Division 30 South News | October 2016-17

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Key Club International | Cal-Nev-Ha | Region 3

The Yellow Pages e 20 m u l o V Issue 5

CONTENTS PAGE 5 Letter from Your LTG

for your LTG’s opinion on the division’s progress

PAGE 4 Letter from Your DNE

for insight on how this newsletter was put together

PAGE 6 Calendar

for important dates and details


PAGE 22 Contact Info

PAGE 8 Recognition

for ways to contact the division’s executive board

for the month’s shining clubs, member, officer, secretary, & most funds raised

PAGE 10 Spotlight on Service

for this month’s service initiative, including goals, tips, and/or ideas

PAGE 14 Articles

for highlights, written by division members, on events this month


A Letter from Your DNE Hello Suns! I hope you have all been having a great school year so far and aren’t too stressed out. And I hope all of your Key Clubs were able to attract a lot of new members during Club Rush! First, before I continue with my letter, I would like to take the time to personally thank all of you who attended September DCM: Project Warmth. Because I volunteer at St. Joseph Hospital, I asked LTG Kelly if we could donate the blankets to their cancer patients and I personally delivered the blankets the day after our September DCM. This cause personally means a lot to me and I am so grateful all of you were able to take a part in it. Together, all 185 of us members were able to make 62 blankets! I also would like to thank all of you on the behalf of the St. Joseph Hospital’s oncology department nurses. They all appreciated the hard work and time we put into making these thick, quality blankets. Because chemotherapy weakens the immune system, these blankets will be perfect for keeping the cancer patients warm for the incoming winter season. All in all, we cannot thank you all enough for taking time out of your weekend to contribute to such a cause. While I’m already on the topic of thanking all of you, I would also like to thank you all for being so patient with me throughout this term as I continue to grow and improve myself. Now that we are entering October, we are at the halfway point of this Key Club term. In my case, I am at the halfway point of my last Key Club term. After realizing this, I have been doing a lot of reflecting. Because of Key Club and its amazing members, I have grown so much as a person. But the only thing I regret is not getting more involved with Key Club and my community sooner. After donating those blankets to St. Joseph Hospital, I felt overjoyed; it’s hard for me to put into words just how happy I felt. It felt so good for me to finally contribute to a cause I believe so much in--and to a hospital I absolutely adore. This feeling was one of the best feelings I ever had in my life, and I wish I could’ve experienced it sooner. I really want all of you to experience such euphoria at least once. To do so, I highly encourage all of you to attend our Region 3 Training Conference on Saturday October 8 to learn ways you can serve your community. The free workshops will give you a chance to learn how you can contribute to a cause you personally believe in, even if it isn’t Key Club related. I know this may seem like I am just encouraging you all to go because I’m a DLT member, but I really do hope you all take this opportunity to aid you in your own personal pursuit of a cause you personally believe in. I will always support you in whatever cause you choose to pursue. Sun-cerely,

Vivian Luong


Rise and Shine Suns, It’s your Lieutenant Governor Kelly Tran. To start off, I really want to recognize all of you for our high attendance during September DCM! We had a whopping amount of 185 members in attendance, so give yourself a pat on the back. In other news, we have quite a few big events coming up. Region Training Conference is going to be on October 8, 2016. While I was a freshman back in the 2014-2015 term, Region Training Conference, or October DCM, became the first DCM I ever attended. But this event was one of the most meaningful ones that really sparked my passion for Key Club. Being able to go from workshop to workshop and learning something new about topics I’m interested in or topics that would genuinely help me as a person and student, Region Training Conference was and always has been an event that I adore. Whether or not you or your friends are interested in learning more about Key Club, I encourage all of you Key Clubbers to attend! This event will be a wonderful opportunity for all students, so you won’t want to miss it! Besides Region Training Conference, our next big event of the term is Fall Rally South! I know this is an event many of you are excited for, so make sure to pay for your ticket and RSVP on time! Refer to your respective Club President for a specific deadline. Fall Rally South has always been a fun event, but remember to keep in mind that we’re there for more than just to go on rides at Six Flags! This is a wonderful opportunity for you all to not only meet other Key Clubbers but to participate in raising funds for the Pediatric Trauma Program, and to celebrate a day of Key Club/Kiwanis Family fellowship, service, and philanthropy. Region Training Conference and Fall Rally South are two amazing events, but if you’re unable to attend those remember to keep serving by going out into your community to volunteer! There’s a multitude of volunteer events, just make sure to contact your respective Club President to see what events you can serve at. Ensuring that you’re taking the initiative to grow as a person and to become conscious of real-life situations can also help you bring meaning to your life. Make sure to always be doing as much as you can to help your community. There’s so many opportunities out there as long as you take the time to get involved. Until the next, issue, L-O-V-E I LOVE MY D-I-V! Sun-cerely,

