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The Life Legacy Team 1

Contents Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................3 Chapter 1—Putting Life in Perspective..................................................................................................................4 Chapter 2— Choosing the Narrow Road...............................................................................................................5 Chapter 3—Choosing the Broad Road...................................................................................................................7 Chapter 4—The Travel Costs.................................................................................................................................9 Key Messages and References.............................................................................................................................10 About The Life Legacy Team ................................................................................................................................11


Introduction In today’s worldly culture people don’t take the time to consider their eternity or that of those they care for. This is something many believe they will address later in life; however, this is an issue they rarely get around to. Not taking eternity seriously as result of not thinking about, reading about, and discussing it is one of the most foolish decisions that one can ever make. Many people will have deep regrets regarding this decision later during their earthly and eternal lives. The purpose of this booklet is to educate and inform you regarding the most important decision you will ever make by describing the: • The two life roads to choose from. • Earthly and eternal life results of choosing each road. • The life costs for traveling each road This is the type of knowledge needed to help people to make an informed and lasting decision regarding whether they intentionally choose the narrow road that leads to Heaven’s gate; or choose the broad road that leads to a life of destruction by default. This booklet is the first in a series of five booklets in a ministry that is clearly focused on helping people to: • Have a biblically sound reason for being confident of spending eternity in heaven with Christ. • Be prepared for their final life examination before Christ. These booklets are written in a manner that is intended to be relevant to people’s current life circumstances, and inspires them to want to take a next step by either learning more or taking some type of life impacting action. They also serve as the reading resources for small group discussions held in locations that are safe, neutral, and engaging for people who: • Want to participate in forthcoming conversations regarding many difficult, highly important passages of scripture and faith development issues. • Are open to learning about the spiritual reality of modern Christians and what’s happening around them. • Are willing to spend the time needed to become prepared for actively participating in small group discussions. This booklet is not about second guessing whether or not anyone who believes they have been saved as result of previously accepting Christ and being baptized. Since the results of spiritual health surveys indicate a majority of professing Christians cannot make a biblically sound case for spending eternity in Heaven with Christ because they have not established an authentic relationship with Him. As a result, we believe we need to bring this to your attention because this has eternal consequences that everyone needs to think about!


Chapter 1 Putting Life in Perspective Chapter 1

Putting Life in Perspective

The life journey story described by the two roads to choose from in this chapter can become the most valuable life impacting story you have ever heard. We invite you to join us in describing the four most important events in the lives of humans in a manner that is intended to be viewed as being relevant to your current life circumstances and causes you to think differently about your eternity and that of those you care about.


This represents the day we were born. God has a plan and purpose for our life on this day; however, it is our responsibility to discover and live out both His plan and purpose. This can also be described as the Hope He had for us when we were created in His image.


This represents the day of our earthly death. Our time on earth represents only a moment of the total time our body and soul will exist. What we choose to believe and act on regarding Christ during this brief period of time will determine where and how we spend eternity, a time period of forever.


This represents the day our name gets recorded in the Book of Life if we choose to travel the narrow road to Heaven’s gate as described in Matthew 7:13-14. It is our CHOICE as to whether our name gets recorded by establishing an authentic relationship with Christ; particularly in regard to how this impacts what we think about, say, or do.


This represents the day of our Final Life Examination Before Christ. This is an event everyone will face and will happen in a place called Heaven or in a place called Hell. The location of this examination is based on whether or not our name is recorded in the Book of Life. This is the event we will either receive our rewards for being a faithful servant or our punishment for not accepting and following Christ.

A visual depiction of the two life roads is shown below: Yes B


Life in Heaven Forever


Life in Hell Forever




Information and insights regarding your earthly and eternal life results as result of: (1) choosing to travel the narrow road shown by the green arrows, or (2) choosing to travel the broad road shown by the red arrows is contained in this booklet. Draft Destination Heaven

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Much is at stake regarding whether you are willing to think about and learn more about your eternal destination.


Chapter 2 Choosing the Narrow Road What are the results that can be experienced by those who choose the narrow road by becoming a follower of Christ? Earthly Results The earthly life results of followers of Christ (or Followers) are that the deepest longings of their souls will be satisfied as result of experiencing a sense of peace, joy, and contentment daily; regardless of circumstances faced by: • • • • • •

Possessing wisdom, power, and guidance of the Holy Spirit to face daily life situations. Having authentic relationships with other Followers who provide encouragement and support. Discovering and living a life of clear meaning and purpose. Having a relevant impact on the lives of others. Being valued and respected; and having a clear conscious. Being confident of spending eternity in Heaven with Christ.

Eternal Results The eternal life results of Followers are that they will spend eternity with Christ in a place that is beautiful beyond imagination. There will be mountains, water, trees, people, houses, and cities. This is what their daily life will be like: • • • • • •

Seeing God will be their greatest joy, and they will continue to grow deeper in regard to their relationship with Christ and His Followers. There will be no more pain, suffering, and sorrow. They will eat, drink, learn, work, travel, worship, serve, and experience many of the things we do now. They will live in a mansion prepared by Christ. They will have responsible jobs based on how faithful they were while living on earth. In general, they will spend eternity experiencing pure joy by continually worshipping, exploring, and serving their great God.

