Issue 13 | Are You Charismatic? (Charismatic Leaders)

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Issue 13

different kinds of leaders

The Charismatic Leader

Marilyn Monroe Artisan Performer ESFP




Letter from Keirsey Dear Friend, This month, we’re going to push the edge further than we’ve ever done before in any of our publications. We’re going to look at one of the most sexually provocative personality types of all. So, if you’re somewhat conservative, or have been referring our magazine to minors, we wanted to forewarn you that the content addressed in this issue will not be suitable. We’re going to be looking at the Artisan-Performer ESFP. It is not a coincidence that 100% of the most iconic sex symbols of the past 20 years have all been Artisans. Male or female, these personality types naturally exude sex appeal. The most influential sex symbol of the modern era would be none other than Marilyn Monroe. She was the centerfold in Playboy’s first magazine (December 1953). Far more than just a model, her audacity, courage, and boldness, brought about the sexual revolution. The future of sex was forever changed because of her. Prior to Marilyn, sex was biological, it was often looked upon as perverse, dirty, and impure if it was used outside of a monogamous marriage for something more than child rearing. Post Marilyn, sex became creative and not merely for pro-creation. Passion and lust; experimentation with various positions, erogenous zones, sex toys, role-play, fetishes, and fantasies were not only revealed, but have evolved to be commonplace. What was abnormal and seen as being deviant, has now become the norm. If you aren’t having great sex, it is now seen as being abnormal. All of us who have great sex owe a debt of gratitude to Marilyn, and those of us who are unfulfilled can still learn. It’s never too late! In this issue, we take a look at what turns on the Artisan, Guardian, Idealist, and Rational. We go back in time to look at perspectives on sexuality through the ages. So, get ready for an interesting ride. We’re going to learn about a subject matter that matters to all of us. Think of this issue as a Sex Ed. class, but, one that goes beyond what you have ever learned about the birds and the bees from your parents, and in junior high school. Cheers! All the Best,

Lisa J. Choi Creative Director


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Table of Contentss Portrait of a Leader & Leadership Lessons

Marilyn Monroe


The Charismatic Leader Artisan Performer ESFP

Far more than just a model, her audacity, courage, and boldness, brought about the sexual revolution.

Life Journey

Marilyn Monroe


“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” - Marilyn Monroe



Collection of Leaders

The Charismatic Leader Charismatic Leaders make the world a fabulous experience.


Love, Sex and Dating

Sex Revolution


Does temperament have anything to do with your sexuality?

Anatomy of a Charismatic Leader

Do You Have Charisma?


Charismatic Leaders like to play, play, play, play, play, play, play! Artist Credit

Ricardo Drumond


Portraits of Marilyn Monroe Spirituality, Faith and Religion

Sex Through the Ages


How has sex changed from the 1st century to the 21st century?




I'm a woman. T H AT I S T H E WAY A L L F E M A L E S S H O U L D F E E L.

Portrait of a Leader

MAR I LY N Portrait of a Leader

MONROE The Charismatic Leader Artisan Performer ESFP




Portrait of a Leader

She’s celebrated as the most iconic sex symbol of the past century, (and perhaps, of all time). What’s not as well known about her is that she was also a humanitarian, style icon, intellectual, and artist (at least that’s what the official Marilyn Monroe website states about her). As we studied her, we wondered, “What was it about her?” Was she the most beautiful woman to grace the planet? There have been many before and after her, who possessed all the conventional traits of beauty. It was not purely external physical beauty that gave her a permanent platform of iconry. Marilyn possessed a kind of personality and charisma that set her apart from all others. In this month’s issue of the Keirsey Magazine, we celebrate Marilyn Monroe, a stellar example of the Artisan Performer ESFP. She was a one-of-a-kind gal, who led the way in her field. Marilyn was larger than life, possessing extraordinary charisma. We’d call her a Charismatic Leader.



