CNH KIWIN'S Awards & Contests 2021 | Section 1

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AWARDS & CONTEST GUIDLINES Regulations set by the 2020-2021 Awards & Recognition Committee

ADDITIONS Club Newsletter / Division Newsletter Club / Division Outstanding Social Media Division T-Shirt Single Fundraiser Governor’s Project



Section 1 & 2 must be submitted by 11:59 PM to Section 3 must be turned in to DCON registration table by 9:00 PM on the first day.












INTERNATIONAL As the 32nd District of Key Club International, our district is eligible to participate in the International Contest and Awards. The Awards and Recognition Committee of 2020-2021 reserves the right to submissions for International judging in May. The International Awards and Contets include: Sandy Nininger Medal Distinguished Club Single Service Major Emphasis

Club Poster Contest Club Video Contest Year In Review Contest Talent Contest Oratorical Contest

INTERNATIONAL ONLY The following awards are available to clubs in the CNH KIWIN’S Disitrict but must be done indepenently and submitted to Key Club International. These awards will not be featured or presented at DCON. See Key Club International Guidebook for more information. Membership Growth Award Key of Honor

CRITERIA It is the utmost importance that all criteria are read correctly and completed correctly. Be sure to include all required forms, recommendations, and signatures. These items vary by award and failure to abide by these parameters will result in disqualification.Double check that all steps are followed when submitting via email.

DISQUALIFICATION Any deviations from the judging criteria for any contest/award will result in immediate disqualification. Any suspicion activity (e.g forgeries) on an award submission will also result in disqualification. The Awards and Recognition Committee reserves the right to revoke recognition for inappropriate behavior or harassment.

RESOURCES AWARDS & RECOGNITION PACK To access this folder, go to This pack contains all guides and templates for the awards of the 2020-2021. Go to the Convention Awards > Section 1, to access the editable templates of the forms for this section.

SECTION 1 NOTES Only one submission of either Non-Digital or Digital Club Poster is allowed per school. Only Websites and Social Media are allowed to be continued to update after the Section 1 due date.

AWARDS & CONTESTS LIST Awards & Contests will be released by sections as follow. There will be resources avaible in the Awards & Recognition pack when each section is released.

SECTION 1 Club Poster Digital Club Poster Non-Digital Club Website Club Video Club Newsletter

Division Newsletter Club T-shirt Division T-shirt Club Outstanding Social Media Divsion Outstanding Social Media

SECTION 2 Distinguished Club Distinguished Club President Distinguished Club Vice President Distinguished Club Secretary/ Team Distinguished Club Treasurer Distinguished Editor Distinguished Appointed Board Officer Distinguished Divisional Officer Advisor of the Year CNH KIWIN’S Member of the Year

Major Emphasis Program Minor Emphasis Program Most Improved Club Most Improved Division Partners in Service Sandy Nininger Medal Single Fundraiser Single Service Kiwanis Family Relations Governor’s Project Talent Show Contest

*NOTE: Single Service was missing on the Master List posted on Instagram, however it has not been deleted.


Impromptu Essay KIK’S Spirit Awards Oratorical Contest Non-Traditional Scrapbook (Year in Review) Traditional Scrapbook (Year in Review)




No late submissions will be accepted. Results will be announced at District Covnetion 2021

EMAIL FORMAT: SUBJECT: Club Poster Non-Digital (School) BODY TEXT: Club & Division CC: Yourself

CLUB POSTER NON-DIGITAL GUIDELINES The CNH KIWIN’S Non-Digital Club Poster Contest will be conducted according to the following rules: A) The first place CNH KIWIN’S Club Poster contest winner will be eligible to compete in the International contest. B) The poster should be designed to recruit new members for CNH KIWIN’S, and should not bear the name of any school, community, or district. C) The poster should represent Key Club International as a whole and not fitted to a convention theme. D) Entries in this category may not include material produced through electronic means, such as cameras and computer software. The poster dimensions should be 18 inches by 24 inches, with the actual height and width not varying more than one-half inch for the prescribed contest dimensions. The poster should not measure more than one-eighth inch in thickness. E) The following information must be submitted with each entry: 1. Name of the Key Club and District. 2. Contact name and information for the artist producing the poster. The artist(s) must be a Key Club member(s). Posters should be scanned or taken a picture of to be sent via email. F) Posters will be judged according to the following criteria: G) Originality/Creativity ............................................................ 25 points Effectiveness for member recruitment ................................. 25 points Appearance and artistic expression .................................... 50 points H) Winning entries will become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned to clubs. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce any contest winners, providing appropriate credit to the CNH KIWIN’S Club and artist. I) All entries shall be in good taste and appropriate to the standards set by the Guidebook and Brand Guide of Key Club International. J) The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges of this contest.

