Fan or Follower?

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the rest of the story The Life Legacy Team




Prologue Are you a Fan or a Follower of Christ? This is the most important question every Christian should ponder, and the most important issue ministry leaders should address in an informed and forthcoming manner. Facts, as represented by objective findings, can be our best friends; even though they don’t always make us feel good or comfortable. Results of objective spiritual health surveys indicate: • less than 15% of Christians know, accept, and act on the core spiritual beliefs of Christianity. • less than 15% of Christians model Jesus’ attitude and actions in daily lives. • less than 30% of Christians believe the Bible has decisive authority over what they think about, say, or do. These findings represent the evidences of a faith crisis that results from a ministry crisis a vast majority of Christians are experiencing. This crisis is largely unrecognized and will continue unless these findings are faced and addressed by developing a ministry approach that is focused on guiding people to travel the narrow road to Heaven’s gate as described in Matthew 7:13-14. Without a different approach, we will continue to have sanctuaries and small group meeting rooms filled with people who believe they are Followers; however, they are Fans because they don’t really know Christ and are unable to define their relationship with Him. The purpose of this booklet is to: • Raise an awareness regarding the differences between fans and followers of Christ • Provide information, insights, and probing questions to help one become more informed and aware regarding who and where they are in their lifelong spiritual journey. • Provide next steps for those who want to learn more about living a life of clear purpose and having a biblically sound reason for being confident of spending eternity in Heaven with Christ. This booklet is the first in a series of five booklets that will serve as reading resources for small group ministry discussions involving people that want to take focused next steps in their life journey. This ministry identifies clear expectations and will provide “how to” guidance that supports the biblical message regarding the narrow road to Heaven’s gate. It can also serve as a non-threatening spiritual awareness reading resource, particularly with those who don’t want to discuss faith issues or feel like they are being judged. Anyone can read this booklet in their own safe place and then discuss in small, safe group meetings in which they feel free to express themselves without having to worry about what others might be thinking.


Contents Introduction............................................................................................................................................................6 Chapter 1—A Glimpse of Eternity..........................................................................................................................7 Chapter 2— Multiple Choices of Faith...................................................................................................................8 Chapter 3—Life’s Most Important Decision..........................................................................................................9 Chapter 4—Building a Life Legacy......................................................................................................................10 Chapter 5—Fans or Followers...............................................................................................................................11 Chapter 6—Embracing Core Spiritual Beliefs....................................................................................................13 Avoiding Regrets at All Costs..............................................................................................................................16 Taking a Next Step............................................................................................................................................. .17 Key Messages and References.............................................................................................................................18 About The Life Legacy Team .............................................................................................................................19



How do we want to be remembered at the end of our earthly lives? The answer to this question is a key indicator regarding where we, our family, our friends, and others will spend our eternal lives; a time period of forever and forever, better known as eternity. Knowing this is important because it gives us meaning in our earthly lives, helps us to identify what’s really important, and inspires us to focus on impacting the lives of others. Our time on earth represents only a moment of the total time our bodies and souls will exist! What we choose to believe and act on regarding Christ while here on earth will affect how we choose to live and will determine our eternal destiny.

Putting Life in Perspective

When it’s all over, our bodies will be placed in a box or our ashes will be disposed of in some manner; however, our eternal bodies and souls will reside in either Heaven or Hell throughout eternity. Not many of us really want to think about this, let alone talk about it openly, but it is highly important that each of us understands the place in which we will reside forever is determined by whether or not we choose to be guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. If we choose to be guided by the Holy Spirit, then we are required to pattern our lives after Jesus. This booklet is intended to provide you with information that will allow you to make that conscious decision so you can be prepared to live with the results of your decision and actions throughout eternity. This booklet provides valuable insights regarding the misinformation, assumptions, and myths that have crept into the minds of people regarding the topic of eternity. It is intended to be thought provoking, challenging, and inspiring and is written in a forthcoming manner that focuses on what people need to hear rather than what they want to hear. The findings and insights shared are based on reviews of spiritual health surveys, key insights from spiritual literature, and personal experiences and observations over a ten-year period so you might be as informed as possible regarding a highly emotionally and sensitive issue. This booklet is intended to create an awakening and a better understanding of the faith crisis that people are experiencing as a result of not knowing: • What we believe and why having beliefs and living them are important. • “How to” establish a personal relationship with Christ and “how to” build sincere relationships with fellow Christians. • “What on earth are we here for?” • “How to” be a role model for Christ in daily interactions. A review of the personal spiritual shortcomings listed above should lead one to conclude that we are currently experiencing a Christian education and equipping ministry dilemma that is having a devastating impact on the spiritual lives of those being served. Much is at stake regarding how you choose to respond to the information posed in this booklet; it is your eternal home that is at stake.


