Division 30 South || April Newsletter

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Key Club International | Cali-Nev-Ha | Region 3

division 30 south

THE YELLOW PAGES the final issue

VOLUME 19 ISSUE 11 division 30 south APRIL 2016



04 a letter from Your DNE 05 a letter from YOUR LTG 06 REFLECTIONS 20 Recognition 22 BLAST FROM THE PAST 26 SAVE THE DATE 28 BEE UPDATED 30 THANK YOU 32 CONTACT


division 30 south APRIL 2016

division 30 south APRIL 2016



This is it. Wow. For some of us, this really is the end–the end of a four year long journey through Key Club, the end of high school, the end of everything we’ve been familiar with as we soon pack up our bags and go to college. It’s bittersweet to think about it that way, but I wouldn’t change anything about my years in Key Club. For me, it’s been 4 long years of being in Key Club in various positions, from historian to treasurer to division news editor, and I’ve learned so much that I wouldn’t have learned elsewhere. 4 years almost seems to short, now that I think about it. I’ll miss the people that I’ve met throughout the years including the Key Clubbers, Kiwanis members, and people I’ve met while volunteering. From the spirit battles to the early hours of volunteering, there’s a lot to miss. Although volunteering in high school might be coming to an end, I can’t wait to continue in college. For those of you that aren’t seniors, then there’s no need for this nostalgia! You have so much ahead of you, and I commend you for continuing your journey. Some of you are starting in new positions and may be a bit lost, but don’t be scared to ask peers for help. Don’t forget why you first joined Key Club, and keep that passion alive. Thank you for everything & until next time,

Y jenny chung Division 30 South News Editor


division 30 south APRIL 2016


The past month has been… a rollercoaster. There have been the ups, and believe me there have been many, but of course there have also been the downs. But through it all you all haven’t failed to be my motivation to keep going. So thank you all for inspiring to do my best this past month. Throughout this past month, we have been able to serve 36331 Hours of Service as a Division for the 2015-2016 Term and we still have 1 more month to go! I am simply amazed at that achievement and when I completed my MRF to discover that massive amount of hours, it was so amazing to see this much service being completed. I couldn’t have been prouder or happier at any other moment, so thank you all for your spectacular, shining service to your homes, schools, and communities. See how we have broken new barriers and even broke 35,000 service hours! Let’s aim for 40,000! I know that we can do this Suns! Throughout this past year, there have been a lot of downs. With Light the Night or pulling allnighters the week before Fall Rally South. Crying my eyes out because stuff wouldn’t go the way I wanted it to go. It has been one heck of a ride. With all of those downs, also came with all of these ups. Having the improv-DCM with the Region. Creating Buddy One Day. We have done so many amazing things this past term and honestly, this has been one of the most rewarding experiences I could have asked for. I was never too confident in myself but with you Division 30 South, you have helped me grow into a new and brighter person. Thank you for helping me create memories and experiences that I will carry with me in the future and from the bottom of my heart, I love you Division 30 South.

shinin’ in service, john hoang Division 30 South Lieutenant Governor

division 30 south APRIL 2016



oxford academy lieutenant governor


division 30 south APRIL 2016


hroughout these last 4 years of Key Club, the one thing that I can say is I’m amazed. I’m amazed at how much I have grown throughout these last 4 years o f Key Club and I know it’s a cliché to say that Key Club changed me but truly, it really has. I remember back on that 1st day of Club Rush when my two best friends Emily and Jenny had encouraged me to join so I went a head and did. I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. But from that very first service event, I fell in love with Key Club because it was everything that I wasn’t. I was q uiet, reserved, and frankly at a loss for passion. Ever since I was little, I really didn’t have a passion for anything. The only thing that I knew was attempting to make my parents proud of me but I never was able to accomplish that. But through Key Club, I finally found a passion for myself. It was to give back to the community. Through volunteering, I was able to make people smile. To brighten up their days even for a second and hopefully impact their lives. Through volunteering, I found compassion to make others happy to make myself happy. It sounds kind of weird but honestly I fell in love with Key Club because seeing people happy always brighten up my day.


