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(Chief Editor) Güven CEYLAN (Advertisement ) karanlikoda@metaltr.net (Editor) Ebru Ekşi koeditor@metaltr.net (Writers) Ümit Gündoğdu Ece Tuğba Saka Ebru Ekşi Kerem Göktay Arda Bolatin Alp Kılınç Oktay Ateş Mert Atila Çağrı Kaçar Sevcan Çamırcı Dilara Akmil Gökay Hazinedaroğlu Doğukan Binici

(Graphic design) Güven CEYLAN gloom@metaltr.net (Webmaster) Kerem Göktay kerem@goktay.com (web solution partner) MetalTR www.metaltr.net Myspace www.myspace.com/karanlikoda

Hi everyone, As mentioned before, we are here for you with KARANLIK ODA e-magazine English version. We salute you once again with a proud of laying the foundation of our newest project, that about our local bands and Turkey’s fight in metal arena, being activated by our whole MetalTR’s team non-stop works. With putting aside this salutation I would like to speak about content of our first English issue be a bit different from magazine’s July issue! What included in this issue? There are several pages on that we talking with Tuna who is one of our metal scene thrasher children and with all members of Aegnor about their music and also bands. There are two important interviews fixed. One of them done with Arsames, who took place on UniRock Stage in July, came from Iran being our border neighbor and other much far to us, Legion of Damned from Netherlands. Besides that we lay an article about Corpse Paint being considered the make-up of Metal music and sayings from nooks known less, but have many men of deeds re metal music your doors. If we have to say something about releasing the following project, I’m sorry to say we re late. This delay is not because of technical problems, but our muff of amateur soul in scheduling and forwarding and because of external factor like melting heat caused a postponement in releasing day. However that we not divest you of getting a kick out of pages! Have a good appetite! Editor Ebru EKŞİ

Hi, Maurice First of all I want to thank you for accepting my offer. I hope everything is ok with the LOTD. I wish to start with a short question. How do you identify LOTD? LOTD is all about speed thrash, but with a modern touch. What did the LOTD live within the 3-4 years after changing the name? If we will compare with Occult, LOTD seems as more popular whether the gigs they have participate or sales. What do you think about this and also what causes this in your aspect? We had a big promotion campaign around the new name, it was planned really well + with the new name we didn’t have the negativity behind us that we had with occult

and Netherlands but LOTD has taken place with the festivals that has been known in all over the world. What are the reasons of it? LOTD just became known and selling good albums; festivals all over the world were interested in booking LOTD, with Occult with struggled and mostly did tours in central Europe. I have watched the gigs of LOTD by videos. I see that you and the audience get heavy enthusiastic in the gigs. How do you consider the contact of the audience and band? In which aspect must it be? It’s really important; therefore I like to play in smaller clubs, because at big festivals the contact between the band and audiences is not always possible.

LOTD has been shown as one of the best band which reflects the soul of I guess one of the most asked the 80’s Thrash with modernizing it. question is about the transform of I guess it is not wrong to say that Occult into LOTD. Actually I want you have a musical structure which to ask the same thing for the ones keeps alive the Thrash explosion who are curious and also the ones that has started at 80’s. What are who do not know the essence of the your aspects in this subject? Will matter. Why did you want to give a LOTD walk in the same path or shall new direction to Occult, which has there be any changes of style in been active between 1992 – 2005 course of time? and also which has had a place in That’s hard to say what the future its genre? brings, but I guess we will never It was really necessary, we headed drastically change anything! towards a brick wall, and there was The album “Feel The Blade” which is in the end a lot of shit going on, so the re-record of the “Elegy for the we really had to change the name. Weak” has taken good reviews from all over the world. What was the asI guess some of our major quespect of re-recording this album? tions will be the differences beIt was just released under the name tween LOTD and Occult :) Another Occult; it was a great album and conspicuous thing is that the band a pity if the newer fans wouldn’t Occult –which has more extended know of this one, so we did a rerpast- mostly toured in Germany elease in a great package!

projects and the reasons of abanI guess “Sons of the Jackal” was donment? Are there any projects one of the most popular album that shall take place in the future of the band. Especially the cover for any member? design was great. What kind of None of the band members have reviews do you take about your other projects, we are all to busy albums? Which album do the audi- with legion of the damned, Richard ences like most? was in Inhume in 1995, and only Poeh, hard to say, I hear mostly the new bassist Harold had 2 projthat fans like our first album, I ects: Charlie Adler and Inhume, but guess its something like movies, al- he stopped doing both bands beways the first part of a trilogy mov- cause of Legion of the damned ie is the best, rocky I, Rambo I, Die Hard I etc. ha-ha You have a cooperation with Massacre Records that has begun at the How was it to work with a veteran Occult period. And you are working as Andy Classen for LOTD? with them for a long time. I have Super! He was the best choice for heard good things about Massacre the albums we have recorded until Records with the other bands that now, and we started a good friend- I have interviewed. What are your ship, it was always a pleasure and aspects about Massacre Records? relaxing time recording with him There is nothing to complain, they are doing there job, but don’t forI want to talk about Twan who has get we are licensed to Massacre left the band. The togetherness we never signed to Massacre, we which has started at 1999 has finsigned to Boomer Entertainment. ished after a while LOTD had been active. Shall we get detailed inforYou have given some personal inmation of the reasons of this deciformation in your website. I will sion? have a little questionnaire at the He had become dad for the 2nd end of the interview. But we wish time when we toured with Katakto know the members of LOTD with lysm, we spoke about him that his your own words. family is important and that it will We are all like brothers, I have be tough for him to go away for 3 been in the band with Erik for alweeks and not seeing his new born most 20 years, with Richard almost baby son, when something hap18 years or 17 years, we know pened to his kid and came in hospi- each other very well and we nevtal he had to leave the tour, so we er have fights, this makes it very told him its best that he would stop pleasant, everybody knows in the the band and focus on his family. band what his role is, so there is never any discussion or anything. Let’s talk about the other projects of the band members. As I know no My last question is about our counone except Richard (Inhume) has try. What do you know about Turother project. Can you give us a key in aspect of musical or cultural? little bit information about your ex- And what do you think? Did you

ever get any gig offer or do you want to have a gig in our country? I don’t know much about Turkey, its always hard to imagine that there is a metal scene, because you never hear from this country, but its good to hear that metal is also alive in turkey I want to ask you some questions that have been asked in the forum topic which I had opened for LOTD. Maybe it is a negative review but I wanted to ask it to you. “Elegy For The Weak” was a great album which has kept great thrash elements in. And also this album was a crescendo for Occult. Why did they changed their name and started to release low level albums? Were not they glad with the job they had done with the “Elegy For The Weak” ? I don’t know what this means, I mean the albums that we recorded with LOTD would be the same for occult, so it makes no difference, everything stayed the same, if we had recorded sons of the jackal under Occult we would have the same album as with lotd only difference is that LOTD is known and Occult was not, Elegy for the weak was the first time to Andy Classen. The second question is from another member of MetalTR.NET: You are having so many gigs and also there are so many albums. How shall LOTD handle it?

That’s always hard, we are really busy with recording and playing, but its still to handle it, if we wanted we could play even more but we keep it so that we can still do it. The third question is about the “Full of Hate Tour”: You have a busy schedule for 4 weeks. What is your expectation from the Full of Hate Tour? And shall you give us information about the other cities that you will visit for gig this year? The expectations were great and the tour was great, we played big halls and the bands were really relaxed! Other places we play this year among them are Portugal, Greece, Finland, Germany and Czech Republic.

Questionnaire: - Equipment You Use (Trademark, Model): Shure Wireless - Birthday And Place: May 14th, Venlo - Favorite Bands: Nevermore, Devil Doll, Slayer, Sanctuary, Marduk, Destruction, Kreator - Favorite Albums: Slayer “Reign in blood” - Favorite Musician: Love Warrel dane’s voice - Spare Time Occupation: Don’t have any spare time ;-) - Favorite Drink: Coca/Pepsi - Favorite Food: Mostly meat and patato’s - The Best LOTD Album: Cult of the dead - The Best LOTD Concert: Up from the ground perhaps - Unforgettable Memory That Has Been Lived With LOTD: Wacken open air! - With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?: Slayer - The First Album You Have Bought: Something from Bathory - The Last Album You Have Bought: That’s hard because I hardly buy stuff, I mostly get stuff - Last Question: Philosophy of Life: Enjoy it the fullest

CHĂ–PSTICKSUICIDE Prepared By: Oktay In 2007, Four weird humanoids (each of whom has at least 5-6 years of recording and countless stage experiences) Toad, Hannibal, Dr.Evil and Space Monkey decided to make weird, technical music. They all disbanded their current bands and started to write some experimental and technical stuff. In 2009, after some member changes, the band decided to continue their musical career with two members; Space Monkey on guitars and vocals, Toad on drums. So now, Chopstick Suicide is a 2-piece mathcore band from Istanbul/Turkey and ready to shred. www.myspace.com/chopsticksuicide

CAVIL Prepared By: Oktay Cihan Eker, Fikret Tolan and Birkan Başören were all together with long period music projects, bands and on stage experiences. And they laid on the foundation of their own band in the summer of 2008 as a new project .In order not to lose any time; the band began to search for guitar and bass guitar. Cemal Can Efe and Yavuz Günay, who were friends with Cihan Eker and Birkan Başören from their former bands, joined the band and the recent line-up took shape with a bunch of hardworking musicians, then the band started to work on songs. After the first completed composition Vindictive, Yavuz Günay had to leave the band because of some reasons and Cavil, again, began to search for a bass guitar. Luckily, this search was not so long and Onur Serdar who’s the former band mate of Cemal and a friend of us joined the band. The band started to keep working on the things immediately, again and the new song “Uzak” is made. The band adopted Metalcore/Screamo genre as their style. Attaching importance to the time, disciplined work and stability facts, revealed the good results for

the band and the band became able to get on the stage with their repertory in two months... After plenty of stage performances, the band keeps making music for its audience in Screamo genre. Cavil, while taking steps to impress the audience of Metalcore genre with the concerts on the list, is waiting for its new audience to meet. At the moment, besides their own compositions the band is also covering the songs of well-known bands on metalcore genre such as: Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage, As I Lay Dying, Darkest Hour, Still Remains, and Bullet for My Valentine. The aim for Cavil for doing this is to make audience feel the real Metalcore music. One of the aims of the band is to gain its new audience. You can get photos, videos, news, concert details and, all stuff you want learn about the band from here, the official MySpace page of the band: http://www.myspace.com/cavilband Besides, you will get the chance to watch them, who is working so hard to present you the best on live stage in many organizations and festivals, soon...

FREEDOM GRAY Prepared By: Oktay Freedom Gray was formed in August 2001 with Fahrettin Satgan(drums), Kıvanç Sevinc (guitars), Koray Akkin (bass guitars), Abdurrahman Simsek (lead guitars) and Murat Akca (vocals) as “Unenlightened” in Izmir. After a couple months, Fahrettin Satgan has decided to leave the band due to his familial reasons so in November 2001 Kemal Sozer(ex Medusa) has joined the band as drums. In July 2002, Kıvanç Sevinc was permanently suspended because of his everlasting absence in the gang so they have decided to solve the second guitarist problems with Murat Akca and thereby the band has taken it’s present “four-piece” shape. In 2003, right after joining to the comp-station-3 (Rock Station magazine) with the song named “unenlightened”, due to some copyright problems; the band has decided to change their name into “Freedom Gray”. After four years of silence, finally the band has made

their first show in October 1 2005 (Izmir Rock Festival-2) in Izmir… Also in the late 2006, they have completed the general recordings of their first album called “Blackout Diary” which contains 13 songs including “Unenlightened” too. Generally, songs were based on the inner conflicts of both themselves & people around them, and also memories which are still full of pain and hatred..... “Blackout Diary” was released in October 2008 by “Raven Records”..... Today, Freedom Gray is preparing to get in shape for their 2nd studio album “Our Blood-Red Equilibrium” which is centered on many subjects such as the inner traces of Bosnia 92-95 to the present rotten politics of the world & TR and the only pestilence called “human”. This time both the sound & concept will be much more offensive, thrashy and wrathful..... Freedom Gray is redefining their own characteristics with “Our Blood-Red Equilibrium”. With lullabies which none would like to listen, with screams which none would like to hear, Freedom Gray is preparing to re-introduce themselves with a new individuality & vibrate each soul to bones!....

VORTEX OF CLUTTER Prepared By: Oktay Vortex of Clutter was formed in 2008 by Zafer and Özgür. After a while, with the participation of Özkan Tosun, who played the bass for the renowned band Solitude, V.o.C began work without any vocals. After completing his military service, Güneş took position with the rhythm guitar. With Furkan from Expectation, who replaced Özkan for the bass guitar, V.o.C has formed its current line-up. In the end of 2008, Benjamin Ouzana joined the band as a vocalist and since then the band has been on several rock bars’ stage.

AN INTERVIEW WITH AEGNOR Interview: Pınar Tuncer Translation: Ebru Ekşi & Sevcan Çamırcı Aegnor is a black metal band who took its first professional musical step in 2001. The meaning of the band name is ‘frightening fire’. We made an interview and took many cheery photos with the Aegnor’s team who is a band that introduce its music with an unbelievable creativity. Unfortunately I realized them the last year and got the opportunity to listen their stuff. However it has existed for a long time, may be many of you hear the band name for the first time. But in comparison with the last several years, it is possible to listen to demos of the bands via internet, meet with their music and reach them on their profile pages. In our country, there are many musicians that make us say ‘they make good music’ but because of many problems Turkish audience can’t hear. Here is the interview arranged to make heard their sound to black metal audience and in which we can bring up the problems and know them so close with our frightening phrases… First of all I want to thank all of you, because it’s usually very difficult to get you together I want to get our conversation started with the most suitable questions. The band members are known with their instruments and their names. But if object is to know the band members with their personal sides, it’ll be good to ask a question like this: As a musician or just as a human being, who are you? (For all members): Serkan: I’m a person who likes living simple but if you want me to make a characteristic definition I say I have a view of pessimism. You can understand black side of mine from the lyrics that I write. My pessimism is a means between me and my job. Onur: Sometimes it’s more difficult to define yourself than writing about anything. Our depressive and darkness sound represent some of my sides. I try to say the negative, positive also depressive sides that everyone has got, can be found in me! This is the harmonic contrast entre black and white. In my body, you can see many different emotional states. For example, people don’t wonder when they see me with the children playing ball.

Yes, I can imagine the picture of this. You run after the ball with a bass guitar on you (may be even with corpse paint on your face). Onur: Why not! Emrah: I am a normal person who does his day work and something else when he is idle. I don’t have any difference from the others or superpower and source of inspiration. It’s seemed like a wind. It comes and quits. Person cannot live by thinking what happens in your future. For example, when I was at primary school, I couldn’t think of being interested in something like this. You can never catch music. It does not happen suddenly. This is an act of adaptation. When I took my guitar for the first time into my hands, I didn’t say ‘I want to be a musician later’. I wanted only a change for me and notated the songs. It has happened in the length of time. My first composition is more different than the one I have today and getting of this wants much time. But now when people listen to our music, they criticize us as though they use another language. We cannot understand what they want to say! But this is not our fault. Everyone has a different viewpoint. Emre: I can’t say anything about this. If anyone wants to know me, it takes a little time. I don’t want to say ‘I’m a person like this’. It’s probable to say that some of us today are different from us in past in your musical aspect. What are the differences between the music that you wanted to do when you formed your band and the things that you aimed for your future? Emrah: I explained how I began my musical carrier. When I formed our band with Serkan, our object in this area was only to enjoy and to make heard what we wanted to hear. But when days pass, our name is heard and performances are done, out of your desire everything has changed and you work harder! Difficulties and our problems are rising and everything fall into confusion. When we formed the band we said ‘we must do black metal’. Serkan and I are the people who are seriously touched by this music. As time has gone we have understood that what we really want to do and now we apply what we believe! Serkan: As he said, for first time our object was not big, we did everything for us, first

of all we wanted to play what we want to hear. I began music to feed my soul and because of my musical love. I still love playing but while the band ages, aims become more serious. Onur: My viewpoint has not changed in years. Music has always been means for me for interaction between audiences and a source of satisfaction. In elapsed time I bear only listening to more quality music. Also we try to reflect this to our music done by our and with each passing days I refresh myself with newest. So I believe that everything would change. Anyway many of things are changed! If I say which point made you realize your change? Onur: My journal playlist that I listen is sufficient for me but I start to believe that it must develop. It’s the point that I realized our change. On this issue I want to ask you why many bands can’t maintain their first album format? Good or bad it can mean, but you can say ‘it is better to go always in same line to maintain your genre’ or ‘a change should be done’? You have some ideas about this subject, haven’t you? Emre: If you try not to change you must carry different fears except music! What you want to do you must show it! Maintaining your format, working with your sound that you got ten years ago has just one meaning: ‘wastage of energy’! I can understand if you try to maintain your style, because that’s what must be done! In this situation there is not any asocial side. I don’t want to be misunderstood! What I try to say that if you stand against a musical change you have some fears except music! That’s my opinion. Onur: Change is necessary and inevitable. Your psychology is changeable in different periods of life and you do what your soul wants. It’ impossible to pass to popular music from metal but for me it’s so natural if a black metal band want a more electronic genre years ahead. I’m not rigid about that. People cannot produce anything only for audiences’ expectations. The most important thing is your locution. If I do what you want and I don’t want it in fact then, it is nothing. I must feel to do! Serkan: I believe that music is done with

