Definition – Consequences of corrosion - Dry Corrosion – types – mechanism – Wet corrosion – Mechanism – Galvanic corrosion – concentration cell corrosion – passivity – Pitting corrosion - Galvanic series Module 3: Factors affecting Corrosion and Control Methods (5 Hours) Factors influencing corrosion - Nature of metal –Nature of the environment - Corrosion control methods –Proper designing – using metals – metal alloys – cathodic protection – modifying the environment – Use of inhibitors – Application of protective coatings - Organic coatings Module 4: Energy sources and storage devices (5 Hours) Batteries – types – Primary cells - Dry batteries – Secondary cell - Lead acid batteries- Hydrogen – fuel cells – Microbil fuel cells - Solar battery – photovoltaics - -Electrochemical sensors Module 5: Liquid Crystals (5 Hours) classification, thermotropic and Lyotropic liquid crystals, Applications of liquid crystals – Liquid crystal display – Importance of lyotrophic liquid crystals – Application of grapheme oxide liquid crystal in energy storage – Liquid crystalline semiconductor materials Module 6: Nanomaterials (5 Hours) Nanomaterials – Classification –Top down and Bottom up Approaches – ball milling - microfabrication - characterization of nanomaterials – Introduction to XRD, SEM -Applications of nanomaterials - Nanoelectronics - Nanostructured Solar Cells - Advantages. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS (Any 8) 1. Estimation of copper in an alloy 2. Determination of percentage of nickel in an alloy 3. Evaluation of corrosion inhibition by weight loss method 4. Measurement of electrode potentials of metals/alloys 5. Construction of a Galvanic cell 6. Preparing batteries from fruits and vegetables 7. Determination of iron by potentiometry 8. Estimation of an acid by conductometry 9. Preparation of nanoparticles 10. Preparation of nanoparticles in polymer matrix 11. Measurement of pH 12. Determination of Melting point and boiling point Text Books: 1. Jain and Jain “Engineering Chemistry” 16th Edition, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, NewDelhi, 2017 2. Mahan B. M and Meyers, R. J, “University Chemistry”, 4th edition, Pearson, 2009 3. Jones R. M., "Mechanics of Composite Materials", Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York 4. Elias, A. J., A Collection of Interesting General Chemistry Experiments, Revised Edition, Universities Press, 2007 Reference Books: 1. Sienko M. J. and Plane R. A., “Chemistry: Principles and Applications”, 3rd Edition, McGrawHill, 1980 2. Tembe B. L., Kamaluddin and M. S. Krishnan, “Engineering Chemistry” (NPTEL Web-book) 3. Atkins P. W and Julio de Paula “Physical Chemistry”, 8th Edition, Oxford University press, 2007 4. Chawla, K. K., “Composite Materials, Science and Engineering”, ISBN: 978-0-387- 74365, Springer. 5. Daniel, I. M. and Ishai O., Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2005. 20CH1003
Applied Chemistry for Food Processing Technology
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Course Objectives Enable the students to 1. summarize the importance of polymers and colloids in food processing technology APPLIED CHEMISTRY (2020)
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