1. What is a JVA Pet electric fence?
A JVA Pet electric fence is basically a psychological fear barrier that works on the principle of giving your pet a short, sharp, safe jolt that is sufficiently unpleasant to discourage it from touching the wire again.
2. Is it safe for my pet or child to touch?
The answer is yes.
The JVA Pet electric fence energizer is a low powered, solid state, electronic device that discharges a very short duration pulse of energy down the fence line every second.
The short duration, low energy pulse, coupled with a one second interval between pulses, is what makes the unit safe. Although it is safe we would not recommend placing the system where small children are likely to make contact with it.
3. Is it cruel?
While the Pet electric fence does give your pet a memorable jolt, it is far less cruel than a whipping and does not cause any lasting injuries such as can be caused by barbed wire.
The SPCA has made extensive use of electric fences for animal control.
4. How legal is the system?
The JVA Pet energizer range is a certified legal energizer which complies with the internationally accepted safety standards stipulated in SANS 60335 – 76. However, the fence should be erected within your property and have warning signs displayed.
5. Can I run my pet control fence along my veranda or boundary wall?
The difficulty here is being able to get a good earth return so as to complete the electric fence circuit. Concrete paving is not a good conductor, so the fence will not work effectively if all the wires are live. A live/earth wiring configuration will be needed in poor earthing conditions.
(See page 3)
6. Must an electrician install the system?
No. You do not need an electrician to install the system. By following the simple installation instructions included with the Pet Kit you will have no problem installing it yourself.
7. How far apart can I space my supports?
Being a phycological fear barrier, the fence is light and not physically strong so you can space your supports between 4 and 8 meters apart, just as long as the wires are kept parallel to the ground.
8. How many strands should I install?
A simple rule of thumb is nose height to the animal you intend to control. When training animals start with three strands, and once they are trained you can often get away with a single strand. If there are a variety of pets, you will obviously need more strands.
9. Can I control my other pets and animals?
Yes – all pets, from cats and guinea pigs to gerbils and geese; problem animals such as buck, porcupine and rabbits have all been controlled successfully with a Pet Kit. It even keeps snakes out of aviaries.
10. Do I have to return the fence to the energizer to complete the circuit?
No. The circuit is between the live wire and the ground. It is closed when an animal touches the live wire. In other words, you can run a wire in one direction and simply stop when you reach the point where you want to stop. You do not have to return to the energizer.
11. Can you give me a simple explanation as to how the system works?
This is best done by means of a diagram (See Basic Circuits of an Electric Fence page 3)
An electric fence system comprises of three components: the energizer, the fence line, and the earthing system. When the three are connected together, a circuit is created and the electrons can now flow. If any one of these components is faulty, the whole system will be faulty. When an animal touches the live wire, it closes the circuit, providing a path through which electrons can flow from the red, posi ve terminal of the energizer, through the animal, to the green, nega ve terminal of the energizer. It is this flow of electrons through the animal which gives the shock that the animal experiences. There are two types of electric fence circuits: one is for moist ground condi ons and one is for dry ground condi ons. The reason for this is that moist ground is a good conductor of electrons, while dry ground is not. So, dry ground cannot be relied upon to close the circuit sa sfactorily. Concrete driveways and paving will all have the same effect on the electric fence circuit as dry ground and a live earth wire configura on will be needed in these circumstances.
Circuit for Moist Ground Condi ons – All-Live-Wire
Earth System
Circuit for Dry Ground condi ons Alternate
good conductor –
The dog closes the circuit between the live wire and the moist ground, thereby enabling the electrons to flow back to the energizer, via the dog and the moist ground.
Earth System
The dog closes the circuit between the live wire and the earth return wire, thereby enabling the electrons to flow back to the energizer, via the dog and earth return wire.
Perfect for temporary electric fences, strip grazing, horse riding events, holding paddocks or keeping small wildlife out of the garden, these portable units are easy to use yet pack a kick big enough to hold your animals where you want them. These are the safest of electric fence energizers with output energy limited to a frac on of the maximum allowed by law.
The JVA PET100 Electric Fence Energizer delivers 0.11 joules energy per pulse, whereas the MB1.5 Electric Fence Energizer delivers 1.5 joules energy per pulse. Their innova ve design means you can have versa le portable power from a 12V DC ba ery when needed, or run it from 240V AC mains electricity where that is available. Op onal JVA Solar Kits and external ba eries are available.