Chapter 1 A Glimpse of Eternity There are numerous flawed views regarding the topic of eternity that people need to be aware of: • Many people believe that Hell does not exist; however, the Bible warns of a place called Hell. There are more than 150 references in the New Testament alone with over 70 of these being uttered by Jesus Christ. He took Hell seriously and so should we. • For every one person that believes they will spend eternity in Hell, 150 believe they will spend eternity in Heaven. This is contrary to the message in the gospel of Matthew which describes the pathway to Heaven’s gate as being a narrow path that few choose. • Many believe that a loving God would not allow His children to spend eternity in a place called Hell; others do not take God seriously by not fearing Him or embracing the fact that he is a holy and jealous God who will hold His people accountable for living a sinful life. • Many people are unknowingly mistaken or deceived as a result of merely having an attitude of “being a believer” and / or “being good enough” to go to Heaven; whereas, others merely have views regarding eternity that fit their personal preference and lacks a firm biblical foundation. • Seventy percent of Christians believe there is more than one pathway to Heaven’s gate.

What Heaven and Hell Are Really Like?

Few people can articulate what Heaven or Hell might be like. The insights shared below regarding Heaven have been gleaned from Heaven by Randy Alcorn and How Good is Good Enough by Andy Stanley, and represent a taste of what living in heaven might be like. The insights regarding Hell were heavily patterned after insights contained in scripture and other spiritual literature searches; however, no one will know for sure until they get to their eternal destination.

About Heaven

It is the conclusion of the cited authors that Heaven can be described as the most fantastic place with beauty beyond imagination as a result of: • Being a new earth with a capital city made of precious stones, trees, and rivers. • Being a place to constantly worship and experience joy. • Being able to eat, drink, learn, travel, and experience many things we now do. • Getting a new name for our resurrected bodies and having a special place to live. • Never having to experience pain, suffering, sorrow, or disappointment. • Spending time with Jesus and all others who have chosen to follow Him forever.

About Hell

Even though people don’t want to think about Hell, they desperately need to know what it will be like in order to help them in choosing their eternal destination. The Bible describes Hell as a place of weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, flames, torment, everlasting punishment, and a place of darkness forever. No nightmare can produce a terror to match that of Hell. People who go there abandon all hope forever. In the Introduction, it was stated that our eternal destination is based on what we believe and act on regarding Christ during our earthly life. It has been previously stated that the world is now facing a faith crisis of epic proportions that must be acknowledged and addressed in order to avoid playing the game of “Pick Your Faith” as described in the following chapter. Is there anything else you need to know about Heaven and Hell in order to take eternity seriously?  7

