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DISSERTATION REPORT Year: 2021-22 Batch No. 06


Prof. Hari P. Agarwal



School of Architecture, Apex Group of Institution ISI-4 RIICO Institutional Block, Sitapura, Jaipur – 302022

APPROVAL The study titled “Climate responsive architecture: Integrating climatic consideration as an part of planning and building design” is hereby approved as an original work of Kartikey Bhatt, Enrolment no. 17E1AHARM40P012 on the approved subject carried out and presented in manner satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as per the standard laid down by the university. This report was presented as part of the requirements for a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Rajasthan Technical University in Kota. It is to be understood that the undersigned does not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made, any opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein, however, the study is approved solely for the reason for which it was filed.

Prof. Hari P. Agarwal External Examiner


Prof. Hari P. Agarwal

Prof. Amarendra K. Mishra




DECLARATION I, Kartikey Bhatt, here by solemnly declare that the research work undertaken by me, titled “Climate responsive architecture: Integrating climatic consideration as an part of planning and building design” is my original work and wherever I have incorporated any information in the form of photographs, text, data, maps, drawings, etc. My paper acknowledges the usage of data from several sources. This dissertation has been completed under the supervision of the guide allotted to me by the college.

Date: 29th December 2021 Place: Jaipur

Kartikey Bhatt B.Arch., V Year, IX Semester School of Architecture, Apex Group of Institutions, Jaipur


CERTIFICATE This is to attest to the fact that the research named “Climate responsive architecture: Integrating climatic consideration as an part of planning and building design” is a Bonafide work by Kartikey Bhatt of School of Architecture, Apex group of institution, Jaipur. This research work has been completed under my guidance and supervision in a satisfactory manner. This report was written as part of a Bachelor of Architecture degree programme at Rajasthan Technical University in Kota. This research study fulfils the standards established by the Rajasthan Technical University.

Date: 29th December 2021 Place: Jaipur

Prof. Hari P. Agarwal Guide


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With the end of my studies, I would want to express my gratitude to everyone who assisted me in completing my dissertation and guiding me through the process. I would fall short of words, if I would try to express the contribution of each and every person who has made this research a memorable experience. I would want to offer my profound gratitude to my guide and coordinator Prof. Hari P. Agarwal, who have helped me at each and every step of my journey and whose most valuable guidance has helped me grow, as an architecture student. I would also want to thanks my other faculty members, Ar. Richa Garg and Ar. Priyadarshani Agarwal, who have been a continual source of inspiration and support during my studies. I also express my thanks to my family members, friends for their continuous support, encouragement throughout the journey. Every session of the study was enjoyable and there was no stress. Thank You.

Date: 29th December 2021 Place: Jaipur

Kartikey Bhatt B.Arch. V Year School of Architecture, Apex Group of Institutions, Jaipur



Approval ........................................................................................................................................ (i) Declaration .................................................................................................................................. (iii) Certificate .....................................................................................................................................(v) Acknowledgement..................................................................................................................... (vii)


Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1-3 1.1 Background of the study ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Need of the study ................................................................................................................2 1.3 Aim of the study ...................................................................................................................2 1.4 Objective...............................................................................................................................2 1.5 Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................2 1.6 Scope & limitation ................................................................................................................2 1.7 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 3


Literature review ................................................................................................................ 5-31 2.1 Climate-responsive architecture ........................................................................................ 5 2.1.1

Climatic Zones in India ................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Design principles & elements for achieving climate-responsive architecture for warmhumid climate ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.2.1 Shelter or form ............................................................................................................ 7 2.2.2 Passive cooling design strategies .............................................................................. 17 2.2.3 Settlement pattern and site planning ....................................................................... 18 2.2.4 Envelope design.......................................................................................................... 19


2.2.5 Shading, openings and use of natural ventilation .................................................... 21 2.2.6 Natural ventilation of building ................................................................................... 22 2.3 Climate responsive building design ..................................................................................27 2.3.1 Parameters for climate responsive building design .................................................27 2.3.2 Activities areas ........................................................................................................... 28 2.4 Conceptual Framework ..................................................................................................... 31 2.5 Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 31 3.

Case Study ........................................................................................................................ 33-74 3.1 Case study 1 - Pippara village of West-Godavari, Andhra Pradesh ................................. 33 3.1.1

Climate analysis.......................................................................................................... 34

3.1.2 Construction techniques ........................................................................................... 34 3.1.3 Traditional planning................................................................................................... 36 3.1.4 Construction material ................................................................................................ 40 3.1.5 Passive techniques .................................................................................................... 43 3.2 Case study 2 - Chettinadu dwellings of Kulipirai village, Tamilnadu .............................. 44 3.2.1 Climate analysis.......................................................................................................... 45 3.2.2 Traditional planning................................................................................................... 45 3.2.3 Construction technique............................................................................................. 49 3.2.4 Construction material ................................................................................................ 53 3.2.5 Passive technique .......................................................................................................57 3.3 Case study 3 - The Hamlet, nalanchira, Trivandrum, Kerala ........................................... 59 3.3.1 Climate analysis.......................................................................................................... 60 3.3.2 Traditional planning.................................................................................................... 61 3.3.3 Construction techniques ........................................................................................... 63



Construction materials .......................................................................................... 64

3.3.5 Passive techniques .................................................................................................... 66 3.4 Case study 4 - Wada houses, Hubli, Dharwad district, Karnataka .................................. 67 3.4.1 Climate analysis.......................................................................................................... 68 3.4.2 Traditional planning................................................................................................... 69 3.4.3

Construction techniques ........................................................................................ 71


Construction materials ...........................................................................................72


Passive techniques ..................................................................................................73


Pilot survey....................................................................................................................... 75-79


Finding & Learning............................................................................................................ 81-82


Conclusion & Recommendation ..................................................................................... 83-84 6.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 83 6.2 Recommendation ............................................................................................................. 83 6.3 Way forward...................................................................................................................... 84

Bibliography ...............................................................................................................................(xv) Annexure ...................................................................................................................................(xix) Plagiarism report.......................................................................................................................(xxi)



Figure 2.1 - Map of India indicating the 5 climatic zones ............................................................. 6 Figure 2.2 - Air speed are greatest on the crest ........................................................................... 8 Figure 2.3 - Wide east-west streets maximize the scope for south winter sun ......................... 9 Figure 2.4 - Wind catchers ............................................................................................................ 12 Figure 2.5 - Various roof forms and their areas of exposure ...................................................... 13 Figure 2.6 - In a warm and humid climate, warm air escapes through the roof vents and chimneys ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 2.7 - In a warm and humid climate, window building processes are different. ............. 21 Figure 2.8 - In a humid climate, shading (Chajja) and shutters on the veranda prevent afternoon sun rays ........................................................................................................................ 22 Figure 2.9 - Wind pressure induced and temperature induced ventilation ...............................23 Figure 2.10 - Single sided ventilation ........................................................................................... 24 Figure 2.11 - Cross ventilation........................................................................................................25 Figure 2.12 - Depicting some aspects of wind flow in and around courtyards ......................... 26 Figure 2.13 - In a warm & humid climate, air moves around the room and escapes via a vent on the roof ......................................................................................................................................... 29 Figure 3.1 - Map of Pippara Village with grid iron street pattern .............................................. 33 Figure 3.2 - Typical rural houses, Figure 3.3 - Typical dwelling .................................................. 35 Figure 3.4 - Traditional Residence at Pippara, West Godavari District ..................................... 36 Figure 3.5 - Section showing the designed rainwater harvesting technique ............................37 Figure 3.6 - Shaded windows with roof Projections .................................................................. 38 Figure 3.7 - Original form of building (OFB), 1909-48, Figure 3.8 - First transformation of original form of building (FT-OFB); 1948-69 ............................................................................... 39 Figure 3.9 - Second transformation of original form, Figure 3.10 - Showing skylight at the centre of (ST-OFB) building 1969-2017 of courtyard after transformation 1969-17 ............................. 39 Figure 3.11 - Ground of dwelling’s roof showing the transformation of courtyard ................. 40


Figure 3.12 - The research area's geographic location is depicted on a map. .......................... 44 Figure 3.13 - Way to Kulipirai village ............................................................................................ 44 Figure 3.14 - Plan of conventional chettinadu residence ........................................................... 46 Figure 3.15 - Typical view of chettinadu residence ..................................................................... 48 Figure 3.16 - Streets & arrangement of chettinadu residence .................................................. 49 Figure 3.17 - Flooring and ceiling .................................................................................................. 51 Figure 3.18 - All Chettinadu residences have a rainwater collection system. ............................52 Figure 3.19 - The door jamb with stone edging .......................................................................... 53 Figure 3.20 - The exposed foundation wall, Figure 3.21 - The exposed wall ............................. 54 Figure 3.22- External wall plaster and finishing .......................................................................... 54 Figure 3.23- Internal wall plaster and finishing and flooring with athangudi tiles ................... 55 Figure 3.24 - The traditional handmade athangudi tile flooring ................................................ 55 Figure 3.25 - Wood the thermal resistive material used in many parts of the house ...............57 Figure 3.26 - Various means of cross ventilation augment inside the house ............................57 Figure 3.27 - Nalanchira, Trivandrum, Kerala, hamlet map ........................................................ 59 Figure 3.28 - Initial design of the hamlet ..................................................................................... 61 Figure 3.29 - Addition to initial design ........................................................................................ 62 Figure 3.30 - Entrance of the house ............................................................................................ 62 Figure 3.31 - Use of filler slab, Figure 3.32 - Natural light inside the house ............................... 64 Figure 3.33 - Use of brick, Figure 3.34 - Water tank ................................................................... 64 Figure 3.35 - Use of arches, Figure 3.36 - Typical rectangular windows ................................... 65 Figure 3.37 - Use of pitched roof, Figure 3.38 - Use of Mangalore tile ..................................... 65 Figure 3.39 - Exterior of the house, Figure 3.40 - Courtyard ..................................................... 65 Figure 3.41 - Clerestory arches ..................................................................................................... 66 Figure 3.42 - The hamlet residence view .................................................................................... 66 Figure 3.43 - Hubli, Karnataka ..................................................................................................... 67 Figure 3.44 - A typical layout of Wada house ............................................................................. 69 Figure 3.45 - Section of Wada house........................................................................................... 70 Figure 3.46 - Main entrance of the wada ..................................................................................... 71