Building a Life Legacy How do you want to be remembered at the end of your earthly life? This means a lot to some people; however, it is something everyone needs to think about during their earthly life journey and not wait until they are nearing the end of their time on earth. Now is the time to begin thinking about getting focused on building a growing relationship with Christ and building a life legacy that helps you to prepare for your final life examination by becoming a faithful servant. There are a number of reasons for getting our mind, heart, and soul focused on building a life legacy that will satisfy the deepest longings of our souls and bring joy to Christ: • • • •

Without a sense of living a life that builds a legacy, we lose meaning in our life and merely wander through life taking what comes our way without acknowledging, accepting, and acting on God’s hope for us. It allows us to gain a life perspective regarding what’s important and how to best utilize our key resources of time and possessions to support God’s hope. It helps us decide what kind of life we want to live as a result of the character we build. It helps us decide the type of environment we want to help create around us, and to live in order to make the world a better place.

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• •

It helps us take stock of our lives as a result of knowing where we are and where we need to go next in order to maintain hope for a better future and our eternal destiny and that of others. It allows us to live in accordance with the things and values that please God.

Building a life legacy that matters to Christ results in a lifestyle that is highly fulfilling and fruitful that will help you to become better prepared for your final life examination. Preparing a Desired Life Legacy Statement Many people’s lives would be enriched should they be willing to prepare and share a desired life legacy statement that represented how they want to be remembered. To help you to start thinking about the contents of this statement, we have developed a number of adjectives and phrases that are key indications that you will be remembered as someone that possessed strong character and was highly respected as a result of what others saw in you thru your thoughts, speech, behaviors, and actions. Trustworthy








Wise and Discerning

Open Minded

Stood on Principles

A Difference Maker



Caring and Concerned


In addition to these adjectives and phrases listed above, you should also be thinking about how you can best use the resources provided by God to serve others. People choosing to travel the narrow road will leave a lasting legacy of a life well lived for which they will be fondly remembered, and they will be prepared to hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant” at their final life examination before Christ.

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Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Road Choosing the Broad Choosing the Broad Road What are the results experienced by those who choose to travel the broad road as result of being either a fan or nonbeliever of Christ? Earthly Results The earthly life results of fans of Christ and nonbelievers are that the deepest longings of their souls cannot be satisfied because they: • • • • • •

Do not have authentic friends for engaging in life impacting conversations that bring joy to Christ. This is a major reason that so many people are living in a state of isolation and loneliness. Constantly wonder “what on earth am I here for?”, “how much is enough?”, and “what’s missing in my life?” This leads to a state of general frustration and disappointment regarding their lot in life. Can never get enough worldly pleasures and possessions. This is described as “life’s good stuff.” Often live in a state of fear of the unknown and worry about things they have no control over. Have minimal impact on the spiritual lives of others. May experience regrets regarding their life road choice during the later stage of life and may experience fear regarding the possibility of death.

Eternal Results The eternal life results of Fans and nonbelievers are that they will spend eternity in a location called Hell that is dark and horrendous beyond imagination. The darkness is a symbol of one’s alienation from God’s love, mercy, and grace. The darkness is a symbol of their alienation from God’s love, mercy, and grace. The horrendous physical condition is due to God’s wrath on those who rejected His Son which will be experienced in the form of weeping and gnashing of the teeth. Additional insights regarding their living conditions are that they will: • • • •

Live in a state of darkness and will be lonely and isolated without ever having contact with anyone. Experience torment, pain, suffering, and sorrow with no end in sight. Have deep regrets as result of clearly understanding why they are where they are after their final life examination before Christ Lose all hope forever

Resulting Life Legacy Those choosing to travel the broad road will not have the deepest longings of their souls satisfied and will leave behind a life of missed opportunities for which they will experience future regrets. What’s Causing People to Choose the Broad Road? There are two major issues facing modern Christianity that we wish to bring to your attention: 1-Facing a Beliefs Crisis of Epic Proportions According to Randy Frazee in BELIEVE, “Churches face no greater challenge….than overcoming biblical illiteracy, and the prospects for doing so are formidable because the stark fact is, many Christians do not know what they believe or why.” Draft Destination Heaven

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Becoming a follower of Christ requires one to establish an authentic relationship with Christ and to be guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. As result of the beliefs crisis facing Christianity, a majority of professing Christians are fans of Christ that have not established a relationship with Him because they know of Christ rather than truly know Christ. One of the most biblically sound ways for one to know Christ as a prerequisite for establishing a relationship is to understand and embrace the core beliefs of Christianity as a “starting point” in establishing a sound biblical foundation of faith, hope, love, and commitment. According to Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Christians have become lazy as evidenced by their reluctance to read the Bible and other resources that helps them to better understand and apply scripture in their daily lives. As a result, many have allowed others to think for them and their lives are being destroyed by a lack of knowledge. 2-Unfounded Thinking We are currently living in a society in which people have formed opinions about their spirituality as it relates to their eternity, and are highly resistant to hearing anything differently; particularly when the topic of discussion makes them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. There are a number of potential misunderstandings or self deceptions in the minds of people noted below. These include: • • • • • • •