Chapter 2 Multiple Choices of Faith For those that have made some type of profession of faith, there are a number of options that people have chosen; however, many are not aware of the true nature of their faith. This is driven by the fact that we are now living in a society in which people are becoming more and more receptive to embracing lifestyles in what is becoming a more politically correct world. Examples of these include: One—Followers of Christ. These are those that have made professions of faith, know Jesus as a result of having and embracing holistic, biblically sound beliefs regarding Him. They experience a personal relationship with Him by depending on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide their daily living. They recognize the “cost” of becoming a follower by living a transformed life. These people are prepared to present their case for being allowed into the gates of heaven. Two—Traditional Fans of Christ. These are those who have made professions of faith and consider themselves as “believers” as a result of merely knowing about Jesus. Many participate in varying levels of religious rituals and activities and seek to be comfortable and satisfied by joining in righteous acts and doing good deeds. They don’t comprehend who Jesus is and have yet to experience a personal relationship with Christ by becoming committed to Him. They are pretending they are followers of Christ. Three—Drifters: These are those who were involved in church related activities during various phases of their lives and have made some type of a profession of faith. Many of these have drifted away from participation in any type of worship, religious rituals, or religious activities; however, they believe that they are “saved” as a result of being baptized and making a profession of faith. However, they do not truly have a personal relationship with Jesus. Four—Emotional Responders: These are those who have responded to an offer to accept Christ and the free gift of salvation and an abundance of earthly blessings by saying the sinner’s prayer that was presented at some type of religious event, or on the radio or television sometime in their past. Many of these people have drifted away from any opportunity to worship God in the presence of others; however, they believe they are “saved” and will be spending eternity in heaven. Five—Wishful Thinkers: These include: (1) non-believers that believe they will spend eternity in heaven as a result of being a “good” person; (2) those who have inherited faith as a result of being brought up in a Christian home; and (3) those people who merely fabricate, or make up, their own personal brand of spirituality or faith. Six—Better Than Others: These are those who find comfort in comparing their spirituality against that which they perceive in others. They believe that being “better than others” will get them into heaven’s gate. There is a major problem with the last five choices described above. All of these lack a sound biblical basis to present the case for being allowed to enter heaven’s gate at the end of one’s earthly life by not establishing and maintaining a true relationship with Christ. We have no intention of wanting to judge anyone’s eternal destiny; however, we do wish to make it clear that there is a lot at stake regarding what people choose to believe and act on. Those who make the most important decision in their lives without seeking to gain a core level of biblical knowledge and clearly understand what’s really required to enter the gates of heaven can be described as playing one of the most foolish games imaginable on earth. This could be referred to as playing the game of “Picking My Faith.” Are you comfortable and fully confident with your chosen type of faith? 8

Chapter 3 Life’s Most Important Decision We live in a culture in which few decisions are well thought out as result of thinking and acting in a strategic manner. Since making the decision to become a follower of Christ is the most important decision one will make during their earthly life, we are providing insights regarding the benefits of choosing, the consequences of not choosing, and the barriers to be faced should one choose to become a Follower. Earthly Benefits of Choosing Christianity is based on the premise that all people were created by God and they should discover and achieve the hope He desires for them. Based on a review of scripture and feedback from many people, we have discovered that being a Follower results in a lifestyle that makes this hope a reality as result of the deepest longings of souls being satisfied. This is described as experiencing a sense of peace, joy, and contentment daily; regardless of circumstances faced by: • Having close friends for engaging in authentic faith conversations; particularly those that really know, understand, and accept us. • Discovering and experiencing a life of clear meaning and purpose. • Having a relevant impact on the lives of others • Being valued, respected, and having a clear conscience. • Having confidence in spending eternity in heaven. Eternal Consequences of Not Choosing One’s deepest longings of the soul cannot be satisfied without experiencing a growing relationship with Christ. As a result, most people find themselves pursuing worldly ways and experiencing a sense of frustration, crowded loneliness, and spiritual apathy regarding their life journey. This is especially true in the lives of many people during their later stages of life. A major reason for this is that people that are caught in the trap of having a performance based faith constantly wonder “what on earth am I here for?” and “how much is enough?” and “what’s missing in my life?” Eternal Benefits and Consequences Everyone who chooses to become a Follower will spend eternity in Heaven with Christ forever in the most fantastic place with beauty beyond imagination. Those who do not choose to become a Follower will spend eternity in Hell which can be described as a place that no nightmare can produce and a place with no hope. These have previously been described in the opening chapter. Barriers to Face These are largely about being willing to resist worldly temptations. As a result of everyone being born with a natural sin nature to be selfish, we must become aware of some of the more destructive attitudes and actions that set us apart from Christ as result of our interactions with others and how we utilize the key resources provided by God. These frequently become our blind spots. Examples include: • • • •

Having an attitude of being a “know it all”, having to have one’s way, or being better than others. Seeking praise for accomplishments, and popularity by being willing to go along to get along. Not being willing to forgive others; therefore, you are unable to be forgiven. Overly seeking earthly pleasures and possessions. These can be described as “life’s good stuff.” Based on the information presented above, how important is becoming a follower of Christ to you? 9