Non-Digital and Digital Poster Entry form 2021 2020 Non-Digital Poster contest

Digital poster contest

Contest and award criteria can be found in the Key Club Guidebook,, in the Addendum to the Key Club International Board policies starting on pages 52 - 53. Please type or print information on this form and affix to the back of the poster. Entries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce winning entries. Appropriate recognition will be provided to the Key Club and the poster’s artist. Key Club of: __________________________________________

Club ID #: ______________________________

District: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Information Please check one:

Faculty advisor

Kiwanis advisor

Advisor name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ___________________________ E-mail: _________________________________ Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor: (Signature) _______________________________________ (Print name here) _______________________________

Key Club artist producing poster Artist name: ______________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________

Signature of Key Club artist attesting to the poster’s originality: (Signature) _______________________________________ (Print name here) _______________________________



SUBMISSION OVERVIEW DEADLINE: December 6, 2020 by 11:59PM PST EMAIL SUBMISSION TO: No late submissions will be accepted. Results will be announced at District Covnetion 2021

EMAIL FORMAT: SUBJECT: Club Poster Digital (School) BODY TEXT: Club & Division CC: Yourself

CLUB POSTER DIGITAL GUIDELINES The CNH KIWIN’S Digital Club Poster Contest will be conducted according to the following rules: A) The first place CNH KIWIN’S Digital Poster contest winner will be eligible to compete in the International contest. B) The poster should be designed to recruit new members for CNH KIWIN’S, and should not bear the name of any school, community, or district. C) The poster should represent Key Club International as a whole and not fitted to a convention theme. D) Entries in this category may include materials produced with electronic means, such as cameras and computer software. The poster dimensions should be 18 inches by 24 inches, with the actual height and width not varying more than one-half Inch for the prescribed contest dimensions. The poster should not measure more than one-eighth inch in thickness. E) The following information must be submitted with each entry: 1. Name of the Key Club and District. 2. Contact name and information for the artist producing the poster. The artist(s) must be a Key Club member(s). Please send as JPEG file or PDF flie. F) G) Posters will be judged according to the following criteria: Originality/Creativity ............................................................ 25 points Effectiveness for member recruitment ................................. 25 points Appearance and artistic expression .................................... 50 points Winning entries will become the property of Key Club International and will not H) be returned to clubs. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce any contest winners, providing appropriate credit to the Key Club and artist. I) All entries shall be in good taste and appropriate to the standards set by the Guidebook and Brand Guide of Key Club International. J) The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges of this contenst.

Non-Digital and Digital Poster Entry form 2021 2020 Non-Digital Poster contest

Digital poster contest

Contest and award criteria can be found in the Key Club Guidebook,, in the Addendum to the Key Club International Board policies starting on pages 52 - 53. Please type or print information on this form and affix to the back of the poster. Entries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce winning entries. Appropriate recognition will be provided to the Key Club and the poster’s artist. Key Club of: __________________________________________

Club ID #: ______________________________

District: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Information Please check one:

Faculty advisor

Kiwanis advisor

Advisor name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone number with area code: ___________________________ E-mail: _________________________________ Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor: (Signature) _______________________________________ (Print name here) _______________________________

Key Club artist producing poster Artist name: ______________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________

Signature of Key Club artist attesting to the poster’s originality: (Signature) _______________________________________ (Print name here) _______________________________


SUBMISSION OVERVIEW DEADLINE: December 6, 2020 by 11:59PM PST EMAIL SUBMISSION TO: No late submissions will be accepted. Results will be announced at District Covnetion 2021

EMAIL FORMAT: SUBJECT: Club Video (School) BODY TEXT: Club & Division CC: Yourself