ut that wasn’t the only thing that changed about me. As a freshman and even to this day, I have never been the loudest person. I have always been the person in the background, sticking to myself and holding in my feelings. Never feeling confident in myself and ever believing in myself. You can talk to some of my closest friends and they know how nervous I was about serving as Lieutenant Gover nor and how I felt like I never deserved it. I never was the ideal Lieutenant Governor either. I wasn’t loud. I wasn’t a strong speaker. I wasn’t a leader figurer but rather someone who works in the background more often than so. But throughout my 4 years of Key Club, I have truly grown. Before, I couldn’t even speak to crowd of 10 people but now I’m able to present those monthly meetings with up to 100 people. Before I could never speak about my opinions and always held back what I thought, but now I’m able to truly profess how I feel and be upfront about everything. I have grown so much as a person and leader and it wouldn’t have been possible without Key Club. It’s a major cliché but Key Club has changed my life forever and I have no regrets about anything.

⤬ division 30 south APRIL 2016



whitney high school president


division 30 south APRIL 2016


hen I joined in 9th grade, I really didn’t know what Key Club was. At Whitney it seemed like a whole bunch of overly-happy people constantly yelling at me from the club rush booths to join their “ohana”... whatever that was :-) So I joined and decided on a whim to apply to be our club’s bulletin editor because I liked to write, so why not? Anyways, it seemed fun to yell and to chant random things to strangers for fun to get them to join. As I sat in front of Amy Kim, Dhruvi Chauhan, Tiffanie Abacan, and Olivia Xu, trying to convince them I was the best fit for my first cabinet position in high school, I didn’t know that by putting my foot forward to be more involved in this sunny ohana would change how I saw high school forever. Sounds dramatic but I assure you, 100% true. Despite the fact I had spelled Tiffanie’s last name as Acaban instead of Abacan (great first impressions, right?), I luckily became the next bulletin editor. As a freshman who was deathly afraid of public speaking, I was suddenly put into a position that made me put myself out there at general meetings, make announcements and send out emails to a club of almost 200 people.


ey Club changed a part of me that I never knew had to be changed as it exposed me more to exactly what I was deathly afraid of: speaking. As I stood in front of our club members, hands trembling, vision shaking, and obviously stuttering, I gained a kind of confidence that I never would have found otherwise. It was a confidence and support that I had gotten from my Key Club family. The word “ohana” was no longer a random attempt at getting me to join this club, it was the word I associated with these people I was going to spend the next 3 years of my high school journey with. Each Project CLEAN, each Lock-In, each Operation Christmas, each Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF was spent with this ohana that had helped me realize that speaking in public was not as scary as I had made it seem. And with this confidence I was able to go on to create a discussion group and to organize the first TEDx conference in our community. And for that I am forever indebted to each and

every person I have met during my Key Club journey and to my 9th grade self to giving in to the contagious chant and joining this organization.


ut enough about fetus Frances. Senior year has by far been my most emotional and unpredictable year and I am so grateful and blessed to have been president of Whitney Key Club through it all because the people I have met have made me smile each and every step of the way. My cabinet, also known as my Key Club babies, has never failed to make me smile when I was having some of my toughest days. As they yelled “HI FRANCES” from across the hallway to calling me “mama sun” in the middle of one of my daydreams at school, they are people I never want to forget. My club - each one of their questions and frantic emails and passion for service has only encouraged me to not fall ill to the infamous case of “senioritis” and to persevere because I remind myself I am serving these amazing people. The advisors - the people that have been with me since day one showing our club and me tough love and concern for the success of not only the organization but my success as a person and a leader. My division - our crazy, crazy division that always surprised me at every DCM with the new faces, the odd little quirks, the sunniness we were able to bring... Every piece of Key Club has been so valuable.