Chapter 4 Building a Life Legacy How do you want to be recognized at the end of your earthly life? This means a lot to most people; however, it is something everyone needs to think about during their earthly life’s journey and not only at the end. Now is the time for many people to begin thinking about and getting focused on building a life legacy that helps to fulfill God’s purpose for their life. Focusing on Building a Life Legacy There are a number of reasons for getting one’s mind, heart, and soul focused on building a life legacy that will satisfy the deepest longings of our souls and also brings joy to Christ. These include: • Without a sense of living a life that builds a legacy, we lose meaning in our life and merely wander through life taking what comes our way without acknowledging, accepting, and acting on God’s hope for us. • It allows us to gain a life perspective regarding what’s important and how to best utilize our key resources of time and possessions to support God’s hope. • It helps us decide what kind of life we want to live as a result of the character we build. • It helps us decide the type of environment we want to help create around us, and to live in order to make the world a better place. • It helps us take stock of our lives as a result of knowing where we are and where we need to go next in order to maintain hope for a better future and our eternal destiny. • It allows us to live in accordance with the things and values that please God. Building a life legacy results in understanding our purpose. We can then experience a lifestyle that is highly fulfilling and fruitful, that will lead to being confident of spending eternity in Heaven with Christ. Preparing an Obituary Many people’s lives would likely be enriched should they be willing to prepare and share an obituary that they would like to have read at their funeral that represents the reality of their life. To help people to start thinking about the contents of their obituary, we have developed a number of adjectives and phrases that can be used to describe the key qualitities of a Follower of Christ. The obituary should include phrases that describe their moral character, and what others see in them through their attitude, behaviors, and actions while interacting with others. Trustworthy Giving Wise and Discerning Forthcoming

Humble Valued Open Minded Focused

Respectful Courageous Stood on Principles Caring and Concerned

Responsible Confident A Difference Maker Persistent

In addition to these adjectives and phrases listed above, one should also be thinking about and getting focused on one’s desired life’s works that will bring the greatest joy to Christ. How do you want to be recognized at the end of your earthly life?

Are you willing to prepare a draft obituary and share with others?


Chapter 5 Fan or Follower This chapter is all about who will spend eternity in heaven at the end of their earthly life as a result of the decision they made as to whether they are a true follower of Jesus Christ or not. People can choose to believe or to not accept what the Bible says about this; however, there’s a lot at stake regarding those who don’t take eternity seriously by not seeking to fully comprehend the key messages contained in scripture. There are two scriptural references and one story that puts the topic of eternity in proper perspective. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14. The story is that of the rich man and the beggar as described in Luke 16:19-31. We don’t want anyone to be caught in the predicament of the rich man that depended on himself and his abundances and was unwilling to be guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. A Beliefs Crisis of Epic Proportions According to Randy Frazee in The Story,”churches (or ministries in general) face no challenge greater than biblical illiteracy, and the prospects are formidable because the stark fact is that Christians don’t know what they believe or why having and living by beliefs are important.” his concerns are affirmed by the findings in the prologue which represents the evidence that Christians are facing a faith crisis of epic proporations that is rarely being discussed and acted on in an open, honest, and forthcoming manner. Becoming a follower of Christ requires one to establish and experience a growing relationship with Christ, and to be guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. One most truly know Christ rather thawn merely know of Christ before they will commit to pattern his/her life after Him. The most biblically sound way for one to know Christ is to comprehend and accept the core spiritual beliefs of Christianity; however, only a small portion of today’s ministries stress the importance of and teach these as a starting point in one’s lifelong journey. This appears to be a major reason a vast majority of Christians are victims as a result of being being trapped in a performance based approach to spiritual growth, and occurs when ministries become overly engaged in keeping people coming, participating, and giving financially. A Beliefs Dilemma According to Hosea 4:6, people are being destroyed by a lack of knowledge. Prior to addressing the subject of core spiritual beliefs in Chapter 6, please consider the following insight and question: We live in a society in which people have formed opinions about issues being discussed and are highly resistant to hearing anything differently; particularly when the topic makes one feel uncomfortable or makes one question their opinion. Paraphrased from Solomon’s message in Proverbs 1:7, those with closed minds and dogmatic opions make foolish decisions because they refuse to listen to those with differing views often leading to devasting life consequences. Determining Who We Are People struggle in embracing the concept of either being a Fan or a Follower. To help put this in perspective, a list of 10 vital indicators of Fans and 10 vital indicators of Followers shown on the following page have been developed for review and reflection. By checking this list, one can become more spiritually aware of whether they are traveling the narrow road to heaven’s gate.  11

​Followers of Christ

Fans of Christ 1-Knows about Jesus; however, does not fully understand or accept the biblical fundamentals regarding Jesus and His Father. They don’t take eternity seriously and often take God for granted. 2-Struggles with comprehending the meaning of experiencing a personal relationship with Christ and knowing “how to do it”. 3-Participates in varying levels of religious rituals and religious activities. Many are highly biblically literate and / or actively participate in church related activities and programs; however, they have yet to establish a personal relationship with Christ.