CLUB VIDEO GUIDELINES The CNH KIWIN’S International Promotional Video will be conducted according to the following rules: A) The first place promotional video winners from each of the organized Key Club districts will be eligible to compete in the International contest. B) The promotional video must be produced by club members at a cost not to exceed $300. the video should be promotional for Key Club as an organization and/or the Key Club within its respective school/community. C) The length of the completed video/DVD segment should be no more than 60 seconds. D) The video must be submitted containing no copyrighted music. E) The following information must be submitted with each entry: 1. Name of the Key Club and District. 2. Contact name and information for the member responsible for submission. The artist(s) must be a Key Club member(s). 3. Itemized listing of all costs associated with the video/DVD production, including cost of the DVD. F) Videos will be judged according to the following criteria: Originality ................................................................................. 10 points Promotion of Key Club .............................................................. 20 points Clarity of message .................................................................... 20 points Quality of production a. Sound quality ....................................................... 10 points b. Picture quality ...................................................... 10 points Overall impression ..................................................................... 30 points G) All entries will become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned to clubs. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce or broadcast any contest entries. Winners of the International club video contest shall be uploaded to the YouTube channel following International convention. H) All entries shall be in good taste and appropriate to the standards set by the Guidebook and Brand Guide of Key Club International. I) The decision of the judges is final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges of this contest.

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Winning enteries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproducewinning entries for any use deemed appropriate by Key Club International.

THIS CERTIFICATION MUST BE ATTACHED TO YOUR EMAIL SUBMISSION. CLUB CONTACT: President: _________________________________________ Intitials: ___________________________________________ CNH KIWIN’S Key Club: ____________________________ District: Ca-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S Division: __________________________________________ E-mail:____________________________________________ ADVISOR CONTACT: Select One: [ ] Faculty advisor [ ] Kiwanis advisor Contact Name: ___________________________________ Initials: ___________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________ Phone with Area Code: ___________________________ DIVISION CONTACT: Select One: [ ] Lieutenant Governor [ ] Regional Advisor Contact Name: ___________________________________ Initials: ___________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________ Phone with Area Code: ___________________________ APPLICANT INFORMATION: *KIWIN’S Member Producting Video Contact Name:___________________________________ Contact Address: ________________________________ City: _________________ State: ___________ Postal Code: ____________

Video contest entry form 2021 Contest and award criteria can be found in the Key Club Guidebook,, in the Addendum to the Key Club International Board policies starting on page 54. Please type or print information on this form and affix the completed form to an envelope. Place the DVD inside the envelope. DVD or QuickTime format is required. Entries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce winning entries for any use deemed appropriate by Key Club International. Appropriate recognition will be provided to the Key Club. Key Club of:

Club ID #:

District: Contact information Please check one:

Faculty advisor

Kiwanis advisor

Advisor name: Phone number with area code:


Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor: (Signature)

(Print name here)

This certifies that this DVD is original and was created in accordance with copyright laws: (Signature)

(Print name here)

Please itemize costs associated with creation of this DVD: Donations:














Please select one: This video placed first at district convention. This video was selected by other means and was approved for entry for International competition by the Key Club district administrator. Key Club district administrator signature: Note: Only district winners are eligible for submission to the International competition. Refer to the Key Club Guidebook for additional information and deadlines.


SUBMISSION OVERVIEW DEADLINE: December 6, 2020 by 11:59PM PST EMAIL SUBMISSION TO: No late submissions will be accepted. Results will be announced at District Covnetion 2021

EMAIL FORMAT: SUBJECT: Club Website (School) BODY TEXT: Club & Division CC: Yourself

CLUB WEBSITE GUIDELINES In keeping up with the technological age, it is useful to bring your club to the internet to be able to maintain better communication with members and foster a sense of community. The Club Website award is given to the club that takes advantage of the internet by using innvative layouts and constant updates as well as tools to strengthen involvement and promote CNH KIWIN’S. The Club Website will be conducted according to the following rules: A) Include the link to the website and five screenshots of your club’s website at the time of your submission. Screenshots must be attached with the award application’s email when submitting. Individual schools may only submit one website. The website must be created by a CNH KIWIN’S member(s). B) The website must be CNH KIWIN’S orientated and have CNH KIWIN’S related materials within the pages. C) The website must be user friendly and accessible. Weblogs (e.g. Tumblr), social metowrking interfaces (e.g. Facebook), and other similar sites will not qualify for the club website award. D) E-SIGNATURES: This submission required electronic signatures by the applicant and Faculty Advisor or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have apporved the application and supporting documentation. The Awards and Recognition Committee may contact these individuals for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures (scan copy of written). E-Signature forms can be found on the following page. E) The decision of the judges are final. No changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair

CRITERIA Section 1

CONTENT A. Information of the Webpage should be accurate and current B. Webpge should provide original material and respectfully represent KIWIN’S with proper grammar and spelling.