Kelly Tran

A Letter from Your LTG 5

DESCRIPTION 8 | Region 3 Training Conference All members 11:00AM-5:00PM Rancho Alamitos High School On October 8, we will be having our Region 3 Training Conference as our October DCM. The theme this year is Codename and the event will take place at Rancho Alamitos High School (11351 Dale St., Garden Grove, CA 92841). If you are planning to apply as a Key Club board member next term or are just interested in learning more about the organization, this event is perfect for you! There will be workshops for you attending, ranging topics from How to BEE a Leader to How to be a Key Club Secretary.

29 | SoCal Corgi Beach Day Huntington Dog Beach 10:00AM-3:00PM This volunteer event is perfect for you if you love dogs, especially corgis! This event will take place at the Huntington Dog Beach, just as it did during the summer. Volunteers will not only be able to play with the corgis but also assist in the event’s activities, such as doggie limbo contests and talent contests. The event will also have giveaways and vendors. SoCal Corgi Nation will donate a portion of their proceeds to Queen’s Best Stumpy Dog Rescue (QBSDR) to aid them to “save low riders, one bark at a time!”

30 | School Ghoul Run Rush Park 50 spots The 5th Annual School Ghoul Run, which takes places in Rush Park, aims to benefit all the schools in the Los Alamitos school district. Volunteers will be able to do the usual tasks at a run, such as pass out water to runners and help with registration. However, volunteers at this event will also be able to help with the Ghoul Zone, a fun interactive play area for the kids, which includes a pumpkin patch and games.



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SHINING CLUBS september 2016

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kenned y

s h i n i n g PATRICK A I M O N E SECRETARY s e r v i t e MEMBER E T H A N OFFICER WILLIAM o f t h e PAGUYO o f t h e P E R E Z month savanna month k a t e l l a 9


otlight p S

Servi n c o




A proud participant in Trickor-Treat for UNICEF since 1994, Key Club has raised more than US$7 million for child survival and evelopment programs around the world.



spotlight on service: september


Scare up some funds and fun this Halloween by participating in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. It’s a great opportunity to collect donations instead of candy or to bring club members together for a fabulous event or party. All money collected by Kiwanis-family members through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF will once again support the Eliminate Project and help save moms and babies from maternal and neonatal tetanus.





What Your Money Can Buy

01 | Donations

$5 | Five days of food for a malnourished child $15 | A year’s worth of clean, safe water for a child $30 | Measles Protection for 100 kids $400 | A pump to give to an entire village for water

Collect donations while trick or treating. While going house-to-house in your quest for sweets, collect funds for The Eliminate Project. If your school has vending machines, tape Trickor-Treat for UNICEF boxes near the change dispenser. Encourage anyone buying snacks from the vending machine to drop in some of their spare change. Ask teachers if they’ll keep one of the orange boxes in their classrooms and spread the word to their students.

