Core Foundation Boot Camp

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Core Foundation Boot Camp

CONTENTS Introduction…………………………………………...……3 Core Spiritual Beliefs……………………….……………4 God Christ Holy Spirit Bible Church Human Beings Salvation by Grace Eternity Core Values………………………………………………….7 Humility Respect Responsibility Perseverance Guiding Principles…………………….………..………..10 Relationships Matter Greatly Life Lacking a Purpose is Meaningless People Become What They Hear and See Make Every Day Count Seek Wisdom and Understanding Money Either Makes or Breaks You Inspect What’s Expected

Core Foundation Boot Camp Introduction A person’s core is defined as the major elements regarding who they are, as well as who they will become. These include core spiritual beliefs, core personal values, and guiding principles. It is the foundation on which all life is built. A brief overview of these elements plus a description of their importance follows: Core Spiritual Beliefs What are core spiritual beliefs and why are they so important? They can be described as the nonnegotiable bible truths, or most important, messages in the bible regarding Christ and eternity. They determine life destinies based whether people understand, accept, and act on them. Embracing core spiritual beliefs is required for one to truly know Christ rather than know of Him by intellectually believing in Him; otherwise described as “being a believer.” The beliefs described in this Handbook represent those which are commonly accepted by all Christian denominations; however, there are other beliefs, doctrines, and practices for which there is much disagreement. Embracing a core spiritual belief represents the first step in equipping people to live purpose-driven lives. This is because all life choices during one’s life journey are heavily impacted by these. More detailed information regarding these is contained in the booklet Getting on the Right Road. Core Values These are described as the key attributes of a person which represents their moral compass for guiding behaviors and interactions with others, making life decisions, and managing their God-provided resources. These are needed by those who chose to live daily in accordance with God’s will and standards. Defining values also provides people a sense of purpose and simplifies life. Guiding Principles These provide practical, biblically sound insights and guidelines needed for making wise decisions along one’s life journey. They can also be described as Proverbs for daily living. Guiding principles are an important element in one’s foundation that is rarely discussed in modern Christianity. Establishing one’s core foundation can be described as being similar to building a house on rock rather than sand. This is because houses built on sand will not stand the test of time; therefore, devastating circumstances loom ahead for both people and houses not built on sound foundations. Putting These in Perspective Helping people to build a life foundation which will stand the test of time should be a priority for those who care about the destiny of others. This is because people who can describe and live by their core foundation are set apart from the rest of Christianity.


Core Spiritual Beliefs These are important because results of spiritual health surveys reveal most Christian don’t know what they believe and why. This is due to the biblically light messages being provided in Christianity which are focused on telling people how much God will bless those who accept Christ without communicating the requirement of making a costly commitment to follow Him daily. Information regarding eight core spiritual beliefs as well as practical insights regarding their importance: Biblical Insights about God • He created the world and all things visible and invisible. • He is all-knowing, and all-powerful. • He sacrificed His one and only Son on the cross in order to provide an opportunity for those who choose to make a commitment to follow Christ in order to spend eternity in Heaven. • He exists in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are equal and are present in the lives of those who establish a relationship with His Son. • He is both a kind God who will bless His people and a just and holy God who will punish those who are unwilling to turn away from their sinful nature. Practical Insights • He has a plan and a purpose for everyone’s life. He provides the resources needed for everyone to realize His purpose for daily living. • He created people to serve others rather than to constantly seek happiness, acceptance, and material gain. • Most Christians take God for granted because they do not fear him. They talk to Him only when they need Him. • People should be content with God due to what He has done for them rather than being discontented due to what they don’t have.


Biblical Insights about Christ • He is the Son of God and is co-equal with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. • He was human, lived a sinless life, and offered Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all people. • He was crucified on the cross, arose from the dead, and ascended to Heaven. • He was sent to earth in order to fulfill many predictions in scripture as well as to be a role model for Christians to pattern their lives after. • The only road which leads to Heaven is the road for which people choose to establish an authentic, dependent relationship with Christ.