Portrait of a Leader



Charismatic leaders express themselves with a kind of allure that is unmatchable. They are provocative, speaking with more than just words. It’s in their smile, and their glance. They make statements through their displays of boldness. Such was the case with Marilyn Monroe who became the most iconic sex symbol of modern times. Whether it was a film scene where she was barely covered by a towel or sheet, or seen from behind with her hips swaying, or posing nude in notable publications such as Playboy, Cosmopolitan or Vogue, Marilyn broke all the rules. No one was ever as daring, audacious or original before her time. She was the cover girl on the very first edition of the Playboy Magazine (1953), which set off the Sexual Revolution. Marilyn drew attention, whether it was an awards dinner, a media interview, a public parade, or a movie, she wore something, or nothing, and it invited a response. Skin-tight dresses in glittering gold, with necklines cut to the navel, or a potato sack. What she did just didn’t fit in with her times. But, that’s what Charismatic Leaders do. It’s not that they need to be sexual all of the time (maybe more times



than others). But, sexual display for her was motivated by her desire to “stand out” rather than “fit in.” She was cricitized for her “vulgarity” and was seen as “unbecoming an actress and a lady.” When comments like these are made, the response from a Charismatic Leader is a smirk, and a display of even greater audacity. Once Marilyn was castigated by the media for wearing a low-cut red dress to the Beverly Hills Hotel. The writer called her “cheap and vulgar” and suggested that Monroe would look better in a potato sack. Shortly after that, photos of Marilyn in a form-fitting, burlap potato sack were published in newspapers throughout the country. She is most famous for her sexuality, but her fearlessness reached far beyond, extending to political and humanitarian issues. Her boldness knew no barriers. She was not afraid to be openly associated with those who were ostracized, marginalized, or even acursed as communists. It was said of Monroe, that she was, “passionate about equal rights, rights for blacks, rights for the poor. She identified strongly with the workers.”

Portrait of a Leader



According to legendary modeling agency, Miss Snively’s Blue Book Agency, “Monroe was one of the agency’s most ambitious and hard-working models.” By the mid 1940s, Marilyn had appeared on 33 magazine covers. She dedicated herself to classes to develop as an actor, singer, and dancer. She spent countless hours at the studio amongst those in the film industry to just learn how the industry worked. Monroe sought mentoring and developed key relationships wherever she could, working with esteemed industry leaders, Natasha Lytess, Michael Chekhov, Lee Strasberg, and Cheryl Crawford. Lytess who was known for her serious, strict, and demanding personality was the first to recognize that Marilyn had true acting talent. She was impressed by her determination to develop, as well as her do-whatever-it-takes attitude. Marilyn walked

in front of mirrors for countless hours to perfect her sexy walk, which landed her many significant roles. She studied every photo of herself, and solicited advice on how she could improve on the photos she thought were subpar. She took advice seriously, and did her best to never repeat mistakes. At the advice of Strasberg, Marilyn underwent psychoanalysis to leverage her emotional traumas to improve in her performances. She also made efforts to excel in Method acting, (where an actor attempts to personally experience or live out the emotional content of his/her role). Marilyn always sought to develop in whatever ways she could. She attended UCLA to engage in courses in literature and art appreciation to enrich her perspectives. She was said to be “bright and intellectually ambitious.” Keirsey


Portrait of a Leader



Marilyn was a no-nonsense gal. Personally or professionally, she liked to keep it simple. Charismatic Leaders don’t want things to be overly complicated. When her husband, James Dougherty didn’t approve of her modeling career, it was simple—get a divorce (in September 1946, the divorce was finalized), which allowed her to focus on her acting career. On the professional front, Marilyn negotiated terms which were easy. She could work for any studio, and she had the right to reject any script, cinematographer or director she didn’t like, it was simple—she had the final say. When anyone went against her, or attempted to discredit her in anyway, she simply fought back to counter any negative press. She used charm and tactics to strengthen her position in any conflict. She cut through the clutter, and found the easy path. When proposals were made, whether they be financial, sexual, marital, or any other situation, she simply went with what she felt in the moment. Johnny Hyde repeatedly proposed marriage, promising a fortune upon his death, but, she didn’t reciprocate the same feelings he felt, so it was simple—the answer was, “No.” She didn’t want to marry for financial advantage. When she posed nude, she was asked for an explanation. She kept it simple, and told the truth, stating, “I was broke and needed the money.” Though many were shocked, most enjoyed her bluntness and wittiness about the incident. In that same interview, when asked, if she “really had nothing on” in her infamous calendar photos, Marilyn responded, “I had the radio on.” When asked about what she wore to bed, she replied, “Chanel No. 5.”



