Division 30 South | July Newsletter

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Key Club International | Cali-Nev-Ha | Region 3



A Letter From The LTG

Jennifer Vo | LTG

What’s Poppin’ Suns? Welcome back to another edition of the Yellow Pages and congratulations on completing a QUARTER of our term! While this may be old news by the time you read this, it’s still May right now and I’m super excited that Tobi was appointed as the CNH District Service Project Chair!! It’s been such a long journey from general members to club appointed officers to club executives and the division leadership team, and now finally to the district leadership team. I definitely owe it all to Key Club for bringing Tobi and I this close. Although I was supposed to be assisting her as the Vice-President, I think she ended up helping me more than I did for her. Although I’m literally older than her, she’s always been a role model that I look up to. She led our club so well and made it look so easy. I already know that she’s going to do big things up there in the District and I can’t wait to see her again after quarantine :,DD


By Stephanie Nguyen | Kennedy Key Club On Saturday, May 30, 2020, Division 30 South held their annual monthly DCM for the month of May. May DCM reflected upon learning about the many preferred charities that Key Club helps and supports. Many of these charities, such as for example, Children’s Miracle Network, March of Dimes, as well as UNICEF, these charities are what Key Club serves in order to provide a better world for young children, especially babies and toddlers at a very young age, during their infancy. These charities revolve around the lives of young children, and by making their lives a better place, Key Club makes a positive impact in order to create a better world for them. But not everyone in Key Club may or may not know about these charities, and some may not be as educated and know about these Key Club preferred charities. So because of this, the theme of Division 30 South’s May DCM is known as “Charity Trivia” where the LTG as well as DLT educate Key Clubbers in Division 30 South about the preferred charities, as well as quizzing them with some fun trivia to get their Key Club education running and going! “As online DCMs develop, May DCM improved with greater interaction and continued appreciation of members, officers, and Kiwanis. May DCM taught newer members about Key Club's four preferred charities, when they were founded and other fun trivia. However, in the Kahoot game, this information was a bit less needed and instead focused on some more random tidbits. Overall a strange, but informative and pretty DCM!” John F. Kennedy 2020-2021

Kiwanis Liaison Lauren Byun added. At the start of May DCM, our Division 30 South Lieutenant Governor, Jennifer Vo, held a YouTube Live through a link that everyone in our division could access, in order to participate in the YouTube Live. During this time, our LTG announced some division updates such as past events, current events as well as discuss our goals as a division, as well as announcing clubs of the month and individual recognition. After the Division Council Meeting, all the clubs are assigned different Google Meets, pairing with 2 other schools in order to begin with the education of the preferred charities and with fun trivia through a game of Kahoot! “DCM was educational and fun! My favorite part was the Kahoot because we got the opportunity to get a few laughs in because of the questions! On the other hand, it was definitely educational because I learned how old Key Club is, when it was founded, and much more!! I hope we get another chance to play Kahoot and be able to invite more members so they can be educated in Key Club too!” John F. Kennedy 2020-2021 President Beverly added. Overall, even though another one of our DCM’s were held online, this was one of the most educating ones. The theme of “Charity Trivia” was definitely a great idea, and I’m sure that everyone enjoyed getting to learn more about the Key Club preferred charities as well as know more things about Key Club as a whole!

Stephanie Nguyen | Kennedy

UNICEF’S Math For Good Challenge By Kenneth Tran | Western Key Club On Sunday, May 31st, UNICEF's Math for Good Challenge was held. In this event, club members would answer simple math questions to raise money donated to help children around the world. Each question answered correctly would be worth twenty-five cents! When I did this event, the maximum amount of hours we could achieve was ten hours, and that could only be done by raising two hundred dollars. The math questions were super easy, and knowing that I was going to be raising money for a good cause, I was all for it. I also asked my cousin to participate in this event so that he could get some hours completed and help children attain education and a life free of poverty. I am really happy that I participated in something that would change kids' lives. I'm glad that UNICEF is doing things like this so that we can make a greater impact on other people. This event was simple yet I had a lot of fun doing it. Answering math questions to change the lives of kids? Why would I not want to do it? In fact, I hope we have more events that will be similar to this later on.