JVA offers a range of Solar Powered, Electric Fence Energizers which are ready to operate straight out of the box! A reliable built-in rechargeable ba ery and integrated solar panel, means JVA Solar Energizers are totally portable, with no need for extra ba eries and hardware. Just slide the energizer onto a support post, a ach to the fence and switch it on.
Ø Mains or ba ery powered
Ø Compact design
Ø LED Energizer and fence status indicator
Ø Sealed for ant and moisture protec on
Ø Lightning protec on
Ø Front panel On/Off switch
Ø Easy to mount with just 2 screws
Ø Approved to safety standards
Ø UV stable enclosure
Ø 2-year warranty
Ø Quality crystalline solar panel and internal ba ery
Ø Front panel On/Off switch and LED pulse indicator
Ø Low ba ery indica on
Ø Large easy-to-use fence terminals
Ø Easy moun ng on top of a Y-Standard or U-Bolt to a pole
Ø Sealed for ant and moisture protec on
Ø On the SV5 and SV10, an LCD shows fence voltage, stored energy and ba ery voltage
Ø Auto-Sync technology for safer fences
Ø Internal ba ery included
Ø Mains or ba ery powered
Ø Compact design
Ø Sealed for ant and moisture
protec on
Ø UV stable enclosure
Ø Basic lightning protec on
Ø Power surge protec on
Ø Reverse ba ery protec on
Ø Self rese ng fuse
Ø Solar capability
Ø Ba ery life maximiza on
An economic choice for temporary fencing, featuring stainless steel conductors and UV stabilized yarns; available in white or orange in 200m or 500m rolls
Warning Sign
UV Stabilized with double clips
For lead-out and under g Available in 50m, and 100m rolls
JVA Pet Kit includes
Ø 1 x Energizer
Ø 8 x Fibreglass Poles (8 x 850mm)
Ø 1 x Fence Wire (200m)
Ø 1 x Earth Stake
Ø 1 x Warning Sign
Ø 24 x Springs
Ø 6 x 10mm Ferrules
Ø 10m HT So Cable
Sufficient for 100m of 2-strand fence JVA PET100 complies with SANS 60335 – 76 standards
Fibre Glass Support Rod 850mm
Pet Spring Clips Can be fi ed to support rod at desired height
Ferrule 10mm
Earth Stake 1.2m Hot-dip galvanized reinforced bar with clamp
Planning and Erecting a Fence
Step 1. Plan your fence layout
Consider number of corners and access points, height of the pet/s, number of wires, etc. Support rods are normally spaced every 8m. Where ground is uneven, more rods may be required to prevent pets from creeping underneath. For small pets, rods can be cut in half.
Space the support rods 4 to 8 meters apart ensuring that the wires run parallel to the contours of the ground.
For smaller animals the rods can be cut in half giving more rods for increased fence length.
Step 2. Installing the Pet Rods and Spring Clips
Squeeze each spring and slide it down the rod to the required height for each strand of wire. Note: The live wire should be set at nose height to the pet/s you wish to contain. Knock the rods into the ground. (See Fig 2) Take the support rod 6-8m apart, ensuring that the wires are parallel to the contours of the ground (See Fig 5)
Step 3. Cabling
If you have 2 non-adjacent sites, (See Fig 3) you will require some undergate cable to include both into the circuit. (See Fig 3)
Step 4. Gates
If a walkway requires access through the fence, create a gate using tape and appropriate support rods. (See Fig 4)
Wiring the Fence
Step 5. Threading
Most pet control fences require only live wires. Thread the Poliwire though the Spring Clips, star ng from the energizer and tying off at the last clip in your circuit. In very dry condi ons, an earth wire should be included. (See Fig 5)
All Live:
Using a series circuit, loop the Poliwire from start to finish, clipping the wire through the springs.
Installing the Energizer
The energizer can be powered by mains, ba ery or ba ery with solar charging. Wiring can be all-live or alternate live earth.
Installa on Steps
1. Mount the energizer on a wall or support post.
2. Knock the galvanized earth stake into the ground close to the energizer This stake is key to good earthing and an effec ve fence.
