May Newsletter 2017 - D35W

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Key Club International | Cali-Nev-Ha | Region 13

d35w news splash may ISSUE 1

in this issue A Letter from the LTG................................1 From the News Editor.............................2 Event Calendar...................................3-4 Recognition.............................................5 March of Dimes......................................6 April DCM................................................7 Ribfest......................................................8

Meet Your 2017-2018 DLT.................9-1


Contact Information.......................

march of dimes




pg. 6

april dcm pg. 7


pg. 8

a letter from your ltg


It’s your Lt.G Guy Suankaew here to talk to you all! I

hope AP exams have been treating you well and you’re getting those 5s! Please make sure to get some sleep and don’t overdue on studying! I have been recently getting acquainted with the new change over the month and I’m happy to inform all is going smoothly. Club officers, I hope you are starting to get a feel of the task in Key Club and the year you have up ahead. You might have some rough patches, but remember why you chose your duty and you’ll have energy for the whole year! A little story about me! Have you ever had a moment in your life where you realized that what you are doing is what you truly love? Well that was my KEY CLUB MOMENT! This moment happened at Fall Rally during 2015! I remember being exposed to such a new feeling of openness. I’ve always been a sheltered person and at fall rally, it opened my eyes to a whole new world that I never knew was out there. Seeing and meeting so many new people was so cool for me and I was just happy to see everyone smiling. Till this day, I remember everything that happened and I treasure those moments with all my heart! My first DCM for the month of April was amazing and I want to thank you all for coming! Together with Division 35 East, we were able to decorate over 80 pairs of socks to give to children in hospitals with slippery floors! Great job seals! Also, please congratulate the new DLT for the 2017-18’ term as you see them next time!

- Guy Suankaew | LTG | Arroyo High School


News Editor from the


For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Katie Kyan and I will be serving as your 2017-2018 Division News Editor! This is the very first issue of “D35W News Splash” and I’m super excited to continue sharing these newsletters with you guys during my term. Many people have asked me why I decided to join Key Club out of all of the other amazing organizations being offered on our campus. My reason is simple: KEY CLUB IS DIFFERENT. Everyone is unique in their own special way and we each have our own interests and personalities that set us apart. But through this one organization, people from across the country are able to connect with one another, form friendships, and fight to make a difference in this world. My favorite thing about Key Club is that the people in it are selfless, dedicated individuals who truly care about the community. This is the reason why I joined Key Club. Hopefully by the end of my term, these newsletters will have captured the memories we’ve made as a division and as an ohana throughout the year. I can’t wait to serve D35W and continue sharing my love for Key Club as your DNE! :)

- Katie Kyan | DNE | Glen A. Wilson



6 ribfest

20 may dcm upcoming events

21 ride, run, walk n’ roll autry museum @ griffith park Shifts: 5 AM - 10 AM (4:45 call time), 10 AM - 4 PM (9:30 call time)



Sun Mon Tues Wed thu












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congrats to the

Rone Son h

f t he mo o r e nt fic f o


megan chao


f the mon o b t lu



march of dimes I had a great time at March of Dimes. I walked 3 miles with my friends, blasting music on speakers, and I liked knowing I was helping a good cause. Afterwards, we got some good free food and refreshing snow cones. It was fun interacting with new people and it made me realize how fun Key club can be. This experience made me want to go to more events in the future.

- Amy Zhong | Sierra Vista Key Club


april dcm: a new hatching The April DCM was extremely fun. We did an icebreaker and I got to be Indian Chief, even though I wasn’t very good at it. We had a chance to meet the new boards of the schools and talked about our old and new businesses. It was also a great experience to help decorate socks for children. Although it was Guy’s first DCM, he did an amazing job! - Tam Nguyen | Sierra Vista Key Club


flip to page 9 to see the new DLT!