Practical Insights • A relationship with Christ must become the most important relationship in one’s life if they want to enter Heaven. • Followers of Christ live transformed lives. • Becoming a “committed” follower of Christ is a process rather than being an instant conversion. • He will judge everyone at their final life examination. This will occur at the Judgment Seat of Christ or at the Great White Throne Judgment.

Biblical Insights about the Holy Spirit • He is co-equal with God and Christ and is present in the hearts and souls of those who choose to establish a relationship. • He provides wisdom, power, and guidance for those who trust and obey Christ. • He comforts people in need and convicts them when they stray from God. • The Holy Spirit was first received by the Disciples just before Christ returned to Heaven to be with His Father following His death on the cross.

Biblical Insights about the Bible • It is God’s word to us and was written by human authors inspired by the Holy Spirit. • It is the revelation of God to everyone. • It is the primary source for our faith and practice. • It is the ultimate source for providing guidance regarding daily living. Practical Insights about the Bible • Less than 30% of Christians consider the bible as having decisive authority in determining right versus wrong. • If not the bible, what other resources should a person use in guiding their life choices?

Practical Insights about the Holy Spirit • The Holy Spirit can be described as a person’s Spiritual GPS. • Only a few Christians regularly depend on the Holy Spirit to guide what they think about, say, and do. Biblical Insights about the Church • It is the body of Christ, an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in today’s world. • The purpose of the church is to equip people to achieve God’s plan and purpose for their life.

Biblical Insights about Human Beings • People were created by and made in the image of God, as well as to be like Him in character. • All people need to be in relationship with God.

Practical Insights about the Church • Relevant churches equip their people to establish an authentic, trusting relationship with Christ, as well as provide clear expectations for discovering and living lifestyles with a clear purpose. • Only a few churches help their people to discover their special areas of giftedness in a manner which brings joy to God because of best using His resources to become faithful servants.

Practical Insights about Human Beings • As result of being created by in the image of God, the souls of people can only be satisfied when they find true meaning and purpose in life. • People were created as physical and spiritual beings. Their spiritual being originated in God’s Spirit, and they must allow Him to transform them into becoming more and more like Christ.


Biblical Insights Eternity • People were created to exist forever, in one form or another. This is determined by whether they choose to travel narrow road that leads to Heaven or the broad life road which leads to Hell. • People choose to exist eternally with God as a result of forgiveness and salvation or eternally separated from God due to not being willing to part with their sinful nature.

Biblical Insights about Salvation by Grace • This is God’s gift to everyone to have the opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven if they are willing to meet His requirements for being welcomed into Heaven. • People must first accept God’s grace by confessing and seeking repentance for sins prior to making a biblically sound, life changing commitment to follow Christ daily. Practical Insights •This is one of most misunderstood, misleading messages in Christianity due to people being provided biblically light messages regarding Christ and eternity, as well as how easy it is to get saved. • Many Christians believe they will be welcomed into heaven due to being good enough; however, they will never make for their un-repentant sinful nature by being good people and doing good works.

Practical Insights • Heaven and Hell are real places of eternal existence which many people don’t believe exist. • Less than 1% of people believe they will spend eternity in Hell. • People who are confident of spending eternity in Heaven can present a case their name has been recorded in the Book of Life. • To be eternally connected with God is Heaven, and to be eternally separated from God is Hell. • Few people spend any thing thinking about their eternity. • A majority of Christianity are deceived regarding their likely eternal destination.

