D22M | Kaua'i High School Key Club April Newsletter

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Kauai High School

Volume 5 | Issue 1

APRIL 2018 Kauai High School - 3577 Lala Rd. Lihuˋe, Kauai 96766

Division 22 Makai | Region 18 | CNH District

Table Table of Contents Introduction . . . 3 President’s Message . . . 4 What’s Buzzin’ this Month? . . . 5 Thank You! . . . 6 - 7 March Events . . . 8 - 12 Helpful Information . . . 13 Contact Information . . . 14 Where to Find Us . . . 15


Introduction Hi Key Clubbers! My name is Noelle Oyama and I am the 2018 - 2019 Newsletter Editor. I am so excited for this next term and can’t wait for the many great memories we will make together. As the new term comes along quickly, I would like to thank the 2017 - 2018 council for all of their hard work and guidance towards the club. Since we are coming into the fourth quarter, I hope that you keep up with your wonderful hard work, grades, and hours! The 2018 - 2019 council is honored to serve Kauai High Schools’ Key Club and will work hard to benefit the club. ~ Noelle Oyama Newsletter Editor


President’s Message Hello fellow Kauai High Key Clubbers, For most of you, your journey through Key Club has either just begun, in the middle, or even at its end. Whether you have been in Key Club for 4, 3, 2, or even 1 year, my experience with you all has been a blast! But my journey as president of Kauai High Key Club ends now. I can’t believe the time has come for me to pass the torch to my successor, Krysten Padasdao, who I believe is the best future president of Kauai High Key Club. I have been in this club for all my 4 years as a high school student and I am proud to say that I was a part of this organization that offers so many opportunities to high school students such as ourselves to grow into amazing people. Without Key Club, I definitely would not be the person who I am today. My hopes and goals going into my term as president was to offer our members the Key Club experience I had, and observe each person become an awesome Key Clubber who loves to provide service to their community. I could not be more proud of every member for dedicating yourselves to providing service and accomplishing everything we asked from everyone. As your former president, my only hope is that you will all continue to join Key Club in your short future as high school students and to keep going above and beyond to being the best Key Clubbers I have observed this year. I am proud of everyone for staying dedicated to Key Club and being the best members I have ever seen. But now, Kauai High Key Club has a new leader named Krysten Padasdao and a new board to help her maintain the amazing reputation we have and I have every faith that she will provide the best experience for Kauai High Key Club. It was an absolute honor to serve as your president and I wish you all the best of luck in your future as high school students and adults.



What’s Buzzin’ this Month? You Need To Make:



1 Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am



2 After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm



Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Regency at Puakea 3:030 pm - 4:30 pm

After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm



5 1 Kauai Food Bank 42:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Wilcox Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

King K Key Kids 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm



Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am Streak Fry Lunch 11:00 - 2:00


Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am

11 Wilcox Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am

King K Key Kids 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm



Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am

22 Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am

29 Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am

23 23

After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Regency at Puakea 3:030 pm - 4:30 pm


King K Key Kids 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

30 After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

REMINDERS Steak Fry Lunch on Sunday, April 8th 2018 - 2019 Council Term Starts on April 16th

25 Wilcox Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am

26 Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm






King K & Wilcox Key Kids After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm GM King K & Wilcox Key Kids After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Kalaheo STEM Night 4:30 - 8:30

19 Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Wilcox Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

King K Key Kids 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm







King K & Wilcox Key Kids After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm GM King K & Wilcox Key Kids After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am

Earth Day DCM 11:00 am - 3:00 pm



General Meeting

Service Project


Executive Meeting



GENERAL MEETINGS Friday, April 6th Friday, April 20th 5


2017 - 20

Dear 2017 - 2018 Co Thank you for wo term! We have noti and effort you have for its fruitful outcom grateful that you gu us. Although the ter stressful, and time c want to take the tim everything you do f that you continue t and what you have Club to soar. Congr completing the term 2017 - 2018 council! Love, Ka 6

k You!

018 Council

ouncil, orking hard this iced all the time e put into the club me. We’re all so uys were there for rm was tough, consuming; we me to recognize for us. We hope to use your wings e learned in Key ratulations for m. We love our ! auai High Key Club 7

March Events ● HCON Service Project ● Wilcox Stem Night ● Hyatt Bum Run ● Matson Clean-Up