This year I attended the annual rib-


p ve


we l o

of potatoes and corn. I really enjoyed

fest dinner and it was so much fun. Not

this event because it involved a lot of

only did I get to meet many kind elderly

teamwork with the Circle K (college Key

people at my table, I also got to work

Clubbers) and the high school students.

with and interact with other Key Club-

High school Key Club and KIWIN’S stu-

bers, some of which I have never met

dents also got to work with one another

before. First, we prepared the tables with

by teaming up to cater to specific tables.

the sour cream and salad dressings and

I really enjoyed this event my freshmen

then around 6:30 we began serving all

year and after attending this event again

the tables. Volunteers ran around serv-

sophomore year, I plan to come back

ing beef ribs, pork ribs, and chicken to all

and continue volunteering with all these

the dinner attendees with the addition

amazing people.

- Melanie Wu | Glen A. Wilson Key Club


division le

meet your 2017-2018


r y e l i al m e

Executive Assistant 9

Hey seals! I’m Emily, a current junior at Arcadia High School. My life revolves around my cats, school, and Key Club but I hope you can be apart of it. *winks awkwardly* Last year, I served as your division Member Recognition Coordinator (MRC) and I am thrilled to once again work to make your experiences in this club the best possible. EA seemed like the position where I could do the most to interact with each person, whether in our division or region. I hold communication to a high standard and I don’t want anyone to feel left out at an event. Come talk to me! I promise it will make my day. Let’s show this district that 35W is not a division to be messed with.

eadership team Executive Assistant

e n ban n a e


Hello, my name is Deanne Banh and I will be serving you as your division secretary for the 2017-18 term. I am currently a sophomore attending Sierra Vista High school. My birthday is May 24th and I am a Gemini. I play tennis and I swim. My height is 5’6. I enjoy having fun, eating, and taking fat naps. I decided to apply for DLT because I wanted to explore the secretary position in a division level. This term I hope to befriend many of the members in Key Club and to turn in my MRFs on time. I look forward to serving you all this term. Thank you.



u d o a ng n i

Greetings seals! My name is is Gina Duong and I am beyond humbled to serve as your executive assistant for the 2017-2018 term. My passion for key club has always derived from 2 things, my love for serving my community and my love for serving all of you! This year I want to help form relations within this division and assist any of our amazing officers in anyway that I can. The fulfillment of your full key club experience is always my priority and if there is anything that I can ever do to help enhance that, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Whether you need someone to cry to about school, boys, or even if you need someone to laugh at your jokes, I promise to be here for you! Here are some not-that fun funfacts about me, I love animals, THE WALKING DEAD, and boba! I’m also only afraid of potato bugs (I think) so if you ever have any bug issues you know who to call!

Division Secretary 10

k e yan i t a k

Division News Editor

Hi Seals! My name is Katie Kyan and I’m currently a sophomore at Glen A. Wilson High School. First of all, I’d like to thank you for reading this newsletter! I’m more than excited to serve as your 20172018 Division News Editor. Here are some fun facts about me: I absolutely love Disneyland and Disney movies! BOBA is amazing and I could drink it all day. I am a part of Wilson’s yearbook class where I learned how to use programs like Adobe InDesign. I applied for DLT because I wanted to continue making newsletters that bring Key Clubbers closer together. By the end of my term I hope that you guys will be able to look back at my newsletters to remember all the fun times we experienced throughout the year! Keep reading please! :))

Hello! I’m this year’s Division Tech Editor for the 2017-2018 term! My name is Robin Yi who currently is a freshman soon to be sophomore. Personally, I enjoy drawing and listening to music. Continuing on, I decided to apply for DLT so I could push myself and be more productive! I wanted to do what I like to do, making graphics, so I thought it would be the perfect position! In this term, there are lots of things on my to do list: design the coming year’s shirt, take a bunch of pictures, and perhaps look into website making?? Please message me if you have any designs or ideas! (I would extremely appreciate that!!)


