patrick Kiser ’84

Katrina Klam Christy Kling Ari Kreisler

Kristen Lawrence

James Leli ’07

Kevin and Joanne Lely ’74

Tom and Molly LeMasters ’74

Lori and Daniel Lemieux ’73 Anale and Kevin Lemieux ’03

Tyrone Leon-Guerrero

Ruben and Maricela Lopez ’89

Sam Lund

Milagros and Manuel Madayag, Jr. Andrea Magallanes-Ramirez Maya Mancuso ’09

Dee Dee and Rosendo Marin

Jamie and Edgar Martinez

Teresa and Jesus Martinez

Monica Padilla Martinez and Juan Martinez

Josefina Rodriguez and Manuel Martinez

Helen and Thomas McDermott

Denae and Michael McDevitt

Karen McGilley

Nancy and Rick Medeiros

Pilar and Dwight Meier

Sarah and Kevin Melanephy Angelica and Jesus Melecio Lynette Mendoza

Ilya Merab

Annie and Eric Mercier

Lynne and A. William Meyer

Juliane Millhollin

Naomi and Joel Miroglio ’78

Deidre and Michael Monette Marisol Vargas and Bidaori Mora

Jaime Moreno

Morgan Stanley Gift Fund

Roxana and Brian Mundy

Abigail Munoz ’25

Matthew and Elizabeth Munoz ’90

Valeska and Daryl Muromoto

Catherine and Brendan Murphy

Network For Good - Grants Department

Laura Orozco and Felipe Nieto

Bernie and Bob Nisco

Sister Brigid Noonan, OP Kristin Osowski

Jessica Padgett

Nicole Paltrineri ’85 and Dave Richardson

Cynthia Paniagua ’75

Ruth Parker

Sharon Patterson

Melanie Pauly Monterrosa

PayPal Giving Fund

Brett Pedisich ’04

Renee Pompei

Angela and Phillip Powell

Brenda Guzman and Juan Preciado

Matthew Price

Kelly Amormino and Ezra Pucci

Lawrence Puck

Rosemarie Quinlan

Lissette Quintanilla Christine Rampa ’95

Sallie and Michael Ramsey

Lisa Redmon

Winthrop and Marie Reis ’78

Louise and Paul Roberts, Jr. Perla and Cesar Rodriguez

Danielle Roe

Virginia Romero

Hilda and Cecil Ross

Francis and Rallie Rualo Janet and Steve Ruggiero

Elsa Ruiz

Delta Ruscheinsky, MD

Morgan Sanders

Paul Sannella ’80

Thwani and Joshua Satten

Michael Savino ’02

Julie Schindler and Brian Larsen

Danielle and Peter Schmitz ’03

Kevin Schneider

Ted and Sharon Schoenfeld ’77

Sheila Tabilon, MD and Christopher Schultz, MD

55 FALL 2022

Judith and Jon Scudder

Elisa and Kevin Sherburne

Joseph Silva

Eileen Simmons

Jill Sinclair ’99 and David Sinclair ’99

Debbie and Bret Skillings

Victor Smith, Jr.

Amy and Kyle Snoke

Martha and Jesus Solis Sasha Souza

Debra and Saylor Spare Linda and James Srebro, MD

Catherine Stephens Kristin and Mark Stephenson Ashley and Trent Stoppello ’91

Kenneth Tanaka

Donna Tang Catalina and Ernesto Tapia




Janelle and Michael Teichman, DDS

Shauna Chastain and Carlo Teresi Sirikanya Sopaphuncharoen and Tawatchai Thitiprayoonwongse

Michelle Thomas

Tina Thomas

Margaret and William Thompson ’70

Jose Tijero

Helen Peters, Esq. and Stephen Tilley

Jessica Tingey

Mary Ann and Helmut Torok

Huy and Luong Tran ’89

U.S. Province of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Alicia and Alejandro Valdivia Tami Dalen and John Van Hofwegen Luisa Vasquez ’10 Sally and Ali Vaziri, MD

Tricia Vela

Angelique Vitug

Christine and Timothy Walsh, Sr. Meave and Andrew Ward ’91

Anita Webb

Mariann and Manfred Weber

R. Curt and Margaret Williams ’77

Walter and Rocio Wilson ’86

Alex Winske

Sharon and Mitch Wippern

Allyson and Carlo Wood Narisa Woolworth ’99 and Victor Woolworth ’01 Nancy and Scott Wright Melissa Zenaty ’06

Mary Ann and Helmut Torok

Huy and Luong Tran ’89

U.S. Province of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Alicia and Alejandro Valdivia

Tami Dalen and John Van Hofwegen

Luisa Vasquez ’10

Sally and Ali Vaziri, MD

Thank you to those in our community who support our events (CRAB FEST, ACCESS 707, TASTE of Justin-Siena and the Justin-Siena Classic) by attending, bidding on live and silent auctions, or being an underwriting sponsor. Event underwriting sponsors are highlighted in bold.