1- Comprehends and accepts who Jesus is as result of knowing His purpose on earth, why He died on the cross on our behalf, and what’s expected of us in return by knowing and embracing the core beliefs of Christianity. 2- Experiences a personal relationship with Jesus, is guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, and commits to living a transformed life. 3- Continuously worships God by participating in the key disciplines of bible study, prayer, fellowship, and serving others for the right reason and in the right manner. As a result, he / she engage a lifestyle choice rather than merely being actively involved in “acts of religiosity.” 4- Builds sincere spiritual relationships with fellow Christians for engaging in open and honest conversations as a result of being able to mutually share burdens and blessings. 5-Participates in small groups focused on helping people grow spiritually and live a transformed life in order to have a positive impact on others.

4- Are uncomfortable or feel threatened when others seek to have a faith-related discussion that requires one to be vulnerable in the conversation.

5-​ Participates in church related small groups such as

Sunday Schools, bible studies, and prayer that lacks focus on personal spiritual growth and living a transformed life. 6- Participates mostly in church sponsored mission projects or other serving opportunities that have been chosen by others. 7-​Experiences difficulty in moving beyond one’s past as result of not being able to forgive oneself or to forgive others for something that has happened in the past. This occurs when one has lingering personal regrets, life shortcomings, or grudges that have not been addressed and resolved. 8- Resistant to dealing with one’s spiritual reality by not being willing to self-reflect on how God and others might view them. 9-​Have not identified and embraced personal values or have and follow clear expectations for living according to God’s way. 10-​ Doesn’t think about or discuss his / her eternal life.

6- Utilizes one’s gifts, talents, resources and passions for serving others in mission and ministry. 7- Experiences the freedom needed to become the person they were created to become as a result of moving beyond one’s past and being willing to accept God’s gift of forgiveness by forgiving oneself and others. These people don’t hold grudges or experience undue worries and life stresses. 8- Continuously reflects on and monitors one’s spiritual health and makes life adjustments along one’s life long journey. 9-Models Jesus’ attitude, character, and actions daily based on having and embracing clear guidelines and clear expectations for Christian living. 10- Continuously seeks to impact eternal destinies of others by taking actions which demonstrate genuine concerns for others.

Fans of Christ are not willing to live beyond their comfort zones and live a lifestyle of choosing to “fit in.” They participate in and support ministries that do not focus on personal growth and help to achieve spiritual results that bring joy to Christ.

Ten vital evidences (or spiritual outcomes that bring joy to Christ) are shown above. Followers of Christ experience a personal relationship with Christ and seek to live transformed lives that result in having a significant impact on earthly and eternal lives.

All ministry leaders is should become focused on helping people to achieve the first two vital indicators shown in gold above as their primary responsibility.

Becoming a follower of Christ requires one to achieve the two vital indicators highlighted above. This After reflecting on the descriptions provided above, are you a fan of Christ or a follower of Christ? represents a need for ministry leaders to teach people the meaning, importance, and a “how to” method of establishing a relationship with Christ as their first priority. After reflecting on theVersion descriptions above, are you a fan of Christ or a follower of Christ? Fan or Follower04Pageprovided 14