feeling. You do what you feel! And what change makes you feel you do that! Onur: I think anyone does something without feeling like a robot but then it represents nothing for you. Music that is done systematically with dead scale and form will not represent anything. What add sense to music are our feelings and they can change in proportion to life. Emrah: You cannot catch the same sound in all materials. All factors of life, like time change your music. But it doesn’t mean a big difference. How does it influence the performance of the band when a person who listens to heavy metal takes part into a black metal band? Emrah: A person, who listens to heavy metal, cannot deal with black metal. In conclusion, music is not done by insistence, force or for anyone’s sake. Borrowed garments never fit well. It doesn’t run! If now anyone comes and say me ‘a popular music musician wants from you a composition’ I can’t make it. It’s like that. Onur: First of all a musician has to have all facilities before categorizing. One that plays guitar very well can or cannot simply comply with every genre. Being is good in a way does not mean it will be very good in others. He or she must deal with the other example in this genre. If you want a musician well rounded, in brief you must listen to black metal and love this. Self-sacrifice is very important. It seems to me that everything goes well if you have self-sacrifice. Having many sufficient facilities are not important. Musical basic facilities can’t imply anything if you don’t take your work seriously! This must be the criterion! Emre: I entered and it’s done! I talk about my guitar, it runs with ease. It is a holiday for me All right than we can say you are the first musician that Onur mentioned listen to heavy metal and keep pace with black metal Emre: One of the biggest problems of a band is member change. What do you thing about this? Serkan: Member change is a big negative

factor in progressing. And it’s very difficult to gather good members. We lived many problems about this. I hope we won’t live the same problems again. Onur: As for me, the biggest problem is that, people can’t professionally approach to music. Band members see it as a hobby not a profession. Band members reflect their personal lives to music and their performance limp. Many problems grow out of not taking seriously what they do. Emrah: Change of line-up make you regress. We have lived this for years. This point was formed because of men who didn’t know what they would. Otherwise disaccord lived between the members would not result with a break. To increase you must decide what you want to do! Emre: What you spell is the unique act that makes me cyclical say ‘I take all positions in the band and I can record, too’. Breaks lived in the band is only a loss of time. You can see so many people in that opinion in this country, as they don’t know what they want to do. Besides personal difficulties, you live other problems in popular music arena that have gained the musical mastery. Can you find sufficient supports in Turkey? What is your expectation from Turkish audience? Serkan: We can say that we do not receive any supports In Turkey this genre always has had prejudice. For support, listening to metal music is not enough. You can encounter many prejudices against black metal from metal audience. I would want more supports and perspective without prejudice. I would like to see a mass really listen to black metal, not a mass only say ‘I love it’. Onur: In fact even if black metal gets rid of its damn I would not want to see everybody listening that because I see this genre as an anti culture. Addressing to an audience that consists of people adapted to this genre makes me feel more satisfied. You do music and these people that feel you, are the only ones that listen to it. It’s a beautiful sense. Black metal is a genre that gains its power from its damn! Emrah: Black metal is not concept that every metal listeners can feel. Who feels this genre and listens to us is sufficient for us. We have seen many dead crowds that pick holes in

you and do nothing. These people fill the downstage without having no information about you or who is on stage. Our countrymen seem to take an oath upon Scandinavian blood. We searched a problem into our band and we tried to change, but it is not only about us. Listener is the main factor into this. We left it to time! Emre: It’s difficult to see sufficient support, but this arena that we have gives us this conclusion. So many bands cry and say ‘why don’t we have supports’-so what? We think that is wrong! It’s so clear, if you play your music, supports are not that important. In the end, you will have a certain mass. No matter they are many or few! I would like to talk about these problems before your formation and the times after that. Emrah: Our only object was composition when Aegnor was formed. Our biggest problem was that. But as time has gone we have taken our work more seriously and we have known many people who have said ‘I can’t abide’. We’re influenced from these people who were afraid of taking on responsibility. We have had endless drummer problems since 1996. We have to account for working with unwilling men. Every good musician can’t accompany a band. Teamwork and playing into a band has a difference in sense. Serkan: At first, we didn’t have any material or moral problems. When band members began to reflect their personal lives to our work and then layout change occurred, many bad effects for us were seen. Onur: As for me, if you have personal problems you cotton on to music much more. Music helps you to ease. If you have pains, your doctor is music. Pain is your creativeness on all domains. Serkan: We had many problems during promotion, too. In Turkey there are many great bands but, because of insufficient promotions their names are not heard. So we don’t know them. So we understand from this, promotion is to be done very well to be heard. I guess a good promotion and sponsors needs much money, doesn’t it? Serkan: You are right! We couldn’t advertise us. You do good job but accessing to people

is another real side of music. Emre: I think it’s not about materiality. There are many investors, but there are a few works that call their attention. You must display yourself. Nobody tries to get connect with you. Onur: Materiality is a cause for this, maybe not. Between of all these acts, it’s so important to make yourself known or we say ‘commercializing is well for you’. It seems to say ‘I have a pull at Ankara’. It’s about your friends at TV, magazines. If they are crowded, your job is easy. If somebody who gets power can support you, you become more puissant. You must tie up with right people. I agree with you. What we talk about is something effective in everywhere. I’m a photographer and I have the same problems, but music is personal and addresses to your taste and soul, so organs of access are very important in this domain. Serkan: Yes... If you don’t have a website that has many users, a promotion done well and in which you can find released tracks no one would search for you or wonder your music. It’s necessary to make your name heard in all domains. Now the time seems to be ripe for giving your official homepage where your fans can listen to you: http://www.myspace.com/aegnor Thanks to that, they can find possibility to listen to your some tracks and to have more information about your band also. Now we can zoom out here from problems and let’s talk about a general question. If one day you decide to quit your musical career will you regret anything for not doing until this time? Serkan: I don’t think I would want to give up music without releasing an album and playing in one of the biggest fest on stage. Onur: Quitting music is off the beaten track for me. Music is not like a job that you get only money. It’s done with love. It’s chief purpose in my life. If one day I lose my professional idea, I continue this like an amateur. May be I won’t play in a band but will keep listening and sharing it! Emrah: Music is not done without loving but

if I’ll be too old to show myself on stage after many years I will amuse with my family and say my son ‘hey son, give me a “la” Emre: I can’t say anything for my future. If it runs I’ll continue. I would like to be on a big stage and release albums but if you ask anyone on street ‘do you want that’ he/ she would say ‘of course’ old women are an exception; they always reply these kind of question like that ‘no I don’t want something of the kind’ and add ‘what can I do with that’ Let’s talk about your album and your newest one. EP was released in last December. Are you pleased with that? What is your plan about your album? Serkan: Because of some negative conditions, EP was not progressed in the way we wanted. The main cause of that was member change at the time of recording. Delay lived on recording which affected us very bad. Onur: We were going to play keyboard parts of EP but members bungled on gathering. Serkan: About new album, we want to write lyrics on different languages and after this demo product we design our first official album. Onur: I got my place on layout after the first album so I couldn’t help them. But for the new album I’ll be there and bas riffs that looked me very poor will grow stronger by my hard work. Serkan: In spite of technical and basic problems, I think tracks have a sound that reflects us. But we believe that all problems will disappear and get better. Emrah: We couldn’t find what we want on this EP because recording period fell on problems. We had to buffet with unexpected problems and this influenced us very bad. But despite of all bad effects, listeners’ reactions are not much worse. It’s unofficial and this is the worst side of that. But we could make our sound heard anyway-a signal of our being. Lack of keyboard parts was a disadvantage for our tracks. I agree with Onur about that. Alright, what are your plans about this new one as a former member? There must be many ideas on your head for this.

Emrah: New one is coming soon. We think this one will like a bomb and we choose a theme that has been never heard in Turkey. Then I want to ask what your new theme is? Emrah: Now I don’t want to explain that but I can give a hint It has much more Turkish motifs. In the first album lyrics were mine but the following one will be material in which all members are included. So we can say that listeners will be confronted with a different album from EP? Emrah: It’s so clear. Of course for our first official work we hope a sponsor. If we can find our sponsor its recording will progress in the way we want. Our hope for this is so big. It’ll be the first step of a beginning! I grow impatient in view of what is spoken and I hope we listen to this album with love. If we go back to the subject about genre, can you say that it’s right to term black metal bands with their belief, mode of life and other stuff like these? Serkan: Not! It’s of course wrong. I listen to black metal, play and love it so much. I feel it in my soul, but I’m a person who has religious belief and worship too. Some prejudices like this are completely wrong. Our lyrics do not have much religious items anyway. One can think work and belief as different things. It’s so absurd to perceive it as a whole. Black metal is not reaction of a belief or a political opinion. Music is sufficient to explicate something. Onur: In fact I don’t want to say it’s right or not. It’s all over personal. You can see easily many bands that reflect their belief or political opinion. If your music’s black metal, you cannot squirm out of it with saying ‘that is wrong’. You cannot stereotype all black metal bands. We know there are many of them who are irreligious or religious. Antagonizing religion is seen first in Norway, but besides this irreligious position, flattering religion is not logical too. Black metal lies at the root of irreligious culture so people always remember all black metal bands as the same. A band burned a church so I must instantly listen to it. That is not my musical aspect. Their sound is easy on my ear to listen to it. I don’t care about their belief, if I love them I listen to! It’s so

clear. Emrah: It’s very wrong to see belief, vision and music together. Being a part of a black metal band does not mean that you are irreligious. Everyone has belief in a way. Without belief you cannot do anything, as for me. Music and the others arts require belief! There are many irreligious bands but we’re not in this category. We’re not related with them. At the present day we have to get up to these needless subjects, because of some people who set up a howl. Above some phrases we talked about lyrics. In general who write them? And what influence you, your life or anything else? Serkan: Lyrics are on my hand and they usually have a depressive side. They consist of pessimist and darkness themes. They have historical sides, too. Our new album will be similar. We do not think a radical change. Emre: I’m not in this writing phase. I only translate them into English and work to get them more harmonic and melodic. If I was the writer, our genre would be called ‘journal metal’. Serkan know that I am not concerned with darkness, prison or lost soul. May be you try it one day. You can be former band of a new genre related to black metal and be heard in Turkey and world, too So, we can say that you are influenced with your personal lives or what develop around you? Serkan: Of course. What is lived reacts on your soul many times. Emre: O_o (Pınar, please do not add this to interview Serkan, when did the lost soul that came from hell live on your sofa bed? ) Sometimes real life is integrated with unreal life. I think that is main factor that keeps you from repeating yourself and being banal. In real, the lost souls coming from hell are not here you can imagine that, talk with them and compose your lyrics? Serkan: Being understood is beautiful You said that Aegnor wants to write lyrics in many different languages. Do you think of composing any Turkish lyrics for up-coming album?

Serkan: May be in Turkish, may be in Hebrew, Latin, Russian or Arabic. All languages are possible! Onur: I have many articles and I am interested in literature. For now, what I write is not suitable for our lyrics but, I have some compositions. I want to try different things. Emrah: Composing Turkish lyrics is something we have been thinking of and it may come true in this album. Emre: Yes, we have an aim like this. But I can’t translate; I know English very well and a little German Alright, do you think that Turkish lyrics can increase the rate of your listeners? Serkan: It may! It’s up to listeners. Onur: Everyone can simply understand English lyrics so I think this language is so proper for this. Our aim is not limited with Turkish audience; we want to be listened throughout the world, too. Emrah: If all lyrics will be Turkish, it can be a loss for us. I think lyrics are not cared so much by listeners. I can hear from a few people saying ‘what do these lyrics try to explain us?’ but lyrics are important, you must know to what you listen and accompany! English is an international language, so addressing to many people is easier with it. You had some concerts before. I had a chance to watch one of them. I remember you having had some troubles in this but for my personal opinion, your performance was good. Can you mention us about the problems about the performances you have had till now? Onur: only audience! What do you mean? Onur: People do not show any reaction in performances of these kinds of bands. They all have prejudices about us and the bands like us. People can pay lots of money for foreign bands when they come to our country, but they do not even come to your concert even if it’s free! I’m sorry to say that you are faced with a minor mass! Serkan: A prejudice against local bands always exists!

Onur: Indifference and apathy are there, too! Serkan: In fact, Turkish audience loves music. But their reaction is only for foreign bands, not for us. We can see their enthusiasm when a famous band is on stage. But when you are on stage you cannot see the same reaction. They’re not aware of bands doing really good job. Emrah: In our concerts we live main problems with the people arranging our sound system, but audience is another main problem. My countryman is starving for music, but he turns his back on you! I could not understand why! And I don’t think this situation can be changed easily. Our society can download every song from net and vote for you, but when an outlying band arrives at here, everything changes. I guess we’re so hospitable it’s about that. Emre: Another big problem is the sound system. You generally live technical problems. Why does the prejudice for local bands exist in the minds of people? I agree with you there are many good bands but why can’t your minor mass that realize, and feel you and understand which sound is best, outgrow the prejudice? Sure, majority beats the minority, on the other hand. Serkan: It’s preciosity! We- our local bands are not trusted in our country, and so promotion; sponsors cannot be founded for us. The limited well-known bands are not well. Their fame is arises from good promotion! It makes them rise! But you cannot turn a blind eye to whom does good music like Cenotaph, Pentagram. Emrah: Fests and other organizations call the bands that are more popular. Because everything is about money! Everyone lives for his ad. I would like to ask as a person who is in media-TV sector. I am slanted towards seeing more programs concerning metal music. But they are a few or none! In turkey metal video clip is so dead in comparison with Europe. There are so many music canals but finding a black metal video on TV is nearly impossible. How you evaluate this? Onur: In Turkey, as a country where this

music is done, how many videos clip were recorded? If you record one, our Muslim society will not show any interest in this! So it’s so normal to see only videos of popular music on TV. You have to see what the majority wants! I refuse this world where people only think of materiality! Summer came and fests began! What do you think about fests done and the up-coming ones? Can you say their organizations are sufficient? If you are not pleased with them can you say what your expectations from them are? Serkan: Organizations must be developed! Their act is not only concerts. Gains of who listen to this music are much clear, so for sufficient participation prix must be low! Besides prix, organizations do not help underground formations. Popular bands stand usually in the forefront. You read always the same names on posters! Popularity gives you many advantages in everywhere! Emre: Fest organizations are sufficient for show but we cannot know what intrigue on back stage! On stage nothing is missed. What is presented to us may be some kind of mask, or not. Our desires are highly about bands in organizations. We see so many bands think like ‘we play everywhere, quality of organization is not important for us’. We must consider which assurance or equipments are guaranteed to us or where we can camp, when we apply to an organization or they come to us for offering a stage! We have to want something; our expectations must be accepted from them! There is only logic into blockhead, that’s ‘at all events I must be there!’ for example, if I organize a fest that is not so far to center and if I install two guitar amplifiers, a bad bass amplifier, a superficial drum set on its stage I guess at least twenty bands come to play there. May be more than twenty! We must not engage in this with a business mental. I do not mention about this small rock clubs of universities that have limited budget and try to organize some kind of fests. I talk about big organizations that can raise the bar of possibilities. Do you have some plans about this summer? Is there any headbang possibility with your songs in any fest? Serkan: We applied some fests but, for now I do not want to give their names as the lineup is not explained, yet. But, a fest is close to become definite and we will prob-

ably take part on two stages. Album is in the pipeline and we want to release a demo before the end of the summer. Emrah: We are in a queue to play on for this summer. I want to get on the stage more than everyone because this year I will join the army and this memory must be taken place into others! I hope to take your photos on a big stage in this summer. Finally do you reflect to your composition anything that influenced you so much? Serkan: Yes, but I cannot say to you. It’s so special Onur: Me too, but I cannot say because it’s more special than his Emrah: There are so many things that we lived and reflected to our music. I think Serkan’s and Onur’s situations are completely emotional! My poor friends feel sorrow because of their loves. Don’t secrete them from us! Therein lays a hidden chagrin into their pessimist side. They’re lying. Don’t cheat on public! I did my best for keeping this question for the end. I guess we will finish our interview with laughter Emre: I cannot understand this explication. If it’s so special why you mention about its specialty Be quite and sit! Emrah: If we have to spell seriously about that, I can say that I’m a teetotal and can compose after all trees being cut With all of these, people care about you learnt more information thanks to this interview. And they can reach you through an official web address of yours, with which they access more and more about you! Like you said everything is easier in these last years. My questions and my list of what I want to talk can continue but little mystery will be good for you. I thank all of you and hope to see you in summer fest ASAP…

Emrah 1 Equipment You Use (Trademark, Model): Jackson warrior electro guitar, zoom gh2.1 efekt processor, roland micro cube guitar speakers 2 Birthday And Place: 26 November 1986,Trabzon, TR 3 Favorite Bands: falkenbach, mithotyn, emperor, Dimmu Borgir, bran barr, eluveitie, immortal, nargaroth, moonsorrow etc.... 4 Favorite Albums: eluveitie-slania, immortal - at the heart of winter, nargaroth-black metal ist krieg, empror- in the nightshade eclipse 5 Favorite Musician: ihsahn, abbat 6 Spare Time Occupation: My family, music and movies 7 Favorite Drink: cherry juice:) 8 Favorite Food: mantı, karnı yarık ve kağıt kebabı 9 The Best Aegnor Track: empyrium ode to melancholy 10 The Best Aegnor Gig: The first Arsames underground concert 11 Unforgettable Memory: When I was started to play this kind of music my mom thought there is something wrong with the washing machine and advised to call for a repairman 12 With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?: moonsorrow 13