3 Badge Beverage Corporation

Abbey Carpets Unlimited

Francis Abella

Academy of Danse

Kathleen and AJ Acker

Maria Adams

January and Niazi Al-Zouhbi

Gabriel Alvarado

Nicholas Andrews and Roycia Love

Yonja and Dicran Arnold

Chris Ashworth

B & G Tire of Napa

Agnes and Robert Bailey

Blaire and Connor Banks

Diane and Richard Barbosa

Michael Barron

Marisa and Chris Bartalotti

Lori and Chris Baskerville

Ann and Tom Bassett

Margarita and Kevin Belton

Brian Bennett

Mary Ann Bennett

Rosie and Mike Berger

Josuwa Bernardo ’94

Diane and Ralph Bettencourt

Jeanne Beutecale

George and Amanda Bevan ’96

Danielle Bier

Millie and Kurt Binz

Richard Blach

Mary and Wayne Blakley





Robert Blanusa and Lora Blanusa, MD

Lori Hunt and Dean Bledsoe

Stephanie Blumenson

Julie and Charles Boles

Lissa Gibbs and Peter Borck

Maureen and Alok Bose, MD

Kimberly Bowden

Rob Bowers

Claire and William Boyd, Sr. Jay Brazil

Kay and Roger Bresnahan

Keri and Chad Briskovich

Lincoln Brook and Jeanne Edwards

Patrick Brooks

Yvette and Matthew Buoncristiani ’90

Dianne Harris, MD and Edward Cain, MD

Linda Luka-Calbert and Larry Calbert

Carol Campagna and Lefteris Dennis

Peter Campbell

Kristi and Thomas Carey ’86

Clifton Cartwright

Charito Cervantes

Jennifer and Ken Chapman

Phillip and Kelly Charmas ’95

Michael and Heather Chatagnier Emily and David Ciabattari

Eric and Peggy Clayton

Janice and Jon Clifton

Dan Cocilova

Jennifer and Robert Cohee

Lori and Brian Conway

Erica Conway, DDS Tina and Michael Cox ’86

Sasha and Heath Craig CTS Fitness & Performance

Heather Dahlene

Sarah and Michael Dale Monique and Hugh Davies Claire and Kevin Daw ’75

Sandy and Chris Day

Angelica de Vere and Paul Mabray Denise and Matt DeFina Meredith and Tracy Del Dotto Dawn and Matthew Denkin ’92 Marilyn and Jackson Dennis Dern Estate Vineyard Kris Dern ’03

Whitney Dern Ashley and John Derr

Veronica Favela-Diaz and Edgar Diaz Andi Didion-Brown

Mary and William Dodd, Jr. ’74

Michele and Paul Dold Jason and Megan Dominici ’92

Debra and Mark Dommen

Dawn Dooley

Kim and William Dougherty Alison and Justin Dragoo Angela and Douglas Due Harvest and John Duhig

Carmen and James Dunbar Jeanne Durrant

Tricia Vela Angelique Vitug and Timothy Walsh, Sr. Meave and Andrew Ward ’91 Webb and Manfred Weber Curt and Margaret Williams ’77 Walter and Rocio Wilson ’86 Alex Winske Sharon and Mitch Wippern Allyson and Carlo Wood Narisa Woolworth ’99 and Victor Woolworth ’01 Nancy and Scott Wright Melissa Zenaty ’06

Chanin Cook and Jonathan Edie

Brandon Emana and Angelina Caballero

Brette Bartolucci and Frank Engelbert

Kathleen Ervin

Adona Nacapuy-Esperanza and Ronnie Esperanza

Traci and Christopher Estes

Mary Euser ’77 and Andrew Euser ’78

Michele and Ed Farver

Favela’s Mexican Grill

Dave and Christien Ficeli

Stephanie Fidler ’97 and Christopher Fidler ’02

Karen and Joseph Fischer

Kirsten and Thomas Flaherty

Andrea and Ramiro Flores

Fontanella Family Winery

Karen and Jeff Fontanella

Gianna Furina and Mark Herold

Lisa and Patrick Galetto

Krista and Michael Galyen

Sarah Fedaie and Diego Garcia ’94

Jennifer Gass ’93

Janice and Truman Gates

Patrick Gaul

Georgann and Joe Geist

Jeffrey and Caroline Gerlomes ’79

Lesley and Michael Giovannelli

Carolina and Yannick Girardo

Debbie and Paul Giusto, Jr. Pamela and Patrick Gleeson ’85

Golden Moment


Golden Gate Sotheby’s Intl Realty

Shawn Golden

Amy Goleno ’96 and Kyle Goleno ’95

Elaine and Douglas Gomez

Amparo and Eric Gonzales

The Gonzales Group Merrill Lynch

Wealth Management

Goosecross Cellars

Robin and Ryan Granko

Gray Whale Gin

Sara Grigsby-Marmol

Tina Grillos

Nikole and Christian Grimshaw ’89

Dennis Groth

Eileen and Benjamin Guerard

Jason and Kristen Guiducci, CPA ’93

Pedro Guzman

Molly Gyetvan

Marcia Hadeler

Christopher and Sarah Hansen ’92 Colleen and James Harder

Doris and Ryan Harrison ’02

Elizabeth and Marshall Hart

Laura and Shawn Heffernan Jennifer and Marc Hefner

Laura Brooks and David Helms Meaghan Hengehold

Lauren and Alexander Hesser Casey and Mark Hiddleson, M.D. Michelle and Matthew Hileman Melissa and Micah Hinkle

Andria Hobaugh

Gary Hobaugh

Barbara and Danny Hoffert

Raymond and Caitlin Honeywell ’01

Anna Hopkins and Lyndsey Vogel

Jacqueline and Kevin Houston

Sean Hummer and Michele Wilson

Maché and Christopher Indelicato

Intersect Capital

Danielle Jackson

Monica and Mark Jacobson

James Cole Winery

Jennifer Grimes & Associates

Ben Jewell, MD

John Derr Farming Company, LLC

Rebecca and Bradley Johnson

Sue and Jason Johnson

Kimberly and Clinton Jones

Suzanne Groth Jones and Kimball Jones

Joseph A McNeill Real Estate Services

Justin-Siena High School Foundation

Cristy and Sean Kaer

Claudia and Kevin Kalten

Lindsay Keller ’95 and James Keller ’94

Victoria and Mark Keller

Keller Family Real Estate

Laura Kelley-Weakley and Charles Weakley

Kelly & Morgan Architects

Holly Kelly, MD and Andrew Kelly, MD

Kerry Morgan and Paul Kelly, III

57 FALL 2022
Villaruel captures the essence of the Class of 1972 at the All Saints Day Mass and Golden Diploma celebration

Jason King

Karron and Roger Koehler

Amanda and Dennis Kreps

Cecile and Richard Kruse

Mark L’Esperance

Michael Laukert

Deborah and Paul Lawrence

Julia and Michael Lazzara

Le Reve Design & Associates

Anale and Kevin Lemieux

Ashley Lesti ’05

Lito Auto Body, Inc.