Where Your Money Goes to Once you’ve collected all of your donations, send a check or money order (made payable to the Kiwanis International Foundation) and your completed gift form to the address below. Be sure to write your club name or club number on the memo line of the check. The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office Kiwanis International Foundation P.O. Box 6457 - Dept #286 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA ATTN: Trick-or-Treat

02 | Halloween Grams

Set up a booth during lunch where students and faculty can pay US$2 to send a small bag of candy and a note or message to someone else in your school. Club members then deliver the bags of candy and notes to recipients on Halloween. In addition to the sender’s message, include information about the Eliminate Project so the students are aware where the money is going to.

03 | Pumpkin Decoration Cast your vote. Ask area farmers and pumpkin patch proprietors to donate pumpkins for a decorating event. Set aside time during a club meeting for each member to decorate one of the pumpkins. Ask if you can set up a display at the pumpkin patch or at a local library or business. For built-in crowds and publicity, partner with an apple orchard that hosts pumpkin patch activities. Have people vote for their favorite design by putting money in a Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF collection box. The pumpkin with the most donations wins!



Bolsa Chica Wetland Restoration KRISTINA THEAM | Whitney One of the past division events this month was a restoration event at Bolsa Chica Wetlands. As both a lover of nature and a passionate advocate for both restoration and conservation, I knew I had to attend this event! The volunteers arrived bright and early at 9 AM where the people in charge of the restoration greeted us. We learned that it takes a lot of manpower and time to restore damaged habitat and that having so many Key Clubbers there would definitely be a big help. It was really inspiring to see so many Key Clubbers want to get involved and help out, and since Key Clubbers were not the only volunteer group there, it was even more heart-warming to see such a big group of people come together for a good cause. Once most of the volunteers arrived, we began to pick up

empty kitty liter containers that would be later used as watering cans. I thought this was super innovative because watering cans aren’t super expensive, but to think of using empty containers instead that work just as well was just genius! Once we reached the area we would be working in, we gathered around the learn about what we would be doing. Volunteers were tasked to pull out a really nasty invasive weed called Russian thistle, and once we learned what it looked like, we realized it was EVERYWHERE. Each and every direction you looked, you would see a small patch at the very least. The volunteer managers told us that it was super important to bag the thistle, also known as tumbleweed, because their seeds fly everywhere, and it’s super important that we don’t let the seeds fly to other areas. Once most of the weeding was done, some volunteers continued to weed but the majority went off

to begin watering the sea grasses that the restoration team recently planted this year. I stayed back to help weed because I personally like weeding and I had the help of my friend Alan Lim! There were huge piles of this thistle just sitting around waiting to be bagged, so Alan and I got on that right away. By the end of the volunteer event, we had finished bagging nearly all of the piles, save a few. Additionally, all of the other volunteers finished their job watering the plants they needed to water! We actually finished about 15 minutes earlier than expected, which really shows how effective communication and leadership, and well as LOTS of manpower, can make volunteering so much more fun and easy! Because this event occurs two times a month, I would definitely want to see Key Club get more involved with this organization and continue with service!



Wet N’ Wild 5k ANGELICA CADONDON | Loara

all smiles.

The Wet and Wild 5K was a very enjoyable experience that boosted everyone’s energy early in the morning. When key clubbers first arrived at the event, we were all guilty of having that “just got out of bed” look. We gathered into a gym where we received free t-shirts and visors, and were split up to work at various stations throughout the course. Our club was assigned to the first water station, where we would fill and pass out water for the runners and congratulate them for accomplishing one mile. We headed out to our station excited and confident because cheering is one of the things Loara does best.