Portrait of a Leader

Charismatic Leaders ooze charm, and it not only draws attention, it creates followers. People line up, wanting to be close, to be associated, to support, and to join in on the fun. For Marilyn, this was accentuated because of her celebrity status and stunning sex appeal. Men and women lined up to win her affections. As stated earlier, she was offered everything from surgeries, to financial security, to parts in films, and even marriage proposals. Audiences lined up for her shows, smitten admirers sent in more than 5,000 letters per week, and huge crowds gathered to just catch a glimpse of her from afar. In 1954, more than 2,000 spectators (and many notable photographers) stood by for several hours to watch the infamous shoot of Marilyn standing on the subway gate where air blew up the skirt of her white dress. When faced with the possibility of a scandal for nude photos taken prior to her celebrity status, her openness about her inability to pay rent garnered sympathy for the struggles she faced as a starving artist. Marilyn got to know studio reporters on a first name basis. She won their hearts by courting them and by doing personal favors. Her smile won her the friendship of studio executives. When undergoing surgery to have her appendix removed, she left a handwritten note on her stomach for the doctors, which stated, “Please take only what you have to. And please, please, no major scars.” American soldiers voted her “the girl most likely to thaw out Alaska,” and a whole battalion of U.S. soldiers stationed in Korea volunteered to marry her. She influenced fellow performers, directors, executives, coaches, fans, aspiring actors, soldiers, athletes, and political leaders. The world adored her.





Portrait of a Leader



Charismatic Leaders know how to use the spotlight effectively. They recognize that too much direct light can burn them. They instinctively know how to remain the center of attention in a smooth way. They know how to showcase someone else, yet, they somehow draw attention without hogging the limelight. When Marilyn sang, “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” at a party for President Kennedy in New York, she said, “I was honored when they asked me to appear at the president’s birthday rally in Madison Square Garden. There was like a hush over the whole place when I came on to sing Happy Birthday, like if I had been wearing a slip, I would have thought it was showing or something. I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh, what if no sound comes out!’” In another instance, she called the owner of the famous nightclub, the Mocambo and convinced him that her friend, Ella Fitzgerald would provide a great performance. She told him that she would be there at the front table every night if Ella was on stage. As anticipated, the press went all wild because of Marilyn’s presence as she upstaged all the other Hollywood stars that attended that evening. Ella never had to play at another small jazz club after that. She posed for many photographers, making them famous, speaking of their talents, all the while, every photo made her that much more iconic. She was photographed by Alfred Eisenstaedt, regarded as the “The father of photojournalism.” It didn’t matter where, or when—whether in person, on screen, or in a photo, Marilyn was always noticed. She never needed to look for the spotlight, it always seemed to find her. A reporter once said of her: “Amid a slowly gathering hush, she stood there, a blond apparition in a strapless cocktail gown, a little breathless as if she were Cinderella, just stepped from the pumpkin coach.” 14


Portrait of a Leader



Life Journey



Dare to Dream




A. Born fatherless, she dreamed of movie stars being her father B. Grace McKee becomes legal guardian, says she will be a movie star C. Wears makeup and gets hair curled D. Tossed around different foster care homes E. Marries to avoid moving foster care homes F. Husband enlists in Merchant Marines, ships out in support of WWII



A. Worked in munitions plant, photo taken for article in York magazine B. Went to Blue Book modeling agency, becomes #1 model C. Enrolled in drama classes with dreams of stardom D. Divorced husband to follow dreams 16


Life Journey

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”

Tribulations 1 9 4 7 A. Signed 6 month contract with 20th Century Fox, not renewed B. Created her acting name, Marilyn Monroe C. Appeared in first films, unsuccessful D. Signed 6 month contract with Columbia Pictures, not renewed E. Niagara, film that brought her into the spotlight

Dream Come True 1 9 5 3 A. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, mainstream film success B. Started Marilyn Monroe Productions C. Releases a series of major motion pictures D. Best Actress in a Comedy, Golden Globe E. World Film Favorite, Golden Globe F. Died from an overdose, 1962



Collection of Leaders








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sexuality I S O N LY AT T R A C T I V E W H E N I T ' S

natural &


Anatomy of a Charismatic Leader

The Anatomy of a Charismatic Leader



Anatomy of a Charismatic Leader

Charismatic Leaders like to play, play, play, play, play, play, play!