Figure 3.47 - Wooden columns, rafters, beams & storage attic .................................................72 Figure 3.48 - Upper floor level detail ...........................................................................................73 Figure 3.49 - Small windows & Jaalis on the exterior wall .........................................................73 Figure 3.50 - Double Height Space and Clerestory windows .................................................... 74 Figure 3.51 - Verandah & central courtyard, Figure 3.52 - Stack Effect (air circulation) ........... 74


Table 1 : Strategies to address site microclimate ........................................................................ 16 Table 2 : Strategies to address building form & massing ........................................................... 17 Table 3 : Climate modification strategies and building tactics for warm-humid climate type 28 Table 4 : States representative of the warm-humid climate in southern region of India ....... 30 Table 5 : Cities & villages representative of the warm-humid climate in southern region ...... 30


Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations as an part of planning and building design


1. Introduction 1.1

Background of the study Climate Responsive Architecture, makes use of free energy in the form of heat and light. It is a classic component of architectural design or profession that arose from the fusion of architectural theory and history, as well as architectural science and climatology. According to case studies of climate responsive architecture, each area of the world uses techniques and designs in its structures that are most suited to that region and that meet the cultural patterns of that region. Traditional architecture, or "building forms that arise out of the practical demands of the residents of a place, environment, or locality, as well as the limits of the site and climate," is a more prevalent term. Taking advantage of natural energy sources such as the sun and wind that impact our built environment is what climate-responsive building design is all about. The core concept is that comfort is delivered in close connection with the environment's dynamic variables. The traditional architecture differs depending on whether the temperature is hot or cold. Many of the same techniques are utilised, but the manner they are used in each climate is what distinguishes them. As a result, designs, materials, and orientations that took use of natural energy flows in the vicinity of the population were chosen. Basic shapes and materials were carefully modified to introduce solar heat or keep the sun out, depending on the building's requirements. Climate responsive architecture is a way to ensure that the building's design and location are appropriate for its environment. This will enable buildings to be constructed that can survive in any conditions, including extreme weather or environmental changes. It has been particularly common in the southern region, people work with the environment rather than against it to create buildings that are not only beautiful but functional.


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design

1.2 Need of the study Traditional architectural techniques and concepts are fading as contemporary ones take hold. This has negative consequences because most antique buildings use natural materials and energy-efficient principles. The majority of today's constructions do not take into account the green themes employed in previous structures. As a result, it is necessary to research the green principles employed in traditional structures and incorporate them into our current and future designs.


Aim of the study To study how climate responsive architecture can be attained by following traditional practices.

1.4 Objective o To study the climate responsive architecture and its design principle for southern region of India. o To study & analyze the southern architectural style based on parameters for climate responsive building. o To formulate the design principle & strategies suited for climate responsive and traditional building.

1.5 Hypothesis “Architectural design principle contributing in the traditional architecture is well suited to achieve a climate responsive building from traditional to conventional design.”

1.6 Scope & limitation o The study will be focused on the traditional construction techniques, materials that are used to achieve functional outcomes. o This study will be focused on southern region of India with warm-humid climatic condition. o The study is confined to rural residential region.


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations as an part of planning and building design








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2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design

2. Literature review 2.1 Climate-responsive architecture Climate-responsive architecture strives to construct a building that is adapted for the specific conditions of that particular site, minimising excessive energy demand and having a lower environmental effect. The main objective of climate-responsive design is to produce a pleasant interior by lowering the building's artificial energy consumption. A climateresponsive building is one that responds to the weather conditions in the location where it is built. The design takes into account seasonality, sun intensity, wind, rainfall, and humidity, as well as statistics on the region's weather trends. Climate-responsive architecture takes into account the local climate (temperatures, historical weather patterns, and so on), as well as the sun's orientation (sun path and solar position), site-specific environmental conditions (such as wind, rainfall, humidity), seasonality, using the natural shade provided by the surrounding environment and terrain to create pleasing structures that assure the comfort of their users, as well as structures that are more energy efficient and have reduced operating costs. "Historically built environment is a result of responses to many factors in society," said Indian architect B.V.Doshi. "On a physical level, it included knowledge of orientation, climate, building material, and construction method; on a spiritual level, it included understanding of architectural form in every day as well as seasonal ritual." (Doshi 1985).


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design

Figure 2.1 - Map of India indicating the 5 climatic zones (Source- ECBC Energy Conservation Building Code, 2007)

2.1.1 Climatic Zones in India The diversity of India is also reflected in its climate due to the various geographical features around and within its boundaries. India is located in the tropical climatic zone, where high temperatures are the usual. Within its borders, the country is divided into five climatic zones, as indicated in Fig. 2.1, ranging from north to south and east to west. India's climatic zones are as follows: 1) Hot-dry 2) Warm-humid 3) Composite 4) Temperate 5) Cold


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations as an part of planning and building design


2.2 Design principles & elements for achieving climate-responsive architecture for warm-humid climate •

Shelter or form

Passive cooling design strategies

Settlement pattern & site planning

The building envelope

Opening & daylighting

Natural ventilation of the building

Climate & thermal comfort

2.2.1 Shelter or form The design technique that we are exploring is as follows:1) Landform •

Climatic Implications The site's topography can be flat, sloping, or undulating. A site with sloping topography

would typically have sloping areas and varying air flow conditions. •

Building Design In humid climates, our building's topmost priority is to maximize air movement. This

requires its placement on a windward slope. (See Fig. 2.2.)


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design

Figure 2.2 - Air speed are greatest on the crest (Source - Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building)

2) Vegetation pattern •

Climatic Implications Shade and heat gain are efficiently reduced by vegetation, particularly trees. It also

produces pressure changes, which increases and decreases air speed as well as directs airflow. As a result, they have the ability to steer air into or out of a structure. •

Building Design In warm, humid climates, plants can be used to increase ventilation. However, if they are

not adequately placed, they will reduce air speeds. 3) Water bodies •

Climatic Implications Water is a good absorber of radiation because it absorbs a lot of it. Evaporative cooling is

also possible. As a result, places near water bodies are often cooler throughout the day. Water bodies, on the other hand, discharge a significant quantity of heat into the environment at night. This heat may be used to keep you warm.


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations as an part of planning and building design


Building Design Water bodies should be avoided in warm & humid climates. The reduced effect of

evaporative cooling would be countered by increased humidity levels. 4) Streets widths and orientation •

Climatic Implications The quantity of direct radiation received on the street (and, to a lesser degree, on the lower

levels) is governed by the width of the street. The time of day when the radiation is received is affected by the direction. Solar radiation may be successfully controlled by varying the width and orientation of the street. •

Building Design The major requirement in warm-humid regions is for air flow. As a result, streets should be

designed to take advantage of natural wind patterns. (Fig. 2.3).

Figure 2.3 - Wide east-west streets maximize the scope for south winter sun (Source - Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building)


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design

5) Open spaces and built-form •

Climatic Implications Open areas must be considered in connection with built-form. They can work together to

provide for more open air flow and enhanced heat loss or gain. Heat loss and gain might be reduced if there aren't enough open places. As a result, they can make warm & humid climate circumstances more tolerable or uncomfortable. •

Building Design Buildings in humid conditions should ideally not be connected to one another. Wind

patterns should be considered while designing streets and open spaces. The complex's wide areas and the funnel effect may be utilised to maximise ventilation. 6) Ground character •

Climatic Implications Depending on the ground surface, incident radiation can be absorbed, reflected, or stored and reradiated. In other words, radiative heat gain may be reduced, increased, or enhanced throughout the day or at night. We may be able to take advantage of this depending on the weather.

Building Design In humid environments, ground character is only important if it can absorb moisture.

7) Plan form •

Climatic Implications The airflow around and through a structure is influenced by its plan form. It has the ability

to obstruct natural ventilation. The perimeter to area ratio of a structure is a major indicator of heat loss and gain. As a result, it is involved in ventilation, heat loss, and gain.


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations as an part of planning and building design


Building Design The primary problem in warm & humid regions is a plan shape that maximises air flow. U-shaped and extended plan structures are typical of traditional architecture in warm and

humid climates. The structure's form exposes the majority of its surface area to the wind. This aids in excess heat loss for thermal comfort and improved natural ventilation, which is one of the most critical criteria for conquering this climatic zone's extreme humidity. It is also discovered that building orientations are East–West and south facing. This is also the best direction because the courtyard receives the most sunlight in this position. Because courtyards are located outside of the main building layout, they are frequently used for post-harvesting operations as well as social and cultural services. It is always ensured that sources of moisture, such as bathrooms and toilets, are maintained isolated from the main construction design in structures in this climate zone. The majority of the structures are single-story, with only a few double-story structures. 8) Plan elements •

Climatic Implications At the site level, the role of vegetation, water bodies, radiative heat gain, and air movement

has been observed. For further benefits, these features might be incorporated with the structure or building complex. They may, in a way, become design components. By evaporation and heat absorption, water bodies and plants aid in the cooling of a place. Space heating is also aided by water bodies and greenhouses. Courtyards, as well as wind-towers in some circumstances, increase heat loss and improve ventilation. As a result, plan components may aid with the heating, cooling, and even ventilation of a space. •

Building Design In humid climates, courtyards and verandas aid ventilation. Wind catchers can also be

employed. They must, however, be taken with caution. Only when there are strong (often directed) and chilly winds are they truly useful. (Fig. 2.4). KARTIKEY BHATT 17EAHAR012

2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design

Figure 2.4 - Wind catchers (Source - Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building)

9) Building orientation •

Climatic Implications The quantity of radiation a structure gets is determined by its direction. The quantity of

natural ventilation available is affected by the direction in relation to air patterns. 10) Surface area to volume ratio •

Climatic Implications When it comes to calculating heat loss and gain, the surface area to volume (S/V) ratio is

crucial. •

Building Design The primary problem in warm-humid regions is the creation of airy rooms. A decreased S/V

ratio may or may not be the consequence. In addition, the construction materials should not retain heat. 11) Roof form KARTIKEY BHATT 17EAHAR012

2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations as an part of planning and building design


Climatic Implications The roof can be used to bring light into the building (Fig. 2.5). Its shape and overhangs also

have an impact on air flow patterns. They can change the quantity of natural ventilation available to increase or decrease it.