The First Album You Have Bought: death -symbolic


The Last Album You Have Bought: Daath, Dimmu Borgir- in sorte diabol

1 Equipment You Use (Trademark, Model): ESP Explorer 2 Birthday And Place: 1981 Mardin, TR 3 Favorite Bands: Metallica,Abyssos,Barathrum,Bethlehem,Aaskeria,Silencer,Summoni ng,Sun of the sleepless, Thy light, Bathory, Dissection, Dimmu Borgir, Lunar aurora, Eisregen, Nokturnal mortum, Nocturnal depression, Mithotyn, Finntroll, Thyrfing, Amon Amarth, Ancient, Beastcraft, Anorexia nervosa, Judas iscariot, Immortal, etc.... 4 Favorite Albums: Judas iscariot-An eternal kingdom of fire, Immortal-At he heart of winter, Abyssos-Fristanina nightbreed, Barathrum-okkult, Metallica-And justice for all 5 Favorite Musician: Abbath, Gaahl. 6 Spare Time Occupation: Reading, writing, movies, listening music etc...it’s just classics I don’t have much to do in my spare times 7 Favorite Drink: water, sex on the beach 8 Favorite Food: kısır, mercimekli köfte, içli köfte 9 Best album: Metallica-And justice for all, Immortal-At the heart of winter, Judas iscariot-An eternal kingdom of fire... 10 Best Gig: 99’ Metallica Gig in Istanbul 11 An unforgettable Memory: Liv Chirstine’s kiss and hug 12 With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?: Dimmu Borgir, Barathrum, Sun of the sleepless, Lunar aurora, Ancient, Aaskeria, Bethlehem, Judas iscariot 13 The First Album You Have Bought: Metallica-And justice for all. 14 The Last Album You Have Bought: Sun of the sleepless-Nebelmond 15 Last Question: Philosophy of Life: I think life is unnecessary and there is no point of struggling for things that you’ll lose at the end I mean I don’t care about life


Equipment You Use (Trademark, Model): Bas Gitar-Yamaha BB 414

2 Birthday And Place: 22.04.1985 İstanbul ,TR 3 Favorite Bands: Iron Maiden, Dissection, Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, Metallica, Rammstein, Within Templation, Mithotyn vs. 4 Favorite Albums: Storm Of The Light’s Bane(Dissection),Warpath(Six Fet Under), Kill ‘em All(Metallica), Master Of Puppets(Metallica) Enthrone Darkness Triumphant(Dimmu Borgir) 5 6 7 8 9

Favorite Musician: Ihsahn Spare Time Occupation: Books, movies, sports.. Favorite Drink: Coke Favorite Food: Anything that prepared well. The Best album: Storm Of The Light’s Bane(Dissection)

10 The Best gig: slayer at rock republic 11 Unforgettable Memory: Back in junior high one of my friend listened my Cenotaph(Turkish Gore Death band) tape and said “Dude i think this tape is broken” i was cracked 12 With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?: Dimmu Borgir 13 The First Album You Have Bought: Kill ‘em All(Metallica) 14 The Last Album You Have Bought: Now-Diabolical(Satyricon) 15 Last Question: Philosophy of Life: You gone be taking care of everything. You have to be capable of success everything as long as you live

2 Birthday And Place: 22.04.1985 İstanbul ,TR 3 Favorite Bands: Iron Maiden, Dissection, Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, Metallica, Rammstein, Within Templation, Mithotyn vs. 4 Favorite Albums: Storm Of The Light’s Bane(Dissection),Warpath(Six Fet Under), Kill ‘em All(Metallica), Master Of Puppets(Metallica) Enthrone Darkness Triumphant(Dimmu Borgir) 1 Equipment You Use (Trademark, Model): Bas Gitar-Yamaha BB 414

Dimmu Borgir 13 The First Album You Have Bought: Kill ‘em All(Metallica) 14 The Last Album You Have Bought: NowDiabolical(Satyricon) 15 Last Question: Philosophy of Life: You gone be taking care of everything. You have to be capable of success everything as long as you live

5 Favorite Musician: Ihsahn 6 Spare Time Occupation: Books, movies, sports.. 2 Birthday And Place: 22.04.1985 İstanbul ,TR 7 Favorite Drink: Coke 3 Favorite Bands: Iron Maiden, Dissection, Dimmu 8 Favorite Food: Anything that prepared well. Borgir, Emperor, Metallica, Rammstein, Within Templa- 9 The Best album: Storm Of The Light’s tion, Mithotyn vs. Bane(Dissection) 4 Favorite Albums: Storm Of The Light’s Bane(Dissection),Warpath(Six Fet Under), Kill ‘em 10 The Best gig: slayer at rock republic All(Metallica), Master Of Puppets(Metallica) 11 Unforgettable Memory: Back in junior high one Enthrone Darkness Triumphant(Dimmu Borgir) of my friend listened my Cenotaph(Turkish Gore Death band) tape and said “Dude i think this tape is broken” i 5 Favorite Musician: Ihsahn was cracked 6 Spare Time Occupation: Books, movies, sports.. 12 With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?: 7 Favorite Drink: Coke Dimmu Borgir 8 Favorite Food: Anything that prepared well. 9 The Best album: Storm Of The Light’s 13 The First Album You Have Bought: Kill ‘em Bane(Dissection) All(Metallica) 14 The Last Album You Have Bought: Now10 The Best gig: slayer at rock republic Diabolical(Satyricon) 11 Unforgettable Memory: Back in junior high one 15 Last Question: Philosophy of of my friend listened my Cenotaph(Turkish Gore Death Life: You gone be taking care of everything. You have to band) tape and said “Dude i think this tape is broken” i be capable of success everything as long as you live was cracked 12 With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?:

Before I start my questions, I’d like to say that since “Across the open sea” I’ve been chasing you.

This album is still new and you are always on tour, but, do you start a new album or is there any new project?

thanks it’s great to hear! yeah we still have another tour, After you gained the success with the paganfest but after that we Midvinterblut, you advanced your will start working on the next alsuccess with Hammer Battalion. bum during the winter. According to Unleashed fans’ thoughts, do you think Hammer As I mentioned about tours, in Battalion is better than Midvinter- Turkey, you have many fans who blut? listen oldschool death metal; did you come Turkey before or do well we certainly hope so and you have any idea about a gig in to us we feel we maintaned the Turkey? ( I’d like to see Paganfest same feel and souns while makin Turkey) ing it more extreme and a natural progession. we are glad to hear and we do of course come there and play! nothing is set unfortunately but With Hammer Battalion, you surely it will happen! shoot your first official video (I think it’s marvellous) How was You are the first line when we the reactions and can we wait talk about Sweden Death Metal. another video?( if you will shoot, Your albums which I listened in which one you will choose?) 93 “Across the open sea” and I listened in 08 “Hammer Battalyeah and thanks! we are also ex- ion” give me the same pleasure; tremely happy with it! also the and it shows that you make no reaction was indeed awesome as concessions about your music. well! i’m sure we’ll make another In Sweden ( I won’t give any one but probably not until the name) many bands changed next album... their sounds or apply supplies of

market, after they gained fame. I am glad to listen the same Unleashed, I am glad beacuse you make no concessions, but what do you think about it? well again great to hear! but it’s been the idea of the band from the start to keep within our sound. of course trying to progress within that but still one should always recognize an unleashed record. At times, you give a place to covers, so will we see any other cover in new projects?

From past to present, you were on tour with many famous bands. Which one of tours was the most blissful? it’s so hard to say since we’ve had the pleasure of touring and hanging out with such many great bands for so many years. There are so rare bands who make old school death metal, new generations don’t prefer it. How do you see the future of death metal and is there any band you like from new generations?

well nothing is planned at the moment but one never knows... well i think it’s still standing strong and even growing so we’re Unleashed has its own guitar riffs not worried. if you stand your which we can listen in anywhere ground you will maintain! in the world we can realize. These _________________ kind of bands are very rare. How could you provide to protect your sound despite line-up changes? Volkan Güngör well again it just goes with the plan and the idea of the band from the start. also we’ve not changed line ups very much in these past years which makes it solid.

CORPSE PAINT Written By: Ece Saka Translated By: Sevcan&Mert&Oktay Not much time is left for the show… Black and white… He feels as if he was a warrior going for a battle instead of the stage as he paints his face, then he notices his friends are waiting for the mirror to paint themselves… White then black… While slowly touching around the eyes in the mirror he realizes that the comrades of him, who do not exactly fit in, are applying white paint on the visible parts of their faces so, he decides that his artistic work needs to be accelerated a little more. The paint also goes short... What if it finishes? He completes his art with these intense feelings. Eventually, he is ready! He is no longer a person napping in front of the television, having the same problems as everyone but, with the mask on his face, a different, devilish, superhuman warrior of the music… A musician ready to invite the audience to his battle... He opens the door to ask in where he can clean his hands... With the smoke exhaling towards the stage; the crowd that has been waiting for a period of time, which is too long for them, to watch the Metal Gods, becomes aware of the presence of the artists and squalls with a great enthusiasm to start… With their identity hidden behind the mask of Corpse Paint, the great artists become like giants when they take the stage to perform their incredible show… The fans being sure of meeting inhuman riffs and incomparable shows, welcomes the warriors with battle cries... And this is the animal spirits of a nation; spirited in turn combative cries of a nation who wants to conquer all the lands and end the despotism... While audaciously walking pace up and down on the battlefield; the warrior roars at the audience to prove his own fight. As he is walking backward and forward, the frenzied crowd fulfils the expectation with scream and roar... It is the scream of a nation gathered under the same roof no matter from what race they are... The desire of being coalesced with the warrior and the nation comes into existence in the voice of the warrior... and the warrior grows prodigiously... From now on the stage turns into his castle as well as his microphone into his spear! Even if you have not watched these scenes for a thousand times live, at least you must have seen it for once on certain stuff. I am talking about a musician withdrawing

from his/her own identity and disguising as someone quite different. I am talking about turning into a rotten dead or, a non-existence creature … Should we interpret this visual feast the artist presented us; in the manner of gaining self confidence in a painted mask as they can move easily or pumping more enthusiasm into our blood vessels, what do you think ? If we consider the origins of Corpse Paint, it is seen that Corpse Paint gained popularity thanks to some rock’n roll bands in 1970s. Kiss and Alice Cooper were the most famous of them. Arthur Brown from 60’s, Alice Cooper, Secos e Molhados and Kiss from 70’s and The Misfits and The Damned’s vocalist Dave Vanian used some covers like Corpse Paint. And it may be found funny but, it was McDonalds’ mascot “Ronald McDonald” who had caused Corpse Paint to become much more popular. Ronald’s painted face was in black & white on the advertisements and magazines published so, it looked like Corpse Paint. So much so that, fans of bands like Kiss, used to collect or steal these ads on magazines. As we check Death or Black Metal groups which were the first to use Corpse Paint, we can see King Diamond-from Mercyful Fate and Black Rose at the beginning of 1978, and Hellhammer by 1980s. Then some groups like Celtic Frost followed them. The Brazilian band “Sarcófago” has become one of the pioneers of this movement after being chosen by Metal Storm Magazine for using Corpse Paint “thoroughly”. The First Corpse Paints were usually intended to look like a dead. Later the aim of it became to look like more devilish just as it was for Immortal and King Diamond. Mayhem, Gorgoroth, Emperor, Immortal, Darkthrone, Dimmu Borgir and Satyricon are the bands to provide Corpse Paint’s popularity in the Black Metal. If we examine the deepest parts of Corpse Paint, it is possible to find the Germen culture. It is available to see the view of Corpse Paint and dead appearance in Nordic mythology as Oskorei members in the army of dead souls. Also, Conrad Veidt (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) used the same cover as Corpse Paint, so we can say that this kind of makeup was used in the expressionist films in a period of time. Although it is generally associated with Black Metal and Metal; other kinds of arts and artists are inspired by Corpse Paint. Here is the some of them;

- Punk rock band The Misfits was using Corpse Paint with their science-fiction themed lyrics. - A Professional wrestler Sting used Corpse Paint after he impressed by a Brandon Lee’s film “The Crow”. - Another Professional wrestler “The Undertaker” worthily in his name in front of his fans with Corpse Paint was. We have asked to the performers: KING (God Seed / Gorgoroth) - What is the meaning of Corpse Paint for you and what are the advantages and disadvantages about using CP? KING: Corpse paint represents the war we in against all false Gods. It’s a war paint which symbolizes the warrior aspect. The one who are willing to fight against what is false and need to die. I don’t...t think of Corpse Paint in terms as “advantage” or “disadvantage”. It’s a natural part of how I and Gaahl present out music and ideas.

AKHTYA (Black Funeral) - What is the meaning of Corpse Paint for you and what are the advantages and disadvantages about using CP? AKHTYA: Corpse paint was used to symbolize a mental transformation, similar to what the Northern Europeans celebrated with the Oskorei; it was a demonic transformation using the shadow aspects of the mind. Black Metal was a reminiscent cult of the werewolf cult of Oskorei. Author Kadmon correctly called black metal “Oskorei Romantikk”. What does Corpse Paint symbolize for you? AKHTYA: Lycanthropic transformation, metal darkness and the shadow. It is very much the “wild hunt” and black metal is a cult for this.

- Is it only an image or is it one of the important requirements of Black Metal? AKHTYA: Black metal has no requirements, - What does Corpse Paint symbolize for you? it either “is” or “is not” - you cannot force it, if you try it comes off silly. Black metal is KING: I have already answered this not an “image”; it is a lycanthropic process question. of self-alchemy, transformation into the demonic. - Is it only an image or is it one of the important requirements of Black Metal? KING: It’s the Satanic agenda channeled - Are there any people or bands which make through metal music which makes black good Corpse Paint in your opinion? Shall you metal. You don’t need Corpse Paint in that give us some names? respect, but we have never the less chosen AKHTYA: Black Funeral was one of the best to use it. of course (!!!!), Early Burzum, Mayhem, Emperor (Wrath of the Tyrant demo days!), - Are there any people or bands which make Vlad Tepes, Nastrond (One of my favorites) good Corpse Paint in your opinion? Shall you and let’s not forget the strange Mortuary give us some names? Drape who are legends. There are many KING: Black metal is not a fashion show. others as well however. People may use Corpse Paint in whatever way they want for what I’m not concerned. - When did you use your first Corpse Paint? For which gig/album? KING: I used Corpse Paint in the first Gorgoroth show I did in Strasbourg (France) in 1999. - Do you have any memory about Corpse Paint? If you have, would you like to share one of them with us? KING: I have no memory to share concerning Corpse Paint.

- When did you use your first Corpse Paint? For which gig/album? AKHTYA: I first used Corpse Paint in 199091 when I was working with SORATH, then Black Funeral of course. It was the early demos, pure hell!!!!! - Do you have any memory about Corpse Paint? If you have, would you like to share one of them with us? AKHTYA: Real blood dries on the greasy paint in a very stiff and uncomfortable way. Once you sweat, the dried blood can stain the skin.

- And the last question… Would you like to add anything to this subject? AKHTYA: Thanks for the questions.

add anything to this subject? SIRANNON: Thank you for including us into your research.


Corpse Paint is according to metal heads in results we’ve collected from the internet:

- What is the meaning of Corpse Paint for you and what are the advantages and disadvantages about using CP? SIRANNON: The symbol of struggle and war. To fight against this world and all the effects of insists with it. CP is the symbol of people who chose the rebellion instead of the slavery. Besides, Corpse Paint is a quite different face combined with musical expression letting you explain it better. If it is made well; it may get the audiences’ blood up on live performances :D The disadvantages are that it doesn’t withstand to heat and it’s hard to clean :D - What does Corpse Paint symbolize for you? SIRANNON: Expression and mask of the warrior inside us. - Is it only an image or is it one of the important requirements of Black Metal? SIRANNON: Reduce it as a scene image is disgusting. It’s a combined thing with the music. But we respect everyone’s opinion. Every black metal band doesn’t have to make the Corpse Paint. Such as Emperor, Lord Belial etc. - Are there any people or bands which make good Corpse Paint in your opinion? Shall you give us some names? SIRANNON: Thuringwethil: Band – Watain, Member – Frost (early) Lygbereth: Band – Immortal, Member Mystis Leinth: Band – God Seed, Member – King

- When did you use your first Corpse Paint? For which gig/album? SIRANNON: We did it for the concert in May, last year. - Do you have any memory about Corpse Paint? If you have, would you like to share one of them with us? SIRANNON: We don’t have yet. - And the last question… Would you like to

