Division 30 South News | January 2016-17

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Key Club International | Cal-Nev-Ha | Region 3

The Yellow Pages e 20 Volum 8 Issue

CONTENTS PAGE 5 Letter from Your LTG

for your LTG’s opinion on the division’s progress

PAGE 4 Letter from Your DNE

for insight on how this newsletter was put together

PAGE 6 Calendar

for important dates and details


PAGE 22 Contact Info

PAGE 8 Recognition

for ways to contact the division’s executive board

for the month’s shining clubs, member, officer, secretary, & most funds raised

PAGE 10 Spotlight on Service

for this month’s service initiative, including goals, tips, and/or ideas

PAGE 14 Articles

for highlights, written by division members, on events this month


A Letter from Your DNE Hello Suns! Can you believe it’s already 2017? That means we’re halfway through the school year and only a few months away from the end of this Key Club term! I don’t know about the rest of you, but starting 2017 gives me mixed feelings. 2017, just like all my other seniors out there, marks the year I graduate high school, start college, and turn 18. In the one hand, this all means saying goodbye to what I’ve been familiar to: Oxford Academy, my peers, my teachers, Key Club, and my childhood. That means I have to accept that all these things are just going to become memories; change can definitely be scary. But, at the same time, of course I’m excited for what lies ahead. 2017 means a new chapter in my life, a new adventure. 2017 means more independence. 2017 means studying and exploring what I want. 2017 means growing up. I’m sure the rest of you seniors out there can relate to these mixed feelings I’m having. And for the rest of you who aren’t seniors, 2017 can still mark an important year in your lives because life is what you make of it. What New Year resolutions do you have for 2017? Make 2017 the year you actually go through with all your resolutions. Maybe 2017 will be the year you reach 100 Key Club hours. The year you get straight A’s. The year you get a Key Club board position. Whatever your New Year resolutions are, I’ll be cheering you on all the way :) 2016 was definitely a crazy year, but I can’t wait to see where 2017 takes us. There’s no other division I would ever want to spend my last year of Key Club with. Sun-cerely,

Vivian Luong


Rise and Shine, Suns! Brrr, it’s cold in here. Looks like winter break is coming. I have bitter-sweet feelings about the end of the 2016 year. There’s so much that I’ve accomplished so far but also so much that I still want to do. Most of you probably feel the same. I want to start off with giving you all a huge congratulations for being such amazing members! In 2016, we raised more than $4,000 for PTP, reached almost 200 members for DCM attendance, and most importantly become a closer and stronger ohana. Congratulations especially to every single club in Division 30 South for being dues paid. Thanks to all of you, we were one of the first divisions to have all dues paid clubs, an achievement you should all be proud of! I’m extremely proud of the success Division 30 South has experienced so far. As smaller clubs continue to grow and the division unites as a whole, I find myself incredibly satisfied as a leader. My biggest personal achievement as a Lieutenant Governor stems from being able to see so many of you grow yourselves. What makes me happy every day is sincerely knowing that I am someone who might inspire a fellow member. There have been several times where I’ve been called a role model and an inspiration by members. This is all that I could’ve ever asked for as a Lieutenant Governor. I only hope that more people can be inspired to also become leaders. Leadership is just something that is so meaningful to me in ways that’s hard to explain. I love Division 30 South so much. Every single member. I love you all, and it’s hard for me to express gratitude in other words than “Thank You,” but I really just love you all. Even though I’ve been so stressed out as a Lieutenant Governor, I’ll never regret my experiences and the friends I’ve made. I’m so grateful for all of you who dedicate your time to serve and make a difference in your community. I hope you all have a wonderful winter break and happy holidays!


Kelly Tran

A Letter from Your LTG 5

DESCRIPTION 1 | New Year’s Day It’s officially 2017! Just because the Christmas season is over doesn’t mean we should stop spreading joy and giving to those around us. Remember to keep this month’s focus for the Spotlight on Service: Community Outreach. Work with your Key Club to ensure that as many people as possible with your communities kick off the new year strong and happy. And don’t forget to give yourself a great start to the new year as well! Make 2017 the year you actually follow through with all your new year resolutions, whether your resolution is to complete 200 Key Club hours or to procrastinate less on your schoolwork. Make this year a year worth remembering!

