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Webinar Creative Writing
[wa:|wa] Webinar Creative Writing: Quest-In-Your-Body/Questing Your Body
The webinar with Kabawil participants was inspired by the path of discovery and on how one needs to choose the path to live by. I taught them, to live a creative life is a journey and not a destination as well as not living a creative life is also a journey and not a destination.
In the session I lead them to express and experience the freedom to create freely, which is in itself a quest to journey into the unknown, usually as a need to find answers to questions, questions to answers or both? I took the time and walked them through the corridor of some simple but practical ways to create their own poem and/or slam poetry to share with the world or to keep in a safe. Quest-In-Your-Body Questing Your Body is a set of basics that helps to initiate the process to our creative writing experience.
Yibor Kojo Yibor, Accra/Ghana