Division 30 South 2019-2020 | July Newsletter

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The Yellow Pages July 2019

Key Club International | Cali-Nev-Ha | Region 3 Volume 23 Issue 3

Table of Contents 4 - Letter From Your News Editor 5 - Letter From Your Lieutenant Governor 6 - May DCM: Service and Chill 8 - Officer Training Conference 9 - Eliminate Week 10 - DLT Spotlight 12 - June Recognition 14 - Spotlight on Service 15 - Stay Updated! 16 - Save the Date Calendar! 17 - Contact Us

editor’s note What’s up D30S! It is well into summer and there were many things that happened in the past month already! Stay tuned because there are a lot of exciting things happening in July, as well. What’s unique about Key Club is that it is very active in the summer too! In the past months, there was May DCM: Service and Chill, Eliminate Week, and Officer Training Conference: Training is Out There. With May DCM, there were various service projects that we were able to do as it was a Speedy Service activity. To add on, Eliminate Week was hosted at various schools to raise awareness and funds to donate to MNT. MNT stands for Maternal Neonatal Tetanus and it affects mothers and their babies in third world countries. Schools hosted drives so that they could collect money for this amazing cause. In addition, OTC took place and now officers are trained for their respective positions. Don’t fret because there are more exciting events coming up in July so make sure to keep the dates open! (See the calendar at the end of the newsletter.) We have a Division Bake Sale and a Roller Skating Fundraiser to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program, July DCM: Region 3 Beach Boomba, and many more! Stay tuned for RSVP sheets and info graphics to learn more information.

Shinin’ With Service,

Kayla Kim

ltg message Who's bringing all this heat? D30S Suns sure are! Whether you are reading this in the morning, afternoon or at night, Hello Division 30 South. I truly hope that all of you are having a bright and productive summer. I would like to remind you that Key Club and service do NOT stop during the summer, so BEE sure that you are always being an active contributor to your club, division, and district by always volunteering and coming out to events. We have officially concluded the First Quarter of the 2019-2020 Term and if there is only one thing that I can say, it would be Thank You! Thank you for all the hard work and effort that each and every single one of you have put for the past 3 months. Without you and your passion for making a difference within your communities, we would have not accomplished what we accomplished and broke past Division 30 South records. Thank you for making my job as your Lieutenant Governor the best time of my life because I get to serve alongside passionate individuals like you. With that being said, let us come together to achieve even more during the three upcoming Quarters. Remember that the possibilities within Key Club are endless, so make the most out of what is left.

Division 30 South Suns, you have the power to make a real change within your communities and the world, so never let go of the passion and the spark that you all have acquired throughout your time in Key Club, and if you are a new member, Welcome to the Sun Fam and your incredible journey has just begun! With that, please feel free to reach out to me and talk to me at division events because I am an open book who wants to talk to all of you and bond with you! Thank you for making me feel at home whenever I am at a Key Club Event.

Shinin’ With Service,

Ali Al-Sal!m

may dcm:

service and chill Luisana Heker | Katella High School May DCM was very fun. From the ice breakers to the service event itself, it was a day full of smiles. I got a free 2012-2013 Key Club t-shirt by talking about my experience on April DCM. I was one of the people setting up, and even though it was tiring, it was also an interesting activity. The theme of this DCM was ‘Service and Chill’, and I can agree since it was really relaxing. Jailyn bought me boba and Jennifer got me a churro, they were both very nice and I was very thankful. Throughout the DCM I spent half of the time involved on the service project and the other half helping out with the churro sale. It was a nice experience and I got the chance to make dog toys and stress balls, but I didn’t have time to make pillows. I also had a great time with Western’s president while we competed against other teams on a riff-off during ice breakers, but the rest of my time was spent mostly with some fellow Katella members. It was the second DCM I ever went to, and I loved it. DLT were really helpful and nice, the members helped clean up, and we all had a great time together. Kelsy and I were the last ones to leave the campus, and one of the Kiwanis Advisors was really kind and waited until we got

officer training conference: training is out there

eliminate week!

Enedina Loera | Whitney High School The number 13 was always viewed as an unlucky number, a bad omen. Well, as of March 2019, 13 unlucky countries were recorded to still be affected by Maternal Neonatal Tetanus (MNT). MNT is a life-threatening infection that puts mothers and their newborn babies at risk when in unhygienic circumstances. It’s unfortunate that it plagues so many women and children but we can easily do our part by donating to the cause. A single vaccine costs $1.80 and could save a life in one of those 13 countries. Our very own Key Club did its part by hosting the annual Eliminate Project at our school, donned with bright colorful lemons. The Eliminate Project is the result of Kiwanis an UNICEF banding together to eliminate MNT everywhere. As members of Key Club, we did everything in our power to bring light to the situation and spread the word among the student body. Banners, posters, and chalk decorated the walls of our school campus, reminding people to donate and keep those mothers and their children in their prayers. We collected generous amounts of donations from our classmates by passing envelopes around during homeroom. We taped up flyers in classrooms and hallways and created videos detailing the gravity of this virus. We even organized a lunchtime event full of activities for competing teams. Here, we chugged cans of lemonade, scarfed down entire lemons, and ran around delivering MNT-related messages, telephone style. After the two weeks, I believe Eliminate Week this year was successful. Although it landed on the same two weeks as APs, people were still willing to donate and help raise money for such an important cause, which was very heartwarming. If all it takes is $1.80 to save a life, we can all do our part, no matter how big or small, to contribute to eliminating MNT across the globe. My hope is that by next year, the unlucky number 13 will grow smaller and smaller, relieving the mother and children in these countries of the fear of MNT.

dlt spotlight

What was your Key Club moment

AJ Natividad | Spirit Coordinator My Key Club moment was when I served my first ever Key Club event and everyone just welcomed me, treated me like ohana and told me about the position of a Spirit Coordinator and how competitive spirit battles get! People should be more involved so we can help the community, make the world cleaner, and be the most spirited club out there!