Chapter 6 Embracing Core Spiritual Beliefs What are core spiritual beliefs and why are they so important regarding our eternal destiny? These are two questions that few ministry leaders address in a biblically sound manner that is viewed as being relevant to current life circumstances and choices. Practical insights to these questions follow: • They can be described as the essentials, or most important, messages in scripture regarding Jesus’ life and teachings that provide profound guidance for living according to God’s will. This is why they are described as core beliefs. • Only those people who truly know, accept, and act on all of these beliefs all equipped to make a biblically sound case for spending eternity in heaven as a result of their relationship with Him being the most important relationship in their life. We wish to restate that all core beliefs are non-negotible truths to be taken seriously by those who desire to spend eternity in heaven with Christ, their family members, and others forever. There are no opt out options for any of the beliefs that anyone does not accept such as whether the Bible should have decisive authority over what people think about, say, or do. The beliefs about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the Church, Salvation, Human Beings, and Eternity represent those which are commonly accepted by all Christian denominations; however, there are other beliefs, doctrines, and practices for which there is disagreement. Since many Christians have yet to be taught the core spiritual beliefs of Christianity, the decsriptions shown below provide introductory insights about the meaning of each belief, why each belief is important and how each belief impacts one’s life choices. 1—About God God exists in three forms - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He created the world and everything in it. He is all powerful, is all knowing, and ever present in our lives. He has a plan and purpose for everyone’s life and has given them gifts, talents, and passions to achieve His purpose. He is also a holy and jealous God. Do you fear God as evidenced by depending on Him continually and not taking Him for granted? This is much like the way we view a spare tire by looking for and to Him only when we are in need. Do you believe that if a person does many good deeds on earth, but never chooses to have a personal relationship with God’s Son, Jesus Christ...he/she will spend eternity in Hell? 2—About Jesus Jesus is the Son of God and exists in equal forms with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. He became human, lived a sinless life, and died on the cross in order that everyone would have the opportunity to be forgiven of their sins and be allowed to enter the gates of heaven if they truly know and accept Him by establishing a personal relationship with Him. Those who follow Him are traveling the narrow pathway to heaven which requires one to pattern his life after Jesus’ attitude and actions as contained in scripture. Our relationship with Jesus must become the most important relationship in our lives and we are expected to model His attitude and actions while interacting with others. And we must be willing to put the needs of others before self as an act of gratitude for His willingness to suffer and die on the cross so that we have the opportunity to spend eternity with Him. Do you know what experiencing a relationship with Christ really means? Is your relationship with Christ the most important relationship in your life? Can you clearly define your relationship with Christ to others? 13

3—About the Holy Spirit God is One in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit draws people to God, comforts people in need, and convicts them of sin when they wander away from God. Christians are called to experience the internal presence of Jesus through the Holy Spirit, which strengthens and guides them to live in a manner which brings honor and glory to God. The Holy Spirit is the spiritual guiding force that functions in conjunction with the mind and soul while making daily lifestyle choices. Christians struggle with understanding the concept of the Holy Spirit. This understanding is essential because one needs to know he/she is truly depending on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide his/her thinking, attitude, speech, and actions. This is a vital indicator that one experiences a personal relationship with Christ. To what degree does the power of the Holy Spirit impact your lifestyle choices? 4—About the Bible The Bible was written by men who were divinely inspired and it represents God’s revelation of Himself to mankind; therefore, all scripture is without error. The Bible is the basis of our faith and represents the final authority on matters on which it addresses. Many Christians struggle with embracing the Bible in every element of their lives. We must believe that the Bible is the only trustworthy written source of guidance and represents the final authority in determining what I should think, say, or do. If we believe otherwise, we should clearly understand the potential consequences of not fully accepting it. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.” Do you believe the Bible to be what it is portrayed to be, and do you depend on it as the final authority for determining right versus wrong? 5—About the Church The Church, or faith community groups, represent the body of Christ, an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in the world today. The mission of all faith community groups is to help build followers of Christ by providing opportunities and equipping people to worship God properly in the key biblical disciplines, to build a personal relationship with Christ, to build authentic spiritual relationships with fellow Christians, and to discover and put to use their gifts while serving in missions and evangelism. God expects us to participate in some type of faith community group that is committed to helping people grow deeper in their faith, build spiritual relationships, and to live transformed lives according to His standards. Do you participate in a faith community group that is focused on living a transformed life? 6—About Human Beings Humankind was created in the image of God and to be like him in character, and by patterning their lives after Him. All people need to be in a true, meaningful relationship with God, and to fulfill His purpose. Jesus was sent to earth to demonstrate how one should live, act, and treat others. God expects that we model Christ’s character in our daily interactions with others and that we focus on serving others. In what ways do you model Jesus’ attitude and actions in your daily interactions with others? 14