Colleen Townsend and Charles Love

Susan Lyle

Jenifer and Scott Machado

Jane Mackenzie

Angelica Gonzalez and Ismael Magallanes, Jr.

Yilisabo Bon and Amadeo Maldonado

Malloy Imrie & Vasconi

Insurance Services, LLC

Rachelle and Art Manalo

Maya Mancuso ’09

Manfred & Hunt, LLP

Tracy Martin

Jeffrey and Mary Martindale

Susana De La Cruz and Victor Martinez

Steve Matthis

Diana and James McAuliffe

Ingrid and Frederick McNicoll

Sarah and Kevin Melanephy Ann and John Mendonsa

Jennifer Menges

Curtis Menzel

Annie and Eric Mercier

Dianna and Scott Messenger

Suzanne Foss and Kurt Meyers

Shawn Miller

Juliane Millhollin

Susan Millhollin

Eileen Mize

Model Bakery

Modern Method Roofing Co., Inc.

Deidre and Michael Monette

Manbin and George Monteverdi, Ph.D. ’86

Henry Morris

Adrian Arroyo-Moye and Matthew Moye Matthias Mueller

Roxana and Brian Mundy

Myles Davis Electric

Napa Grocery Outlet

Napa Recycling & Waste Service

Marietta and James Natuzzi

Elizabeth Nawrocki-Fenton

Juliette and Christopher Neeb Nathan and Christy Negri ’87

Britt and Walter Newell

Laura Orozco and Felipe Nieto Brian Nieves

Marissa Nokes and Paul Villegas

Melinda Nokes

Dan Nunes

Chris and Stephanie O’Brien ’81 Monika O’Sullivan

Karen Hauser and Christopher Padowan Deven and Justin Paniagua ’03

Jeanine and Ryan Parlett Dina and Anil Patel

Jerri Patton

Melanie Pauly Monterrosa Katie and Jake Pietrowski

Pintail Roofing Claire and Aaron Pott Jamie and Matt Powell Angela and Phillip Powell Ritsa and Ryan Preston Valerie and Gary Prince ’79

Erin Przybylinski

Miriam and Juan Puentes, Sr. Sarah and Robert Pursell Kathryn and Philip Pyrce Suzanne and Aron Quinlan ’93

Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc. Joe and Gina Rasler ’89

Krisi Raymond

Jessica Reinell

Denise Renteria ’87 and Oscar Renteria ’85

Bob Ricard

Magdalena Robles Marisabel Olguin ’94 and Jess Romero ’77

Virginia Romero

Delta Ruscheinsky, MD Erin and Brian Russell Ryan Mobile Bottling LP

Morgan Sanders

Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Whitney and Michael Sangiacomo ’87 Connie and Steven Sangiacomo Julie Schindler and Brian Larsen Tasha and Matthew Schmitz ’01 Danielle and Peter Schmitz ’03 Lisa and David Schuemann Stephen Schug

Sheila Tabilon, MD and Christopher Schultz, MD

Gia Scinto and Jeffrey Lloyd John and Christina Sciocchetti Judith and Jon Scudder Allison and August Sebastiani, II ’98

Senior Helpers North Bay Lissa and Roger Severe

Timothy Shaw

Kathryn and Patrick Shea Martine Sheets

Issac Shehadeh Elisa and Kevin Sherburne Brigit and Barry Shotts

Nicholas and Shawn Simon ’82

Jill Sinclair ’99 and David Sinclair ’99

Clifton Slack

Donna Slate

Elizabeth Robertis Smith and Charles Smith

Kate and Edward Smith

Pamela Smith

Vic Smith

Victor Smith, Jr. Marcia and Vincent Smith

Amy and Kyle Snoke

Lisa and Michael Soldati Sasha Souza

Debra and Saylor Spare Amy Jullien and Michael Spiegel

Blanca Rodriguez and Herb Starks

State Farm Insurance

Kimberly Streblow ’82 and Jeffrey Streblow ’77 Tina and Jeff Stricklin

Jennifer and Matthew Sunseri ’86

Catalina and Ernesto Tapia Taramasso Ranch, LLC

Janelle and Michael Teichman, MD

The Donum Estate

The Lux Productions, LLC Michelle Thomas Virginia Thomas

Margaret and William Thompson ’70 Luanne and Jim Tierney

Kristilee and Steven Todd, Jr. Linda and Josh Trainor

Trancas Steakhouse

Alicia and Alejandro Valdivia DeeAnn Valine ’89 and Matthew Valine ’89

Van Winden Nursery, LLC

Sally and Ali Vaziri, MD

Edlira Muratas and Keith Velleca John Venegas Michelle Venegas Darla Viau

Gloria and Pei Wang A. Jeannette and Scott Webber April and Richard Webster Robin and Todd Wenzel Chad Wildman ’99

Douglas and Karyn Williams ’85 Susan and Clint Wilsey Narisa Woolworth ’99 and Victor Woolworth ’01 Lucas Wurz

Melissa Zenaty ’06 Wendy and Richard Zitter Ursula Zopp

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 610 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

= Indicates deceased


That’s the Ticket

Lori Hunt and Dean Bledsoe Parents of Hunter Bledsoe ’23

At Justin-Siena, we often talk about philanthropy being how we share our gifts of time, talent, or treasure with the school. For Lori Hunt and Dean Bledsoe their giving embodies every aspect of philanthropy. From their participation in Braves Alliance via Manfred & Hunt, LLP and Pintail Roofing, to the hours spent volunteering for athletics, especially basketball and track & field, performing arts, and advancement events such as the Fortinet Championship and TASTE of Justin-Siena, Lori and Dean have always supported the causes that they care about.