Figure 2.5 - Various roof forms and their areas of exposure (Source - Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building)

Building Design Natural ventilation is ideal in warm & humid climate. The building's longest dimension

should be perpendicular to the wind direction in this case. In addition, the roof pitch and overhangs should be as high as feasible. This would result in the greatest pressure differential and, as a result, the most airflow.


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design

12) Fenestration pattern and configuration •

Climatic Implications The area, form, placement, and relative positioning of the windows are all part of the

fenestration pattern and arrangement. Indoor air circulation, sunshine, and glare would all be affected. The region would also effect radiative heat gain if it were not shaded. •

Building Design To provide for appropriate airflow in a warm and humid region, fenestration gaps should

be big. Large overhangs are excellent for absorbing diffuse solar radiation. Airflow should be uniformly distributed throughout the human body, hence the fenestration height should be adjusted accordingly. As a result, lower sill levels may be ideal. Fenestration in cold climates should be spacious, un-shaded, and well-sealed. This would allow for more heat gain while reducing chilly winds. The position of the fenestration would be unimportant. 13) Fenestration orientation •

Climatic Implications The quantity of radiation impacting on the aperture is determined by the fenestration's

orientation. Natural ventilation may be increased or decreased depending on the orientation in relation to the air pattern. •

Building Design They should be within 45° of perpendicular to the wind direction in humid conditions. To

enhance airflow, the intake and outflow should not be in a straight line. 14) Fenestration controls •

Climatic Implications Controls such as glazing, blinds, light shelves, fly wire netting, and the cross-sectional area

of the window can all be beneficial.


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations as an part of planning and building design


They capture solar energy, block it, enhance sunshine, keep insects out (while lowering air speed), and change air velocities. As a result, they may influence and manage heat gain, sunshine, and ventilation. •

Building Design Sun radiation is mostly diffuse in warm & humid areas, window curtains are less of a

concern. Because of the insects that flourish in these conditions, fly wire netting are much more important. The primary requirement for greater ventilation may be met by altering the window part. 15) Walls •

Climatic Implications Wall materials, like roof materials, are an important consideration in heat flow analyses.

When it comes to materials, what applies to roofs also applies to walls. The difference between the roof and the wall is that the roof gets more direct radiation. •

Building Design Walls in humid, warm areas should have a thermal capacity.

16) Roof materials •

Climatic Implications The quantity of heat transmission through the roof inwards or outwards, as well as the

time it takes for this heat transfer to occur, are determined by the roof materials. •

Building Design Heat storage is undesirable in hot, humid areas. The roof should be light, with high U-values

and low heat capacity as a result.


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design

17) External colours and texture •

Climatic Implications Surface characteristics impact heat conduction into the structure.

Building Design The goal in warm-humid areas would be to reduce heat gain. Light-coloured, rough surfaces

are favoured as a consequence. 18) Internal materials •

Climatic Implications Internal items, particularly furniture, may retain a significant amount of heat, making the

environment more comfortable or uncomfortable. •

Building Design Furniture in warm & humid areas should be as light as possible to avoid storing heat.

Table 1 : Strategies to address site microclimate Warm & Humid Landform : Topography Orientation Vegetation Pattern

Generally sloping towards the coast. North slopes in shade and slopes facing wind direction are preferred. Dense vegetation, Tree should channel the wind and maximize airflow

Water Bodies

Not recommended as it adds to humidity levels.

Street Widths & Orientation

Preferably wide to promote air movement

Ground Character

Not absorptive, rough, some hardscape and dry ground around buildings

(Source - Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building)


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design

Table 2 : Strategies to address building form & massing Warm & Humid Built Form & Open Spaces

Open Planning to promote air circulation

Plan Form

Perimeter to area ratio is minimal, yet it is contoured and supports maximum air circulation.

Plan Elements Integrated

Open courtyards, Atrium, balconies, patios, verandas. Wind Tunnels, Wind catchers to catch breeze.

Building Orientation

Longer facades North South or more preferably oriented as per the wind direction

S/V Ratio

S/V ratio to create shaded airy spaces

Roof Form & Overhangs

Pitched roofs with large overhangs

(Source - Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building)

2.2.2 Passive cooling design strategies Passive cooling Passive cooling is the natural dissipation of surplus heat. This is contingent on two factors: the presence of a heat sink with a lower temperature than the inside air, and the facilitation of heat transfer to the sink. Outdoor air (heat transmission primarily via convection through apertures) is an example of an environmental heat sink. Outdoor air (heat transfer mainly by convection through openings. •

Evaporation (heat transmission between the building envelope's inside and outside)

The sky (long-wave radiation heat transfer through a building's roof and/or other nearby surfaces)

Ground (Heat is transmitted through the building envelope through conduction.)


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


as an part of planning and building design

Wall and Roof Openings for Convection cooling The shift from the neutral to warm phase happens in most occupied buildings when the external air temperature is about 20-25°C, which is still far below the overheating threshold. Increasing a building's ventilation rate can offer an effective means of space cooling during this transitional period, as external air is still a suitable heat sink. This may be accomplished by placing and positioning windows and other openings strategically, as well as ensuring that interior rooms are properly connected to the outside. Transitional spaces In warm climates, outdoor areas close to buildings are as vital as, if not more so, than inside spaces at any given time of day or year, and should be equipped with sun control and heat dissipation. Courtyard, patio, veranda A roofed gallery, terrace, or open portico along the front side of a building is known as a veranda (or verandah). A courtyard is a broad paved area surrounded by walls or structures that is attached to a residence or is a court or enclosed ground connected to a dwelling. A patio can be a courtyard, a paved area adjacent to a house, or an interior courtyard without a roof. A central courtyard is known as an atrium (derived from the Latin term meaning "open to the sky"). There are several instances of such spaces, as well as inventive ways in which the physical concepts stated above have been incorporated into their design. Natural and manmade materials can be employed to provide shade, cool surfaces, and surrounding air.

2.2.3 Settlement pattern and site planning Site selection The local microclimate is influenced by the physical construction of a settlement and its natural composition. Site selection, site planning, and settlement layout may all contribute to bettering local circumstances and increasing thermal comfort.


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations as an part of planning and building design


Detached / semi-detached Detached and semi-detached houses have a high exposed envelope to floor ratio, which not only enhances heat transfer between the structure and its surroundings, but also allows for greater passive heating and cooling and better use of linked open areas. Open spaces Built open areas are generally regarded of as microclimate modifiers for surrounding structures, as they enjoy superior thermal conditions than the ambient. However, a number of recent studies have found that such areas provide little microclimatic benefit and may potentially pose a risk to the nearby structure. This is primarily due to the open space's poor architecture and detailing.

2.2.4 Envelope design This climatic zone's traditional building envelops are vast in scale. Massive walls are composed of mud or bricks with a backing, but all have light roofs. Roofing is usually done using galvanised tin sheets. In this climate zone, however, thatched roofs do occur. Massive walls are capable of storing and radiating heat (capacitive effect). These walls can efficiently maintain the indoor temperature by providing enough thickness and tightness. The warm and humid climatic zone receives a lot of rain. All vernacular and traditional dwellings feature slanting roofs facing two or four directions to avoid this climate limitation. Roofs are often extended to function as an overhang to shelter the wall from rain and direct sunlight in the majority of situations. The roofs are also equipped with chimneys and vents. Warm air from the attic is allowed to leave, resulting in a natural draught and improved natural ventilation. (Fig-2.6)


2021-22 SOA, AGI

Climatic responsive architecture: Integrating climatic considerations


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Figure 2.6 - In a warm and humid climate, warm air escapes through the roof vents and chimneys (Source - Solar passive features in North-East India's vernacular architecture by Manoj Kumar Singh)

The ceilings of traditional dwellings are quite important. Plywood, asbestos sheet, hardwood planks, and woven bamboo mat, among other materials, are used to construct ceilings. The living room and the attic are separated by a ceiling. In the summer, it lowers heat intake, while in the winter, it reduces heat loss. The ceilings of these structures range in height from 4.57 m to 5.49 m, with an aperture at the far end. Natural draughts are created by the height of the ceiling and the apertures. The heated air exits via the hole, then through the chimneys and vents on the roofs (Fig. 2.6). Some of the dwellings also have multi-layered ceilings and air gaps between fake ceilings. These features contribute to the better insulation of the ceiling. The perforations in the ceiling can be controlled by a device. In the summer, it is left open to allow warm air to leave, resulting in the production of a natural draught. In the winter, though, it is kept shut to keep the warm air inside. Traditional warm-and-humid-climate structures include at least 3–4 rooms (excluding verandas, kitchens, and bathrooms), with some buildings having up to 7–8 rooms. In general, rooms are 3.05 m by 4.27 m to 4.27 m by 4.27 m in size. The layout of the buildings is designed so that each family member has enough privacy and pleasant space.


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2.2.5 Shading, openings and use of natural ventilation In this region's vernacular architecture, windows, doors, and ventilators all play a significant role in changing the internal atmosphere. The original vernacular homes' doors and windows have also been fixed with wooden blinds from the outside. Selective opening is possible with these blinds (Fig. 2.7). This feature gives tenants more control over allowing desired daylight into their homes. It can also be maintained in such a manner that only dispersed sun radiation enters the interiors. Doors have the same provision and may be controlled in the same way to change the inside atmosphere and maintain comfort. Doors and windows with movable wooden blinds may be opened outside, while internal doors and windows can be opened to the interiors (Fig. 2.7). Natural ventilation and air exchange regulate the temperature within these dwellings. Local wind directions, as well as the positioning of windows, doors, and ventilators, all contribute to this. The year-round high humidity in this climatic zone makes it difficult for the design to make effective use of natural ventilation and air exchange. Controlling the building's heat gain necessitates the use of shading. In this zone's traditional homes, overhangs (Chajja) on windows and roofs are extended outward to serve as overhangs (Fig. 2.8). Extended roofs and window overhangs provide shade as well as protecting the wall from rain damage.