7—Salvation by Grace This is God’s gift of forgiveness that rescues sinners from the penalty of death. We don’t deserve this nor can we earn it. We can only receive the gift of grace through having a personal faith in Jesus and knowing why God sacrificed His Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross, the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. We must acknowledge and accept that grace is the only reason we have the opportunity to spend eternity in heaven. We must truly repent of the sins that separate us from Christ. This doesn’t mean that we can live by standards less than those of God’s and still get in with “a free pass.” However, it does require that we live a transformed life. Do you truly understand, accept, and act on the concept of salvation by grace in your life? 8—About Eternity We must accept the fact that there is a life beyond this earthly life and it is described as eternity in Heaven or Hell. We will spend eternity in one of these destinations based on what we believe and act on regarding Jesus during our life here on earth. Spending eternity in heaven with Jesus requires one to travel a narrow pathway that only a few choose to follow. Are you confident of spending eternity in Heaven as a result of what you believe and act on regarding Jesus? Questions to Ponder For those who take eternity seriously by having a sound biblical basis for believing they are truly saved, here are highly important questions everyone should ask themselves: 1-Do I truly know Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior as a result of understanding and embracing the core spiritual beliefs regarding Christianity? 2-Do I possess a relationship with Christ that provides a solid case that I am truly saved and will spend eternity in Heaven with Him at the end of my earthly life? We have discovered that many professing Christians struggle with knowing “how to” establish a personal relationship with Jesus. We wish to help our participants discern whether or not they need additional support in their journey to gain an essential level of knowledge of Jesus. One of the ways we wish to provide this support is to help them know if they currently experience a personal relationship with Christ by asking them to honestly answer the following additional questions: 3-Have I experienced a life changing moment in which I recognized the need for having the power of a higher source to guide my life? Have I truly repented for past sins that separated me from Jesus and sought forgiveness? 4-Do I understand how the power of the Holy Spirit is guiding my thinking, attitude, speech, and actions?


Avoiding Regrets at All Costs In Chapter 5, we mentioned the predicament of the rich man who depended on himself and his abundances until it was too late. He certainly had regrets regarding his lifestyle choices and we don’t want you to have regrets as a result of not being properly informed regarding God’s expectations of His people. To help put this in proper perspective, a list of some of the more likely regrets people may encounter down the road is shown below: 1 - Not taking one’s eternal destiny seriously as a result of not seeking to be informed regarding what’s really required to spend eternity in heaven. This will result in one hoping their eternal destiny will be OK in the end. 2 - Not comprehending and acting on the importance of having a personal, trusting, and dependent relationship with Jesus by depending on the Holy Spirit to guide one’s life. 3 - Not being able to forgive others for something that has happened in the past. If Christ forgives us for our misdeeds, we must be willing to forgive others in order to demonstrate a true faith. 4 - Getting caught in the trap of going through the motions of religiosity by participating in religious rituals, church related programs, and serving activities; yet not experiencing a personal relationship with Jesus. 5 - Allowing others to have undue influences regarding your thinking, attitude, and actions. This is caused by having a natural desire to be a people pleaser; however, this is a major barrier to having the freedom needed to live according to God’s way. 6 - Not having a habit of regularly reading and reflecting on scripture and other spiritual health resources in order to develop a closer relationship with Christ along one’s lifelong journey. 7 - Robbing God of the time He gave you to serve Him and others by spending undue amounts of time on worldly pursuits. 8 - Not discovering and utilizing your gifts, talents, and passions in serving in ways that result in relevant impacts on lives and bringing joy to Christ. 9 - Not being proactive or oftentimes not being willing to make any effort to help people travel the narrow path to heaven’s gate; particularly, when there are heartfelt concerns regarding the spirituality of family, friends, and others. Some of these regrets will impact your eternal destination; whereas others will help determine how you will spend your time in eternity forever. There should be no cost too great to pay based on the potential consequences of your choices.

Are you willing to demonstrate a genuine concern for the eternal destination of your family, friends, and others by either sharing this booklet or engaging in some type of discussion regarding eternity?


