Division 30 South | January Newsletter

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Key Club International | Cali-Nev-Ha | Region 3



JANUARY Volume 24 |Issue 8

Contents 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 17 18 19

Letter From Editor + LTG Recognition November DCM Shining Clubs Ocean Hero Free The Ocean Holidays Festivities Western x Oxford Social Japanese Pop Up Fans D30S Goals Update Contacts

Letter From the Editor Tran Pham

Hello, Suns! I hope you enjoyed your break and are ready to head back into the term as your best self! This is going to be one of my final newsletters of the term, so I hope you’ve stayed with me until the end! With that being said, I am bee-yond excited to see how you’re all going to finish off your final months in this division before the next term starts!

Letter From the LTG Jennifer Vo

Happy New Year, Suns! We’re so close to the term ending, and I honestly can’t believe how fast it’s gone by! I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for working so hard in making this term one of the best ones I’ve experienced. I was so worried about the pandemic affecting my position as the next LTG, but you’ve all reassured me that we’re going to be just fine. Have fun at Conclave, and please look forward to welcoming our LTG candidates!

By Ethan Hong | Whitney Key Club I hope everyone has had a nice November and a safe Thanksgiving. I also hope all the seniors are still standing after an important month for college applications! There were many things to reflect on last month and many things to be thankful for. I, for one, am very thankful to all who attended November DCM! The theme of this division council meeting was “Keysgiving at Home,” where members were able to join a virtual meeting and see other members from Division 30 South. We had a nice meeting and talked about past and future events, including upcoming fundraisers to support the Pediatric Trauma Program! After that, one of our Division Spirit Coordinators, Nathan Mai, led a riddle activity, where members entered in the chat the answers to riddles given by Nathan. This activity was fun and interactive, and I enjoyed it very much! The last part of the DCM was a service activity where members could write cards to different individuals. As one of your Division Service Project Coordinators, I helped to explain the activity and how to record your hours for your secretary to mark. This event was unique as there were two different places you could send cards to! The first option was an event called “Letters of Love,” where members could write a letter to an elder who might be lonely this holiday season. The second event was writing Thanksgiving Cards to special-needs individuals. Both of these events were called upon so not only do members have the opportunity to write to either or, but both groups of people will have some Thanksgiving cheer this month. This concluded the DCM, and it was quite memorable! The next Division Council Meeting is planned to be on December 19, 2020, so be sure to look out for an email and RSVP to attend. DCM’s are lots of fun and you would not want to miss out; I hope to see you then!

Ocean Hero

By Jocelynn Nguyen | Magnolia Key Club Annually, there are 18 billion pounds of plastic waste entering our oceans, threatening our marine life. Just by searching the web, you can save the ocean with every five searches made with Ocean Hero and they’ll recover one ocean bound plastic bottle to reduce the amount of pollution in the ocean. Similar to other search engines, Ocean Hero obtains revenue from ads and with every search users make. However, they use the money to pay people in need and poverty to collect plastic bottles that were bound to get to the ocean at plastic collection centers. Plastic bottles can also be exchanged for tuition or sanitation purposes. During the month of November, one of Magnolia Key Club’s service projects included using a search engine called “Ocean Hero.” Ever since I’ve heard of it, I’ve made this my search engine and I haven’t come across any problems with my browsing experience. Ocean Hero is simple to use and navigate. It also comes with a beautiful feature called ocean mode which can change your home page’s background to a marine related image.

Free The Ocean By Ashanti Bracamontes | Savanna Key Club Throughout the busy month of November, our key-uties worked hard in helping their community and sharing the gift of gratitude with each other and their community. One way they did so was by participating in Savanna’s “Free The Ocean” service project! During these tough times of COVID-19, there is no sure way to help the ocean therefore, Savanna members turned to digital help. Our key-uties went onto freetheocean.com and helped in making change and creating an impact. Free The Ocean is a charity where users can answer fun trivia questions while simultaneously helping out the environment. All you have to do is log onto their website, answer a silly and fun trivia question, and you’re done creating change! With every question answered, funds get sent into helping clean up the ocean of its excessive trash. Not only is this a free and fun way to help out the community, but it is also easy, fast, and safe to do. Our Savanna members had lots of fun answering the daily trivia questions provided by Free The Ocean and we are sure they learned a few things along the way! This website provides an interactive, fun, and convenient way to help out wildlife and be a better person. While it may be hard to make change in COVID times, our suns find every way to make change possible and to make the world a better place.

