D22M | Kaua'i High School Key Club January Newsletter

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Volume 4

Issue 7

In This Issue: ⇢Introduction ▪Editor’s Salutations ⇢This Month! + January Calendar + Upcoming Events

⇢LAST MONTH + Hygiene Bags +Festival of Lights + Bell Ringing ⇢Contact Info ▪Officer Contact

Kauai High School- 3577 Lala Rd. Lihu`e HI 96766

Division 22 Makai | Region 18 | CNH District

I hope everyone had an amazing break filled with lots of food, fun, friends, and Key Club, of course! It’s a new year with lots of new things to look forward to, especially this month, with Conclave and Movie Night quickly approaching. Is it your New Year’s resolution to give back? Well look no further as 2018 takes off at full speed, and everyone will soon be as busy as a bee serving the community! -Jenna Takata Newsletter Editor



You Need To Make

Reminders MRF IS DUE VERY SOON!!! Check your sheet or ask your pod leader for individual requirements. HCON Dance Practice starts 1/12

5 HOURS General Meetings Friday, January 12th Friday, January 26th

January Calendar


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays bees! On December 19 and December 21, Kauai High Key Clubbers gathered after school to assemble Hygiene Bags for December’s Spotlight on Service Project of providing basic needs. The goal of this service project was to work with an organization to provide any kind of Christmas gifts to children or those in need. I was in charge of contacting the hotels on Kauai to ask if they would provide any toiletries for us to assemble our bags such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, and much more. The hotels that were so generous to donate items were Kauai Marriott, Grand Hyatt, and the Marriott Waiohai and they gave an amount of 10 hotels worth of donations! With all these items that were donated to us, we created approximately 135 Hygiene Bags! All these Hygiene Bags were then donated to the KEO(Kauai Economic Opportunity), who provide service to Kauai’s low-income individuals and families. Although we couldn’t have created all these bags without the members’ help, we wouldn’t have this opportunity if the hotels weren’t so generous in helping us with December’s Spotlight on Service! This experience showed me that although December is the time for family gathering, it’s also the time for giving to those who may not have the Christmas experience we get so it was really nice to know these Hygiene Bags will help individuals and families in need. -Deven Kimoto


Hygiene Bags


Hygiene Bags

Every December for the past 22 years, Kauai’s Historic County Building becomes transformed into a spectacular lights show for visitors to see. The Festival of Lights is an annual event where decorations that are created from recycled materials are spotlighted, Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive on their sleigh for picture-taking, and much more festivities have arrived to Kauai. This year, the Festival of Lights occurred every weekend, and we Key Clubbers were given various tasks. Some Key Clubbers got to pass out candy canes when visitors arrived and hold the guestbook that they signed once they departed. Majority of us Key Cubbers served as docents that talked about the handcrafted decorations on the trees, which compelled us to interact with every visitor that entered the building. As a person who talked and also got to partake in creating decorations with my school’s Academy of Hospitality and Tourism, I was honored to introduce the new Hokule’a Tree to visitors. Another evening, I was given the opportunity to play the role of Mrs. Claus–an honorable experience in itself. For many of us, this event required getting all of us out of our own comfort zones to make the visitors’ holiday experience worthwhile. -Charlene Tan

Festival of Lights


One of Kaua’i High School Key Club’s ongoing holiday events include Bell Ringing in support of the Salvation Army. We set up two stations at Kukui Grove, one in front of Times Supermarket and another in front of Macy’s in order to encourage passers to to give donations of any sort, whether it is a five dollar bill or even a few pennies, into our staple red kettles. Our roles include Christmas Caroling, ringing our bells to the tune of Winter songs, and spreading our holiday spirit through our enthusiasm. We also acknowledge passers by telling them “Merry Christmas!” or “Happy Holidays!” I believe that our participation made a tremendous impact in the support of Salvation Army because by spreading our Christmas spirit to others, it encourages them, as well, to keep spreading the Aloha that should be passed around always, especially during this winter season. Whether our spirit contributed to their part in donating money or even just allowing them to crack a smile and a “Happy Holidays!” back to us, it was overall a rewarding privilege to take part in such an event. The money donated into the kettle serves anyone and everyone in need that has found themselves and their family struggling. The Salvation Army serves under a universal Christian Church in His name, which does not discriminate & serves the youth, elderly, sick, homeless, refugees, underprivileged and everyone in between. Taking part in this event not only contributes the ones in need, but it also allows us Key Clubbers to recognize what good we could do and how a little Christmas spirit could go along way in serving the community.

-Jenny Villanueva


Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Event Procedure - Before The Event Sign up on the sheets in Mr.Kakutani’s room Make sure you're available for the event BEFORE signing your name. Do not sign up for events for other people, you may only write YOUR name. A crossed out name with no replacement will be considered a strike. If you can’t attend an event you signed up for, you must find a replacement. - At the Event Show up on time. Sign in with the corresponding chairperson. Initial next to you name on the back of the sign in sheet. Make sure you work hard! Key Club policy is NO PHONES at any time during the event. - After the Event Fill out your blue card and get it signed by the chairperson. If there is a dispute about your hours, the blue card is your proof! Also, it can be used to show your volunteer hours to colleges. The chairperson will wait until you are picked up. Make sure to have your ride pick you up immediately after the events.

How many hours do I have? Why did I get a probation? When is something due? If you have questions, contact your pod leader. They can answer those above questions and more!

Do You Want to be Featured in Next Month's Newsletter? Articles can be submitted by any member. After every major event (e.g. Kiwani’s Car Wash, etc.) you can send an article to Jenna Takata @ 19jenna_takata@kauaihs.k12.hi. us or text (808)639-5798 All members who attend an event will receive a request for article submissions. Submissions are required for member recognition and other awards. Helpful Information


President Deven Kimoto 18deven_kimoto@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Vice President of Public Relations Alvin Calma 19alvin_calma@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Vice President of Service Venus Sebastian 19venus_sebastian@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Vice President of Membership Keahne Aliga 19keahne_aliga@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Secretary Krysten Padasdao 19krysten_padasdao@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Treasurer Alaysia Navor 20alaysia_navor@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Historian Alysa Domingcil 19alysa_domingcil@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Historian Jasmine Dela Cruz 20jasmine_dela@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Newsletter Editor Jenna Takata 19jenna_takata@kauaihs.k12.hi.us

Officer Contact


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