As dependable volunteers and corporate sponsors at St. John’s Lutheran, it just made sense for them to continue their support at Justin-Siena. They shared, “Hunter ’23 has thrived at Justin-Siena and we are so appreciative for the love and support he receives here. So for us, it’s just natural to show our thanks.” An additional benefit of their philanthropy has been getting to know so many families at Justin-Siena. Lori noted, “Justin-Siena has been a natural and wonderful extension of the community spirit we felt at St. John’s Lutheran, and we look forward to continuing to be part of this Justin-Siena family long after our son graduates.”

59 FALL 2022


Loyal donors create a strong foundation of financial support for each academic year by including Justin-Siena in their annual philanthropy. The commitment of these donors helps Justin-Siena carry forth its mission of educating students in the Lasallian tradition. These donors demonstrate unwavering commitment to this mission, the traditions upon which Justin-Siena was built, and enrich the education of each student attending JustinSiena today.


Claire and Kevin Daw ’75

The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation

Barbara and Danny Hoffert Lori and Daniel Lemieux ’73

Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name


Han-Fen and Edward Allen Agnes and Robert Bailey Annick Bouldt

Georgine Clarke

Tami Dalen and John Van Hofwegen Cindy and Ronnie Gray Helen and Thomas McDermott


Margarita and Kevin Belton

Clare and Christopher Berghout Michele and Ed Farver

Jan Lee and Dennis Fechter

Karen and William Foster

Debra and Tim Garcia

Jeffrey and Caroline Gerlomes ’79

James and Theresa Heim

Heather and Andrew Hodges, EdD

Danielle and David Holquin

Raymond and Caitlin Honeywell ’01

Leanne and Steve Iund

Bonnie Karrigan

Kiwanis Club of Napa Foundation

Elizabeth and Michael Minigan

Napa Valley Community Foundation

Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association

Jill Sinclair ’99 and David Sinclair ’99 Lisa and Michael Soldati Darla Viau


Haitelenisia and Vaea Anitoni

Mike and Patricia Ashauer ’79

Marisa and Chris Bartalotti

Kristi and Thomas Carey ’86

Michael and Francine Chouinard ’75

Emily and David Ciabattari

Kathryn Holder, MD and David Danzeisen, MD

De La Salle Institute

Jody and Dennis Drummond

Lea and Thomas Durante ’93

Far Niente Winery

Jon Favreau and Joya Favreau, MD ’88

Alma and Raul Gallegos

Berenice Garvan

Lauren and Alexander Hesser

Patrick Kiser ’84

Martha McClellan and Robert Levy

Mary’s Pizza Shack

Cynthia and Simon Rebullida

Morgan Sanders

Whitney and Michael Sangiacomo ’87 Tasha and Matthew Schmitz ’01

The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation

Brother Kevin Slate, FSC

Alicia and Alejandro Valdivia R. Curt and Margaret Williams ’77


Amazon Foundation

Archielah and Felton Arcia

Julie and Hector Barba Lori and Chris Baskerville Ann and Tom Bassett

Richard and Katherine Batt ’78

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Maci and Andrew Bettencourt ’02 Millie and Kurt Binz

Boeschen Vineyards

Julie and Charles Boles

Maureen and Alok Bose

Peter Bowman

Jeri and Edmond Brovelli, Jr. Chappellet Vineyard and Winery Phillip and Kelly Charmas ’95

Sasha and Heath Craig Tiffany and John Davis

Kristen and Matthew Duncan Eden and Faustino Edora, Jr. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Kristen and Thomas Flaherty Andrea and Ramiro Flores

Deborah Geary

Debbie and Paul Giusto, Jr. Pamela and Patrick Gleeson ’85 Elaine and Douglas Gomez Amparo and Eric Gonzales Groth Vineyards and Winery Jason and Kristen Guiducci, CPA ’93 Heidi Harrison and Philip Slater Lila and Justin Hayes

Aileen Heidkamp

Donna and Michael Hein

Marlene and Darrel Howatt

Monica and Mark Jacobson Dyan and Dylan James

Suzanne Groth Jones and Kimball Jones

Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz and Edward Katz, II

Tamara and Edward Kawashiri

Holly Kelly, MD and Andrew Kelly, MD

Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation Shana and Mark Lenz

Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services, LLC

Lorene and Peter McCaffrey Denae and Michael McDevitt Pilar and Dwight Meier

Kristen and George Minardos

David Miner

Manbin and George Monteverdi, PhD ’86

Napa Electric

Nathan and Christy Negri ’87

Nancy and George Nessman

Laura Orozco and Felipe Nieto

Cynthia Paniagua ’75

Jeanine and Ryan Parlett

Kimberly and David Phinney

Jamie and Matthew Powell

Lawrence Puck

Kathryn and Philip Pyrce Rosemarie Quinlan

Joe and Gina Rasler ’89

Winthrop and Marie Reis ’78 Reynolds Family Winery Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Schramsberg Vineyards

Lisa and David Schuemann Sheila Tabilon, M.D. and Christopher Schultz, M.D. Schwab Charitable Fund Eileen Simmons

Martha and Jesus Solis Claire and Arthur Spencer Linda and James Srebro, MD

Orin Swift Cellars

Meave and Andrew Ward ’91



The following individuals and businesses provide support for special events and gatherings that fund capital improvements, student programs, and foster community engagement on and off the Justin-Siena campus. We are grateful for the incredible in-kind donations received during the 2021-22 school year.