Charismatic Leaders keep getting better when work and play are intertwined.

For Charismatic Leaders, their work is their

Charismatic leaders display natural talent in

play, and their play is their work. These

whatever they decide to engage in. In part,

leaders engage only where they gain utter

this is the case because they gravitate toward

satisfaction in what they get to do. To put

endeavors that allow for their talent to be

it simply, having “fun” on a day-to-day basis

showcased. These leaders are addicted to stim-

is a critical factor. Whether a Charismatic

ulation and are therefore acutely aware of the

Leader be found in politics, the perform-

feedback they receive from others or from the

ing arts, business, or athletics, what these

results of their efforts. They must see impact—

types of leaders share in common is that

this brings the gratification they seek. In order

they have a “hell of a time” doing what they

to make it more than just fun, the Charismatic

do best. When it comes to play, we are

Leader is conscious of how they are developing

not saying that work is only about fun and

their technique. When these leaders are com-

games. To play the game, these leaders

mitted to continual development, they have

understand that there is both pleasure and

an advantage that is unparalleled. With their

pain involved. Charismatic Leaders are like

natural talents, Charismatic Leaders already

peacocks that need to spread their wings to

have a critical advantage, but when they pay

show all their colors. These leaders do best

careful attention to maximizing their capabil-

when they find their opportunity to “show

ities, this elevates their performance output

their stuff” on a stage to an audience that

to a world class level. Experience combined

is gathered to watch their performance.

with natural talent is hard to compete against.

For Charismatic Leaders, the world is their

When a Charismatic Leader is deliberate about

stage, and they never get tired of their work

their development, watch out. They are already

when it is all play.

likable by nature, but when they are committed to a path of growth for their leadership, their irresistibility increases exponentially.



Anatomy of a Charismatic Leader


Charismatic Leaders keep themselves at the center of the show.

Charismatic Leaders use their charm and magnetism to influence others.

Charismatic Leaders do best when they know they are being watched. When they step into a room, they are usually the center of attention; they see life as one big “stage” where they can demonstrate or showcase who they are, and what they can do. We encourage Charistmatic Leaders to keep showing off “their stuff”—this is a different kind of practicing specific to Charismatic Leaders. In the more conventional sense, “practicing” occurs away from the audience, behind closed doors. For these types of leaders, however, they get better with each new chance to perform. Charismatic Leaders get excited when they know that an audience exists. Charismatic Leaders can usually get whatever they want by using their charm. All they have to do is wear their friendly smile to draw others in. While some onlookers may see the use of such tactics as being manipulative, our advice for these leaders is that they ought to use their allure as much as possible. We suggest that they take advantage of every opportunity. Charismatic Leaders ought to use their magnetism to create more opportunities.

Every leader needs to capitalize on their greatest strengths. And for these kinds of leaders, their unique talent is their charisma. Without being obnoxious, or terribly loud, these leaders use their magnetism artfully, as they gracefully show off their talent. Charismatic Leaders can draw many fans rather easily. They do this by the charisma they naturally exude. Exercising this talent for a leadership objective can be extremely powerful. They draw as many people as possible, and take it a step further by turning a one-time audience of fans into loyal followers. Although they possess the talent to create attraction in any moment, the greatest use of their talent is displayed when they inspire a loyal following of supporters who are devoted to complete whatever mission is put before them. More than the vision, the mission, the strategy, or the reward, followers are attracted to the leader, and when they sense a commitment from the leader to them, followers are willing to give their all. Effective Charismatic Leaders understand that when they can harness their influence for something beyond themselves, it results in immeasurable impact.