Figure 2.7 - In a warm and humid climate, window building processes are different. (Source - Solar passive features in North-East India's vernacular architecture by Manoj Kumar Singh) KARTIKEY BHATT 17EAHAR012

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Figure 2.8 - In a humid climate, shading (Chajja) and shutters on the veranda prevent afternoon sun rays (Source - Solar passive features in North-East India's vernacular architecture by Manoj Kumar Singh)

2.2.6 Natural ventilation of building Ventilation The physical characteristics of air are used to remove heat or give cooling to occupants through ventilation, which is a natural cooling approach. Function of ventilation The three main functions of ventilation are for i.

The supply of fresh air


Physiological cooling


Removing heat from, on adding it to, the thermal mass in the building structure

The supply of fresh air Fresh air is required in buildings to: •

Provide sufficient oxygen

Dilute odours, e.g., body and food

Maintain safe levels of carbon dioxide emissions from occupants and combustion.


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Types of ventilation The natural forces of wind and temperature drive natural ventilation. It is caused by pressure differential between the interior and outside of a structure, as well as wind and temperature variations. Wind pressure on a building is determined by the direction, speed, and form of the structure. Temperature changes between inside and outside induce density variances in the air, resulting in pressure differences. (Fig. 2.9)

Figure 2.9 - Wind pressure induced and temperature induced ventilation (Source - Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building)

Ventilation and buildings There are four distinct techniques to organically ventilate a building: a) Single sided ventilation b) Cross ventilation c) Stack effect d) Reverse stack effect


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Single sided ventilation – When significant ventilation apertures, such as doors and windows, are located on only

one exterior wall, single sided ventilation occurs. Air exchange is aided by wind turbulence, outward apertures interacting with local external airstreams, and local stacks. This is seen in Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10 - Single sided ventilation (Source - Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building)

Cross ventilation – When inflow and outflow apertures in exterior walls are connected by an internal flow

route, this happens. The combined influence of wind and temperature differential determines flow characteristics. (See Figure 2.11) KARTIKEY BHATT 17EAHAR012

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Cross ventilation requires the tenants' cooperation in opening windows (or other openings) on opposing sides of the building enough.

Figure 2.11 - Cross ventilation (Source - Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building)

Internal walls and obstructions, which might cause issues during the operation of the ventilation systems in the building, can reduce the efficacy of ventilation in deep areas. A courtyard within the building can be used as a source of ventilation air. Air inside a tiny courtyard may move very little at the warmest times of day and year, motionless summer afternoons, and be a poor source of breeze for single-sided ventilation when it is most required (Fig. 2.12). In some hot climates, hallways were erected between courtyard areas to allow cross ventilation by drawing air from the courtyard and passing it into the next rooms via a side door. •

Stack and reverse stack ventilation Middle Eastern wind catchers are among the most advanced passive cooling devices in the

world. They show how to pull air up and down the towers and through the structures using stack and reverse stack. On a hot summer afternoon with no wind, for example, the wind tower will be hot inside due to a stack effect that pushes warmer air up the tower, which is replenished by cold air from the courtyard in the summer room below.


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On summer mornings when there is no wind, the inside of the tower, which has been cooled by the night air, will suck air in from the warmer outside in a reverse stack effect, forcing the not-too-hot air through the summer chamber in reverse. When the tower heats up, the stack reverses and the cooler courtyard air is used again, thus in fairly hot climates, this delicate technique provides fresh air to the summer room for the most of the day. The higher the ambient air speed at vent level at the top, the greater the temperature and pressure differential between the top and bottom of the tower, the higher the ambient air speed. Within the tower, air velocity rise as a result of this.

Figure 2.12 - Depicting some aspects of wind flow in and around courtyards (Source - Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building)


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2.3 Climate responsive building design The building design is complex and involves the building to be built around complex parameters of the natural environment. As a result, building typologies differed from location to location, giving the constructed form a particular vernacular character that adapted effectively to climatic circumstances without relying on any active mechanical methods to keep the inhabitants thermally comfortable. Similarly, as the buildings were designed keeping in mind the impact of the climate on them, so was the use of local materials or native technologies, that did not have an adverse impact on the local micro climate of the place at large. The structures rely on climate-responsive building design to provide thermally suitable living conditions for the residents. Although the basic goal of created spaces remains the same in modern times, namely to provide inhabitants with healthy and comfortable living circumstances. Some steps to achieve climate responsive design involve:– o

Site analysis


Sun direction


Window considerations


Minimize the building footprint


Design for natural ventilation


Relax the occupants comfort standards


Modelling and analysis


Multiple Iterations

2.3.1 Parameters for climate responsive building design The goal of climatically responsive design, according to architect and environmentalist Arvind Krishan, is to manage the circumstances outside and within such that they are constantly inside or as close to the comfort zone as feasible.


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The prevalent climatic conditions are generally harsh for most parts of the year and hence the importance of the building design in moderating the indoor conditions to suit the occupants. By adopting proper site planning, building form, and envelope materials, the disparity between natural climatic conditions and a thermally acceptable constructed space may be reduced opening, daylighting, and other factors into a climate-responsive building design, without relying on active measures. Design begins with the context as the most significant aspect, with the geographical location as well as the local climate playing a critical role. The identification, understanding, and control of the climatic effects at the location of the building are crucial. Table 3 : Climate modification strategies and building tactics for warm-humid climate type Climate type

Adverse climatic elements

Climate method

Response strategies


High heat,

Minimize heat gain

1. Thin bar building

High humidity

Maximize ventilation

with an east-west axis.


Maximize shading

2. Cross ventilation

Small diurnal variation

3. High ceilings 4. Ventilated roof 5. Window shading all the year 6. Shaded Veranda

(Source - Sustainable building design for understanding of climate - A case study in warm humid region in India)

2.3.2 Activities areas Traditional architecture is an excellent illustration of the balance that occurs between the region's environment, local materials, inexpensive technology, architectural processes, living style, customs, and socioeconomic situations. While building a home, residents seek to satisfy climatic constraints, culture, social, economic, and religious issues.


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Courtyards are a typical and essential feature of these types of residential structures. During festivals and holidays, the courtyard serves as an activity centre by facilitating social gatherings. It also serves as a climate modulator by gathering chilly air at night and providing shade during the day. It also contributes to improved air circulation and natural ventilation. Transition spaces, such as verandas and hallways, are frequent in these structures and serve as buffer areas. This room has additional benefits in that it may be adjusted to meet the demands of the user during the summer and winter months to maintain pleasant indoor conditions.

Figure 2.13 - In a warm & humid climate, air moves around the room and escapes via a vent on the roof (Source - Solar passive features in North-East India's vernacular architecture by Manoj Kumar Singh)


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Table 4 : States representative of the warm-humid climate in southern region of India Climatic Zone

Representative state


Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Kerala Karnataka

(Source- States identified by the author for validation of Climate Responsive architecture)

Table 5 : Cities & villages representative of the warm-humid climate in southern region Representative state

Representative cities (case study)

Andhra Pradesh

Pippara village of West - Godavari

Tamil Nadu

Kulipirai village – Chettinadu Dwellings


The Hamlet, Nalanchira, Trivandrum, Kerala


Wada houses, Hubli, Karnataka

(Source- States identified by the author for validation of Climate Responsive architecture)


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2.4 Conceptual Framework

2.5 Parameters

• To study about local architectural planning & its principle.

• Rainfall • Wind Speed • Macro climatic detail

• To study how to improve the indoor thermal comfort.


Climate Analysis

Traditional Planning

Passive Technique

Construction Material & Technique • To study about suitable material and technique regarding to it.

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3. Case Study ❖ Introduction All of the case studies are from the rural residential areas of the southern region of India, which contains warm and humid climate, and I've been researching traditional architecture using climate responsive design principles and applying my conceptual framework and parameters to learn more about the connections between them.


Case study 1 - Pippara village of West-Godavari, Andhra Pradesh •

Pippara is a traditional villages of Andhra Pradesh near Godavari River basin with a population of 7,719 (Census, 2011) it lies 120 kilometres east of the capital area borders of Andhra Pradesh, at 16.716N, 81.555E, in the country's south-eastern corner. This village is located almost at the geographical centre of Andhra Pradesh state and possess rich culture and tradition. The majority of the settlements in this region have traditional architectural traits as a result of their location.

The streets are laid out in a grid arrangement, as seen in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 - Map of Pippara Village with grid iron street pattern (Source – Google Earth)


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3.1.1 Climate analysis 1) Rainfall The months of August and July receive the greatest rain, with a total of 286.01mm. 2) The wind speed The average wind speed has been indicated as 7-11 (km/h) and predominant wind experience light breeze in the eastern direction & from September through December. Winds are around 20-22 km/h on average. 3) Macro climatic detail Annual average temperature raises from 26°C to 42°C in summer and 20°C to 34°C in winter. Relative humidity raises from 52% to 68%. By virtue of its location adjacent to the irrigation canal of river Godavari and location of water bodies at the centre results in the increase of relative humidity affecting microclimate.

3.1.2 Construction techniques 1) Description of a typical dwelling The selected building typology is about 100 years old dwelling which extents up to 982 Sq. M. with 47.65% of ground coverage. This dwelling belongs to an agro based family with the total number of occupants extending up to 30 people. Roof structure of the dwelling is treated with traditional terracotta tiles and the whole dwelling has a raised plinth of 0.8 meters above the natural ground level as shown in the figure 3.3. The house has a tiled roof and a 0.8m elevated plinth level above the natural ground level. The 'arugu,' a raised semi-covered platform in front of the home, links the outdoors and interior, enhancing family and community connections.


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Figure 3.2 - Typical rural houses

Figure 3.3 - Typical dwelling

(Source – Analyzing Vernacular Sustainable Design Principles by Karthik Chadalavada)

The primary entrance to the home is located on the front side of the structure, which opens into a large street. The dwelling has a 142-square-meter backyard with space for livestock, toilets, and a bio-gas plant, which finally leads to a 4.5-meter-wide road. The most prominent elements of a chosen typology in the West-Godavari area of Andhra Pradesh, India, are the allocation of the southern side of the residence for storing agricultural equipment. (See Figure 3.4.) 2) Planning and Orientation of built form The morphology of settlement shows a street layout of grid iron pattern, in which most of the dwellings are oriented towards east-west direction which reduces the solar heat gain in discomfort hours. The parallel streets are connected to each other more often which increases the porosity and reduces the rigidity of the street pattern. Only the shorter side of the built form are exposed to the direct solar beam radiation whereas longer side of the building is exposed to the diffused solar radiation. Existing vegetation in front and backyard of the built form reduces the additional heat gain. 3) Analysis of the dwelling form External walls with a thickness of 350mm improve the thermal lag, thus lowering summer heat gain and effective placement of the openings ensures the cross ventilation helps in attaining the thermal comfort.