Creating My First Service Week By Thien Transqu | Kennedy Key Club

For the summer, JFK’s lovely Key Club President, Beverly Nguyen, set all the board members on a quest to make Summer Service Projects in order to raise more hours! Since this was my FIRST time creating a service week, my blood was rushing full of excitement and worriment. These Summer Service Weeks will be entering the second quarter of the 2020-2021 term! Throughout June-August, there will be 8 Service weeks! All the members worked very hard to create fun, imaginative service weeks so everyone could earn hours in an enjoyable manner, while manifesting many leadership skills to help the Earth and the community. These specific Summer Service Projects were in collaboration with 3 people and was assigned before the AP Exam Week. I was pretty nervous when I was partnered with 2 upperclassmen because I haven’t introduced myself to them and they were friends before I even joined Key Club; however, Key Club has taught me to never be afraid to speak up and I gained the courage to message them first. Since AP tests occupied our minds, we left the project on hold until we finished the horrid testing. The day after AP testing was over, we went straight to work. What I’ve learned from being in Key Club so far is that the board members are always on task and are extremely motivated to get work done, which I really admire.

As you may know, North America is stuck in a pandemic where COVID-19 and the tragedy of racism are creating chaos towards many communities. The board members tried their hardest to make these events appealing, even through these hard times of sorrow. My partner Andrea Kang, JFK’s Historian, along with Kiwani Liaison’s Lauren Byun, helped make a Service Week that teens would enjoy. What a better week to participate in than Animal Crossing Week! Yes, we have decided to make a week based on Animal Crossing because this game has been increasing in popularity worldwide and in order to brighten everyone’s spirits. To my surprise, discovering ways to convert a video game into a service project was pretty difficult, though, through the communication from both of the members, we were able to finalize the project in 3 hours! Okay, that may be a long amount of time, but we also took our time to know each other because of this project! We both enjoyed talking about animal crossing and talked about our favorite aspects of Animal Crossing. For example, our favorite town fruit, favorite villagers, and even talking about the annoying Easter Bunny event with Zipper. I really thought that interacting with the board was going to be scary, but this has been proven wrong as every single one of them is welcoming and friendly towards each other. This is what makes Key Club so special—the ease of making new friends! At the end of the day, many experiences were made with just one day. This truly explains why being in Key Club will always be in my deepest memories and how I will always cherish these moments. I am so excited to make Service Weeks in the future to create a fun scenery for Key Clubbers to serve our Community while gaining many hours.

Beverly Nguyen | Kennedy President

Magnolia Explains the Charity Miles App By Jocelynn Nguyen | Magnolia Key Club One of the ways my club has continued our at-home service events was through an app called “Charity Miles”. This app uses your device’s GPS or pedometer to track your exercise as well as steps, which earns money for the charity of your choice. It comes with a simple design which makes it easy for anyone to use. There are a variety of options one can choose to raise money through, including walking, running and even biking. For each mile we run or walk, we earn 25 cents while each mile we bike earns 10 cents. Charity Miles includes a feature that allows charities to feature their own sponsors in the app. Some of the charities we can raise money for range from our preferred charities such as March of Dimes and UNICEF to other charities like the Alzheimer’s Association, girlup, and much more. In addition, you can have your friends and family sponsor you through a pledge page. They would pledge to sponsor your miles at a chosen amount of money per mile and up to an amount they are comfortable with. Then, when you are done with your miles, they can make the donation directly to your charity. One of the great things about this app is that it does not take a percentage of the sponsorships or donations. Charity Miles is beneficial because it allows users to donate to charity while getting in some exercise. This app allowed me to be productive in multiple ways since I would take my dog on walks while raising money for charities. It motivated me to be active because I knew I was helping others. Overall, this was a fun service project, and I would keep using the app. Whitney’s Ethan Hong, Makayla Cheng, Srinidhee Sivaraj Participating

Devanshi Kothari | Oxford

Jocelynn Nguyen | Magnolia

Running For Charity By Devanshi Kothari | Oxford Key Club Participating in a service event where you run, walk, or bike to earn money for charity was a fun initiative and super interesting! After downloading the app, CharityMiles, I chose the charity March of Dimes because I had heard about this charity through Key Club and I decided it would be best for this service event. Then whenever I had the time or was out for a run, I turned on the app and it recorded my exercise, or movement whether it was running, biking or a simple walk. This service event helped me get out of the house and get moving during this quarantine. I really enjoyed this service event and I am excited to do it again. The app itself is super interesting with cool articles to read and discover different charities. Forcing myself to exercise, this service event helped me get moving since before this I kept putting off exercising. Additionally, I was able to get some good out of my exercising by helping fundraise and donate to March of Dimes. It was truly a rewarding experience and I am glad that this entire service event assisted me in donating for a cause and exercising while being pent up in my house. Another thing I enjoyed about this entire service event and the app was that I did not have to do all the exercise at once. I could take breaks and just stop the workout, so it was easier for me to reach my goal of 12 miles for 6 volunteer hours. I thoroughly enjoyed this event and I hope we can do even more fun events that turn my boredom into productivity!