Holiday Festivities | By Alanna Chan | Whitney Key Club

Your ultimate holiday survival guide is here, and it’s here to unlock all of the things you need for an amazing one! We all know the feeling when the October/November/December months roll around, and usually it’s filled with lots of excitement. However, with that comes busy schedules, chaos, and on top of that, it’s hard to see our loved ones because of the current state we are living in! So to help with all of the thoughts that may be bouncing in your head, here’s some ideas for you and things to do! Let’s start off with Key Club: ● Socials among clubs/division events! This is a great way to meet new people from schools near us and can keep up the cheerful spirits with people who also want to have lots of fun! ● Support fundraisers! ○ Operation Christmas! (One of our club’s major events during this time of the year, donating necessities to those in need!)

Food Fundraisers! (You have to eat at some point, so you might as well do so while helping support PTP! There’s been quite a variety that have been happening.) ● Lock-in! An event that happens annually, this year virtually, where we can all participate in numerous service events and make great memories doing it. Save the date for December 30th! For all of these events, it’s important to stay informed (through emails, our Instagram/Facebook handles, checking our website) to know that they’re happening! With your friends/loved ones you may not be able to see: ● Host a “Friendsgiving”/”Friendsmas” on Facetime, Google Meets, Zoom, etc. ○ Play online games! (Among us, Trivia Kahoots, Skribbl.io) ○ Have a presentation night! This idea has been trending lately, and it can spark some humor among you all! (your friend group as Disney Princesses, why certain colors belong with certain school subjects, etc.) ● Netflix Party! If you and your friends all have Netflix, Netflix Party is a Chrome extension that allows all of you to watch the same movie/TV series easily. ● Simply check in with them/thank them for all that they do! They’ll appreciate it, trust me. And after all, it is the season of “thanks” (though you should do it all year)! With your family: ● Game/movie night! Bust out those board games, run a movie marathon, and overall just bond with your family members! It’s a great way to have fun with them by laughing, getting competitive, and just spending time together. ● Get some fresh air together/go for walks! Of course we have to go outside sometimes; it’s part of our nature. What better way to do it than with some company? ● Decorate a Christmas tree! Just because things might not feel so “jolly”, doesn’t mean you can’t make it that way! Decorate your house with Christmas decor, and maybe even a tree! I’m sure there must be some ornaments and stockings somewhere. ○ You can even make your own decorations! Paper snowflakes, ornaments made of family memoirs/glitter, popcorn garlands, and more! ● Bake/cook together! During the holiday season, baking is pretty popular because of all the delicious seasonal foods! Pumpkin spice, candy cane/peppermint, gingerbread cookies, yum! It’ll be loads of fun to create something together, especially something you can all eat after! With all of that being said, keep up the holiday spirit! Just because we’re in quarantine doesn’t mean we can do the things we usually do but safely. Spread cheer and the holiday spirit as you encounter new adventures every day! Use this key to prepare yourself for the holidays! ○

Western x Oxford November Social By Kevin Nguyen | Western Key Club

November 22nd was when the WHOA November Social commenced, hosted by yours truly along with amazing people from Oxford, Timmy Bui and Kenny Le along with Vicky Vu, Nicholas Dinh, and Malinda Huynh from Western. We started the social off with some autumn crafts consisting of turkey and maple leaf origami. Later on after we broke into breakout rooms to play some Among Us and a Minecraft virtual escape room. My guests had a blast as they were killing and being framed by everyone in Among Us. The Minecraft escape room was quite interesting since one person carried us in the last part of the escape room. Finally after the activities we announced love box messages and got quite a lot with most of them being super hilarious. I personally had a great time at the social and got to meet some people Oxford that were new to Key Club. This was definitely the greatest social I’ve done so far and I hope to make more like these in the future with other schools.

Western Key Club x Japanese Paper Pop Up Fans By Nicholas Dinh | Western Key Club

The Western Key Club x Japanese Club: Japanese Paper Pop Up Fans was an event held throughout the month of November with the collaboration between KC and JPN club here at Western. This collaboration called for the creation of Pop Up Fans which are quite popular in Japanese cultures. As a way to celebrate and recognize Japanese tradition, Western KC paired up with the cultural club to bring an exciting and fun service project with a splash of creativity. This event led to wonderful designs and fans of all shapes and sizes which truly did Japanese culture right by showcasing all of its beauty. This project was fun and simple by having tutorials online to help the volunteer in making the fan. At first I found it slightly difficult but after the first one I was able to do it naturally. I was able to customize the fan to my liking by using markers, stickers, and other decorations to help add to the beauty of the fan. It looked wonderful on my desk and I’m proud to say it was a mission accomplished. I recommend these collaborations be held often as key club though a service club is also a club that involves inclusiveness. It involves helping others in different ways and forms. By introducing and working closely with other clubs, it helps bring a sense of unity among those in that community.

REACH OUT! “How can I contact you?� LTG Jennifer Vo d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Executive Assistants: Daniel Boulom danboulom@gmail.com Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Christina Nguyen christinamyanhnguyen@gmail.com News Editor Tran Pham d30s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Do service, have fun, and stay safe!

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