’ll admit, Key Club has never been easy. But I never would have wanted it any other way. The sleepless nights, the emails sent in the middle of class, the frantic calls to volunteers the day of an event: they are things I will forever treasure. Key Club may be international, but it is so personal to me because it has become my family and the organization that has shown me that anything is possible as long as we have “Caring” as our way of life. As this term comes to an end, it may be hard to let go, but I am so lucky to have so many people that make it this hard to say goodbye.

division 30 south APRIL 2016



rosary academy div. executive assistant


division 30 south APRIL 2016


a m so gla d t hat yo u all have mad e t h i s such a wo nder fu l ter m fo r m e t h is ye a r. Thank - yo u fo r all the l aug h s, m em ories , and fr iends hips I h av e m a de. I will never fo r get s eein g a l l y o ur welcoming s miles at DCMs or h o w e v eryon e is alw ays r eady to le n d a h el p ing h a nd at s er vic e events . I will a l w ays rem em ber ho w o u r Divis io n, Di v i s ion 30 Sou th, w as able to make it t o t h e t op t h re e du r ing Fall R ally. I will n e v er t ire se eing o u r yello w po m-p oms i n t h e a ir a n d ou r lo u d c heer s that we p ra ct iced a t sever al s pir it nights . I will a l s o n e ve r forget ho w w e beau tifu lly dec o ra t ed som e o f the R o s e Flo ats a n d m a kin g m emo r ies w ith o u r c lu bs, des p it e t h a t we had to w ait in the c old f o r h our, we knew o u r har d w o r k w ould b e w o rt h it . B ut my favo r ite memo ry of my t erm wa s no t mak ing peanu t -

butte r san d wic hes for the homel es s o r makin g n o- se w blan ke ts for bab i es , i t i s v olun te er in g at T he R un for Ho m el es s Child r e n . T his was my fir st ev en t I ev er atte n d ed as a K ey Clubber an d I ’ m g l a d I d id bec ause I saw the d ed ic ati o n a n d p assion this D iv ision has for serv i ce an d I kn e w fr om that d ay for wa rd , t h a t I wan te d to bec ome as ac tiv ely i n v o l v ed as I c ould within this c ommun i t y . I h a v e lear n ed a lot fr om y ou guy s an d I h o p e to ke ep le ar n in g n ex t ter m. We w o rk ed so har d as a d iv ision this y ear a n d I ’ m p r oud to be a p ar t of this lov ing S u n F amily , our O han a. It was a p lea s u re ser v in g y ou all an d I’m glad I w a s a b l e to ser v e as y ou 2 0 15- 2 0 16 Ex ec u t i v e A ssistan t. T han k- y ou for this a m a zi n g ex p e r ien c e .

division 30 south APRIL 2016



whitney high school news editor


division 30 south APRIL 2016


he term is almost over, but it feels as though it has just began. Bonds were made in through cabinet and throughout the club, especially with the seniors who will soon graduate. The bittersweet end is approaching as the term is ending and banquet is approaching. I learned so much in cabinet this year. I learned about the workings behind running Key Club, how much time and effort cabinet spends on the club, and how far a little compliment can go. I created new friendships and strengthened existing ones as I volunteered at events. I learned about my limits, or limitless, stamina as I volunteered for 13 straight hours from 6 AM to 7 PM on one Saturday. The thing that pushed

me through was the people I was working with. We provided each other with strength with our company as working with another is always better than being alone. Key Club is like another family of community minder students who strive to help others. It’s a family of loving and caring people who will make sacrifices just to help someone else who’s having a bad day. As the term ends, I’d like to thank all my fellow cabinet members as well as fellow club members for always being so inspiring and loving to one another.

division 30 south APRIL 2016



whitney high school fundraising coordinator


division 30 south APRIL 2016


can still remember the first for everything in my Key Club experience. Throughout the middle of 2014 until the beginning(ish) of 2016, I have made many encounters and many experiences that have helped me develop the perspective of Key Club that I have today. As a baby bee entering his event for the first time, I had the premonition that Key Club was entirely service oriented and that this club was there to offer opportunities to volunteer; it would not be too long before I realized that service events weren’t the only thing this club had to offer. After my Key Club moment which occurred at Fall Rally 2014, I developed a perception of Key Club that would make me want to take a part of cabinet. All backstory aside though, I have come to another perception about this amazing club. Yes, it is important that there are service events, and it’s very nice to see that the environment is friendly, but after meeting some people whose passion went above and beyond, I realized something else: Key Club was definitely a club focused around serving, and it was also a club about making friends and family, but I also learned that Key Club was a haven. People probably have mentioned it before that they find Key Club their safe place and somewhere they can go whenever they are faced with trouble, but to me I always thought that the people were the ones who really made Key Club seem like some sort of haven. Throughout my experiences as a Key Clubber, I have attended a variety of events and I have gone to stadiums,