Division Service Week By Cypress Key Clubber | Cypress

I love a good service week as much as the next person, and fortunately, our division project coordinators liked service weeks, too, which was why they decided to have our Division 30 South host our own service week. During the week, five events were available to our Key Clubbers: Mental Health Monday, Therapy Tuesday, Workout Wednesday, Thriving Thursday, and Food Bank Friday. For Mental Health Monday, the objective was to dedicate a day to ourselves through self-care. We would complete the event by recording ourselves doing something that helped us relax and nourish our mental health. I personally found this event so valuable because, given all of the current circumstances that were happening, it was so, so important to make sure that members could set aside some time for themselves. I think this was a great way to dive into the service week because it gave our division a chance to recharge and get ready for the other service events throughout the week as well, which brings me to our second event: Therapy Tuesday. For Tuesday, the purpose was to make our own art, letters, or entertaining videos to send to an organization that would use our work to entertain kids in the community. This event was so intriguing because it let us make kids smile even if we were all stuck at home. Then came Workout Wednesday. Workout Wednesday was the one event that I personally was not looking forward to. As much as I believe that it was such a great idea, I simply am not a fan of working out (primarily because I’m lazy). However, throughout the day, my perception of exercising definitely changed. After I exercised using the AtlasGo app (an app that helped us dedicate our time to a cause through something as simple as exercising), I felt so energetic and glad that I participated in Workout Wednesday. It felt good to not only become healthier but also to dedicate my time to a good cause as well. For Thriving Thursday, Key Clubbers were asked to create cards for their school faculty. This event was so great because I also think that it’s always good to be grateful to our teachers and staff for helping us stay educated in a school environment. Making cards really let Key Clubbers be more appreciative of the people who worked really hard to make their educational lives better, and I think anyone who participated definitely learned something valuable about being grateful. Finally, for Food Bank Friday, Key Clubbers were asked to go on the BeanBeanBean website to participate in virtual activities, which would help them earn beans to donate to a food bank. This event was a great way to end off the service week and was very interesting. Overall, I am so glad that so many members participated in the division service week because it was so educational and impactful for both themselves and those around them.

Division Service Week Gallery

Works Courtesy of Cypress, Kennedy, Oxford

BeanBeanBean By Sean Peralta | Savanna Key Club As the sun shone on determined faces as we entered another month of quarantine, our dedicated Key-uties spread word about this amazing website called BeanBeanBean. BeanBeanBean was a catalyst for love and support. It enabled our members to make a difference in other people’s lives even as they stayed in the comfort of their homes due to social distancing. Because of this website, you are able to answer questions, collect beans, and donate money to charities that help feed those in need. Kevin Tran, an upcoming sophomore, expressed his gratitude for websites like BeanBeanBean. In an interview, he stated, “I am thankful to have this opportunity to be a part of the community right at home! I can imagine the smiles on the faces of the people who were hungry and finally got the food that they wanted. Spreading this kind of happiness makes me feel quite delighted! I am glad that I took part in helping the community through using BeanBeanBean.” It is through websites like BeanBeanBean that we are able to continue creating positive impacts in the lives of others, especially during a time when many people are physically and socially

isolated. Kevin Tran also added, “I genuinely enjoyed answering questions for BeanBeanBean. I couldn't believe that I was helping the community out by answering simple math questions. Taking time off of my day for others instead of myself was a good feeling to have.� The self-satisfaction that a person gains from helping others is truly a wonderful feeling to have. Many students, including our members have experienced feelings of anxiety, unrest, and worry as the world continues to make efforts to control this pandemic. It is easy to lose yourself in this period of negativity which is why Savanna Key Club wanted to remind its outstanding members of the feeling of helping others so that they at least have something positive to help guide them throughout all of this uncertainty. This event has not only helped provide meals for many of those in need, it has also helped brighten the experiences of our fellow Key Clubbers. As long as quarantine continues, our members will continue to find creative ways such as BeanBeanBean, to help and support their communities.

