June 2016-17 Division Newsletter

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Key Club International | Cal-Nev-Ha | Region 3

The Yellow Pages Volume 20 Issue 1

CONTENTS PAGE 5 Letter from Your LTG

for your LTG’s opinion on the division’s progress

PAGE 4 Letter from Your DNE

for insight on how this newsletter was put together


PAGE 6 Calendar

for important dates and notifications

PAGE 22 Contact Info

for ways to contact the division’s executive board

PAGE 8 Get to Know the DLT

for introductions by and fun facts about the DLT

PAGE 16 Spotlight on Service

for this month’s service initiative, including goals, tips, and/or ideas


for highlights, written by division members, on events this month


A Letter from Your DNE Hello Bee-uties!

Thank you for taking the time to look at my first newsletter :). Admittedly, making my first newsletter was one of the biggest challenges I’ve ever had in my life. Because of the four weeks of testing we’ve had at Oxford (SBAC, AP exams, and final exams) from the last week of April until now, I didn’t get to work on this newsletter as much as I would’ve wanted to :(. This newsletter was also especially challenging to make because I never considered designing to be a skill of mine. Even though I’ve been designing spreads in Oxford’s yearbook staff for three years, I still struggle with designing because I’m much more logical than I am creative. Of course I knew that I would need to design when I applied for this job. Despite my lack of design skills, I’ve always loved designing in yearbook, so I thought it’d be super fun for me to combine two things I love into one: designing and Key Club! This became an even bigger challenge because of all the pressure I was put under. I mean, I have to follow JENNY, the goddess of designing (who was also in charge of our yearbook staff). Also, because people knew I was in the yearbook staff, a lot of people said they expected this newsletter to be AMAZING and that they couldn’t wait to see it. Honestly, I’ve been dreading my deadline to turn this in because I’m scared of disappointing all of you. In the end, I made the best newsletter I possibly could. Expect these newsletters to get better because you’ll get to see me grow and improve with each month :) But for now, please enjoy my first!

Vivian Luong

Division 30 South News Editor


Aloha Suns,

This is your Lieutenant Governor Kelly Tran. I’m so excited for what the 2016-2017 term may bring for Division 30 South. In the beginning of the term, I mentioned divisional goals of at least 40,000 service hours and to fundraise at least $2,500 for Pediatric Trauma Program. I also mentioned District goals, which included 1.3 million hours of service, 3 new members per club beyond retention, and $185,000 raised for Pediatric Trauma Program. I have faith that we will be able to reach these goals by the end of the term! The key clubbers of Division 30 South have always shown so much dedication, and I really appreciate all of the service every member does to benefit their community. During May DCM we were able to make a huge amount of dog toys, which will be donated to OC Animal Care center! I’m super excited that the 20162017 term has been starting off so well, and I can’t wait to see the dog toys be used by the dogs in the shelter. I’m ecstatic to be serving such a wonderful group of members. I have so many plans for the new term, and I can’t wait to share them with all of you in the future. This term is shining bright. L-O-V-E I LOVE MY D-I-V.

Shinin’ with service,

Kelly Tran

Division 30 South Lieutenant Governor

A Letter from Your LTG5

18 | June DCM Location: TBD Time: 1-3PM Book Doctor For June, we will be having a service DCM. Because members have enjoyed the Book Doctor service project in the past, members will clean and repair donated children books. This is a great opportunity to hold conversations with others in the division while getting service hours, so the DLT highly encourages you all to attend!

19 | Father’s Day With Mother’s Day having just passed, now it’s time for Father’s Day. Show your fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and others how much you appreciate them and all they do for you. Prepare a breakfast in bed for him. Buy him the sports jersey he’s been wanting. Give him a warm hug. After all the service you’ve done for others in the community, it’s time you’ve served him.

HAVE A GREAT SUMMER! After all the hard work you’ve done and sleep you’ve lost during the school year, you deserve a break! Remember to go outside and engage in activities that promote health and safety this month. And remember to attend Key Club volunteer events, OTC, and all the DCMs this summer, including July DCM’s Beach Boomba!


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Get to Know the 2016-17



My name is Ethan Xu and I am an energetic and tall freshman (6 feet)! In my free time, I enjoy playing with my puppy and playing sports. I am in cross-country and volleyball, and enjoy all sports in general. I love meeting new people at service events and like trying to be funny.

