CHILLI JEWELLERY is a brand of exclusive jewelry created by hand, based on modern 3D technologies, distinguished by the quality of both design and workmanship.
Most of the collection is dedicated to Baltic amber - a natural stone associated strongly with Poland and gaining fans all over the world.
Increasingly precious gems also appear in them, which like amber are closed in sophisticated gold frames.
Katalog produktowy wykonany na początku 2020 roku, pełen artystycznej fotografii i wyjątkowego spojrzenia na złotą biżuterię z bursztynem.
Biżuteria: CHILLI Jewellery Ireneusz Glaza
Redakcja i nadzór: Karina Glaza
Projekt katalogu i skład DTP: © KEENYS
Fotografie produktowe artystyczne: © KEENYS
Fotografie z pokazu AmberLOOK: MTG S.A.