Hungersite By Ashanti Bracamontes | Savanna Key Club

As our Savanna key-clubbers endlessly worked to gather hours and help the community, an opportunity to donate to 11 great causes presented itself to them through a website called, “Hunger Site.� Hunger site is a website where anyone can simply click on 11 different causes, read the information concerning the cause, and automatically donate to these numerous causes for free! This website is sponsored by GreaterGood.org, an organization that dedicates their time to fund the causes people all around the world are clicking and reading about! Our key-uties had the great opportunity to participate in such an impactful and moving event. By clicking away at the 11 different causes, they learned and informed themselves while also donating to the community and making a change. These donations were funds given to all the causes they clicked and were then used to support and benefit those organizations. As mentioned before, our key-clubbers only had a few steps to complete so they could earn hours and simultaneously help out some amazing causes. They had to go onto the Hunger Site website, click at the given causes, and simply send a screenshot as confirmation! To fund more causes, they were allowed to click every six hours to allow maximum funds! This event especially helped the community during these tough times of COVID-19 seeing as many donations also went to COVID relief. Hunger site allowed our key-clubbers to continue doing what they are best at! Helping the community.

Love of the Elderly By Jeannie Pham | Loara Key Club

For the month of May, I participated in Loara’s Love of the Elderly service project. This service project was announced on May 2nd and was held until May 9th, LHS Key Clubbers had the opportunity to make up to ten letters at home. The idea behind the service project was to design and write letters to bring smiles to elderly COVID-19 patients or to those who might be feeling isolated during home quarantine. Although staying home daily might seem boring to teens, it is impossible to feel the sadness and lonely of what the elderlies often face; thus, this service project anticipates for key clubbers to be more mindful and reflective. Personally, I decided to make ten letters and send them directly to the address in the visual. I understand that it is quite impactful for a person to receive a letter with words of encouragement; therefore, I spent around two hours trying to come up with various paragraphs for each letter. I loved this service project because it left me with a smile and pleased that my letters will be found safe one day. I truly hope that my letters are able to boost happiness to the receivers during this tough time. In addition, I was inspired by the Love of the Elderly service project so much that I decided to send personalized letters to some of my friends as a surprise. While this service project is quite small, it impacted my mindset to think more about those I do not even know and check on those I rarely talk to.

De-Stress Week By Anne Nguyen | Loara Key Club

After the strenuous two weeks of well known AP exams, Loara Key Club introduced a service week (5/25-5/29) focused on decompressing with exciting service activities to celebrate the small victory of members completing their exams. Led with a new activity every weekday, members were given an opportunity to share their everyday lives with an added service event to earn hours. Beginning with Motivated Monday, members created a 15 minute long music playlist to send to friends or family. Onto Trivia Tuesday, Key Clubbers logged on a popular site, freerice.com to answer questions and donate rice through the website’s sponsor. Win It All Wednesday was Loara Key Club’s first bonding event of the term. The board and members tuned into the Discord App to play an assortment of games, including Minecraft, Roblox, and Skribbl.io. Leading into Thriving Thursday, it spotlighted Key Club members’ individual skills, hobbies, and talents. Ending the service filled week with Friendly Friday, Loara’s Key Clubbers made postcards of encouragement to a friend. With the month of May including Loara Key Club’s first bonding event and altogether service week, it granted a major success in the continuation of inclusiveness and compassion of the 2020-2021 term.

Opinion: Win-It-Wednesday By Toni Quintos | Loara Key Club Win-it-all Wednesday was a fun bonding event for all members, including the board. This event took place on the Wednesday (duh) of our ongoing service week. Members had the chance to play games and interact with other members who they may have never talked to before. Personally, I hosted skribbl.io along with my brother Allan. I had a fun time getting to know more members, and especially winning the skribbl games. Members who won rounds were rewarded with community service hours, and this opportunity was given plentiful times within the thirty minute timespan in each round. In round two, depending on what games the members chose, they got to move on to a different game or stay at their first option. In both rounds, I was scared that it would be awkward to play with other people, yet in the end I had fun. Other members also told me their experience in their other rounds and I was glad to hear the great memories they experienced. All of these activities were made possible in our Loara Discord.

July Motivation!

By Alanna Chan | Whitney Key Club It’s July—we’ve ended the school year, but it feels especially draining because of this quarantine. Some of us may have lost our motivation, so here’s some tips! You might have heard these before, but this is a great time to hear it again! 1. WRITE things down. a. This is such a helpful tip for me. Extra points if you have a planner too! Writing things down helps a lot because not only do you keep it in your brain, but it’s written down for you which helps you remember it better the second you spell out the letters on the page. Also, if you forget, it’s always on that piece of paper! 2. Think about your PRIORITIES. a. You might hear this one a lot, but it’s significant to note! Sometimes, we want to do things that are more enjoyable, but less important. Start with the things with closer deadlines, and continue from there. It’ll help you organize your thoughts, starting with what is most necessary first.

