Division 30 South News | February 2016-17

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Key Club International | Cal-Nev-Ha | Region 3

The Yellow Pages e 20 Volum 9 Issue

CONTENTS PAGE 5 Letter from Your LTG

for your LTG’s opinion on the division’s progress

PAGE 4 Letter from Your DNE

for insight on how this newsletter was put together

PAGE 6 Calendar

for important dates and details


PAGE 22 Contact Info

PAGE 8 Recognition

for ways to contact the division’s executive board

for the month’s shining clubs, member, officer, secretary, & most funds raised

PAGE 10 Spotlight on Service

for this month’s service initiative, including goals, tips, and/or ideas

PAGE 14 Articles

for highlights, written by division members, on events this month


A Letter from Your DNE Hello Suns! I can’t believe one month of 2017 has already passed! That means the fourth quarter of the term has begun and the end of this Key Club term is coming closer and closer! As I already mentioned in my letter in the January issue, I have so many mixed feelings about the end of this school year. I’m so excited for the adventure ahead once I graduate high school and start college. But at the same time, I don’t know how I’m going to say goodbye to all the amazing people I have met at Oxford and Key Club. As my high school career has been coming to a close, I’ve been reflecting a lot about my time in Key Club. And if I could go back, there are so many things I would do differently. I would’ve applied for a Key Club board position as a freshman instead of shying away and holding off until sophomore year out of fear of rejection. I would’ve voiced all my opinions and ideas-good and bad--in hopes of improving the club and division instead of fearing judgement. I would’ve put myself out there and bonded with other Key Clubbers in our division at DCMs and other division events instead of sticking to only the Key Clubbers in my school. Sadly, I didn’t start contributing my ideas and bonding with Key Clubbers from other schools until this year (my senior year). If there’s one thing I can leave you with from reading this letter, it’s this: please don’t make any of these same mistakes I did. Don’t let fear of rejection or failure keep you from chasing after what you really want because you may not get this opportunity again. If you have a suggestion, voice it. It might surprise you how many people will support your idea and how much your idea could benefit the Key Club community you love. For all my fellow shy people, push yourself to go out of your comfort zone and talk to someone new. You’d be surprised how many great people you missed out on meeting just because you were too shy in the past. I hope these lessons can help you all as much as you all helped me throughout my time in Key Club. And in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I have one last thing to say: I love this division.


Vivian Luong


Rise and Shine, Suns! We’re going into the fourth quarter of the term. It’s hard to think that the term is ending so soon. It’s sad that this is going to be one of the last letters I’ll be writing to you all. There are so many different accomplishments that we’ve made as a Division. More than $4,000 raised for PTP, around 3,000 hours served every single month, 40 more members past retention, and even being one of the very first Divisions to have all dues paid clubs. I’m so extremely proud to be able to serve you all as your Lieutenant Governor. The sacrifices I’ve made are worth it to know how much you all continue to selflessly serve your community. None of these accomplishments could have been done without you, the lovely clubs of Division 30 South. It’s all of you that raised the money and served at volunteer events. I’m honored to be able to see all of you grow. As the term comes to an end, it’s now a good time for all of us to reflect back on what we’ve done so far as a Key Clubber. Have you been actively participated at club meetings? Have you been attending Division and District events? There’s so many questions and so many little time to answer! Before I end, I have only one specific question that I all challenge you to answer and even talk to me about in an e-mail to d30s. cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com. Instead of why you joined Key Club, why did you stay in Key Club? I’d love to hear your answers! Thank you for everything, Suns.


Kelly Tran

A Letter from Your LTG 5

DESCRIPTION 5 | Surf City Marathon Huntington Beach On Sunday February 5, both a marathon and half marathon will take place. Just like volunteering at any other race, volunteers are expected to help with registration, set up, clean up, passing out water to runners, and cheering on runners. Volunteers will receive a free T-shirt and can enjoy a day at the beach after they are done volunteering.

18 | DCM: Dodgeball Tournament Cypress High School 12:00PM-3:00PM All members Before the 2016-2017 term ends, gather and bond with other Division 30 South members by participating in the dodgeball tournament! The clubs will be grouped by the club buddy system for the tournament. The winning clubs will receive recognition and prizes! The address for Cypress High School is 1952 W La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801.

