My Little Pony by Max

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By Max

Table of Contents Introduction


Chapter 1 Characters


Chapter 2 Special traits


Chapter 3 Elements of harmony


Chapter 4 Changlings


Chapter 5 Equestria






Introduction Have you heard about the magic of friendship? You can learn in this guide to the great show My Little Pony. You need to be prepared to watch my Little Pony. Thats why this book has the characters they're traits and bad guys and they're elements of harmony last where they live!

Chapter 1: Characters My little pony has a lot of characters. One of them is named Twilight Sparkle. She is a pony who wants to learn everything about the magic of friendship. Twilight knows that the most powerful magic is the magic of friendship. her cutie mark is sparkles. Rainbow Dash is the fastest flyer in ponyville. she teaches Twilight about loyalty. Rainbow Dash chooses her friends over anything else in all of Equestria. Fluttershy teaches Twilight about kindness. She likes animals she sings too her animal friends. Alot thats why she has a butterfly cutie mark. Applejack teaches Twilight about honesty. Applejack likes picking apples she lives on a apple farm. Rarity teaches twilight about generosity. Rarity is the pony of fashion. She makes dresses for everybody in ponyville. Pinkie Pie teaches Twilight about laughter. Pinkie Pie loves to see her friends smile and laugh and she cheers her friends up when they are sad .

Chapter 2:Special Traits All My Little Ponies have a cutie marks depending on their personality you already know twilight and Fluttershys cutie marks. a cloud shooting lightning is Rainbowdashes cutie mark Because shes fast. Raritys cutiemark is diamonds because diamonds are pretty and Rarity likes pretty things Applejacks cutie mark is 3 apples because she lives on a farm and likes apple picking. Pinkie pies cutie mark is 3 balloons because she likes parties and she likes fun. Twilights cutie mark is sparkles because she knows a lot about magic spells. Fluttershys cutie mark is butterflies as you know because she loves animals.

Chapter 3:Elements of Harmony Elements of harmony are what Applejack Rainbowdash Rarity Pinkie pie and Fluttershy teach Twilight about Loyalty is Rainbow Dashes element because she always chooses her friends over anything else in all of Equestria. kindness is Fluttershys element because because shes kind to creatures and other ponies. Honesty is Applejacks element because she tells her friends the truth all the time.and Generosity is Raritys element because she makes dresses for ponies and she never abandons her generous spirit. Laughter is Pinkie Pies element because she wants to make her friends smile. Magic is Twilights element because she knows alot about the magic of friendship and wants to know everything.

Chapter 4:Changelings Changelings are bad guys that can change into ponies but they are actually creepy black creatures. Changing if you play my little pony game on ipad or iphone Changlings only change into mane six ponies tap on them to reveal their true identity. but in the My little pony episode Canterlot wedding they can change into any pony they want .Their goal is to conquer all of Equestria. Queen chrysalis is the queen of the Changlings she wants to conquer and rule all of Equestria. but she doesn't know about the magic of friendship.

Chapter 5:Equestria Were all the villages are is called Equestria Equestria is where all the ponies live Dodge city is not a city they really mention a lot in the show because its not a really popular city Appleoosa is where Applejacks cousin Braeburn lives braeburn likes showing ponies around Appleoosa which means its a big city. Ponyville is where Twilight and all her friends accept Applejack live ponyville is where Twilight and her friends learn about friendship most of the time. and sweet apple acres is where Applejack lives Apple acres is an apple orchard in memory of Applejacks mom Sweet Apple who got eaten by timber wolves now Applejack lives with her grandmother Granny Smith. Canterlot is where Twilights family and where the Changlings attacked first canterlot is a big city that Twilight goes oftenly with her friends sometimes sometimes alone.

Conclusion Did you like this book and learn a lot about My Little Pony? Then if you did I hope you watch the amazing tv show and maybe download the app.

Glossary Canterlot Wedding​ ­ An episode of My little pony with the changlings at Twilights brother and Princess Cadances wedding. Princess Cadance is a princess along with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and later on Twilight becomes a princess. Cutie Mark​ ­ A tattoo on the side of a ponys butt which shows their personality.

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