40 points

Section 2

LAYOUT DESIGN AND ORGANIZATION A. Webpage design should be innovative and interactive B. It should be well-organized and user-friendly for easy navigation. The website sould function well with or without images.

20 points

Section 3

WEB LINK A. The club website must be linked to

15 points

Section 4

MISCELLANEOUS A. Web page download time should be reasonable and webpage should be readily accessible.

5 points

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Webmaster:_____________________ Web Page:______________________ KIWIN’S Club of _________________ Division: _________________________ INITIALS


ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis BOARD [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis





SUBMISSION OVERVIEW DEADLINE: December 6, 2020 by 11:59PM PST EMAIL SUBMISSION TO: No late submissions will be accepted. Results will be announced at District Covnetion 2021

EMAIL FORMAT: SUBJECT: [Your Club or Division] T-Shirt Contest BODY TEXT: Club & Division CC: Yourself

CLUB/DIVISION T-SHIRT GUIDELINES Clubs & Divisions have used T-shirts to promote CNH KIWIN’S in their schools and divisions. The Club/Division T-Shirt Contest has been established to recognize clubs or divisions that best demonstrate and promote the values of our organization via their club attire. The Club/Division T-Shirt Contest will be conducted according to the following rules: A) Include screenshots of front and back of your club’s T-shirt at the time of your submission. Screenshots must be attached with the application email when submitting. B) The article of clothing must display an original and current design that has been used to promote CNH KIWIN’S. It ust be created by a CNH KIWIN’S member(s) with no professional assistance. C) The entry must be clean, unused article of clothing. Only one submission will be accepted per club. Only one submission will be accepted per division. Club and division designs should have different designs. D) The T-shirt will be graded by the following: Aesthetic Appeal........................................15 points Creativity.....................................................25 points Originality....................................................15 points Uniqueness of Design..................................20 points Promotion of CNH KIWIN’S.........................25 points E) The decision of the judges are final. No changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges and Award and Recogntition Chair.

CLUB T-SHIRT CONTEST CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Winning enteries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproducewinning entries for any use deemed appropriate by Key Club International.

THIS CERTIFICATION MUST BE ATTACHED TO YOUR EMAIL SUBMISSION. CLUB INFORMATION: CNH KIWIN’S Key Club: ________________________ District: Ca-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S Division: _______________________________________ NAME OF ARTIST(S): 1.) ___________________________________________ 2.) ___________________________________________ 3.) ___________________________________________ DATE AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS: ___________________________________________ NUMBER OF MEMBERS IN CLUB: ___________________________________________ HOW MANY SHIRTS WERE PRINTED: ___________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION: Contact Name:___________________________________ Contact Number: ___________________________________

DIVISON T-SHIRT CONTEST CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Winning enteries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproducewinning entries for any use deemed appropriate by Key Club International.

THIS CERTIFICATION MUST BE ATTACHED TO YOUR EMAIL SUBMISSION. DIVSION INFORMATION: CNH KIWIN’S Division: District: Ca-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S NAME OF ARTIST(S): 1.) ___________________________________________ 2.) ___________________________________________ 3.) ___________________________________________ DATE AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS: ___________________________________________ NUMBER OF MEMBERS IN DIVISION: ___________________________________________ HOW MANY SHIRTS WERE PRINTED: ___________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION: Contact Name:___________________________________ Contact Number: ___________________________________


CLUB/DIVISION NEWSLETTER SUBMISSION OVERVIEW DEADLINE: December 6, 2020 by 11:59PM PST EMAIL SUBMISSION TO: No late submissions will be accepted. Results will be announced at District Covnetion 2021

EMAIL FORMAT: SUBJECT: [Your Club or Division] Newsletter Contest BODY TEXT: Club & Division CC: Yourself

