Division 30 South July Newsletter

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Key Club International | Cal-Nev-Ha | Region 3

The Yellow Pages Volume 20 Issue 2

CONTENTS PAGE 5 Letter from Your LTG

for your LTG’s opinion on the division’s progress

PAGE 4 Letter from Your DNE

for insight on how this newsletter was put together

PAGE 6 Calendar

for important dates and details


PAGE 22 Contact Info

PAGE 8 Recognition

for ways to contact the division’s executive board

for the month’s shining clubs, member, officer, secretary, & most funds raised

PAGE 10 Spotlight on Service

for this month’s service initiative, including goals, tips, and/or ideas


for highlights, written by division members, on events this month


A Letter from Your DNE Hello Bee-uties! This is the second newsletter I’ve ever made. I hope you can agree with me that I’ve improved from my first one. I was able to improve because I had more free time to really think about and develop my designs (because it’s summer. yay!) and because instead of starting from scratch (like I did with my first newsletter), I could just build on the designs I already had from my first newsletter. Honestly, even though I’ve improved a lot with my newsletters, I’m still not at the level I want to be at. I find myself struggling with what I want to achieve with my newsletters. For example, in my first newsletter, I strove for a happy, bubbly feel to fit the Key Club spirit. To achieve this, I used bright colors, “happier” and bolder fonts, and colorful images with positive connotations. As you can see in this newsletter, I moved away from this mood in certain parts of my newsletter. For example, in my “Why Do You Love Service?” spread, I went for a more professional feel, as I felt it was a serious question with a serious answer. Even this letter to you readers is more serious than the letter for my first newsletter. Now, I’m not sure if I want to continue with the happy, bubbly mood or move away to a professional feel. This struggle is only proof of what I’ve said in my previous letter to you: I will continue to grow and experiment throughout this term. And I wouldn’t wish for any other division to support me in my journey :) Shinin’ with Service,

Vivian Luong

Division 30 South News Editor


Aloha Suns,

Time has been flying by so quickly. I hope summer break has been amazing for all of you so far! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to serve you as your Lieutenant Governor during these past months. I’m so proud of you all for serving so fantastically and being so passionate about Key Club! I hope you all had an amazing time at our last Division Council Meeting. During the month of June, as you may know, we were able to make Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. At the June DCM we had an attendance of more than 130 members. In the end, we were also able to make more than one-thousand sandwiches, which were donated to the Long Beach Rescue Mission! I’m incredibly proud of all of you for being so hard working and making so many. It’s now July, and there’s much more in store for us shining key-clubbers. Don’t forget to take advantage of this time you have during the summer to continue volunteering and serving your community! My personal goal is to serve thirty more hours for the month of July. What’s your goal? Stay in touch with Division 30 South using the google reflector or taking a look at our social media! There’s many more events to come, including Beach Boomba on July 16! But don’t forget that if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, that need to be addressed to just send me an email at d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com.


Kelly Tran

Division 30 South Lieutenant Governor

A Letter from Your LTG5

DESCRIPTION 4 | Independence Day Celebrate this holiday with your friends and family. In honor of July’s Spotlight on Service focus: Go Outdoors, we encourage you to celebrate this holiday outside. Enjoy a professional fireworks show at a park. Host a barbeque party in your backyard. Gather with your loved ones at the beach for a bonfire while enjoying the fireworks. Enjoy this day off with the great outdoors.

6-10 | International Convention Atlanta, Georgia International convention, which is the biggest event of the Key Club year, will last five days. This event brings together Key Clubbers from all over the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. Why should you go to an event so far away? You can: make new memories and friendships, share innovative service project and fundraising ideas, listen to amazing speakers, train for your 2016-17 leadership position, hear about our success so far with The Eliminate Project, and discover new charities and organizations you and your club can team up with.

16 | July DCM Huntington Beach 10AM-3PM Beach Boomba This annual region event is a fun, social DCM that perfectly encompasses July’s Spotlight on Service focus: Go Outdoors. At this event, you can participate in the beach cleanup to earn service hours. Besides the service side of this event, you can also spend hours at the beach bonding with fellow Key Clubbers. Fun activities include pie-ing our LTG Kelly and a watermelon eating contest! What better way to spend your Saturday than by having fun in the sun with your friends while giving back to the community? RSVP to LTG Kelly by July 8th.


