Choosing Your Destiny

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Choosing Your Destiny Making Life’s Most Important Decision

CONTENTS Introduction.............................................................................................................3 Two Life Choices....................................................................................................4 • The Narrow Road • The Broad Road Life Travel Costs .....................................................................................................8 • The Narrow Road • The Broad Road Taking the Next Step............................................................................................10

Introduction People spend little time thinking about or preparing for their eternity—where their bodies and souls will exist forever. This is because it is rare to hear the topic of Heaven and Hell being discussed in today’s contemporary Christianity. One reason for this is that people will do almost anything to avoid being made to feel uncomfortable or threatened. The purpose of this booklet is to educate our readers regarding the outcomes of their life road choices, and let them decide if they want to take a next step. It is important that they have the opportunity to respond in a non-threatening and non-relationship damaging manner by not having to engage in a personal conversation. This is needed because Christians rarely hear messages regarding the narrow and broad road as described in Matthew 7:13-14: 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” A case can be made that this represents the most important, least discussed passage of scripture regarding the likelihood of an individual being welcomed in Heaven’s gate. Living Conditions in Heaven and Hell The descriptions of life outcomes contained in this booklet are heavily patterned after a combination of scripture and the views of the authors contained in the two following books: • HEAVEN by Randy Alcorn • WHAT’S the TRUTH about HEAVEN and HELL by Douglas Jacoby Both authors shared the basis for their views; however, no one will really know until they get there. After being educated regarding the life outcomes of the two life roads, we encourage you to reflect on the most important question facing Christianity: “How do I know which road I am on?” 3

Two Life Roads Everyone chooses the narrow or broad life road. This is the most important decision anyone makes during their life; however, only a few people have been provided the information needed to make an informed choice. An overview of the results of choosing each road follows: The Narrow Road People who choose this road experience a sense of peace, joy, and contentment daily; and spend eternity in a place which is wonderful beyond imagination. Additional insights of choosing the narrow road follows: Earthly Life Results These are described as those which satisfy the deepest longings of people’s souls: • Experiencing a relationship with their Heavenly Father • Experiencing authentic relationships with friends providing encouragement and support • Having a clear meaning and purpose for living • Having made a relevant impact on lives • Being respected • Being confident of spending eternity in Heaven Eternal Life Results People choosing the narrow road will spend their eternity in a place that is breathtaking and wonderful beyond imagination. Physical Nature • Having a resurrected body and a new name • Living on the New Earth. This is a place which: Will be beautiful beyond imagination Have trees with delicious fruits to eat Have rivers, mountains, gardens, and streets of gold • Will have a capital city (the new Jerusalem) with surrounding country sides • Will live in a mansion that was especially prepared by Christ 4

Mental and Emotional Nature • Will continue to learn and grow by seeing things more clearly • No more pain, sorrow, suffering, and burdens • No self-pride, envy, jealousy, or boasting • No more fear, anxiety, worry, or guilt Relationships Those welcomed into Heaven will: • Continue to grow a deeper and more satisfying relationship with Christ • Be with loved ones that chose the narrow road, and will continue to grow closer to them • Develop relationships with people they never met, many of which impacted their lives in ways that were not recognized while on earth

Activities in Heaven • Seeing God’s face and being with Christ will be the greatest joy • Everything will be an act of worship to God as well as an act of gratitude • Everyone was created to worship Him because of who He is, and what He did on their behalf • Will partake in the most delicious food and drink imaginable by eating fruit from the Tree of Life and participating in unbelievable feasts with others • Will have work to do based on the rewards given at the final life judgment before Christ • Rewards will be based on how well people prepared for their eternity by best utilizing their God-provided resources to make relevant differences in lives


