50 Shades of Paid April 2016 Issue

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50 Shades of Paid


Copyright and Disclaimer 50 Shades of Paid Magazine ® (http://www.50ShadesofPaid.com) is owned and published by Kadena Tate International. 50 Shades of Paid is a registered trademark of Kadena Tate International. No person, organization or party can copy or re-produce the content on this site and/or magazine or any part of this publication without a written consent from the editors’ panel and the author of the content, as applicable. The publisher (http://www.50ShadesofPaid.com), authors and contributors reserve their rights with regards to copyright of their work. The copyright includes (and not limited to) ▪ The content syndication from the RSS feeds of this publication ▪ The content and/or images used in any of the articles of this publication ▪ The 50 Shades of Paid Magazine ® logo and any of its derivatives The content on the 50 Shades of Paid Magazine ® and its website are made available on the terms and condition that the publisher, editors, contributors and related parties: ▪ shall have no responsibility for any action or omission by any other contributor, consultant, editor or related party ▪ disclaim any and all liability and responsibility to any person or party, be they a purchaser, reader, advertiser or consumer of this publication or not in regards to the consequences and outcomes of anything done or omitted being in reliance whether partly or solely on the contents of this publication ands related website and products. ▪ are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken any person, organization or any party on basis of reading information, or contributions in this publication, website or related product. PHOTOGRAPHY DISCLAIMER All photographs appearing in this magazine are the property of Dee Hill Photography and the actual models represented. They are protected under U.S. Copyright Laws, and are not to be downloaded or reproduced in anyway without the written permission of Dee Hill Photography. http://www.DeeHillPhotography.com 2 | 50 SHADES OF PAID • APRIL 2016

Editor's Note The feminine principle within you gives birth to the gifts of connection, conversation, intuition, insight, collaboration and community. Use them to grow yourself and your business.


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EDITOR IN CHIEF Kadena Tate-Simon



PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR All photographs used with the permission of Dee Hill, http://www.DeeHillPhotography.com

HAIR AND MAKEUP Vivienne Vermuth, http://www.makeupartbyvivienne.com

it’s an honor and a blessing to share this information with you. Thank You for joining me on this journey. For more information and exclusive digital content, head over to www.50ShadesofPaid.com







WITH AMY OSCAR http://www.AmyOscar.com







Just Do It! BY FRENETTA TATE http://www.FrenettaTate.com Let’s start loving more.

Any Blessed gift you have will make room for you so, share your gift with the world. Realize that no

Let’s keep our vows.

one has to help you.

Do what we say that we will do.

It is purely the grace of God upon our lives that persons are coming to our aid, building us up,

Let’s stop defrauding others and be real.

encouraging us and urging us to be men and women of excellence and integrity.

It takes more energy to be who we are not than it does to be who we really are.

Lastly, show appreciation for those persons that have been a blessing to you.

Let’s help somebody. Take nothing for granted. Offer wise counsel and be a good friend to someone.

Embrace every good and perfect gift you receive.

We should never turn our backs on an opportunity

Give honor where honor is due.

to help and empower others, especially if we have the resources to do so. APRIL








Celebrating Creativity with

Amy Oscar

I am Amy Oscar, a witness to miracles--including the miracle of you. I have been deeply blessed as the co-creator of The Soul Caller Training, and the author of two books: Sea of Miracles and My Guardian Angel: Real-life Angelic Encounters from the readers of Woman's World magazine. I’d be honored to connect with you on Facebook, in my FREE “Sanctuary for Soul Callers” circle and/or on Twitter at #SoulCall, a Sunday morning chat about living a spiritual life in a material world. On Instagram, my hashtags are #SoulCaller and #FeatherWalk.


I’m on Pinterest, LinkedIn and on Face Book; offering weekly reflections on my Author Page.


Celebrating Creativity with Amy Oscar What inspired you to start your company?

How does creativity support your life purpose?

The Soul Caller Training was inspired by a vision, in the

Creativity is the seed of life purpose. We're all here to

state between waking and dreaming, A vision that began

create and deliver a gift to the world. The Soul Caller

with a glowing ball of light as an invitation, which I

Training invites creative collaboration, in the laboratory of

accepted. As this light merged into me, words and images

community with other inspired souls, as each reveals and

began to flow. Eighteen hours later, I had the outline and

begins to deliver their bright gift to the world. In our 12

much of the content for an online program. Later, I would

weeks together, we begin the process of peeling away the

understand that this gift came to me because I'd asked for

scars and stories which block and stop them from

it. I’d been praying and feeling for a way to love more fully,

accessing their own light.

and to be of service to the world. Love was the inspiration for those prayers and for all of my work.