3. Using a piece of insulated wire, connect the green terminal of the energizer to the earth stake.
4. Similarly, connect the red terminal of the energizer to the fence line.
5. Switch on the energizer
1. Check that the energizer is working – It should be cking.
2. If it is not cking, check the power source – Is there load shedding? Is the ba ery flat?
3. Check that the earth stake is s ll intact and not corroded or rusted off.
4. Walk the fence line and check for broken strands, strands touching the earth or being touched by excessive vegeta on, or any bits of metal or other conductors which could 'leak' the power
This robust, unique, versatile, easy-to-install, multi-faceted strainer/corner insulator can be nailed or stapled to a wooden strainer post or pop-riveted onto a metal strainer post.
Lead Joiner
These ready made 1m Crocodile Lead Sets for easy onnec ons and loopings
-Standard X032
Used for moun ng solar units
Gate Break Handle S790
Ø Strong robust body
Ø Positive non-slip grip
Used in conjunction with end/corner strain and gate handle, to complete the current when the gate handle is connected
HT Double Insula
For lead-out and under g Available in 50m, and 100m rolls
Ø High tensile, heavyduty spring compresses, under tension, preventing over stretching
Ø Fully galvanized
JVA Volt Meter Fault Finder
The JVA Fault Finder is a 3-in-1 tool designed specifically for the rapid location of faults on an electric fence line
Ø Animals need me and space to become accustomed to an electric fence.
Ø Do not crowd them or rush them at an electric fence.
Ø Let them find out in their own me that the new fence is hos le.
Ø Make sure that the fence is working properly the first me the animal makes contact with it, so that it learns to respect it.
Ø Explain to your children that the fence 'bites.' If they touch it a er that they'll soon learn to respect your warnings in future!
Ø Easy-to-use, ergonomic transmi er
Ø Rainproof receiver for bad weather training
Ø Rechargeable collar and transmi er
Ø Allows gradual increases in simula on intensity between 0-100 levels
Ø 4 Training modes: sta c shock/vibra on/beep/light
Ø The Petrainer Element 998DR has a 300m range
Ø Two-dog model allows the trainer to control two dogs from one transmi er
Ø Power saving design with automa c standby and memory func on
Ø No external antenna on the collar receiver
Ø Small receiver/collar is ideal for small and medium size dogs
Ø The closer your dog gets to the buried boundary wire, the more intense the shock will become.
Ø A warning sound will be issued first, then a shock stimulus after 4–10 seconds. If your dog continues to move closer to the boundary, the shock stimulus will intensify.
Ø The system allows you to precisely control the width of the signal field.
Ø Should your buried wire ever break, a loud sonic alarm will sound accompanied by a flashing light.
Ø The faster your dog is moving, the quicker the higher level of shock intensity is increased.
Ø The transmitter is protected from power surges caused by lightning strikes.
Ø There is no limit to the number of collars it can control. Add as many collars as you like to contain as many animals as you have.
Ø It has a range of up to 5000 square meteres (over 1.2 acre).
These Anti-Bark collars give a simple, safe, static shock to a dog if it is continually barking. After one or two barks the dog will hear an audible ‘beep' and after a further bark it will receive a safe shock. Continued barking will result in more shocks. The collar is an excellent tool to effectively train a dog to stop barking continuously. The collars are available in various models.
Ø Has rechargeable batteries
Ø Waterproof
Ø Vibration Mode (V) warning prior to the stimulation
Ø 7 shock intensity levels (2-7) for a wide variety of dogs dispositions (to adjust for background noise and growling)
Ø Multi-Colour LED Battery Life Indicator
Ø Supplied with Light Testing Tool to check the shock
Ø CE/ROHS approved
An -Bark Collar – Econo
Ø Economical shock collar – (batteries cannot be recharged)
Ø Well priced, one-size-fits-all design
Ø Non-waterproof
An -Bark Collar NWT758
Ø Training modes: beeper and static shock (Unit beeps with first 2 barks and then shocks only on the 3rd, giving the dog an audible warning beep before changing to shock mode)
Ø 7 shock intensity levels for a wide variety of dog dispositions
Ø 7 levels of sensitivity (to adjust for background noise and growling)
Ø Easy to test the functionality and sensitivity by simply blowing on the unit and hearing a beep
Ø Supplied with Light Testing Tool to check the shock
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