Anatomy of a Charismatic Leader

Charismatic Leaders have their platform to keep on performing. Charismatic Leaders do what they do best when they are in a structured environment where they can simply show up to perform and then leave. They generally do not have the desire to take care of all the surrounding logistics for the performance. They do far better by leaving all those details to others. The best way an organization can leverage the Charismatic Leader’s abilities is to allow these leaders to come in and make their winsome speech, their charming appeal, or provide their performance, and let them float to the next situation or opportunity that requires a charismatic injection. These leaders are not as interested in long range plans, maintaining logistics, or managing relationships. When their improvisational abilities are harnessed for repeatable success in a system, then these leaders can make their maximal contribution. The key for maximizing their charismatic abilities is to line everything up, so that the Charismatic Leader leverages their strengths and minimizes investment of energy into their weaknesses. Working with a Charismatic Leader is about harnessing energy for effective use. Strategic injection of charisma can be the necessary oil to make things smooth, so that everything else flows very nicely.



A sex symbo B ECOMES A THI NG. I J US T HA







Sex through the ages




ex… It’s universal, and it’s been around for

a very long time. Through the ages, there have been many views regarding sex. Just about every religion and culture has had something to say about it. In looking back through history we found various beliefs and practices which line up nicely with the four temperaments.



Faith, Spirituality and Religion

Sex is an expression of this destiny. To find one’s perfect fit, where the physical connection represents a deeper spiritual commitment and union.

Destiny 28


Faith, Spirituality and Religion


ros, Aphrodite, Venus, and Cupid... Romantic love has been the subject of religion and philosophy since the beginning of humanity. The belief that there could be “the one” that’s destined by the universe for all of eternity is an age old idea. Love songs, poems, and stories about finding one’s soulmate, and falling deeply in love are what makes life beautiful. The story of Adam and Eve is a fairy tale that has been replayed for centuries, where a couple is together because they were meant to be. Sex is an expression of this destiny. To find one’s perfect fit, where the physical connection represents a deeper spiritual commitment and union. To have someone to love and cherish forever, to love in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, makes us feel like love is universal and that the universe is looking out for us.



Faith, Spirituality and Religion

Sex was viewed through a puritanical lens with many restrictions. A common viewpoint was that sex was meant for pro-creation only.

Purity 30


Faith, Spirituality and Religion


ome cultures and religions have espoused a very conservative view of sex. Sex was viewed through a puritanical lens with many restrictions. A common viewpoint was that sex was meant for pro-creation only, and that contraception was wrong. Often religions holding this view also believed that sex was meant to be strictly monogamous, heterosexual, and permissible in marriage only. Sex prior to marriage was seen as fornication, and sex with someone other than one’s spouse was considered adulterous. Masturbation was seen as evil, and even just looking and thinking lustful thoughts was considered to be sexual immorality. Some even only condoned one sexual position. And fetishes, the use of toys, and oral sex was seen as sexually deviant, sinful behavior.



Faith, Spirituality and Religion

Many religious traditions allowed for temple prostitutes and many among the wealthy or religious elite had male and female servants who served as sex toys.

Pleasure 32


Faith, Spirituality and Religion


n other cultures and religions, an opposite view of sex was celebrated as ecstasy and pleasure. Whether it be the esteemed King Solomon from Christianity/Judaism who lived out his polygamous fantasies with 700 wives and 300 concubines. Or it be the myth of 72 Virgins promised as a reward to a martyr of the Muslim faith. There was an understanding that sex was awesome. Other traditions included mythologies of sex goddesses, and religious experiences of orgasmic pleasure. Sex was meant to feel amazing. Many religious traditions allowed for temple prostitutes and many among the wealthy or religious elite had male and female servants who served as sex toys. Homosexuality was practiced and accepted as a normal part of life. Sexual expression outside of a monogamous marriage was not necessarily frowned upon. Multiple partners and orgies were not uncommon.



Faith, Spirituality and Religion

Manuals outlining sex positions, the use of toys, specific diets, and instructions for optimizing pleasure have been around for centuries.

Knowledge 34


Faith, Spirituality and Religion


ursuing knowledge and leveraging it to one’s advantage and to advance human society was a driver for some cultures and religions, and the evolution of sex was certainly not excluded when it came to this pursuit. Manuals outlining sex positions, the use of toys, specific diets, and instructions for optimizing pleasure have been around for centuries. Techniques were explored, developed, and codified systematically. This quest for knowledge is rooted in loving with the mind. To know another human being, or to know a deity was considered to be intimate. In some religious texts, having sex with someone was referred to as “knowing” a person. That is where we get the phrase, “to know someone in a biblical sense.” And to truly love a deity entailed that you sought to know. Seeking knowledge and loving with one’s mind was a godly pursuit.