The Soul Caller Training offers the chance to re-connect with and re-animate the seed of the gift they came to

How do you help people?

deliver - the ‘soul seed’.

I help people connect to the seed of light at the center of

How Do You Handle Stress?

their lives, their hearts; and then, help them stay connected so they can bring that light to everything they

I grew up in a sea of anxiety, so stress has always

do. I help people embody their spirituality.

challenged me. When I feel stressed, I stop and find a place to sit, breathe, close my eyes and return to center. I ask my

Of course the birth of my beautiful children is my most

spiritual support team to circle around me and to lift all

significant accomplishment. After that, it shifts from

earthly burdens. My energy immediately lifts. From this

session to session as I work with each soul.

place of wholeness and peace, I can meet anything that comes toward me.

What does being creative mean to you? Also, the stronger my yoga and mediation practice, the The center of my creative power is my willingness to hold

more ease and clarity I found in my creative work; and all

space for the work that flows to me and through me. To

parts of my life.

work with an emotional story without collapsing. To see and untangle the patterns of a complex story in a client

Where is your virtual residence?

session or moderate a difficult conversation in one of my

Amy Oscar

online communities.As I work, waves of energy are moving

Soul Caller

through my body - even when I’m quietly writing. So, to


me, being creative means crafting a container - a life -


which can hold and flow the very physical energy of my spiritual work.

APRIL 2016 • 50 SHADES OF PAID | 8

Schedule Your Portrait Session With Dee Hill Today!

I get the luxury of making clients feel great, both from behind the chair and through the art of photography. While the beauty of and good feeling from their great hair styles doesn’t last forever, my portraits will make the smile a lot over the years. Clients can even pass these works of art down to the next generations.

Celebrating Creativity with Dee Hill | http://www.50shadesofpaid.com/deehill/ Dee Hill Photography, http://www.DeeHillPhotography.com Hair and Makeup Vivienne Vermuth, http://www.makeupartbyvivienne.com Cover Model: Alicia Archer APRIL 2016 • 50 SHADES OF PAID | 9

The Courage To Leave The Beaten Path BY KADENA TATE-SIMON http://www.KadenaTate.com It’s important to know where you’re headed and why you’re going there. You need a sense of direction and purpose so you can commit to the path before you. But what happens when your journey veers off the beaten path? You summon the courage to go where your heart leads you. Following the beaten path is deceptively comfortable. It’s broad, easy, and popular, so loads of people flock to it their whole lives. But is it right for you? When you know who you are, you discover you’ll have to leave at least one beaten path to get where you’re going. Why? Because you’re a unique human being with gifts and desires to express, and doing that in a way that suits you means exploring what’s out there to find the best fit. This doesn’t mean you must do something completely different from what everyone else is doing – it just means you do it in a way unique to you. You can train to be a doctor, but your bedside manner and standard of excellence bloom from your spirit. You feel me? The courage to leave the beaten path is the courage to strike out on your own and discover what works best for you. This means you have to get comfortable with trial and error, and be willing to fail if it gets you closer to your goal.










The Courage To Leave The Beaten Path Did you catch that? This means you have to be willing to fail if it gets you closer to your goal. When you strike out on your own, you’re doing something you’ve never done before. It’s disheartening and downright unrealistic if you expect to get it right the first time. You have to give yourself the time, space, and freedom to figure out what works and the best way to do it. This means no judging your speed of progress or comparing your baby steps to someone else’s expert moves. When you commit to living a life aligned with your dreams, visions, and true nature, you embrace the opportunity to explore what works and what doesn’t. You’re literally creating the blueprint of your life, and that’s a powerful place to be in. So how can you make this your reality? Here’s a 4-step process: Write out your big picture, then chunk it into smaller steps. Let’s say you want to get fit – that’s your bigger picture. The actions you take to make that happen? Those are your smaller steps. You want to meet yourself where you are and grow from there.