Abbath (Immortal): “Make-up is like get a new face. It helps to us about abreacting the demons inside us. This demon like warpaint. We never make the Corpse Paint, we’re making the war-paint.’’ Legion (Marduk): ‘‘Corpse Paint has become such an important thing for Marduk’s concept, image and everything. So I never want to change that. Absolutely will be bullet belts, nails and black leather and Corpse Paint.’’ Atilla Csihar (ex-Mayhem, Aborym): ‘‘Face painting is not to hide my own from others. Mostly I do it for the rituals… I like the archaic art; if you look at the old people, they used the mask and various face paints… This is very traditional…’’ Nocturno Culto (Darkthrone): ‘‘At first, Corpse Paint was a real black magic ritual for us and was very often used by us. After that we will not use the Corpse Paint unless realistic.’’ Gunther (Ancient Rites): ‘‘Many bands have discovered such as a year ago in the market, and they are only interested in the Corpse Paint, music is not so important!’’ Morpheus (Limbonic Art): “I think -no matter what style- image is one of the most important things for the music. And also, to have some kind of integrity is important in art working and music. I think image we’ve is good for us. And of course, there people who say we didn’t have to abandon Corpse Paint. Maybe it did or not, who knows… That’s my personal reason about abandoning the Corpse Paint: ‘‘In April 1999, we were on tour with Morbid Angel and late to a concert because of a problem related with the bus. Even the first band Peccatum couldn’t play and so the organization said us; ‘‘If you want to play; do it right now!’’. So we couldn’t make-up, we were on the stage

without nothing. We played two songs and they wanted to cut and I really got annoyed. I just said ‘Start the next!’. Because in a sense, it was the main part of the show and that song always has received most. So I said to keyboarder ‘Just play! If we start they can’t stop us, you just play the song!’. And of course, they bastards shutoff the voice in the middle of the song and I really got annoyed. But the good part is I had no make-up what I have to clean. I did not need to clean my face in the mirror and I thought ‘Yes, never again!’ I’m still thinking the Corpse Paint could be fantastic. There so many people who don’t know how to paint their faces and they completely look like a shit. My favorite metal head who makes the Corpse Paint is Frost in Satyricon. He looks like a shit in the last albums which makes me angry but when I see him around Oslo or concerts he looks like strong Corpse Painted. That guy really enchants me and I wonder ‘Why doesn’t look like the album cover?’. I don’t meet with him every day, maybe several times in year; but every time he has a more different Corpse Paint. He paints his face unusually but really looks great. My abandon reason from the Corpse Paint is be difficult to do it 15–20 times on a line and your hair may be very sticky.’’ Blackthorn (Thornspawn): ‘‘We use the Corpse Paint since band was formed. We will not abandon it. I’m aware to not use the Corpse Paint is a trend any more. But we never followed the trends. Black metal is music of the mad who want to explain their inner hate. And Corpse Paint is a one of the way to do that.’’ Dead (Mayhem): ‘‘when I really need to concentrate and feel my lyrics in all my body, I make the Corpse Paint and that happens on the stage!’’ Astarte: ‘‘We are the supporters of the Corpse Paint as a band, because we are combining our musical expression by that image. This is our viewpoint: Black Metal’s two forms as musical and theatrical. Just like the cast in a theatre. They transfer the message and meanings by putting their characters’ appropriate colors and shades. In other words, Corpse Paint is the warrior’s mask we hide inside. Everyone’s a dream to make attractive own life. If it is not, our lives would be empty. So, Corpse Paint

contributes to our dreams and imaginations and the music is a way of this expression.’’ Nissila (Catamenia): “It was on some backstage where we stared each others’ Corpse Paints and just started to laugh. We just realized that this is over with us!” “Few good reasons to drop Corpse Paints: The fact is that with Corpse Paint you look like fucking panda. There is no time to drink enough while painting face. How will the color of your teeth look like when your face is snow-white? What if there is no mirror on backstage? There is no time to drink enough while painting face. What if there is no place to wash your face after the show? Remember to wipe sweat off from your face during gig! Make-up is for girls There is no time to drink enough while painting face! “ These are some metal heads’ ideas about Corpse Paint. So what do you think about Corpse Paint? Sources: http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.duman6.gen.tr/corpse-paintft16772615.html http://www.catamenia.net Written By: Ece Saka Translation: Oktay & Mert & Sevcan


Shall you introduce Black Tooth to us by telling about how you came together and when the Black Tooth was founded? Tuna: First of all, I want to say hi to everyone. Turkey’s first Southern/Sludge band; Black Tooth was founded in November 2004 in Ankara by me (Tuna) and Deniz. We shall say that the title of the band is very meaningful for us who likes to drink a lot The name of the band grounds on the mix of Whiskey and Coke; I mean the Black Tooth Grin drink. If anyone who wants to try, I can give the mix (delicious recipes from the expert Tuna); mix 7grams or Crown Royal whiskey and coke in a good ratio (ratio is 2 to 1; God! I really gave the secret shot them with tiny shot glasses and have a jag on. When did you start to play music? Did you ever receive any education about it? What and who influenced you for music? Tuna: I have been listening this music genre almost for 18-20 years but, if I am to answer this question as a musician, there is no doubt; the old stager of the band is Onur (drums). The rest of us neither received any education nor had some experience on music. Black Tooth is the first band for Deniz (bass) and me (Tuna). Orcan’s second. The first band of Orcan was only a Megadeth cover band and also it took 1-1,5 years only. Frankly speaking, the late of 2004 and 2005 are the first experiences for us. Of course we all tried to do something in a studio like a glutton before but none of us except Onur has had anything to show as a real work before Black Tooth. As for from whom we have influenced:

the musical taste of Deniz, me and Orcan are the same. Onur joined us later but never lived any inadaptability because there was no doubt that his musical taste was the same with us. Of course we mostly listen to the Southern Rock & Metal bands but we listen to the Blues and Country genres which are close, too. On the other hand we all follow the metal genres which are various like Hard Core, Metal Core, Death Metal, Thrash and Industrial… Actually we try to follow every genre of metal music. Metal is the common point at last. And also we have an indispensable, it is Glam Rock!

albums and we did this -at least we think so. But of course we will record an album. Anyway we want to record an album from now on. At this point the audience will decide if it is a development or a change. It is not right to say anything at this point.

Where did you take your last record and how was it in your opinion? What kind of changes occurred after the first record?

Tuna: Actually all of the bands find it hard to expand abroad and to be accepted; this is an aim of all bands instead of making music in Turkey. Of course there are bands that succeeded this in spite of its difficulty. But unfortunately there is no Turkish Metal band that marked on this music world-wide. When you take a look back, you will see that there are some bands to be remembered by the names of the countries (just like Brazil with Sepultura). Unfortunately there is no band to be remembered so as in Turkey. We are sure that everyone who struggle with music imagined this… So we did the same thing with the other bands in our country. We pored to the overseas and conducted from the first time. So we toured USA for two times and some fests including Ozzfest and Ride for Dime. So I can say we succeeded to take our first steps. And now the Sweden Rock Fest thing…

Tuna: Actually the members –except Onur do not have so many record experiences. Orcan, Deniz and I had our first recording experience with Black Tooth. Anyway, we have entered to studio for recording only for 3 times. We guess we are so indolent. Once our track which we were playing on a TV programme was recorded without warning. That’s all everyone asks the album. Besides we hear that some of the band members (I will not give any name) say that we do not have enough tracks to record an album. Black Tooth has approximately 20 compositions since 2005 and we guess this shall fill in an album easily. First we did not feel ready for this then we had some conflicts. With whom? With the promo testers. With the ones who do not give a shit to the bands without any album. With the ones who suppose themselves as an authority in this scene. Our purpose was just to show people that the bands can succeed without recording

Let’s talk about the Sweden Rock Festival vote event which caused everyone to support Black Tooth. I guess the other bands and the other countries were amazed with the 2nd vote and wondered about the Black Tooth. What happened shall you tell us a little bit about it? Let’s get hold of the come-backs.

Our friends from Turkey and other countries did not leave us alone and they supported us. You know we always say “COMPLETE SUPPORT” this

was really the complete support. We are sure that we amazed the other bands and the organization. Actually some of them told us that they have heard Black Tooth and followed before the contest. But they could not guess that much support. When you enter the information part of the bands in Sweden Rock Festival website, you will understand this amazement from the first sentence. I want to convey my endless thanks and gratitude to everyone who supported us on this event. And of course to MetalTR crew as always… You have been supported by many sites and forums and you have received many positive come-backs. What about the other side of the coin? We have heard many comments like “Just who do you think you are fooling? You are magnifying it!”. We have heard many comments like “Will they go to abroad? What will happen if they will go?”. What do you think about it? Is it the cause of being not to be able to expand overseas, or being late somehow, for us? Don’t you agree that we always get behind in this subject? What is your response for these comments? Tuna: Of course there has to be comments. Also we get in form with these comments and catch the right lines. But we sometimes think that we get some comments which are really so groundless and wearing, too. Sometimes I ask myself why don’t we get this kind of wearing comments from abroad but we get them from the inside of our country? Some of the readers can say “Do they know you well enough to make a comment?” I can say with my inner peace that we have more supporters from abroad in comparison with Turkey. For example, you may find one or two radio stations

which can play our songs in Turkey but, in the USA you can find up to 11 or 12, in Europe 6 or 7 radio stations. Another example; we observe that 6570% of the followers on our MySpace Profile is from abroad. What a pity that people always try to asperse the ones who struggle to do something. I am sure some of the readers of this interview will think about many negative comments and there will be someone who will send messages and indicate his or her opinions. But as we always say, “WE DO NOT GIVE A FUCK” to the worthless and weary comments. You make music or having an academic project, whatever. These kinds of men do not care! They only want to asperse and make their friends join to this and just enjoy… Dude, do you know what is the main thing that I want to know? I would understand the reason of these comments if we –the amateur metal bands- earned great amounts of money, the audience packed like sardines, our music videos always took place on TV and radios always published our music. In this circumstances if someone would say “guys hit the goldmine and no one asks it!” I could understand it. But the bands cannot find any money to travel in Turkey for gigs. When they release an album, if 1000 copies are sold everyone thinks that it is alltime. The 10-15 years old bands play in the venues with a great devotion to 100 audiences. They have no money for; let alone taking a music video, just entering the studio. So I want to know why do these people make negative comments and disincline these people from their self-devotion. About a few days ago I received a message from a 16 y.o. guy. He wrote that “Bro my friends make fun of my face while I play the guitar. Believe that I gave up

playing guitar for this reason”. Can you believe it? We are the units of a society which starts to deplete the values before creating them… It is taught that comment is only making fun of and wearing the others. At least we grow up with seeing this behaviour from others and apply it as if it was right... I am talking to all of you! Just let everyone go on their own ways to let the sector arise… Furthermore just support them do not build a barrier in front of them so metal shall take a form and arise… So there shall be virtuosos in all-around. Of course there will be negative comments. It is impossible to arise without counter-views. But it is useful to be constructive, not destructive. What will be the earning if you make destructive comments to a band? Comments will let them disincline and maybe they will give up music? What shall be the earning? Also the bands are disappearing in this country not because of only these asperses but, so many obstacles like economical, traditional constraints, newspapers and TVs… There are so many obstacles and all of us are affected by these things. You have received many positive come-backs after the Texas Ride for Dime & OZZFEST last year. Furthermore you have received the special Dimebag award. How did you feel at that time? Tuna: Beyond doubt we were really very excited to take place in that atmosphere and to play for more audience. There you feel necessarily responsible. Eurovision creates a stir in every year and everyone waits for the results until midnight. I feel the same thing. As if I entered a competition and would represent my country. Believe that this was what we felt! If you will ask “WHY?” I cannot answer it. Maybe it is because

we are one of the rare bands which can attend to this kind of festivals. You feel necessarily responsible and except the times you jagged, you can never forget that you represent your country with what you do or you will do. Once we were playing in a venue named Palladium in Dallas. There was another American band with us, too. We got on the stage and started to play. At the same time I saw that there were 1 or 2 people and they were waving their hands and screaming in Turkish “We are Turk we are!” Just imagine it. Guys came to see a gig and a band got on the stage having Turkish flags on their chest and you are in Dallas! Guys were shocked and excited! It was really a very good event so we understood what we do is really so precious. They introduced us to their American friends and presented as “a band from their hometown” and we saw that they were proud of us. What award is bigger than this one? So the Dimebag award was only a success indicator for us. But it shall never be the same with what we felt on that stage. We saw you came together with many celebrities on the pics and videos. Actually we envied you. What kind of dialogues did you live? What has been told about Turkey and Black Tooth? Were there any band or member who says he/she/they want to come to Turkey? Tuna: Yeah really we had chance to drink beer together with the people whom we never should imagine to meet. They were good memories for us but we always tried to express something. Unfortunately they do not know much about Turkey… Even we have met some people who look at us as if we were some kind of aliens when we said “we are

from Turkey”. More bands from Turkey have to play on those stages and let our presence be known! Actually I do not intend to approach music in a national attitude because music is a universal language at last. I do not know why but I want our bands to play there too and I feel the absence of Turkish bands there. For example we started to chat with Kirk from Kingdom of Sorrow and he asked where I am from. And I answered as “Turkey” and he puzzled because they had visited Turkey with Metallica tour (Down) and when they saw the amazing crowd and potential (willy-nilly they came with some prejudice) they understood their prejudice was wrong. And also he had indicated this with his attitudes and words. Furthermore there was a lady who came near us while we were chatting with Devil Driver’s drummer and she asked “Woaa are you a Turk?” in Turkish language and we learned that she was the girlfriend of the drummer. They came to Bodrum for holiday in September or October, as well. It is not important if it is Germany or Turkey, they are professionals and they would come if you pay them. The most important thing is to clarify some questions in their minds and of course Black Tooth and the other bands which promised to go on this way can succeed this. And of course I cannot ignore the promoters’ effects who promote good festivals. What about Black Tooth’s next festival purposes? Tuna: Actually the number of festivals and the quality is so increased that it is impossible to draw up. As it is known, there are good leaps in this direction in our country and we have the chance to watch the bands without travelling abroad which

we miss. It is possible to see a world-wide famous band in a festival in Istanbul, Sweden Rock or Wacken. Our purpose is to take place in reference festivals which are followed by the media have a trustworthy past. Of course we think we can take stage in those festivals bit by bit. But of course it shall never be known what the future will bring. You received some album offers after the festival. What is the latest news about it? Did you start to work on an album? Tuna: Every time we hear the same “album” question. Somehow the bands with album seem more professional and the bands without album seem more amateur for all of us. We cannot understand and accept it. If you have enough compositions you can pay it and release an album easily. Is this the final purpose? I mean produce the album, release and put on the table. Is it all? We see that if you do not have a good promotion, moral and material support and a widespread distribution network, the album classifies as dead album. And we have waited for so long because we did not get any satisfying offer yet and also we do not want to be one of them. (No one is waiting for you with a huge hug at least). I will repeat again we do not have any problem about composition, we only want to wait for the right time and the right names. But unfortunately maybe our names should be written on that bands with dead albums class in the future… As you know there are so many good but wasted albums in our country. We had some offers but the offers were not giving us what we want so we refused them politely. But we are in touch with some of them that’s because we do not want to separate from the network which shall distribute in the

USA. Shall you tell us a little bit about the record process? Tuna: Dude, I want to clarify one thing: We still did not start to record anything. We only indicated the direction, songs and the general appearance. Now everything is ready and we are waiting for the right time to start. I know that you will ask “what was the Drink Drive Go to Hell Tour for?”. We wanted people to know the name of the album and let them remember it with Black Tooth. We implied the album and placed the battle-cry. Our purpose is to make the name remembered in everywhere with Black Tooth. How do you do the composition? Shall you tell us about the composition process? Do you have a special theme for the tracks? Tuna: We do not have a theme by choosing a subject. While we are doing these tracks we only drink and enjoy. We do not strict ourselves. A rhythm comes to one’s mind and he makes others listen to it or he bumbles then we see that it starts to take shape. While Deniz is drawing, Onur paints and I cut the bulges and Orcan drinks hehe I mean we head to the direction according to what we feel that time. Our purpose is to have fun and let the people who have similar aspects have fun. I mean we do not clamp ourselves for making people thinking while laughing. There is only one theme: “Drink Drive Go to Hell”. You shall understand it how you wish. Who makes the compositions? Tuna: Of course every member has effort on every track of the album. As I said before one of us fingers from somewhere,

and another one fingers from another place and as a result the composition occurs. How do you appraise the works done by the amateurs in Turkey? Which ones do you like? Tuna: We are all amateurs and we like to feel as an amateur and do not want to lose this feeling. There are incredible bands in our country and we always find some demos or albums from somewhere and we find most of them amazing. Works are working as an amateur in our country. I mean your presence is an undeniable truth but it is impossible to be accepted. We have played with lots of bands in the USA tours but believe me the works from our country is really so good and glorified. What do you think about the metal music scene? Lots of bands cannot be in the right place which they deserve. What do you think about it? Why they cannot be able to come into their own? Tuna: Honestly, we cannot see any scene which is frequently talked about. And the main problem is this. Everyone tries to do something on their own way but unfortunately no one can come together I mean; we cannot constitute any notion as a scene. Every buddy listening this kind of music in Turkey is in this job in a way. Some of them play the guitar some of them play the drum, or vocalize. Or some of them imagines these things and waits to get a chance. So when you play something to the metalheads’ crowd, they all become musicians, too that’s why there is no sector. Because we are not that crowded and as you know, we all act like the blind leading the blind in Turkey. You go on the stage and play for me, and

then you go down and listen to me. What shall we expect with this? We have to be separated as musicians and audience first. And in my opinion the basis starts with festivals I mean arise of the festival culture. I mean the 15-16 years old metalheads should attend to these festivals and learn how they can have fun and enjoy it. As you see the audience should be brought up first. I am sure most of you find these strange but I think even listening to this music wants a different care. The one who fires up the guy on the stage is the audience. When the audience egg musician on, musician glows on the stage. When he glows, he wants to participate in more festivals and gigs and it creates competition. Competition brings the class sooner or later. You see, we are not on the drive yet. And in my opinion we are almost crawling. What about music video? Is there any decision about it? And if you do, for which track? Tuna: Of course we want it. Moreover the scenarios are ready in our minds. But these things do not work with dreams, they work with wonga. And we do not have it yet so this dream has to wait for some time. About the track name, beyond any doubt one of the videos will be taken for IRON CLAD. By the way who is the father of the band’s name? There are so many curious people here Tuna: The father of the band’s name is nobody except the magnum. Unfortunately every member likes to drink too much so the best name for this band is a name of a drink. Adding to this, when the subject is Southern Rock, Black Tooth is a very good choice –which is a very popular drink there. In which concert did you

perform the best and from which concerts did you affected? (When I say “Ünirock & MetalTR and Wall of Death” what shall be your answer?) Tuna: Of course UNIROCK in Turkey… I say to myself several times I wish I could turn back to that time. If there would be any machine for that, I guess I could live it again and again and never get bored. But the lion’s share belongs to you, METAL TR. I mean there was such an organization and an audience which has the same sense with the festival audience mentioned before, I still cannot believe it. I gave the signal of Circle Pit with my one hand and it was perceived and done. It was almost TERRIFIC heightened just like conducting an army but the commander’s (this is you Arda) act shall never be undervalued. You were SUPER and really thank you so much for the feeling you made us live. What does the line-up do for living? Shall you let us know? Tuna: Dude, I am a manager in a holding (I feel as if I was in a show), Onur is a student in Bilgi University-Music branch, Orcan is a lecturer in ODTU and Deniz is working as a specialist of biomedical apparatus in Başkent University. It is almost impossible to work and making music in our country. How can you balance it? Tuna: It will be exact if I say while we balance we wear out ourselves. Believe that we really struggle to do it and we will be doing it. Of course this (music) is the exact thing that we want to make. But we have advanced in our careers and after all of these years we have to keep our standard of living