Love, Sex and Dating

Sex R evo luti o




Love, Sex and Dating

Fast forward to the 21st century, and you find that not much has changed. Human beings of the 1st century all the way through the 21st century are pretty much the same when it comes to sex. What has changed, however, is that what is available today, and how easily it can be accessed is significantly different. Quality, quantity, and variety has risen substantially. In coming up with this next section you are about to read, we consulted with leading sexologists, therapists, and other experts and authors in the field to collaborate. We also surveyed and interviewed thousands of people of different temperaments of various life stages, cultures, religious backgrounds, and sexual orientations to capture our findings. You may find that some of the content pushes the edge, and it may even be uncomfortable for you to read. We forewarned you in the Letter from Keirsey at the very front of the issue, but, we thought we’d warn you again. You should know that we are not condoning nor condemning what is here below. And obviously, we recognize that sex is far more complex, and can’t really be put into narrow boxes. Although we have broadly categorized the perspectives on sex into the four temperaments, we have found that when it comes to sex, depending on how you were raised, what you have been exposed to, what religious beliefs you have, and what your sexual history looks like, your attitudes may differ from your temperament type. So we don’t see this as, “What’s your sexual temperament type?” Instead of trying to figure out which one temperament type you fit into below, we would suggest that you rank order the descriptions below from 1st to 4th. We would also suggest you openly discuss this with your partner, to find out their preferences. Our hope is that you will gain a better perspective on yourself and others when it comes to sex. Here we go.



Love, Sex and Dating

"W e waste ti m e lo o

fo r th e per fect lov

i n stea d o f cr eati n g per fect lov e." - To m Ro b b i n s



Love, Sex and Dating

ki n g


g th e

For the Idealist, (generally speaking), sex is "Emotional..." It’s all about connecting at the deepest levels. Sex for Idealists is all about the romance. It’s soulful, beautiful, tender, intimate, and even spiritual. Sex without love feels empty and meaningless. It takes more than just hormones. For Idealists, their heart needs to be touched, their emotions needs to be stirred. Sex is an expression of themselves, and it’s about bonding. It’s about becoming one with someone, sharing in each other’s essence. It’s to love, and to be loved deeply. It’s to be enthralled, fully immersed, and overtaken. An orgasm is an experience where body, heart, soul, and mind climax together in harmony; where feelings are not just physical, but intensely engage the spirit. It is not totally uncommon for Idealists to cry in delight, or to be overwhelmed with emotion when they are having sex. And that’s because the experience is far more than just sex. It’s far more than just pleasure. Every touch, every glance, and every gesture means something more. Idealists are sentimental, and so sex is really an overflow and culmination of love for each other. It’s the organic integration of everything between two people. It’s merging one’s ideality with another’s to create the dream that’s meant to be. It’s about surrendering to destiny as you journey together.



Love, Sex and Dating

"Sexuality surrounds us like a dangerous aura. The same

reverence that is given to the s

is not given to the flesh. We hav

a sexual revolution, but the se

revolution only has made sex m

pervasive. It hasn't granted th

level of reverence and respect it should have." -Gioconda Belli 40


Love, Sex and Dating

For the Guardian, (generally speaking), sex is "Biological..." It’s about the do’s and the don’ts. Sex for the Guardian doesn’t just happen spontaneously. It’s more likely to happen during peak periods of the month. Or when


there is an incentive (i.e. trying to get pregnant). Sex is

ve had

demand. Sex is more like slow cooking in a crock pot.