3 Badge Beverage Corporation

Ace & Vine

Aileron Estates

McKenzie L. Amaral ’16

Arkenstone Vineyards

Caroline and Anthony Baldini, Jr. ’84

Marisa L. Bartalotti

Kevin J. Belton

Bistro Don Giovanni

Black Stallion Estate Winery

Boeschen Vineyards

BRAND Napa Valley

Brockmeyer Family Wines

Bucella Wines

Yvette and Matthew Buoncristiani ’90

Buoncristiani Family Winery

Campus Kitchens, LLC

Camrose Wine Co. and Calazor Wine Co.

Caymus Vineyards

Celaya Law

Century Oak Winery

Chappellet Winery

Chardonnay Golf Club

Christian Brothers Retreat & Conference Center

Chuck’s Flavor Train

Clif Lede Vineyards

Cole’s Chop House

Compass Litho, Inc.

CRISP Kitchen & Juice

Monique and Hugh Davies

Angelica de Vere and Paul Mabray

De Fina Family Cellars

Delicato Family Vineyards

Della Santina’s designthis!

Jason and Megan Dominici ’92

Don Sebastiani and Sons

The Donum Estate

Alison and Justin Dragoo

Fairway Mortgage - The Coakley Whitlock Group

Far Niente Winery

Michele and Ed Farver

Fatted Calf

Favela’s Mexican Grill

Fayard Winemaking

Flora Springs Winery

Floradanica Floral Design

Fontanella Family Winery

Foodshed Take Away

Frog’s Leap Winery

Fume Bistro and Bar

Gianna Furina and Mark Herold

Krista and Michael Galyen

Gentleman Farmer Wines

Gabrielle M. George ’23

Golden State Warriors

Goosecross Cellars

Grace Provisions

Ray Graziani

Peter and Katie Green ’93

Green Valley Country Club

Grgich Hills Estate

Rosemarie Grimmer

Groth Vineyards and Winery

Patz & Hall Winery

Harlan Estate

Hess Persson Estates

Highway 12 Winery

Jacqueline and Kevin Houston

Megan Howell ’12 and Bee Co Bags

Il Posto Trattoria

Maché and Christopher Indelicato

JaM Cellars

James Cole Winery

Jax Diner

Johnny Smith Group

Justin-Siena LEAP Families

Kamen Estate Wines

Kapcsándy Family Winery

Patrick Kellaher

Lawler’s Liquors

Lede Family Wines

Laura Garcia and Jose Lepe

Levy & McClellan

Lichen Estate

Lloyd Cellars

Madonna Estate Winery

Jakob Madsen ’18

Mare Island Brewing Company

Annemarie H. Mendonsa ’12

Menegon Catering

Mi Sueño Winery

Miguelena Studio

Miracle Hill Vineyards, LLC

Mustards Grill

Napa Palisades Saloon

Napa Valley 1839 FC

Napa Valley Coffee Roasting Co

NapaSport SteakHouse Naysayer Coffee Roasters

Rose Neves

Olive and Poppy

One Market Restaurant

Orin Swift Cellars

OVID Napa Valley

PAINT Nail Bar Napa Valley

Palmaz Vineyards


Patent Wines

Pilates Napa Valley

Pink Jeep Tours

Helia and Bernard Portet Pott Wine

Pride Mountain Vineyards Quintessential, LLC

Gina Rasler ’89

Redmon Wines

Marco Rendon

Reynolds Family Winery

Ristorante Allegria

Roy’s Landscaping Inc.

Saltery Adventures, LLC. Shannon and Richard Salvestrin ’82 San Francisco Giants

Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Schramsberg Vineyards

Katherine and Don Sebastiani, Jr. ’95 Shafer Vineyards

Colette Slate

Sling It! Lacrosse

Silverado Resort and Spa

Elizabeth Robertis Smith and Charles Smith

Kate and Ted Smith

Lisa and Michael Soldati

Martha and Jesus Solis

Sonoma Golf Club

Sonoma Harvest Suppertime

Sheila Tabilon, M.D. and Christopher Schultz, M.D.

TOR Napa Valley Trade Brewing Vineyard 29

Westin Verasa Napa Doug and Karyn Williams ’85

The Wine Thief

Amanda and David Wright Robert Yeend ZD Wines

61 FALL 2022


These gifts offer a unique opportunity for our benefactors to assist in fulfilling our mission. Benefactors can establish in perpetuity, an endowed scholarship fund in their own name, a family name, or in memory or in honor of a loved one. On behalf of the students supported by these scholarships in the 2021-22 fiscal year, we thank you.