n i b y o i r

Division Tech Editor



lle tie e m a

Division Fundraising Coordinator

Hi everyone! I'm Camelle and I'm currently a junior at Baldwin Park High School. Some fun facts about me: I donated 12 inches of my hair. My favorite movie of all time is Tangled. I'm huge Seventeen trash. I love hugs! I love 8 hour naps. Pillows hurt my neck. I trip over everything. I love anything sweet, especially boba! Rereading this list, I'm pretty much just a quirky and clumsy person who's easily amused hahaha. I decided to apply to the DLT because I want to be able to teach and inspire you all to be great leaders and role models of the community. I will be leaving this club next year, so my goal is that with this last year, I can be someone you can look to for guidance and friendship.

n o n n a l h s


Hey D35W!! I'm Shannon Lo, I'm from West Covina High School and I'll be serving as your spirit task coordinator for the 17-18 term! Some quick facts about me are that I'm the biggest Laker fan ever and I play basketball and run for track. I decided to apply for DLT because I've always been so drawn into key club by the spirit; it's the reason why this organization is so popular and successful. I wanted to bring that spirit into our division at all events and promote how important it is to have that positivity. Without all this spirit, we wouldn't have met all these amazing people in the club, so I want to keep spreading that throughout my term. This term, I hope to create a bunch of new chants that we've never had before and WIN THAT SPIRIT STICK!! & I'm also really excited to work with the rest of the DLT to make this year great for 35W!

Spirit Task Coordinator


ca liu i s s je

Spirit Task Coordinator

HALLOS SEALS! My name is Jessica Lucky Liu and I'm one half of your 2017-2018 Spirit Task Coordinator! I applied for this position because I figured what better way for me to contribute to my wonderful division and help make it the best that it can than be a Spirit Task Coordinator! This year, I plan to work with my amazing, bootiful partner Shannon to BRING THAT FALL RALLY SPIRIT STICK HOME!! Some fun facts about me: yes, my middle name is Lucky! HIGHKEY I'm obsessed with tacos, Starbucks, and boba. As much as I like eating hot cheetos and takis, I legitimately die after eating one just because I can't handle spicy foods! I've been doing ballet and contemporary since I was 4 years old and I got to go to New York several times for national competitions! I'm also involved in several other clubs at school, including ASB. Gina Duong is my #1 fan, and you should follow me on Instagram @ yo.its.jessica

My name is Annie Li and I’m a sophomore at Glen A. Wilson. Some fun facts about me are: I'm a dancer and an actress with a vicious dog. I decided to go for the DLT team in order to make a bigger impact and create a stronger bond for D35W. Also because I had nothing to lose! During my term I plan to create a tight knit family of seals and to make sure no school or individual is left out.


e i n l i n a

Inter Club Coordinator

t e ra n d y l C

Event Task Coordinator

Hello, I'm Clyde Tran, your Division Event Task Coordinator. I decided to apply for DLT mainly because I wanted to become a leader. What I want to accomplish this term is to get people to sign up for fun volunteer events and become more socially active. Fun facts about me are that I am a cyclist who almost brings his bike everywhere and I had completed my first 100+ miles ride on the same day of last year's region beach clean up at Santa Monica beach. I will always have a passion for cycling because it keeps me active, I get to travel to new places, and it makes the food experience way better.

n g u ye m ta


Hi! My name is Tam Nguyen and I am currently a sophomore at Sierra Vista High School. My favorite color is blue and I am a cat person. I enjoy playing tennis, badminton, sleeping, and hanging out with my friends. I will be your MRC for the 20172018 term. I joined DLT because I want to become more involved with Key Club. I love the experience of helping others and I want to be able to share it with everyone else. I hope to bring out a lot of people in Key Club and recognize hardworking members. I look forward to a great term with everyone.

Member Recognition Chair 14


come support arcadia and temple city high school at the ITB dance on 5/27! check the event page on FB for more information!


keep up with D35W by following us on instagram


also, be sure to join our facebook page (Division 35 West Key Club) to get the information on the latest service events!

Announcements 15


GUY SUANKAEW lieutenant governor







thanks for reading

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