It follows an order of steps: (1) Schedule date night



t that

earned when a sequence of rituals, rules, and expectations are met. For Guardians, sex isn’t provided on It’s not a grill, nor cooking on a skillet, and certainly not a quick microwave. It takes time and preparation. and make restaurant reservations; (2) Prepare romantic stuff (i.e. flowers, gifts, sexy lingerie, wear something fancy); (3) Take care of all logistics so that there’s nothing to worry about while on the date (i.e. work is complete, errands are run, dishes are done, house is clean, dog’s been fed, etc.); (4) Have a romantic dinner, where you drink an appropriate amount of alcohol, and engage in conversations where feelings are shared while flirting and displaying chivalry; (5) Kiss before going home. (This is important because it gets them ready for the next level); (6) Wash up and get ready for bed. (This is about taking care of logistics); (7) Kiss some more and engage in further foreplay to get naked and reach arousal; (8) Have sex. (Make sure that both partners orgasm. For Guardians, fairness matters. It’s to serve, and to be served well.) (9) Cuddle; (10) Put on pajamas, drink some water, use the restroom, and engage in pillow talk until you fall asleep. Regularly scheduled date nights lead to regular sex. It’s called planned spontaneity. Keirsey


Love, Sex and Dating

"Sex with o ut lov e is a m ea n i n g less exper i en

b ut as fa r as m ea n i n g l

exper i en ces g o its pr e da m n g o o d." - Wo o dy A llen



Love, Sex and Dating




For the Artisan, (generally speaking), sex is "Physical..." It’s all about physical pleasure. Sex for Artisans is primal. It’s instinctual, passionate, hot, lustful, even animalistic. Sometimes, it’s just scratching an itch, sometimes it’s about giving into raging desires. Artisans love sex. They desire to be sexy, to be sexual, to be sexually provocative, and to have sex appeal. For Artisans, sexuality is expressed through the way they approach the world. It’s in all facets of their physical appearance. They do anything that will make them more physically attractive. They innately understand what makes them more desirable. It manifests in their fashion, hairstyle, make-up, bodyart, accessories, physique, and impressive possessions. They want to stand out. If there’s a type that craves sex more than any other type, it’s the Artisan. Physical attraction is highly intoxicating for them. It feels electric, and the desire for someone that is sexually attractive feels insatiable, irresistible, ecstatic, seductive, erotic, and can be extremely addictive. When Artisans engage in sex, they dive in with all of their hunger. To be bad, naughty, and fall into the forbidden. Sex is about experiencing something that’s pretty damn amazing. It’s to f***, and to be f***ed explosively. It’s to be utterly uninhibited, experiencing pleasure to the max.



Love, Sex and Dating

"B ut, i n fact, a perso n's sexua

ch o i ce is th e r esu lt a n d su m o f

fu n da m enta l co nvi cti o ns. Tel

m e what a perso n fi n ds sexua l attractiv e a n d I w i ll tell yo u

enti r e ph i loso phy o f li fe. Sh ow

m e th e perso n th ey sleep with

I wi ll tell yo u th ei r va luati o n th emselves." - Ayn Ra n d



Love, Sex and Dating


f th ei r


lly th ei r


h and

n of

For the Rational, (generally speaking), sex is "Psychological..." It’s all in the mind. Sex for Rationals is not just physical stimulation. Discourse comes before intercourse. It doesn’t matter how hot, how stunning, or sexy the prospect, no brains means it ain’t going to happen. That’s because chemistry for the Rational starts with the intellect. Flirtation occurs through wit, banter, and a connection of the minds. It’s to know, and to be known intensely. Mutual “mindsturbation” is foreplay. In other words, before a Rational decides whether they’re going to let you f*** their brains out, they need to know that you have a brain, and that your brains connect. Sex is about power, it’s about evolution, always exploring to seek new and better ways to experience pleasure that transcends what common folks have. Sex is creative. It’s meant to be a challenge to advance to another level from the last time. Rationals always seek to learn, so they are constantly seeking to discover, to know, to improve, and to be better than anybody else. Rationals think with the head above the neck before engaging with what’s below. Whether male or female, irrespective of sexual orientation, Rationals seek to orchestrate mind blowing experiences. They want sex to transcend the hum drum daily grind. They figure that if they’re going to have a sex life, that it ought be the best life it can be.




laugh, YO U C A N M A K E H E R D O

anything. 46




Artist Credits CHOI, LISA

Creative Director & Designer Artisan Promoter ESTP


Graphic Designer Rational Mastermind INTJ

BONILLA, FRANCIS Graphic Designer Idealist Champion ENFP

DRUMOND, RICARDO Featured Cover Artist



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YOUR HERO IS MAGIC. Digital image. Peter Guber. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

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