Division 30 South | June Newsletter

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Letter From The Editor


Letter From The LTG


Eliminate Week


May Recognition


Recent Service Projects


Hosting Service Weeks


Kennedy’s Unique Projects

22 Medical Heroes Appreciation 24

Goodbye Seniors!



What’s Poppin’ Suns? Welcome back to another edition of the Yellow Pages! I hope you all aced AP testing, participated in our MNT activities, and took care of yourselves in quarantine! đ&#x;Ľşđ&#x;’• With the COVID-19 vaccine expected to be completed in December, by the time I get to see all your faces again, it will be at none other than where it all began: Conclave. The thought of that happening has prompted a lot of reflection on what kind of legacy I’ll leave behind. How will I make an impact on our members and push Division 30 South to greater heights like I originally promised? Will I just be known as the unlucky LTG that was stuck with the quarantine term? While we could all easily simp in our own misfortunes, I think it’s important to count our blessings! I’ve been so lucky this term to serve under such competent officers, adaptable members, and a quirky DLT. I actually got enough sleep and self care in my junior year because of quarantine and my online classes were a lot less tough than my usual ones. Remember to stay positive!! đ&#x;Ľ°â˜€đ&#x;Œˆđ&#x;’•đ&#x;Ś‹đ&#x;’–✨

May 4 - May 8 Monday - Make It Known Monday Tuesday - Toss It Out Tuesday Wednesday - E-LEMON-ATE Thursday - Throwback Thursday Friday - Fundraiser Friday

As of recently, it has become clear that COVID-19 has led to the postponement of various activities. However, Division 30 South seems to be the very exception. Despite ongoing circumstances, our division has strived to go above and beyond in terms of service. Staying at home doesn’t always mean that service is neglected and our division members have shown that through Eliminate Week! Eliminate Week was a service week that took place division wide from May 4th to May 8th. The service week was a project dedicated to ending MNT, Maternal Neonatal Tetanus, a disease that emerges due to unsanitary birthing conditions. As it may or may not already be known, MNT drastically harms mothers and babies alike, causing the death of a baby every 17 minutes or so. As of currently, MNT is still present in twelve countries, and UNICEF, in partnership with Kiwanis, is working to end such grief through the Eliminate initiative. In turn, Division 30 South has participated in Eliminate Week in order to make sure that MNT is stopped once and for all.

Photos of our DLT

May Recognition

May’s Shining Clubs 1)

Loara Key Club


Anaheim Key Club


Whitney Key Club


Oxford Key Club


Kennedy Key Club

Officer of the Month Tiffany Ong | Oxford Key Club Secretary of the Month Emily Thang | Whitney Key Club Member of the Month Jazmin Gonzalez | Loara Key Club Advisor of the Month Mr. Glenn Karter | Kennedy Key Club

Congratulations to all members, officers, and advisors for their hard work! Our division would not be the same place that it is without all of you, so thank you!

Recent Service Projects

Photos Courtesy of Anaheim | Katella

Giving in Quarantine

By Saadhvi Narayanan | Whitney High School In 2019, there was once a large picture in a beautiful golden frame. It had a blue sky, so blue and fresh that I saw it everywhere. There were flowers blooming, spilling their scent across the canvas. Yet nothing was more gorgeous than the young children running in the field of flowers, soaring like airplanes to places no one has seen before. The picture shattered in 2019. It was replaced by the image of hospitals and increasing death rates with the notable header “Coronavirus”. Coronavirus, or known by its shorthand “COVID-19”, has ravaged the world. Not only has it brought death and impacted the families of those who have lost their loved ones, but it has left the world in a lockdown. People are limited to their homes, unable to set foot outside the door without the fear of falling to the virus’s wrath. In such conditions, even the wealthy are limited. This led to this grave thought: If the wealthy are restricted, what will happen to the unfortunate? People who used to receive food donations and lived from only them can no longer receive food. They cannot sleep in homeless shelters, because they may catch the virus from others. In fact, they are increasingly susceptible to the virus, for they may experience malnutrition. They need to receive the help they once did, and this has been increasingly possible with the help of organizations that have arranged for food distribution sites. But those organizations cannot feed everyone, which is where we must come in. We can easily donate and offer our services and play our part in helping another be saved from homelessness and the coronavirus.

Giving in Quarantine | CONTINUED

By Saadhvi Narayanan | Whitney High School 1.

Contribute online! There are several pages such as GoFundMe, Facebook, and others (make sure they are legitimate fundraisers) that are connected to charities that provide supplies and money to the homeless or unfortunate. Any amount donated is a great help and will save lives across the world. 2. Canned Goods With safety precautions such as masks and gloves, you can drop off canned goods at local food distribution sites that accept them. Make sure they are new and give them a good wash before you donate them. 3. Thinking Locally There may be several people in your neighborhood who have been impacted financially during the coronavirus. They may have been laid-off of work and do not have an income. Offer to give these people some change you can spare or even bring them canned food that has been wiped down once in a while. While only three are listed above, you can take the time to open up your mind and find new creative ways to donate in this time of need! Remember, everyone can use a helping hand anyway. By being that helping hand, you are helping save the world in your own way.