Frederick & Victoria Carlson Memorial Scholarship

Martha and Roger Carlson, MD

Owen Euser Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Richard and Katherine Batt ’78

Annick Bouldt

Mary and William Dodd, Jr. ’74

Mary Euser ’77 and Andrew Euser ’78

Lisa Feudner

Jeanette and Greg Gerlomes

James and Laura Gholson ’77

Sarah Gianelli

Jennifer and Ted Giaquinto Lois Glazier

Deborah Janeck

Miriam Keown ’82 and Timothy Keown ’82

Molly and Tom LeMasters

Helen and Thomas McDermott

Nancy and Rick Medeiros

Bob and Bernie Nisco Cade Olbricht

Kristin Osowski

Patricia Parks

Platinum Cargo Logistics

Danielle Roe Hilda and Cecil Ross Janet and Steve Ruggiero


Paul Sannella ’80

Kevin Schneider Ventura Foods Gail and Jack Zeller

David J. Holquin Endowed Scholarship Fund

Tanya and Samir Berbawy

Dianne Harris, MD and Edward Cain, MD The Doctors Company

Richard Janese Scholarship Fund

Ronnie and Cindy Gray Daria Janese and Teresa Johnson Bonnie Karrigan

Brother Conrad Kearney Memorial Scholarship Rosemarie Quinlan

Shannon Lemieux Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Marlene and Darrel Howatt Lori and Daniel Lemieux ’73

Minigan Family Endowed Scholarship Fund Schwab Charitable Fund

Robert C. Moorish Memorial Scholarship Fund

Han-Fen and Edward Allen

Claire and Kevin Daw ’75 Meave and Andrew Ward ’91

Louis Pierotti ’72 Scholarship

Lucy Allen ’72 and Tom Sillen

William Ashbey

Agnes and Robert Bailey Donald and Janet Botill ’72 Henry McNeely, MD ’72

Jess Romero Scholarship

Robert Romero, Esq. ’81

Damian Vela, MD Candle of Knowledge Scholarship Benevity Community Impact Fund Tricia Vela

Veronica Zimmerman ’09 Memorial Scholarship

Scott Carter Amy Geiger Barbara Geiger

Donna and Michael Hein Bianca and John Zimmermann, MD

Members of the Class of 2022 were awarded the following community scholarships recognizing outstanding student achievement in academics, service, the arts, and athletics. We are grateful for the community’s support.

Alaina’s Voice Foundation Scholarship

John Biale ’77 Memorial Scholarship

California Scholarship Federation (5)

Dr. Cannon Memorial Scholarship

Community Projects, Inc. Scholarship (3)

Richard Janese Memorial Scholarship

Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa (2)

Kiwanis Club of Napa Scholarship (3)

Napa County Landmarks

Shannon Nicole Lemieux Memorial Arts Scholarship

Shannon Nicole Lemieux Memorial Aquatic Scholarship (2)

North Bay Association of REALTORS®

Napa County Bar Association Scholarship (2)

Napa County Farm Bureau Foundation

Aldo Delfino Memorial Scholarship; in partnership with Jack L. Davies Ag Land Preservation Fund Scholarship

Napa Valley College Foundation (4)

Napa Valley Community FoundationJulian Weidler Business Scholarship

Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Scholarship

Napa Valley Marathon Scholarship (3)

National Honor Society Scholarship (2)

Brother Daniel O’Connor Memorial Scholarship

Portuguese Historical and Cultural Society

The Presentation School Scholarship

Rotary Club of Napa Scholarship (Napa Noontime Rotary)

Patrick Savage Memorial Scholarship

August Sebastiani Scholarship (2)

Paul Sheffer Memorial Scholarship

Kathleen Frances Springer Memorial Scholarship

Sonoma Valley Republican Women Scholarship Vickie Swim Scholarship (3)

Eric Wolfe ’75 Memorial Scholarship



Special Place



Quality education begins in the classroom with the relationships that exist among our students and staff at Justin-Siena on our beautiful 40-acre campus. Located adjacent to the Colin Chadwick ’08 Team Center, the Guerrero Family Plaza was donated in full by Tita and Roy Guerrero, owners of Roy’s Landscaping Inc. This 4,000 square foot common space now includes lush landscaping, seating, and a viewing area for tennis.

The Guerreros have always felt a special affection for our community. They credit JustinSiena’s faculty and staff for developing their children into effective thinkers, communicators, and collaborators, while finding joy in serving others. Additionally, the Guerreros noted, “at Justin-Siena, our children were encouraged to approach life with a growth mentality and to be lifelong learners.” When asked why they engage in philanthropy, Fausta and Roy explained, “It is an honor for us to leave a mark on the school so that our children, through the years, return to those Lasallian Catholic values; we can be an example from generation to generation. For our family, being able to support the community fills our hearts.”

63 FALL 2022
Fausta (Tita) & Rogelio (Roy) Guerrero Alumni parents of Cielo ’20 and Giancarlo ’22


This year’s Fund-A Need efforts supported the upgrade of the Dodd Stadium sound system, Siena Hall and Theatre AV equipment, and a new baseball field scoreboard.