Favorite Food: Ramen Favorite Candy: Twix Favorite Song(s): Bound 2, Where Ya At Favorite Movie: Interstellar


Howdy everyone! My name is Vivian Bui, and I’m a sophomore at Oxford Academy. Fun facts about me are that I love putting ice in my cereal, and I take pride in maintaining my long Snapchat streaks. Also, I really like listening to music, however, I cannot sing to save my life. My favorite music artists are Panic! at the Disco, Macklemore, and Big Time Rush (LOL). Feel free to say hi to me at events; don’t let my RBF fool you into thinking that I am scary. I’m actually really awkward and approachableat least I hope that I am. Peace out sun!

Favorite Food: #4 Grilled Chicken from Lee’s Sandwiches Favorite Drink: Tango Mango Favorite Book: Barron’s AP World History Book Favorite Movie: The Big Time Rush Movie


ELIZABETH ESTOLONIO (SECRETARY) Hi, I’m Elizabeth Estolonio and I’m currently a freshman. I go to Cypress High School where I’m also in the club Centurions for Christ. I like Thai food and watching k-dramas. I like to dance, play tennis, and play violin even though I’m not really good at any of those things. My favorite fruits are strawberries, watermelon, and pineapple. I also am historian on my home club’s board and I love Division 30 South!!!

Favorite Food: Thai BBQ, Korean BBQ, or sushi Favorite Book: Shatter Me series Favorite Animal: Baby hedgehogs or tigers Favorite Service Project: PB&J Sandwich Making


I’ve been in Key Club since 9th grade and I was one of Oxford Academy’s historians this past term. Because of my involvement in Key Club, I discovered my passion for helping people, which helped me to decide on what career I hope to pursue when I’m older. Because of everything Key Club has done for me, I am so excited to finally give back to Key Club by taking on a bigger role and making newsletters the whole division can enjoy.

Favorite Food: Pasta (especially Fettuccine Alfredo :P) Favorite Candy: I don’t really like sweets (please don’t judge haha) Favorite Book: Chicken Soup for the Soul books Favorite Service Project: Book Doctor



Heyo! I’m Kalila, and I will be serving as your Division Tech Editor this term. I am a senior at John F. Kennedy High School and have been participating in community service since my freshman year. I love to bake and do arts and crafts. I LOVE TO EXPLORE, so adventures are so so exciting for me. Other than that, I watch A TON of anime, so hit me up for a recommendation anytime

Favorite Food: CHEESE Favorite Music: JPOP Favorite Animal: Moose Favorite Movie: Howl’s Moving Castle


I’m currently a freshman from Oxford Academy Key Club! I enjoy playing tennis and practicing piano during my free time, and I was on the OA Varsity tennis team this school year. I also really like to travel. The best place I’ve been to so far would probably be Alaska, because of the great environment they have there! My least favorite thing to do is run, and I’m really glad that I only have one more 5k. After that, I don’t think I’ll ever run that much for the rest of my life. Something I like about Key Club is how everyone is so open to meeting new people and experiencing new things. I’ve interacted with at least one new person in each event I’ve been to, which is honestly pretty cool.

Favorite Music: Robin Schultz- Sugar Favorite Drink: Apple Juice Favorite Service Project: Nonslip Socks! Favorite Movie: Paper Towns


TRUST NGUYEN (SERVICE PROJECTS) I’m not a very interesting person!? I enjoy playing basketball on my free time and playing video games as well. I’m actually very good at a majority of games. I actually enjoy a lot of sports and I enjoy running, but I can only run for so long. I enjoy volunteering because I feel like it helps me develop my character and helps me meet new people and bond with others while at the same time, help the community. I’m a socially awkward person and I’m always willing to help if you ask. c;

Favorite Movie: Inception Favorite Music: KPOP?!?! Favorite Drink: Coconut Juice or Thai Tea! Favorite Book: Maze Runner (I DON’T READ THAT MANY BOOKS)


Hi! I’m Suzaine Thomas. Some of my hobbies included playing badminton and riding my bike outside. I am honored to be a part of this year’s Division Leadership Team and I am so excited for it!! I can’t wait for what’s in store this term. Favorite Service Project: ALL DCMs!!! Favorite Candy: Toblerone Favorite Book: The Book Thief Favorite Song(s): Any song by Big Bang



I am a current freshman at Kennedy High School, and for me, cross country/track and field is my main activity. I love to run long distances and it has taught me many valuable lessons. I also love to read books, because it is kind of a stress reliever for me. I joined Key Club because my goal in freshman year was to try everything and see what activities I liked doing and would like to stay dedicated in. At first, I hated it but once I volunteered a bit more I realized what service could do and how many friends I can make who don’t even go to my school. I also met many people that are great role models, being older than me. I love the family aspect of Key Club, making friends during service:)

Favorite Drink: BOBA Favorite Book: Harry Potter series Favorite Color: I should say yellow... it’s actually mint green Favorite Movie: Zootopia


I am very energetic. Most of the time I will say very dumb things but know I’m kind of smart. I love swimming and playing the flute for my school! I run a tumblr blog (approvinqly) where I make some money from marketing. Key Club is the place to be because the people are just fabulous!