But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15 6

Core Values These are defined as most important attributes within the souls of people that have moral spiritual compasses for: (1) guiding behaviors and interactions with others, (2) making life decisions, and (3) managing utilization of one’s God-provided resources. Establishing core values help to provide a sense of purpose and makes life simpler for the following reasons: • Without having and living by these, they end up drifting through life. • Having and living by values enhances one’s ability have a relevant impact on lives of others. Four Powerful Core Values The values listed below were selected as a result of being representative of those who choose to pattern their daily lives after Christ and live a purpose-driven life: • Humility • Respect • Responsibility • Perseverance 1. Core Value of Humility This can be described as an attribute of those who chose to: (1) refuse to believe they are better than or smarter than others, (2) put the needs of others before self, and (3) be grateful for all that God provides. These are difficult in the “it’s all about me” society. This is a value which is most admired and sought after in others, as well as a value which sets people apart from the rest of society. Practical Insights People must deal with natural temptations for having pride and being arrogant in order to demonstrate humility. Unless one seeks to understand the impact of humility on the lives of others, they will never recognize how others view them. To put this in perspective, a brief list of what to do and what to not do have been developed for reflection and discussion as follows: NOT TO DO TO DO • Listen to other with differing views • Be viewed as a “know it all” • Seek collaboration regarding courses of actions • Have to always have one’s way • Avoid seeking special treatment • Seek praise and special treatment • Seek opportunities to serve others before self • Have a “me first” attitude • Seek to be a peacemaker • Be a divisive, disruptive force in groups • Be kind and generous to others • Be viewed as a selfish person • Control one’s tongue • Demonstrate anger towards others • Participate in gossip regarding others • Don’t view oneself as being better than others


2. Core Value of Respect Demonstrating respect requires one to follow the Golden Rule in their treatment of others as follows: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Practical Insights There are a number of things that one should strive to do in their daily interactions with others that helps them to demonstrate respect. These include: • Be forthcoming in conversations • Don’t sugar coat messages • Seek to find the good in others • Invite others to join in and participate • Follow up on commitments made

• Listen to differing views with empathy • Seek to understand differing perspectives • Demonstrate value and appreciation • Be responsive to requests • Be on time for meetings and events 3. Core Value of Responsibility

Modeling responsibility is defined as doing what one ought to do because it is the right thing to do even when no one is looking. This value is all about accepting responsibility and being willing to be accountable to others whom God has placed in charge. Practical Insights Living the value of responsibility requires one to strive to always do what needs to be done, particularly when it involves taking an action one is not comfortable with, or wants to do. Examples of this include: • Being a person of our word by doing what we tell others we are going to do in a timely manner • Being willing to do one’s part and not having to be constantly asked • Acknowledging personal failures and shortcoming, and not blaming others • Being willing to be open, honest, and transparent • Not covering up for or making excuses for others • Being willing to inspect what one should expect • Striving to make decisions for the greater good by rejecting natural temptations due to self interests, undue influences, and special treatments • Using one’s time and money wisely • Repaying debts to others


4. Core Value of Perseverance This is modeled by persistence one embarks on despite difficulties, failures, or opposition. A person must be willing to deal with circumstances faced by staying the course until their tasks are completed. Practical insights regarding perseverance • People have a natural tendency to give up quickly when times get tough or when one has to get out of their comfort zone • Those who persevere under trials will experience great joy when the goal is met • One must demonstrate confidence, courage, commitment, and determination to persevere difficult life circumstances • The trait of patience is required for one to model perseverance The core value of perseverance can be restated as “press on, press on, and never give up.” Guiding Principles These provide practical, biblically sound insights and guidelines needed for making wise decisions along one’s life journey. They can also be described as Proverbs for daily living because of striving to engrain wisdom and understanding into people’s thinking process when properly applied in life circumstances faced. Seven Guiding Principles The principles described in the narratives below were established as a result of discovering seven key lessons of life that can make an impact on lives of people who want to build and leave a lasting legacy of being a difference-maker. 1. Relationships Matter Greatly • Establishing trusting and dependent relationships with one’s Heavenly Father and with others with spiritual fiber who want to make relevant differences in lives of others satisfies the deepest longings of a man’s soul. • Those who experience this type of relationships are equipped to describe and defend their faith in Christ. Additionally, these people have close friends for engaging in authentic faith conversations regarding life destinies in an open, honest, and transparent manner.