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3.1.3 Traditional planning

Figure 3.4 - Traditional Residence at Pippara, West Godavari District (Source – Analyzing Vernacular Sustainable Design Principles by Karthik Chadalavada)


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Figure 3.5 - Section showing the designed rainwater harvesting technique (Source – Analyzing Vernacular Sustainable Design Principles by Karthik Chadalavada)

1) Building components The present case study is a composite structure which has a combination of wooden columns and load bearing brick walls as shown in figure 3.5. All of the external and internal walls are the same thickness of 350mm and are made of burned clay bricks (100mm x 55mm x 33mm) coated in lime mortar for thermal insulation. The roof is built of Teak and Neem tree wood, with three layers of terracotta tiles added to boost the roof's thickness to 300mm, increasing the heat gain lag from solar radiation. The incidence of the solar beam radiation on an angled surface of the pitched hip roof reduces its intensity due to the possessing roof angle of 35o. Externally, the hip roof has a 1.8m projection, which serves to shade the structure from the intense east and west sun. During the thermal discomfort phase of the day, the projection of rooms on either side of the west facade prevents horizontally slanted sun beam emission. Total number of windows in the case study are 24 and similarly sized. (900mm X 1200mm). (7) Of the 9 windows in the east-west axis are fully shadowed by roof projections, as illustrated in (fig. 3.6).


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Figure 3.6 - Shaded windows with roof Projections (Source – Analyzing Vernacular Sustainable Design Principles by Karthik Chadalavada)

2) Transformation of structure (1909 to 2017) The residential building typology under study is existing since 1909 and approximately having age of 107 years. It was consisting of a single big courtyard as shown in the figure 3.7. It is evident from the literature that the courtyard in traditional built up area is an open enclosed space and at central portion of building which is used as an component to draw light to the interior spaces of the building. It is further used as multifunctional space in day to day activities like washing and drying cloths, grinding grains, tot-lot for children and an interaction and relaxing space in the evening among the family members. This space is a semi open space which gives a sense of security for the users. Central courtyard has been fragmented into two spaces as living and private living spaces. 'Original Shape of Building' refers to the building's initial form between 1909 and 1948. (OFB). Eventually the demand for space has been increased with the demand and need of occupants. Hence the additional space has been acquired from segregating the central courtyard into two more enclosed spaces namely living space and private living spaces as shown in the figure 3.8. This is the first transformation of building that took place during 1948-1969 which may be called as First-transformation of Original form of building (FT-OFB).


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Figure 3.7 - Original form of building (OFB), 1909-48

Figure 3.8 - First transformation of original form of Building (FT-OFB); 1948-69

Figure 3.9 - Second transformation of original form . Of (ST-OFB) building 1969-2017

Figure 3.10 - Showing skylight at the centre of courtyard after transformation 1969-17



(Source – Analyzing Vernacular Sustainable Design Principles by Karthik Chadalavada)

The size of the courtyard was decreased even further after the initial change, to 1.2M X 0.8M and covered by extending the tiled roof as shown in the figure 3.9. Also the floor level of the courtyard has been increased to the surface level of other rooms as shown in the Fig. 3.11. A funnel built of mild steel with four sides of fixed glass fenestration and a 150 mm dia. storm water drainage canal at the bottom. This type of funnel design is a fascinating vernacular component of rainwater gathering that might be researched further to analyse in terms of harvesting and thermal configuration with and without funnel and its influence on the building.


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This took place during 1969-2017 which may be called as Second transformation of original form of building (STOFB). The Sky light in the courtyard centre after transformation ST-OFB is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 3.11 - Ground of dwelling’s roof showing the transformation of courtyard since OFB: 1909 (15mx5m) – FT OFB: 1948 (5mx5m) – ST-OFB: 1969 (1.2mx0.8m) (Source – Analyzing Vernacular Sustainable Design Principles by Karthik Chadalavada)

3.1.4 Construction material S.No.




o Shaded seating o Slender timber columns o Shaded verandah o Raised traditional


View of the


house from

o Sloped roof

abutting road

o High plinth o Timber drop from the roof o In the verandah, ornate columns support a timber beam.


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S.No. Components




o Terracotta Tiled roof o Timber supports Front view 2

of the house

o Traditional window with iron grills o Main entrance door

o Traditional door frame o Turmeric painted threshold of 3

Entrance door

main door frame o Non-figurative timber carving o Cornice work o Roofing of verandah o Purlins with insulated planks

Roof drops 4

and underside of the ceiling

o Cornice work o Painting to stop termite attack o Ornamental drop to shield from direct light o Teak wood door frames and door shutters o Secondary doors thin frames


Internal doors


o Ornamental pelmet for door to support the door curtains

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o Security grills o A blue-painted timber roof drop (synthetic enamel Rear profile 6

of the house

paint). o o A cow dung-plastered low wall with an iron grill in MS fastened at 750 mm level o Place for washing dishes and clothes o Covered cut-out to collect rainwater and dispose of it using a PVC pipe.


Roofing and lighting - sky light

o Cut-out covered with a disk for glazing o Central place of a house and slits for ventilation o Rooms on either side o Cut-out covered with disc o A drain pipe collects

Manduva 8

Transformed from open courtyard

rainwater on the floor and then disposes of it. o Daylighting via glazing all around the water collection disc o Red oxide mixed cement concrete flooring


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3.1.5 Passive techniques The following are a few major characteristics of the chosen house: o Mud for wall construction Sun-dried bricks made of mud are used to create a 35-45 cm thick wall. During the uncomfortable hours of the average warmest day in the hottest month of May, the dwellings provide adequate when the temperature differential between the inside and outside air is more than 7 °C, thermal comfort is achieved. o Lime for mortar and plaster Raathi sunnam, as it is known in the area, is used for both mortar and fine plaster for the walls. This is also one of the aspects that can help with interior thermal comfort. o Pitched roof The village's traditional dwellings are mostly pitched roofed with terracotta tiles and timber rafters. The ridge's clear height varies between 4-5 metres, depending on the size of the main living room of the home and the economic situation of the house owner at the time. o Manduva / internal courtyard This is a hole in the pitched roof through which rainwater is collected and collected in a pit created on the living room floor. In addition to the front, back, and side courtyards, there is an inside courtyard. o Spatial organisation The entire residence is divided into two separate sections, each spanning 355 square metres and 110 square metres. The living and kitchen areas include space for cooking, dining, and grain and grocery storage.


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3.2 Case study 2 - Chettinadu dwellings of Kulipirai village, Tamilnadu •

The administrative centre of the Chettinadu villages is Karaikudi, which is located between 9°50' and 10°40' north latitude and 78°25' and 79°15' east longitude.

The study area lies at 10°18’north latitude and 78°39’ east longitude

The boundaries of this district of the study area are thanjavur and tiruchirappalli districts in north, sivagangai in south, in the west, Tiruchirappalli, and in the east, Thanjavur district and the Bay of Bengal.

Pudukottai district has an area of 4657 sq. km.

Figure 3.12 - The research area's geographic location is depicted on a map.

Figure 3.13 - Way to Kulipirai village (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)


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3.2.1 Climate analysis 1) Rainfall With the arrival of the monsoon, the rainy season begins in mid-June. The wet season is projected to extend until September. The annual rainfall total is 940 mm. On average, the area receives 800 mm of rain. The North-East monsoon is when the majority of the rain falls. The district's mean monthly average rainfall was 77.13 mm, with the highest rainfall usually occurring in November (162.2mm, 2009). 2) The wind speed The average wind speed is 4.2 kilometres per hour. The average wind speed is 13.4 to 15 kilometres per hour from May to September. East to west is the major wind direction. 3) Macro climatic detail It is common knowledge that this region's summers used to be extremely hot and humid. The monthly mean maximum temperature in May, the hottest month of the year, is 39.4°C, while the monthly mean low temperature in January, the coldest month of the year, is 18.9°C. The relative humidity ranges from 75 to 85 percent throughout the summer, and from 78 to 92 percent during the most humid months, temperatures in the air ranged from 34.5 to 39 degrees Celsius. (Source: Meteorological Station–Kudimianmalai, Tamilnadu).

3.2.2 Traditional planning 1) Street planning and buildings Chettinadu villages feature distinctive settlement patterns based on a grid iron design of streets, particular water management, and artistic creativity, etc., every traditional house is built on rectangular plots with 5’ to 8’ high plinth platform. These houses are essentially composed of inner courtyards, and in some huge houses there are around 3 or 4 courtyards.


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2) Description of common spatial feature of the traditional houses The arrangement of spaces reflecting the Chettiyar’s heritage, their occupation, the family system and also their knowledge in building their houses with climate responsiveness are reflected in these houses. These houses are essentially built with the understanding of the sun and air movement; and also they have clarity over the materials and the thermal behaviour.

Figure 3.14 - Plan of conventional chettinadu residence (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)

Figure 3.14.1 - Section AA’ of conventional chettinadu residence


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Figure 3.14.1 - Section BB’ of conventional chettinadu residence (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)

1) Chettinadu house planning The traditional house taken for study is about 200 years old. The houses were built on rectangular plots. The front door opens into one street and the back ends into the next street. A floor plan for a Chettinadu house as shown in Figure 14 illustrates a welcoming space called as Makhappu (the front verandah), it is the front part of the house which constitutes the verandah and the thinnai (3ft high raised platform). This section is totally reserved for men. The houses are linearly designed. The basic idea behind planning such a huge house is that the Chettiyars have•

Combined living/Joint family

To conduct family rituals in the house The makhappu hall is adjacent to the makhappu (primary hall after the front verandah)

which is shown in Figure 3.14. This is to accommodate the guests and the living activities. The next is the Valavu vaasal (main courtyard or central courtyard). This is the main courtyard and is generally open to sky. After this, the space around the courtyard is called as valavu veedu (rooms around main courtyard). These are the rooms around the courtyard (valavu) as indicated in Figures 3.14. One separate room is allotted to the head of each family. Normally this room is used as a store KARTIKEY BHATT 17EAHAR012

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for the individual belongings and valuables like gold or diamond. These rooms are otherwise used as a bedroom only for married couples for family activities. The Erandam kattu is the next space after valavu (second courtyard). This is the second courtyard as shown in Figures 3.14. This is generally used during the festival time for dining (pandhi) in the absence of separate kalyana kottagai (exclusive dining hall), otherwise on normal days this portion is used by the women of the house for their activities. 2) Characteristic feature of house planning The most important characteristic feature of this house is that it has such a visual axis which visually connects all the spaces of the house so as to have a control over the activities of the entire house by the elders of these houses, which is purely a social reason of those days traditional living system.

