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Coach: Peter Noser Silvan Aemisegger Alexandros Kitriniaris Konstantinos Kosmas M a r t i n L i p p u n e r Maria Eleni Petropoulou Nestoras Skantzouris

Observa(on perimeter -­‐ context

19.06.2015| Group 2

green rail line project


Observa(on perimeter -­‐ challenges Main challenges •  Missing connec(vity (non-­‐interac(on plus separa(on effect) •  Underused valuable train infrastructure •  UnaJrac(ve (access to) sta(ons •  Lack of func(oning public / green spaces •  Vacancy, underused urban fabric 19.06.2015| Group 2

green rail line project


Observa(on perimeter – concept Main elements •  Increase aJrac(veness of train line Piraeus – Ska (frequency, connec(vity, local access) •  Crea(on of green corridor connec(ng Ska and Piraeus •  Crea(on of local networks connec(ng sta(ons with neighbourhood (environmental and cultural points of interest) 19.06.2015| Group 2

green rail line project


Observa(on perimeter – measures

Transport •  Intercity trains to Larissis •  Airport-­‐ShuJle (Piraeus – Larissis – AP) •  Frequency increase of suburbian railway between Piraeus and Ska •  Infrastructure (2 tracks, 3 plaZorms Larissis, electrifica(on) •  „Na(onal buses“ sta(on to Ska •  Interconnec(on bus, tram, bike (sta(ons) and metro 19.06.2015| Group 2

Landscape Se,lement •  Green corridor between Ska •  Moderniza(on / and Piraeus (bike/pedestrian Renova(on of sta(ons lanes) – connec(on! •  Public and private •  Bike/pedestrian paths investments along networks / loops around the iden(fied (cultural / sta(ons (good access to environmental) loops sta(ons and points of interest!) •  Upgrading of parks along the loops

green rail line project


Opera(onal perimeter, transport Main elements Connec(on with the exis(ng transporta(on network New bus routes as feeders for the railway sta(on Connec(on of the eastern and western areas Green line corridor as a pedestrian and bike route 19.06.2015| Group 2

green rail line project


Opera(onal perimeter, landscape Main elements Green line corridor expands into the city merging with other green areas Connec(ng loops of historical, commercial and cultural sites Urban park repair

19.06.2015| Group 2

green rail line project


Opera(onal perimeter, seJlement Main elements Urban repair of old, abandonded buildings via public or private stakeholders Repair and upgrade of the exis(ng sta(ons

19.06.2015| Group 2

green rail line project


In-­‐depth perimeter, urban fabric

•  Star(ng point for cultural, environmental, educa(onal and commercial loops •  Urban plaza as a connector to public u(li(es, public transport and neighbourhood •  New landmark for the city‘s iden(ty

19.06.2015| Group 2

green rail line project


In-­‐depth perimeter, landscape

•  Integrate the city with the main sta(on •  Create an urban park as a public, connec(ng space •  Bringing a green lung into the city 19.06.2015| Group 2

green rail line project


In-­‐depth perimeter, master plan

•  Connec(ng city plaza with (planned) tram, bus lines, metro and train •  Realize the planned railway museum in the exis(ng Peloponnese sta(on •  New main sta(on integra(ng spaces for commercial and administra(on uses 19.06.2015| Group 2

green rail line project


In-­‐depth perimeter, 3D proposal

19.06.2015| Group 2

green rail line project


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