Taking the Next Step It is desired that this booklet be remembered as a document that provided an opportunity so that no one will ever be in the predicament of the rich man as previously described. This requires that we take our eternal destination seriously and demonstrate that we really care about the eternal destination of our family members, friends, and others. To be direct, there are only two choices that we have to grapple with in regards to our beliefs concerning our eternal destination preferences: Choice 1:

To be a Follower of Christ and live according to God’s way as described in scripture with the following life results: • Living a life that satisfies the deepest longing of the soul • Spending eternity in Heaven with Christ

Choice 2:

To be a non-believer, seeker, or Fan of Christ as a result of either rejecting or not comprehending and acting on the core beliefs of Christianity with the following life results: • Living a life that experiences a sense of frustration, loneliness, and wondering “what on earth am I here for?” and “what’s missing in my life?” • Spending eternity in Hell in a state of eternal isolation

For those who wish to learn more about becoming a follower of Christ, we offer the following options: • Discussing the contents of this booklet with someone that you are comfortable being around and willing to share key biblical insights in a non-judgmental manner. • Read the book Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman. • Participating in Fan or Follower small group discussions in order to gain additional understanding of the issues presented in this booklet. • Request a copy of the second booklet in the series, Going All In.

To get involved, or get more information, contact us at


Key Messages Our time on earth represents only a moment of time, our body and souls will last forever and forever. What we choose to believe, accept, and act on will determine where and how we spend our eternal life. Findings of spiritual health surveys indicate less than 15% of Christians know, accept, and act on the core spiritual beliefs of Christianity. These findings represent the evidences of a faith crisis that has resulted from a ministry crisis a vast majority of Christians are experiencing. Becoming a follower of Christ requires one to establish and experience a growing relationship with Christ; therefore, ministry leaders must make teaching their people the meaning, importance, and “how to” establish a relationship with Him as their top priority. Unless the current ministry crisis is acted on, our sanctuaries and small group meeting rooms will continue to be filled with a majority of people who believe they are Followers; however, they are Fans because they don’t know Christ and are unable to define their relationship with Him. We need a life road map with clear expectations that will bring joy to Christ and a process for determining their next steps that supports the message of traveling the narrow road to heaven’s gate.

Key References Results from spiritual health surveys and insights contained in the spiritual growth related books listed below were the primary references used in developing this booklet: 1 - Bible, NIV 2 - MOVE: What 1,000 Churches Reveal about Spiritual Growth, 2011 by Greg Hawkins and Cally Parkinson, Zondervan eBooks 3 - The Story by Randy Frazee, Zondervan 4 - Results of the 2013 Barna Group Survey 5 - Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman, Zondervan 6 - Heaven by Randy Alcorn, Tyndall House Publishers 7 - Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute, BK Publishers, Inc. 8 - Not All Roads Lead to Heaven by Dr. Robert Jeffress


About the Life Legacy Team We are a small group of laity that has taken a strategic approach in seeking to understand our current faith crisis. We seek wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit, local church pastors, and many others that support our movement for converting fans of Christ to followers of Christ; hereafter described as Fans and Followers. Our hearts are heavy as result of discovering that a vast majority of Christians are Fans rather than Followers, and we invite others to join us in this movement. This will require everyone to come to grips with their spiritual reality and ministry leaders to focus on teaching people to develop a personal relationship with Christ as their top priority. We believe that a ministry restart is needed after a 40+ year decline of ministry impact on spiritual lives. There is a need for ministries to be created that are driven by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. This will bring about a spiritual revival that satisfies the deepest needs of souls by addressing the lack of hope, spiritual apathy, and the lack of meaning and purpose for living that exists in the hearts, souls, and minds of many Christians.

About our Ministry Approach It addresses a need for ministry leaders to communicate key words, passages, and statements in a manner that people can: (1) comprehend at the 6th-8th grade level, (2) view as being relevant to their current life circumstances, and (3) be inspired to take a next step. Meeting this need will require that people clearly understand the meaning, importance, and impact of these highly important messages. It shifts the primary focus from becoming more and more religious to building more and more relationships, beginning with establishing a personal relationship with Christ. This is the moment new life begins, and we recognize the need for helping people identify next steps in their lifelong spiritual journey by having and following a clearly focused plan with clear expectations for daily living. It addresses the impacts of a performance based ministry approach that focuses on keeping people coming, participating, and giving without emphasizing the importance of experiencing a personal relationship with Christ. As a result, a vast majority of Christians view themselves as being believers; however, they know of Christ rather than truly knowing Christ. Our end game is to provide a small group ministry that prepares us to hear “well done faithful servant” rather than “I don’t know you” when we knock on the door to Heaven’s gate at the end of our earthly life because we never established a relationship. This is described in Matthew 7:23 as follows: “Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers!”









The Life Legacy Team 24

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