amusement parks, convention centers, and many schools to attend a variety of places; however, when I go to some familiar areas such as the room where the cabinet meetings are always held, a feeling of being safe from the stresses of school and life suddenly fills me and makes me feel as if I’m inside a shelter that others are there to hold up. As Key Clubbers, we are one ohana, and I never really expected to see how true this would be outside of serving.


ey Club has meant different things to me throughout my journey as a Key Clubber, and I believe that for now, Key Club is my haven. My home club is honestly among the best (not to degrade any other home club and there is obvious bias), and I believe that this ohana that I have found really lets me take some time to forget about the constant stress in life because of school and expectations, and I can allow myself to avoid being like a machine. I want to be able to express my emotions too and prevent myself from being so much like an emotionless work force that only concentrates on school and nothing else. Key Club is helping me in ways that I don’t think it’s possible to pay it back. I guess letting this organization protect me and shield me from the harms of a twisted reality by introducing to me amazing people, events, and opportunities, is the least I can do.

⤬ division 30 south APRIL 2016



whitney high school historian/tech editor


division 30 south APRIL 2016


t’s so weird to think that about a year ago, our current executive board just got elected. One year ago, banquet was about a wee k away and I was anticipating the announcement of the new cabinet. One year ago, this current term was just about to start, and now, we’re approaching the end.

restricted in other things I could do were completely unnecessary. The responsibilities that being in cabinet entails are completely manageable, and if you’re struggling or come across an obstacle, you have an entire cabinet of caring people who are always willing to help.



think by now everyone knows it, but I can’t say it enough, time really does fly. I actually clearly remember the email our current president, Frances Lee, sent out introducing herself and the new executive board. I even remember the following emails she sent out about applications for the new term’s cabinet. At the time, I wasn’t sure what new endeavors I wanted to undertake my upcoming sophomore year and I didn’t want to commit to anything I couldn’t put all my heart and soul into. When I first opened and read that email about prospective cabinet members, my immediate instinct was that it was something I wanted to be a part of. But I sat on the thought. And I just kept sitting on it, thinking about how much work it would be and whether or not it would limit my possibilities of doing other things I want to do.


o all Key Clubbers out there, if you’re contemplating whether or not you should apply for cabinet, let me tell you, applying for cabinet was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My worries of having a huge Key Club-related workload and being

say, just go for it. If this is something you want to do, go for it. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? You can really only go up from here. By the time that you finish the entire application process, you would have experienced what it’s like to fill out an application for a position you want, and you would have complete a mock task and interview. By just going through the application process, you gain valuable skills and experience that you can learn from for future interviews for things like jobs and internships.


feel like I’m speaking for all my fellow cabinet members when I’m saying this but, as the term is coming to a close, I find myself extremely reminiscent. This past year, our cabinet really grew into a family and it saddens me to see all our beloved seniors go. But I really do have to say that I’m so proud of all the things our club has accomplished this past term and I can’t wait to see what this new term brings us.