Not believing Hell exists. Not believing a loving God would allow His children to spend eternity in Hell. Rationalizing views regarding their eternal destination due to lacking a biblically sound foundation. Believing there is more than one way to enter Heaven’s gate. Believing they are assured of spending eternity in Heaven as result of “being a believer and being baptized” without experiencing an authentic relationship with Christ. Believing one’s faith should be a private matter between the person and God. Believing that eternity is an issue to deal with later in life.

After reviewing these, it can be concluded that many people have their own personal views regarding eternity and make up the evidence that supports their views. As result of reading and reflecting on the anticipated life results of traveling the narrow road and the broad road, which road do you prefer?


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Chapter 4 The Travel Costs

What are the life costs for traveling the narrow road and the broad road? The Narrow Road There are many misleading messages presented in Christianity today regarding how easy it is for one to get saved and to be sure they will spend eternity in Heaven. These messages appear to: • Be biblically light in terms of helping one to truly know Jesus. • Focus on telling people how God will bless them and take care of their brokenness without telling them that they were created to conform to His image and faithfully serve Him. • Downplay God’s expectations for living a changed, or transformed, life. There are self sacrifices; herein described as the life costs that followers of Christ must experience while traveling the narrow road to Heaven’s gate. The costs shown below are patterned after life impacts described in Luke 9:23 as follows: “Then he said to them all: If anyone come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.” These costs include: • Giving up control of our lives by trusting and obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit. • Not letting life’s pleasures and possessions become too important. • Embracing life tragedies, storms, hurts, and regrets with a sense of gratitude. • Living a transformed life, or a life that is “set apart” from the rest of society. • Being willing to say YES and NO in order to resist the temptation to constantly conform to the wishes of others. • Coming to grips with our spiritual identity by determining who and where we are in our life-long journey. The Broad Road The life sacrifices required to travel the narrow road are not required to travel the broad road. This can be described as a “free road” for those who choose to travel the road to destruction, mostly by default. Choosing Which Road to Travel The primary purpose of this booklet is to educate and inform people regarding their two life choices. Our approach was to describe the anticipated results of the two life roads, the costs of traveling each road, and potential flawed thinking regarding which road one might be traveling on that might lead one down a path of destruction. This is because one needs to be confident of spending eternity in heaven and how to become best prepared for their final life examination before Christ. To make a life impacting and long lasting decision to become a follower of Christ, one must intentionally choose to travel the narrow road or they will travel the broad road by default. After reading and reflecting on the projected life results and life costs of traveling the narrow road, road; are you willing to pay the cost for traveling the road that leads to Heaven’s gate?


Taking the Next Steps What would be the next steps for those who want to learn more about getting better prepared for traveling the narrow road to heaven’s gate? • The first step would be to read our second booklet Traveling the Narrow Road by Going ALL IN. This booklet addresses the fundamentals of Christianity (faith, hope, love, and commitment). • The next step would be to participate in a small group discussion which is focused on helping people get their name recorded in the Book of Life by making a biblically sound, life changing, and Holy Spirit driven commitment to become a Follower. There are three key spiritual events involved in the process for helping people get their name recorded as follows:

1. To truly know Christ rather than know of Christ. 2. To establish an authentic relationship with Christ. 3. To commit to following Christ daily. Another option for those who want more information on spending eternity in Heaven with Christ and being prepared for their final life examination would be to visit our website: It provides a life road map with clear and biblically sound expectations, “how to” instructions with biblical references, and evaluation tools. In order that you do not have future regrets regarding your eternity and that of those you care about, we urge you to take this opportunity to learn more with a sense of urgency. Key References Results from spiritual health surveys and insights contained in the spiritual growth related books listed below were the primary references used in developing this booklet: • BELIEVE by Randy Frazee, Zondervan • Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman, Zondervan • HEAVEN by Randy Alcorn, Tyndall House Publishers • How Good is Good Enough by Andy Stanley, Multnomah Books • One Minute After You Die by Erwin W. Lutzer • Not All Roads Lead to Heaven by Dr. Robert Jeffress


About the Life Legacy Team We are a small group of laity that has identified the key spiritual needs of Christianity by studying the results of spiritual health surveys, spiritual growth literature, and insights from leading pastors. Our hearts are heavy as result of discovering a majority of Christians cannot make a biblically sound case for spending eternity in Heaven as result of having established an authentic relationship with Christ. This means their names have not been recorded in the Book of Life. We have started a movement that is clearly focused on helping people get prepared for the two most important events in their earthly and eternal life. This is the day their name is recorded in the Book of Life and the day of their final life examination before Christ. We need your help and invite you to join this movement. For more information, visit our website:




The Life Legacy Team 13

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