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shining C A L K I N S SECRETARY c y p r e s s ALLAN


MEMBER OFFICER o f t h e CONTRERAS o f t h e HERNANDEZ m o n t h l o a r a m o n t h john f. kennedy 9



Sp o

ht on tlig

GO OUTSIDE in today’s world

many of us are always glued to our


we Key Clubbers can change this! >>> encourage others within your >>>

HOME, SCHOOL, & COMMUNITY to maintain an

active lifestyle outdoors 11


spotlight on service: july

GO OUTSIDE Our July focus is to help others and ourselves with maintaining an active lifestyle outdoors to be healthy. There are lots of ways to promote GO OUTDOORS in your home, school, and community. Keep reading to find 5 different projects relating to our July Focus.



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01 | CLEAN THE BAY Heal the Bay is an organization that helps protect our oceans from pollution. Gather all of your fellow Key Clubbers and head out to the beach to participate in a cleanup over break or a weekend! Beach cleanup events are not limited to one day alone. Depending on your Key Club, you may participate in public events, such as Coastal Cleanup Day, or group events, such as “Adopt a Beach.” Either way, there is always a way to help protect the oceans.


YOU can step up and rescue the city by creating changes to benefit the environment and help clean up and beautify these places around your community. Choose a local recreation location (park, beach, etc). After choosing a location, gather trash bags and gloves and begin cleaning the city with your fellow Key Clubbers! Repaint benches/ buildings, plant trees, and more. Utilize your school. Clean up your classrooms, benches, and other resources in early preparation for the upcoming school year.

03 | RUSTIC PATHWAYS Rustic Pathways, a cosponsor of Key Club International, allows students to travel to different areas to perform service. This program exposes high school students to new cultures, ideas, and people for a few weeks. The main goal of Rustic Pathways is to “enrich the lives of our students and our staff, benefit the parts of the world we serve, and build cultural bridges that lead to greater global understanding and cooperation.” There are many different programs. Go to the website to choose the right program for you!

05 | 04 | HERSHEY’S LANDSCAPE TRACK & FIELD STRUCTURES Hershey’s Track and Field is a track and field organization targeted at youth. Local track meets are held all over the USA and Canada.

But as great as it is to win, Hershey’s goal is not for kids to beat other kids - it’s for them to beat themselves. Hershey’s mission is to encourage youth to push themselves to make themselves better both physically and mentally. So what are you waiting for? If you’re interested in getting involved, contact your Kiwanis club and get in touch with a local representative.

As a Kiwanis Vision Partner, Landscape Structures Inc. uses personalized design and manufacturing to allow all children to have a place of play of adventure. By encouraging inclusive play for all children, Landscape Structures Inc. is helping to fight childhood obesity and ensure that children are able to develop social skills while growing up.

If your community is in need of a new playground or repairs on old equipment, contact Landscape Structures Inc. to apply for a grant!


Why Do You Love Service? 14

Volunteering: The Key to Happiness KRISTINA THEAM | Whitney If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about sappy movies, it’s that “I just want to be happy,” has become a SUPER cliché line. Humans all throughout history—even today, are in a constant search for happiness. In a society plagued with happiness that is attached to material goods like money or how nice your house is, it’s easy to forget what real happiness is and what it feels like. Of course, happiness is subjective and it’ll feel different for everyone, but there definitely some things in common between the happiness that each and everyone one of us yearns for.


Personally, I know I’m happy when I feel super motivated to do everything I need to do and I rarely think negative thoughts. Ever since I joined Key Club and began volunteering, I’ve noticed that I’m substantially much more happier than I used to be. Of course, there will be days when I feel down, but

in the long run, volunteering makes me feel really good about myself. It makes me feel good to know that by giving up some of my free time to do some work for free I’ve positively impacted the lives of whoever I helped while volunteering. This is especially true with HOPE Food Bank. Because volunteers at HOPE get to personally distribute food to those in need, they feel more connected to the cause that they’re aiding; I know this is especially true for me.

a problem for me because I have a hard time waking up in the morning for super early events. However, once I get started and I’m on a roll, I’m super motivated to keep on going until my shift or the event is over. Here’s a piece of wisdom for those of you who identify with my problem of waking up early for events or getting started: Sign yourself up the second you see an event that you’re interested in. When you put your name on the list of volunteers, it’ll make you feel more obligated to go. Even if it’s an early Volunteering truly is a key to finding event, once your name is on that list, happiness, or at least getting an idea you’ll be more prepared to wake up of what real happiness should feel early. Trust me. This works well for like. Volunteering might not be the people who don’t sign up until they main source of your happiness but think about for a few days. Just sign it’s definitely something great and up!! life-changing that all people should try. It just makes you feel good If you ever find yourself feeling about yourself. down or sad, you don’t even have to wait to volunteer to feel better. Just A problem I have personally often do something nice for someone. It encountered when it comes to works wonders. volunteering is getting motivated to actually get up and start. This is



Special Olympics ANH MAC | John F. Kennedy

can’t describe in words.