Digital Projects: Cards and Letters

By Maile Kobayashi | Western High School It has been several weeks since schools have been closed due to the outbreak of COVID-19, and Key Club is one of the many experiences that we have to put on hold for the time being. But this has not lessened our determination to promote our members to stay active in serving our communities. In fact, now is the perfect time to bring some happiness to someone’s day through simple acts of kindness. This service project was both fun and easy. It was perfect for everyone bored at home. All you need is virtual access to a canvas (Google Slides, Canva, etc.). It was a great way to pass time and rediscover creativity. Doing so many of these cards made me realize even more how simple acts of kindness could make a difference in someone’s day, especially healthcare workers during this health crisis. They have risked so much for us, and it’s time we make them feel appreciated and give them the credit they deserve. It’s not fair of us to disobey the stay-at-home orders right now while they are fighting to keep us healthy and safe. We should not be the ones complaining about staying home, while many others have no choice but to remain outside. I really enjoyed this service project, and hope that many of our members took this to heart and tried to make a difference in our healthcare workers’ lives. This was only one of many other at-home service projects our club hopes to implement, for we will not let COVID-19 prevent us from doing our jobs. I hope that the cards I made will reach healthcare workers well, and give them some happiness.

Photos Courtesy of Savanna

Photo By Katella Key Club

Hosting Service Weeks Over the past few weeks, some of our clubs have shown great efforts to make sure that their members are still getting hours while under quarantine! It hasn’t necessarily been the easiest for our clubs to consistently gain hours, but the effort is nonetheless apparent through the service weeks that some Key Clubs have been hosting. Service weeks are not only such an efficient way to gain hours but also a great way for members to still do service even under quarantine. With a new volunteering project every single day of the week, members essentially participate in a service marathon. If there are any needs for volunteering events, a service week is definitely the way to go! Many of our members also seem to believe that service weeks have proven to be efficient and timeworthy as well! Read on to gain insight on some of our members’ opinion on Key Club service weeks!

Service Week By Ayaan Ekram | Whitney High School This past month has been one of the most difficult that we have experienced as a nation. The Covid-19 Virus has caused our school to close and all our activities to be canceled. This year, we have no prom, no Open House, and no International Day. However, Whitney Key Club refuses to let this virus stop us from serving the community. From April 20-24, Whitney Key Club hosted its very first at-home service week. We were able to promote the health of the community, spread positivity in a saddening time, and express thankfulness to those around us. On Monday, April 20, the first day of service week began and members of Whitney Key Club were asked to use materials they had at home to make masks. Some people used scarves, shirts, socks, and other pieces of clothing to make masks for their entire family. This activity helped members prevent the spread of diseases by covering their mouths. By simply creating masks for their families, Whitney Key Club members were taking a step to protect the health of themselves, their families, and their communities. Another option for this day was to make calls to nursing homes. People living in nursing homes during this time get minimal contact, so by calling nursing homes, members were able to bring happiness to the elderly of the community.

Photo Provided By Loara

Photo Provided By Oxford


Without a doubt, quarantine has created a volunteer gap because a lot of projects have been limited to smaller scopes. Nonetheless, Kennedy is one of those clubs that have defied those limitations and went above and beyond in finding new and original events!

AtlasGO By Thien Transqu | Kennedy On April 25th, our club has started a fundraiser service project to raise money to plant trees around the world, using this app called “AtlasGO”. This campaign is called the #GO4Trees, which sponsored by multiple corporations and has around 2500 participants helping out in this campaign project. Our goal is to raise 100,000 trees for “One Tree Planted”, who is the corporation who started this wonderful way to help save the world. Every four miles plants a tree and so far, the whole community has raised 28.4% of the target goal. That’s 28,400 trees set to be flourished! JFK Key Club has 25 amazing Key Clubbers giving part

of this miraculous event and raising 135 trees for the past 9 days! It’s pretty amazing these people are aiding the Earth by helping their bodies at the same time. There are many ways in which AtlasGO tracks your miles. Firstly, this app uses GPS to track how many miles you have walked, jogged, or ran. This means there are many exercises you can do to input the hard work you spend exercising. The activities feature biking, hiking, walking, indoor workouts, meditation, running, yoga, and even wheel chairing! People with a walking disability can also participate in this campaign, and that’s why I think this service project is so special. I asked some students about their experiences on this service project and they responded positively. Comely Tan expressed, “I would say that this campaign is pretty fun and I enjoy taking part in it because it motivates me to do even more exercise to grow more trees.”

Thank You Medical Heroes!

Pictures by Anaheim and Magnolia High School

GOODBYE SENIORS! To Key Club Seniors, It is with great honor that Division 30 South is saying goodbye to its seniors one last time. Although the previous term has already ended, our senior members have just graduated and are heading off to a new chapter in their lives. Thank you, Key Club Seniors, for making our previous term as great as it was. Without you, we would have been deprived of your leadership, guidance, and diligence in helping us grow not only as clubs but as an entire division as well. Although current circumstances do not properly allow a well-deserved graduation for you, we still hope that you’ve had an amazing last day in high school. We know every senior who is leaving Key Club behind will continue to serve others in higher education with the same passion and ambition to change the world. Division 30 South wishes you an amazing new school year and thanks all graduated seniors for their service and hard work in making Key Club a better place. Goodbye, and may you always be shining with service! Wi th Gratitude, Di vision 30 South

REACH OUT! “How can I contact you?� LTG Jennifer Vo d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Executive Assistants: Daniel Boulom danboulom@gmail.com Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Christina Nguyen christinamyanhnguyen@gmail.com News Editor Tran Pham d30s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Do service, have fun, and stay safe!

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