⤬ division 30 south APRIL 2016



kennedy high school div. secretary

F A V O R IT E M EMO R Y? when all the ex ec utiv es stay e d u p t h e Itomiss n ight befor e F all R ally South at John ’ s h o u s e p r ep ar e last- min ute sp ir it ge ar s an d a t e

M c D on ald s c hic ke n n ugge ts together beca u s e w e wer e all ballin ’ on a bud ge t. While we w ere a l l slee p - d e p r iv ed an d star v e d fr om hun ger a t Fa l l R ally bec ause P an d a Ex p r ess was too e x p en s i v e, we still gav e it our all, sc r eame d the lo u d es t , an d most lost our v oic e by the en d of th e d a y . When we we r e all r ead y to leav e , our bu s b ro k e d own , an d we wer e stuc k in the p ar kin g l o t f o r a n ex tr a 3 0 min utes an d almost r an ov er s o m e Key Clubber s sin c e they d id n ’t let us p ass a n d kep t walkin g in fr on t of the bus.


division 30 south APRIL 2016


oxford academy div. project chair

ur in g this te r m I hav e mad e so man y f a n t a s t i c D memor ie s that it is r e ally har d to c h o o s e on e momen t that r e ally stood out. I am l u ck y en ough to say that I had the c han c e to g o t o multip le d iffe r en t ser v ic e ev en ts, D CMs , a n d bon d in g e v e n ts. I fee l like goin g to all o f t h es e ev en ts whether the y wer e j ust for my c l u b o r the whole d iv ision , r eally he lp e d me to rem i n d my se lf why I lov e this c lub so muc h an d w h y I d ec id ed to ap p ly for D L T as the D iv ision S erv i ce P r oj e c ts Coor d in ator . A t fir st, be c ause I h a d little ex p er ie n c e with the p osition , it wa s k i n d of har d for me to ad ap t to my tasks. Wit h t h e he lp of John an d othe r s, howe v er , I was a b l e to lear n mor e about the tr ic ks to d oin g w el l i n my p osition an d star ted to fe el mor e like I w a s makin g a d iffer en c e in the d iv ision . I am rea l l y gr ate ful that I was giv en this op p or tun i t y t o b e on D L T an d I r e ally hop e that my n e x t t w o y ea rs in K ey Club will be j ust as me mor able!


division 30 south APRIL 2016




c ar o l i n a rios-martinez

OF THE MONTH: r o s ar y


d a n i e ll e l e e whitney

S E C R E TA R Y j a n k i OF THE MONTH:



raised for service: 20

division 30 south APRIL 2016

pa t e l kennedy Western

sunshine stats

O X F O R D A C A DEMY st 5 6 0



h o u r s b o a r d m e e t ings kiw a nis m e e t ings dc m a r t ic l e s / pics dp / m e p divisi o n project funds for s e r vic e m r f





4 5 3

h o u r s b o a r d m e e t ings dc m a r t ic l e s & pics dp / m e p divisi o n project FU N D S m r f

KATELLA 3 5 6 h o u r s

b o a r d m e e t ings kiw a nis m e e t ings dc m a r t ic l e s / pics dp / m e p divisi o n project funds for s e r vic e m r f







3 5 0

h o u r s b o a r d m e e t ings divisi o n project interclub f u nds m r f

3 1 5

h o u r s general m e e t ings b o a r d m e e t ings D C M dp / m e p divisi o n project m r f




division 30 south APRIL 2016




division 30 south APRIL 2016


University of California, Irvine’s Key to College was an amazing experience. It meant a lot to me that UCI’s Circle K was offering this experience to members, because many of us were having doubts about college or weren’t sure how to prepare. Personally, I learned a lot from their workshops and tour around campus. University of California, Irvine is somewhere I’m interested in applying when application season rolls around. Naturally, I was excited to be able to visit the campus and learn tips from students who attend the school.

the key to

At the event, I was even able to meet members from other divisions in the region! It was nice to meet new people and get to know them. In addition to meeting other people from Region 3, I met Circle K members who helped me with any questions I had! I was involved in the Mentor and Mentee program they had at the event. This just meant that I would be partnered with a Circle K member. My mentor was helpful throughout the day and told me stories of what he went through during college. This experience was something I’d advise everyone to try in the future!

