D30S News || September

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Key Club International | Cal-Nev-Ha | Region 3

The Yellow Pages e 20 m u l o V Issue 4

CONTENTS PAGE 5 Letter from Your LTG

for your LTG’s opinion on the division’s progress

PAGE 4 Letter from Your DNE

for insight on how this newsletter was put together

PAGE 6 Calendar

for important dates and details


PAGE 22 Contact Info

PAGE 8 Recognition

for ways to contact the division’s executive board

for the month’s shining clubs, member, officer, secretary, & most funds raised

PAGE 10 Spotlight on Service

for this month’s service initiative, including goals, tips, and/or ideas

PAGE 14 Articles

for highlights, written by division members, on events this month


A Letter from Your DNE Hello Suns! It’s finally September, which means all of you are probably back in school. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I had mixed feelings about coming back to school. Because I go to Oxford Academy, I started on August 10. This year, summer felt really short for me. Maybe it’s because this was my last summer as a high school student. But I’m happy school has started because now Club Rush is coming soon! Which means I get to see all the new Key Club members! This is always my favorite part of the Key Club term because I get to see all the new freshmen! And it’s always interesting to see whose hearts will be unlocked through Key Club. I know I mentioned this in my last newsletter but I want to say this again to really emphasize how important this is: Without a doubt, our clubs lose members as the year goes on, with summer being our lowest point. So we ask the same question every year: how do we keep member retention? I will answer that with another question for you to consider: What made you stay in Key Club? All of us may have different reasons, but we’re all here now. In one way or another, Key Club has unlocked all of our hearts. And as I started my senior year--and as I write my college apps--I’ve come to realize just how much Key Club has affected me. Without Key Club, I would have never discovered my passion for helping others and would have never had the confidence to perform this passion for the rest of my life. Without Key Club, I would have never learned to go out of my comfort zone. Without Key Club, I would have never met such amazing people who have truly impacted my life. And for all of this, I thank you Key Club. I hope you have a great school year and rest of the Key Club term! Good luck at Club Rush and I hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter! :)


Vivian Luong


Rise and Shine Suns, I’m your Division 30 South Lieutenant Governor, Kelly Tran, and I’m so proud to say that we have served almost 3000 hours in the month of July! Back to school season has just begun and many of us have either already started our first day of school or will be starting very soon! Even though summer is ended, however cliché it may sound, the school year is another beginning. This is another “new year” for us students. Make sure to make the most of your high school experience! Speaking of high school experience, let’s go over some of my tips! Tip number one. The night before school, make sure to pack your backpack with everything you need. This can include your school ID card, money, your binder, pencils, and pens. Packing your stuff the night before is going to help you a lot, especially if you’re someone like me who might accidentally sleep in some mornings! Tip number two. Write down your homework for every class! It’s important to be able to rely on yourself for assignments. This is a simple tip, but remember this so you don’t have to ask your friends every day! Tip number three. The last tip I have for all of you. It’s to remember to do things that keep you happy. Whether it’s going to volunteer events, studying for the next test, or going out to do some photography, do things that make you content with your life. Don’t spend time surrounding yourself with people who make you unhappy or who are bad influences. Life is too short to live being around people who don’t make you feel like you’re at your best. Division 30 South Key Clubs is a community with big hearts. Since school might make things more hectic for some of us, don’t be afraid to reach out to me, another officer, or even a fellow member when it gets too stressful! Remember to do your best and that it’s okay to go to others for a little help or suggestions! All of you are going to have an amazing school year. Not only will this be an amazing school year, but this will be an amazing Key Club term. See you sometime soon!

Keep on shining,

Kelly Tran

A Letter from Your LTG 5

DESCRIPTION 17 | September DCM Project Warmth 1:00PM-3:00PM Location TBD On September 17, we will have our September DCM. We will be making no sew fleece blankets, which is a project we have done in the past. This time, the blankets we make will me donated to the oncology department of St. Joseph Hospital. With the incoming winter season, the cancer patients at St. Joseph Hospital are in great need of means to keep warm. Don’t miss out on an amazing opportunity to make friends while giving to the community.

24 | Out of the Darkness Walk to Prevent Suicide Mile Square Regional Park 6:15AM-11:30AM The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention holds walks around different communities and on September 24, they will have one in Fountain Valley. By volunteering at this event, you will help AFSP in their mission to raise awareness and funds to invest in new research, create educational programs, advocate for public policy, and support survivors of suicide loss.

