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Open Mic im Live Stream
[wa:|wa] Open Mic im Live Stream
Touch not my anointed and do him no harm. Watch him give what he has been given over what is believed and perceived. As the dawn turns to day, so convinced is he that no man could avoid the day turning to night. Mawu Osogbolisa, the all knowing, the all searching and or the all in all is about to bring all of this before his servant and under the opposed shadows of aboyemanga. It’s with these shadows that some call rest, others call test, and the rest call night and/or zam3.
Make way and see what this pregnant night will give birth to.
The set up, the check up, the stand up and the mic up for the soul, meant to release a humbling outpour. It came in that old element just like the wind and rested amongst the shadows.
If there was any praise of any form, we gave it to Mamu that night. One other thing that was given is the soul that brought the praise by dawn and by day. Today we give you all that was given us, to be given back to you. That is just what we did; that today came and gone and its memories were gone with it.
Let no one touch the anointed and let no one do him no harm for to re-member is divine and to fore-get is also divine.
Yibor Kojo Yibor – poet – Ghana