college division 30 south APRIL 2016



On February 20th, Division 30 South decided to try something new for our monthly Division Council Meeting. This time we would have a Buddy One Day which meant we would do service projects throughout the day with our club buddies. The service projects consisted of previous service projects we had done throughout the term in order to go down memory lane. When I first arrived at Fairmont Preparatory Academy there weren’t that many people there and we, Brenda and Abraham, sat down to wait for the others from our club to come and sign in. More and more people then started to arrive at the social and I was getting more curious as to how the day would go. In order to keep us occupied we did some ice breakers beforehand. We then went into the auditorium in which we were given a basic overview and then excused with our club buddies. Western’s club buddies are Los Alamitos, Cypress, and Anaheim. Our first service project was the sock making one, which we basically paint on designs on the bottom of the sock with puffy paint. At first I was quite nervous because I didn’t know if I would find people to interact with. However, I was proved wrong because despite not really communicating with the people next to me in the beginning I later on started talking to them. I made small talk with them and just asked some basic questions to get to know them better. One of the girls I started talking to was actually secretary for her club. It was nice talking to her because I was able to gain more insight on the position of secretary since I’m currently secretary elect and it got me to socialize with people out of my friend group.


division 30 south APRIL 2016

After a certain time we were told that our next service project was cleaning books and making sure they were in good condition. Beforehand I had never had the chance to clean books because I hadn’t attended the DCM in which they did this. Time flew fast and next thing we knew we were being told to go outside to do some ice breakers meanwhile they got ready. After this we were told to go inside the auditoriam where we waited to be excused for lunch. It was fun the way the excused us because it was basically mini spirit battles against different sections and it reminded me of Fall Rally. When everyone was finally excused we were given pizza, chips, and water for lunch which was quite filling. When lunch was over we were told to go to the auditoriam again for the Division Council Meeting. They did the usual routine of going through old and new business and handing out awards. One of our very own members, Helen Luong, received member of the month! Despite us not placing in the top shining clubs of the month it was great to see one of our members being recognized. My favorite part of the whole day would probably be the fact that we sang Happy Birthday to so many different people, Michael included. It was a never ending cycle of Happy Birthdays which in my opinion was great. As the day was coming closer to the end we went back to finishing the last two service projects we needed to do which were making wind wheels and blankets. The wind wheels allowed us to be creative because we were designing them how we wanted and the blankets allowed us to work in groups. Overall the day was enjoyable and a new experience since I had never attended a Division Council Meeting where the main purpose of it was to work with our club buddies and get to know them more. I really do hope there are more


At February DCM, hosted by Fairmont, we participated in not one, not two, but FOUR service events: blanket making, puffy sock decorating, book doctor, and pinwheel making. Besides bonding with my fellow Oxford Key Clubbers, I was also able to meet Key Clubbers from our buddy schools and hang out with them as well. It was also a great time to just reflect on all that we’d accomplished over this past year, from fundraising to hours served. That being said, it’s hard to believe that this term is already coming to an end. I’ve made nothing but amazing memories this year, and it’s sad to think that soon enough, all of he seniors will be stepping down. Even though these last few months will be bittersweet, I’m still looking ahead, and I can’t wait to have an amazing ‘16-‘17 term!

division 30 south APRIL 2016


e t a d E E TH


RONALD MCDONALD WALK april 3rd @ honda center 7 am - 11 am


april 15th @ red lion hotel 6 pm - 9 pm


division 30 south APRIL 2016

april 8-10

division 30 south APRIL 2016


A P R S M T W 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 2 24 25 26 2



division 30 south APRIL 2016


R I L W TH F S 1 2 6 7 8 9 3 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 LA PALMA & GREATER ANAHEIM KIWANIS MEETING





bee updated!

division 30 south APRIL 2016


thank you!


division 30 south APRIL 2016

division 30 south APRIL 2016


CONTACT JOHN HOANG lieutenant governor

d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com KELLY TRAN executive assistant kellytran414@yahoo.com

KRISTYN BYRD executive assistant kbyrd@rosaryroyals.org

ANH MAC division secretary itslittlemac@gmail.com

JENNY CHUNG division news editor d30s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com REGION ADVISORS: MR.BARRY fbarry642@aol.com || MRS.PONG epong119@aol.com www.facebook.com/groups/ division30southkeyclubs/


division 30 south APRIL 2016



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