CLUB/DIVISION NEWSLETTER GUIDELINES Newsletter have been a way to visually communicate with club members effectively, in with the usage of multi-media aspects. The Club/Division Newsletter Contest recognizes clubs or divisions that creat newsletters that are informative, communicative, and engaging. The Club/Division Newsletter Contest will be conducted according to the following rules: A) Submit a PDF of your Newsletter when submitting. Individual schools may only submit one newsletter. Individual dvisions may only submit one newsletter. B) The newsletter must aim to recruit new members and contain information to promote CNH KIWIN’S. It should also include: A. CNH KIWIN’S history, Kiwanis Family Structure, Key Club International, divisions in the district, and clubs in your division. B. Board structure of the division or club. Contact information of the officers. C) The newsletter must contain a wide variety of graphics, photographs, and other visuals. D) The newsletter must follow Key Club International Graphic Standards. All content, artwork, and graphics must be original and produced by a CNH KIWIN’S member (s). E) E-SIGNATURES: This submission required electronic signatures by the applicant and Faculty Advisor or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have apporved the application and supporting documentation. The Awards and Recognition Committee may contact these individuals for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures. E-Signature forms can be found on the following page. F) The decision of the judges are final. No changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair

CRITERIA Section 1

CONTENT A. Information of the Newsletter should be accurate and current B. Newsletter should provide original material and respectfully represent KIWIN’S with proper grammar and spelling.

30 points

Section 2

LAYOUT DESIGN AND ORGANIZATION A. Newsletter design should be creative and visually appealing B. It should be well-organized and informative. All information must be easy to read.

25 points

VISUALS A. Newsletter contain graphics, photographs, and other visuals that are originally produced. B. Points are taken off for visuals that are not original

30 points

Section 3

Section 4

MISCELLANEOUS A. Show that the Newsletter is distributed to members via different means of pubicity.

15 points

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Officer Position:_____________________ Newsletter:______________________ KIWIN’S Club of _________________ Division: _________________________ INITIALS


ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis BOARD [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis





OUTSTANDING SOCIAL MEDIA SUBMISSION OVERVIEW CHECK UP #1: December 6, 2020 by 11:59PM PST CHECK UP #2: February 7, 2021 by 11:59 PST EMAIL SUBMISSION TO: No late submissions will be accepted. Results will be announced at District Covnetion 2021

EMAIL FORMAT: SUBJECT:[Your Club or Division] Outstanding Social Media BODY TEXT: Club & Division CC: Yourself

OUTSTANDING SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDELINES Social Media outlets are a way of publicizing information to club members and display the acitivities of the club in a visually effective way. The Outstanding Social Media award is given to the club or division that takes advantage of the social media outlets by promoting, publicizing and utilizing engaging content to communicate and recruit members. The Outstanding Social Media award will be conducted according to the following rules: A) Submit an E-Portolio containing screenshots of your Social Media handle and provide links in the E-mail submission. Individual schools may only submit one application . Individual divisions may only submit one application. B) There will be TWO Check-Ups for this award. This means that it requires TWO submissions, one at the due date of Section 1 and the final at the due date of Section 2. C) The Social Media handle should be easily accessible to members and must consistenly update members on a regular basis. It must also demonstrate engagement with members through comments, messages etc. (EX. Instagram stories with Q&As, quizzes etc.) D) The Social Media handle must contain original photos, graphics and videos produced by the club or division, produced by a CNH KIWIN’S member(s). E) The Social Media handle must follow Key Club International Graphic Standards. F) E-SIGNATURES: This submission required electronic signatures by the applicant and Faculty Advisor or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have apporved the application and supporting documentation. The Awards and Recognition Committee may contact these individuals for further verification. Please do not use digital signatures. E-Signature forms can be found on the following page. G) The decision of the judges are final. No changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges and the Awards and Recognition Chair

CRITERIA Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

CONTENT A. The Social Media handle includes engaging content and consistent updates B. Contain a variety of multi-media (graphics, photos, videos) C. Distribute and promote CNH KIWIN’S content.

ENGAGEMENT A. Usage of #kiwinsforyou, tag CNH KIWIN’S accounts B. Show engagement with members through comments, messages etc. (EX. Instagram stories with Q&As, quizzes etc.)

VISUAL ASPECTS A. Multi-media usage is visually appealing. B. Good use of Key Club International Graphic Standard

40 points

40 points

20 points

CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. Officer Position:__________________Social Media:______________________ KIWIN’S Club of _________________ Division: _________________________ INITIALS


ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis BOARD [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis





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