Division 30 South News | March 2016-17

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Key Club International | Cal-Nev-Ha | Region 3

The Yellow Pages e 20 Volum 10 Issue

CONTENTS PAGE 5 Letter from Your LTG

for your LTG’s opinion on the division’s progress

PAGE 4 Letter from Your DNE

for insight on how this newsletter was put together

PAGE 6 Calendar

for important dates and details


PAGE 22 Contact Info

PAGE 8 Recognition

for ways to contact the division’s executive board

for the month’s shining clubs, member, officer, secretary, & most funds raised

PAGE 10 Spotlight on Service

for this month’s service initiative, including goals, tips, and/or ideas

PAGE 14 Articles

for highlights, written by division members, on events this month


A Letter from Your DNE Hello Suns! Wow, I’m already done with my second to last newsletter. That means I only have one newsletter left! I can’t believe I have only a little over one month left of my high school Key Club experience. I always hoped this day would never come and it’s scary how quickly the end is approaching. For those of you who are currently freshmen, sophomores, or juniors, please remember to savor these moments because your high school Key Club career will pass sooner than you think. Some of my fondest, most heartfelt memories are from Key Club events. Like the time an elderly woman gave me a hug and a rose as a thank you for volunteering at the Women’s Club of Cypress Tea event back when I was historian for Oxford Academy’s Key Club. Or the first Kiwanis meeting I ever attended and the first “Happy Dollar” session I ever participated in. Or, even more recently, the time I saw all our division members make no-sew fleece blankets during the September DCM for me to donate to St. Joseph Hospital’s cancer patients. Moments like these remind me why I joined Key Club in the first place and why I never regretted it for a minute. Even though there’s a lot of other service clubs out there, I don’t think any club besides Key Club can give members moments like these--moments we will remember for the rest of our lives. I know my letters these past few newsletters have been a little mushy and nostalgic but I can’t help it. As my last District Convention comes closer and closer, I can’t help but reflect on not just this term but all the years I’ve been in Key Club. Although I know I’ll make a lot of moments like these in the future, there’s no doubt that these Key Club moments are moments I’ll treasure for the rest of my days. Thank you Key Club and Division 30 South for allowing me to live these moments. I love you all!


Vivian Luong


Rise and Shine, Suns! It’s your Lieutenant Governor Kelly Tran popping in to say hello for one of the last times this term. We’ve had so many accomplishments. A collective $4,000+ for the Pediatric Trauma Program, 40+ member increase (and counting), and we’ve nearly reached our service hour goal. This is all thanks to you, the members. I say this at every Division Council Meeting and in every edition of the newsletter, but I am so grateful to have been able to serve you all as Division 30 South Lieutenant Governor. Life comes with many sacrifices but putting my time into Key Club wasn’t a sacrifice. It was an honor. With even the deadline for Distinguished Officer portfolios coming up, I am constantly heart warmed at the thought of how lucky I am to serve such amazing people. I am proud of our achievements and will forever be proud of every single member who makes an effort to contribute to their community. Even after I graduate in 2018 none of you will leave my heart. From those of you I talk to everyday to the people I’ve only said hello to once or twice, you have a place in my heart. You have all touched me in one way or another, but no words can describe how much love I have for all of you. We’re almost there and it’s sad to see a year fly by so quickly, but I’m so glad I’ll be celebrating the end of the term and my retirement as Lieutenant Governor with all of you. Key club has given so much to me and definitely all of us in Division 30 South. With this in mind, I encourage you all to put in your full effort as members to end the term with a bang. Shinin’ in Service,

Kelly Tran

A Letter from Your LTG 5

DESCRIPTION 17 | St. Patrick’s Day Most of us associate St. Patrick’s Day with wearing green to prevent getting pinched, leprechauns with pots of gold, and four leaf clovers that bestow good luck. Few of us give this holiday much attention and know the actual history behind St. Patrick’s Day. This holiday commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland as well as celebrating the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. While many of us associate the month of March with this holiday or the start of spring, we should also associate March with March of Dimes, this month’s Spotlight on Service. For more information about March of Dimes and what you can do to help, visit page 10 of this month’s newsletter.

18 | DCM: Buddy One-Day Fairmont Prep 1:00PM-3:00PM All members As an opportunity to reflect on the last term, members will be able to do multiple service projects. These will primarily be service projects we will do during the 20172018 term. We may do service projects such as blanket making or sandwich making! The address of Fairmon Prep is 2200 W Sequoia Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801. It is highly encouraged for you to attend this last DCM of the 2016-17 term, especially if you haven’t gone to any past DCMs this term. This may be the last time the whole division gathers before District Convention.


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SHINING CLUBS february 2016








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March of Dimes is a wonderful organization that strives to help moms have full-term pregnancies and give birth to healthy babies. Through donations this organization is able to spread awareness, provide comfort and further research regarding the health of babies. 11


spotlight on service: march


Premature death is a very serious and common problem. Every day, 1 in 8 babies born in the U.S. arrives too soon. This month’s focus is on March of Dimes. March of Dimes is a wonderful organization that strives to help moms have full-term pregnancies and give birth to healthy babies. Through donations this organization is able to spread awareness, provide comfort and further research regarding the health of babies.


03 01



01 | March for Babies www.marchforbabies. org March for Babies is an annual walk across the nation. Join a family team to help fundraise, gather up some friends to walk with, or simply attend the event as a volunteer to support March of Dimes. The money raised goes towards research and community programs that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies.