Thomas Anthony

Diane and Richard Barbosa

Lori and Chris Baskerville

Rosie and Mike Berger

Millie and Kurt Binz

Mary and Wayne Blakley

Lori Hunt and Dean Bledsoe

Clifton Cartwright

Brittany and Brian Cassayre ’98

Dave Cello

Dan Cocilova

Angelica de Vere and Paul Mabray

Elizabeth DeBonis ’03 and Joshua DeBonis ’98

Ashley and John Derr

Michele and Paul Dold Kim and William Dougherty

Alison and Justin Dragoo

Harvest and John Duhig

Lea and Thomas Durante ’93

Megan and Colby Eierman

Kathleen Ervin

Christien and Dave Ficeli

Stephanie Fidler ’97 and Christopher Fidler ’02

Kirsten and Thomas Flaherty

Andrea and Ramiro Flores

Janet and Kent Fortner

West Gass

Patrick Gaul

Debbie and Paul Giusto, Jr. Pamela and Patrick Gleeson ’85

Amy Goleno ’96 and Kyle Goleno ’95 Elaine and Douglas Gomez


Amparo and Eric Gonzales

Molly Gyetvan

Colleen and James Harder

Karen Hauser and Christopher Padowan

Jennifer and Marc Hefner

Kathryn Hoff ’70

Barbara and Danny Hoffert

Raymond and Caitlin Honeywell ’01

Michele Wilson and Sean Hummer

Maché and Christopher Indelicato

Monica and Mark Jacobson

Suzanne Groth Jones and Kimball Jones

Justin-Siena High School Foundation

Cristy and Sean Kaer

Laura Kelley-Weakley and Charles Weakley

Holly Kelly, MD and Andrew Kelly, MD

Karron and Roger Koehler

Amanda and Dennis Kreps Mary and Lars Lund

Christine and Timothy Malloy ’87

Lani and Steven Manasse ’85

Annie and Eric Mercier Dianna and Scott Messenger

Suzanne Foss and Kurt Meyers

Deidre and Michael Monette

Manbin and George Monteverdi, Ph.D. ’86

Stephen Murphy

Michael Murray ’78

Napa Valley 1839 FC

James and Marietta Natuzzi Nancy and George Nessman Britt and Walter Newell


IN HONOR OF Steve Moulds

Napa Valley Community Foundation

IN MEMORY OF Mary Bettencourt

Richard and Katherine Batt ’78

Annick Bouldt

Mary and William Dodd, Jr. ’74

Mary Euser ’77 and Andrew Euser ’78

Lisa Feudner

Jeanette and Greg Gerlomes

James and Laura Gholson ’77

Sarah Gianelli

Jennifer and Ted Giaquinto

Lois Glazier

Deborah Janeck

Miriam Keown ’82 and Timothy Keown ’82

Molly and Tom LeMasters Helen and Thomas McDermott

Nancy and Rick Medeiros

Bob and Bernie Nisco

Cade Olbricht

Kristin Osowski

Patricia Parks Platinum Cargo Logistics

Danielle Roe Cecil and Hilda Ross

Janet and Steve Ruggiero

Paul Sannella ’80

Kevin Schneider

Ventura Foods

Gail and Jack Zeller

Laura Orozco and Felipe Nieto

Christopher Padowan and Karen Hauser

Andrea and David Perata ’80

Kimberly and David Phinney

Claire and Aaron Pott

Jamie and Matt Powell

Angela and Phillip Powell

Sarah and Robert Pursell

Suzanne and Aron Quinlan ’93

Virginia Romero

Whitney and Michael Sangiacomo ’87

Julie Schindler and Brian Larsen

Danielle and Peter Schmitz ’03

Allison and August Sebastiani, II ’98

Elisa and Kevin Sherburne

Kate and Edward Smith

Victor Smith, Jr.

Amy and Kyle Snoke

Lisa and Michael Soldati

Sasha Souza

Debra and Saylor Spare

Amy Jullien and Michael Spiegel

Blanca Rodriguez and Herb Starks

Janelle and Michael Teichman, DDS

The Doctors Company

The Tatjana Grgich Family Foundation

Alicia and Alejandro Valdivia

Darla Viau

Douglas and Karyn Williams ’85

Narisa Woolworth ’99 and Victor Woolworth ’01

Melissa Zenaty ’06

Ursula Zopp

Nancy Brace Davis

Carolyn and James Cassayre

Barbara Gleeson

Gary Van Dam

Adelbert J. Ianziti

Kevin and Joanne Lely ’74

Mary Ann Janese

Cindy and Ronnie Gray

Craig Moreno ’70

Ellen Frediani ’75

Eric Padgett

Kevin and Joanne Lely ’74

William Frank Rossi

Virginia Romero

A gift to the Honor-Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The recipient of an Honor-Memorial gift will be remembered in the prayers of the
community at the regular Masses and Prayer Services throughout the
school year.

In Memory

Our thoughts and prayers are with these members of our Braves family.

Bill Hardy

We pay our respects to and remember longtime Justin-Siena Mock Trial Coach Bill Hardy. An attorney and ardent believer in the power of quality education, Bill coached our Mock Trial team for over 10 years. Alongside Coach Chuck Dell’Ario, Bill took pride in experiencing our students capture nine consecutive county championships - a streak that is still active today.

Current Mock Trial Moderator Andy Hodges recounts that “Bill touched the lives of dozens of our Mock Trial students over the course of leading Justin-Siena to repeated Napa County championships. Bill’s great sense of humor, kindness, and intellect were meaningful to Justin-Siena students. Because of his tutelage, our students have attended some of the country’s most prestigious universities, and gone on to serve and lead in diverse and successful careers.”

In appreciation of the legacy that Bill leaves, join us in praying for him, his wife Lona, and the family and friends who are mourning the loss of this exceptional husband, father, grandfather, attorney, mentor, and friend. Those who wish to make donations in Bill’s memory, may do so towards the recently established “William Hardy & Alan Charles Dell’Ario Scholarship.” Started in the fall of 2021, the William Hardy & Alan Charles Dell’Ario Scholarship was created in support of tuition assistance for our students and their families.

Mary Laura Bettencourt died peacefully on March 7, surrounded by her family. She was 90. A native of Napa, Mary Murray married the love of her life, Nelson Bettencourt, Jr. in 1952. They were the proud parents of 5 children, 11 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. Mary is survived by her sister, Anne Goodsell; her children Valerie Grinsell ’71, Nelson Bettencourt III ’74, Michela Euser ’77, Katie Batt ’78, and Caroline Gerlomes ’79; grandchildren Wood and Zuleika Grinsell, Amber Bettencourt, Briana Larson, Anneka Meza, Cecilie Euser, Br. Philip Neri Gerlomes, OP ’10, Mary Keown ’11, Robert ’18 and Emily Batt ’20; and great grandchildren August Grinsell, Gino and Dominic Larson, and Miriam Keown. Mary’s loving spirit and sense of humor will continue to guide all who knew her.