The Broad Road

People who choose this road experience a sense of disappointment, wondering what on earth am I here for and spending eternity in a place which is horrific beyond imagination. Additional insights of choosing the broad road follows: Earthly Results The deepest longings of people’s souls will never be satisfied. This is because these people: • Don’t establish an authentic, dependent relationship with Christ • Don’t establish authentic relationships with friends providing encouragement and support • Don’t have a clear meaning and purpose for living • Have difficulty in moving beyond the past • Not having made a relevant spiritual impact on lives • Living in a state of constant disappointment, frustration, and lacking contentment with life • Not being able to get enough of the world’s pleasures, possessions, and praise • Experiencing fear, worry, and a lack of hope • Being deceived regarding their eternal destiny Eternal Results The result of choosing the broad road is that people will spend their eternity in a place called Hell which is dark and horrendous. Here’s what people will experience daily forever: • Living alone in total isolation and in a state of darkness which literally penetrates the body • Experiencing torment, pain, suffering, and sorrow with no end in sight • Constantly begging for water to quench an unquenchable thirst • Never being able to rest or sleep • Never being able to eat or drink • Having deep regrets as a result of clearly understanding why they chose the wrong road. • Experiencing fears forever • Losing all hope forever because Hell is a permanent situation for those who do not choose the narrow road After reviewing and reflecting on these insights, it can be concluded that Hell provides a lifestyle of torment, pain, suffering, loneliness, fears, and a lack of hope forever.


Life Travel Costs It’s rarely discussed in Christianity because being welcomed into Heaven is not as easy as being portrayed by many of today’s spiritual leaders. An overview of the life travel costs for the narrow and broad roads follows:

The Narrow Road There are self-sacrifices which are described below that people must make in order to choose the narrow road. These include: • Giving up control by being willing to be guided by the presence of Christ within a person’s life (This is required because of our natural desire to be self-sufficient and selfish in today’s “it’s all about me” worldly culture) • Living daily in accordance with God’s will and standards; otherwise described as living a transformed life • Being willing to resist peer pressures in order to get along to go along with the rest • Being willing to be inconvenienced to serve the needs of others rather than constantly choosing to pursue opportunities for earthly pleasures • Embracing life’s tragedies, storms, and hurts with a sense of gratitude • Having to lose superficial friends in order to gain authentic friends • Being willing to move beyond one’s past by forgiving others • Being willing to operate beyond one’s comfort zone

The Broad Road There are no self-sacrifice costs for traveling the broad road—the road that leads people down a path of destruction. This can be described as the “free” road because people who choose this road, mostly by default, don’t have to pay the costs associated with the narrow road. People who choose the broad road possess natural desires for being selfish or self-centered. These people experience undue pride in their life as a result of how they treat others and use their God-provided resources. 8

People who choose the narrow road experience a sense of peace, joy, and contentment.

Revised Page 10 for the booklet Choosing Your Destiny

Discovering Where I Am After learning about how wonderful Heaven is and how horrific Discovering Where I Am Hell is, it is inconceivable that anyone would not choose the narrow road that leads to Heaven. This leads to the most Afterquestion learning about howChristianity: wonderful Heaven is and how horrific Hell is, it I inconceivable that anyone important facing would not choose the narrow road that leads to Heaven. This leads to the most important question facing Christianity:

How do I know which road I’m on?

How do I know which road I’m on? This is highly important because both scripture and results of spiritual health surveys reveal most This is highly important because both scripture and results of spiritual health surveys reveal most Christians are likely to be regarding question. Five of key-indicator statements Christians are likely tomistaken be mistaken regarding this this question. Five setssets of key-indicator statements have have been developed. They are thought-provoking, and provide opportunities for self-reflection been developed. They are thought-provoking, and provide opportunities for self-reflection by those by those who about life destiny. who care care about lifetheir destinies. The Narrow Road

The Broad Road


My relationship with Christ is considered to be the most important relationship in life.

My relationship with Christ is not as important as my family relationships.


I depend on the presence of Christ within my heart to guide what I say and do.

I make decisions based on what I believe to be right and wrong.


I desire to serve others daily by best using my God-provided resources.

I desire to use my time and money based on what makes me feel comfortable and good.


I am respected due to how I interact with and treat others. This is achieved by living in accordance with God’s standards.

People view me as one who: (1) has to have my way, (2) always knows what is right, and (3) wants to be seen as being an important person.


I do not take the topic of eternity for granted. I engage in conversations with others, as well as take actions which impact life destinies.

I believe the topic of eternity needs to be addressed on a personal basis. This makes people feel uncomfortable when brought up.

After reading and reflecting on these statements, please check the blocks that best describes Taking a Next Step your current life situation. Taking a Next Step How you choose to respond to these indicators can significantly impact your destiny, as well as the destiny of others. wanttotothese learnindicators more about getting on impact the narrow road, you can as read How you choose If toyou respond can significantly your destiny, as well the booklet Getting the Right onlearn our website: the destiny of on others. If you Road want to more about getting on the narrow road, you can read the booklet Getting on the Right Road10 on our website:

It’s Your Choice!

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