It’s important to divvy up your big picture into bite-sized actions so you don’t get overwhelmed with the enormity of your goal. So, “get fit” can branch into “drink more eater,” “eat more fruits and vegetables,” and “start exercising.” See how those 3 are more tangible and easier to measure than “get fit?” You can even turn “start exercising” into “take a brisk 10-min walk every day.” Bite-sized and measurable; if you can’t measure it, you can’t track it, and if you can’t track it, you can’t change it. Make a loose, adjustable timeline. How much time are you willing to commit to your project? Are you on a deadline? Do you need super-fast results yesterday? Do you want a series of smaller milestones, like weekly checkins, or do you want larger ones, like monthly or quarterly reviews? Define the parameters of your project so you don’t lose sight of your end goal(s). Having a timeline also gives you a snapshot of how long it takes to master certain activities and ways of being. APRIL 2016 • 50 SHADES OF PAID | 11


The Courage To Leave The Beaten Path Define your end point. How will you know when you’re done and ready for something new? Is this a skill/behavior/habit with multiple levels of prowess, or is it a smaller piece of your life mosaic? It’s important to have constraints in place so you can feel the thrill of transcending each one, otherwise it can all feel like one big slog with no end in sight. Let’s avoid that, yes? Map out your support system. There’s a lot you can do on your own, and there’s a lot you can’t. The key is to know the difference and act accordingly. Educate yourself on the support you’ll need. Will you get private coaching or training, an accountability buddy, or a mastermind group? Set aside the time and effort to get the help most appropriate for you. It’s also useful to have a budget so you don’t blow your resources and get nothing in return. Know how much time and money you’re willing to invest in a robust support system, and decide what it’s worth to you to have the best help available. Leaving the beaten path can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Mustering the courage to do so is a daily decision to focus on what works brilliantly for you and gets you where you want to go. This focus makes it easier to look at the big picture, make a loose timeline, define your end point, and ask for the support you need. Following this 4-step process makes it more doable and fun to carve out your own path. Are you ready?

APRIL 2016 • 50 SHADES OF PAID | 12

Turn Simple Conversations Into Clients Almost Every Time

Enrollments Conversations are the key to a coach's success in business. If you can't enroll clients into your programs, you don't have a business. But most coaches didn't get "sales" training in coach training. You learned how to be a coach but not necessarily how to be a salesperson. So you are in a position of needing more training, but you may not be sure of what kind of training. Usually it's some kind of sales training. There are so many different kinds of sales training out there. When I participated in a fancy year-long group coaching program with a 7-figure coach, we were taught 23 steps to take


during a strategy/discovery or enrollment conversation


found was that it was hard to stick to the formula.

session. That's a lot of steps to remember. And what I

Prospects can pull you in all different directions---especially 13 | 50 SHADES OF PAID • APRIL 2016

if you let them do most of the talking.


Turn Simple Conversations Into Clients Almost Every Time If the prospect is a good fit, no matter how good your intentions are to help/coach that prospect choose your program, when they don't, or when they come up with all the objections that you can't fully address, it's disappointing. And disappointment is hard to hide with a smile. Inside you're wondering why running a coaching business is such an uphill battle. You're just trying to help people and make enough money in the process to keep going with it. Why do you need to be a salesperson too? Maybe you're even avoiding these conversations because you don't know what to say, how to establish your value, or how to address the prospects inevitable objections. Recently I heard a teleclass by a business coach who said that even 6-7 figure coaches only get 25-30% conversions in their conversations and that's what you should shoot for. That means if you want 5 new clients a month, you need to have 20 conversations a month. Think about that for a minute---that is 20 hours a month, plus the time it takes to find those 20 people. So you need to have a marketing plan in place where you are doing something every work day to get about one conversation per day, if you work five days a week. If you want to figure out how much time you are actually spending to get each client, track the time you take to do the marketing to get those conversations. Then you will know what your true ROI (return on investment) is. The consequence is that if you want more clients, you have to spend more time marketing and having complimentary conversations until you reach your goal. It can get overwhelming. But actually, there's an easier way. You could focus on improving your conversion rate instead. What if that 25-30% was increased to 50-75%? Then you would only need 7-10 conversations per month to get those 5 clients. Here are some tips about how you can improve that conversion rate. 1. Check inside yourself to see what beliefs are preventing you from getting sales - sometimes some personal development is necessary to increase sales 2. Get crystal clear on who your ideal target market is - so you are targeting the right people who are the best fit for your programs