Once the run finished, our group walked around the course cleaning up any trash along with cones and tape. We were told that we technically walked the entire course because we had to clear everything and make sure the park looked the same as before. We loaded up everything on trucks who then drove the the next spot, and this process continued until we crossed the finish line. All around were booths that contained one of a key clubber’s favorite thing to look forward to during service: free food. After walking around and eating, our shift was pretty much done and we were able to go home. Overall, as a person who loves sleeping in, it’s surprising for me to At our station, we set up a couple tables and say that waking up early in the morning was began laying out plastic cups to prepare for definitely worth serving at this event. the incoming runners. Some people were assigned to lay down cups, others to pour water into them, and others to hand them out once the herd of people arrive. We ended up spilling a bit of water, but that’s acceptable considering we were still tired. Once the run began, key clubbers were spread out all around the park ready to hand out water and cheer on the athletes. One of my favorite parts of cheering on walkers or runners is when you get a good reaction out of them. You see family and friends with such bright smiles and it warms my heart to know how much they love doing something completely optional that they gave up their time to do. By this time, we were mostly wide awake and


August DCM: Scavenger Hunt Christina Ngueyn | John F. Kennedy

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, the Super Scavenger Hunt was taken place at La Mirada Park where Division 30S counter parts Division 30N came in attendance. Division 30S and Division 30N were able to bond together and meet new people from a different division. And it was a great seeing everyone with their “lei’d back” Hawaiian attire. When I first arrived at the location there weren’t many people, so my friends and I sat down and waited for a few minutes. Then, slowly but surely more people were coming. So forth people made their way to the check in table while getting some delicious watermelon prepped by the DLT. After check-in, Kelly Tran led our monthly DCM on the grassy hills overlooking the pond, where there was a great turnout of members and officers.


After DCM, the anticipated Super Scavenger Hunt was about to start. LTG. Kelly and Division 30N’s LTG. Snghyun had gathered everyone closer to each other to explain the game. It as though every Sun was able to meet a new friend from Division 30N. In the beginning, there were minor technical issues but everything was able to be resolve and the hunt was about to begin. Attendees were split into five teams where in each group there was a fairly equal amount of Suns and Rhinos. Instead of having a paper with questions of it (How boring would that be?) we used an app called “Goose Chase” for the scavenger hunt. The clock was ticking down and we only had 15 minutes to get as many pictures or videos as we can. Every group was running around with their phones to do as much as they could do while enjoying each other’s

company. You could hear sounds of laughter and excitement throughout the park. In the end, Team Harambe was able to pull out for the win! After the hunt was over, there were new connections made and great memories were created. Even though there were technical difficulties throughout the DCM, it seemed as though everyone had a fun afternoon with Key Club. I was able to walk away from August DCM with great memories in mind and being able to see that even though everyone may not know each other that well, we are still one big OHANA!




come make

Memories SERVE and

with us at






t h e e



REGION 3 TRAINING CONFERENCE What: Free training workshops that provide valuable information for new AND returning Key Club members. You will learn about what you can do for your community, major emphasis projects, leadership and public speaking skills, ways to build your clubs, and your role in Key Club International. Some workshops focus on a specific officer position, which will be useful if you are currently holding the title or are planning to apply for that position in the next term.

Who: All Region 3 Key Clubbers, parents, and Kiwanis/Faculty advisors!

Where: 20

When: Saturday, October 8, 2016 11AM-5PM

Rancho Alamitos High School 11351 Dale St., Garden Grove, CA 92841

Why: -Learn effective ways to be an involved Key Club member -Learn ways you can contribute to the community -Learn how to become a better leader -Meet new Key Clubbers from other divisions -Learn much more about Key Club as an organization -Make Key Club memories

Schedule 11:00-12:00 | Check-in and service projects 12:00-12:30 | Lunch will be served 12:15-12:45 | DCM time! 1:00-1:30 | RTC Opening Session 1:40-4:20 | Workshop Sessions 4:30-5:00 | RTC Closing Session




lieutenant governor d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com



executive assistant vpbui002@gmail.com

executive assistant exu2001@gmail.com



division secretary lizzy90620@gmail.com

FACEBOOK: www. facebook.com/ groups/division30southkeyclubs/ INSTAGRAM: @d30ssuns WEBSITE: cnhkeyclub.org

division news editor d30s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

REGION ADVISORS: MR. BARRY | fbarry642@gmail.com MRS. PONG | epong119@aol.com

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