Figure 3.15 - Typical view of chettinadu residence (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)


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3.2.3 Construction technique 1) The street and building orientation

Figure 3.16 - Streets & arrangement of chettinadu residence (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)

The orientation of streets is along North - South axis in order to orient the house in East West direction as indicated in Figure 3.16, so as to get good cross ventilation. These traditional residences are planned in such a way that they stretch from one street to another. Hence there is lot of air movement as shown in Figure 3.14 into the building, which is in fact required for houses located in the warm humid climatic zone. These traditional houses are detached houses usually approached by a road not more than 7 m wide in North - South orientation as shown in Figure 3.16. The knowledge of town planning is appreciable in two important aspects, one is on the knowledge of orientation of buildings and streets and the other is the knowledge of the topography. The layout of the entire village is planned in such a way that the rain water is harvested into the public pond of the village.


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The traditional houses are planned with a narrow lane between two houses with extended open spaces all round, these open spaces around the building enabling excellent air movement causing good ventilation inside the houses. The Chettinadu homes, which have grown over the course of two centuries, are true palaces built on a high plinth level. These palatial houses were constructed during 1740 to 1935 A.D. The special features of these houses are the fore court, verandah, reception halls and courtyards. The rooms are planned along a longitudinal axis, and extend with two or more courtyards, and at the rear side they invariably end with a huge kitchen and a dining hall. The houses are aligned on East-West axis as shown in Figure 3.16, with the entrance of the house either from the East or from West. Eventually, the longer side of the building walls will face North and South, resulting in longer walls that are less exposed to direct solar radiation. As the prevailing wind direction is East–West, almost all the traditional houses are well ventilated, thus enhancing comfort conditions. 2) The Roof These houses consists of three distinct types of roofs:•

Sloped roof (couple roof).

Sloped roof (couple roof) with a flat roof below (false ceiling called as machu) for the purpose of aesthetics, storing and mainly heat reduction.

The flat madras terrace roof (normally laid when there is a floor above).

Lean to roof (found in the forecourt and in the kitchen area as an extension of the sloped roof encircling the last courtyard as a semi open space).

Among these, the Slope roof is found in the roof of the living space as well as the bed rooms (the study area) around the courtyard. The roof height is 10’ (3.2 meters). The roof is made of handmade terracotta roof pan tiles which are laid in three courses, over the wooden battens fixed in the wooden rafters joined between the purlin at the pitch of the roof and the wall plate above the wall in an angle of 30 degrees slope.


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This three layer terracotta tile are thermally designed and constructed in such a way that they are laid over one above the other with minute air gaps in between so as to allow hot air to escape.

Figure 3.17 - Flooring and ceiling (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)


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3) Machu - (Attic Space or Loft) In addition to these roofs which is mentioned above, there is a loft of height about 3’ to 4’ called as ‘machu’ (a structurally stable false ceiling). The machu is shown in Figure 3.17. This was usually adopted in the traditional houses, especially in the Chettinadu region. The majority of dwellings have false ceiling designs to reduce heat intake throughout the day. These are normally constructed below the sloped roofing or below the lean to roofs or in the areas of passages and rooms. These are supported by the wooden beams that run through horizontally which connect the rafters as a tie member. This reduces the heat transfer significantly and acts as an air trap, and this construction technique can very well be considered as a good passive cooling construction technique. The dimension of the machu is 7’ at its ridge and 0’ at its eves, the machu is normally used as a store for the old or used and unwanted household items. It has a door way of about 5’x3’ size. 4) Rain water collection techniques Every house collects water from the courtyard and it is properly channelized in the streets so as to lead all the storm water into the public pond. This is an amazing town planning system which is 200 years old and in addition the stone posts have been extensively used in both interior as well as exterior. Stone is a thermally resistive material and also sustainable material.

Figure 3.18 - All Chettinadu residences have a rainwater collection system. (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)


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3.2.4 Construction material 1) Walls of the traditional houses The traditional thick external walls and plastering in houses is unique in its own way. The materials used to construct the masonry wall are stone and brick. The foundation was constructed out of hard stones called karungkal (granite) or semparangal (red laterite stone). The natural material is good for health and optimization for environmental design of building. The karungkal is raised up to the plinth level and the soil is filled up to 6ft height and left for 3yrs in sun and rain for the soil to get set. The masonry wall construction starts only after the setting of the plinth. The external walls are constructed with a 2 ft. (600mm) thickness and the internal wall are of 1 ft. 6 inches thickness, with country made burnt bricks of size8’’ x 3’’ x 2’’ with lime mortar as a binding agent and the external walls are edged with stone posts at the door jamb as shown in Figure 3.19, and these external walls are plastered with lime mortar.

Figure 3.19 - The door jamb with stone edging 1. Granite stone for door jambs and lintel in the main entrance gate 2. The 2’ (600mm) thick brick wall with lime mortar masonry and lime mortar plastering (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)


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Figure 3.20 - The exposed foundation wall

Figure 3.21 - The exposed wall

above the foundation footing, till the 6’ high

shows the 2’ (600mm) wide wall thickness &

plinth for constructed out of level mortar masonry used red laterite stone blocks,

the lime mortar for masonry used as well as the plastering

with lime mortar as its binding material

Figure 3.22- External wall plaster and finishing (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)

From this study it is understood that the thickness of the traditional walls are not constructed with respect to the load of the superstructure, however, it is solely for climatic reasons. However, when it comes to obtaining thermal comfort, the wall material counts. Chettinad architecture is distinguished for its inside wall plaster. The sample wall is shown in Figure 3.23. It consists of •

Lime -Binding agent

Sanghu powder - Fineness

Egg white - Smoothness


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Karupatti -for friction

Kadukkai -Bonding agent


Figure 3.23- Internal wall plaster and finishing and flooring with athangudi tiles (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)

The internal walls are plastered with a unique plastering technique called as ‘egg plastering’ which is a mixture of egg’s white yolk, the extract of kadukkai, an unripe medicinal fruit found in the hills around the study area and lime grind. Even after 100 – 120 years the egg plaster laid over the brick wall does not peel. They still retain the silky smoothness.

Figure 3.24 - The traditional handmade athangudi tile flooring (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)


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2) The Floors of the traditional houses The floor is generally made of brick bat and lime mortar and levelled for floor finish. The flooring in these traditional houses is done with the special type of tiles known as athangudi tiles. They are shown in Figures 3.24, which is manufactured manually in the athangudi village of the Chettinadu region. These handmade tiles are clay based; the raw materials are local mud or sand, cement, white cement and colour pigments. The raw material, local mud or sand for manufacturing these tiles is drawn from the neighbouring site of the industry. As the predominant raw material is clay based sand the thermal property is highly conductive, and it enhances the passive cooling of the interior spaces. 3) Roofing material The country made pan tiles have been used as the roof covering material above the timber rafters and purlins. This pan tiles are again manufactured with locally available clay. This certainly has thermal property to restrain heat from the sun’s radiation. This is yet another proof to exemplify the traditional knowledge towards the passive cooling technique. 4) Timber The flat roof is constructed of wood due to its high thermal resistance, wood prevents the horizontal surface from absorbing any heat during the day. The courtyard's horizontal surface insulates the inside from the outside, producing a temperature zone that assists the courtyard's heat sink function. It has been used as a roof framing material as rafters, purlins, battens, and also as columns, door frames, door shutters and windows - frame and shutters etc., In addition, the timber has been employed for furniture also. Timber has been proved as a material which is strong against thermal conductivity. Using of such materials is certainly beneficial towards achieving passive cooling inside these traditional houses.


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Figure 3.25 - Wood the thermal resistive material used in many parts of the house (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)

3.2.5 Passive technique 1) The openings in traditional houses Ventilation is the key factor for the climate responsive architecture- the openings of doors, windows, ventilator and clear storey windows are the essential key elements in mitigating the climate responsiveness of any building and in particular, the traditional buildings.

Figure 3.26 - Various means of cross ventilation augment inside the house (Source – Assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses by Radhakrishnan S.)


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The openings play a major role in these traditional houses, the front main door is richly carved and architecturally decorated with a size of 5’width to 8’height. All the other doors play a prominent role by creating a visual axis cutting across the entire longitudinal axis with one door in each part of the house with each door measuring 7’x4’6’. Every room has a window measuring 3’6”x 4’6” and a ventilator measuring 1’6”x 2’6”. The makhappu hall in each of houses has one window each measuring 3’6”x 4’6”.The clear storey windows present in the house has 10 windows with the dimension of 3’x5’. All these openings are the key factor for augmenting passive design techniques towards achieving the climate responsive buildings. 2) High plinth level The traditional knowledge system of town planning in these chettinadu regions is highly appreciable in terms of their understanding on the street orientation with respect to sun path and wind movement and also on construction of houses on high plinth level. This high plinth level is primarily to get rid of floods, but however invariably these high plinth levels are useful for getting an unobstructed air flow into the houses thereby to bring in better cross ventilation inside the houses. From this, it is observed that such high plinth level also enhances the passive cooling.


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3.3 Case study 3 - The Hamlet, nalanchira, Trivandrum, Kerala •

Laurie Baker's own residence is called 'The Hamlet'. It was constructed in Trivandrum on a sharply sloping and stony slope with little vegetation when Baker began construction.

First, he constructed a single-room timber shack that served as a library of medical books, as well as a bed room, living room, drawing room, and study.

The location was extremely curved and rugged, yet baker did not damage a single rock or tree, earning him the nickname "RIGHT IN THE ROCKS."