24-25 | OC Children’s Book Festival Orange Coast College 9/24: 4 spots 9/25: 79 spots Spend your weekend having fun at a festival and playing with children while earning Key Club volunteer hours! Key Clubbers will be helping the annual festival by working stands, setting up the festival, cleaning up the festival, and more! The address for Orange Coast College is 2701 Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa, CA 92626.


September S M

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1105 hours


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727.5 hours

350 hours


230 hours


227 hours



s h i n i n g PA U L A ESTILLIMO SECRETARY anaheim ANNIE

MEMBER CRYSTAL OFFICER ofthe P A R K ofthe NGUYEN month l o a r a month western 9



otlight p S

Servi n c o



Pediatric Trauma is the leading cause of death and injury among children ages 14 and under in the United States. However this can be prevented.



spotlight on service: september

PEDIATRIC TRAUMA PROGRAM Pediatric trauma is caused by the lack of awareness of bicycle safety, seatbelt safety, and wearing proper safety equipment such as helmets and knee pads. The Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) helps reduce the number of children in our Cali-Nev-Ha District who are killed or injured by trauma by supporting pediatric hospitals and developing programs for the community.






01 | Bicycle Rodeo

02 | PTP Dolls

Although it is easy to learn how to ride a bike, most children never learn about bicycle safety. They know to wear a helmet, but not why or how to choose the correct one if given an option. Hundreds of children and adults are injured each year because of the lack of bicycle safety awareness. Your club can be the change. In celebration of this month’s focus of Pediatric Trauma Program, your club can create a bicycle rodeo.

The purpose of Pediatric Trauma Dolls is to bring comfort and reassurance for the children. The dolls helps nurses demonstrate the procedure the children will be undergoing. Furthermore, kids can use the dolls to express their pain or draw on them for comfort. You can create these helpful dolls as a service project. Contact local hospitals to find out if they accept the dolls and hand them to children.

Bicycle Rodeo is more than just an obstacle course, it is an event to teach children about bicycle safety. During this rodeo you should teach children as well as their parents about how to inspect a bike to know if it is fit for the child, how to find a helmet that properly fits and will protect them, how to use hand signals, and bicycle riding safety in general.

03 | Project Linus Project Linus is an organization that creates blankets to children who are seriously ill and traumatized. Project Linus’s mission is to provide love, a sense of security, warmth, and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.” For this month, provide a rewarding and fun service opportunity for interested individuals and groups in local communities, for the benefit of children.

04 | Ice Skating Fundraiser Contact a local ice skating rink and ask them about their group prices. Advertise, and make sure to collect any ticket money beforehand so that it’s ready to hand to the person in charge the day off! Skating is a great community activity that members can do together. It’s also a wonderful way to meet other members and bond!



July DCM: Beach Boomba VIVIAN BUI | Oxford Academy relay and capture the flag. Training Conference. I was

Beach Boomba, one of Region 3’s famous annual events, was held on July 16th at Huntington Beach. Our region comprised of Key Clubs from Division 4E Goldfish, 4N Otters, 4W Dragons, 30N Rhinos, 30S Suns, 41N Frogs, and 41S Lions. During Beach Boomba, we all spent our Saturday bonding and serving our community. As an EA, I handled registration for the majority of the day. During this time, members from across Region 3 participated in various games, such as tic-tac-toe

After lunch, Kelly Tran led our monthly DCM on the beach. Can we get an “OH YEAH” for our LTG? Then we held a watermelon contest and a Pie-theLTG fundraiser, which was probably my favorite part of the day. Along with the other EAs, I helped fill plates with whipped cream to pie Kelly and the other Region 3 LTGS.

As Beach Boomba came to a close, I felt nothing but ambivalence from the day. I was happy because I had an amazing day, but I felt sad because this was one of the last Region 3 events until October’s Region

also sad because since the summer was ending, I would have less time for Key Club during the school year. Sometimes it’s hard for me to explain why I love Key Club so much. I feel as if only a few people understand why this club makes me so happy. Although I dread school, I am looking forward to Club Rush because I can’t wait to spread my love of Key Club to the underclassmen! <3



Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast ALINA HUYNH | John F. Kennedy On the celebratory morning of July 4th, the members of John F. Kennedy Key Club gathered at central park to help the Kiwanis serve pancakes and drinks to the community of La Palma. Although it was early in the morning, we came together on the momentous holiday to serve our community. The members started the sunny morning by helping the Kiwanis of La Palma serve pancakes and sausages to the people of the community that have gathered at central park. Along with other Key clubs from around the area, we were able to share the happiness of service. All the volunteers worked endlessly as more people started to line up to receive breakfast. Pancakes were being served at lightning speed and the Kiwanis members were barely able to keep up with the pace. The event was a great turnout as many people started to come throughout the morning. The line for breakfast stretched all the way to the parking lot of the park, and people were eagerly waiting to get their hands and the delicious food that was being served. The volunteers were kept on their toes, constantly having to transfer pancakes and sausages from the cooking area to the containers that the food was going to serve in. Despite the adrenaline rush from having

the pressure of serving the customers, we did not forget to keep a smile on our faces. Although completing a small task such as serving breakfast, we all felt the satisfaction that comes with giving back to the people of our community. On such an early morning, it was pleasant to see so many people come together to spend the holiday with each other. Thanks to the sacrifice of the Kiwanis and the Key clubbers on a holiday morning, the people of the community were able to enjoy a delectable breakfast. The pancake breakfast allowed the key clubbers to learn the importance of giving back and how a smile can can make someone’s day.


OC Food Bank TRINH TRAN | Loara High School Community service never stops, not even in the hot summer days! On July 23, 2016, Loara Key Club was given the opportunity to help out at the OC Food Bank in Garden Grove. To provide some background information on what the OC Food Bank does, it gives donated food, USDA commodities, and purchased food to nonprofit agencies in Orange County that help low-income families and individuals out. Our job was to help package the food in cardboard boxes for later distribution. After signing in, we started working at our given stations promptly at 11AM. There were about f o u r

to five stations, connected by manual conveyor belts and each station packed something different into the cardboard boxes. For example, one station placed canned beans while another station placed cereal boxes. Our Key Clubbers were appointed at the head of the conveyor belts and was given the

difficult part was maintaining the flow since we had to pack and send it off to the next station quickly. However, if the boxes went too fast, they could fall off the belt while curving on the bend of the conveyor and mess up the flow! Since I noticed that no-one was making sure that didn’t happen, I took charge and remained at that corner to reduce the chances of boxes falling off, although it did happen a few times when the line suddenly sped up. Although I remained in that area until the end of the event, some of our Saxons worked in the other stations and did things such as crushing cardboard boxes.

“And to me, the thought of someone else’s smile makes me smile.”

task of loading cereal boxes into the package. It was fairly easy and the only

Before I knew it, it was already time to leave--three hours had passed by so quickly. If I was given the chance to go again, I would because even though it was hot and all they had were fans, I really enjoyed packing those boxes for the homeless/less fortunate. I could’ve been at home enjoying my A/C or playing on my computer but I chose to volunteer because I wanted to help out and make someone’s life a little easier. And to me, the thought of someone else’s smile makes me smile.




Memories SERVE come make and

with us at






t h e e


monthly college topic

Writing your Personal Statements Hello Region 3, Some of you may be rushing to get your summer homework done or may have already started school, but personal statements cannot be forgotten, especially for seniors. They are an essential part of your college application. Here are seven tips that can help you out!

Brian Nguyen R3 College Expo Coordinator

Tip 1: Hold tightly onto the values that you have come to appreciate.

Tip 3: 20

Tip 2: Ask for advice graduated seniors.


Recall the most important lessons and experiences you have had in your life.

Tip 4:

Accept constructive criticism from those helping with your essay.

Tip 5:

Tip 6:

Make time to sit down and contemplate who you are and what your desires are.

Bee sure that your essay reflects yourself.


Tip 7: Edit, edit, edit and don’t wait until the last minute!

IP Lieutenant Governor, Terry Nguyen has a video giving advice on college apps which I recommend you to watch!

“On College Applications | girl meets camera”

“Tackle your statements banging on your chest!” 21


lieutenant governor d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com



executive assistant vpbui002@gmail.com

executive assistant exu2001@gmail.com



division secretary lizzy90620@gmail.com

FACEBOOK: www. facebook.com/ groups/division30southkeyclubs/ INSTAGRAM: @d30ssuns WEBSITE: cnhkeyclub.org

division news editor d30s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

REGION ADVISORS: MR. BARRY | fbarry642@aol.com MRS. PONG | epong119@aol.com

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