14 | Region 3 Conclave Orange Coast College 9:00AM-3:00PM All members If you’re interested in seeing who next term’s Lieutenant Governors will be, go to Orange Coast College from 9:00AM-3:00PM to attend Region 3 Conclave! Conclave is an event usually run by the current Lieutenant Governor of the division to elect the next Lieutenant Governor to represent the division on the District Board. Each dues paid club is allowed to have two voting delegates that vote for the candidate they think will do the best job. At this event, you’ll be able to hear the candidates’ speeches, answers to caucus questions, and see who will be the next Lieutenant Governor for each division. Candidates from Divsions 4E, 4N, 4W, 30N, 30S, 41N, and 41S will be elected, so come by to show your support!


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SHINING CLUBS december 2016




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s h i n i n g JENNIFER SECRETARY HERNANDEZ western MEMBER ofthe month

T R Am M ag LE n o l i a

OFFICER ofthe month

DANI Lw h iEt n eEy 9


otlight p S

Servi n c o




Reach out to local organizations and partners. Volunteer and make a difference in your home, school, and community! 11


spotlight on service: january

COMMUNITY OUTREACH Reach out to local organizations and partners. Volunteer and make a difference in your home, school, and community! From helping your neighbor to hosting food drives, there are so many things you can do! Kick off the new year by helping to improve your community and the lives of people around you. Read on for some ideas you and your club can do to accomplish this month’s Spotlight on Service!


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01 | Homeless Shelters As the holidays pass and the new year begins, there are many of those who are less fortunate. Helping the homeless shelters and soup kitchens is a great way to help the community. You can also help the less fortunate by organizing canned food drives, clothes drives, and blanket making events. This is the perfect way to ensure everyone in your community starts off the new year happy. Just because the Christmas season is over doesn’t mean you have to stop spreading the joy!

02 | Book Drives Host a book drive with your club so you can donate all the books to a local school or public library. Ask members in your community to donate books they no longer have a use for so that schools to educate the children of our communities for the new year. Books that are meant for an older audience can be donated to public libraries within the community. These are new toys for the new year for all the bookworms out there!

03 | Clothes Drive

04 | School Carnivals

Now that the winter season is upon us, this is the perfect time to host a clothes drive! Work with your club to collect winter clothes to donate to those who need help staying toasty warm this winter season. Help those who are less fortunate start off the new year feeling happy and toasty warm. You and your club can host this clothes drive at your school and donate all the winter clothes you collect to a local organization.

Help the local elementary schools within your community run their school carnivals by running booths, selling food, playing with the children, and more! This volunteer event is perfect for members who enjoy playing with children and who would like to visit their past elementary schools. Members can volunteer to help out with any of the elementary schools’ events, such as book fairs, Doughnuts with Dads, and Open Houses. These schools would surely appreciate the extra help.



Fall Rally South ISABELLE LEE | Whitney 8000+ Key Clubbers, thousands of dollars raised for Key Club, the “How Do You Feel” cheer being heard every 10 minutes were just a few of the memorable experiences I encountered my last Fall Rally. For those of you who have yet to experience Fall Rally, it’s an event where Key Clubbers all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii attend to cheer their hearts out, meet Key Clubbers, participate in spirit battles, and of course, ride infamous rollercoasters such as X2 and Goliath. Ever since I attended Fall Rally my sophomore year, I can definitely say that this event is one I look forward to yearly. Seeing the amount of spirited Key Clubbers who love volunteering and cheering as much as I do makes me feel truly at home. The people you get to meet are some of the kindest and sweetest souls you will ever meet- they literally go up to you and ask for a picture and some give you free hugs! You get to reconnect with friends from other schools, divisions, and much more.

This Fall Rally, being my last, was probably my most special one. Yes, it had been extremely stressful in terms of making sure that our members had everything ready and making sure we had enough chaperones. But all of that stress had been worth it. Seeing how happy the members were, seeing how much fun they were having, and seeing how much awe they were in made me remember my first Fall Rally and how surprised I was to see how many Key Clubbers there were and how excited each of them were. And what’s Fall Rally without the famous spirit rally? The time where our Division cheered their heart out, the time where I realized once again how much I love Key Club, and the time where everyone pretty much lost their voice: that’s what makes the spirit rally so special. You get to hear your voice cheering alongside each of the other members in attendance and truly show how much you love Key Club. And being able to reach top 3 once again for the 3rd time in a row truly was inspiring and an amazing way to end my last Fall Rally.