25 | Southland Credit Union Race on the Base Los Alamitos Joint Forces Base This event includes a variety of races for all ages and abilities. On Saturday February 25th, the races are as follows: 10k Run, 10k Wheelchair/Handcycle, Reverse Triathlon, Jr. Reverse Triathlon, Virtual Raced, and Honoring our Fallen 5K Run/Walk to Remember. The address of the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Base is 11200 Lexington Drive Los Alamitos, CA 90720.


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SHINING CLUBS january 2016




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s h i n i n g ANGELICA SECRETARY C ADONDON l o a r a MEMBER S E A N o f t h e NGUYEN m o n t h kennedy

OFFICER ofthe month

VIVIAN Ts a Rv aAn nNa 9


otlight p S

Servi n c o




Children’s Miracle Network is one of Key Club’s Preferred Charities. The mission of CMN is to raise funds and awareness for our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. CMN strives to save young lives battling virtually every type of childhood illness and injury. 11


spotlight on service: february


Children’s Miracle Network is one of Key Club’s Preferred Charities. The mission of CMN is to raise funds and awareness for our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. CMN strives to save young lives battling virtually every type of childhood illness and injury by helping to purchase proper equipment, training doctors, implementing outreach programs, and providing healthcare for children whose parents cannot afford to pay.


02 03



01 | Music Lessons for Miracles

02 | Book/Toy Drive

03 | Miracle Mile of Quarters

Do you have members that are in band or in a band? Well, use their talent to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network!

1. Find a local CMN hospital and make sure that the hospital is fine with you bringing items for the children. Follow their specific donation protocols.

1. Tell your members to collect quarters and save them for a fundraiser.

Coordinate a fundraiser at your school or in your community, where these members can teach other students or children to play a certain instrument for a set cost. All profits will then go to a CMN hospital. When beginning this project, you first need to find members who have musical skills. If no one does, go to your school band or orchestra and ask for their help in return for volunteer hours. Then you need to find a venue. The best place to hold this fundraiser would be your local recreational center so all of your community can take part in this event. Then you need to publicize and create a way for people to sign up. Whether it is one day or continuous weekends, you need to coordinate with your venue and customers. Also, do not forget to inform your customers of the cause they are helping by getting these musical lessons.

2. Determine an appropriate place to hold all toys and books. Make sure you have specific dates when people will be able to drop items off. You may also want to offer a pick-up service for people who are unable to drop things off. 3. Gather a few of your friends and create publication ads to post online and in the local newspaper. Let everyone know about the book/toy drive you are hosting! 4. After finishing the drive, go over to the local hospital and donate!

2. Create a circle or any kind of shape with paint or paper. 3. Designate a section for each member or group them into teams. 4. With the quarters they collect, they can create any design that relates with Children’s Miracle Network. 5. You can turn this into a contest, and offer prizes for the winner with the best design.



December DCM ALINA HUYNH | John F. Kennedy

On a cold and windy afternoon in December, the key clubbers of Division 30N and Division 30S convened together at the Buena Park High school’s cafeteria. Everyone entered the building shivering, wearing layers upon layers to stay warm. Trickling in one by one, the members were dressed in their ugly sweater attire. Despite the cold weather outside, inside was nice and warm, people gathered up against each other for warmth.

the Christmas season. When the meeting ended, the divisions reconvened to participate in icebreakers. The icebreakers were a great opportunity to get to know people from the other division as well as people from within the division that I do not really socialize with.

finished their food. The service event was to make card of encouragement for children in the hospital. By giving words of encouragement and hope, the members help spread the Christmas spirit to the less fortunate in order to make their holidays jollier.

The DCM progressed into a trivia session to determine who will be first to get food. The group that I was part of ended up being one of the last ones, but it was fine since I had the opportunity to talk to key clubbers from within my division. While the members were eating, the ugly sweater competition took place where people voted for the ugliest sweater. The winner was determine by whoever had the loudest cheers from the audience.