(unfortunately this is the life…) actually we mostly think that we are contrast with ourselves sometimes. In one way we think that we do not want to be a part of this system and behave in this direction. But on the other hand we unfortunately still continue to be a part of it. But if you want to live in this country we have to do it. It is impossible to make a living with music. Even if it is possible you ask yourself “how far?” and you become anxious. (I cannot believe how doltishly I have answered, furthermore I cannot accept the things I told ) Do you follow the scene? New bands, magazines, etc? Which magazines do you like to read most? Have you got any chance to read our e-magazine Karanlık Oda? Tuna: Actually I can say that we follow the scene so, so closely. Because we always search for the new bands through internet and magazines and we try to receive their albums in some way (ok I admit… I download if I can. But it is for sure that you can never find some albums here to buy). Of course our musical tastes come to the fore because as we have common musical tastes, each of us have extra genres to like, too. For example; I like to receive all of the bands which are based on Hardcore, Metalcore and Groove and try to find the new ones always. As to the magazines, actually I prefer to read Headbang from Turkey and Metal Hammer from abroad. I like the DVDs that are given sometimes. In addition to this, e-magazines are so colorful and good because you do not have to put aside any booking value. It shall be prepared with a vengeance visualise and I really like it. My favorite e-magazine is Siyah Beyaz (Selim Varisli is

a king). I follow Karanlık Oda when I enter MetalTR (As you know I am one of the regular of the webzine ) If I am not wrong it started to be published on May. Or maybe I have discovered it that time. I take a look at your new issues from thereafter. As I told before I like the e-magazines because I like the visuality very much. As for the content, it is for sure that it is above the Turkey’s average. Because it follows the actual news and this is really good for following. Do you follow any magazine regularly? Are you a good magazine reader? Tuna: As I have told before I read Headbang from the first day they start to publish. Sometimes I buy Yüxexes. I like the reviews and new album sections certainly. These are the best sections for updating your knowledge. Actually I am not a good magazine reader. It is more proper to say that I only read the sections which get my attention. But I was reading every issue of Metal Hammer for a while. But you know the economical crisis so there has to be something really worth in it to pay. So I go to the bookstall and I check on what it has in it. Which bands or musicians are you effected by, for now? Tuna: Honestly the biggest name that I am always affected is Ozzy Osbourne. Especially watching a guitarist like Zakk Wylde at the back of him is a terrific pleasure. Apart from that Lamb of God and Killswitch Engage are my indispensable bands. I listen to Alcohaulin’ Ass from Hellyeah every day. I listen to Buckcherry to start to the day while I am going to work. When I am angry I

listen to Six Feet Under. When I am heightened I listen to Airbourne and when I want to stay away from work or life and would like to dream a little, I listen to some kind of Blues or Country. If I am prepared to drink that day, I start my day with Southern and finish it with Southern. Of course I have different choices in this. For example I choose Diablo Red with The New Black. There were some changes in the line-up in the course of time. How do you appraise these changes in respect of Black Tooth? What are the main reasons of these changes? Do you believe that line-up is perfect now? Tuna: I guess every band is obliged to live this kind of things as we did. I said something to explain this. Band is just like marriage. You have to conn only one person in marriage but with the band, you are married with 4, 5 people or sometimes more than this… Of course it is really so hard to handle a relationship with four or five people in spite of your endeavours. (Even it is a band of men… Just think about it… 4 men just like married). Why do I describe it with marriage? Because there will be better produces as much as you know each other well. (Of course as long as you do not get in the same bed to know each other better hahaha ) Your performance becomes better when you are really chummy friends… Of course in this process there occur some problems to live. Some of them may give permanent damage sometimes. And when the periods of these damages increase it becomes irreparable. The final is well-known, the ship becomes wracked. That’s the process we lived. We had 2 main changes. The quit of the 2nd

guitarist was the first one and the second was the drummer’s. We tried to find out a second guitarist but Orcan preferred to be the only one and we are glad of it. As for our drummer… Yes we think that we found the right person for drums. I can say that the line-up is perfect. But as all of you know, Onur lives in Istanbul and this is the only problem for us. (Actually it will be a mistake to define it as a problem). WHY did the guys leave the band? I do not want to detail it but I can say it was because of the communication problems. You can live some problems until the relationship matures. And being inside of this process really needs selfdevotion and sometimes you cannot be that devoted man. At that point unfortunately the loose is cut and it is impossible to return. Do you have any organizations sooner? I think I am predicting a Black Tooth tour? Tuna: Yes we did Drink Drive Go to Hell Turkey tour. We tried to reach every place where we can travel and we really enjoyed it. There will be the Sweden Rock Fest in June and we plan to have a gig in Ankara and Istanbul before it. I mean in May. We will be very glad if you shall answer our classical questions. We want to learn what these sentences mean to you shortly. * The last album you bought? Tuna: Heal These Wounds / Ambitions * The band that you want to be on stage with? Tuna: Lamb of God * The first t-shirt you bought? Tuna: Iron Maiden / Killers * The first concert you attended? Tuna: I attended a concert 15 or 16 years ago at the Hacettepe

Morphology Auditorium. It was performed by 4 or 5 bands like Chrisis, Helician and Deathroom and etc. I really enjoyed. * Alcohol? Tuna: Black Tooth * Music? Tuna: Metal music is life for me. * Festival? Tuna: Fun, alcohol and a place that everyone can do whatever they want. * Stage? Tuna: Buck Fever * Rock & Roll? Tuna: Sex and girls * The sentence of “He/She bagged my CD”? Tuna: That’s what I lived so much for a while but unfortunately it fell behind. Wish we could buy CDs and someone could bag it. I really missed that I want to thank you for having time for us in the name of MetalTR Family. And I want to mention that we really want to headbang together in the next concert! Now it is your turn. What would you like to say to the readers of Karanlık Oda? Honestly I want to say something. The same stuff! Be there on the FESTIVAL! Interview: Arda Boletin Black Tooth: Tuna Interpreter: Ece T. Saka

You can follow the pictures and every detail from the band’s MySpace profile: http://www.myspace.com/ blacktoothmusictr

World-Wide Metal Scene We were thinking about a never-done project which will include solid data for a long time. After long term researches and endeavour here you shall find our new feuilleton which is about the development and goings on of metal music in the countries: The first part of World-Wide Metal Scene. We hope so that this research will change most of yours aspect.

Hail Kauk Kauk. We know that you do not hear much about Metal Music in Burmese after you left Myanmar for your education in 2008. But we have some questions about your country and the metal scene in your country which we wish you to answer. First of all I want to ask when the Metal Music emerged in Myanmar. When the metal attack has started? Who are the pioneers of this music in Myanmar?

Kauk Kauk: As far as I am concerned, the earliest Myanmar metal record Part I – Metal Scene In Myanmar/ has been out since 1988. The name Burma/Birmanya of the singer is “Arafed”, which is his nick name I suppose. I couldn’t find Myanmar is a Buddhist country that that album anymore. They do not most of us have never heard before the release anymore. Since metal is NOT tornado fact in 2008. It is located in mainstream in Myanmar, we don’t have Southwest Asia, at the east of Bengal pioneer metal musician in Myanmar. gulf. If we have to take a look at the Underground metal bands emerged history of the country we see that this in around 2004. Lately, I noticed that country has lived under British colonial Metalcore is pretty decent in Myanmar for years, then ruled by military junta. Metal circle, after my departure from The population is almost 47.000 and Myanmar in 2008. Ta Tha Lynn Chate the language is Burmese. We have got has been a long time underground information for you from Kauk Kauk band you might want to check. who is a member of Burmese Metal/ Hardcore/Black Metal band; “The Book Of Death” which is inactive for some various reasons now. It is clear that What difficulties did metal bands from the Burmese people who are interested Myanmar face or are facing? in Hip-Hop as the rest of the world has lost their interest on metal music year Kauk Kauk: We, metal musicians, face by year… What about the atmosphere? many difficulties in Myanmar like those As well as the Burmese people who in the other countries do. Plus, we pay struggle with the heavy rainfalls and for our own performances. No record floods landslides and tornados resulted label is interested in producing metal by tropical monsoon climate, who are albums because a number of Myanmar the metal lovers who try to perform Metal audiences are infinitesimal. We their own music, who burn up to keep pay for our own albums and demo CDs. metal music alive in this region? Who That’s how we sustain Myanmar Metal got metal music to this third-world alive. country first? Who took over this legacy for now? All of these questions will find their answers in this interview we have done with Kauk Kauk. Please What is the aspect of people from continue reading… Myanmar to metallovers or performers? Kauk Kauk: People are very

stereotypical in Myanmar. A metal guy wearing a black shirt, a jean pan and piercing stuffs is an alien to normal civilians. Some metal musicians I’ve known so far are really polite and nice though. They might be different on the stages.

Are there any special venues or bars for metal music in Myanmar? What about the participation of audience to the local gigs? Kauk Kauk: Since Myanmar is third world country, metal is only alive in the major city called Yangon. Metal performances occur in a month or two. Almost all of them are open to the public. Honestly, metal is not big enough to have special venues and bars in Myanmar. You might probably find Hip-Hop clubs and bars.

What about metal music magazines and webzines? Shall you give us some names? Kauk Kauk: There is only one Myanmar Metal Webzines I know. I would refer www.myanmar-xbands.com . It should be the gate way for Myanmar Metal. I hope you can find so many underground bands and some of them are try to get into mainstream.

If you will have to make an evaluation, which genre you guess is most listened in Myanmar? Kauk Kauk: The most famous music type is undoubtedly Hip-Hop. The worst thing is people are still accepting the cover music in Myanmar Vision which is very shameful. Every world famous song has Burmese version.

There are so many covered songs from Westlife, Backstreet Boys, Eminem to Blink 182 and Greenday. There are STILL so many bands I couldn’t think of right now. Following two artists are most famous Myanmar rock singers in Myanmar. Lay Phyu – Exit (covered from) Metallica – Enter Sandmanhttp://www. youtube.com/watch?v=sGBZLAANuAg Ah Nge – Heritage (covered from ) Korn – Did My Time -http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=hO6Ik0Ey2qY Myanmar audience do not regard as “Metal” for those songs. They only regard the artists (Lay Phyu and Ah Nge) who they are; NOT what type of music they are doing. I don’t want you to mislead the fact that “Wow! Myanmar people like metal.” Which are currently the most famous bands in Myanmar? And also what genre do they perform?

Kauk Kauk: Iron Cross is the most famous independent section band in Myanmar. They play rock music mainly. Like I said, they play covered song from Westlife, Offspring to Metallica and Korn. Many people accept that. Lay Phyu and Ah Nge, to whom I mentioned in the previous answer, work with Iron Cross. They play pretty tight. (You can try “Lay Phyu”, “Ah Nge”, and “Myo Gyi” for rock artists and “Iron Cross” for the band on YouTube.

Are there any metal festivals arranged/ arranging in your country? Would you like to tell us some? Kauk Kauk: When I was in Myanmar, there was no such special metal festival but right now there might be. Since I am not in Myanmar, I can’t tell

for sure exactly when but I am sure there have been many metal concerts in Myanmar lately.

More continental, colder and drier… We are in Tajikistan Republic, which is in the middle of Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and The People’s Republic of China. Here is a very small country with Muslim Tajik people whose roots based Which world-wide famous bands to Iran. The mostly spoken languages performed gigs in Myanmar until today? are Tadjiki and Russian. Now we have Arkam from “JINN” which is the first and Kauk Kauk: Unfortunately there is no the only Heavy Metal band in Tajikistan. world-wide famous band that has played We are asking the same questions about in Myanmar. A third world country is not the metal scene, atmosphere, and the a place to make big money. actions about metal music in his country as we have asked to Kauk Kauk from Myanmar above. Would you like to add more about the metal scene of Myanmar? Kauk Kauk: The community is small and hard to make a living but people are eager to continue. They do what they believe which is a good thing.

Thanks for your sincere answers and assistance Kauk Kauk. It is said to hear that once upon a time there was Metal Music in Myanmar… Now there are mostly underground bands who try to keep metal alive… As he has mentioned, metal music tries to reach to people with cover songs only… It is not so confusing to hear that mostly listened genre is Hip-Hop. When we have a look generally to the world we see the same result. But it is really amazing to hear that there are some bands who struggle with keeping metal alive.

Part II – Metal Scene In Tajikistan Here we are at the second stop. Another place… Another style… And another atmosphere surrounds us…

Hail Arkam. We are as benighted about metal music in Tajikistan as most of the people… . In which year did metal music emergence in Tajikistan and how did that happen? Which are the first bands metal music pioneers in Tajikistan? Arkam: In 1997 four young people decided to create a band and play together. The band was called JINN. After four rehearsals they decided to play in a local disco club. Although it was a disco club, and the band, which at that time did not even have a name, played a rather heavy music, the audience received them quite warm. They were very surprised to hear that kind of music. It has never been played live in Tajikistan before. And this was the first time people in Tajikistan have heard heavy metal preformed live. Many of them even did not know what heavy metal is. So, the audience was quite shocked by the performance. That night the musicians decided to make the band “JINN”. Starting from this moment, we can say Heavy Metal music appeared in Tajikistan. The “JINN” was the only heavy metal band at that time in Tajikistan. After several years, some other band appeared, but unfortunately, they did not exist for a long time. At the

moment, we can say that the JINN are the only band playing a heavy music in Tajikistan.

I am curious about why could not other bands exist for a long time in Tajikistan? What difficulties did metal bands from Tajikistan face or are facing? Arkam: There are a lot of difficulties, especially for young bands in Tajikistan. It is very difficult to find good, reasonable instruments and equipment to start with. If you want to play live in Tajikistan, you should have your own amplification, which is very difficult to find here. People have bought it in some other countries and bring it to Tajikistan to be able to play. If musicians can afford it, they order someone to bring it from the neighbouring countries. Another difficulty is that absolute majority of people in Tajikistan do not perceive heavy music. Tajikistan is a very small Muslim country, with its strong national traditions. Therefore majority of people prefer traditional music to any other genres, especially heavy metal. Therefore the JINN very often play outside the country, in Russia, Ukraine and other countries. Of course, the JINN play in Tajikistan as well, but it happens not so frequently as desired (two – three times a year). It is very difficult to organize a concert in Tajikistan. As mentioned above, you have to have all necessary equipment, if you want to play live. Besides, you have to rent a venue for the concert. And you have made an advertisement in local mass media. Otherwise, you will never have any audience. All that is done by musicians themselves. After that, you have to bring all your equipment to the venue, plague in and tune the sound. After all that, you have to play your concert. This is a real extreme.

What about the aspect of people from Tajikistan to metallovers or performers? Arkam: There are very few people in Tajikistan who really like heavy music, around 250 – 300 maximum in its capital Dushanbe. And of course, these people are very happy to attend all performances.

What about the venues or bars? Are there any special venues or bars for metal music in Tajikistan? What about the participation of audience to the local gigs? Arkam: Unfortunately there are no special venues or bars for metal music in Tajikistan. As already mentioned, absolute majority of people in Tajikistan prefer local traditional music. But there are some disco clubs, which we sometimes rent for our performances.

What about metal music magazines and webzines? Shall you give us some names? Arkam: Well, this is a dream. No, there are no metal music magazines and websites. I am not sure if it ever appears here. We normally ask someone to bring metal music magazines from other countries. Most of times we just surf in the internet in order to find some news on metal music.

If you will have to make an evaluation, which genre you guess is most listened in Tajikistan?

Arkam: Tajik traditional music, or a pop-folk music.

What about the famous bands from your country? Which are currently the most famous bands in Tajikistan? And also what genre do they perform? Arkam: There are a number of pop-folk singers are very popular in Tajikistan. I am not sure which of them is the most popular one.

Are there any metal festivals arranged/ arranging in your country? Would you like to tell us some? Arkam: There was an attempt to arrange an annual rock festival. Unfortunately, it ended after the first try in 2008. I guess it not really demanded here. This is actually one more reason, why we perform in other countries rather than in Tajikistan, even though it is more expensive for us.

Which world-wide famous bands performed gigs in Tajikistan until today? Arkam: None of them. They do not know where Tajikistan is.

And my last question… Would you like to add more about the metal scene of Tajikistan? Arkam: I wish the HEAVY METAL

develops in Tajikistan, as well as in other countries. I wish there are more and more heavy metal bands appear in Tajikistan. I wish one day we could really say, there is HEAVY METAL in Tajikistan, and not just only one band, as it is now.