& why should people get more involved in Key Club? My Key Club moment was my first volunteering event. It was the Alzheimer’s Walk at the Angel Stadium. I remember William Ly, a former Key Clubber, approaching me and helping me throughout the event. Even though we didn’t know each other, he treated me as a friend and we got to know more about each other. He taught me about one of Key Club’s core values, inclusiveness, without even saying a word about it. He greeted me with open arms and made me feel like I belonged in the club. Because of this simple act, I gained another family. This is why I believe people should join Key Club and become more involved. They can not only gain a sense of pride by volunteering, but also a second family. Key Club has been there for me since my freshman year and has given me a place where I can express my love for service. Through this club, I have been able to meet some of my closest friends which I now consider my ohana. Key Club is full of life and spirit and I cannot imagine my life without it.

Amber Nguyen | Historian

June Recognition Member of the Month: Leanna Vo (Oxford)

Officer of the Month: Josue Estupinian (Savanna)

DLT Member of the Month: Anh Cao (Fundraising Coordinator)

Secretary of the Month: Maya Alvarez-Harmon (Whitney)

Kiwanis Member of the Month: Karl Dash (Kiwanis Club of Cypress)

Shining Clubs of the Month 











Health & Safety “BEE Clean, CNH!” is the chosen 2017-2019 Governor’s Project that focuses on bettering the environment and diverse landscapes. According to the World Health Organization, 1.7 million children under the age of five die annually and 570,000 children under the age of five die from respiratory infections due to air pollution. With the California-Nevada-Hawai’ District being the largest in Key Club International, Key Club members are encouraged to plan and participate in environment-related service events to combat and reverse pollution and its health-related impacts in America. During the month of July, you are encouraged to save lives through the simple acts of promoting the cleanliness of the Earth and spreading awareness of environmental impacts. What will you do to BEE clean?


Nature Cleanup

Partner with a local recreational center or nature organization to plan a nature cleanup service project to beautify the community for all to enjoy! During the event planning process, you and your club can collect necessary materials like latex gloves and trash bags through club funds or donations from nature organizations. Locations for nature cleanups can include beaches, gardens, and forests.

Recycling Drive

Contact a nearby school or public facility to host a recycling drive for the public to donate various scrap items to BEE green! Your club can create mini posters to publicize the event around the community and ask the public to donate scrap metal, electronic devices, cartridges, batteries, clothing, and even more. For assistance, you may also contact various recycling organizations to provide containers and other supplies. Be sure to determine where you will take the donated recyclables after they have been collected and be aware of the recyclers’ requirements.

Adopt-A-Highway Reach out to your local Adopt-A-Highway program to maintain sections of roadside within the highway system of your community! Members can remove litter, plant trees, cover graffiti, and control the vegetation of highways to promote the cleanliness of the environment in a two-mile length of roadside.

Stay Updated! 

D30S: d30ssuns CNH: cnh_keyclub

CNH: cnhkeyclub.org

D30S: Division 30 South Key Clubs

D30S: text @d30s1920 to 81080

Division Goals Tracker! PTP: $2,500+/$7,500 SERVICE HOURS: 5,800/33,000 Keep shining suns!

Save the Date!


7/14 - Division Bake Sale 7/20 - Region 3 Beach Boomba | July DCM 7/26 - Division Roller Skating Fundraiser

CONTACT US division leadership team LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | ALI AL-SALEEM d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT | MAGGIE VANNAVONG m1vannavong@gmail.com EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT| JENNIFER VO vojenniferv@gmail.com DIVISION SECRETARY | ETHAN HONG ethanhong2003@gmail.com NEWS EDITOR | KAYLA KIM kaylamirae@gmail.com PUBLICITY COORD. | AUDREY DANG audreydangit@gmail.com PUBLICITY COORD. | SOFIA GANGE sofiaysabelgange@gmail.com SERVICE PROJ. COORD | EMILY SUNARYO bremily248@gmail.com SERVICE PROJ. COORD | SOMPHO SAENGSOUVANNA pandasomphou@gmail.com HISTORIAN | AMBER NGUYEN amber.n0011@gmail.com HISTORIAN | LANCE SAHAGUN lance.sahagun03@gmail.com HISTORIAN | EDISON WONG edisonwong2331@gmail.com FUNDRAISING COORD. | ANH CAO anhcao11212@gmail.com FUNDRAISING COORD. | HELEN NGUYEN hnguyen10403@gmail.com MEMBER RECOGNITION | VICKY LAM vicky.lam848@gmail.com MERCHANDISE COORD. | MAYA ALVAREZ-HARMON mayaharmon2003@gmail.com SPIRIT COORD. | PAULINE DOAN paulindoan8@gmail.com SPIRIT COORD. | ELU LOQUIAS eluloquias@gmail.com SPIRIT COORD. | AJ NATIVIDAD natividadaj7@gmail.com FALL RALLY TASK COORD. | SUSIE TOSCANO toscanosusana0@gmail.com

thanks for reading!

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