HCON Service Project Happily Ever After

This year’s service project for Key Club was held at the heart of Queen Ka’ahumanu Mall on the island of Maui. Organized by one of Maui’s own Key Club members, Key Clubbers spanning the Hawaiian Islands came together to help run this wonderful, fun filled event. There, excited children and their parents visited a variety of stations manned by different schools. Kauai High School was in charge of Build-a-Tower, face painting, tic tac toe, and glitter tattoos! At the Build-a-Tower station, children were given just mini marshmallows and dry spaghetti in order to construct the tallest structure they could. Unfortunately, many kids (and parents) couldn’t resist the urge to eat some of the marshmallows. The face painting and glitter tattoos were very popular among the kids. Some got butterflies, bee, and other cute animals painted on their faces and glittered on their arms. They loved it! I even got one too! I glittered a key glittered on my forearm to represent the organization I know and love. Last but not least was the mini game of tic tac toe. Children and their parents battled it out with the X’s and O’s until one finally got three in a row. It’s cute when the parents let their kids win followed by them laughing and smiling. Not only did the stations succeed, but the entire event was a huge win. Happy parents enjoyed some quality time with their kids, and happy Key Clubbers did what we do bestand put in the hours to give back to the community. - Leland Kai Villanueva Officer


Wilcox STEM Night

For me, Wilcox STEM Night was one of my favorite Key Club events. At this event, the Key Clubbers were designated individually, or in small groups to different stations. Each station had a little project relating to STEM which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The cafeteria and other parts of the school had attractions like a hoverboard, virtual reality, and making your own lightsabers. I worked at the escape room with another Key Clubber. We introduced the students to the activity and timed them as they went through four different rooms involving each subject from STEM. This varied from a soap experiment in the science room to some challenging questions in the math room. From this, I got to see the kids enjoy their time during the STEM Night. In all, it was really fun to interact with the students and people I met, and I would do it again next year. -


Justin Ruiz Member

Hyatt Bum Run Colon Cancer Awareness Fun Run

I really enjoyed helping out at the Hyatt Bum Run. Key Clubbers were assigned to different locations along the course that the participants would run on. We handed out water to the runners and helped direct them to the right path. We also held signs with different fun phrases to cheer the runners on. The Bum Run was a fundraiser for colon cancer. We enjoyed talking with the hosts about colon cancer and their experiences. Colon cancer is a serious issue and needs to be addressed. They encouraged getting check ups for colon cancer and exercising to lower your chances of developing it. Overall, the event was excellent and the people participating were very friendly and caring. It was really interesting to learn a little about colon cancer and to see how many caring people from the community came out to support the cause. - Nicole Mastushige Member


Matson Clean-Up At Ahukini Pier

The Matson Highway Cleanup event is a Kiwanis sponsored and Interclub event that allows Key Clubbers to pave a road to change while learning the importance of patience and unity. Through diligence and combined effort, Kauai and Kapaa successfully clears the highway free of plastics, styrofoams, and rubbish. The highway is visited by many but it’s side roads are often disregarded. Although it is disregarded, the Kiwanis and Key Clubbers shows an emphasis on the big difference a clean environment makes; A clean environment creates a much safer biosphere with cleaner air and less plastic ending up in our oceans. Kauai’s Key Clubs and the Kiwanis’ great efforts definitely serves a great purpose and rolls the ball of change. -


Keahne Aliga Member

Helpful Helpful Information Information How to achieve hours with a busy schedule! 1. 2. 3. -

Go to events that happen during school hours Ex. Project Shine Go to events that have a set routine Ex. Key Kids, Food Bank, Wilcox Hospital Go to the monthly major events Ex. Steak Fry Luncheon and Kalaheo Stem Night ●

Do YOU want to be featured in next month’s Newsletter? Any member can submit an article! After any major event (ex. Kiwanis Car Wash, LTG Day, etc.) write an article and send it to my email, 19noelle_oyama@kauaihs.k12.hi.us or text 1(808)631-8551. Members who have attended major events will be contacted. These articles are required for member recognition and awards.

● ●

Don’t know how many hours you have? Why did I get a probation? When is something due?

If you have questions, contact your pod leader. They can answer the questions above and more!


Contact Information President |Krysten Padasdao krysten.padasdao@gmail.com Vice President of Public Relations |Venus Sebastian 19venus_sebastian@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Vice President of Service |Jasmine Dela Cruz 20jasmine_dela@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Vice President of Membership |Alaysia Navor 20alyasia_navor@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Secretary |Leland Kai Villanueva 19leland_villanueva@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Treasurer |Angelika Alegado 19angelika_alegado@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Historian |Romina Castillo 19romina_castillo@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Historian | Emmanuella Marcil emmanuellamarcil@gmail.com Sergeant-at-Arms |Braeden Yokoyama 19braeden_yokoyama@kauaihs.k12.hi.us Newsletter Editor |Noelle Oyama 19noelle_oyama@kauaihs.k12.hi.us


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Volume 5 Issue 1

D22M | Region 18 | CNH District

Kauai High School

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