As you see, Tajikistan is not lucky as Myanmar about metal music… If we will consider the country’s political situation, it will be easier to understand the conditions in this country which tries to come through after the crack-up of the Soviet Union. As we wish the only metal band in Tajikistan “JINN” full of success with their hard mission, we hope we shall start to hear different melodies from Tajikistan in a while… Now we are moving away from this continental climate and try to move a little bit south… Finally we come to this month’s last stop “Syria”… Part iyi – Metal Scene in Syria First we got wet with the monsoon rains, then we rose up a little bit north and parched… Now let’s go down a little bit south and start to sweat! Again the heat of Mediterranean licks our faces up… Again we are in the Muslim lands… And in a neighbour country… Syria! Now we have Rawad, the guitar player of Heavy/Thrash Metal band: The Hourglass in Syria. We address the same questions to him: Hail Rawad. We always hear news about Syria because of the neighbourhood but I am sure that most of the members of MetalTR or Karanlik Oda readers do not know anything about metal scene in this country as I do. Shall you tell us some about the establishment and developments in metal music in Syria? Which are the first bands and metal

music pioneers? Rawad: Since the 80’s there are heavy fans in Syria, and there were many shops that sold metal cassettes. In 1989 Jack Power band started making concerts, covering Sabbath, Zep, Purple…Urgent, Nuclear Dawn, Sphinx then started also as cover bands in the mid 90’s, I used to play in Sphinx which played original instrumentals in their concerts, and Aram (our drummer) used to play in Nuclear Dawn. As a cover band Nuclear Dawn was the most active and the heaviest band. In 2003, after one of Nuclear’s guitarists left the band, they changed their name into Nu.Clear.Dawn and released their first power/progressive album Poet of a Knight, meantime we were forming with Bassem (vocalist) from Lebanon, who was very active in the Lebanese metal scene. We released our debut To the Land of the Free in 2004. It worth mentioning that an EP released in the 90’s by a death metal band Lapidation (or something like this) from Aleppo, but u can say that it is a lost album, cuz very few have it. The heydays were the early to mid 90’s, a lot of metal concerts were happening and many fans were joining.

What about the difficulties? What are the difficulties that Syrian metal bands faced or they are still facing? Rawad: Like most of the Muslim and the Arab world, metal is associated with Satanism, Homosexuality, drugs…and they r total taboo. So this is main issue, in the late 90’s government started crushing down on metal fans and bands, cuz they think or sometimes they r actually linked to drugs. Little by little we lost the ability of being active musically or doing live concerts, u can sell records in shops, but concerts these days can cause u many problems. Plus u have the default problems, like that metal is not popular as much as pop and Arabic singers, not having good

metal singers and players over here, the problems in having places to practice…all these issues that bands face.

I see Rawad… What about the aspect of Syrian people to metallovers or performers? Rawad: U don’t have a general point of view about this, metalheads r perceived as losers or cool, or Satanists, or crazy, or smart…or whatever. U know many views mix about metalheads here. But in general metal is associated with negative stuff.

Are there any special venues or bars for metal music in Syria? What about the participation of audience to the local gigs? Rawad: There r theatres u can play, but no venues or rock clubs. Very few concerts we do recently. As I told u in the 90’s HM concert could have a 1000 people but now no more than 300

As we understand there is a decrease of the number of the people who listen metal music because of the compulsions… We have lived a period like this when some guys who called themselves Satanic committed a murder. Most of metallovers was interrogated by police because of wearing black t-shirts and having long hairs… In those days most of us hesitated to go to concerts because of these interrogates… But it is linger now. I wish to ask about the webzines and the metal music magazines? Shall you name us a few? Rawad: There is only one website started by a good metal fan, www.metal-legend. net but I don’t think it is that active now

Another question… If you will have to make an evaluation, which genre you guess is most listened in Syria? Rawad: U know people go with the trends, sometimes it is progressive or gothic, or black. But I think that every metalhead here is a traditional metal fan in a way or another. Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, Savatage, Dream Theater, Slayer…r pretty known over here. But I can say that besides HM u have the darkwave, I mean the doom/death bands like Anathema, Amorphis.

What about the famous bands in Syria? Which are currently the most famous bands in Syria? And also what genre do they perform? Rawad: If u mean Syrian bands, I think we r the only band that still stands in all this mess. Nu.Clear.Dawn is now frozen after the vocalist and guitarist left Syria to live in Kuwait and Canada, and in 2006 when Jerod left the band Aram from Nuclear joined us. I think there is Orion cover band that do some concerts from time to time. They play Black. We play heavy/thrash originals As I understand there are so many losses about the bands because of the attitude of the government. I wish to know if there is any festival which shall keep metal alive in Syria. Rawad: There is no festivals that happen every year or so. But sometimes a couple or three bands gather and do one concert together

It is more desperate than we guess then… Did Syria host any world-wide

famous band for gig? Rawad: NON!!!

And the last question… Would you like to add more about the metal scene of Syria? The metal scene is not healthy at all, this needs some time to finish, when the people and the government change their perception about metal. We r looking to do concerts in Lebanon, Jordan, UAE and even Turkey. We can come to Turkey and play anytime we r asked to do so with only accommodation and transportation paid. U know music was never a matter of money for us. But doing concerts in Syria now is a lot of headache for nothing. Many of the metal musicians changed their music style because of what is happening. Some to Jazz and some stopped playing at all. We hope that things get better soon. But we WILL keep on recording music, even if we can’t play a lot of live shows. This is for sure

As you see, Syrian metal agitates with variable impossibilities but still try to keep alive with true hearted metal performers and fans. We are witnessing to the metal hearts that throb together in different locations to keep metal alive… This month we have glanced the metal scenes in Myanmar, Tajikistan and Syria… Hope you have enjoyed our endeavour. In September we will show off different countries’ metal music adventures. To let you continue to attend to local bands…

THE BAND: WHO ARE DECADENCE? Decadence is one of the representatives of the new generation of Thrash Metal. Like classic Thrash we love the intensity and speed but we are adding melodic art and technicality to our genre which we call Melodic Thrash Metal(more about it below). Decadence is a young band formed in November of 2003 in Stockholm, Sweden. The concept was created by the band’s vocalist and manager Metallic Kitty and since that time we has worked hard on creating albums and playing live. We are usually seen as a live band so if Decadence would be presented to someone new to us, a live show would definitely THE SOUND: MELODİC THRASH METAL?

bands like Death, Kreator, Testament, Metallica and the like.

We have worked hard on this genre that we call Melodic Thrash Metal. It is like the bridge where Thrash and Melodic Death meet. This genre can be described as Thrash Metal with the heaviness of melodic Death Metal without keyboards. An addition of extreme, aggressive female vocals and growl techniques as well as Thrash Metal screams is added to the mix. The combination of these effects along with the new touch of Thrash Metal gives a specific sound which is what defines Decadence.


This will describe the bands’ overall sound quite well. The riffs have a Thrash Metal basis but we have added a melodic touch to them as well as extreme, aggressive female vocals instead of what would be heard on clean vocal based Thrash sounds. The keyboards are replaced by harmony lines made by guitar. We recommend Decadence music to people who appreciate

Decadence has released three fulllength albums and one demo as follows:

The band members are young people born between 1983-1988: - Metallic Kitty (Extreme Vocals) - Kenneth Lantz (1st Guitar) - Joakim Antman (Bass) - Erik Röjas (Drums) THE ALBUMS: HOW ABOUT DECADENCE ALBUMS?

- 3rd Stage of Decay (limited-2006), 2nd edition (Japanese-2007) and 3rd edition (worldwide-2008) - The Creature (2005) - Decadence (2005)

be the place to do it. We love being crazy on stage, headbanging, connecting with the fans and simply have a good time with what we love doing the most. Death Metal is already dominating the Metal scene. Scandinavia is flooding with all Melodic Death Metal bands and the scene will grow even further and even faster in the nearest future. That makes Decadence’ goal to strengthen the Thrash Metal scene, with a new touch but still in the roots of the old, great, Bay Area. The Thrash Metal scene needs support and we will do our best to help it out. -

Land of Despair (2003)

new band he ended up being the session bass player as a side project of his band Demented where he was the guiTHE STORY (2003 - 2008) tarist. The band was now completed and Before Decadence time, Metallic Kitty quickly got gigs and as the first gig had been asked to join a project known came so fast they had to make up a as Dekapitera which led to nothing but band name as soon as possible and a dead-end. This was her original plan that was when the band decided to for a pure Melodic Death Metal band make an official name and it ended up with influences form the Finnish Death being Metallic Kitty’s old idea: DecaMetal scene with “Heavy Dose” (which dence. was later given to Decadence) as its After about half a year had passed, Peonly song at the time. Dekapitera was ter decided he would quit Decadence. also from where the name Decadence He had two other bands (A-Bros and later evolved. Canopy) and due to lack of time for a Metallic Kitty decided to move on and third band he decided that he would and by impulse she came to audition focus fully on the both of them since a band originally started by the forDecadence was still in the early demer guitarists of Decadence: Christian veloping stage and he had not enough Lindholm and Niclas Rådberg. They faith and motivation for it. had quit their their first band Devasta- | 2004 | tor to form this new band and asked the drummer Peter Lindqvist (who they The year began with Decadence audimet on on a gig) if he wanted to join tioning drummers. When two months up in their plans and he accepted. had passed, Metallic Kitty found drumAs Kenneth Lantz often followed Memer Patrik Frögéli and he joined the tallic Kitty to band practices with this band. Once again the band was com-

pleted, in February. A few weeks later Decadence completed their first demo, “Land of Despair”, still with Peter Lindqvist on drums. Kenneth Lantz recorded and mixed the whole demo during a stressful time limit. The demo is currently only available in limited quantities. However, the problems continued growing in the band. Christian Lindholm was to join the military service and it caused a division in the band with him an Niclas Rådberg on one side and Metallic Kitty, Kenneth Lantz and Patrik Frögéli on the other. About a month later, Decadence separated ways with both guitarists. Session bassist Kenneth Lantz then joined the band as the new lead guitarist, quit his band Demented and put Decadence on a higher priority level than before. Decadence then started auditioning bassists and rhythm guitarists. Bassist Roberto Vacchi Segerlund joined after about a month (since he had been in contact with the band before concerning the drummer replacement that went to Patrik Frögéli) and grhythm guitarist Mikael Sjölund joined after about three months, the fall of 2004. Decadence had now completed their second line-up. | 2005 | In March of 2005 Decadence completed their first fullength album entitled “Decadence”, once again with Kenneth Lantz behind the recording. It was a success for the band and the gigs started flowing. This was the year when the name was brought up to the public and the word started spreading fast about the band. After almost a year’s gigging and touring Decadence went through a major update once again. There had been plenty of arguments and internal problems in the band. The new members’ personal chemistry began causing conflict and the band was having a hard time holding things together. After the summer tour in 2005, Metallic Kitty

had gotten huge health issues due to all the stressful situations that were caused by these problems and, after a serious band meeting, she finally replaced Mikael Sjölund by Daniel Green and Roberto Vacchi Segerlund by Joakim Antman in June. Patrik Frögéli was also replaced by Erik Röjås in August the same year and everything calmed down. Metallic Kitty felt that after this situation it was time to give Decadence all strength needed to secure it once and for all. In November, Decadence had once more completed a new album, their second fullength, entitled “The Creature” which is often referred to by fans and reviewers as “the aftermath of violence”. | 2006 | The year began with a negative repetition of the curse with the band member changes. The four current members (Metallic Kitty, Kenneth Lantz, Joakim Antman and Erik Röjås) had grown strong together but Daniel Green was slowly sliding away from Decadence goals and work. Together, Decadence took the hard decision to part ways with ex-rhythm guitarist Daniel Green in March of 2006 to keep the peace that the four tight members had gotten together. Instead of rushing another guitarist in the band again, Decadence decided to slowly search for the right person this time. The band decided to play with a session guitarist until the right person for the job appeared. Ulf Sörman of Castillion then joined as a session guitarist for five shows. In October of 2006, Decadence officially announced their signing to Metallic Kitty’s newly started indie record label HTI Records and the 2nd of November in 2006, Decadence completed their third fullength album entitled “3rd Stage of Decay”, once again with Kenneth Lantz behind the recording. The title symbolized the band’s 3rd and strongest line-up it had ever had had

and the whole album was as secure as the band itself. | 2007 |

and whatever he wishes to do in the future. Decadence is down to its solid quartet once again. All focus is now on the new album. Metallic Kitty found guitarist Simon … And the show went on… They will reGalle and he soon joined as the new lease the latest album “Chargepoint” in session guitarist working his way up to a few days as they have announced on a stable place in Decadence. The band their official webpage. It will include a was happy to offer him a permanent special bonus track and will be Decaplace in Decadence the 26th of July dence’s official release of this album. 2007 and welcome him to the family. The release party is planned to be held The year continued going on its posiin Stockholm, Sweden and more detive path and it followed with Decatails concerning this will be shared as dence licensing “3rd Stage of Decay” the time draws nearer. (2nd edition) to Japanese label SpiriHere is the official track list (in order) tual Beast and distribution through for the new album, CHARGEPOINT,to Universal Japan. This was the first time be released in October 2009: that Decadence music started to se01. DISCHARGE riously spread even further than the 02. SILENT WEAPON (FOR A QUIET underground which had been its home WAR) up until then. 03. OUT OF ASHES | 2008 | 04. POINT OF NO RETURN 05. STRENGTH OF MIND Earache Records showed interest in 06. FAST FORWARD Decadence and used the track “Cor07. CHALLENGE rosion” from “3rd Stage of Decay” on 08. BE HOME WHEN I’M GONE their 2008 “best of new school Thrash 09. Bonus Track: THE DEMONS RUN Metal” compilation “Thrashing Like A (Instrumental) Maniac” and shortly thereafter DecaWe are sure that you will find that dence gave a future license to Massathrashy killer melodies and kickin ass cre Records for worldwide distribution speed for headbang in this album as of “3rd Stage of Decay” (3rd edition of well. So do not goof around just check the album) and more albums to come. the band’s official MySpace Profile and also the official website! Just before the completion of the new album, Simon Galle suddenly and with- www.decadence.se out warning left the band. His own www.myspace.com/decadencewe words were: “Sup everyone... I feel now that I’ve been here and done this Prepared By: Ece T. Saka for a while and I feel satisfied, I apologize to the people that wanted to hear more of my guitar playing but I feel that I had enough, and my lust for this is gone - therefore it would be bad both for me and the rest if I kept on going doing something that takes more energy than it gives. I’m still going to be proud when Decadence takes over the world though. I’m going to try for sports now. Love to all the good people I met on the road!”. He will be missed but we all wish him luck with sports

Mike Patton makes everything bearableaccording to me at least! Noone can make perfect music like him. His every projects gained biggest success, so it makes him different from the others. He is very talented, so humble, funny and classy, long live Mike! Long live Mike and we listen more good music. Before a year, I was listening FNM eagerly, and our author Ece gave to me a prophecy. She said that FNM will be reunited and I will be watch their gig, so watch Mike Patton. İth her laudability prophecy, I loved her more and more. One year after this prophecy, FNMwas reunited and started a tour and also they came İstanbul. So I was there. When I go to the place which will see a big concert, fun began. There was less queue at the door, many people believed they can catch FNM’s gig, if they came lately. However our mission was about being first line to see concert, so we arrived early. We entered before the opening time, so I think it is an advantage. Still I found the place “Maçka Küçükçiftlik Park” as a little bit small for FNM, because when I see the other concerts they

performed, places were bigger ten times than this place. Also this place was at the middle of a lunapark. I just thought a little moment that FNM won’t like this place, and they will never come here again. I hope I am wrong. After the hours, we became a big crowd. People who wanted to see FNM and came concert were so loveable, most of them were over their 20’s. I met with many of them when NIN came at Rock’n Coke this year. Also there were more foreigners to watch FNM. We watched two group before FNM. First of all, Nekropsi performed a concert. I saw them for first time, and I really loved their music. Not only me, but also Billy Gould and Mike Patton watched their perform. The second group was Kurban. I cannot talk positively, because of some reasons like I don’t like their music, but highly I was waiting for FNM for a long time. So hours show us 22:00, these magical people showed themselves on stage. It was like a really great dream, and when they started to sing “Reunited”, I’ve already out of my mind.

Group’s setlist was not so much different from other concerts of tour, however, they didn’t play The Real Thing. As it’s place, they performed From Out Nowhere, and after that Land Of Sunshine. And I still couldn’t think, I was so excited, the band of my life was near to me and it affected me so much. When I watch them agitatedly, Roddy Bottum sent his rose to me. And it sealled all of night for me. Noe I would like to talk about group members’ last form. All of them were getting on in years. Hairs of all became white, their faces gained creases, however their energies are still here. Mike Patton, according to their ages, came to stage with a cane. Although I can say that he was the youngest of them. Mike Patton pointed to people who watched all concerts from trees, and apartments which were near to concert place. As I said before, place was so small, but they made it a funny event, they didn’t make it problem to themselves. One of the most important thing of this

concert was about a Turkish flag-tshirt. Someone sent a tshirt to Mike Patton, and he didn’t send it back. It was a sweet japery, I think. And red colour fit him, we saw that. The last song was Just A Man, and Mike Patton came down from stage and tried to sing all of his fans. Most of them couldn’t make him satisfied, and I looked, he was in front of me! This is a great thing, if you really loved someone’s music, and you are a big fan of him. Being so near to someone who you really loved and touch him is perfect indulgence. When they left the stage, our cheers made them come back to stage and sing again. It happened for two times. And this great concert was ended. Faith No More as the most that I wanted to watch, made me live my perfect night of my life. I am so thankful to people who worked for this concerts and MetalTR family. I hope we will live more nights like this beautiful night and pleasure.