This is a magnificent and unusual residence built on a parcel of ground down the slope of a rocky hill, with restricted access to water.

Although the hamlet is situated on a steeply sloped land, the impact of constructions on the site is minimal.

Getting to Baker's house is like going from the concrete jungle of Trivandrum to the pure air and shade of the suburbs.

Figure 3.27 - Nalanchira, Trivandrum, Kerala, hamlet map (Source – Google Earth)


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3.3.1 Climate analysis 1) Rainfall Rain falls throughout the year in Thiruvananthapuram. June is the wettest month in Thiruvananthapuram, with an average rainfall of 10.2 inches. With an average rainfall of 0.7 inches, January is the driest month in Thiruvananthapuram. 2) The wind speed Over the course of the year, the average hourly wind speed in Thiruvananthapuram varies significantly by season. The windier half of the year lasts 4.9 months, from May 9 to October 4, with average wind speeds above 9.5 miles per hour with an average hourly wind speed of 12.7 miles per hour, June is the windiest month in Thiruvananthapuram. From October 4 to May 9, the quieter season lasts 7.1 months. With an average hourly wind speed of 6.3 miles per hour, March is the calmest month of the year in Thiruvananthapuram. 3) Macro climatic detail •

Nalanchira is a suburb of Kerala's capital city, Thiruvananthapuram, formerly known as Trivandrum.

Thiruvananthapuram's average monthly temperature is between 21 and 34 °Celsius, with a relative humidity of 65 to 70%.

Shade should be provided to prevent from direct sunlight. Continuous airflow/cross ventilation is needed here to maintain a strategic distance from



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3.3.2 Traditional planning

Figure 3.28 - Initial design of the hamlet (Source – Passive Cooling Techniques in Kerala's Residential Buildings: A Study of Their Feasibility by Ar. Thomas George)

First, he constructed a single-room timber shack that served as a library of medical books, as well as a bed room, living room, drawing room, and study.

Later some alterations took place.


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Figure 3.29 - Addition to initial design (Source – Passive Cooling Techniques in Kerala's Residential Buildings: A Study of Their Feasibility by Ar. Thomas George)

Figure 3.30 - Entrance of the house (Source –


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3.3.3 Construction techniques •

For enhanced thermal insulation, a concrete roof with cracked or fractured terra cotta roofing tiles is incorporated into the mix.

Interior partitions are used less frequently. In the inside, arches are created in front of doorways to ensure air circulation. (Figure 3.29)

Interior filler slab functions as an excellent heat insulator, is beautiful, inexpensive, reduces self-load, and is nearly maintenance free. (Figure 3.31)

Curved walls enclose more space for less money than straight walls.

Brick jaali walls, a perforated brick screen that harnesses natural air circulation to cool the interior of the property while also producing intriguing light and shadow patterns and improving ventilation. (Figure 3.33)

Baker designed a cooling system by constructing a tall, latticed brick wall beside a pond, which exploits air pressure variations to drive cold air through the structure.

The cost of the R.C.C lintel is reduced by using corbelling instead of a lintel above the frame.

Making a wall with the same thickness with fewer bricks and cavities in between for insulation.

Water tank for storing rain harvested water. (Figure 3.34) Reducing the unnecessary cost of window with a shutter.

Never cut trees instead adapted his design accordingly.


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Figure 3.31 - Use of filler slab

Figure 3.32 - Natural light inside the house

Figure 3.33 - Use of brick

Figure 3.34 - Water tank

(Source –

3.3.4 Construction materials •

Baker has lived up to his credo of "making low-costery a habit and a way of life" by repurposing anything as a construction material, from brick to glass bottles.

Brick is the most common building material, both outside and within. (Figure 3.32, 3.36, 3.39)

The roofing is a pitched roof with Mangalore tiles. (Figure 3.37, 3.38)

Grill made of bits and pieces.

Materials used from unconventional sources.


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Figure 3.35 - Use of arches


Figure 3.36 - Typical rectangular windows

Figure 3.37 - Use of pitched roof

Figure 3.38 - Use of Mangalore tile

Figure 3.39 - Exterior of the house

Figure 3.40 - Courtyard

(Source –


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3.3.5 Passive techniques •

Gables for proper air circulation and ventilation. (Figure 3.37)

Using clerestory arches to let in natural light also helps with passive cooling. (Figure 3.41)

Figure 3.41 - Clerestory arches

Figure 3.42 - The hamlet residence view (Source –


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3.4 Case study 4 - Wada houses, Hubli, Dharwad district, Karnataka •

Hubli is the commercial centre and business heart of the North Karnataka area, located in the south-east of the Dharwad district.

The city is located at 15°2142"N, 75°0506"E, and is 671 metres above sea level.

Houses in rural areas were created according to the people's social level and income. The majority of the households rely on agriculture for a living, although there are also residences of weavers, merchants, carpenters, and other craftspeople.

The Wada home typology was studied in this study. Wadas are essentially the homes of landlords and sarpanch (head of a village). The larger the Wada, the wealthier the family.

This Wada, which has a long and illustrious history, was erected roughly 200 years ago.

Figure 3.43 - Hubli, Karnataka (Source – Google earth)


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3.4.1 Climate analysis 1) Rainfall The monsoon season is marked by mild temperatures and 830mm of rain on average. 2) Humidity Hubli's perceived humidity varies dramatically throughout the year. 3) Wind The wide-area hourly average wind vector (speed and direction) at 10 metres above the ground is discussed in this section because of local terrain and other variables, wind speed and direction fluctuate more than hourly averages at any given location, wind speed and direction fluctuate more quickly than hourly averages. Hubli's average hourly wind speed varies greatly throughout the year due to strong seasonal variations. 4) Temperature The hottest month is April, with an average temperature of around 28.0 °C. In August, the average temperature is 22.7° C.


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3.4.2 Traditional planning

Figure 3.44 - A typical layout of Wada house (Source - Rejuvenating south Indian vernacular architecture as a model for sustainable design by Dr. K Thirumaran)


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Figure 3.45 - Section of Wada house (Source - Rejuvenating south Indian vernacular architecture as a model for sustainable design by Dr. K Thirumaran)

The introvert layout with the central open courtyard is used in this Wada. The courtyard's corridors serve as a transition place between open and closed sections (Figure 3.44). With security and privacy in mind, these areas are separated into two categories: private space and public space. Wada also has a secondary courtyard where the animal shed is located. The configuration of the rooms is intended to provide both private and climatic needs. The use of semi-open space in the form of a corridor and verandah surrounding the open courtyard limits the direct exposure of inner rooms to sun radiation and maintains a comfortable interior temperature. Because the public space is near to the entrance, privacy is preserved. Because this family grows cotton, there is also a storage area for it close to the courtyard. Toilets are located in the backyard of the home, which faces north-west (prevailing wind direction).This keeps interior odourless and hygiene. Main entry is from south direction (Figure 3.46)


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Figure 3.46 - Main entrance of the wada (Source - Rejuvenating south Indian vernacular architecture as a model for sustainable design by Dr. K Thirumaran)

3.4.3 Construction techniques In a humid environment, the primary design goals are to reduce heat gain by increasing thermal capacity, providing shade, reducing exposed spaces, and regulating and scheduling ventilation. All of these requirements are considered in this Wada and are met by some design intervention. Both the inner and external walls are massive (Figure 3.45). The walls are around 80cm to 100cm thick. These thick walls act as a thermal barrier, keeping heat from escaping the building. The thickness of the wall and the plastering material used have a significant influence in limiting heat transmission through the wall. Wooden columns, beams, and rafters supported the upper levels. The attic was designed to keep household items (Figure 3.47). In comparison to today's design, the door height is lower. Rich carvings adorn the door frame. Lintels, which support both doors and windows, are made of wood.


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Figure 3.47 - Wooden columns, rafters, beams & storage attic (Source - Rejuvenating south Indian vernacular architecture as a model for sustainable design by Dr. K Thirumaran)

3.4.4 Construction materials •

Wada is a load-bearing construction made up of stone, brick, mud, and wooden components.

The walls are roughly 1 m thick and support the load of the superstructure, which is made up of stone and brick masonry with mud and lime plaster used for thermal insulation.

The wada has two different types of flooring.

1) Red oxide flooring 2) Patikallu (type of stone) flooring. Patikallu is a good thermal insulator. •

The upper-level floors are composed of wood, with mud flooring and a stone slab on top, as well as layers of gunny sacks and dried Neem tree leaves for insect management. The floor has a total thickness of around 60cm, which offers thermal insulation. (Figure 3.48).

Wooden doors and windows are also used. This Wada's materials were completely acquired locally, leading in a more sustainable and cost-effective design. Because of the technology and materials used, the building's embodied energy is very low, making it more efficient and environmentally friendly.


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Figure 3.48 - Upper floor level detail (Source - Rejuvenating south Indian vernacular architecture as a model for sustainable design by Dr. K Thirumaran)

3.4.5 Passive techniques Windows cover around ten percent of the floor space. When compared to interior windows that face a courtyard, outside windows are smaller and have a higher sill level (Figure 3.49). The venturi effect helps to improve cross ventilation and keeps the inside cool with this type of arrangement of apertures.

Figure 3.49 - Small windows & Jaalis on the exterior wall (Source - Rejuvenating south Indian vernacular architecture as a model for sustainable design by Dr. K Thirumaran)

Jaalis are utilised in the outer walls to reduce solar radiation into the interior room while allowing light and ventilation. (Figure 3.49).


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The venturi effect is enhanced by double-height areas with clerestory windows, which allow hot air to ascend and flow through upper-level windows (Figure 3.50). The inside will be kept cool as a result of this.

Figure 3.50 - Double Height Space and Clerestory windows (Source - Rejuvenating south Indian vernacular architecture as a model for sustainable design by Dr. K Thirumaran)

The central courtyard is open to sky and rectangular (Figure 3.51). The courtyard is around 45cm deep. In passive solar design, the courtyard will play a significant role. The wind flow pattern is determined by the size and proportion of the courtyard. The height of the structure to the width of the courtyard is approximately 1:1. According to studies, using the stack effect, a courtyard can boost air flow. Air warms up and rises as it flows through the inside. This heated air can exit through the courtyard. (Figure 3.52).