After going to the spirit session, our club definitely took a much needed lunch break before heading off on our own to wander around the park, go on rollercoasters, and more. For me, my group decided to go on Goliath and Scream alongside the bumper cars as we wanted to experience some of the rollercoasters before going off to participate in spirit battles and getting some souvenirs. As I look back to my last Fall Rally, I can definitely say I have post- Fall Rally depression (yes it is very much real)! But, I can also say that I look forward to District Convention 2017 in Anaheim, where YOU have the chance to be recognized for tri-state awards such as Member Recognition and more. So make sure to BEE on the lookout. And if you weren’t able to go FRS this year, make sure (if you can) to attend next year. Trust me, waking up at 4AM to be able to go FRS is something I never regret (even if I had a civics test 2 days later). :)



November DCM ANH MAC | John F. Kennedy


On a chilly Saturday evening, members from the entire division gathered at Stanton Central Park for a monthly DCM.

Even though the weather was bad as it started pouring rain not soon after we just started the service project and it was freezing cold, the members nevertheless enjoyed the time At the DCM, we received monthly making the snowman and bringing updates from Kelly, our Lt. G, and home a cute little hand warmer for proceeded with a new service project the upcoming winter. that we had never done before — making snowmen hand warmers This service project brought up the that will be passed out at one of our Christmas atmosphere, reminding us upcoming division winter bake sale. to spend time with family and friends and just simply appreciate our loved The division was divided into half, ones for the holiday season. where some clubs will make Christmas cards for children in hospital while the other half works on making hand warmers. For the snowmen, we use socks and did some easy cutting and tying with strings. The socks then is filled with rice and painted on with the snowman face. The product was actually really cute for something so easy to make. The members really enjoyed the service project as it was renovating and novel and no one had tried it


Operation Christmas DANIELLE LEE | Whitney Every year Whitney takes on an annual school-wide service event led by Key Club to help struggling families in our direct community during the holiday season. And every year, the “miracle” of the Holiday season is repeated over and over again through the joy of caring and sharing for the neighbors that may not have as much as we do. Adopt-A-Family is a Salvation Army holiday program designed to assist families who are in crisis as a result o f

unemployment, homelessness, medical issues or other difficult circumstances, and who otherwise wouldn’t have the resources to celebrate the holidays. Families who are adopted are provided with food, clothing, and gifts from their sponsors. Donations and financial assistance provide Christmas dinners, clothing, and toys for families in need. Families that are chosen for this program have multiple children with parents that aren’t able to provide enough to feed all the mouths and buy gifts for the holidays. Many of the children actually receive free/reduced breakfast and lunch from the district, but

with the long winter break parents need to feed all three meals at home from their own pocket so the food that is donated will be used to feed them not only for holiday meals but also for regular meals. The gift and monetary donations are collected in order to relieve the burden of the parents to buy holiday gifts for members of the family. Gifts can be a bit pricy and we don’t want these families to worry about not having any gifts because they are using the money for rent or other bills. Whitney has been partnering with the Salvation Army for over 30 years and has helped over hundreds of families, so let’s continue the legacy and help the struggling families in our surrounding area. By doing your part and donating within your homeroom, you can change the lives of some families and bring a miracle during the holiday season. Join Key Club in the spirit of giving and experience the joy in generosity and caring.




Memories SERVE come make and

with us at



Orange Coast College 9:00AM-3:00PM



t h e e



lieutenant governor d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com



executive assistant vpbui002@gmail.com

executive assistant exu2001@gmail.com



division secretary lizzy90620@gmail.com

FACEBOOK: www. facebook.com/ groups/division30southkeyclubs/ INSTAGRAM: @d30ssuns WEBSITE: cnhkeyclub.org

division news editor d30s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

REGION ADVISORS: MR. BARRY | fbarry642@gmail.com MRS. PONG | epong119@aol.com

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