On Saturday, May 21st, 2015, John F. Kennedy Key Club participated in the annual Special Olympics held at Irvine High School. Even though it was a considerably far location for a volunteer event, I am glad I had the opportunities to experience such a heart-warming and unique event.

After we were done passing out food, we were able to watch the competitions on the track. The athletes completely wow’ed me as they ran past the finish line with a smile on their face knowing the challenging practices all season long were worth it.

The Special Olympics is an annual sporting event specifically designed for disabled athletes. The athletes were able to compete in various events, such as Track & Field, Basketball, Swimming, etc., and completely surpassed the audience’s expectations.

The event really brought people of many different backgrounds in the community together as we join together on that day to celebrate the hard work and achievements of the athletes and coaches.

We helped out with the Lions Club of Huntington Beach to prepare meals to feed the athletes, coaches, and even other volunteers by packaging lunch bags and wrapping chicken burgers. This was a fun experience since we rarely get to witness the impact of our volunteer work in the community in such a direct way. The joy on every participants as they receive their lunch after a long, hot day competing gave me such a truly profound feeling that I really



TRINH NGUYEN | John F. Kennedy With AP exams finishing up and finals approaching, what better way to prepare for the dog days of summer than making toys for mankind’s best friend? As one of numerous juniors exhausted from cramming and pulling multiple all nighters, unwinding at DCM felt fantastic and was exactly what I needed after the first two weeks of AP exams. After a short but aMAYzing two hours, boxes of dog toys were ready for donation, and Division 30 South shined as bright as the sun smiling down on us that afternoon. Strolling into Loara High School’s small gym carrying a simple admission price of one unwanted, purposeless t-shirt, I could not contain my excitement to reunite with my second family, my Key

Division Dog Toys

Club ohana. All around me were my fellow Suns, friendly to everyone around them and burning with a passion to serve. After the DCM, we played Huggy Bear. I chuckled quite a bit as everyone scrambled to form groups with the correct number of people, and I laughed harder when groups had to sacrifice one or two people to match the number. Once we were done playing, everyone proceeded to begin to give their old t-shirts new purpose by turning them into dog toys.

As someone who had absolutely no clue on how to braid, I was completely lost while everyone else was already starting. Eventually, I learned how to do it after a few minutes of lecturing from my merciful friends and could help make dog toys as well.

“After a short but aMAYzing two hours, boxes of dog toys were ready for donation, and Division 30 South shined as bright as the sun smiling down on us that afternoon.”

Being in the gym, a wave of nostalgia washed over me; this gym in particular held a special place in my heart as I had attended Loara HS for freshman year and played on the basketball team. At the time, I had been so preoccupied with basketball that i had not joined Key Club while attending Loara. Now, when I attempt to imagine what my life would be like without Key Club, I simply can’t. For me, life without Key Club, wouldn’t be a life at all. It was even thanks to Key Club that I could stand in that gym once again. Without a doubt, May DCM: Division Dog Toys was the place to be.





Memories SERVE come make and

with us at






t h e e


Region 3 presents

Beach Boomba pieing LTGs || watermelon contest || beach cleanup || DCM



swim suit

medical release form


wear division shirt


towels sunblock drinks extra clothes


REGION ADVISORS: MR. BARRY | fbarry642@aol.com MRS. PONG | epong119@aol.com ELIZABETH ESTOLONIO division secretary


VIVIAN BUI executive assistant vpbui002@gmail.com

VIVIAN LUONG news editor



KELLY TRAN lieutenant governor


ETHAN XU executive assistant exu2001@gmail.com

FACEBOOK: www. facebook.com/ groups/division30southkeyclubs/ INSTAGRAM: @d30ssuns WEBSITE: cnhkeyclub.org

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