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Turn Simple Conversations Into Clients Almost Every Time 3. Set up a system for prequalifying your prospects - so you can tell whether they are ready for a solution to your problem 4. Have a system for following up with people you meet or connect with to help you determine their interest 5. Learn how to articulate the value of your program/service 6. Learn how to establish the gap between where they are at and where they want to go 7. Have a plan and be able to stick to it 8. Find your authentic voice, and be able to relay what you do compellingly 9. Speak from the heart, offer your solution, and support them in deciding the right path for them 10. Learn how to confidently ask for the sale, without feeling salesy 11. Bonus Tip: learn how to do all of this from someone who's an expert at it Learning how to turn simple conversations into clients almost every time is a skill you can acquire with a little help. Try these suggestions and see if your conversion rate improves. Jeannette Koczela, best selling author, marketing business coach, and the founder of the International Association of Professional Life Coaches™, trains life coaches who want to get more clients, grow their business, and make more money. Let her help you create a thriving coaching business and attract your ideal clients. Get her free eBook, "7 Quick-Start Marketing Strategies for Getting Clients This Week" at http://jeannettekoczela.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jeannette_Koczela/232800 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9249688

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4 Tips To Creating Knock-Out Content BY LUCINDA CROSS http://www.LucindaCross.com Producing content on a consistent basis can be very

Tip #3 – Share a Personal Experience and a Lesson

challenging and you may find yourself pulling your hair out when it comes time to writing another article, drafting

Is there a personal story you can tell that will help teach

another blog post, preparing another outline.

your readers a lesson? If you can tell your story in an entertaining and informative way will keep readers coming

If you’re not a content producer, sooner or later you’re

back for more. Everyone loves a good story and a good

going to come to the point where you have to ask yourself:


“What am I going to write about?” For example, Zappos’ CEO Tony Hseih often shares the Here are some tips that I use that can help you when it

story of how he learned business lessons from playing

comes to coming up with content ideas.

poker. The lessons he learned later helped him sell his company for $1.2 billion dollars. The story is both

Tip #1 – Explain an Expert’s Concept

entertaining and highly educational.

One great way to produce some killer content is to take

Tip #4 – Tell it Differently

some of your favorite quotes and expert ideas and use them as discussion topics for your content.

If you feel like you’ve really exhausted everything you have to say, then take a concept you’ve already touched on and

For example, if you’re running a business blog, you might

go deeply into it. Expand on it in depth.

take an idea like Donald Trump’s “it takes as much effort to think small as it does to think big, so you might as well

In the spirituality industry, there’s one primary teaching

think big”. You can take this quote and turn it into a blog

that’s repeated over and over: “Be present.” This one

post about goals and planning or thinking big according to

concept is expanded upon again and again, filling up


thousands of pages of content.

Adapt to Suit Your Business Environment

This concept doesn’t get boring because every time it’s told it’s from a different angle, with a different story or a

Tip #2 – Mistakes to Avoid

different emphasis. You can do the same with your content. What’s one important concept you can expand

Another great way to write articles is to teach people what


not to do. What mistakes have you personally made in this niche? What are common mistakes other people make?

These are just some ideas of how to quickly produce more content. Use these tips to help stimulate your mind, then

You can either list several mistakes in one article, or go in depth on one common mistake that they should pay attention to.

use your creativity to create some knockout content. APRIL 2016 • 50 SHADES OF PAID | 17

Three Questions BY KADENA TATE http://www.KadenaTate.com I have three questions for you! (Well, not questions, exactly. More like fill-in-the-blank statements.) If you're in the mood to share your thoughts, please email me at Kadena@AskKadena.com. 1. When it comes to packaging my expertise, it would feel amazing if I could: ________________.

2. If there's one thing that consistently blocks me, distracts me, drains my energy, or makes it harder for me to write, it is: ________________.

3. I get really tired, grumpy or overwhelmed when I think about: ________________. [Extra credit] 4. If I could sit down with you, Kadena, and ask you anything, it would be: ________________. Brevity is very sexy & always appreciated. :) Your responses will help me to create new articles, advice columns, free workbooks & courses. Thank you for sharing! APRIL 2016 • 50 SHADES OF PAID | 18





Let's capture your radiance, love, and joy. http://www.DeeHillPhotography.com

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