The DCM was truly a bonding and heartwarming experience for me because it gave me the opportunity to meet other people and spread the joy and happiness to others. The atmosphere of the event was uplifting as everyone worked together to do something good for the community. Overall, the DCM was really exhilarating despite the approaching cold winter weather.

The DCM started off with each division holding their own meeting. The LTG talked about past events throughout the month and addressed upcoming volunteer events and charitable organization. Shinin’ members, officers, and clubs of the month were recognized for their hard work and efforts in White elephant and the service helping the community during event took place after everyone



Giving Children Hope Gift Wrapping ANH MAC | John F. Kennedy

gift factory as these wrapped gifts would be sorted into backpacks and distributed Tis’ the season to be jolly! The unending hot to children at their attended schools near California weather finally cooled down; so, Christmas time. we must not forget about those who are less unfortunate and be grateful that we got a The warehouse was filled with cheer and roof over our heads and food on the table. laughter from volunteers of all ages, including So, to give back, John F. Kennedy Key Club little kids who were willing to come out at night participated in the annual Giving Children’s to help their parents wrap gifts for other kids Hope (GCH) Gift Wrapping to extend our of the near to same age group as themselves. warmth and happiness to those who could It was a genuine and heart-warming event. not afford gifts for their loved ones this The number of volunteers was extremely holiday season. limited, but since this is an annual event that GCH hosted every year, John F. Kennedy Key It was the night of the last day of school Club will definitely come back next year to before Winter Break, and we did not regret at help out again as it gave us a much more all spending it volunteering also to celebrate meaningful Christmas from volunteering and the end of the semester and a stressful giving back to our community! Finals week. The event was short and sweet, lasting only two hours, but it was meaningful enough and it prompted volunteers into the Christmas spirit. Volunteers were assigned a table set up with wrapping paper, scissors, tape, and ribbons. We were allowed the freedom as to how we would like to decorate the presents assigned to us. Each volunteer was given wish lists of children from elementary to high schools around the area, and our job was to “shop” for gifts that fits the kids’ wishes and wrap them. Despite it being a fairly short event, we had a lot of fun gift wrapping and decorating the gifts. It felt like we were a part of Santa’s


Rose Float Decorating TRINH THUY NGUYEN | John F. Kennedy At 5 AM on December 29, 2016, dozens of Key Clubbers from D30S and D30N gathered at Savannah HS. Frosty breath and quiet chatter filled the air. This time, we were headed to Pasadena to decorate the Rose Floats. For all the three years of Key Club, I had never gone to the Rose Float Decorating event. Too excited and pumped up on sugar, I simply couldn’t sleep. When the busses finally arrived and we were on our way, I naturally fell asleep – though I wasn’t the only one.


At the location, we were lined up and split into groups that would all perform different tasks. Most all of us handled flowers in one way or another. Members were either cutting, gluing, carrying, or sorting flowers all throughout the venue.

just above me on the scaffolding had dropped their glue. The highly adhesive glue drenched my hair.

As a first timer, it was breathtaking. Roses and flowers of all kinds filled dozens of buckets. I’m sure that even if I had gone multiple years before, it would have been just as beautiful of a sight.

Rather than being devastated by the fact that I would have to cut some of my hair off, I decided to smile and continue working on the floats. The many people who were concerned or had tried to help me get the glue out warmed my heart. I didn’t want to bring the mood down on the event and kept shining with service instead.

While gluing some flowers to my assigned float, I failed to notice when a bucket of glue had fallen from above. Someone working

By the end of the day, I fell fast asleep on the nearly silent bus ride back home. In a way, it was all just another day of service done.




come make

Memories SERVE and

with us at






t h e e



lieutenant governor d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com



executive assistant vpbui002@gmail.com

executive assistant exu2001@gmail.com



division secretary lizzy90620@gmail.com

FACEBOOK: www. facebook.com/ groups/division30southkeyclubs/ INSTAGRAM: @d30ssuns WEBSITE: cnhkeyclub.org

division news editor d30s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

REGION ADVISORS: MR. BARRY | fbarry642@gmail.com MRS. PONG | epong119@aol.com

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