Setlist: 1. Reunited (Peaches & Herb cover) 2. From Out of Nowhere 3. Land of Sunshine 4. Caffeine 5. Evidence 6. Surprise! You’re Dead! 7. Last Cup of Sorrow 8. Digging the Grave 9. Easy (Commodores cover) 10. Ashes to Ashes 11. Midlife Crisis 12. I Started a Joke (Bee Gees cover) 13. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies 14. King for a Day 15. Be Aggressive 16. Epic 17. Just a Man 18. Chariots Of Fire/Stripsearch 19. Midnight Cowboy (John Barry cover) 20. Cuckoo for Caca

Uni-Rock Open Air Fest Review (17/19 July/ Istanbul) Welcome to the best fest of this year! Friday, July 17 I hit the road with the first light of morning. After a long way I met with my girl friend and we toured Taksim until fest time. When I was walking to Maçka, I guessed faint under the high temperature with my heavy baggage. I arrived to entry of fest but I couldn’t enter for a while because dear Kopuk (Arda) didn’t give list of guess name and so I had to wait approximately one hour. After that luckless situation I could enter thanks to fest organizer, dear Adil Akbay :D then after pitching my tent I caught end of first band performance. (Unfortunately on my hand there re none photo of this band) And I Exist, band from Istanbul, was on stage. Because of my late arrival, I could watch end of their performance as the first band. They re the new face for metal area. Thanks to supports of Headbang (Turkish music magazine) they were there. That was a big chance for them! Everyone can not catch this chance for such a big fest and stage. Downstage was not very crowded because of hot air, but anyway band performance was considered well. Undertakers roughed up again the stage. Their performance is spectacular. Howsoever I could not watch all show when I had a look on stage I was all attention to them! Arsen turned mass on and then jumped entre spectators. He abandoned much himself to magic on scene so he could not realize that his head was blooding. I saw that he hit the microphone again and again to his head with euphoria. I wondered anybody else saw that? I hope to watch again them anywhere else!

Perhaps Pickpocket was the band who has the most different style! While I was looking around what I could see is this band was not loved by fest participants. Maybe its reason was their style or music genre, but according to me they were well in their style and made the best on stage. Who watched without prejudice could see that! Rampage came from Izmir and took stage for their twentieth year. Their music is not my style, but they re considered the best metallers in heavy metal. They stood figurative on stage after a 20 years break. Magilum was definitely magnificent! Especially Oğuz’s vocalization of öksd held the time up for a while. Howsoever Nalan and Oğuz only saved the show we could say all members were in tune with them. Bassist, Dear Serhat Duran did not move during their performance. It attracted my attention! At last Soul Sacrifice was on stage! They did not play Çocuk Bahçesi. If they had done I would have destroyed the stage! I guess the new album will be much strong. It gives signals to us in this way. I could not remember the songs, but remembered that they were so beautiful. Maksim was calm as much as he has ever been, Fevzi looked nonstop to his guitar, but anyway he could be in unison with band. Özgür made typically messy the stage. Absolutely he has an air of frontman. His stage control was perfect as per usual. When sky was darkening and started be superb to take best photos, our permits for that finished. Because of that unfortunate situation Soul Sacrifice photos are little complicated. They be taken when the light was in the worst position. Day headliner, Arch Enemy’s time came! We could not enter in stage for take. Entre spectators, in a small place we installed and from there, behind the

barriers for 2 songs we did our job. Although we took these photos in a bad condition, Arch Enemy commended and thanked me with releasing their photos taken by me in their official space site. A.E performance was too high. Angela fidgeted and made the stage talk! All members played like say ‘that’s show’. It had to be seen by everyone! Michael Amott’s solo of Intermezzo Liberté got gooseflesh. Certain said not to like that. I could not take any photo, but under the blue light I would like to take some! I hope for next time. I did not devise to go back stage, because I was so tired and end of day I returned to my tent to fall a sleep. In second day, at about 2 I entered to concert area in a bad condition because of hot air. The first band that brought black sea atmosphere to fest, Deathblow was on stage. Because of being the first band of day and too too hot air they could have only a few mass. Despite of drummer’s losing some riff; rest of their performance could be respected well. The second band not care about the hot that took an oath to destroy the stage was UÇK Grind. Although the weather hotter condition countable participant were here, downstage to watch them. Tanju’s energetic dialogue fired much more the spectators. One of their songs whose name I can not remember now I liked so much. Riff of bas guitar accorded with song rhythm made me fell so wonderful! If you haven’t watched UÇK yet, you must see them one day!

bands, way back Catafalque has not gotten any stage by day. They showed much strong performance. I believe that Catafalque and Soul Sacrifice names must now be written with bigger font on bills. I hope that they start to take part at European fests. They have not played covers last concerts. It would be well. One of the most beautiful acts was the asking of Arın to Özge and he gave her a ring. It was a beautiful instant. But ı could not take any net frame because of columns front me. But for the time being I could take some. Band that I want much to watch, rotting Christ was here! But I could not watch them so well. We were free for taking photos and I evaluated this time with many photos. We were taken a photo when members got off stage. I think that performance was the better R.C Show. I wondered Themis mimics. He could make you watch him self as a film! Sometimes you found that funny but it amazes you easily. Taking stage in day light was a mischance for them. I hope see them once again with a night show. ‘Kings not die’! Paradise Lost show us when they came on stage. They proved us their nobleness with track played on stage, their position too. And I bend down with respect. When they were playing Eraser I could not press shutter. If only they’d put a jerk in show with their costumes. And this night headliner, thrash legend took its place. We can say Istanbul was shook with them. They showed us a perfect performance. They not need more saying. Photos show all! But I had a kick against electrician! When we got the best position to take he began brandish the flag. So many poses were caught from our hands.

German metalcore storm, One Bullet Left was here with an unexpected performance. The band that got previously a stage in Ankara effervesced with excitement to get stage at Uni-Rock. Band gained much sympathy thanks to one of their members who is Turkish and wore a Beşiktaş forma. (Of course, got all And the end of night, return to concrete… Beşiktaş followers sympathy!) We were on third day of fest and the first One of our country best gothic metal band of day, Mosh Pit Project was one of

the bands that had others first share of hot air. But I think everything be worth playing without a mass for such a bigger fest organization. Already downstage was empty, there re many people who follow them from shadow. And I was one of them. But not do me an injustice, casual time I went to stage to take them! In Iran everything must be difficult to do! Especially making music as metal is more difficult! I not mention about listening, about what I can talk is MAKING! Arsames came from there and played without fault. Its performance was so well. Perhaps many band make this music from the bottom of them heart, but they make it under a deadly dangerous! And I think they reflect with putting a good show! We talked some people and heard much time ‘want support for this job’! Who make music most willingly we support all time! Arsames came to our country to watch and also play. I hope meet once again, dudes. And I feel that become in shortest time. Another foreign band was Bilocate. I did not any idea about what kind of metal they make. But with getting start on Uni-rock stage, I wondered them! Their sound, melody re majestic! All songs seem same, but they come well. I liked them. Their genre is doom/death metal. Best regards from here to Dubai. Your performance was perfect.

solicitously their stage, time came. Everything looked normal until coming of Ozan. Show got start! Stage atmosphere turned to a ceremony. But mass was not good like them. I think they not show an enough interest in Episode 13 stage. The band was the unique that made corpse paint. First watching with Ozan’ vocal was for me in this night. Stage performance was showplace. I hope see them again and again. And the other unique band, Firewind showed everyone how a show must be. Light was worst because of setting, but watching them was so tasteful. Although I not listen much time power metal, they could catch my fancy. So time of sadness and enthusiasm came. We were sad, because last band time came. Also we were exciting, because the last one was AMON AMARTH! We watched them in December and glut us eyes on them. Plainly they seem to think like us. So they were against once again us on stage of UniRock. Before talking about the band I want to mention about another case. Before the stage of Amon Amarth, certain idiot with water bottle on hands held wetting over us if we take photos. What was happened? You wetted us but for us nothing happened my idiot. How a person discipline you who make only your job! Our equipments re at a valuation of milliards and you try to them wet! Me, I saved my machine with digging in, but certain had to wet. Besides that, Amon Amarth was perfect like the previously shows. Watching the men give you a biggest pleasure!

After them, Saint’n’Sinners that not match to my style was on the stage. They make their sound like a house on fire. For a while I expected that drummer poisoning. Because of fume effect we could not see him until the performance. End. It was the first time that I watched them. And ı found them well. Prepared by: Güven Ceylan Episode 13 that I have not watched for along time is just its turn. When I talked with Can, he said me not to catch the first 2 songs. As I was waiting

Interpreter: Ebru Ekşi



In the world, all of music band who gained big success, have a talent. This talent is so unique, it is godsend; no one can get it easily. Sometimes, you can understand a song in 3 minutes, sometimes, you can get it after years. These bands created a difference, they gave their names to their musics. They inspired everyone, became a pioneer. Under their successes, there is one thing they have: experimental attitude . From past to the present, a person who has the experimental attitude, gained a big prize. In science, literature, art and even war. If there is no experimental attitude, humanbeing couldun’t show any progress. People could be lost without pioneers. Prophets are pioneers of religions, commanders are pioneers of armies, politicians are pioneers of publics. When we them, we can understand they are simple persons like us ( except politicians), so how can they become pioneers? This is because, they are ready to try new things. They can try new stuff, they can find new stuff or may be they can tell people the old things with a new modern way. In the end, they have their styles, they have courage and with their brave, they can become avant garde. Experimentalism, cannot be described according to time, because we can’t find a start for this, it probably goes to invention of wheel. Especially, it could be big mistake to give a time to start of experimentalism of music, because music is universal term. Music is already experimental act of human beings, from start to present. From blues to rock’n roll, from psychedelic to heavy metal, every step of music is result of experimental acts. Without pursuits of music, it could be never progressed. Every music band has an experimental side, but some of them seize experimentalism as a style. Bands who use this term as a style, have a difference in compositions or enstruments. They change

standart compositions or create a new combination with church music and circus music. They create their music without any aim. They just create it wiht their imaginations and wishes, without understandings of the others. This is the heart of avant garde. Generally, avant garde bands should know about the other styles. This is because, if they don’t know about standarts, they cannot over standarts. People who are described as musical geniouses are absolutely pioneers of this music. For example Buzz Ozbourne, Dave Lombardo or Mike Patton. Nowadays, many avant garde bands say they started this job thanks to these names. Many bands are related with another, group members have more than one project. I cannot talk about infinite number of groups but I cannot pass a number of bands. First of all, the Melvins, is the most important band of experimental music which is still active than 1982. Buzz Ozbourne and Dale Crover worked with many different names and created 17 studio albums. Mr. Bungle is created in 1985 and it takes its name from a educational video’s character. Mike Patton, Trey Spruance, Trevor Dunn, Dany Heifetz and Clinton Mckinnon, who are the longest time members of this band. Band was active than 2004 and created 3 demos and 3 studio albums. Their separation happened according to members’ other projects success. Mr. Bungle has an importance with not only its members other projects but also fans projects too. Many of “first”s are owned by Mr. Bungle. Secret Chiefs 3 is created by Trey Spruance who was the member of Mr. Bungle. They used many different sounds as Pharisee and Arab sounds. They are also effected by from death metal to electronic sounds. They have 7 studio albums and from 1995 to present they continued their activeness.

Fantomas is created in 1998 at California. After the seperation of Faith No More, Mike Patton tried to find best names of music world to gain for his new band.Trevor Dunn, Buzz Ozbourne and Dave Lombardo joined the band and created 6 albums. In 2001 they published the album “The Director’s Cut” and they covered many film musics for this album. Dog Fashion Disco was active between 1996-2007. Members of group as Mr. Bungle, created new and different projects. From psychedelic to circuss music, they composed many sounds and their lyrics have satirical features. Their favorite band is Mr. Bungle. Band’s members were Todd Smith, Jasan Stepp, Brian “Wendy” White, John Ensminger, Jeff Siegel and Matt Rippetoe and they have 10 albums. After group’s separation many bands existed as Polkadot Cadaver or The Alter Boys. Polkadot Cadaver is importand avant garde band due to just one album they have “Purgatory Dance Party”. Also The Alter Boys is important with only album “The Exotic Sound of the Alter Boys” which is existed in 2005. Apart from these bands, Ulver from Norway or Indonesian band Kekal gained experimental features after some time. Many groups used experimental with other sounds to describe themselves as Meshuggah or Ram-Zet. Nowadays we can see many avant garde metal bands. In Turkey, the number of names of these bands are increasing. So you can hear sentences as “I am doing experimental music but you didn’t understand this” from many unsuccesful bands. It is the difficult to seperate good avant garde bands from bads as make good experimental music. However,I can give you a guarantee if you listen good bands, you will be delighted too much.

An Interview With Arsames Interview: Ece Saka & Ümit Gündoğdu First of all I wish to celebrate you for breaking the chains and having so many successes… It is so wonderful that there are bands like you in neighboring countries which has started to be known in the world. I want to start to our interview with asking you how your mood is. That’s great! As you know we are the first Iranian Death Metal band who will perform in a concert in turkey so we are very happy and full of energy! I wish to start with 2009 before talking about the history of the band. I guess it is not wrong to say that 2009 is a very generous year for Arsames. You will attend two very important festivals -one is world-wide Metalcamp and the other one is Turkey’s Uni-Rock. As I know you have an album project. Shall you tell us a little bit about album and your participation to these festivals? Well, after many years of experience and working hard on Metal music that is not familiar in our country we are going to be a successful band from Iran of course 2009 is going to be remembered as a great year for our history

we have lived with metal music for so many years we decided to form our band so we started a local metal band a real underground one, we have played with so many young musicians and help them to learn more about metal scene in the world we just wanted to find some true metalheads and finally after many changes in the band we found our real lineup. I wish to ask about your country too. Iran is somewhere which is governed by Islamic Law for the ones who does not know Iran well. But as I know from some of my Iranian friends and from my researches, Iran has left the “off to the international relations” appearance behind. What are your opinions about this theme? Shall you tell us a little bit about your country? Actually, there are some restrictions towards music (especially metal music) but recently the situation is getting better by taking into consideration that metal fans are growing rapidly. In fact Arsames focuses on cultural background of Iran not current politics because we believe this is the best way to introduce Iran to the world

I appreciate Arsames because of knowing its roots and being a band which tries We will introduce Arsames with your biog- to keep its roots alive. Lyrics, name of the raphy on our webzine. But we wish to ask band and etc mostly depends on Persian if you want to add anything to your bioghistory. This is a characteristic which we raphy to let you known better? mostly coincide in the Nordic bands. What Arsames is an Ancient death metal band, kind of comments do you get about this? the 5 members of Arsames are truly living Do people mostly appreciate or not? with metal music and they are not going as you know most of pop bands focus on to leave their beliefs... shallow topics such as materialistic love .... And have ignored some deep meanings such as culture, identity, humanLet’s talk about the establishment of the ity.... And we believe that one of the most band. How did you come together? Whose important reasons of Arsames’s growidea was this? How did you start to play ing popularity in Iran and the rest of the together? What kind of difficulties did pass world is it’s concentration on this fact. through? Shall you tell us a little bit about these? I wish to ask about Iran again. There are (Ali madarshahi) And (Hamid faverani) so many glorified bands which make good were metalheads for more than 20 years jobs like Aras, Arashk, Ahoora, Ekove

Efrits, Farzad Golpayegani, Kahtmayan, Nazhand etc. How do you appraise these developments and shall they be a bridge which will make Iran known better in the world wide? Needless to say, countries are known universally by many factors and one of the most important of these factors is music. As you know metal music is growing rapidly in the world and if a country can have many of music bands specially popular metal bands, this fact can help that country to find it’s true position in the world We have talked about a project last time. We wish to know Iran metal scene as a world-wide research. First bands, Iran’s first meet with metal music, the endeavours which are done for metal music, gigs, the venues… Shall you give us some information about this subject? Most of Iranians’ experience on metal music happened by watching metal shows through TV or concerts in the other countries because there were no chance for us to practice metal music in our own country but little by little we found enough courage to start. We had some instrumental venues in Iran. To tell you the truth, Arsames had the universal standards from it’s very beginning and I hope the other metal bands in Iran don’t get satisfied by having some local performances and like Arsames try to be introduced globally for example the friend list of Arsames in myspace website is over 23,000 fans and our page and songs have been viewed and clicked near 200,000 times. You have released the track named “Cyrus the Great”. How was the feed back? Awesome.... a lot of people after listening that song got interested in knowing more about ancient culture of Iran and wanted to research about this great man who was the first instructor of human

rights policy in the world. Let’s take some hints about the festival. Is your playlist ready? Will Arsames play only its own tracks or will there be some cover songs? Shall you give us some hints about these? :) Yes the playlist is ready, and we have some covered song but I think we just play our songs at Uni-Rock specially some new songs that no one heard before! What are your purposes and dreams as a band? As a metal band we feel the burden of responsibility on our shoulders to introduce the beautiful and unfortunately forgotten meanings of realities such as humanity, identity, friendship, loyalty, braveness..... To the world and we haven’t found a better source than rich culture of our country that is somehow unknown. We can see the same interest in metal bands such as Amon Amarth who focuses on Viking culture of their country. We will have a questionnaire at the end of the interview but I wish to introduce the line up with your own words. Of course if you will agree too. What does the Arsames line up do except music? Are there anyone married? Who works in another job? It is a little bit paparazzo kind of question but just cox it :) Ali madarshahi: Vocals Hamid faverani: Guitars Morteza shahrami: Guitars Rouzbeh zorchang: bass Saeed shariat: Drums We are all working at a music institute. And my last question… I wish to get your opinions about Turkey. I know that

you have visited our country before and I know that you are known in Turkey. How do you appraise Turkey in terms of culture or music? Are there any Turkish bands that you follow? No doubt, Turkey is one of the pioneers of metal music in the region and has a rich and ancient culture. We don’t follow any Turkish bands in music style point of view but there are great metal bands in Turkey who we respect so much such as mezarkabul (pentagram), cenotaph, soul sacrifice .... Questionnaire Ali madarshahi (vocals) 1 Equipment You Use (Trademark, Model): shure mic. kam speaker .behringer mixer 2 Birthday And Place: 1969-Tehran 3 Favorite Bands: Amon Amarth, arch enemy, Sodom, morbid angel , symphony x, Exodus 4 Favorite Albums: twilight of the thunder god, the concealers, Better off dead, watershed 5 Favorite Musician: Dave Lombardo, chuck Billy, Russell Allen, Lan Hegg 6 Spare Time Occupation: Searching in internet 7 Favorite Drink: Efes and Juice 8 Favorite Food: lahmacun, Ezo gelin çorbası 9 The Best Arsames Track: Syrus the Great 10 The Best Arsames Gig: The first Arsames underground concert 11 Unforgettable Memory That Has Been Lived With Arsames: Uni rock confirmation 12 With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?: Amon Amarth 13 The First Album You Have Bought: Boston (Boston) 14 The Last Album You Have Bought: Daath : the concealers 15 Last Question: Philosophy of Life: good thoughts good words good deeds Hamid Faverani (guitars)