Alanna Chan | Whitney Key Club




Set REALISTIC GOALS. a. Everyone sets goals, but the question is: are they attainable? If not, it’s natural that we have less motivation to complete them. Making unachievable goals simply limits our potential because we have no hope that we will actually accomplish them. Instead, make smaller goals and make multiple! It’ll help you by taking “smaller steps” to get to the end goal. Don’t be afraid to take a BREAK. b. This is something I am still learning, because it’s not easy to always take a break. Whether you’re on a roll, or it feels like it won’t be beneficial, sometimes we want to keep going. Or, there’s the other situation where we take too many breaks, just going on our phones and swiping away on social media. Taking little breaks to refresh your mind helps you process things better and will ultimately help you in the long run. Remind yourself WHY you’re doing what you’re doing. c. We could be doing something for many different reasons: for fun, because we’re told to, maybe it’s necessary—just a whole list of reasons. No matter what though, there’s usually going to be an intention behind it. If not, then why would you be doing it in the first place? Take this into account and persevere through the task, possibly being school work or learning something new. That’s all from me, so now it’s your turn to implement this advice into your life and hopefully it comes into good use! This one is not really a tip, but just a mindset. “Work first, play later.” If you’re ever working on something that isn’t enjoyable to you (maybe it’s something required), think about how the faster you get it done, the faster you can relax and play around later!

walking to class, no coach to keep you on your feet, and no external reason to be active. Despite this, it is so important to stay physically active! This activity can alleviate stress after a long work session or make you more awake to do work. When you’ve sat in one place for long enough, consider taking a break to stand up and stretch. Walk around the house or opt to do common exercises such as sit-ups. Any physical activity is good physical activity, in my book! For me, I’ve been participating in workout videos with my family, maybe try that for your family, as well! Eating healthy! Being home all day, it can be tempting to eat all the snacks in the kitchen. My best advice for you is don’t! If you have been lacking physical exercise, you might have been eating less during the pandemic as you don’t require as much energy. If you have been eating more, it may build up over time to a point where exercise would be very much beneficial to your body. On a normal day, you might be eating 3 healthy meals a day with some snacks. During the pandemic, you might have more hours under a blanket than out of bed. You may want to think about eating in smaller portions to match your physical output. If any of you are trying to lose a bit of weight during the stay at home order, remember that you should exercise as well as eat healthily and in smaller portions. Note: You may be thinking of the term “diet,” but it most senses diets are for aiding a pre-existing medical condition. You can diet, but in general, eating a more healthy, balanced pallet and in smaller portions is beneficial for weight loss. Keep in touch! Social distancing is a misleading term: Staying 6 feet apart is a good idea, but it is still important to communicate with others! Keeping in touch reduces stress and maintains healthy relationships with others. There are days where you might feel tired of talking and you just want to be alone, and that’s okay. However, you should not shy away in fear from others. Chances are good that if you want to talk to someone, one of your friends will be available. You may even schedule a time in the day where you check in with your friends. Social distancing should not prevent social interactions, as both will support your health in different aspects. This experience has been tough for everyone, but it’s important to remember the parts of your life you are still in control of. You have many opportunities to improve from the person you were yesterday; let that be your motivation to change your schedule, eating habits, or daily life for the better! We all want to get back to normalcy, but the idea of coming back better than before is rewarding and empowering. Consider change. Hope to see all of you very soon! <3

Member Recognition June

Member of the Month: Aryn Mercado | Katella Officer of the Month: Leanne Ho | Kennedy Secretary of the Month: Jeannie Pham | Loara Advisor of the Month: Frank Berry | Kiwanis of Greater Anaheim

Shining Clubs 1)

Oxford Key Club


Savanna Key Club


Anaheim Key Club

4) 5)

Loara Key Club Whitney Key Club

Congratulations to all clubs, members, and advisors who earned recognition for the month of June! Thank you for your hard work!

REACH OUT! “How can I contact you?� LTG Jennifer Vo d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Executive Assistants: Daniel Boulom danboulom@gmail.com Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Christina Nguyen christinamyanhnguyen@gmail.com News Editor Tran Pham d30s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Do service, have fun, and stay safe!

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