02 | Dime Class Competition 1. Create jars that show the name of the charity (March of Dimes) and decorate it with pictures and a small description of March of Diems. 2. Place a jar in every class, and explain to the class the purpose of the event and who they are fundraising for. 3. Dimes will be +10 points Dollars will be -100 points Quarters will be -25 points Nickels will be -5 points Pennies will be -1 point

03 | Save the Babies Campaign

04 | Teacher Pie Throw

This is your opportunity to participate in an easy service project that can spread awareness and possibly raise money for March of Dimes.

Have you ever wanted to throw a pie in a teacher’s face? Now you can! First, you should check with your school to see if it’s allowed and schedule a date. Then, you need to ask teachers to volunteer. Don’t forget to advertise the event! The “pie” will be whipped cream on a paper plate to save time and money. Each “pie” can be bought by students for $1 to throw at a teacher’s face. This is a fun way to fundraise for a great cause!

Find a central area in your school’s lunch area to set up a table and encourage students to participate in baby related games. Whether students win or lose, pass out informational brochures and have them gather around so you can inform them about March of Dimes. Then you can sell March of Dimes cutouts, which the students and staff can write their names on to show they donated. You can place all the cutouts in your school’s office.



Conclave 2017 VIVIAN BUI | Oxford Academy it’s given me so much. I both ran yesterday. Walking

don’t think I can ever repay this organization. But the least I can do is to create the same experiences for members. My main goal next term is to inspire you all to experience the same love for Key Club that I have.

It’s been almost a month since Conclave, and I still think I’m dreaming. I remember that freshmanyear me dreamt about being my home club’s Treasurer senior year. I never thought that I could say that I am Division 30 On another note, I just want South’s Lt. Governor Elect to thank those who have for the 2017-2018 term. put up with me along the way. Thank you to my best I don’t think I’ve ever been friends who let me practice this happy before. In the past my speech 24/7. Thank you month, all of your support is to Kelly Tran for taking a overwhelming. With every chance on me and believing post, every comment, and in me. I don’t know how I’m every message that I have going to improve upon your received, I’ve cried a little. I legacy, but I’ll definitely try really do love Key Club and my best. Thank you to Jane Division 30 South because Nguyen and Anh Mac, who

into Conclave, I didn’t mind if I wasn’t elected because they are both super amazing people who do so much for the clubs they serve. They both work so hard and deserve the best. I really can’t wait to see what amazing things that they will do. Lastly, thank you to Division 30 South for taking in my flaws and accepting me for who I am. This journey is going to be rough at times, but just bear with me. Together, I know that we can accomplish so so so much. I really can’t wait to serve you all as Division 30 South’s Lt. Governor for the next term.



WHW Sales Prep ALINA HUYNH | John F. Kennedy On the morning of Friday, January 27th, members of John F. Kennedy Key Club volunteered at the WHW sales prep where we help organize and sort clothes to prepare for a big sale on Saturday. WHW is a nonprofit organization that is aimed at providing opportunities for the unemployed to get back up on their feet and get a new start on life. The organization hold workshops that help build skills that people would need to be successful in the twenty-first century. WHW also hold clothing sales to help raise money for purchasing suits, which will then be given to the unemployed to get they prepared for their job interview. When the Key Clubbers first arrived, we were assigned to certain locations which had varying task; some of us organized shirts, other sorted jackets, active wear, shoes, and belts. Most of the time was spent digging through piles of clothes and putting them on the correct rack. The tremendous amount of clothes, and when I first saw it all, I thought there was no way we could get all these clothes organized in just a mere three hours. My assumption was proved wrong because the volunteers all worked diligently, lending a hand wherever help was

needed. Endlessly working from nine in the morning to twelve in the afternoon, the volunteer finished sorting through what seems like 15 racks of clothes and so many bins of clothes that I could not keep count. Volunteering at the WHW sales prep was an amazing experience for me, as well as many of the other members who attended the event. It was certainly a bonding opportunity for our club because we were able to laugh over each other’s poor fashion choice. The event is something I will look forward to and will be happy to volunteer at again.


John F. Kennedy Servathon ANH MAC | John F. Kennedy On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, students got the day off, but Key Clubbers, unconventionally, was AT school helping out at the annual AUHSD Servathon! Like the name implied, we spent our

morning SERVING. This year, the service projects that Kennedy focused on was book doctor and making cards for hospitalized children. The event was hosted at our MP-1. Despite it being a Monday off, we woke up early and get to school like it was just any normal school day.

delivered, and dumped out on tables. Volunteers meticulously went through every single page of every single book to look for markings and erase any inappropriate writings. If the book happens to be ripped, we re-binded it with tape to make sure the rest would not fall apart. We placed a sticker on the The book was books which were already doctored and looked through and boxed them up again to send back to the organization. These books are then distributed back to local libraries where they will be continuously re-read for those kids who love reading but does not have the same access to such precious materials.




come make

Memories SERVE and

with us at






t h e e



lieutenant governor d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com



executive assistant vpbui002@gmail.com

executive assistant exu2001@gmail.com



division secretary lizzy90620@gmail.com

FACEBOOK: www. facebook.com/ groups/division30southkeyclubs/ INSTAGRAM: @d30ssuns WEBSITE: cnhkeyclub.org

division news editor d30s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

REGION ADVISORS: MR. BARRY | fbarry642@gmail.com MRS. PONG | epong119@aol.com

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