1 Equipment You Use (Trademark, Model): dean guitar, Jackson guitar, boss ME- 50,metal zone, Marshall amp JCM 2000 2 Birthday And Place: Iran-Mashhad, 1974 3 Favorite Bands: Opeth-Amon Amarth-Arch enemy- Iron maiden- Black Sabbath- Symphony x- Deep purple 4 Favorite Albums: Anthems of rebellion- Domination-seventh son of a seventh son 5 Favorite Musician: Micheal Angelo- Marty Friedman- Jimmy page- Dan Swanö 6 Spare Time Occupation: Listening metal music 7 Favorite Drink: Water- Efes 8 Favorite Food: Donner kebab 9 The Best Arsames Track: Syrus the Great 10 The Best Arsames Gig: The first Arsames underground concert 11 Unforgettable Memory That Has Been Lived With Arsames: metal camp confirmation 12 With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?: Death 13 The First Album You Have Bought: British steel (Judas priest) 14 The Last Album You Have Bought: Watershed (opeth) 15 Last Question: Philosophy of Life: If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, where X is work, Y is play, and Z is keep your mouth shut. (Albert Einstein) Rouzbeh Zourchang (bass) 1 Equipment You Use (Trademark, Model): ESP, Godin electric bass guitar and aria acoustic bass guitar. laney amp 2 Birthday And Place: 1988 mashhad 3 Favorite Bands: Iron maiden , testament , carcass 4 Favorite Albums: somewhere in time , low , the gathering 5 Favorite Musician: Steve Digiorgio , Steve Haris , Michael Amott

6 Spare Time Occupation: listening music and driving 7 Favorite Drink: tea , whiskey 8 Favorite Food: Persian food , lahmacun 9 The Best Arsames Track: xerexes 10 The Best Arsames Gig: The first Arsames underground concert 11 Unforgettable Memory That Has Been Lived With Arsames: metal camp confirmation 12 With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?: Iron maiden, Arch enemy 13 The First Album You Have Bought: swan song 14 The Last Album You Have Bought: wrath 15 Last Question: Philosophy of Life: nothing Saeed Shariat (Drums) 1 Equipment You Use (Trademark, Model): Mapex M series. Vdrum roland V6. Paiste cymbals. Iron cobra pedals. Vic firth sticks 2 Birthday And Place:1986-Mashhad 3 Favorite Bands: Death, Opeth, Testament, Judas Priest, Lamb of God, Arch Enemy, Amon Amarth 4 Favorite Albums: Symbolic, Pain killer, The sound of perseverance, Formation of Damnation, Cowboys from Hell, Blackwater Park. 5 Favorite Musician: Gene Hoglan, Chris Adler, Chuck Schuldiner, Dimebag Darrel, Scot Travis, Martin Lopez 6 Spare Time Occupation: Walking whit friends. Computer games. Reading book 7 Favorite Drink: Smirnoff. Efes. Jack Daniels 8 Favorite Food: Pizza. chicken kebab 9 The Best Arsames Track: Immortal identity 10 The Best Arsames Gig: The first Arsames underground concert 11 Unforgettable Memory That Has Been Lived With Arsames: metal camp

confirmation 12 With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?: Testament 13 The First Album You Have Bought: Animals (Pink Floyd) 14 The Last Album You Have Bought: Nostradamus (Judas Priest) 15 Last Question: Philosophy of Life: Humanity!!!!!!!!! Morteza Shahrami (guitars) 1 Equipment You Use (Trademark, Model): washburn hb series Marshall amp 2 Birthday And Place: 1983 mashhad 3 Favorite Bands: Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones ,Arch Enemy ,Pantera , Testament ,opeth ,dream theater 4 Favorite Albums: the wall, revolution, vulgar display of power, doomsday machine 5 Favorite Musician: Dimebag Darrell, Alex Skolnik, Victor Smolski, Marty Friedman, David Gilmour, Michael Amott, Steeve Digiorgio. 6 Spare Time Occupation: practice guitar and listening to metal music 7 Favorite Drink: tea , jack Daniel ,coffee 8 Favorite Food: ghorme sabzi , fish , kebab 9 The Best Arsames Track: xerexes 10 The Best Arsames Gig: The first Arsames underground concert 11 Unforgettable Memory That Has Been Lived With Arsames: metal camp confirmation 12 With Which Band You Dream To Be On Stage?: Iron maiden 13 The First Album You Have Bought: the wall Pink Floyd 14 The Last Album You Have Bought: Daath : the concealers 15 Last Question: Philosophy of Life: rocking in a free world

Wacken Open air or also briefly W:O:A, for 20 years the metal event in Germany. Thus we also are already for eleven years a member of the festival municipality and have packed in last decade once a year our camping equipment to follow the pilgrim’s crowd. But at that time it was more relaxed in certain manner, nevertheless, one could arrive comfortably still on the first festival day. In the today’s time one better resolves to invest one week of the summer holidays and to arrive already on Tuesday before the real festival beginning. But therefore one has bought the privilege to succumb a whole week to the atmosphere of North Germany and to sniff festival atmosphere. “20 years louder than hell” the motto of the biggest Heavy Metal festivals of the world was therefore this year. And it did justice to his motto, nevertheless, travelled more than 70,000 fans of metalmusic in only 1800 inhabitants counting village Wacken. Also we arrived this year again at the weekly beginning to see camping area a little from the common atmosphere of the metal family before our move in the V.I.P. And to be of use in the time to sketch a battle plan, with regard to which of the tape which should stand on our private runningorder. The offer this year more than after my taste. Nevertheless, thus presented themselves of tape like (Gamma Ray not to forget Nevermore, Hammerfall, Motörhead, Heaven & Hell, Doro, in Flames, Amon Amarth, Testament, Axel Rudi Pell and Running Wild and many more) proverbially the handle in the hand. In other words... it long days promised to become on the festival area. However, before we could rush calmly in the festival tumult to indulge in a musical great pleasure after the other, we had to exchange on Wednesday still the job at highly summery temperatures our accreditations for the backstage passes what was at more than highly summery temperatures a hard way which ran, however, with the suitable stock in well

cooled beer cans nevertheless relaxing. Thus it is to be seen amusing like themselves the whole village actively in the festival involved over and over again. No front garden in which beer or grill goods or breakfast is not offered. Thus everybody profits. Statistically seen every inhabitant earns in Wacken more than 3000€ during the days of the festival. But also during the days before it and then many voluntary inhabitants with from the part... are endlessly as a folder, however, also for the clearing work. Result: Without this acceptance the yearly spectacle would not be possible. However, for us the first day (Wednesday 29.7) began with a disappointment. If we had been glad in the approach, nevertheless, about the AC / DC cover band “Bon Scott” as well as in the connection “Uncle Tom” and “Mambo Kurt”. All gigs took place on the W.E.T Stage in the tent. Unfortunately, all honour made the WET Stage to her name, nevertheless, the area was flooded before the tent once again by water from the adjoining sanitary arrangements. With it not enough, the fans stood before the tent queue. Coming through absolutely impossibly. And therefore a lot the plan of the cocelebration literally in the water. PITY!!!!! Maybe to evacuate a suggestion to the organizers next year the stage outside?!?!?! But no problem.... a right Metalhead can be got by it not under... from in the W:O:A beer garden and the evening with a bottle Jack Daniels & coke & ice allow to end!! It is Thursday. The internal Running order stands! For us one says daily schedule before the Black Stage. At 16:00 o’clock begin skyline & special guests. Here a breath nostalgia sloshes over here. Played Skyline (Band of Thomas Jensen W:O:A organisator), nevertheless, already on the first W:O:A 20 years ago. And thus it did not let take Thomas to lay once again hand to the bassguitar. As special guest Doro Pesch boarded the stage and introduced the official Wackenanthem “we are the metalheadz”.

But also Onlel Tom with the song “on to Wacken”, left the audience on the extreme headbanging. Everything in all a successful prelude for the 20-year-old spectacle.

“hit” to the audience around the ears followed from black hand in, Purgatory or also branded and exile or raise your fist (a song the live rarity value has). After two hours Rolf finishes his gig with ConquistaAround 17:00 the Munich band “Schanddores and under jolly Roger. Huge!!!!! maul” enters the stage. For 10 years the However, less nicely this of the “Wacken boys are in business and know to put on it God “was”no seeing with the weather had. over and over again with their middle age It already started to rain during “Running folk rock to the audience substantially. Wild” more than extensively, so that we A climax the volume is the nomination visit first of all the press tent up to the for an echo price this year. There should skin soaked to warm up a little ourselves, say one more Metal has no chances or because the time is scarce, because the future... Care from / standing ovations next highlight stands in a queue with “Schandmaul”!!!! “Heaven & Hell”. Clearly nobody else than Ronny James Dio of the Godfather of the After the gig we decide to us “W” / Stemead alga song strikes us!!!!! fan Weidner ex. “Böser Onkel” only to So nothing as fast again out on the area... listen and to undertake an excursion on this time before the True Metal Stage. Wet the area. The new event “die Wackinger” there or here.... a disappointment there draws us. On a specially situated area ev- was not. Songs like mob rules, children of erything is offered to the visitor all around the sea, heaven & brightly or neon nights the Middle Ages and the Wickinger. Becompensate for everything. side culinary specific features everybody Show act past. what??? No problem... can also practice itself in the ax or spear again in the backstage area warm up, throw. Also the craft art is represented. people hitspeaking with musicans and Jewellery, weapons, armaments, clothing, friends and before him there retire a few drinking horns... who the corresponding drinks with uncle Tom Angelripper..... looks makes a find here fast. In a spethere good sleeping was announced!!!!!! cially furnished area are offered for inOh oh... the remaining night promised terested show fights and are commented nothing good. Even if the highly concenaccordingly and explained. Around around trated promises a good sleep, the rain at the successful experiment which finds a this night of the sky falls was not to be repetition hopefully next year. failed to hear and promises for the next A look at the clock says us it time is to be day nothing good. How it should be also boarded again the festival area. Already in different... the morning we could perceive a foretaste for the evening, namely the sound check Friday 31.7.09..... it is fresh, stormy, the of Rock `n Rolf or also Rolf Kasparek or area is mushy and has made soft. To all even better said” Running Wild”. And now evil it has tore to friends on the campit should be so far. But with a tasteless ing place the pavilion and blown away... flavour. Not the music because of, but it this spoils the mood????? No, because it the last gig the cult tape begins “Running another more magnificently musical day Wild”. After this Night to Remember the stands in the house., Among the rest, band resolves around band leader Rolf with the laying “UFO”. We are punctually Kasparek. But for her last concert ev“to Gamma Ray” again. Unfortunately, erything was given. As an Intro guested we saw to venture constrainedly on an the actors of Hamburg Dungeon on the excursion in the place to organise a pole stage... and then, finally, “Running Wild” cigarettes. At this point a big request start... Classics like port royal, bad to the to the organizers... what with American bone, riding the storm and Soulless are Spirit is offered is dreadful!!!! Not at all

smokeable, from the taste-----from here censors------and falls under the Genevan conventions!!!!!!! Please, organise a goodcigarette company with to the start tries to bring next year again!!!!!! But back to the music. Damage Kai Hansen so early on the stage stood. Somebody understands his craft in Metal like no other him. For me the prelude for Friday afternoon. Beside cult songs of Gamma Ray classics of “Helloween” might not be also absent. To all at the head ride the sky, gorgar or also future world.

And this with incredible afflicted with play joy a show. The Opener made iron fist, followed from stay clean. A flawless sound made this spectacle perfect. After the tenth song in the name of tragedy Mickey Dee overexerted himself in a magnificent Drumsolo. The regular set end was decided from going to brazil and killed by death, before both additions ace of spades and overkill the set cunning rounded. Now after 23:00 one said first put the legs up, something drink and take firm food to ourself. Unfortunately, this told Although “Walls of Jericho” and “Nevalso to hear “In Flames” only from the ermore” stood now on the programme, backstage area and to risk the one and we resolved to us to tackle him long ago other look occasionally from the gangupcoming way about the metalmarket. way to the area. An absolutely successThe desirable purchase list of the remain- ful show which did not allow to lack it by ing at home had to be also processed fires. Magnificently and, as usual, worth willy nilly. The walk about the metalmarseeing and worth hearing. The end of the ket was absolutely positive. This year gig was crowned by huge fireworks. the area was widened. The passageways Unfortunately, one must make meanwhile were broader and everything was more here and there deductions, we followed clear. And of course the offer extensively. in this evening another of two tapes ourBut how Always one said only look then selves with in the programme had taken shop. However, the really broadly diversi- up. To one the German metallegend fied offer also offered the suitable prize “Doro” and for the end on this day “Amon spans. Situations this, nevertheless, up to Amarth”. Around 00:45 began first of all 10€ of difference. Therefore, quick-deter- “Doro”. Masterfully, as usual. As soon mined buyers could move very frustrated as Opener began you with “für immer”. if they could not wait around the prices to A big surprise was, the Doro completely compare. old “Warlock” to classic to the best gave. Around 19:15 we were again ready To mention here; I rule the ruins, burnaround “Hammerfall” an ear to lend. The ing the withes, true as steel, the night of likeable boys also delivered as expected the warlock or also all we are. As special an excellent show. One must say thank guest Sabina Classen with Doro divided God without Drumset which shines like in the stage. the Circus Roncalli in all colours and contains so many bass drums like HammerAfter the end of “Doro” exactly one viertel fall has letter. Hopefully this also remains hour of time remained around the scene in such a way. Since, nevertheless, a such to change. Punctually around 3:00 early show was embarrassing. Nevertheless, it began “Amon Amarth”. However, the joy goes without, how to us this year’s Wack- on the appearance of “Amon Amarth” was engig impressively prove. fast damped. A more than bad sound to which the music went literally under and Now for me the evening went to the dethe vocals were completely swallowed artermining phase. My undisputed favorranged us in half of the gig, nevertheless, ites, since I was 15 years, stood on the the way to hit in the direction of sleeping programme..... “guten Abend we are place. Motörhead and we play rock` n roll”... clearly Lemmy himself was announced. Saturday 01.08.09 the fifth day in Wack-

en begins. A little wistfully one looks back. If one has come, nevertheless, actually, scarcely. The last days are passed like in the flight.... The night was too short, as usual. But one and other strong coffee revives again. And therefore we could cocelebrate on time around 13:00 the 25-year-old stage jubilee of “rage”. It knew to put on “rage” early in the day to the fans substantially. If one had, nevertheless, high-carat guests with on the stage. With from the part of Hansi Kürsch (Blind Guardian) Schmier (Destruction) or also Eric Hecht (Subway to Sally). The next Act on this day are “ Testament”. With big tension we have expected this gig. But from the nevertheless not unimportant illnesses in the area of the crew nothing was to be felt. “Testament” delivered a flawless gig. One-hour playing time which ran too fast. But a lot of time to the air get did not remain. If we steered, nevertheless, seemlessly to the gig of “Heaven shall Burn” against. The gathered Metalhedaz did not seem to brake. A Moshpit hunted the other. And singer Markus Bischoff had the masses in the hand, he knew to heat up it, nevertheless, this always anew.

jam. Therefore, the gig of “In Extremo” forms for us the conclusion. As during all past years this is stamped by appropriate basses, creeps to spreading bagpipes lengths and a huge pyrotechnicshow.

And again no break for breathing deeply. Around 18:00 Axel Rudi Pell gave his rendezvous. Last year a lot this gig, unfortunately, from, because singer Johnny Gioeli was prevented professionally. But on time to the Wacken birthday the gig was put into action. And the tape gave everything. A pleasure for the friends melodic Metal. Axel like a virtuoso in the guitar. Once again he could not hide his big model Ritchie Blackmore. The parallels are too big. Here a master of six strings is at work. We could enjoy the show with our friends of “Custard”.

However, we are glad about 2010 if one says “faster harder louder” “see you in Wacken---rain or shine” again

Slowly the 20-year-old W:O:A bends for us to the end. During the past years it has proved to break off itself for us as advantageous to travel still at night our tents and in the direction of native country. Thus one handles to the departure stress and also the departure traffic

Result: The 20-year-old Wacken Open air is over. Up to few exceptions the weather has kept itself good. Unfortunately, there were concerning the Billing short-term refusals. Here are Anthrax to call Thin Lizzy and Kampfar. With JBO at least a substitute was found. The tape choice hit a range straight through the history of the festival. Indeed, it would have been good for the jubilee to have a Headliner like in 2008 on his flags. Iron Maiden would have been the worthy main act for such a birthday. At the end I say sorry to all the great bands played at W:O:A and we never wrote above. Like ( Lacuna Coil, Endsatillew, Walls of Jericho, Airborne, Bullet for my Valentine, Dragonforce, Einherjer, Mashine Head ) and many more. But time is to short each year...and one must choise each year again......

We are present definitively again!!!!! Keep metal alive Roger Rienkens( UMF Metal Support ) freelance from Germany /METAL TR

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