Brian Daw ’79 passed away unexpectedly on November 11, 2022. He is survived by his wife Laurie LaVaque Daw ’81; his brother Kevin ’75; sisters Cathy ’76, Mary ’77, Anne ’78, Barbara ’80, and Beth ’82; and nephews and niece Michael ’97, John ’99, and Cara ’03.

Jorge D. Dominguez passed away unexpectedly on October 28, 2022. Jorge was a friend to everyone he met. He was ready to help anyone with anything at a moment’s notice. He was a loving husband, father, son, brother and recently an amazing grandfather. Jorge is survived by his wife, Gina; his children Anthony, Jessica, Isaac, and Mateo ’26; grandson, Lucas; mother, Magdalena; and siblings, Maribel, Guadalupe, Esmeralda, and Salvador.

David Evans passed away May 2, 2022, from pulmonary fibrosis. Born in 1937, in Rockville, IL, Dave is survived by his wife of 50 years, Kit; their daughter Lisa Evans Sennott ’90, and grandchildren, Marley ’24 and Jack Sennott.

Louis Fernando Flores passed away on September 13, 2022, in his Napa home. Louis had a lifelong passion for justice and advocacy for farmworkers, their families, and others in need. Born in 1931, Louis is survived by children Miguel Flores, Luis Flores, Jr., Kevin Flores ’77, Kelly Flores-Nixon, and Kimura Flores ’80; 12 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.

Barbara Gleeson passed away on January 5, 2022. Born in 1933, in Duluth, MN, Barb was married for 66 incredible years to Jerry Gleeson. Jerry subsequently passed away only two months following Barb’s death. She is survived by their seven children, Tom ’75, Mary Kate ’77, Beth ’78, Meg ’80, Mike ’82, Jim ’83, and Patrick ’85, and several grandchildren. Barb found her joy, peace, and comfort in her dedication to serving others.

Jerry Gleeson passed away on March 17, 2022, two months after losing the love of his life, Barbara. Born in 1931, Jerry and his wife Barbara moved to Napa in 1970, after having seven wonderful children. Jerry was all about family, faith, humor, and food.

Thomas Howard Lowenstein passed away on July 7, 2022, in Napa, CA. Born in 1942, Tom is survived by his wife Janice, and children Tom ’83, Jennifer ’87, and Amanda ’94; grandchildren Jonah, Jaden, and Nathan ’21; Chase, David and Eva Eaton; and great-granddaughter Sophie Granata. Tom was extremely committed in the Napa Community and an active parishioner at St. Apollinaris Catholic Church.

65 FALL 2022

Timothy (Pete) Peterson ’75 passed away on August 30, 2022, following a long illness. Born in 1957, Pete graduated from Justin-Siena High School and California State University, Chico. Retired for the past few years, he enjoyed playing golf and even had a hole in one!

Patricia Anne Shaughnessy passed away peacefully on January 25, 2021, at her home in Napa, surrounded by her many loved ones. Born in San Francisco in 1934, she married Gerald Shaughnessy in 1957, had two daughters, and moved to Napa in 1975. Pat was preceded in death by her loyal husband of 52 years, Jerry. She is survived by her two daughters, Kathy Negri ’76 and Colleen Fretz ’79. She was

Justin-Siena Foundation Board and Legacy Circle

a beloved “Mam” to five grandsons, Tony, Andrew, Danny, Bobby, and Brendan, and an adoring great-grandmother to Stella, Lena, and Alma. In Pat’s memory, her family asks for others to do something kind and generous for someone else!

John Valenzuela, Sr. passed away peacefully on August 29, 2022, in his home in Napa Valley. Born in 1934, John is survived by his beloved wife Nancy and her son Robert Baker, children Stephnia ’72, John ’75, Angelo ’83, Michael, Jimmy; 10 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. John will be remembered for all he has accomplished for the safety and well-being of the people of Napa Valley through his hard work and his time volunteering.

Impact the Future of Justin-Siena with a Planned Gift

The Justin-Siena High School Foundation was established in 1979 to encourage individuals and corporations to gift money and property to Justin-Siena for its operation, development, and long term sustainability. Foundation Board members are volunteers who protect the growth of Justin-Siena’s endowment and ensure the success of the school’s longterm plans, while evangelizing its mission through action and collaboration. While each member brings unique skill sets and expertise to the Foundation Board, it is shared values and charitable interests that perpetuate the group’s impact.

In collaboration with Justin-Siena’s Office of Advancement, the Foundation Board engages with individuals who may want to include Justin-Siena in their planned giving via Justin-Siena’s Legacy Circle.

Members of the Legacy Circle are individuals who recognize the value and importance of deferred giving and commit to long-term contributions.

A planned gift to Justin-Siena could allow you to obtain the following benefits:

• Fulfill your philanthropic goals

• Reap income tax savings through charitable deductions for the value of gifts

• Avoid capital gains taxes on contributions of longterm capital gain property

• Eliminate federal estate tax on the value of the interest in the property eventually passing to charity

• Reduce costs and time in estate planning

Naming Justin-Siena as a beneficiary in your life insurance and retirement plan assets, and making a gift of appreciated market stocks, are additional ways to make a lasting impact through your philanthropy.

Please contact Andrea Flores, Vice President for Advancement, at 707.255.0950 ext. 610, or aflores@justin-siena.org, for more information.

STAYING IN TOUCH To make sure your email information is up-to-date, contact our database manager, Eileen Simmons esimmons@justin-siena.org 4026 MAHER STREET, NAPA, CA 94558 T: 707.255.0950 | F: 707.255.0334 The JS CRAB FEST... February 11 We anticipate another sellout crowd this year. Tickets on sale now. The JS Golf Classic... June 5 (See page 33 for more info) Graduation... June 1 Smile for...

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