• Those who experience this type of relationships are equipped to describe and defend their faith in Christ. Additionally, these people have close friends for engaging in authentic faith conversations regarding life destinies in an open, honest, and transparent manner. 2. Life Lacking a Purpose is Meaningless • Everyone was created by God with a special reason for being on earth. He provided the resources needed in the form of gifts, passions, abilities, and experiences to answer the question “why on earth am I here for?” Men who are unable to respond to this question live lives of frustration, disappointment, and discontent with their lot in life. • Those who live a purpose-driven life can articulate this purpose, and frequently have one or more causes for which they are passionate that guides their energies and life priorities. These people get up each day with a desire to want to do something which has a relevant impact on lives. 3. People Become What They Hear and See • Everyone was created by God to become role models for Christ, particularly for those who depend on and look up to them. This is why parents, teachers, coaches, youth leaders, and others need to demonstrate values and priorities in everything they say and do when in the presence of our younger generations. • Those who are good role models demonstrate an attitude of gratitude because of what Christ has done on their behalf. Examples of life impacting habits and behaviors include disciple, prudence, and kindness; whereas examples of life destroying habits and behaviors include arrogance, anger, and jealousy. 4. Make Every Day Count • Every day should be considered as a special gift from God; however, it is taken for granted by most of society. The best way to live in this manner is chose joy over happiness each day because joy represents long term results in winning the game of life; whereas, happiness is short term which results in losing the game of life. • Those who choose joy each day get out of bed by wanting to focus their time and energies on things which brings joy to God; whereas those who choose happiness overly focus their energies on potential life addictive things such as the 3T’s (television-texting-talking) and pursuing life’s good stuff by participating unduly in some form of sports and entertainment activities, as well as other life addictive forming activities.


5. Seek Wisdom and Understanding • We live in a society in which information is plentiful, but wisdom and understanding are scarce. These are important because they represent a major part of one’s foundation for making wise choices. • Examples of people who seek these are those who depend on the Holy Spirit and are willing to listen to others; whereas, the best example those who are described by Solomon as fools who “know it all”, are closed minded to new ideas, resents discipline, and refuse to listen and learn. 6. Money Either Makes or Destroys You • The most frequently mentioned topic in the bible is money and there is a reason for this. People choose to either serve God or money; however, only a few people ever recognize how money tempts them. Without safeguards, money can be described as the most addictive, all-consuming force in society because most people cannot ever get enough of it. It has a natural tendency to dominate what people think about, talk about, and do because it is the fuel for powering natural life destroying temptations to have power and control over others, as well as being view as being important, many times by constantly seeking to “keep up with the Jones.” • Examples of those who demonstrate safe guards are those who are generous to those in need and demonstrate prudent spending practices; whereas, examples of those who have sold their souls to money are those appear to be overly pursuing pleasures and possessions, and demonstrating wasteful spending practices on items such as food, clothing, and the many “good-life toys.” 7. Inspect What’s Expected • This is one of the more difficult principles to embrace because we live in a society in which personal responsibility is rare in homes, schools, churches, and in the workplace. A major reason for this is that few people want to, or know how to, establish clear expectations. This dilemma is compounded due to the fact that most people with oversight responsibilities are reluctant to hold people accountable for what they are responsible for because they don’t want to experience any discomfort when having to share any messages which may be viewed as bad news. • This is most needed in people’s spiritual lives. There are very few ministries which establish clear expectations for living daily in accordance with God’s will and standards. This is largely because most people don’t want to be told how to live; therefore, they don’t tell them without recognizing the eternal consequences down the road. There are great challenges to be faced by those who want to live by this principle. These include the pressures to conform to the patterns of the worldly culture, the temptation to think too highly of oneself, and the level of confidence and courage needed for getting critical feedback from independent sources.


“A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime.� Billy Graham

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