Favorite Food: Chicken Wings Favorite Sweet: Crepes Favorite Service Project: Brea 8k Favorite Drink: Caramel macchiato with 6 pumps of vanilla and 2 pumps of toffee nut syrup, only one shot of espresso



Honestly my favorite thing to do outside of school is to go volunteering especially with my friends. It makes me feel great and stress free whenever I am out there volunteering. This is why I love Key Club, because I am given the opportunity to volunteer with many other different people who volunteer with the right purpose. I also enjoy being very involved within the school. As weird as it may sound, I like to keep myself busy. Whenever I do not have anything going on after school I feel as if I have forgotten something, so then, I go find something to do. I complain about the amount of sleep I get but only to realize it’s because I brought it upon myself. Sad life.

Favorite Food: French Fries Favorite Sweet: If pie counts as a sweet, then PIE Favorite Animal: Seal Favorite Service Project: Nonslip Socks


Caring-our way of life. Throughout this past term, Key Club has really taught me the importance of its core values and how to live by them. The things I’m most passionate about in life are dance, dogs, photography, and Key Club. All of these things (and more) have taught me to cherish all that I have in life. I’ve learned that to truly be happy, you must appreciate everything. Even the little things, because no small action should be taken for granted. My passion for service has grown tremendously and I’m more eager than ever to give back to my community.

Favorite Food: Elote (Mexican corn on the cob) Favorite Movie: Catching Fire Favorite Sweet: Shaved snow w/ grass jelly, mochi, condensed milk, & strawberries Favorite Song(s): soundcloud.com/jamesyellow



I love to make new friends and stay in touch with them. I like to take pictures and edit them. I’m currently playing badminton for my school and I love it! Besides keeping my grade all good, I also like to spend time serving my community, both to gain relationships and experience. I feel really excited and glad to be selected in the DLT. I like to try new things and explore the world as much as I can! I’m usually quiet, but when you get to know me, I talk a lot :))

Favorite Food: Vietnamese Food Favorite Drink: Green Tea Frappuccino Favorite Animal: Dolphin Favorite Movie: Disney movies in general


Here are some random facts about me! I’m shy at first, but I promise once I break my shell, I’m a crazy and weird person, I love to run as a sport, I’m in Cross Country and Track, I don’t watch regular TV anymore, i live off of Netflix. I have a twin sister, who is also in Key Club! My favorite fruits are green grapes and mango. I’m vegetarian! Something I like about Key Club is how you never stop meeting new people, it is scary but you meet really great people.

Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Animal: Caribous Favorite Music: Radio (mainstream music) Favorite Drink: Fruit Smoothies



Whenever I get stressed, I eat a lot of food especially something that is spicy. I love ALL kinds of food. Even though I love to hangout and talk with people, I become a little shy around people that I don’t know. However, I’ll try my best to get closer with other DLT members throughout the year! I hope we have a great year together:)

Favorite Food: Acai Bowl Favorite Song: One Call Away Favorite Movie: Marley & Me Favorite Book: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


I am a smol 5 ft child who likes memes and string cheese. My favorite dance moves are the dab and the whip. I love plants and anything else aesthetic. I like long walks on the beach and low-cardio activities. Unfortunately, I can’t help but to fangirl over korean idols. I dream of going to a GOT7 concert but my wallet is empty. Some of my hobbies include watching diy videos of people making odd jelly objects, discussing memes with my friends, and making people laugh with my stupidness. Something I love about Key Club is that everyone is so nice and friendly and the overall environment is very inviting. I also like the idea of inclusiveness and that Key Club really enforces that.

Favorite Food: Funnel Cake Favorite Music: GOT7 and BTS Favorite Animal: Seals Favorite Movie: Teen Beach Movie




