Special Advertising Section
Trolls, Wildcats School Musical, Disney on Stage, Instrumental Music, Girl Power, Recording Studio Basics, Art Explorers, Painting, Clay Creations, Itty Bitty Ballet Camp, Faerie Tale Dreams Ballet, Hip Hop, Jazz, Ballet & more! COVID SAFE! Openings limited! See display ad on pg. 27. 913.393.3141. Enroll online: www.CultureHouse.com
Kansas City School of Music Kansas City School of Music, the premier music school for children and teenagers in the Kansas City area, offers summer camps in piano, guitar, violin, viola, cello,
KC Parent’s
Camp Guide
voice, musical theater, music theory, jazz theory, chamber music, keyboard ensembles, and worship music. All camps meet Monday through Friday for three
The Culture House
hours each day. Morning and afternoon
Spend your summer at The Culture House!
camps are available. Private lessons
Shows/workshops include dance, theatre,
(6-11), Broadway Musical Intensive, Into
are also offered in the summer. Visit
music and art taught by professionally
the Unknown, Arabian Nights, Improv
www.kansascityschoolofmusic.com or call
trained adults. “BRIGHT STAR” (13-20),
Comedy, Ovation Ensemble, Music of
913.888.2444. See display ad on pg. 28. Continued on page 33
kcparent.com february 2021