Figure 3.51 - Verandah & central courtyard

Figure 3.52 - Stack Effect (air circulation)

(Source - Rejuvenating south Indian vernacular architecture as a model for sustainable design by Dr. K Thirumaran)


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4. Pilot survey A Google form was used to gather responses on climate responsive and traditional architecture design principles & and their parameters, which includes climate-related to construction, material and construction technique that can be adapted during construction, adaptation in planning, ventilation, and passive technique. To obtain an accurate result, the survey is extensively performed among 40 polls, with 29 respondents, and is especially replied to by architects, fresher architects, interior designers, architectural students, and the general public. The goal of evaluating the questions and responses is to prove the hypothesis. Category – 1 Climate change will continue to have a significant impact on the building.

Category – 2 Most individuals in today's generation are not aware that houses are built following traditional methods.


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Category – 3 Traditional buildings that have used passive systems for heating and cooling can provide better indoor thermal comfort.

Category – 4 Passive design adapts to the local climate and site circumstances to improve occupant comfort and health while lowering energy usage. When designing a passive building, it is critical to make full use of the local climate.

Category – 5 Considering the issue of climate change while planning for local/national development.


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Category – 6 Using local resources for benefit of reducing the significant environmental implications of long-distance transportation. Many individuals believe it has some obvious advantages, such as supporting traditional construction designs, boosting the local economy, and directly engaging users with the consequences of their actions.

Category – 7 Traditional Indian houses are considered to have a better inside microclimate than modern structures.


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Category – 8 In a warm-humid climate, the design strategy should be combined with local techniques to create a comfortable atmosphere.

Category – 9 If we plan or buy a house do we see or consider factors which are affecting climatic behaviour (such as sunlight, ventilation, openings, materials used etc.)


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Result The survey results show that the majority of respondents are aware about the climateresponsive structures, design and encouraging working in favor of climate to construct structures climate-responsive, thus working locally, such as utilizing locally accessible materials, employing passive approaches, and so on, will be practical and beneficial.


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5. Finding & Learning The first objective was to study the general theory and information related to climateresponsive architecture and its design principle for the southern region of India. Different elements and parameters were understood by literature research. The key learning was to understand the concept of climate-responsive architecture and implement its design principles and parameters in the building. The second objective was to study & analyze the southern architectural style based on parameters for climate-responsive building. This was dealt with comparing different climateresponsive buildings in the southern region having warm and humid climates and comparing them based on parameters such as the spatial feature of climate, traditional planning, construction materials and techniques, and passive techniques. While looking at various cases in the southern region it was observed that traditional buildings are more energy-efficient buildings than conventional buildings, which is one of the main reasons why traditional construction is favoured. It is said to be more long-lasting than conventional architecture. It plays a vital role as it is the building design strategy that focuses on heat gain management and heat dispersion to increase indoor thermal comfort while using no energy. Traditional buildings will become more energy-efficient and low maintenance by following these principles •

Form of a building

Orientation of a building

Cooling envelope

Spatial arrangement

Building material The third objective was to formulate the design principle & strategies suited for climate-

responsive and traditional buildings. This was examined using a cumulative analysis based on the four case studies and a parameter survey. A research framework was developed,


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showing the interconnection between the different parameters. These parameters could be applied during the construction of building to achieve climate responsive design. •

Climate analysis

Traditional planning

Construction material & techniques

Passive technique


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6. Conclusion & Recommendation 6.1 Conclusion The study concludes that the design principles for climate-responsive and traditional architecture are intertwined and incorporating any of them in design development rather than following conventional practices (while neglecting climate constraints) can improve living standards and aid in the achievement of climate-responsive buildings and the study on the climate-responsive approach to building design for comfort in warm-humid climate, it was observed that the parameters such as the spatial feature of climate such as (temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, solar radiation, etc.), traditional planning, construction material and technique, and passive technique or ventilation should be carefully analysed to provide proper climate design recommendations for the achievement of psychological and physiological comfort. This research concentrated on many elements for attaining user thermal comfort and making the building climate responsive. Based on our research in the warm-humid area, we can conclude that "Architectural design principle contributing in the traditional architecture is well suited to achieve a climate-responsive building from traditional to conventional design."

6.2 Recommendation 1. High plinth construction - The buildings should be constructed at a high plinth or stilt as the southern region lies in a flood-prone area. 2. Use of colours - The use of suitable colours and surface treatments is a low-cost and very an effective method of lowering interior temperatures. 3. Water treatment - Proper waterproofing and quick drainage of water are essential due to heavy rainfall. 4. Orientation - The north-south orientation is ideal for deflecting solar radiation because it reduces the surface area of the building exposed to the outside.


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5. Selection of material - Using materials that trap the heat inside or take longer time to heat. Some of them are •

Mineral wool

Fiberglass insulation


6. Openings - External overhangs should be considered as they shade the openings to minimize direct harsh sunlight entering the structure.

6.3 Way forward The study can be further continued for – •

Implementation of parameters in an urban area.

Analyzing conventional architecture principles and parameters.

Study about different climatic zones.

Comparing the parameter on conventional structures of the same climatic region.

Explore the traditional practises of the surrounding areas.

Study of government-enforced building standards in warm-humid climates.

Study about construction details for traditional architecture.


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Bibliography Books Climate Responsive architecture: A design handbook foe energy efficient building by Arvind Krishan, Nick baker, Simos yannas, S V szokolay Research paper/ journal/ thesis report o (The Future of Architecture – Climate Responsive Design by- Ahoo Malekafzali, PhD, Technical Solutions Analyst) o Chadalavada Karthik, Viswatej K N, Sirona Ramesh, IJETST- Vol. 04, Issue 02, Pages (50105017), 2017, ISSN 2348-9480, Analyzing Vernacular Sustainable Design Principles-A Case Study of a Vernacular Dwelling in Godavari Region of Andhra Pradesh, India. o Singh M.K, Mahapatra Sadhan, Atreya S.K., June 2011, solar passive features in vernacular architecture of North-East India. o Radhakrishnan S, assessment of the climate-responsive architecture of traditional houses of warm humid climate zone a case study of Chettinadu Dwellings of Tamilnadu. o M.A. Alkasli, Liu Jie, S.G. Dalibi, I.I. Danja, 2020, page-4, 5, hindrances to the Utilization of Climate Responsive Architecture Principles for Residential Design in Northeast Nigeria. o N. Thakur, D. Parashar, C. Chidambaram and M. Dharwa, e-ISSN: 2395-3454, Vol. 20, page1021-1031, Climate Responsive Strategy Matrix for Designing Buildings in India. o Thirumaran Dr. K, Hegde Shankar Deepti, ISSN 2229-5518, Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages- 581585 April-2017, rejuvenating the Vernacular Architecture of South India as the representative of Sustainable Architecture: a case study of Hubli, Karnataka. o

Madhumathi and Sundarraja M.C., ISSN 1819-544X, 2014 February; 10(2): pages 69-87, Understanding Climate for Sustainable Building Design – A Case Study in Warm Humid Region in India.

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Online o o ve_Building_Design_in_Three_Regions_of_Nepal o o o o o o o m/123456789/6596/1/APD%20G10686.pdf o o o o



Survey regarding - Climate Responsive Architecture: Integrating Climatic Considerations as an part of Planning and Building Design To study how climate responsive architecture can be achieved by following traditional practices in southern region in warm & humid climate. 1. Does climate effect building construction? (Mark only one) Yes No Maybe

2. Have you ever been or heard about building/house constructed through traditional architecture? (Mark only one) Yes No

3. Do you think traditional building/house can provide thermal comfort? (Mark only one) Yes No Maybe


4. Do you think passive technique can reduce the impact of climate on construction? (Mark only one) Yes No Maybe

5. Which technique according to you is the best suitable for comfortable environment in warm & humid? (Check all that apply) Wall thickness Openings Layout & orientation Shading All of the above

6. How can we lower the impact of climate on traditional building? (Mark only one) Plan accordingly to it Use alternate methods Doesn’t think about the climate Other

7. Which material do you think would be more preferable for construction in warm & humid climate? (Mark only one) Local material Modern material Foreign material Any material


8. Do you think traditional building is more climate responsive then modern building? (Rate 1 - 5) 1 2 3 4 5

9. If you plan or buy a house would you see or consider factors which are affecting climatic behaviour. (Such as sunlight, ventilation, openings, materials used etc.) (Mark only one) Yes No Maybe



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Articles inside

Figure 3.46 - Main entrance of the wada

pages 91-112

Figure 3.45 - Section of Wada house

page 90

Figure 3.43 - Hubli, Karnataka

pages 87-88

Figure 3.28 - Initial design of the hamlet

page 81

Figure 3.18 - All Chettinadu residences have a rainwater collection system

page 72

Figure 3.19 - The door jamb with stone edging

page 73

Figure 3.17 - Flooring and ceiling

page 71

Figure 3.27 - Nalanchira, Trivandrum, Kerala, hamlet map

pages 79-80

Figure 3.16 - Streets & arrangement of chettinadu residence

pages 69-70

Figure 3.15 - Typical view of chettinadu residence

page 68

Figure 3.14 - Plan of conventional chettinadu residence

pages 66-67

Figure 3.6 - Shaded windows with roof Projections

page 58

Figure 3.2 - Typical rural houses, Figure 3.3 - Typical dwelling

page 55

Figure 2.12 - Depicting some aspects of wind flow in and around courtyards

pages 46-48

Figure 3.1 - Map of Pippara Village with grid iron street pattern

pages 53-54

Figure 2.10 - Single sided ventilation

page 44

Figure 2.11 - Cross ventilation

page 45

afternoon sun rays

page 42

Figure 2.9 - Wind pressure induced and temperature induced ventilation

page 43

Figure 2.7 - In a warm and humid climate, window building processes are different Figure 2.8 - In a humid climate, shading (Chajja) and shutters on the veranda prevent

page 41

2.2.3 Settlement pattern and site planning

page 38

2.2.4 Envelope design

page 39

Figure 2.2 - Air speed are greatest on the crest

page 28

Figure 2.3 - Wide east-west streets maximize the scope for south winter sun

pages 29-31

Figure 2.1 - Map of India indicating the 5 climatic zones

page 26


page 40

Figure 2.4 - Wind catchers

page 32
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