Sp o

lt ight on

HEALTH & SAFETY >>>>>>>>>> p r o m o t e >>>>>>>>>>>


to everyone. Inform everyone on the

RISKS & PREVENTIONS participate in the many

organizations in your community that promote health & safety




a t

On the afternoon of April 3rd, the night before school began and the end of spring break, Whitney Key Clubbers dressed up and got ready for the annual Key Club banquet located at Frantone’s. For me, I had mixed feelings about this day- sadness because I realized how in a week, all the seniors would be retired of their duties for Key Club yet excitement because a new term was approaching and with a new term, comes new achievements and new memories. As I arrived there around 5:15PM that night, our club cabinet of the 2015-16 term came together to sign cards for our advisors and tried to secretly sign cards for Key Club seniors in cabinet/DLT for their surprise gift. As the Key Club banquet took place, and more and more people arrived, the club banquet began with amazing, delicious food ranging from pizza to pasta to garlic bread and much more. There was so much laughter, so many smiles, and a warm feeling throughout the room and it really showed me how close all of us were to one another- how all of us were an ohana. As gifts were given to the advisors and seniors and speeches were given by the 2015-16 executive cabinet, it was a sentimental moment seeing how in a week, 2015-16 cabinet would be retiring yet I was so thankful because they truly taught me so much about myself and helped me grow to the person I am today. As awards were handed out to Key Clubbers for their service/spirit this past term, I could see the huge amount of passion and love every Key Clubber had for Key Club and it made me feel so happy. As new cabinet was announced, it was exciting to see how joyful each of them were when their names were called out and it brought me so much satisfaction and I want to continue to create feelings of joy as the new Key Club term begins. And as the night ended, lots of tears were shed, smiles were seen throughout the room, and tons of pictures were taken that night. This past Key Club term was a term filled with laughter, smiles, sleeping late, and much more; however, every moment has been worth it after getting to see how much our club has accomplished this term and getting to see Key Club members’ smiles at events. This term was so successful because of the fact that we had such passionate and caring members who wanted to make a difference in the lives of others and also because we had such a strong foundation as a cabinet as well. And, I wanted to thank each and every single member for their continued support for changing the lives of others and for wanting to make a difference within the community. And, to the seniors, thank you for impacting the community and thank you for impacting our lives as well. All of you have created an everlasting legacy within Key Club and all of you are part of the reason why our club has been and will be successful. And to the non-seniors, I cannot wait to get to know and work with all of you this next term as your passion to make a difference is the KEY reason why our club will be so successful.

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Sunny Olympics

April DCM HELEN PHAN | Oxford Academy

course, a tragedy occurred. The bucket fell over, and all the water spilled out. April DCM was the one I participated Despite that, our team continued to get this quarter, and it sure was fun! Not only as much water to the other side as much was it the first DCM planned by the new as they can. lieutenant governor, but the new DLT was announced. It was exciting to see who At the end, we had a sufficient amount of were the next leaders in our division. water. Surprisingly, someone from Magnolia came up and dumped a water bottle in Aside from the speeches given in the our bucket. We were disqualified, but it beginning, the best opening to our day was quite funny. The next round began, was the fashion show. Everyone was and at the end, we seemed to have won. spirited in their red, white, and blue from Of course, it was never announced as Oxford Academy, so the fashion went well the next game proceeded. Before it can without a hitch. Oxford jumping jacks for start, every started to run towards an ice the win! cream truck. I stayed back, and luckily, a closer ice cream vendor came, and I got After all the schools finish their performance ice cream without running. That’s just plain for the fashion show, Katella Key Club won, luck! We then played Huggy Bear, and thanks to their rapping skills. Even with whoever lost, had to play a punishment lost, everyone was still pumped up for the game. upcoming games. Oxford was paired up with Fairmont, Magnolia, and Los Alimitos. Unlike the first two games, I actually Sadly, Los Alimitos didn’t show up, but, we participated in this one. The water balloon were still a big group. toss was the games name, as two people from different clubs form a team and toss The first game on the day was tic-tac- the water balloon from one another with to racing. It consisted of running back increasing distance. I teamed up with my and forth to play a game of tic-tac-to. It brother from Magnolia, and we managed was fun, but we still lost. Out of three, we to get three throws until it popped in my managed to get one win, we didn’t give hand. Out, I just watched the remaining up. duos. At the end, two groups won, as the balloons popped at the same time. The next game was the water race. About One person of the four was from Oxford 20 people from each team had to line Academy Key Club! up in front of a bucket of water, with a sponge in it, and run to the other bucket Last but not least, the relay race was being to transfer the water through the sponge. set up. Sadly, I had to leave as my ride was I sat out on this one, but it was still fun to there. I wasn’t disappointed, however, as watch people participate in the game. the day had been fun enough. Waving goodbye to my club, I walked home with All was going well for my team, until of some fun memories.


REGION ADVISORS: MR. BARRY | fbarry642@aol. com MRS. PONG | epong119@ aol.com

ELIZABETH ESTOLONIO division secretary


VIVIAN BUI executive assistant vpbui002@gmail.com

VIVIAN LUONG news editor



KELLY TRAN lieutenant governor


ETHAN XU executive assistant exu2001@gmail.com

FACEBOOK: www. facebook.com/ groups/division30southkeyclubs/ INSTAGRAM: @d30ssuns WEBSITE: cnhkeyclub.org

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